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A Neighborhood City
Bob Kelly, Mayor
Bob Fry, Councilmember
George Boehme, Councilmember
Steven Segal, Councilmember
Chuck Guffey, Councilmember
Michael Ross, City Manager
Alan Petrov, City Attorney
Thelma Lenz, City Secretary
The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in a special workshop and regular
session Monday, February 22, 2010, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, West
University Place, Texas beginning at 6:15 p.m.
Agenda items were as follows:
Mayor Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. Also in attendance were: Councilmembers
Boehme, Segal and Guffey, City Manager Ross, City Secretary Lenz, City Attorney Petrov, Parks and
Recreation Director O'Connor, and Police Chief Walker. Mayor Pro Tern Fry was absent.
City Center Development Ad Hoc Committee
Matters related to interviewing and possibly appointing Albert Kelso to the City Center Ad Hoc
Committee as recommended by Committee Chair Bruce Frankel.
Council interviewed Albert Kelso. After interviewing Mr. Kelso, Councilmember Segal stated his
concern about the possible influence of direct neighbors, but said we certainly want that input. He
said because two of the six members of the committee would be direct neighbors of the project, he
suggested also appointing Joshua Marcell, a candidate previously interviewed, because he thinks
Mr. Marcell's experience will bring a unique perspective to the committee.
Councilmember Segal moved to increase the membership by adding Joshua Marcell and Albert
Kelso to the committee. George Boehme seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
Before moving on to the next item, City Manager Ross distributed proposed committee
guidelines/mission statement for confirmation/direction from Council.
of West University Place
Mayor Kelly said Council will review. Councilmember Segal stated that he would be willing to use
the proposed guidelines during the preliminary stages while Council reviews, discusses, and
possibly refines them.
City Council Minutes, February 22, 2010
2. Recreation Facilities Opening Ceremonies Schedule
Matters related to a draft schedule of events for the period leading up to the opening of the
Recreation Center and Colonial Park.
Parks and Recreation Director Tim O'Connor presented
Regarding the ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for April 9'h, Mayor Kelly said rather than by
invitation only, he would like it to be an open invitation to any citizen that would like to attend.
Mr. O'Connor said the ribbon cutting will be more a social event for primary players that brought
this to fruition and pointed out that the two days following the ribbon cutting would be open house
for citizens.
Mr. O'Connor also said that restrictions on parking and the facilities could be problematic. City
Manager Ross noted that there is also no way to account for how much food and drinks would be
needed, which is why ribbon cuttings typically only include major players, but said it us up to
Councilmember Boehme said making it an open invitation would run the risk of having a
substantial crowd that is not particularly interested in the program and could distract from it.
Councilmember Segal said the ribbon cutting is ceremonial and if residents want to see the facility,
they will come during the two days of open house.
Councilmember Boehme suggested changing the language on the invitation to say "by invitation"
instead of "by invitation only".
Mr. O'Connor said the invitation list for April 9'h will be made available to Council for review.
Regarding the proposed plaque, Councilmember Boehme said he thinks the full Parks Board
should be included.
Mayor Kelly stated that the plaques usually only include the architects, builders, and city councils.
Mr. O'Connor stated that if we decide to include the Parks Board, it would involve two different
Parks Boards.
City Manager Ross said staff will draft some more ideas and bring them back to Council for further
Mayor Kelly said he thinks staff is headed in the right direction with the calendar. Due to
Councilmember Segal's schedule, City Manager Ross said staff will look into other possible dates
for the ribbon cutting ceremony.
With no further discussion, Councilmember Segal moved to adjourn the special workshop meeting
at 6:40 p.m. Councilmember Guffey seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Kelly, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
Noes: None
Absent: Fry
City Council Minutes, February 22, 2010
Agenda items are as follows:
Mayor Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Also in attendance were: Councilmembers
Boehme, Segal and Guffey, City Manager Ross, City Secretary Lenz, City Attorney Petrov,
Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Peifer, Police Chief Walker, Finance Director
Daugherty, and IT Director McFarland.
Boy Scout Stone Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag.
City Secretary Lenz confirmed that the Notice of the regular meeting was duly posted in
accordance with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
3. Public Comments
This is an opportunity for citizens to speak to Council relating to agenda and non-agenda items. If
the topic the speaker wishes to address is on the agenda, the speaker can either speak at this time
or defer his/her comments until such time the item is discussed.
John McAleer, 2222 Bancroft, Houston, Texas, spoke on behalf of his family's restaurant,
Buffalo Grille. He said they have one more year on their lease with HEB and, because they are
not sure if their lease will be renewed, they are looking for potential locations. Mr. McAleer said
they will do their best to stay in the area and will keep Council updated. He confirmed that there
has been no official word from HEB.
Ian Smart and Lynn Casey, Rice University Sport
of the Third Annual Rice Owl Bowl scheduled for
6:00-900 p.m. They said it is a charity bowling
Fighting Blindness.
Management students, spoke to inform residents
April 25, 2010 at Palace Lanes on Bellaire from
tournament that will benefit The Foundation of
4. Certificates of Obligation Ordinance
Matters related to an ordinance authorizing the issuance of Certificates of Obligation for the City of
West University Place and declaring an emergency.
Finance Director Daugherty introduced Ryan O'Hara with RBC Capital Markets who presented
Council with results of the bond sales.
Mr. O'Hara said they sold the bonds last Thursday. He then reviewed a handout that was
distributed to Council, which included information regarding the Bond Buyer Index of 20 Municipal
Bonds and 25 Municipal Bonds from January 1990 to present; the Bond Buyer Index of 20
Municipal Bonds and 25 Municipal Bonds from January 3, 2008 to present, sources and uses.of
the funds; final debt service requirements, and a tax rate impact analysis.
Mr. O'Hara said the closing will be on March 23, 2010.
Councilmember Steven Segal moved to approve the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the City
of West University Place, Texas Certificates of Obligation Series 2010; levying an ad valorem tax,
pledging certain net revenues, authorizing the execution of a transfer, and paying agency
City Council Minutes, February 22, 2010
agreement; and other matters in connection therewith related to the $6,900,000 bonds.
Councilmember Guffey seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
5. Permanent Improvement Bonds Ordinance
Matters related to an ordinance authorizing the issuance of Permanent Improvement Bonds for the
City of West University Place and declaring an emergency.
While presenting Item 4, Mr. O'Hara explained that his presentation also included these bonds and
offered no additional comments.
Councilmember Steven Segal moved to approve the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the City
of West University Place, Texas Permanent Improvement Bonds Series 2010; levying an ad
valorem tax, approving an official statement, authorizing the execution of a bond purchase
agreement, paying agency agreement; and other matters in connection therewith related to the
$5,000,000 bonds. Councilmember Guffey seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
6. Consent Agenda
All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be
enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council
member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
A. City Council Minutes
Approve City Council meeting minutes of February 8, 2010.
B. Emergency Debris Hauling
Matters related to authorizing the City Manager to extend a contract until December 31, 2011
with Storm Reconstruction Services for Emergency Debris Hauling services.
C. Reduced Garbage Service Fee for Disabled Residents
Matters related to modifying the reduction of monthly dwelling unit charge for garbage pick-up
to include disabled residents and approving an ordinance relating to the matter on the second
and final reading.
D. Phone Call and Radio Recording System
Matters related to upgrading the Police Phone Call and Radio Recording System, including
authorizing staff to enter into an agreement with ICS.
E. Emergency Preparedness Plan for Water Utilities
Matters related to the City's Emergency Preparedness Plan for Water Utilities, including
approval of a resolution adopting the Plan.
F. Harris County Flood Control District Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
City Council Minutes, February 22, 2010
Matters related to the approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of West
University Place and Harris County Flood Control District.
Councilmember Guffey moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilmember
Segal seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Kelly, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
Noes: None
Absent: Fry
7. Council Appointments to City Boards/Commissions
Matters related to the appointment of City Councilmembers to serve as liaisons on the various City
Boards and Commissions.
In response to Councilmember Guffey's concern, City Attorney Petrov stated that any
board/commission can have a liaison, even the regulatory boards.
Mayor Kelly confirmed that liaisons would not participate in meetings, but will attend to listen and
observe and report back to Council any significant details.
Councilmember Segal pointed out that all meetings are noticed as meetings of the Boards and
Council in case there is ever a quorum in attendance.
After discussion, it was stated that Councilmember Segal will serve as the Seniors Board liaison
and Councilmember Guffey will serve as liaison for the Recycling Board. Councilmember Boehme
will discuss the Parks Board and Friends of West U Parks Fund with Mayor Pro Tern Fry to confirm
who will be those board liaisons.
8. Water Rate Increase
Matters related to the City of Houston's water rate increases, including adoption of an ordinance.
Finance Director Daugherty presented and stated that in an email dated December 11, 2009, the
City of Houston announced that they had adopted an ordinance approving a .30 cent per 1,000
gallon rate increase, effective February 1, 2010, which equals to 15.9 percent of what they charge
us for treated drinking water.
Ms. Daugherty stated that due to the City of Houston's increase, we will need to increase our rates
by 3.82 percent in order to recover our costs.
Ms. Daugherty advised Council that another City of Houston increase is expected on January 1,
2011, which will result in the City's water rate increasing at that time by approximately 25 percent.
City Manager Ross said staff has a meeting scheduled with City of Houston in March to review
their findings on their water rate study and staff will report back to Council the results of that
Councilmember Segal moved to approve an ordinance relating to water rates, amending the fee
schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the city of West University Place, Texas, and containing
findings and provisions relating to the subject on first reading. Councilmember Guffey seconded
the motion. MOTION PASSED.
5 of 7
City Council Minutes, February 22, 2010
Kelly, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
9. Reports by Council/Staff
A. Recoating Contract for City's Water Storage Tanks
Matters related to contractor's failure to perform contractual obligations. Discuss and take any
desired action.
Public Works Director/Assistant City Manager Peifer presented and said staff wanted to inform
Council of the status regarding the rehabilitation of the two ground storage tanks. He said the work
has been completed on one of them and it has been accepted by the inspector.
Mr. Peifer said during the course of inspecting the second ground storage tank, staff noticed a few
compliant issues and notified the contractor. He said a stop work order has been processed and
staff will be meeting with the contractor, our attorney, and their attorney to resolve the issues and
get the second storage tank completed and in compliance.
Councilmember Boehme requested that this issue be further discussed in Executive Session.
At 7:10 p.m., Councilmember Segal moved that Council recess into Executive Session per Chapter
551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.071 (consultation with legal counsel to seek or
receive legal advice or consultation regarding pending or contemplated litigation). Councilmember
Boehme seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
10. Executive Session (if necessary)
At 7:15 p.m., Mayor Kelly opened the Executive Session per Section 551.071 of the Texas
Government Code (consultation with legal counsel to seek or receive legal advice or consultation
regarding pending or contemplated litigation).
Also in attendance were: Councilmember Boehme, Guffey, and Segal, City Manager Ross,
Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Peifer, City Attorney Petrov, and City Secretary
11. Convene into Open Session
At 7:32 p.m., Councilmember Segal moved to close the Executive Session and reconvene into
open session. Councilmember Boehme seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
With no action taken and no further business before the Council, Councilmember Guffey moved to
adjourn the regular meeting at 7:32 p.m. Mayor Kelly seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Kelly, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
City Council Minutes, February 22, 2010
Noes: None
Absent: Fry
Meeting Adjourned.
Lenz, City Secretary
Date Approved: O V