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Board Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2009
Friends of West University Place Parks Board met on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, at the West University
Place City Hall at 3800 University, in the Bill Watson Conference Room.
The following were in attendance
Board Members Executive Director Staff
Joni Fichter Donna LaMond Tim O'Connor
Debora Connelly
Beth Lane City Councilman Guests
Sue Hanna Not Present Eugene Le
Susan Garofolo
Elizabeth Karkowsky
Judy Bouillion
Chair's welcome - Joni Fichter
• Joni Fichter called the meeting to order at 11:40 a.m.
• Happy 2009! We hope your holidays were blessed. Lots of PLB letters, emails, follow-up, proofing,
etc. Thanks to all who have been working so hard to collect auction items, get your tables together,
secure donors, etc. We could not do it without you. Our goal is always 100% board participation
and each of you have donated your time, talent, and resources throughout the year and we
appreciate that!
• Wier and Whitt Johnson Parks - PR events will be held to do ribbon cuttings/plaque dedications
soon. Thanks to Elizabeth for getting this organized.
• We received the resignation of Maria Elena Herbst. She has been a dedicated board member for
many years but other commitments have prompted her resignation. She will still help with PLB
decor, etc.
• Joni and Donna will meet with board applicant Robin McGowan on Friday, 1/16/09. Both Adrienne
Gordon and Julie Foster have been invited, too, and we are hopeful they will attend regarding joining
our board.
• Huffington Park meetings have gone well and we are underway on plans. See sample.
• CeCe McCann's sister passed away and we set up a "fund" within the Friends account to earmark
donations for those we'd like to honor or memorialize. We sent CeCe a note regarding this. This
will be open to any who wish to contribute for others in the future and when a significant amount is
reached, a park element will be done honoring all.
• Congrats to WU PARD for their recognition city's top department for 2008. Tim's leadership was
certainly part of the reason for their success and we appreciate the work of all!
Parks and Recreation Report - Tim O'Connor
Departmental update: November and December 2008
Park Planning Project:
• The Municipal Bond Election was conducted on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. The Bond Package
passed and involved a single Proposal for $13.8 M dollars exclusively for the re-development of the
West University Recreation Center & Swimming Pool, the Colonial Park Swimming Pool and
Recreation Center and the Community Building/Senior Center renovations.
Specific elements of the re-developments have been identified.
Council authorized the City Manager to engage the services of PGAL to serve as the project
• The redevelopment process will be performed as a CMAC project.
• The Parks Board will review the conceptual plans for the re-developments and develop a
recommendation to move forward to City Council.
• Tellepsen has been selected and approved as the general contractor for the entire redevelopment
• Bids for the Asbestos and Lead Paint abatement will be opened on 1/5/09 and a recommendation
moved forward to Council that evening. There is a mandatory two-week permitting process required
before the approved contractor can begin work at the WURC.
Wier Park Playground Renovation Project:
• Playground re-opened to the public on 10/3/08.
• Due to the compressed footprint of the new playground systems, some additional green space was
realized. However, the ground specifically around the play systems does not have any vegetative
cover and when wet creates issues. Addressing this issue was approved in the 2009 budget and
staff has met with a landscape architect requesting a quote for the application for suitable
groundcover in the "scalped" areas around the playground/park benches.
• Plans for a Playground Re-Opening Ceremony are being formulated.
Whitt Johnson Park Tree House Playground Element:
• Play structure opened to the public on 11/13/08.
• Public opinion has been very favorable.
• Received one letter of concern from a resident. Offer to meet this individual has been extended, but
staff has not received a response.
Park Acquisition Sub-Committee:
• Sub-Committee continues to investigate identifying potential parkland within the identified area of
WUP, specifically north from Bellaire Blvd. to Bissonnet, between Buffalo Speedway and Edloe.
Parks & Recreation Operations:
• A complete Due Diligence of all forty-seven of the City's HVAC systems has been completed and an
in-house preventative maintenance program has been implemented.
• Operation Sparkle, a program designed to improve the overall appearance of our neighborhood
parks began in late October and will continue through 2009.
• Work on preparing a DRAFT of a Parks Naming Rights Policy for review by the Parks Board.
• A total of 92 Case-Tracker Work Orders were facilitated by the Facility and Park Maintenance
• Decision was made by the Parks Board and City Council to purchase a new pool heater for the
Colonial Park Pool and keeping the pool open throughout the winter months. New heater was
installed on 12/23/08 and is 100% operational. Decision has been very well received by our pool
• Agreement was reached with the St. Johns Swim Team for their use of the pool, netting over $5K in
additional revenue.
o Average of 19 wet visits/day (pool visits only)
o Average of 25 wet/dry visit/day (membership is an inclusive membership, so could be a wet
or dry visit)
o Average of 18 wet visits/day (pool visits only)
o Average of 23 wet/dry visit/day (membership is an inclusive membership, so could be a wet
or dry visit)
• General feedback from public:
• Have not received any major criticisms except that Jennifer Long & Penny Kroll say it is not warm
• One member stated that it was a waste (the new heater) because we did not have the thermal
blankets to conserve the heat.
• Most are very pleased with the new heater and that it has maintained the water between 81-83
degrees, even during cold weather.
• Children/families have used the pool on warmer days, but it is fairly minimal usage from this user
• Overall consensus is that everyone is happy we are open & maintaining the water temperature at a
level that is conducive to most of our users.
• No suggestions have been put in suggestion box regarding this topic (or any other topic).
• The Fall/Winter leisure guide was mailed-out the week of November 24`h
• Senior programming has been experiencing an increase in participation, specifically the low
organized - no cost programs.
• Work on the development of a Grant Application Plan, specifically for augmenting Friends efforts in
funding park and playground improvements, continues. Staff is working with Stephanie Roman,
Friends Board Member, on this effort. The emphasis will be on our neighborhood park acquisition
and development, since County, State and Federal grants all require that non-residents must be
allowed admission to recreational facilities built in whole or in part with their funding.
• A tremendous amount of staff time has been devoted to researching and developing documents
relative to the proposed park planning efforts.
• The Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Program was conducted on December Vt and was a
tremendous success.
• Administrative staff is working with CLEAResult in creating benchmarks for our electrical and natural
gas usage. This program is funded in part by CenterPoint Energy. The development of an Energy
Master Plan for all municipal facilities is the goal of this effort.
• Our Recreation Specialists attended the Gulf Coast Leadership Development Institute in Alvin,
Texas on 11/5 & 6/08.
• The Huffington Park Re-Development Citizen Planning Committee met on 12/5 and 12/08. A final
redevelopment plan will be presented to the Friends and Parks Boards in January, with a
recommendation moving forward to City Council to approve the plan.
• Staff has been coordinating the WUP component of the 2009 Chevron Houston Marathon. The
event will take place on Sunday, January 18, 2009 and the parks Board has been invited to
participate in the breakfast and to watch the event from the City Hall vantage point.
• The three ( 3 ) gates at Friends Park have been replaced and appear to be holding-up to the heavy
use/abuse. This work was completely funded through the warranty.
• The Parks and Recreation Department was recognized as the City's "Team of the Year" for 2008, by
the City Manager and the Employee Development Committee.
• Recreation Manager, Brittany Bakes, has been selected to serve as the Social Planning Chairperson
of the National Recreation and Parks Associations 2009 National Aquatic Institute, to be held in
Houston, Texas. Staff began vacating the WURC, with the Facility & Park Maintenance offices
being temporarily relocated to the Public Works facility and the Corondo Court property serving as
temporary storage for all salvageable equipment and supplies. All programs ceased effective on
12/31/08, with the exception of some limited Tri-Sports use of the athletic fields.
• Staff is continuing their efforts in assuring full compliance with the Grame Baker Pool Safety Act. All
Boards will be updated as we move forward.
Approval of the Minutes and Sign-In Sheet - Judy Bouillion
A motion was made by Elizabeth Karkowsky and seconded by Debora Connelly to approve the minutes as
sent to all for our last meeting. The motion was carried.
Executive Director's Report- Donna LaMond
• Park Lovers' Ball 2009 - Primarily working on the invitation and specifically the underwriting listing.
This requires a lot of time, effort, and coordination by many. Objective is to get the copy to the
printer this afternoon. Susie will provide more details on the ball in her report. Pretty much all of
my time at this point is spent on the ball. Lynne Goddard, who is handling ball reservations for us,
and I are meeting with Renee Jones on the 14`h to go over details of the event regarding auction
tracker and their role the night of the ball. As a reminder, we do have rooms block out at the ZaZa.
If you wish to book a room in this block, you need to contact the ZaZa directly and make your
reservation by 30 days from the event. After that, they will release the rooms for general
reservations. Our SPECIAL rate is $199.
• Attended Huffington Park Re-Development Project - Citizen Planning meetings on Dec. 5 and Dec.
• Helped prepare for and attended the Guild Coffee hosted by Diane Cain on Dec. 9. This was a well
attended event and many thanks to Diane for opening up her lovely holiday decorated home for our
coffee. The next guild coffee is scheduled for Feb. 17 at the home of Linsey Hasenbank.
• Met with Matt Welch who owns Engravestone on December 15. This is the company that does our
pavers for us. He will back in Houston on Jan. 15 to collect pavers for engraving.
• We are scheduling interviews with board candidates, Adrienne Gordan, Julie Foster, and Robin
McGowan (Jan. 16). Applications have been received by all three. We have received a letter of
resignation from Maria Elena Herbst who has served on the board for many years and has chaired
Park Lovers' Ball.
• Under Old Business - Regarding business cards for board members, I passed along information
from our board meeting where we decided we would provide business cards for board members to
Susan White who is working on the cards for us.
Treasurer's Report - Sue Hanna
Sue distributed the 2008 year-end reports.
Board Reports
PR/Marketing - Elizabeth Karkowsky
• 1 have developed a PR plan to get the word out about Park Lovers' Ball and the contributions of
Friends and to sell tables and tickets.
• The plan involves sending calendar listings to regional magazines including Modern Luxury
Houston, Prime Living Magazine, and Paper City;
• Press releases to the neighborhood print weeklies of Village News, Buzz, West U Examiner and
Houston Chronicle Zone 9 and releases to the 4 local TV stations - KHOU, KPRC, ABC Channel 13
and FOX.
• We have an Article in City Currents and West U at Your Leisure
• We are getting some media in-kind donations:
• Instant News West U has developed an online ad that they will post to promote.The Buzz has
offered a complimentary % page ad in their Feb. issue, which comes out early Feb.
• 1 have developed a press release, which I am circulating for approval and will send out early next
week including photos of Nick and Susie.
• Our Park signs are ready for our Park Dedication at Wier Park and Park on Wakeforest and
Carnegie. A date for dedication needs to be decided and we will invite press.
Membership and Marketing - Debora Connelly
No report
Development (Grants & Foundations) - Stephanie Roman
No report
Park Lovers' Ball 2009 - Susan Garofolo
Susie reported that the PLB is approaching quickly. Invitation are going to print today. Underwriting has
reached $1
Special Projects/Wish List-Susan Sample
No report
Business Partners and E-Store - Beth Lane
No report
Friends Guild - Leah Ragiel
No report
City Council Report - Chuck Guffey (not present)
• Council has approved the construction manager, Tellepsen Engineers selected from 7 applicants,
and also approved the contractors for the asbestos and lead abatement at the Rec Center.
Tellepsen is a well known and respected Houston firm and builds all of the YMCA's here.
Demolition of the Rec Center should start at the end of January. Funds for the project have also
been released for the start of construction. Considerable discussions are underway about the
location of the pool, north or south of the new building.
• Planning is underway for the Mayor's Breakfast near city hall in combination with the 2009 Chevron
Houston Marathon which is being held on January 18.
• West U will host the February 19, 2009 Harris County Mayors' and Councils' Dinner at Hotel Za Za.
• Streetlight Project Final Phase II is scheduled to begin on January 5. CenterPoint plans to have four
installation crews working in West U. The first area to be completed is bound by Buffalo Speedway,
University, Kirby, and Bissonnet, with the exception of Annapolis, Charlotte, Lake and Fordham.
These four streets possess conflicts with aerial utility lines. Estimated completion for this area is
three to four weeks.
Old Business - No old business.
New Business
• Whole Foods on Bellaire Blvd is hosting an evening event on Tuesday, January 12`h and has invited
Friends to set up a booth. We will attend and promote the 2009 PLB. Bring the whole family.
• Proposed layouts for the re-development of the Rec Center were discussed. The different proposals
concentrated on the location of the pool structure and building in relation to the parking lot and
fields/green space. Recommendations were sent to city council.
Policy and Procedures for Naming of West University Park Public Facilities was distributed. Board
members are asked to review for next meeting.
The next Friends board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday February 4, 2009 at 11:30 at West University
Place City Hall, 3800 University, in the Chambers.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Bouillion, Secretary