HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRBMinutes031209WUP Parks and Recreation Board MINUTES MARCH 12, 2009 6:30PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Special Meeting - Pool Design Russ Schulze Mardi Turner Russ Schulze, Dave Agerton, Mardi Turner, Janine Schueppert, Charles May Staff: Michael Ross, Tim O'Connor, Susan White, Brittany Bakes, Leigh Ylanan Council: Bob Fry, Chuck Guffey PGAL: Jeff Gerber, Phat Nguyen VISITORS WTI: Haley Panton Guests: Tommy Elder, Lisa Womac (instructor), Cindy Wolf (instructor), Scott Hamrick, Lisa Berman, S. R. McDonald (team coach), George Boehme, Steve Cooper, Frank Griffin, Cathy Wriqht Jeff Gerber began the meeting by presenting an updated interior plan that includes pool observation areas on both floors. Janine was happy with the changes. He then turned the meeting over to Haley Panton from Water Technology, Inc to review the proposed pool design. 25 yards (north to south) 8 2.5 foot regulation swim lanes North/south orientation to mitigate glare • 2 stair entries 2 ladder entries Two of the entries will be accessible - one with some type of lift, the other with handrails Option A has the shallow to deep (3 1/2 to 8 feet) slope running east to west, across the swim lanes Option B has the shallow to deep slope running south to north, with the swim lanes Comments Coach McDonald: B is the only option for a competitive pool. Lisa Berman: Option B equalizes the pool for all competitors. Frank Griffin: Can we string the lanes in either direction? Lisa Berman/Lisa Womac: Need 75 feet (25 yards) in both directions. Haley confirmed that the proposal is for the pool to be 75 feet by 66 feet. Jeff said that the pool could be larger, but that would increase the footprint and be more expensive to build. Scott Hamrick: Asked Jeff which design would serve us better, looking 25 years into the future. Haley Panton: A depth of 6 feet is needed for starting blocks for competition. Dave Agerton: Some swimmers as well as water aerobics and the swim instructors want or need a consistent depth in their lane. Cathy Wright: Asked Brittany's opinion about the safety aspects of the two configurations. Brittany said that glare was a more important factor than depth. Dave Agerton asked how the Recreation Center pool complements the Colonial Park pool. Tim O'Connor responded that there are no programs planned for Colonial Park except when/if Coach McDonald needs extra room for workouts in late May and June. And there may be some lessons at Colonial Park from early May through July. Tim further stated that he did not anticipate lane markers at Colonial Park. Michael Ross said that the objective was to separate activities: leisure versus lessons and competitive swimming. Dave Agerton, Scott Hamrick, Frank Griffin, Charles May, and Chuck Guffey all disagreed. Scott Hamrick: We need to have the lane capability at Colonial Park even if it is not needed right now. Michael Ross: Others feel that the addition of lane lines at Colonial Park is a threat to the leisure activities planned for that site. Cathy Wright: If we had lanes at Colonial Park, then if the Recreation Center is "down" (e.g. for maintenance), Colonial Park can be used instead. Lisa Berman: There are lots of activities planned for the Recreation Center pool. The schedule at Colonial Park is very tight this summer. Are we going to have the same problem at the Recreation Center? Tim O'Connor: The two largest programs are moving to the Rec Center. There are 50-60 lap swimmers now at Colonial Park, and there is not a huge crowd at any given time. Scott Hamrick: Repeated his advocacy for the inclusion of swim lanes at Colonial Park. Janine Schueppert: The Rec Center will be up and running before the Colonial Park design begins, so we will have some experience under our belts when we need to make those decisions. Jeff Gerber: Actually, we want to have a meeting like this one about Colonial Park soon, because we want to begin construction there as soon as the Rec Center is open, hopefully this fall. Michael Ross: There is saving to be had is we have contractors bidding for both pools as a package. Coach McDonald: The competitive swimmers cannot turn in 3 1/2 feet of water. Dave Agerton: People will be fine with Option B if consistent depth is available. Cathy Wright: Making the pool 75 feet in both directions is only 14% larger. Couldn't we use the money we are saving with the contractor to expand the pool? Frank Griffin: Thinks that artificial and arbitrary segregation of activities (between the Rec Center and Colonial Park) may not be realistic. Scott Hamrick: Lap swimming and competition are the backbone of any good swimming program. Jeff Gerber: WTI and PGAL recommend Option B, given all of the programming requirements. Coach McDonald: Don't do it wrong for competition! Brittany Bakes: Most of the swimming instructors are women. It might be difficult for them to At the completion of the discussion Haley Panton (WTI) reviewed some of the other pool components: 1) Gutters - at deck level, 18" deep x 12" side trough covered by a PVC grating 2) Floor inlets for clean water - better water distribution that inlets on the walls 3) Recirculation - gravity design - no direct suction 4) Defender filter - drains once a month, 800 gallons, rather than draining the entire pool 5) UV system - breaks down chloramines 6) Automated chemical and water level control No decision has been made on the type of chemicals that will be used. The decision is dependent on water analysis. The new heater purchased this year for Colonial Park will be reused at the Rec Center. There is no recommendation on a (water) cooling system yet. Comments Cathy Wright: Will the pool building be air conditioned? Jeff Gerber: We are looking at a dehumidification system. Scott Hamrick: Will the pool ("garage" doors) be manual or electric? Jeff Gerber: They will probably be manual - the less sophisticated the better. Scott Hamrick: Will there be a vacuum system? Tim O'Connor: There won't be a built in system. Vacuuming has been contracted out as a maintenance item. Scott Hamrick: How about kick turn targets? Haley Panton: Explained that there will be slip resistant tiles and a tile perimeter. The lower part of the pool will be "diamond stone" instead of regular plaster. This is a more durable material. Jeff Gerber then outlined some other amenities: 1) There will be some concrete and some grass areas at both the north and south ends of the pool. 2) They are recommending a portable rather than a permanent timing system for competition, but will consider including the wiring for a permanent system. 3) They are considering digital pace clocks. 4) No starting blocks are planned, but the stanchions could be set (under Option B only) for the future. Coach McDonald reiterated the need to consider the minimum depth for competition, and indicated that there might be interest in additional competitive programs. Janine Schueppert asked about poolside showers and cubbies/lockers for storing purses and the like.