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Monthly Meeting
Russ Schulze
Teresa Edmondson
Russ Schulze, Janine Schueppert, John Cadena, Kevin Boyle, Sona West, Leah
Ragiel, Teresa Edmondson, Brittany Bakes (staff), Tim O'Connor (staff)
Diane Wells, Chuck Guffey
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Chairman Russ Schulze.
II. Review and Approval of Minutes of the Oct. 7, 2009 meeting: Approved
III. Citizen Comments: Diane Wells asked that we maintain an exception on pool fees for
seniors as many are on fixed incomes. Janine Schueppert mentioned that income level
does need to be taken into consideration, but that exceptions should not be automatically
granted for all Seniors.
IV. Recreation & Leisure Programming Sub-Committee Update:
Janine reported that the Focus Group conducted for the parents of elementary-age children
went very well. Tim added that the ideas that were generated have been outstanding.
The next scheduled focus group is for parents of toddlers. Janine requested that if anyone
wants to host or lead a group, let her know. She plans to set dates for meeting with Adults
before the Christmas holidays.
V. New Recreational Facilities Fee Schedule:
Russ reported that the sub-committee had met to look at ways to simplify fees. The sub-
committee hopes to have a recommendation for the Parks and Recreation Board in
December. Russ indicated that he was excited about the ideas that were being discussed.
VI. Friends Board Report:
Leah presented a CD presentation showing highlights from the Fathers & Flashlights event.
The CD will be presented to Sponsors as a "thank you" for their support. John suggested
that a "Ladies & Lanterns" event be considered. Leah reported that new Friends Board
members were recently elected. The Friends Board has identified some "specific needs"
and are targeting specific area business for potential donations/grants. Examples of
identified needs include:
- Refurbishing tennis courts at Colonial Park
- New Playground equipment
- Gazebo at Judson Park
- Redecking at Colonial Park
Area businesses such as HEB and CostCo may have funds that can be tapped for these
kinds of projects.
Leah discussed the importance of the Council finalizing the guidelines for Naming Rights.
The Friends Board needs definite guidelines & parameters so they can determine how to
best handle qifts/naminq riqhts opportunities with potential donors.
Leah distributed Underwriter's Packets for the Park Lover's Ball to each member of the
Board. Leah also passed around an Auction Item "wish list" and asked Board members to
let her know if they have ideas/contacts for acquiring needed items.
A request was made to include information on the "Stork Program" into the meeting notes.
The following information was supplied by Donna LaMond, Executive Director of the friends
of West U Parks Fund, Inc.:
A 5-foot hand-painted stork (with optional keepsake blue or pink star personalized with
your baby's name, birth date and birth weight/length) placed in your front yard to
announce your baby's arrival home,
Optional keepsake personalized stars to announce the new role of siblings (i.e., "Max is a
Big Brother"), are available for an additional $15 per star/sibling
Stork Yard Signs are available for $50 for a five-day rental period and $70 for a seven-day
rental period. One-day Stork Yard Sign rentals are available for $35 to welcome guests to
baby showers. All proceeds from Stork Yard Sign rentals support West U's neighborhood
parks. To order, please contact the Friends office at 713-662-5396. In the near future,
storks can be ordered on the new Friends website.
Leah encouraged Board members to sign up their Randall's Remarkable cards to benefit
West U Parks. She also indicated that they are looking for someone to Chair the garage
sale this Spring.
Leah shared the Financials from the Friends Board
VII. Staff Reports:
Tim provided an update on the Recreation Facilities. He indicated that a walkthrough of
the facility was conducted last week, and that the construction work is on-schedule. All
mechanical and infrastructure is in place, and all drywall will be completed in 2 weeks. The
facility will be ready to open April 1.
The athletic field will be rough graded in April and will be ready for use in the fall of 2010.
Colonial Park is 2 1/2 - 3 weeks behind schedule due to rain delays. It is anticipated that
we will still meet the Memorial Day opening date, but the decision was made to draw upon
contingency funds to pay for the overtime work required to get back on schedule.
Tim indicated that they are preparing the final scope of specifications for the remodel of
the Senior Center.
Tim reported that the Council approved the budget recommendations, which included
transferring facilities maintenance to Public Works. This allows the Parks & Recreation
staff to dedicate more time to getting ready for/planning the opening of the new parks.
Janine asked what kind of kitchen facilities were being discussed for the Community
Building. She indicated that there was interest in offering cooking schools. Tim indicated
that he had visited with a couple of chefs about potential ideas for creating a cooking class
environment. Janine suggested that he consider investigating the cooking school set-up at
Central Market or at the Rice Epicurean on Fountainview.
Tim reported that they clock at Friends Park is out of synch and that they had tried to fix it,
but had to outsource repairs. He indicated that it would be fixed by next week.
Tim suggested that we consider moving the "Meet the City/Easter Egg event in March to
the new Recreation Center and stage it as a "soft" opening (ie, have guided tours to
encourage people to view the new facilities.) He indicated that staff has concerns about
keeping this event at Colonial Park unless we bring in PortaPotties, but also is concerned
about asking TriSport to give up their playing fields during the event.
Sona asked for a status update regarding the ice skating. Tim committed to getting more
information about the various options/pricing available. Janine expressed concern that the
surfaces are made out of plexiglass and that they can be rough - potentially cutting you if
you fall. Tim agreed to research further.
VIII. Board Reports
Sona asked about a manufacturing defect in the Astroturf at Huffington Park. Tim
indicated that he was already addressing this issue and that the defective material was
being replaced. Sona reported that the Whale looks great; gravel was put down to address
the mud issue and to help the ground recover. She indicated that there were a few ant
piles and indentations in the grass where kids were tripping. Tim indicated he would
address. Sona also report that someone brought kid's chalk and wrote on the columns.
Kevin reported that he is picking up garbage everyday at Weir Park. He asked if we could
put up bi-lingual signage to encourage people to pick-up their trash. Tim said he would
look into this. Kevin also proposed that we consider putting hand-sanitizers at the Parks.
Janine indicated that this was difficult to do because of the concern that teenagers will
drink alcohol-based sanitizers. Tim said he would look into non-alcohol, foam, antibacterial
sanitizers. Concern was expressed that Mutt-mitts were disappearing as quickly as they
are stocked.
John indicated that the Movie Nights were a big hit and requested that we do more of
them. However, he recommended that PortaPotties be brought in, and that ant killer be
applied a week or so before each event, as fire ants are a problem. John also asked if we
should consider buying a screen to reduce costs, or look for an underwriter to fund this
activity. John suggested that if we had our own screen, we could show Friday night
movies at the Pool and call it "Flick and Float".
Janine reported that the iron fence at Friends Park may already be rusting. Tim agreed to
check on this.
Russ reported that the Park Land Acquisition committee will meet next week. Lot 6706,
located behind the ball fields has become available, and Russ suggested this would be ideal
to annex with the Recreation Center. Neighbors to the available lot have been very vocal
that they don't want a concession building there, but would be amenable to using the lot
for storage or as an open space. It is anticipated that the cost to extend the fence line to
include the lot would be minimal, however, re-zoning may be required.
Teresa made a motion to convert Lot 6706 to part of the overall Recreation Center
footprint. John seconded. All approved.
IX. New Business - Scheduled Tour of Parks & Facilities
A tour of the new facilities is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 5th at 9:00am. The tour will
start at City Hall and will take approximately 3 hours to complete. Transportation for Board
members will be provided, and the tour will include a walk thru of Colonial Park and the
Recreation Center. Tim reminded Board members that we were still in mid-construction and
to refrain from wearing high heels. If Board members cannot make the Dec. 5"' tour, Tim
offered to schedule Private Tours as needed.
Tim offered congratulations to Janine for being selected as Citizen of the Year by the West
University Rotary Club. Board members applauded Janine and expressed appreciation for
all of her efforts.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 at 6:30 pm in the Bill Watson
Conference Room.