HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.71 Ii f! Ii n n I! " ii Ii H WHEREAS, it is the duty of the City Commission of the City of West ilUniversity Place, Texas, as soon as practical after the election of a new H City Commission, to appoint a Judge of the MWlicipal Court; a City Attorney, II' a City Treasurer, Tax-Assessor/Collector; and Assistant, as may be necessary I to transact the city's legal and financial affairs; and i II WHEREAS, the City Commission was elected at the last regular elec- Iltionh"~:~:~..~ ~<I:o=~':~ eI1"I ctM<IBSION OF TIlE em n OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I' Ii Section1. The City Commission hereby names and, appoints Charles R. jl Dunn, a duly licensed and practicing attorney, Judge of theMWlicipalCourt, II of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested with all I of the powers and duties as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Sta- t tutes of the State of Texas. ' i II Section 2. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Charles F. Cockrell, Jr., a duly licensed and practicing attorney, City Attorney of the -I City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested with all of 'I the powers and, duties as set forth in the Charter of said City and the statutes II of the State of Texas. , II Section 3. The City Commission hereby names and appoints William I Dittert, Jr. as City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector of the City of West '[UniVersity Place,Texa~, and he is hereby invested with all of the dU,ties and ! responsibilities as, set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of H the State of Texas. , I I I Section 4. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Danny D. I Sullivan as Assistant City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector of the, City of ! West University Place, Texas. I i Section 5. That each official hereby appointed shall receive I monthly compensation for the performance of their duties, in accordance with ,i the heretofore adopted salary schedule. II Section 6. The persons appointed to the respective offices shall serve Wltil the next regular General City Election, and thereafter Wltil the I appointment and qualification of their successors, unless discharged by the I City Commission for just cause. I , I I I -~,-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 71-1 PASSED lUID APPROVED this / / d day of ~~ , 1971. il Ii II I I I j II AT.rEST: II IIII~~~J I Assistant City Secretary II , II !I 11 II Ii II 1 I I I II 11 Commissioners Voting Aye: aU) Commissioners Voting No: ~./ .~ ~~1'/k ,--,- I'lr, AI 1 II' : III," Ihi ,!I:IIIIlIHlOHIIIIIIIH. ~----'=IT.TC---'----------- 11 i! II ,I I' jl Ilof tEte ctty.ofWestUniverslty-Place,TeXcls,that the duties and res.ponsibJ'<" III iti~sof ,the' C ityManager' hClve. become so' diverse; . numerous. and time consumin91 ii II it: is felt riecessaryandproper to'employanlndividuClI to Clss.ist'in the per-- Ii " , .. II formanceof such,duties;suchpers..on to De known as Assistant City Man,ager. i! '!j NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT. RESOLyEDBYTHE' CtTY, COMMISS ION OF THE C lTV . '1'1 OF WEST UNIVERSlTY.PLAcE, TEXAS; I' ' ,I S~ctionl.,Th~ City Commissionh~reby'nam~S and appoints D~nny L. II A"ol d .. Asstst." t City".".,"' of the C ltyoof w~st "" tve,. tty Place, T ex... . II II I Manager shall ,beth~se ass,igned from time to time by the qty Manager. I Section 3., That DennyL,'Arnold, as Assistant City Manager, shall I r~c~ivemonth:ly compensation for ,the plfrformance of his duties a salarY,of Ii Eigl'lt Hundred Fifty and No/IOO 'C$850.00} Dollars per month. for the fiscal ,I yea, of 1971- ,I PASSED AND APPROVED thIS ll;tjf( <' day of ',,"ocy, 1971- II~/ II if II 'I ATTEST: II . 11"As~~i~~ / " Ii ' Ii 'I Ii !i Ii l! Ii " II II ,I " I I I I l' II ,I II ,I II RESOLUTION NUMtlER,71,,2 WH.EREAS, it has heretofore been determined by th.e ctty CQmmiss,ion Section 2. ,The.duties and,responsibilitiesofth.e Assistant City uli I II' ill:, IIJ HI U IIl1nllI:IIII;11ID. (i' . RtrSOLurtON HUMan ~J.3 WiMAS_ Cfty Offh.llal$ have determtHd that it t. to ttle he.t 'ntefete of tn. ch...... .f th'$ eft,.. continue It. ~htp In lb. lfovJton-Galvenon Atea CeQQc.l; and WNERIiA$, tbe by-laws of tbe ttoua..,...Qa,I\Hlttcm A...lI eouncU ,..- quIres tile .ppotntment of a duty .I~ r.,.,es.tatlve of each .f the goverOlllllBtel _'ts for the year t91t. NOW. TH~. se: IT aISOL_ BY TN! CITY GOMMIS$HlH OF THI GITY 0' '1m tmlVlfdlTY pwa. TeXAS: hClle I. That Mayor Jofm N. Nelth~or$ be. aM he Is b....oy d..'~d as I II ropru_tttttw to the ianaret 804., of the Hounon- "Ivet" A.... Covn~n for the ,.,. ',1f. Seeth. 1. That ou, o'ffola' Alternlll" autho,'aect .. ..tv. as Qur YOUn9 det.gete ,hQvld th!l ... her.ln.ove nallled ~ l"aU.t.'. or It he ....,_. It ,eontmtuJoller 'aliI W. Wallln. Seetlon ,. Thet ttle ,...tlvo Df Nctor 0' the lfoQ$lGll-htwsttm Area Ce\mc.U " ilOtt'.ed of _yor John I. MelghknJ _'pallOR t.y certIfied copy of this Re.otutlon. , fl....ct and Approved thl. 1t tb day of January, I"t. ATTU'fl ~W~ 'it. st.. -tV '...ury , ~$StQft8rs Votlno Ayel l"bi~; All lone ~-- ~--~r=1 ...IlL ,.01 -, 11 I -'- II LJUl'IlIlll111ll.... n H Ii I' If II Ii ,i II I I I i provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint ! i I i II II II r I I '1 !, II " I I I RESOLUTION NUMBER 71-4 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the CitY,Commission have con~ tacted and investigated numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Health Board and as Health Officer of the City of West University, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Health Board and Dr. Howard L. Evans has indicated a desire and willingness to serve as Health Officer of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFO~, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA.CE ,TEXAS : 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of 1 the Health Board il II !I 1\ I, 111 and that Dr. Howard L. Evans be appointed as Health Officer of the City of 11 West University Place, Texas. I I 1 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board and II as Health"officer shall serve without compensation. l! 11 II I, Health Officer shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this il Resolution, and thereafter until the appointment, and qualification of their I, II successors. II ,I I I I I I I I I I ATTEST: I I 'I I I I I II '__n______~___ ------r-~ Dr. N. C. Windrow Dr. Alan Alexander Mr. Frank Stewart 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board and as PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 8th day of February, 1971. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE: f1lR ./ 11~D4UU ',"~~~ Assistant City Secretary i-dlil ..- =""11: iii' II Tltl 1;: III i:llll ,11,1 11111.. -,------ RESOLUTION NUMBER 71-5 WHEREAS, it is the obHgation of the City Comnission,pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Comnission have con- tacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Parks and Recreation Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY ,COMMISS ION OF THE CITY OF WEST UN I VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the followIng persons be appointed to serve as members of the Parks and Recreation Board: Mrs. Michael L. Patton Mrs. Wi 11 iamBomar Mr. Norman R. Mahan Mr. David C. Bullen Mr. Steve E. Kane 2., That the persons hereby appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board shall serve without compensation. 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the ,Parks and Recreation Board shall serve unti 1 the next regular general City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter unti,l the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED th i s I~ day of~~, 1971. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ J7u-rJ Commissioners Voting No: !ft/(~a- (;', ' Ma,!: ."" ATTEST: ,~,~~ Assistant City ecretary ,._-_._---'_._~~~~~- If -- 111 ,II II III UlIl.iTfIIIID"-' RESOLUTION NUMBER 71-6 WHEREAS, a iA :the. obliga.:tion.06 :the. CUy ColTIJ'YIi6.6ion., puJ1l.>uan.t: :tIJ pfl.oviAioY/.6 06 :the. Ci.:ty ChaJLteJL aYLd Ofl.dhuin.ee.o heJLe.:ta60fl.e.adop:te.d, :to, appoint membeJL6 :to VaJU.OU6 Boa.Jui.6 aYLd Cornm-Ute.e.o; aYLd WHEREAS, :the. MayolLaYLd membeJL6 06 :the. CUy ColTIJ'YIi6.6ion. have. eon:ta.c:te.d aYLd hLteJLviewe.d n.umeJLOU6 quaU.fti.e.d c,i;t[Zen6;tO.6eJLVe. an. :the. IY/.6ww.n.ee.CommUte.e. 06 :the. CUy 06We6:t UiUveJL6M:yPi4ee., Te.xcu.; aYLd WHEREAS, eeJLtiUn.peJL6oY/.6 have. incUc.a:te.d a de.ohLe. aYLd w.i.llin.gn.e6.6 ;to .6e.ll.ve. cu. membeJL6 06 :the. IY/.6uJLaYLee.,Cornm-Ute.e.. NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVEVBY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. Tha-t:the. 60Uowin.g peJL60Y/.6 be. appoMi:te.d:tIJ .6 eJLVe. cu. membeJL6 06 :the. 1 Y/.6 ww.n.ee. Cornm-Ute.e.: FlLe.d Rho de6 C. V.BeJ1he.n Ro b eJLt OveJL6:tJr.ee:t John. Boyd WqMe. L.' CJr.e.e.kmOfl.e. 2. Tha-t:the. peJL60Y/.6 heJLe.by appohLte.d :tIJ :the. IY/.6ww.n.ee. CommUte.e. .6hal..L.6eJLve. wLthout eompen6a.:tian.. 3. Tha-t:the. peJL60Y/.6 .hVte.by appohLte.d:to :the. lY/.6ww.n.c.eCQmmUte.e. .6ha.U..6eJLve until, :the.n.ex:t .fl.egul1vtGe.neJta.f. Ci.:tyUec;(;,C4In a6:the. CUy ColTIJ'YIi6.6ion., aYLd :theJLea.M;eJL until:the. appointment aYLdqua.U.~~~n'c6:thWr..6ueee.o.60JL6. PASSEV ANV APPROVEV ;t:h,i..6 !.;J.~ dayo{{ :r;;)~'j , 1977. CohJlfiil>.6ion.eJL6 Voting' Aye.: ~ , ' ATTEST: , c,,(tM.Owuu, UofuB NO" ~ -.~.11~( . () ,Ofl. " M4<6~~~ ----.--...-----~--~o~.. _:I - RESOlUTtON NUMBER 11-7 W"SMAS. Mr. Qus C. Cox. Thirty seven fifty seweR Pltllllb. is teth'fng all prfn4f,pal o.f tftEt ~st Unlvcu",h:v Elementary School alter l_~ and dhti-ng- uJabed sef\1t~e; and WHli~A$, dlU"fng his f~"'four years a' $SsG,dation wiln tbe Hl)U'~on Indepe~~ftl SchQOt IHIt~jtlt he suvod bl. fellow ettbens wetland ilbly lnGII'JiW ways, tndudtng that a$ p,'nelpal of W.t u"twl'aftv Ueltlen-taty ~*t; and WlfEREA$,. as lu'hudpaJ. of West Utlt~f$lty Uement~lf'V i~l M eave to. title CQQlteUS oft.... '8tenl"'T~r M,..taUon 4ln4 .. the ~H.er. ..tvl." ,.lnde, hfmt tn.e wlt_ din I HeJ bY' a ftlSn '.nteltec;t drewn from bf$ ..,.lettt.e .. ~ .te ewc.VI' IInu sU~$ful _.'ribtr.t.r of the ""$-ten l~pQ4ent $~t Dt$tl"'et; a~4 _SRiAS t his 4eu~tl.~ ~f! W his ecm.'de"etUOft for the o,h\tSt'l o.f othe,... ~etMr Qr not tQy dt-ff.md If\m fib _. SlIINthedthe pdh ,0:1 ~.. U.,.,atfonud !Il&4e ''''vs P'....WJl tba "..1($ .f ~b.' W$.." Clftd p.1!'f!fm$ 01, __ Uaherlhy 11~bi"y $4heoh .,,- WialiAS. Gu$ c. eo !troupt ht-' the _H~....km$ till the I~f Mntnl$t"....l1 a ,at G-..ll.Mojo e1,lStlZlllUl"fly ,ivhlt ..,. ~ op.'tltAt", to speak U....t _1# lft9 the'" vttw. the d~t .u.tlorii ...4'. itiItt he pt.". "ftt.,. bit own tlfIcJ by fib arm .-vl"... wat ab'. to bdns WUln'IllUy<>f c..' _the deCl$t. to be "l _4 ' WttUliAS,Gu$ C. _ ba. _tfSbuted to hit ehuFcb _ tCilltb ~fty, Clftd WI.AS. tbe Chy C..t,.lQ~ of the IU.,. ., wen un-twfI$ftY 'l_~ Texe, w....... .. .."eI'J ,... appte(lJ"t_ of JtJ; e-tdleM to *~ Gu. t.. eo. for hta un..ftf.1t de'vott'l)ft tfi tbe _dual" of IWIleHUJ <<td IdAn _ fot' h" '__ alid dt.-h".".b" le,.,.t. .. ,..'..elp) of WUt unt".'.h, UI~~ .... ~ 1Q1I. 11Ia1'OU. d tT RUGlViO 8Y 1111 C:.tTY ~taslQtl ., 'TID! env cw W$ST UtUVIRnW 'loAU. Taw. ....d_ 1.. ThClt _ thy et Vut UnIWi'$hy Pla.,. 1''''$,. "tln9 bV <Iiftd tbrW911 tb .'w ~..k>>n, ~l"_Y ~_flf.. .. '.liy. end ...UotJ t->. dUty _t1tf,t$d &-y Mr.. G~ e. aft .,tl_ hl. ffJt1y f~ ~t ~. wit.. Hor.tl_ I-n~t '-'1 Dlttrf.el, end f.,...U, ~ tu _,.t.thm fot' such loyalty aM d..tfo.n.. . , ...~rofll..; Th.at \hI, ttUtit-.t.f,-oo 4hllU be IP""" W- ~ IMIt'l1taJ)ee.C illfnutM .f lb. ct. c__t.don ~ tlla- .fly <>, ~ thllwts-Iw Y'Mtl, ~.' hc:t'-on J~ That 1lt4OP' $f tll.. ~hilt..f duly .tf. by tililt "-Vor .nd" ~t 0' _ thy ~l$..on"" aQCb.JI,tf4~ by t_ Cfty $e.,.taty. be p~te" ".MF'.. Qua e. Ge.~ . _1lIIIl_ "'I. %4tII ~~ ./:/Y .. ',B _~ 'f..sf ' AmSTt ~tV~ r:- r' -~II. ~ -" ~...LII.....:... --1.__,L..L......1..LL..l.....II.llo..l11lL ~..L.I..lI.A.Ia. . RESOLUTI ON NUMBER 71-8 WHEREAS,_ the City Commission, on June 8, 1970" i:luthorized Bernard Johnson Engineers,' Inc. to, prepare the des,ign phase'of a project for rehabili- tation of the:Weslayan ~anHarySewer Lift Station and replacing a 10"- vitrifie clay pipe sewer I ine connecting fromAcademy Street ,along Swarthmore to the Weslayan Lift Station; and ' , WHEREAS, the'design phase'prepared by Bernard Johnson Engineers, Inc. was presented to and accepted by the City Commiss ion onJ.\ugusf 6; 1970;, and t WHEREAS, the City Commission has now given this project a first prior ity and desires to 'proceed with preparation of final plans and specifications; and WHEREAS, funds are not available in the Sanitary Sewer Fund for fund- ing the enti re project estimated at $75,000.00,;. and WHEREAS, there is money ,avai lable under Publ ic Law 660 under di rectio of the Federal Water Quality Administration on a partlcipatlrng basiswith,muni- cipalities. Funds for such projects 'are provided directlyt'o the State of Texa and administered by the Texas Water Qua Ii tyBoard. Additional funds are avai 1- able through the Water POllution Control Pact Authority to be reimbursed as a result of provisions irn State ConstitutiomilIAmendmernt:#4;: and WHEREAS , a grant application is compl icated and normally handled by the engineering fi riD which designs such pr-oject. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI.TV, COMMISSION ,OF THE CITVOF WEST UN IVERS !.TV, PLACE, TEXAS:' " , Section 1. That,the:CityManagerbe, and he: is ,hereby, authorized to proceed with filing an application for,'fullds under Public Law '660 and the Water Pollution Contro]' Pact,: to: fimirnce, the: heret<i>fore descr,ibed Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Li ftStationand:IO"', sarni tary ,sewer I ineconriectingAcademy Street. Section 2., TheCity,CcimmissiQnhereby authol'izesthe employment of Bernard Johnson Engirneers, , Inc., Houston, Texas,for an estimated expense not to exceed $1,000';00'", for the: purpose', of process ing ,the, here i Ii-ment i oneq app Ii- cation to receive :funds under 'Public, Law~1il and' the:Water Poll ution Control Pact. Section 3.' The Mayor is hereby,authorized to enter into an engineer- ing service agreement with, Bernard Johnson Engirneers,'lnc.to,complete;plans, s'pecificatio'ns and contract documents for 'reh.ilbil itation ofthe::Weslayan Sani- tary Sewer Lift Station and replaci~ng the: 10", sanHary,sewer line cOririecti,ng from'Academy Street. Section 4. Funds for payment of ~ngineering services to Bernard Johnson Engineers,' Inc~ for preparation ,arnd'processingof the, application under Publ ic Law (~9'.P and Water Pollution Control Pact, ,and engineering services in connection wi th the des ign;"p lans, speci ficafiorns and 'contract documents for theWeslayan Lift Station and,conriectirng:Hl".,sewer I ine; is ,herewith appro"" priatedHomavailable funds intheSahitary SewercFund ,of the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this' , ,&,4#" daY of' 'fll~' , 1971. Commi ss icinersVot ing Aye: ' WJ2( ~/ ATT~~~ As s I st$ln1: City Secre ta ry rr- c':Jll ~__IL - --:1 llL__ : L.:. _ :..:......;lL:LJJL1::..l1llllll.iLll.II..IlIlI:.-- ----,- l\f!;$$-t..UT It)" ,UIMaaR 71'" WEllil\S. h Is 4~'.t.d ., tne eltr of W.U Untverthy Plue. Texas wHt tetoD$ttutSt .'t.hi........' eoUectlott- tHtUtfesJ... It Is .... nRei.a" ~4, ,to,... ..wwtora 'e4en.t f,-.t under t'- '.A. 'hIte... ".nutfOfieont~, Mt-. fllnt...._ is'.. ihi ~dH~ ' , ' . ' ; .; " '.. ", . tiQW.'f'lfllmttlltUt. II IT: 81$O..,IU fry tbe ~..MIIIIl4ApJUGMI eh.. ~ ..lib...... MlyOtof: '.....h." of,." Ufttv....l-ty .,..'., ... ......,. ht ~ tuth'... 4..... .. ......M.. fo"., '.Nt t~t. ....., ...U..... ...._._ c. tlt't tIt.,.._.. OfU.~f.t., ..... .'...... ....UWdt.....' te4flltd.; ".Me .'JtfiJpt ... ttat.f of' .. ~ ...... eppUCMt. ," " . IT FUQ'QIl U$ttND,_t.. ~O.., .U..t, wUh . '" ' . , .. . .. . , , , : : to', 'ml4e the .,:. Or ... pM;_ <<0 whl. ","eM. W.. ,,.. ...1_ ,ttle _ wI n acct.'" ... __...., ____ _ ,......,...... .. ...., "J.~ .. tnd .......... ., ... fa .. ._. I.. tt(tat ...'. ., fil~ t.... .tttl.".'IJICt'*, at ,t~.. ,.... ....,,. be. ....__. _, __ ,~ _n"-,.,,Ul,.f:tM .,....... ttl,ttt'-'I'l .ueb.t. ..d f!.elll'..,thl._ "'_~t'''I_ I.".. ...,.... '=d~t1=, :mi:~'=-:':l,=~P:'=..=,:":'-:~.::~ .tab,o' tit."'" , '2,. p,.i.-. .~.._ 84 ...... ..... f9,., _, ,..,d.... whl. ..,..,t...'t.th.....'..IW,hl..........,.' ...., .'... '<<d- .,.f\ifDtf",l.alrty _lllht,ad.. find .tlt flt.,UI ... ....; ..._,.{hd tIlHe.. ~' ., ' , . . . . .... - ," " , ,.,,,....:.'~.,.. *....... eatt__'.'tMt'..._t.. Duly .'.GOt.08 ,.,. __ fer .. ".... ___'fM .. ........., .. t'_Htl.~" ' , ' , ' , , , '. . . , , , 1t...,tOf._Uft"d,~.t fA .~wf,. .. A~~ tt.. ,., .......... ., c_ ....,..., ""ut. ....t _.., .. .,... tM ~.r ."ett_f_Ult'.. .; .Ul.....:.. t___I...,.,.....,. Of: ~ CO ""'..._1,,, ..._~...tAt. fOt ...,... .".'..n.,.. .flU 'uJUt'..- ' 'ASSP ., ~. tit'" .'ifl ., of ".... '.71. ,__I......'. '''I... .,.. ,~ ........,..,. Yoth" ...; ll~ Wf~ A~Tt ~~ _._t~t\i '"." -- - ~~-l"'-' '-==-~h~II___ .r -.--=--=-- .._--. '''=111 IrIJIIIIII~ RESOLUTIONNUMBER,71~10 , WHEREAS,' the City of West' Un-tversity ,Placehascash'avatlable in theWater':'Sewer Fund in theamountof$75,OQO,;, in the General Fund in the amount of :$27.500; in the' lnsunince Reserve Fund in the amount of $10,000", and i,n the Trust Agency Fund tn,th,eamount of $2',500", totaling $115,000."which will not be required for current operating expenses;' and WHEREAS, it ts,the objective of , the' City Commission to keep all of the: city's money inves,tedto:earnadditional income and it is necessary and 'prudent toauthorlze', investment of these' certain sums, of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE, IT RESOLVED .BY,THE CLTY,COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITYPLACE"TEXAS:' That the City Treasurer' is hereby"authorized and directed to invest' funds in the', amount Of: $ .115,000'.00', . in the University State Bank inCertifi(tate of Time Deposit for a period of one year at the interest'rate:of 5 3/4;. PASSED AND APPROVED this.: 28th: day of June,197L Conmissioners.:Vciti,ng Aye:.' .~' n~ ATTEST: COIllmissionersVoting No:. ' , 9u& Ut 1L " ",' :" J' ,:~'" \" ' o ' 'ayor ' 'AS~ ,~~ l,;ltyecre ary' RESOLUTION NUMBER,71~11 WHEREAS, on July 3, 1971, <il 200,HP motor 10c<ilted onW<ilter Well Number 4 was struck by lightning and damaged to the extent that it needed immedi<ilte repairs to p1a'ce such motor in' operable condition; and WHEREAS, the;! Mayor was nGtified by the City Manager of the break down of said motor; and ' WHEREAS, the City did not have adequate facilities to repair the motor and it W<ilS necessary to enga.ge a company specializing in this type of repa i rs; and ' , , WHEREAS, it was determined that the cost of a new motor would be approximately Seven Th6usand Three Hundred Dollars '($7,300.00) and it was deemed adv i sab 1 e to exped ite the repa i rs to the damaged motor; and WHEREAS,due to the urgency of the situation, it was impractical to prepare specifications for the proper taking of bids as to the extent and cos t of the repa i rs; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has in the past eng<ilged the services of Houston Armature Works, Inc. to perform similar work and has found their work and services to be re<ilsonab1e and adequ<ilte; therefore, it W<ilS determined th<ilt Houston ArlllClture Work~, Inc. should be engaged to per- form the necess<ilry rep<ilirs on <iln em~rgency basis to the motor. ' , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI.TY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' , . Section 1. That the action of the Mayor and City Manager in securing the services of Houston Armature Works, Inc. to make the necessary repai r's to a 200, HP motor on Water We 11 Number 4, <ilre hereby in all th ings ratified and confirmed, and all funds expended, or agreed to be expended, shall be held as if duly <iluthorized by forma1ac;:tion of the Ci.ty COlMlission. Section 2. That funds from current revenue of the water system be appropriated for payment of this $3,2'28;28; there being no appropriation in the current budget for such purpose. ' PASSED AND APPROVED th is the 9th day of August, 1971. Commissioners Voting Aye: ATTEST: . '~lUJ ~ Assistant City Secretary 1:. -~ ....l~ -,<, -- - -':l~___1lL.:..-.~ 'U':':.. _L_:jLLJJ.LD.JllJ.illl1.:~ -- RESOLUTION NUMBER 71-12 WHEREAS, the City Commission approved in the 1971 Budget a certain urn of money for the acquisition of land for use in conjunction with the city's peration; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the certain tract of land as hereinafter described is available for purchase at a price of $18,500, considered to be reasonable and equitable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Secti.on 1. That the sum of $18,500 be a portion of an amount approved in the 1971 Budget for acquisition of land and is hereby appropriated for the purchase of: ' The east one-half (E. 1/2) of Lot One (1) and'the adjoining eas t one-half (E., 1/2), of, the south one-ha 1 f (S. 1 /2) ,of 'Lot Tw,o (2) in Block Eighteen (lB)of West University First an addition in Harris' County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 444 at Page 56'0 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. ' Secti.on 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to affect final settlement of the terms and provisions of an Earnest Money Contract dated August 12" 1971, resulting in the payment of the total sum of $18,500, as a total cons iderati.on for 'the purchase' and :acquis i tion of the heretofore described property. Section 3. That Southern Title Company, Inc. shall deliver, at the time of settlement, a title guaranty oinsurance pol icy, to the City of West Uni- versityPlace, Texas, where'in said ~ity of West University Place, Texas, is named as the beneficiary showing good fee simple title to the heretofore describ ed property in the City of Wes't 'Universi.tyPlace, Texas. ' Section 4. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to prepare and draw a warrant from the General Fund of the City of West Univers,jty Place in the amount of $17,900, as final cash settlement of the agreed purchase price of$T8,500" which sum includ,es $600,.OO,;placed in escrow with Southern Title Company, Inc. as part of the Earnest.eypurchase,agreement. Section 5. That Southern Title Company, after recordation in the office of the tounty Clerk in HCilrris County, Texas, shall return to the City the General Warranty Deed conveying title to the city in accordance with terms of the heretofore ment i<imed Earnest Money contract. PASSED AND APPROVED this '~'ck day ofiflt..tM:P)vt(l,P~ 197!. Commissioners Voting Aye:OOD Voting ,No: ll~-/ , "~~' r4rJa.~ Assistant City Secretary ATTEST: 1,111I.. <. --, II' I' '11;lrilH hllUlilllllllllllll_. -. ------,- RESOLUTION NUMBER 71-13 WHEREAS, a pr.evious CityGommission requested the Park and Recreation Board to investigate the feasibil ity of locati,ng a park in the southeast area of the city; and WHEREAS, such Park and Recreation Board, after proper investigation and due study, in a 1 etter da ted Apr il 23, 1970, recommended to the City Com- mission that the city acquire the vacant property at the corner of Wakeforest and Carn~gieStreets for use as a public park; and WHEREAS, the current Park and Recreation Board has similarly studied the need for a park in the southeast area of the city and has, by letter dated April 12, 1971, reaffirmed the action of the p,revious Park and Recreation Board and strongly favored the proposed park site for the property at the corner of Wakeforest and Carnegie, and urged the City Commission to proceed with haste to acquire said site; and WHEREAS, the Zoning and Planning Commiss ion has approved the said recommendation of the Park and Recreation Boards and took appropriate action to indicate its approval in the minutes of Aprild13, 1971; and WHEREAS, the City Manager was instructed to proceed with the purchase of the East one-half of Lot One and the East one-half of the South one-half of Lot Two in Block Eighteen,West University First Addition, a ,22,500 square foot vacant tract of la'nd located at the corner of Wakeforest and Carnegie Streets for the sum of $18,500.00 cash; and ' WHEREAS, there was appropriated in the 1971 Budget the sum of $35,000.00 for the purpose of acquiring a park site; enclosing same with a chain 1 ink fence; planning; instaJJat'ion of proper facilitie's; and equipping same for use as a public park; and ' WHEREAS, the City Manager reported to the City Commi ss ion that the property had been negotiated fo'r subject to final approval by the City Commis- sion; and WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 71..,12 dated November 8, 1971, Mayor John Neighbors was authorized to make payment and acquire property through Southern Title Company;and WHEREAS, the said East one-half of Lot One and the East one-half of the South one-half of Lot Two in Block Eighteen, West University First Addition was acqui red from Thomas E. Smith, Yukon',Oklahoma as evidenced by General Warranty Deed from Thomas E.Smith to' the City of West University Place, such being filed of record in the Deed Records of Harris County Courthouse, Fi le No. 136-36-2324 dated November 18, 1971; and WHEREAS, a public meeting was held at the City HaJJ on the date of Thursday, NovemQer'18, 1971, for 'all interested persons to present thei r view- points as opponents or proponents forestabl ishment of a park on said s He; and WHEREAS, seventy (70) persons appeared at the meeting and presented their viewpoints with a preponderance of those present strongly favori~g the establ ishment of a ,publ ic park at the site in question. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BY THE CITY-COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " Secti,on 1. That the City Commission hereby determines that all thing have been done prerequisite to acquiring the park site. Section Z. That the East one-half of Lot One and the East one-half ,0 the South one-half of Lot Two in Block Eighteen, West Universi ty Fi rst Addition be and it is hereby, des i gna ted as a pub'1i c park and sha 11 be placed under and operated by, the park system of the City of West University Place, to be used by the public under such rules and regulations as provided in the Code of Ordinances or which may be promulgated by the City Commission hereafter. ------~----,i lilI1i; ....-- ""==-----=====____, II 11.-lrlll:lla,i1ILllltlllllilll_. --------,_~~__ - d__"~:"___~---- -2- Sect i on 3.' That the City Camm i ss ion sha 1 1 give cons i derat i on to an official name for said park and dedication at ,the app'ropriate time. PASSED AND APPROVED thi s '1 ~/vi.;L, day of ''ll~;J , 1971. ATTEST: "~"lk~~" Assistant City Secretary Commissioners Voting Aye:~ Commissioners Voting No: ;,rl~ ...1d.'1f~t.1t,1 o L ... or RESDLUTION NUMBER,71~14 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector1s Fund in the 'amount of $200'. DOO,. 00 received from current collection of 15171 taxes, which will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize, investment of these Gertain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .BY THE CITY .COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI.TY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest ,funds in the amount of: $100,000.00, for a period of one year in Certificate of Time Deposi t Jm, the Surety Saving Association at the interest rate of 7 1/2%. $100,000.00 for a period of ninety days in Certificate of Time Deposit in the Surety Saving Association at the interest rate of 6%. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of December, 1971. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ ATTEST: Commissioners Voting No: ~~ f#~tibl ~,.,~~ AssIstant City Secretary / -~--~ -----'~ ..__........a:_ ...;I _~.L a.:...:_~._.i.__!L..r...iLLL'-. "","~,,,,,,._.