HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.69 RESOWTIO.N NUMBER 69..1 ~S, D. Gale Ree:s.e Wt\8 appointed Judge of the Corporation Court of tue G:tty of We..t Univerl,l;l:ty Place, TeJ!'a13 in January, 1962; and ~s,. JuC1ge Reese bas served il;l the,t ~pacity untiJ. the present 4ate;an.q, ~s,' Judge Reel?e has submj,tted b.is refligntiltion 8.1i) Judge 01' the Co;vporf!,tion Court effective Janwu"'.r 16, 1969,. which res1gpatiOll balil been reluctantly aocepted by th.e City Commission; and ~s,' tile 01 ty CQ!IlllIi$l:Iion 1$ EIoware 'that Judae Re\i;ll;;e. bas COllA duated tb.e CoX'Poration Co\Wt w:l;tb. dif!P,ity, integrity and inwart1ality; and ~s, the manner in which Judge Reese l'1a$ prel,lided over the affairs of the Court ha.scaused aueh Court 'to be respected and admired by e.U ~)I.'$onli1 cQlll,:!.ng in contact therewith; and ~, tb.eCity Commi$s:l.on desiree to exprees its appreciation to Judge R{$$til tQr his distil4€;uisb.ed service tcothe ciilt; r NOW, ~, BE IT RESOL.VED BY THE elTl' CQMM1SS:rON OF 'l'RE CITY OF WlilS'l ~ITY PlJ\CE, SAS: . $eetion 1. 'J!hat the Qitizena ot the City of West un1vera:1ty Place, Te~, act;J.ne; by $lidthroug:n "their du1;y eleeteO.Mayor an.d Col!!lllissioners do ne:reby ~prese their sincere apprecia't10ll to Judge D. Gale R~se for his ~y years of d;i.li)tine;uit;hed se:rvtee to the City as Judge of the CorpQr6:tion C~. Section 2. '.&at this Resolution be spread upon the official minutes of t.he ~t1ng of t.he C:i;t;y Commission. Section 3. ~b.at ~ true and c~rect .cop;y of thi$ Resoluticiln s:i.gneO. by tb,e*;yor and COllllll1ssioners end certU'ied. by tneCi ty See:re~ be q,eliveweO. to Judge neese. Sect:i.on 4". 'J)hi/i Resolution ahall. take ef'1'ect inunediately upon itl$ pas~eand approval.. P.A,SSli}l) :AND A:P~0VJli) this 13th day o;f'January, 1.969. /J .; z . /V'/ }'/1-1> ~~UL~~ ~ CQMMIS$. S . (J ...~tff ;::.~~-ppfi t> MAYOR. - AmST: ~.......~~~ J City 'S<;iC* . ~-I~, ~~~~~. ,r- T . "Ir 11 II I i [[Inllll mIIIIIr--~. t;="'."""'''=~>.1 ii I' I! I' d I! II II I! II I' I! P ,I II ij I' .! II II I. 'I " II r .I II I, I I II II II II I I I I I Ii II II p II jl II ,I I I II I' 11 il I: ,! [' tl Ii II II II II II II RESOLUTION lI,'UJYIBER 69-2 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place,. Texas has been advised of the untimely death of William A. Hamlett; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hamlett ably and unselfishly served his fello.1 citizens of the City by serving as a Commissioner. during the years 1946 to . 1948; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, desires to express its appreciation for, and give recognition to, the out- standing contribution made by William A. Hamlett to his City and Community, and to further express the sympathy of the City Commission to the widow and family .of William A. Hamlett. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF VlEST UNJ:\TERSI'rY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the citizens of the City of West University Place, acting by and through the Mayor and City Commission of said City, herenow record their appreciation for the untold time and energy which William A. Hamlett devoted to the service of others in faithfully and conscientiously performing all duties required .of him.as a member of the City Government and as a ?itizen of the community. Section 2. That said City expre.sses. its deepest sympathy to Mrs. Elizabeth Hamlett and the surviving children, Early, John and William, in their bereavement. Section 3. That as further evidence of the sympathy expressed and.the high regard in which the City held William A. Hamlett, the City Secretary is hereby directed to cause this Resolution to be spread upon the official minutes of the City of West University Place and to deliver to Mrs. Elizabeth- Hamlett a true and correct copy.of such Resolution duly signed by the Mayor and City Commission and certified by the City Manager. PASSED AND lIPPROVED this 10th day of February, 1969. /lL:-!~ ., ~ /~.i').. N" eighbo ., Commissioner ~~~.~ N~t;;-B. pr~o[ ~ssioner .".~ . <--0 /) /t;~/'P.J7 V/!';!I A1l.-{[V! . Home,:r- L. Ramsey, COnllnissioner / /"---) - :".. //' ;f k--}-<~ Ii -// .., /' A //, i, ",--.,../ZZr'(t:< [-{./~ L-t.';L(...l~L~/' :{1 Paul W. Wallin, Jr., Conmiissioner ;Jr;LJLJ Whitt Jo~er ", r. " r 'CI~--T 1. I ' !:Ii rllg;1l11 1111111....-- .. II n 'j Ii II l! II I I I i I II II I, II " i I I I I! !I Ii I' I 1 I t II r II I i I .I II II 11 II II [, d 1 , I I RESOLUTION :NUMBER 69-3 WHEREAS, in preparing the 1969 budget, additional manpower was requested by Chief of Police H. E. Shipp and Fire Chief C. E. Duffin for.more efficient operation and reduction of work hours of their respective depart- ments;. and WHEREAS, such requests were postponed until it was determined that additional funds would be derived through the\MUnicipal Sales Tax collected during the year 1969; and WHEREAS, it was determined $fter the 1969 budget was adopted, and an estimate obtained of the MUnicipal Sales Tax anticipated for future col- lections, that funds would be available for the employment ot: op.e additional policeman and one additional fireman; and ' WHEREAS, by action of the City Commission on November 25, 1968 the City Manager was authorized to increase the personnel in the Police Department by the. addition of one patrolman and to increase the personnel in the Fire Department by the addition of one fireman; and WHEREAS, an additional policeman has been employed to accomplish the following: 1.. 2. Reduce the wort: week for each patrolman to forty (40) hours. Eliminate overtime for p,olice officer who serves as dispatcher on days off. Reduce hours of the radio dispatchers from a six-day week to a five-day week consisting of forty (40) hours each week. Use of the time of the extra patrolman to prov,ide coverage during vacations, sick leave and leaves of absence. 3. 4. WHEREAS, the employment of an additional fireman will: 1. Reduce the present sev;enty-two (72) hour week to an average of sixty (60) hours each'week. Eliminate the necessity for overtime during certain schedules and provide better coverage during vacations, sick leave and leaves of absence. The schedule,. by addition of one .fireman, could not be arra!lged where the captain in charge would ride the first f:hre tr,uck o~t on alarms. ., It will provide a higher degree of personnel morale, creating an incentive for a more sincere effort on the part of employees of the Department. 2. 3. 4. NOW" THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . Section 1. That the work week of the Police Department be reduced to forty (40) heurs per week and the hours of the radio dispatchers be re- duced from a six-day to a ~h>:e-d.a,y week, forty (40) hours each week, and to provide better coverage during vacations, sick leave and leaves of absence. That the hours of the Fire Department be reduced to an average of sixty (60) hours each week by the use of a seventy-two (72) hour we.ek and a forty-eight (48) hour week. I, 'I It [ I , I i i j ! Ii I[ ! i I i I' ,j II Ii ,: Section 2. That the effective date of the forty (40) hQur work week for the police Department and the seventy-two (72) - forty-eight (48) hour schedule comprising a sixty (60) hour work week for the Fire Department be adopted retroa.ctiv.e to January 1, 1969. ATTEST: PASSED AND APPROVED this 11J/..z:z day of ~.. Commissioners Voting Aye: WL Commissioners Voting No: )1~ /ff ~.~ , 1969. ;;JOI ~ Assistant City. Secretary Mayor -~-'-~L n .-=:1 . .J:'.' ..._,[ -m ~_. :....:L__..........:,L..:..llL.LJlIl1LllL..illJIlllH: 'I".- l' I ji d II II I I II University Place, Texas, and submitted his resignation as M3.yor, thus creat- I ,I " II II Ramsey has been duly elected M3.yor of the City of West University Place, H II It II II III:, OF WEST UNIVERSrn PLACE, TEXAS: II ,I II 11 'I II j:ll Resolutions as way conflict herewith are hereby expressly repe.aled; and be II II I I ['I. , of this Resolution. r 11 II I. , f I I ! I I 1 ATTEST: I I , I II q I, II if i: i i I II 'I II II !/ II ~--~~"~~-~~~__..,o--:~c= RESOllTTION NUMBER ~'~q; WHEREAS, B. E. Frank, M3.yor of the City of West University Place~ Texas, has moved his residence from the.corporate limits of the City of West ing a vacancy on the City Commission; and WBEREAS, by ordinance and action of the City Commission, Homer L. Texas and thatJoUn-.N. . Neighbo:t)f?"has been duly elected M3.yor Pro-Tem of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESDLVED BY THE CITY COMMI:SSION OF THE CITY 1. That M3.yor Homer L. Ramsey and M3.yor Pro-Tem John N. Neighbors sign checks drawn on all banks serving as depository for funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, and any banks which may be hereinafter de- signated as depository of city funds during the term of their office. 2. Be it further resolved that all provisions of such prior it further resolved that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby directed, to furnish each depository bank with which the city has funds on deposit~ or with which the city transacts any banking business, a true and correct COpy PASSED Al'ID APPROVED this 24th day of M3.rch,. 1969. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: /l~ ~!l~/I~ ~ c>P~ As istant Citv Secretarv -..-r -..-..I-"---~='= --"-'.r::::-_-~_ II l' d Ii II If !j II If 'I [I Ii be to the best interest of the citizens of this city to join and associate 'I ], p .1 l. Ii d r I I, II RESOLUTION NUMBER 69~.5 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place determined that it would itself with other communities in the objectives of the Houston-Galveston Area Council, and adopted the by-laws and joined such association by the passage and. adoption of Resolution 66-11; and WHEREAS) B. E. Frank, Miyor of the City of West University Place, was designated as the" .city' s representative on said Houston-Galveston Area Council; and WHEREAS, B. E. Frank has tendered his resignation as Miyor, neces- sitating the appointment of another representative on said Area Council; and WHEREAS, Homer L. Ramsey was duly appointed M3.yor of the City of West University Place, Texas on Mirch 24, 1969. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CI';rY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY II Ii OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: II il I' 11 I I I I I I " 1. That Mayor Homer Ramsey be, and he is hereby, designated as the city's representative on the Houston-Galveston Area Council. 2. That the Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of M3.yor Homer L. Ramsey's designation as the city's representative by certified copy of this Resolution. PASSED.AND APPROVED this 24th day of M3.rch, 1969. Commissioners Voting Aye: (}J.II..) Commissioners Voting No: 7l{J4t..fL/ ~~~~ I I .11 11 ATTEST: II II 1 I I II II r ,I il II I: I !I II Ii .~------r:=-:.=["::':~~~-"::~~- ~~~ Ass~stant City Secretary ./ _. =r----- -:-I-~~-~~----]r:~ __..:1__-'--L_llLDlll1WL.~~ 'I Ii i i , I I Ii II II the City Commission the urgent necessity of removing sludge and other dele- II ,I II II I I I, I I II " r J H 1\ ,I II 'I I I .I II i! 'I II I I I I I ,I It I I \ i I RESOLUTION NUMBER 69-6 WHEREAS, Sanitary Engineer H. R. Duke brought to the attention of terious material from the city's two digestors at the Sanitary Sewer Disposal Plant; and WHEREAS, the nuniber of qualified persons, firms and corporatio~,s engaged in this type of operation are limited; and WHEREAS, three firms submitted proposals for performing the work of removing sludge and other deleterious material from the two digestors, and it was determined that the Groce Sewer Service submitted the most acceptable pro- posal and has the knowledge, experience, personnel, trucks, pump and equipment to perforlll the desired operation; and WHEREAS, the services of the Groce Sewer Service were contracted for on the basis of $70.00 per tank truck load by administrative action of the M:lyor and City M:lnager; and WHEREAS, operations began on February 19, 1969 and were completed on M:lrqh 3, 1969 resulting in a total charge of $6,650; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the work was performed in a satisfactory manner which will provide for t:l.dequate operation of the two digestors for the next fiv\e. (5) to seven (7) years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXl\.S: Section 1. That the preservation of public health and welfare of l . the citizens creates a public emergency, therefore~ action taken by the M:lybr and City M:lnager to engage the services of Groce Sewer Service to remove the sludge and deleterious material from the two digestors on the basis of $70.00 per tank truck load be ratified and confirmed. Section 2. That the City Treasurer of the City of West University Place be authorized to prepare a check in the amount of $6,650 as full and final payment to Groce Sewer Service for services performed. PASSED AND APPROVED" this 24th day of M:lrch, 1969. Co~ssioners Voting Aye: ~. 1 I 'I ATTEST: II II "'~t c~ I I Ii ""', ~ L~::-'7'~~=::1 J. '~~'~I~~~~T~ _ ,_ _"L_UL'.JlLUWLWIIIIIL-- ~~~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 69-7 Wl3EREAS~ it is the obligation of the City C0mmission~ pursuant to provisions of the Charter of the City of' West University Place~ Texas and ordinances heretofore adopted~ to appoint members to various Boards; and Wl3EREAS~ the M:tyor and members of' the City Commission have con- tacted and investigated numerous qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and Wl3EREAS~ certain persons bave indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Boards asset forth herein; NOW ~ THElREFORE ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS: 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Boards as set forth hereinbelow: Electrical Board A. L. Bodden~ Jr. A. B. Fisk J. D. Allstott B. B. Byrne Robert o. Randle Health Board Dr. Howard Evans Frank Stewart Dr. N. C. Windrow Dr. Alan Alexander - Adv. Personnel Board J. Claude Morton Jim Shearer W. E. Furley Roger R. Wtight~ Sr. Zoning and Planning Commission Da,'ifid W. Hannah R. C. Hilton L. B. Bricker E. Gene Hines H. E. Lott Zoning Board <;>1' Adjustment L. G. Livermore Donald O. Baker Thomas W. Smith D. L. Floyd Mlrphy Hollis Waldt Jess SanfQrd~ Alt. Murff, Alt. 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the respective Boards shall serve without compensation. 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the respective Boards shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution~ and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AIID APPROVED this I{a; a.w of I]~, 1969. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ COllllllissiOJ:lers Voting No: /t ~ ATTEST: ~/1~~J1 .~ "p~ MiZi~lie<'>.~.h Cib,y. . ... ..... . r--- -, i --'1 11m -.., -Tii II!, ';:1, Iii I III [1I11lI1!; 1i111~11I1..- RESOLUTION NUMBER 69~1il WHEREAS, the City of WestUnivElrsity PJace has cash avaiJable in the Insurance ~eserve Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additio~l income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of. money; NOW, 'l'EEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'I'IlE CITY COMMISSION OF 'I'IlE CITY OF wmST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: :$ 4,000.00 In a Savings Certificate with the Ame~ican Savtngs & Loan Company at an annual rate of$1tf. interest. PASSED AND APPROVED this p/d..., day of 1AA:< / . N69. Commissioners Voting Aye: M . Coliimissioners Voting No: ~ A~ST: .~/l~~. /~. . yor ~'Uj ~-"~ Ass stant City 8ecretarv --. >.,<" r 1 I Iii II :::! :1:111 j::llmm iiIIIKII.. 11 (I 11 r! I' ,! 'I It I! Ii II .1 II I, Ii II I! q h I' II II " I' II II P !I il 'I I, I I r I I II !I Ii II I RESOLUTION NUMBER 69-9 WEEREAS~ the Congress of the United States is considering several plans which would limit the exempt status for income purposes of interest paid on bonds issued by cities; and WEEREAS~ any limitation on tax exemption of interest paid on muni- cipal bonds will result in higher interest rates to be paid by cities~ and limit the market for such bonds; and WEEREAS~ such limitation on tax exemption of interest paid on . municipal bonds will handicap local gOVernment in securing funds for public improv!?mehts ~ and increase the burden on local taxpayers and on usej,r's of public facilities. NOW ~ 'TllEREFORE ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'mXAS: That th~ City of West University Place, Texas go on record as opposing any plan by. the Congress of the United Sta.tes that would in any way limit the tax exempt status of interest paid on bonds issued by state or local governments; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a C0Py of this Resolution be nailed to the United States Senators f'r0mTexas~ and to the Meniber(s) of Congress in whose district the City of West University Place is located. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of June~ 1969. i .1 H i' I 'I I, II I, II 11 II II II 'I Ii II q I, ,I 1I II II .1 II IJ Commissioners Voting Aye: All AT'l'EST: ~ ~tP..r~/~ Assistant City Secretary r ..""1 If. 111 II 'd :- Hi h III nlllli Ii WK... Ii Ii Ii ! ! i i f ! i I d II ,I " II j' II I' ,I II I! I I " II II L I! RESQLUTION. NUMBER 69-10 WHEREAS, the controller and .other equipment operating the traffic signals at the intersection of Rice Boulevard and Buffalo Speedway became obsolete and worn, thus causing erratic operation, creating a dangerous traffic hazard and needed to be replaced at the earliest possible date; and WHEREAS, on August 12, 1968 the Ci~y Commission approved a recom- mendation of Mr. Bill Longmuir, engineer for Crouse-Hinds Traffic Equipment Company, for replacement of the present equipment with new electronic equip- ment consisting of loop detectors, sensors and pedestal cabinet; and WHE~S, Signal Engineering Comp~ny, . representing sales and service for Crouse-Hinds Equipment Company, designed and provided to the city the loop dectors, sensors and ground pedestal cabinet for the sum of $1,406.75; and WHEREAS, a competent electrical ~inn was employed to install neces- sary electric cable and connect the equipment and place it in operation; and WHEREAS, the equipment has been operating in a satisfactory manner for a test period .of' six (6) months and has proven satisfactory; and WHEREAS, funds in the.amount of $1,406.75 have been encumbered to pay for this needed equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I I I I ,1 Ii j I I I II " I I ! i i 1 1 ATTEST:.. I (Xb~~ fI Assistant City Secretary II Ii Ii II I; ! I ! ! 1 That invoices'in the amount of $1,406.75 to Signal Engineering Company for one (1), FVA-31031 TA-t91w!ground pedestal cabinet @ 1,049.75 and three (3), SE LEM Detectors @ ll9.00 each, for equipment necessary to properly operate the traffic signals at the intersection of Rice Boulevard and Buffalo Speedway be approved for payment. I~ day of ~~ , 1969. PASSED AND APPROVED this Commissioners Voting Aye: ~.1L (J)~ /" ~ p~, ~/J/ ~/7Mart:/~ Commissioners Voting No: I II i I j II ji II 'r~""~i~=""'""'r .~~I~~~11i'11 ii' j II, ! II Pi 1I11~lIljiii 11l611a1 - ii ii Ii II II II I' Ii 11 i! I. II I' II II 'I [t il II It II I' I! " II II II ,I I I , II II I! ,I 11 I' II I, " I! JI I! II II II 'I h Ii d , I 1 I If 'II II H Ii II 11 li II Ii ,I " 11 ,-I II RESOLUTION:NUMBER 69-ll WHEREAS, the sec.onCl quarterly report of the Municipal Sales Tax has been reported by the State Comptroller and $14,906.61 was received in the first quarter and $13,883.74 was received in the second quarter, totaling $28,790.39; and WHEREAS, in preparing the 1969 Budget it was estimated that $35,000 would be received from the Municipal Sales Tax ~nd it now appears that $45,000 to $50,900 is a. more accurate estimation; and WHEREAS, it was the decision of the City Commission that additional personnel, would be employed in the Police .and Fire Departments if funds be- came l;l.vailable through collection of the Municipal Sales Tax, and it has now become evident that such funds will be available during the remainder of the fiscal year 1969, and will continue to' be available in the futU1!l'j!; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, by adoption of Resolution No. 69-3, adopted February 24, 1969, authorized the employment of one additional policeman and one additional fireman, as the result of more funds being ~e- ceived from the Municipal Sales Tax than originally anticipated. WHEREAS, one additional patrolman would permit the use of three patrol cars on the night shift thus.providing better protection to the citizens and in certain eases would make available additional personnel for assignment to special cases for investigation; and WHEREAS, the employment of an additional fireman would supplement the complement of eight (8) firemen and one Fire Chief, which are respon- sible for fire prevention and suppression. The employment of an additional fireman would allow more time for home inspection of fire hazards0and would . eliminate overtime payment during vacations. NOW, TIjEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE ClTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That as a result of the passage of the Municipal Sales Tax additional funds have become available in excess of the amount anticipate when the 1969.B'l1dget was prepared, thus providing funds for employment of one additional policeman and one additional fireman, which would tend to increase. the efficiency of each of the departments and provide better pro- tection to life and property. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to employ one additional fireman and one additional policeman effective immediately. 1~.Lk ~~ ,1969. PASSED AlID APPROVED this day of Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ 1l~ Commissioners Voting No: ATTEST: ... b ~.~rZ~~ /~ . Myor L.~ Assistant City Secretary Ii II Ii Ii 'I Ii 11 [I II I' I! II II II II II .I I I I I , ,1 Ii il !' II I I , II II II If 'I I. I) II I. II II II !l II I Ii II I. I I ,! !l Ii Il II H " I' tl 11 Ii I! II . ---~-~-~-c:. . [", -~-~~~::::I: RESOLUTION NUMBER 69-12 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the :following :funds: General Fund Tax Revenue Sinking Fund Water Sewer Fund Insurance Reserve Fund Trust Ag~ncy Fund Tax Collector Fund San. Sewer Cap. Imp. Fund Ch. Amend. Res. Water Fund Ch. Amend. Res. Sewer Fund 41,000.00 47,915.00 110,000.00 25,780.00 38,225.00 40,320.00 26,915.00 26,840.00 18,510.00 Total $ 375,505.00 which will not be required for current operating expenses; and ~S, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize reinvestment of these certain sums of money; and WHEREAS, there are now funds in the University state Bank amounting to $285,580.00 invested in Certificates of Time Deposit at the rate of 6/;:% 'Which certificates mature July 16, 1969, and funds in the Southwestern Sav- ings and Loan Associat:bon amounting to $28,141.79 invested in Savings Certi- ficates .at the rate o:f 5k%, and funds in the amount of $50,000 in the Liberty SaYings and Loan Association invested in Savings Certificates at the rate of 5f%, which have now matured. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to withdraw funds from the Southwestern Savings Association in the amount of $28,141.79, plus earned interest, and to withdraw fundS' from the Liberty Savings and Loan Association in the amount of $50,000, plus earned interest, and to withdraw funds from the University State Bank in the sum of $285,580.00, plus earned interest. Section 2. That the City Treasurer is further directed to reinvest all of these funds, totaling $375,505.00, plus earned interest) in Certifi- cates of Time Deposit at ~he rate 01'6/;:%, maturing in six (6) months, in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of July, 1969. Commillsioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None ~..~~ ATTEST: .~.~ Ass1stant City Secretary / -A:C --:1-- :-~-_ -:11i__._lll:..:........ _::....:l:.:....................::L..:...:.ll..L.L.JLJ.1illJ.L.!LWlI.I.IaI:: RESOllJ'lI1ON ~ 69...13 A lmSQcWl'IGIf 0f _ am QQ_$$B W _ OM OF Wa'f tn'lm:RSM ~ ~ ~_ _ ~ ~ ~.. I~ _ 1llU1\nV~ff. ~ ~ . .. . _ _JIlOJ OlVllt ..... DIVNl!l:.. Mfilft~ ~.. - ___ ,. _ t)!'a Of ~ ~_ PrrMEAiAil.~ ~~ F$1l 'J!Hlil ~* ....~ ~..._. _A.~ em~...... _... .&un~_~~m"'A~~ tl!' $AMi ~. WE ~ mm~ w:~ ~:m$.. ~ a O~. ~.nam _ \I.G'.~ .. " 8l'fmP tit f,ri.vate .-t-...... J1.a~,_ t1\e."..bJa ~~ of the City<< ~- ~;. .. a_to., .... ~_ -..n"'. _ the tld.flP1U ~ _$ ~ ot,nl.t~ ~.Ui.tM1im:i. e.u.v ~ .. Ii..... ..llet, .ea4 . . ~. ~ ~- 0ir_~~1."" ~1I-u ,1Q 1,.. W _Wh a. ... .~a. ".~JM .'."1.14 "-1." *_.~ _' ...- 1ft_in . ....$Mb1e tie,.. to~~jt ~'~JI$.._t A~~ to 1fe ____ ._Joe f. __ t*1ic.lJhGtlQ> ia_.~~ ... ~. 1. 1.B ~._ .... __.~ .. ....~1_ fWl ~~iol:I 01 th. ~.tfll ~... ........ ,... ..t.. .. ~ ~ "Ueati__ ~"""_4 ~tn~t .. . ~, V1e O~..tv S....1_ or * 61'" at .., _"'1'" P1aeef .. the ...._ 'b. ., _C1..Of: ~ _~. ,.~, ~ to ,~ ~e the. /lat4 ~tt fil.iU-.. ,. f.W lUltUeaue_ U4 ~..... "'f.l_Ue _ _ 01_ or ~. _v....ttj:,:*~ .. .. .....__ ~ ~. ., ~, BJ: a ....... Bl TaB am ~__ Qll' _ am OF WlIlS'J! ~m ~, ..... . __1..1" 'J!Pt the ~*_ -.IW n.. ..... ttPha t. Jqni.ftJ.1I ., .. the .. 111 _~"_.lJY ~ " .. m. ~__ pf the O1V ot~ _~. -.. ~.. ~....~ a.__ p~iu.. t_ ~_tl_ _t~." 61_" _,~. Raw. ~_... "'l...fA ell ~m ~:U'r ...... ....." ... tM.... 18 ~I ~.f._._U~_.._ G1_.~""",_......" ~ ~ na.... ~ 18.....,.....~.. __...._ *' 4~...... et"V."'''' ~..,ftaM _. ~ ~ ~ tttth ~ We'" ~1_~ . . ~. Sf' Il.'bat...... t. ~ ~_ -'~. W "~1'!M411U~Gl_..~~W. .... ~_tW'... - ~ qt .. G1tr Q;9Jlq1-, fit 'tile .... fit .~9 ,__... .. .. ~1.~" is ~.~ to ~..$~~'"'' DAif....... 1u~e .. _ ~fa_ eWU ......l_..i. PA8SD. Am> AMEHm'J ~. tJ,-<{A~i _ot .~~... ,. "". ~~ v__..; iti;.L~ .- .. Z:~~ ~~- -I II --, " I . 11'~11 I 'I III III 1111I1111 Ii 'I Ii " 11 j1 11 II d [I 11 II I i I i ! I I j I' 11 II II 1I I , J i' II '1 I, II II II 'I I ,I II I RESOlliTION NUMBER 69-14 WREREAS, Mr. Walter R. Adams, Jr., employed as Assistant City Treasurer and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned from the employment of the city; and WREREAS, the resignation of Mr. Walter R. Adams, Jr., creates the necessity of appointing another employee to serve as Deputy Clerk of the Co~oration Court; and WREREAS, Mr. Danny D. Sullivan has been appointed as Assistant City Treasurer and is qualified to assume the duties of the Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mt". Danny D. Sullivan be, and he is her.eby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West Uni- versity Place, replacing said Walter R. Adams, Jr. Section 2. That the appointment of Mr. Danny D. Sullivan as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution, and he shall assume the duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of October, 1969. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~_ Commissioners Voting No: 7l~ ~dA~ ATTEST: ~c~ II " !I i, Ii l' II ,J --[~-~'-"'i- - .- . 111II1iIr """1-- r".'~-~'I~-~~ ..ilil,j iii iii:lllll REOOUJTION NUMBER 6~..1' WlmBEAS, Qity ot'tte~al$ ba~ 'been a&9'1_ by l<W. Joe C. Faeon, wt\o is .. Z111l~'t cd ~1s (lito, M4 0W'l$' of J($ ~4 114fSOtl Qil. O~. at $U.$ I{4,.wn. l{GU$t., te_IS, tbfl.1 be bd a..118>>1e a etlrtala Office ech_ If#; t$1en hU ~~ lid llO tunher use, tU14 'HDRIilAS; Mlh Joe (h ..on onem t.. p~eB1l thie. _cl1me to the City ot W_t UD.~.r.1t:Y P~ee At'lil~.ly tor th.e city'. 1,lS1iJ $)4 4iSpo#l $a 1~ .t11'!4 IllOn ~ett~l a,d ~lctall end . W1ll!m'.AS; 11.'. 1.-penl_ of the o:tt1Q$ .eb~ the City'Jll'egwrer hU t'~ 1t ~ be f;n gQ(i4 ..t1nS oGlldttte .. eMit.le to 'tihe atty's unf_ .. WRl!lW!lA.S, ~ 011.17 ~t' ~_ dv1ftaei.v off'ldaJJi! tbet the III$cbW _ be .t~ intne ~t._ ..0'\1_ t. ~._UC$ of ehe_ _ liltiiSv ,o$ttnsJ _ WH8B1llAS, *'. ~'J'e1:!$USOll1 FtelA Sen'1ee ~r f1l the 8t10llal ~ Regi.,,,,,. a~ I ... ~ llOrlaul'ted l'e~na the \Ule ot tile af$iIM _b$.....1!Id to ~ 1;t ~. tit the 4'ltyl$ .~(I~_ qatclll ~ ao .".,. . , NOW,~,. BE 1W aES01.v:l'm 1lY TIm eM COmt$SIO)J OF 'J.lHE em OF WEf1JI ~m fLAeE, fiXASt ' Seetl.on].. 'l'bat the et~ COIIIlIl1f1l..101'l hel"eb~ 1J)~t.u. the 01 ty ~ to -.cept .. blltha1t fit tke .1" OlllIUt lloOkk"'~ -.ohiM, Mo4el 11.001' Se:r1$.l ~l' ''',elSO, I. ot~4 "br Mr. 10$ o. Ea$On. $\leU_ 2. 'l'be1l 1Ine __ .. Ct.ty COIlIlI1.fl1_", on behalt' o'K. tlhe 4t't1aen. _ Uxfii G1V of Wen ~4f;ti7 na~.t .~ _ Ml'.. J~ c. Eason tbe Qt_'. a__c1atiOllead SJ'f11tttu<<. tor hie tb,oU$b.th1, upJ'e881on of drto ~e.. .. .1l<$rlU e~~t*_. Seifttoa 3.. 'J.'iJIn a COW of tthu l'leeo~'Uon 'be t~ to Mr. E$.$on .. a ~ 01 'the d'ty'.. _~1a'Wa to bill. PASSED AIm AMOVED 'th1.a L(J~ __ ot;J~, 1969 A~t 0GtIlIld..1on._ VOtilla k3e~ ~ - .~iI. Vot:U18 NO: ~ /L ~~ r.~.~ -~~~~-~-"-.r r -'!,,-.----~=- fr.'li III ill 1111111.. 'I !! ii " i! II II ,! i! II il II 11 tI Ii II I, II I i I II 'I II I, i' II 'I II 'I II II 'I [I I' 'I If II II Ii iI II H II 'I !, /I H p II H 'I II jl II fl ,I II Ii p I' I' Ii /I - ~----r~~~!"~-:-__"",~~~~= RESOLUTION NUMBER 69-16 WHEREAS, at the 61st session of the Legislature of the State of Texas, House Bill #187 was passed which enacted a Statute providing for payment of firemen and policemen as witnesses in certain court cases; and WHEREAS, city officials of the City of West University Place, Texas desire temake previsions for payment to said firemen and policemen by establishing rules and regulations for payment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sect.ion 1. Firemen and policemen shall be paid for appearance made on their time off as witnesses .in criminal suits or in suits in which the City is a partyin:- inteiEest. SE)ction 2. Payment for court appearance made on time off shall be. at the firemen and policemen J s regular rate of pay and shall be limited to the time that such firemen and policemen are required to be- in attendance on the court. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the MUnicipal Court to certify to the City Treasurer 'the time each fireman and policeman is in 'actual attendance on the C0urt by filling in the prescribed form giving the name 0f the officer, the date and court qase, and the time the officer appears at court and the time when he is dismissed from the case. Section 4. Payments in accordance with this Resolution shall commence for attendance upon the court on November .12, 1969. Secti01'l5. Payments paid. under the provisions of this Resolution and in accordance with State Statute may be taxed as court costs in civil suits in which. a fireman or policeman appears as a witness. PASSED AND APPROVED this Lcu...iL.. day of Y\~ , 1969 ATTEST: . ~ ;4L~ Assi tant City Secretary Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ n Cemmissieners Voting No: , ~. .Cftt.~~~ tI ' . =r.--'..I--.~- rr-' :LL...:..-_ _ _.:.J____.L_.!.lLL.;....lli.:.:ulL_.:j.l~ i I I I 1 i I I Ii ,II ,I I! I I I I II " 'I I, I! 1 I j II II II 11 II r ,I II II 'I I I :1 I, ,I II II Ij II j I ,I Ii n il I. Il 'I II II 'I II ----.] RESOLUTION NUMBER 69-17 WHEREAS.1 the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Cellecterts Fund derived from current tax cQllectiens which cannot be used Until the next fiscal year beginning January 1.1 1970 and which will not be then required for current eperating expenses; and WHEREAS.1 it is the objective of the City Commission to keep the city's money invested to earn additional inceme and it is necessary .j and p~udent to autherize investment of these certain funds of money. NOW, THEREFORE.1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAs: That the City Treasurer is hereby autherized and directed to invest tax collection funds in the amQunt Qf $65.1000.00 in United States Treasury BillS maturing one hundred eighty (180) days from date of purchase to bear an estimated annual interest of 7.50 percent. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~4 .d/.. day of 7l;uu~.L.J 1969 C0mmissioners Voting Aye: ~ ATTE;ST: .~..~ Assis an City Secretary r ., r .. u I ~'ulli"'11 I !II! ilUW 1IIIIIIn iI Ii Ii Ii 'I' l! Ii II II follows: I: ,I j, H II Ii .I p II II II II !I ij II I! 'I I I , ] ! I II II II 'I 'I II , i I I I I , I II !'I , II jI II II !I II Ii I! il II " 1I i I I II II I"' I ;I., .-, t RESOLUTION lIJUMBER 69-18 ;wHEREAS; the City of West University Place has funds invested as $250,,000.00 from Tax Collector's Fund in U. S. Treasury Bills at a discounted rate 01' 7.04%" due'January 2" 1970. $236,,460.00 in Certificate of Time Dep0sit #2644 in University state Bank" Houston; Texas; bearing interest at 6.25% per annum in amounts of the f0llowing funds; due January 16; 1970: Tax Revenue Sinking Water-Sewer Trust Agency Tax Collecter! s $ 47;915.00 llO;OOO.OO 38,,225.00 40,,320.00 $139,,045.00 in Certificate Gf Time Deposit #2645 in University state Bank" Houston; Texas" bearing interest at 6.25% per annum in amounts of the. following funds; due January 16; 1970: General Fund $ 41;000.00 Insurance Reserve 25..780.00 San. Sewer Cap. Imp. 26..915.00 Ch. Amend. Res. Water 26..840.00 Ch. Amend. Res. Sewer 18..510.00 and.. has accumulated $150..000.00 from current tax collections which is available for investment; and WHEREAS.. it has been determined that these funds will not be re- quired for current operations of the city government for the first six (6) months of the fiscal year 1970; and WHEREAS.. it is the objective of the City Commission to keep the City! money invested.. it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW.. THEREFORE; BE rr RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest available funds in the f(j)11owing forms Qf securities: $250..000.00 from Tax C011ector's fund in 180 day U. S. Treasury BillS at an anticipated discount rate of 7.50%. $236..460.00 from Tax Rev~nue Sinking Fund.. Water-Sewer Fund, Trust Agency Fund and Tax C(j)~lectorr s Fund.. in 180 day Certificate of Time Deposit with Vniversity State Bank at an anticipated interest of 6.25% per annum. $139..045.00; and accrued interest; from General Fund, Insurance Re- serve Fund, Sanitary Sewer Capital Dnpravement Fund.. Charter Amend- ment Reserve Water Fund and Gharter Amendment Reserve.Sewer Fund; in 180 day U. S. Treasury Bills at an anticipated discount rate of 7.50%0 $150,,000.00 from current tax cQllections in 90 day U. S. Treasury Bills at -an anticipated discount rate. of 7.50%. PASSED AND APPROVED this :J,~. day of ~..PJ .. 1969. / CommissiQners voting 'Aye: ATTEST: ~..~~~ Assistant City Secretary I ' ill 1'111'1111: Ijllln.lar" r .. ., J . Ii..., 1