HomeMy WebLinkAbout02042010 BSC Agenda Item 2 Oo Building & Standards Commission Located in the Bill Watson Conference Room, 3800 University Blvd, West University Place, Texas 77005 Meeting Minutes January 7, 2010 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp, David Flame, Karen Johnson, Laurinda Lankford, Frank Griffin, Ed Heathcott, Thomas Kearns and John Tsertos MEMBERS ABSENT: Gerami Granello STAFF PRESENT: Building Official John R. Brown, Permit Technician Josie M. Orosco and Assistant City Attorney Josh Golden GUESTS PRESENT: Steven Segal, Les Albin and J. Denis Powers [Call to Order] Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. Notices. Rules. Etc. Bryant Slimp welcomed BSC members, visitors and staff members to.the meeting. There were introductions of BSC members, staff and visitors. Bryant Slimp stated there would not be any alternate voting members for the meeting. 2. Meeting Minutes. David Flame made a motion to table the October 15, 2009 minutes. Frank Griffin seconded the motion. AYES: Bryant Slimp, David Flame, Karen Johnson, Laurinda Lankford and Frank Griffin. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Meeting minutes tabled. 3. Docket Number 2010-01 regarding Covington Builders. John Brown stated Robert Covington asked that he be put on the February agenda so that his attorney would able to attend the meeting. Mr. Brown asked BSC members that they postpone the agenda item until Mr. Covington and his attorney are able to attend the meeting. Bryant Slimp stated that many of the homes that Robert Covington built had not obtained all final inspections or certificate's of occupancy and are presently occupied. Robert Covington currently owes about $20,000 in replacement plantings. Ed Heathcott asked if there it was possible to hold further applications until the issue is resolved. John Brown stapted he and City Attorney, Alan Petrov have had some decis' ou revokin~ Robert Covington's contractor's license for a period of 30 days. Karen Johnson stated she has driven by some of the addresses in questions and it looks to her as though he has conformed to the requirements, but has not scheduled the necessary final inspections. John Brown stated he met with Robert Covington back in September 2009 to discuss the outstanding issues. Mr. Covington stated at that time, he had planted some trees at the jobsites. Mr. Brown stated it needed to be documented; he just couldn't tell the City the trees had been planted. Craig Koehl agreed to go by each address to verify the trees had been planted after getting approval from the homeowners. Mr. Covington agreed, but two days later, he stated he would have several of the homeowners file lawsuits against him. Mr. Brown stated he asked Daniel Paripovich to go by the house at 3512 Albans, where he is currently living to give Mr. Covington a citation since a certificate of occupancy had not been issued to that address yet. A citation was issued. Mr. Covington went to court and asked for an extension. Mr. Covington worked diligently to have all the necessary i 0 Building and Standards Commission Meeting Minutes January 7, 2010 inspections completed to obtain the certificate of occupancy for his residence at 3512 Albans. The citation was dismissed when he went back to court since the certificate of occupancy had been issued. John Brown stated that Mr. Covington did not attempt to complete the house at 3512 Albans until the city issued the citation. There was general discussion regarding any current projects that Mr. Covington has going on in the city. Mr. John Brown stated Mr. Covington met with Debbie Scarcella back in 2005 regarding the same issues. Mr. Covington stated he would resolve them then, but never did. David Flame made a motion to suspend Robert Covington's contractor's license until all outstanding issues have been resolved or until the hearing next month. Josh Golden stated no action could be taken since Mr. Covington has already requested a postponement and because no hearing has taken place. David Flame withdrew his original motion. Mr. Segal asked if whether the city had the right to address the homeowners to let them know there is a possible compliance issue and get permission to access their property to do the necessary inspections. After discussion from BSC members, they decided that it is Robert Covington's responsibility to contract the homeowners to gain access to do the necessary inspections. David Flame made a motion to table this item until the next BSC meeting; during that period, Robert Covington is responsible to work with city staff to provide all adequate information so the board can reach a final decision. Frank Griffin seconded the motion. AYES: Bryant Slimp, David Flame, Karen Johnson, Laurinda Lankford and Frank Griffin. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. 4. Errors and Omissions Insurance. John Brown stated since the cost of new construction is now exceeding in most cases $600,000 - $700,000; the current limits of liability for errors and omission insurance of $250,000 per claim seems extremely low. Mr. Brown stated he recommends raising the limits of liability to $1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 aggregate per year. Mr. Brown attempted to find out what the cost would be for engineers to increase their policy, but too much information is needed to get the premiums. John Tsertos stated the recommended limits of liability seem too excessive. There was general discussion regarding what the limits should be and ultimately who would be responsible for the work if there was any structural damage. Karen Johnson asked what the limits of liability were for the City of Bellaire and the City of Houston. John Brown stated he is unaware of their requirements. Laurinda Lankford recommended having two tiers of errors and omission insurance for engineers - one tier for a new home being built and another tier for a new home that is being built with a basement. There was general discussion regarding having the two tiers. The members decided just to have one tier to cause less confusion. John Brown stated the ultimate goal is to protect the homeowner. John Tsertos recommended raising the limits of general liability for general contractors as well as the engineers. Bryant Slimp stated he would like to have a request on the next BSC agenda to raise the limits of general liability for all contractors. There was general discussion if the limits of errors and omissions insurance should be based on the valuation of the home being built. Les Albans briefly explained to the BSC members that builders go with the least expensive way or minimum standards to build a home to get more profit. Karen Johnson made a motion to increase the error and omissions insurance for engineers to $500,000 with a $1,000,000 aggregate. David Flame seconded the motion. AYES: Bryant Slimp, David Flame, Karen Johnson, Laurinda Lankford and Frank Griffin. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. 5. Basements. Bryant Slimp stated he and David Flame had a joint meeting with the Chair and Vice-Chairman of ZPC and City staff. The draft report in the packets is what was discussed at the meeting. David Flame stated they discussed getting more guidance from City Council to see what direction they wanted to go because new city council members have been appointed. John Brown Page 2 of 3 Building and Standards Commission Meeting Minutes January 7, 2010 stated he was able to get with some insurance companies to find out what the cost would be to obtain insurance for a basement. The insurance company stated the cost would be based on the square footage of the house; there is not a premium for basements. Karen Johnson asked Mr. Brown if any of the insurance companies asked if the basements would be located with the flood zone district. Mr. Brown stated basements are not allowed to be built in the flood zone district at all. There was general discussion regarding whether or not BSC should require a special exception to build a basement. BSC agreed to go back to City Council to get direction. Once direction is given by City Council, then BSC would start working on the requirements for building basements. John Tsertos gave John Brown literature regarding construction details for building basements. [Adjournment] David Flame made a motion to adjourn. Frank Griffin seconded the motion. AYES: Bryant Slimp, David Flame, Karen Johnson, Laurinda Lankford and Frank Griffin. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2010 Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: Ms. Josie M. Orosco, Permit Technician Page 3 of 3