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_;,A U Soccer Day'.
Mayor Bill Watson signed a proclamation recognizing Saturday, November 20, 1993,
as West U Soccer Day in West University Place. The Soccer Club is a completely volun-
teer organization serving over 900 area children. It is recognized as one of the impor-
tant community assets contributing to the quality of life that makes this such a great
place to live. The Board of Directors include Bob Fry (Pr es id en t), Rick Holi
, ington
(Vice President), Larry Veselka (Secretary), Bill Reiss (Treasurer), Tom Troll, Larry
City Currents is printed on Massey, Dan Butterwick, Dick Hamill, David Lahmlein, Bill Mack, Terri Warren, Jeff
recycled paper! Overstreet, Steve Scott, Mike Monks, Robert LaForge, Patty Sparks, Becky Cubberly,
George Herman, Kathy Eason, Becky Page, Tori Snyder, See Directors, Page 4
Mayor Bill Watson (665-3969) Mayor Pro Tem Tom Rushing (666-0434)
City Council Members Teresa W. Fogler (664-6433), Linda Lewis (662-5812), Stan McCandless (669-1830)
City Manager Michael Tanner (662-5812)
3800 University Boulevard - Houston, Texas 77005
Jan-l.,_-°y Y3,
Page 2
As we start the new year, Seniors should
remember that we have many activities held
in the Senior Wing almost all day long. If
you have decided you need to start
exercising, we have two types of classes.
In addition to "Sit and Get Fit" and "Early
Risers" we offer hula and line dance. Need
to develop your creative skills? How about
joining the beading or ceramic class?
Maybe your social circle needs expanding.
We enjoy dart baseball, bridge and bingo
weekly. If you yearn to travel, but don't
want to leave town, you can end the wan-
derlust with slide shows on Tuesday after-
This is a short rundown of some of our
regularly scheduled activities that will help
you get fit, enhance your well-being and
keep you social calendar full. We also of-
fer day trips, seminars, luncheons and par-
ties. Please refer to our latest brochure that
should have recently arrived in your mail.
Don't forget that we also offer rides to visit
a doctor, dentist or beauty shop. Grocery
shopping happens on Thursday mornings.
This year make it your resolution to join
up with Senior Services. We would love to
have you!
Events - Call 668-8478 for reservations
January 6, Thursday - Line Dance re-
sumes for another ten-week program. 12
noon - 1:30pm, $30 for the ten sessions.
January 11, Tuesday - Tour the newly
renovated Bayou Bend. Two groups of six
will take a 90-minute tour. There are stairs
to climb and you must be able to stand
throughout the tour. $8.50, Tours at lpm
and 2pm.
January 14, Friday - Beat the Winter
Blahs Party at St. George Orthodox Church.
Enjoy a famous spaghetti lunch while be-
ing entertained by a trio from the Jalapenos
Salsa band. 12 noon, Free.
January 25, Tuesday - Slide show pre-
sentation on Galveston hosted by Houston's
well known Ray Miller. 2pm, Free.
February 4, Friday - AARP Tax Assis-
tance begins. Every Friday until April 15
from l0am - lpm. You must call and make
a reservation. Free.
Don't forget to protect your pipes
during this cold time of the year.
a continuing series, the results of our recent citizen survey on City
Services and Safe are detailed below.
1. How weld you rate these City Services?
First Interstate Bank '
Houston Bread Company
West U Little League
Remember - Be ready to watch the race by 8:30am. There will be over 50 West U
Runners. Call 745-0208 to help! Larry Massey, Hoopla Coordinator
Friends of West U
Building and
Committee @
Parks Board @
Standards Commis-
7:30pm, Council
sion @ 6:30pm,
Parks Board @
Council Chamber
7:30pm, Conference
Capital Improve-
ments Task Force @
Building Quality Task
7:30 pm Conference
Force @ 7:30pm,
Council Chamber
West University
City Council
Recycling Commit-
Building Quality Task
Zoning & Planning
Little League
Workshop @
tee @ 7:00 pm,
Force @ 7:30pm,
Commission @
Registration, Noon
6:30pm, Conference
Police Department
Council Chamber
7:30pm, Council
to 3:00pm,
Community Center
City Council
Meeting @ 7:30pm
9 10 11 12 13
Marathon Building Quality Task Zoning Board of
Contact Larry Force @ 7:30pm, Adjustment @
Massey @ 745-0208 Council Chamber 7:30pm, Council
to help with Hoopla Chamber
16 17
City Council
Workshop @
6:30pm, Conference
City Council
Meeting @ 7:30pm
18 19
Building Quality Task
Force @ 7:30pm,
Police Department
Public Hearing on
Trees @ 9:30am,
Council Chamber
Softball Registration
Deadline, Call Peggy
Eggleston @ 669-
141 15
20 21 22
Pershing Middle Softball Tryouts
School - Texas from 9:00am to
Club Dance 1:00pm, Softball
231 241 251 261 27' 281 29
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To stop the thief of elevation known as subsidence, the Texas Legislature created the
Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District ("Subsidence District") in 1975 to regu-
We all make resolutions in January to
late the withdrawal of ground-water within Harris and Galveston counties. The Subsid-
improve our fitness why not include a
ence District is a local governmental agency created "...for the purpose of ending subsid-
resolution to care for the Earth's fitness this
ence which contributes to, or precipitates, flooding, inundation, or overflow of any area
year, too!
within the District, including, without limitation, rising waters resulting from storms or
Resolve to DUCE the amount of gar-
hurricanes." The Subsidence District has required cities such as West University, that
bage your household generates by buying
rely on groundwater as a water supply, to convert to a combined use of both ground-
in bulk and by choosing products in refill-
water and surface water. The surface water to be used by West University will be pur-
able containers (dishwashing detergent, for
chased from the City of Houston.
example.) Try to make good choices when
The Subsidence District is governed by a 17-member Board of Directors appointed by
purchasing, based on the least amount of
local government officials. The Subsidence District has no taxing authority and is self-
supporting, raising revenue through the permitting of water wells. In order to drill or
Resolve to USE everything possible.
operate a well in Harris or Galveston counties, a permit from the Subsidence District is
Now is a good time to give each member of
required. Currently, three wells provide water to the residents of West University.
your family a cloth napkin to use at each
The Subsidence District tracks the rate of subsidence at 11 monitors located across the
meal. You can feel good about saving a
Harris-Galveston County area. These monitors, known as extensometers, measure the
tree every tiar.;-- r ie napkin is reused. Con-
amount of subsidence at a given location over time. One such extensometer, labeled the
sider using y,? . c plates instead of paper
Southwest Houston Extensometer, is located in the general area of West University. The
plates for pie _ i - but don't throw them
cumulative readings of the Southwest Houston Extensometer are shown on the graph
away! Use thej again.
Resolve to RECYCLE more than you al-
As shown on the graph, approximately 1.5 feet of compaction (i.e. subsidence) oc-
ready do. if you don't participate in the
curred at the southwest Houston station from 1950-1992. In recent years, current rates of
program yet, try to at least set newspap,
subsidence in our area of the county were approximately 1.5 inches per year.
and junk mail aside to be picked up L
To reduce further sinking of West University and other areas in southwest Houston, the
Wednesdays. The largest portion of gar-
Subsidence District implemented a plan to rewire a greater use of surface water (i.e.
bage sent to the landfill is paper, and it can
lakes and rivers) for water supply with less dependence or, groundwater. Again, exces-
be recycled! If you are already committed
sive withdrawals of groundwater cause the ground to settle and the result is subsidence.
to recycling, consider taking plastic 1 and
A result of the Subsidence District's plan is that West University no longer can rely
2 to a nearby facility that accepts it.
entirely on groundwater for its water supply, but will start using primarily surface water
Be sure to have your Christmas trees on
provided by the City of Houston in the fail of 1994. Once the plan is implemented, the
the curb by Monday, January 10th. They
water supply of West University will be comprised of 80% surface water and 20% ground-
will be picked up by a separate truck that
water. The conversion is coming and future issues of the City Currents will present
week, Leave off any wrapping and remove
advice on how to prepare for the change.
the stand. it is important that you remove
0 o
all nails, because the tree will be chipped
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
and turned into compost, and nails will
damage the equipment.
P -0.5
_ _
Do the right thing. If you miss the spe-
cial pickup, your tree will go, with the gar-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bage, to the landfill rather than be turned
into compost. What a sad fate! Start your
year in an environmentally friendly way--
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the Recycling Committee thanks you!
2 2
Questions? Call Cindy Neal -Chair, Re-
- - - " '
cycling Committee (665-3949) or Kim -
-2.5 uU a z •2.5
Department of Solid Waste (662-5539).
Directors, continues' from page one
Larry Ellis, Richard de la Torre, Jane Huckaba, Janet Boggs, Clara Samuelson, Margie McNabb, Emily Booth, Rick Shallenberger,
Tom Smith, Jean Polichino, Bob Barnett, Tom Dyer, Mike Fitzgerald, Robert Baumgartner, Barry Loder, Polly Kinnibrough, Joe
Rousmaniere, Ray Weems, Ken Sparks, Lance Hellerman, Jim Kahlden, Martha Loder, Norman Riedmueller and Bill Watts.
CrT' 7
Park Lover's Ua l
Be one of 400 lucky persons attend-
ing the fun-filled West University Park Lov-
ers' Ball, February 12, 1994, at the
Wyndham Warwick Hotel. Be a grand spon-
sor, sponsor, patron, underwriter or buy
individual tickets at $40, $70 and $100.
Proceeds go to enhance our parks and your
support is needed. Seating is limited. Call
Gayle Jackson, 667-0027, or Ginni Mithoff,
666-8941, and enjoy a wonderful
Valentine's evening.
Park Pavers
Honor your family, remember a friend.
For $300, an engraved brick is put in the
park of your choice and your payment is
used to help expand and improve West
University parks. For more information,
call Mark Spradling at 758-2828.
Donations and Bequests
Give some thought to leaving a bequest,
a meaningful decision that will benefit West
U parkgoers for generations to come. Do-
nations to special projects in the form of
gifts and memorials are special ways to
assist in making our green space more at-
tractive for all. And don't forget to check a
monthly donation to the Parks Fund on your
water bill. Cali 668-8096 for information.
Great Decisions
Foreign Affairs Discussion Groups
Puzzled or intrigued by the "Flew World
Disorder" in the wake of the collapse of
the Soviet Union? Would you like to know
more about the many changes in the world
without having to study for finals? Then
join a Great Decisions discussion group (no
Great Decisions is the nation's oldest and
most popular program of citizen education
in world affairs. Discussions groups are
informal and meet monthly or bi-monthly
in the homes of the participants. Topics are
selected from the Great Decisions briefing
book, written under the auspices of theFor-
eign Policy Association. A few of the 1994
topics are "Conflict in Former Yugoslavia,"
"Trade with the Pacific Rim," and "Islam
and Politics." For more information about
a group that meets in the West University
area, call Virginia Clark, 665-6189, or Mar-
guerite Claghorn, Coordinator, 669-8335.
A ;s S._ccess Story
The Campaign for West University Place
Parks which began formally in 1990 is en-
joying increased activity every year. The
bulk of this success is due in no small part
to you, the citizens of West University
Place. Your support of the fund-raising ac-
tivities of the Friends of West University
Place Parks Fund, Inc. (Friends) and the
planning and implementation endeavors of
the West University Place Parks and Rec-
reation Board (P&r ) have been instru-
mental in building the momentum.
The Park Lover's Ball is now in its third
year and we anticipate another rousing
"Park Party." ParkFest will be held at Co-
lonial Park for so that more of you can en-
joy our annual celebration of spring. The
Park Pavers Program is lending a touch of
warmth to our greenspace.
The city itself has become more proactive
with the addition of an Urban Forester and
Parks and Recreation Director to the staff.
These augmentations, combined with the
new tree ordinance, position West U. to
prudently manage its continued develop-
ment. You are also probably aware of
council's recent decision to budget a "park
a year" for refurbishment.
Outside sources have recognized our ac-
complishments. The Park People of Hous-
ton awarded the Friends, P&RB, the city
and the Tree People the Synergy Award at
its 1993 Spring Awards Banquet. Addi-
tionally, the Wortham Foundation, Inc., has
recently granted another $50,000 to the
Our program started slowly. However,
we now find ourselves, with your help,
gathering speed with each passing month.
The results of all of our efforts are tangible
with improvements in all the neighborhood
parks. If you would like more information
or just have questions, please do not hesi-
tate to call any of the Friends or P&RB.
We can be reached most easily through the
Parks and Recreation Department. Thank
you for your support.
Board of Directors
The Friends Parks Fund, Inc.
i You Know?
Recently, the Friends transferred $70,000
for parks and greenspace enhancement?
These are your donations at work!
Ross Frazer, Chairman, Friends
est IJ J~
Have you noticed the school lately? As
the designated "town square" of West U,
we have adopted the stance of bringing the
school-grounds to first class status. Not only
is it a school for 1100 students, but it is
West U's largest park which we can all en-
joy. In front of the school, we now have
azaleas, crepe myrtles, ball cypress trees,
wrought iron fencing, and, of course, 4000
square feet of pavers. The city is starting
to upgrade the drainage around the school.
We want West U Elementary to be a show-
case, and I think it is getting there. This
project was accomplished with the enor-
mous effort of the following people:
Buddy Bell, Tom, Michael, and Christo-
pher Brombacher, Ann, Roger, and Chris-
topher Martin, Sue, Bob and Chris Palmer,
Jim and Tim McGregor, Leba, Rick,
Nathaniel and Benjamin Shallenberger,
Charlie Westin, Bob and John Semands,
Mike and Kathy Eason, Diane McNealy,
Sharon d'Orsey, Pamela Blakely, Marga-
ret, Enrique, Erick and Ryan Sanchez,
Gene Rock, Jeff Overhouse, Mike Pa,
Mark Lowes, Gigi Hergenroeder, Dote
Dawson, Brad and Mason Boswell, Ronald
Ross, Pinet, Annie, Georgia and James
McBride, Allison Randall, Diane
Schroeder, Gary Rachlin, Dave Houston,
Sarah Koller, Rick Spencer, Skip Rowley,
and Martha and Marianne Hablinski, Leon
Ahlers, James Short, Blake Willeford, John
Horne, Chris Haggerty, John Short, Andrew
Novotny, Casey Brown, Chris Parlette,
August Endsley, Jay Crossley, and Angus
Young, Mayor Bill Watson, and Dr. Ide and
her family.
Buddy Bell, Chairman
West U Elementary Grounds Committee
P.S. If you would like to donate a bench
for the school, please contact me, at 661-
Flag Contest!
Imagine a West University Place flag fly-
ing high over City Hall. This is what city
council members are hoping to see in the
near future, and your help is needed. Resi-
dents, (kids too!) are invited to submit
flag design to City Hall by Friday, Febf
ary 4th. The winner, to be announced at
Park Fest, will receive an annual pass al-
lowing full usage of Colonial Park.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Please reserve:
$2,000 Grand Sponsor Table $500 4 Underwriter Tickets
$1,000 Sponsor Table
$ 700 Patron Table
$100 Park Lover Ticket
$ 70 Tree Hugger Ticket
(Tables Seat 10) $ 40 Grass Rooter Ticket
I Cannot Attend, But I Am Sending A Donation Of: $
Enclosed is my check for payable to:
Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc.
-.1-- - . . Q__
Page 8
The following residents have volunteered to help make our community safer by be-
coming Block C
aptains. If you would like to know more about the Neighborhood Watch
Program or becoming a Block Captain, please call Bob Cleary at 668-5928.
3330 Albans
Ray and Sue Herndon
6400 CommunityLarry Massey
4100 Albans
Mary Lee Gray
6600 CommunityLinda George Smith
2931 Amherst
Ben & Valerie Sheppard
2900 Duke Lloyd t Emily Castanedo
2800 Amherst
Lorie Landers
27001~enwood Lou Bailey
2800 Amherst
Suzanne Gutherie
2900 Georgetown-Michael & Lila Mazzone
2900 Amherst
John Monahan
3000 Georgetown-Jane McCarthy
3100 Amherst
Burt Balafante
3100 Georgetown-Tom Brombacher
2700 Arbuckle
Tracy Christopher
3200 (Georgetown-Richard Schechter
3700 Arnold
Linda Masera
2800 Jarrard Leslie Beck
4000 Arnold
Marilyn Dorries
4200 Judson Rick Peters
6500 Belmont
Donna Jaschke
3100 Lafayette Jane Huckeba
6300 Belmont
Jim Council
4000 Marlowe Doug Durham
6300 Belmont
Bob Higley
4000 Marquette Rebecca Caldwell
6400 Belmont
Tom & Nance Peery
6300 Mercer Victoria Harshbarger
6700 Belmont
Rolla Long
4100 Milton Mary Ann Harrison
3300 Bissonnet
Mike Eason
2800 Nottingham-Linda Notch
6500 Brompton
Dorothy Reiger
2900 Nottin i -Cullen Duke
6700 Brompton
Linda Lewis
3200 D'a - _ .-Whitt Johnson
4100 Browning
Donna Smiley
3700 Nottingham-Randy Hardy
5700 Buffalo Sp
. Joanne Flynn
4100 Oberlin Jennifer Lin
6300 Buffalo Sp
. Rick Spencer
30GO Pittsburg Michael Walsh
6400 Buffalo Sp
. Walt Wissel
2800 Plumb Kenneth Rogers
6400 Buffalo Sp
. Cora Bess Parks
3000 Plumb Phil Williams
3900 Byron
Dave Zeger
3700 Plumb Bob Kelly
2600 Carolina WPeter Powell
2900 Rice Carolann Krause
2700 Carolina WPeter all
3000 Rice Barry Smitherman
3800 Case
Reid Wilson
3100 Rice Cara Wallin Reid
4100 Case
Nita Macha
3700 Rice Stan McCandless
4200 Case
Stephanie Kissner
3700 Rice Jim Sowers
2900 Cason
Beth Ann Bryan
4200 Rice Mike Krueger
3600 Cason
Venugopal Menon
4215 Riley (Georgette Therault
3800 Coleridge
Edie Vaughan
- litional Block Captains
4100 Coleridge
- L s ~"'Sted ne, o, - 'EI
City (a -.3t U--' mace
3800 Uin ersity NO.
Houston, Tex °7°7005