HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.67 RESOIDTION NUMBER 67-l WHEREAS, it is the dutyoof the City Commission of the City of West University Place, ~exas, as soon as practical. after the election of a new City Commission, 'toappoin't a Judge of 'the Corpora'tion Court of saidCi'ty; a City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney; a City Treasurer, T,ax-Assessor/Collector and Assistant, as may be necessary to transact the city's legal and financial ai'f!iirs; and ! WHEREAS, the City Commission was elected at the last regular election held on the eighth day of November, 1966; ! NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLvED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY: OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Section l. Tha't the City Commission of the City of West University Place hereby names and appoin'ts D. Gale Reese, a duly, licensed and'practicing a'ttorney, as Judge of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby inve::;ted with all powers and authority as set forth for a Corporation Court Judge in the Charter of said City and the statutes of the state of Texas. ' Sec'tion 2. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Charles iF. Cockrell, Jr.,'a duly licensed and practicing attorney, City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby, invested with an of' the powers and du'ties as set forth in the Charter of said City and the statutes of the State of Texas. Section 3. The City Commission hereby names and appoin'ts O. Joseph Damiani, a duly licensed and practic~g attorney, as Assistant City Attorney of the Ci'ty of West University Place, ' Texas. ! Section 4. The Ci'ty Commission hereby names and appoints William: Dittert, Jr., as City Treasurer and Tax AS,pessor- ' Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he lis hereby investe with all of the duties and respoD,sibilities 'as se't forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of 'the sta'te of Texas. Sec'tion 5. The Ci'ty Commission hereby names and appoints Walter :a. Adams as Assistant City Treasurer and Tax Assessor-Collec'tor of the Ci'ty of: West University Place, Texas. Section 6. That each official hereby appointed shallreBeive mont~ compensa'tion for the performance of their duties, iri accordance with the hel?e- tofore adop'ted salary schedule. Section 7. The persons appointed to the respective offices shall: serve until. the neXt regular City General Election, and thereai'te:r; unt~& the appointment and qualification of their successors~ unless discharged by the City Commission for just cause. PASSED Al'ID APPROVED this 9th day of January, 1967. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: ///1 A6J<<- / ~~/ - MAYOR ATTEST: . , ,c' -Ii' 'I , iii 11"! Lilli Ii' Ililllllill~J113nll&llIllI_1 ,lII. ,II" iIII ~.w.uON ~ 67..2 ~ ~"'. RGU\:Jen tf.. :!;lal1ftak, ift., ElIUplo,y~ ae AS$1l!rtanC e-ity ~a.su~ and ap,ointed :i:lepU't3r Cl-uk of 'bM eo~t1on ~ IiItt tb,$ Clity of We.$t trn1vevS'~'t'f fia_. ~~1 M$ "fi!f.~lll. tJ'OIG the elIl1l~t of t~ city; and ~, 1ihe. Vea~t1iQ1 Qf t@. ~ubeJl if. hnG.ak,. 3.'1:. dreaWs the , ne~$td.t1 of ap,o~~ ~ $lIl.,~e tQ i'lliilrv& as llIe~ty C~e:1'k of the ~~tlon ~tJ aud ~., Ml". Wil'tiW.. __$1 Jr.. ball been aP'P01nfl$i (is Ass13t&n'b Cltu ~~Ul"e aud is q!:l$U.nEld to €l$$Ulll.e, 'CD ,dU'bt$S: of tb.$ ne~uty Gle1'k lit! tbe a~t1on Co~;: PI ~. B1ll r.r ~'lY' 'lBI CPn ~__ OF _ em OF WSI'l ~~, ~t ~1&,~ Ula't Me. walt.- a. ~1 J~. be, and ~ U ~;ebU4- app.t.ed ])eputy C~"k Gt ~ ~t1on CD~ ottbe ~f.ty ot West _~vel"e1w lJ1aQej> M~ .i4lltlUben J", ~kl b:u .- SUtitm e. b~~' 'IU),~~t of ,Mr.. Wt4_~ a. ~I' h. ae De~ O~ of- the <W~fttton, Q~, 01' t!he, Ctty 01' _$' ~VU$t'eJ" 'J.aee, ~s alla.n b& &tf~'t.ve wit-ll 'the ~$SA\l6<< Q"$ '1:!hlaBeso3J.:/:bi.., and he simU a~ the aG1~ dut$i!J& (Jt ~P~1 Gl~ after bavUe -.: a4lll1ul__eo. .. liI~opet" Qai)h, of Office. 'A88l!ID _ ~_.thU . <<at' f4 J;~ 1"14 ~siQJl.$ V~ .ve.~tI:, , Callti$ill~" Vd_.OJ /O~ '" ~ . ~ '- . ..... .' - t_ .~ A._. ~ --r:--n. RESOTIJTION NOMBER -67-2 WHEREAS, Mr. Reuben J. Danchak, Jr., employed as Assistan't City Treasurer and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned from the employment of the city; and 'WHEREAS, the resignation of Mr. Reuben J. Danchak, Jr. creates the necessi'ty of appointing another employee to serve as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court; and WHEREAS, Mr. W1Uter R. Adams, Jr. has been appointed as Assistant City Treasurer and is qualified to assume the duties of the Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court; NOW, THEREFORE, BE :rr RESOLVED BY THE C:rrY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS:rry PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Walter R. Adams, Jr. be, and he is hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court .of the City of West University Place, replacing said Reuben J. Dahchak,Jr.. Section 2. That the appointment of Mr. Walter R~ Adams; Jr. as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution, and he shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having ~een administered the proper Oa'th of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of January. 1967. Commissioners Voting Aye: 4f.b r Commissioners Voting No: /j/'/J.4lA./ ~' MAYOR ATTEST: ,,""- E::-C::='=:"~_='=~=~C.::::::lu. ---'-'-.. __CCC 1-' -.lJJ.:_-1I..:.:.-:..- !u':"::' _:_:IL:!......lLl.LI"'Il.I.llli'Il'UII_.: I I " RESOIDTION NUMBER 67- 3 A RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF A REFEREIIDUM ELECTION IN THE, CITY OF WEST UJ.IITIlERSITY, PLACE, TEXAS HELD ON THE 28TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1967 FOR TEE PURPOSE OF PERMITTING QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF TEE CITY TO VOTE "FOR" OR "AGAINST" ORDINANCE NUMBER 879; DECLARING THE RESULTS OF SUCH ELEC- TION; AND CERTIFYING SAID RESULTS. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, the Texas Election Code and Ordinance number 882 of the City of West University Place, a City Referendum Election was held on January 28, 1967 in the City of ,West University Place, Texas, as required by petition duly filed by petitioners for referendum, at, which time ordinance number 879, creating a Townhouse Dwelling District on Lots 1 through 16, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition was submitted to the electors for approval or rejection by voting "for" or "against" the or,dinance; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29 of the Texas Election Code, the judges of the election have rna8:e out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope,) the returns of said election, together with the poll lists and tally lists to the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University Place:, Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, assembled in recessed session on January 31, 1967, have opened 'and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with provisions of the City Char- ter and the Texas Election Code, and as a result; of such examination and canvass, the Mayor and City Commissioners find that at such election, the following votes were cast: Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 15 87 133 183 "For" Ordinance 879 300 237 192 303 "Against" O:r',dinance 879 303 241 154 147, and WHEREAS, there were cast in said election :1,,8.1.1., votes, of which number there were cast 1 032 votes "For" ordinance number 879, and ~ votes "against" ordinance 1379, as shown in the, official election retu:r:ns- heretofore submitted to the City Commission and filed with the City Secretary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That said Referendum Election was duly called and notice thereof given in accordance with Law and that said election was held on January 28, 1967 in the manner required by Law; that due returns of said election have been made by 'the proper officials; that said election has resulted in the approval of Ordinance number 879 by a majority of the elec- tors voting in said Referendum Election. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3' a+day of JliW1Q:F~ > 1967. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None ATTEST.: ~r 'MAYOR -/ ~ . ,4, . ~ ,", ~. , ',:t4, ') .-~~~e~. .. ----L~~o~'T~"~~O~o~~~::::L-- __.. =:::J["CO~I~~C~ "i U, _ ,L_U.LLiWlUlLiIIIliIIIIr .-.... RESOLUTION NUMBER 67-4 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have con- tacted and investigated numerous qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Boards as set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Boards as set forth hereinbelow: Electrical Board A. L. Bodden, Jr. A. B. Fisk J. D. Allstott B. B. Byrne Robert O. Randle Health Board Dr~ Howard L. Evans Frank Stewart Dr. L. D. Farragut, Ex Officio, Dr. N. C. Windrow Dr. Alan Alexander Personnel Board 'J. Claude Morton W. E. Furley , Edwin W. Morris Thad B. Sanders, Advisory Member Victor F. Grima, Advisory Member Plumbin2: Board Tom I. Jones J. D. Allstott Zoning and Plannin2: Commission David W. Hannah L. B. Bricker H. E. Lott R. C. Hilton E. Gene Hines Zoning Board of Adiustment J. C. Snyder B. E. Frank W. B. Whenthoff John Neighbors, Alternate L. G. Livermore D. L. Murff Sam Wheeler, Alternate Tax Board of Eaualization W. J. Beirne Noel B. Proctor James K. Hilliard Charles A. Gillan, Alternate / -2- 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the respective Boards shall serve without compensation. 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the respective Boards shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED 'AND APPROVED THIS 13th day of February, 1967. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE: rf1b ~ COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO: ~ MAYOR ATTEST: ------ - -------------.---.---.-~E':___~_~_________.__.:~ ____-----01:-.. .,..:.~~_'"_'..1._._'____',l"'..:.......Ll..L.ll....Ill_'21l.l.lL.~- QS0WI~If ~ 67..; ! ~f the ijonQ_a.e GGJ.$rjie~~$lm bae 1ienQ.el.'Cild b1.~ W:l,tw~ ~1J~t~oaas .6 ~;t< ot the 01t:r~$$ton of th~ C1. O'E W$.$'t urd.ve~$:i;ty p~~, llellUl ~, ~,. ~~;tQU~ ;D-.tok\1uQa bas iUse~ tWa Clutll.e,ll am Qb,1.i-'l-QJUl ~$ a e~_~:r fa.. fa$.~",$1Q. ~~ ~J1J _ ~# ~$$i;meJi' w,*1Q.. .. 1:lo'et~. aeweti ~ ~1t,. 1n othfw oftl.,. cepllcltle$#c ~'UI well .a ~"DS a 1$.~il ~ his tiu to , , ~e~ ctvle _t.., .. the C:1t,. OOllllllt.g. Geei.. 1;0 e___ i:t$ eppre.. olat$.QJ:I. t_~ei'~ >>t4m~'ss~eee to the Qi't7. ., ~. lB. IT J.Ul1SI)iV1I11) J''!' WD ClWI ~ OJ' _ em 0E"~Imf~, -.: $e~lol'il 1. ~t _~. ~.rd.oD, of iihe e1~ 1iiIt, West Ui11vers1$y P.:l,aee, ~,' ~_l>,. ~". $t.lJ oU~l I:Ptwoiati$ to ~s$i.Q'.lV . - . . . , Gef>>;'_ M~\!;P'l_ ,q4 bt.s ~,.tOJi> tQ, _,Qt&on ofbi$ t_ au4 .... in the pl.\st to the ~tt. _ ~t ott" 'tlhe o1_p~t" l;Ieetion 2. btc U t~ fIN~ r4,~ _,~cta'ttoa of tM C:l:t<re~l.cm #em, *""1... ,flit ~..>>tcJUu_" the CiV ~ ;1$' b.erebv a.__eted tQ ~" taU ~t'" t'()~' ~, \lpg., ~e _f~ mUl~S of the Olty of ~ ~V$.'!S". ~-I _ to 49J;'iverf to *. ~.. J)t.o~~on. 'U'ue ~ c~et ~ of '~ ~_, ,,1p.$4 by t~~ u4 ~ 0$.1>7 ~~$~. ~ _ ~ \\Me ~~,_ of ~ ~,;..' ~f .... " ~ " ,',' '" ,',. V ",..'..,",""..~~ ~'- . - '.:~ ---_.._._-~---- u.~-.-~~ _ __:iLJ......U.LLlli.:...!.lll.ll..L.J..1IlI.aIIl.. RESOIDTION :NUMBER 67-6 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint menibers of various Boards; and WREREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and investigated numerous qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; a d WHEREAS, these persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Plumbing Board of the City of West University Place. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Plumbing Board of the City of West University Place, Texas, in addition to Mr. Tom I. Jones, City Engineer, and Mr. J. D. Allstott, Building Inspector for the city, previously appointed to said Board in Resolution 67-1+: Merrill Wh~tehead Gerald Kerbow T. W. Smith Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to said Plumbing Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the said Plumbing Board shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution or until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27th day of March, 1967. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ,~,_/ ~. , , ~4 ' ' Mayor ATTEST: ~4rif~~4d s . tant ity Secretary --------'--r:O"--":':'-:L~~-=:~~ _~..__.J- -"',~-' u( .~_ . U:._.__:;L:.:.....ULLlllJ.JJ.ILiillIIlIIIlI.::- RESOLUTION NUMBER 67-7 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has on deposit in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, the sum of $11,700, plus accrued interest, in the form of a Certificate of Time Deposit, bearing interest at the rate of 5% per annum; and WHERE&S, the said Certificate of Time Deposit has matured and said fund should be reinvested to earn interest, in keeping with the policy heretofore adopted by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the said $11,700, plus accrued interest, ,consists of money to the credit of the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, which is being held to pay interes and principle on the city's bonded indebtedness and is 'not required for the' operation of the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BYl'HE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to reinvest the heretofore des'cribed $11,700, plus accrued interest, in a Certificate of Time Deposit with the University State Bank, maturing six mont]:is from date of deposit, at an agreed interest rate of 5% per annum. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of March, 1967. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~..<r4hA~~ sistant City Secretary -~ rC<'C~'C"f~CCC~~"~-~' ,lI"'CCf[ - 1li "11' :il'! III I 1I11'I!lh IilllImr RESOLUTION NO. p?-f WHEREAS; the City Commission has been presented with a statement by Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. in the amount of $1,050.00 for legal services rendered to the City in connection with the re-aoning of Lots 1 thought 16, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition, City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, it is recognized by the City Commission that such services were essential to and requested by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission further recognizes that such services were in addition to the, normal and regular duties of Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. as City Attorney, and that said Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. is entitled to be compensated for said services: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to pay the statement in the amount of $1,050.00 rendered to the City by CharlesF. Cockrell, Jr. for legal services as detailed in said statement. PASSED and APPROVED this o<.j?~ day of ~ , 1967. ~;4' Mayor ATTEST: ~<f~/t-it$r~h~/ -- City Secretary , RESOIDTION 67-9 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector's fund which will not be required for current operat- ing expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW, THEBEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: -1."1;,.- $~~-i~~OO - Tax Collector's Fund With University State Bank for the period of s,ix (6) months at 5!% interest rate~ PASSED.AND APPROVED the 13th day of November, A. D., 1967 ~~/ Mayor City of West University Place ATTEST: ~~ A .t' t' C.t -- , ' , ss~s an , ~'y'Secretary -- .." - ---E-:-'~~:-=-,--. --=-____~~ __ __----L..l.-. __~~:""=-""""Tr ---. , 11i:'.:~,-. !u...::. _:-,-jiITiIlTFm~---- RESOLUTION NUMBER 67-10 WHEREAS) by Resolution #66-11 City Officials determined that it was to the best interest of the citizens of, this city to join the Houston-Galves- ton Area Council) and adopted the by-laws of such Association; and WHEREAS) by Resolution #66-15) dated November 28) 1966) Mayor O. P. Gill was designated as the City's representative on the Houston-Galveston Area Council; and WHEREAS) it is requested by Dixie Brown) President of the Houston- Galveston Area Council that the term of the voting representative of the general membership should run concurrently with the term of the elected of- ficials of the Houston-Galveston Area Council) and that a duly appointed representative of each of the governmental units should be named or confirmed for the year 1968. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY. OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectton 1. That Mayor O. P. Gill be) and he is hereby) designated and confirmed as the City's representative on the Houston-Galveston Area Council) such period of appointment to expire December 1) 1968. Section 2. That the Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notifie4. of Mayor o. P. Gill's designation as the City's represen- tative by copy of this Resolution. PASSED AIID J\PPROVED this 26th day of December) 1967. CO)lllllissioners Voting Aye: tlLL- CO)lllllissioners Voting No: /t~ ~~/ MAYOR ATTEST: ;(~ ~~-C Assistant City Secr<e ary .[-.",. -,. "i. ',["-- III' 11 ,11111.,-111'1111111111111'" USo.tm!lOlf m>:_ 6''''11 ~, tbe a1tv Q'f WQ$t lhlivel'si'ty Pl-Q.ctt ~ e.~ ..~a.bl$ :,1~" ~n the f:l:lX B$J.leQtopt $ hd .1_ will _t ,. req\f1:re4. t.r ~_ operlitt.. 1_ ~_Ath $Wil ,.~. ~. i.' 1$ the ob3eetive ~ tbl Ctty e~fuJi~1) 1)() lte~ AU of th. <city. it ~",tav$$'lie4 to .~ &I.d1tiOnal 1.~ ~ 't 1s nee_as.,- .. :p~to authOr!" 1l'w.$~t Gt~. 'e~;t.JJ f;umst>f "rl _.~OB. .. If lIS<UJD BY " Gm COJIaIatol 0f _ OIWrO' 1fD'l '. ~ ' .if__ "'.:, ~, ~ ,~, ti.~7 i~eJ' b h.~4W..ei to ~$' ~$ t. tl.'~' en ."..<<l ~,~ t_, ' , .U~_. $ .... ill . e~t.Ao:..h et t.. ~tt witb tha'lYtd.w..tv "~ Jaa'It to~ a ,..1~'_ . (6) , _ill$ .it ~ t.~at .te. _usn an4.... tM$ ~ ~ (it ~~1'. 1~'; e~a.lf:_n v__ Ay.. ,~, r e~Ba1(}_l'"s V~ W...l"~ .,~, ).!T :.~ 4~1 ~ ,,// "~,4ti~~~~ A$$1$tet Ciif te.:rtetaq Fu~~,-' "" ->~ ,iT - rl - -0-_ -- r:-"""'--~il: III l~nll.lIIllllllll_l-