HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.64 RESOIDTION NO. 64-1 WHEREAS, on the l2th day of September, 1960, by Resolution #60-17, a procedure was established for the handling of BAIL BOND FUNDS, to account for such monies deposited by persons placing money as Bail Bond with the city, in order to obtain release from custody; and WHEREAS, a separate fund known as City of West University Place BAIL BOND FUND was created for deposit in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas; and WHEREAS, authority for deposit and withdrawal of BAIL BOND :roND was vested in the City Treasurer, City Controller and City Manager, said authority allowing the withdrawal of funds in this acc<;lunt upon si~tures of any two of the three persons serving the respective capacities of City Treasurer, City Con- troller and City Manager; and WHEREAS, Mr. G. P. Corry, City Controller, retired on December 31, 1963 and the title of Ci tyController is no longer being used; and WHEREAS, a person has been appointed as Ass~stant City Treasurer to perform certain specified duties and duties normally performed by the City Con- troller. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF ,THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY. PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the authority for deposit and withdrawal of BAIL BOND FUND shall be vested in the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and City Manager. Checks for withdrawal of funds in this account may be signed by any two of the three persons serving the respective official capacities of City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and City Manager. Said signatures of all three persons serving in these capacities shall be signed to signature cards as prescribed by .,.;... the University State Bank, which bank is serving as depository for the BAIL BOND FUND. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective iImnediately upon its passage and approval by the City Commission and with the signature of the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas. PASSED MID APPROVED THIS 13th DAY OF JANUARY, 1964. A~~: i I ~IA~) Ci cretary )~/L~ MAYOR IL I. ,~ ..Ll.L1. c,JlJ[ III ,lIU.1 i ill ,LJlllJWL lilillil",I'i1I,~I_ , .- 1"/ RESOLUTION NO. 64-2 WHEREAS, on the 14th day of May, 1962) by Resolution #62-6, a system for issuing Water Meter Deposit Refunds was established; and WBEREAS, a revolving fund in the amount of $500) to be known as City of West University Place) Texas WATER METER DEPOSIT FUIID, was created for deposit in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas; and WHEREAS, authority for withdrawal of funds from the WATER METER DEPOSIT FUl'ID was vested in the City Treasurer , City Controller and City Manager, said authority allowed withdrawal of funds in tb:i.,s account upon the signatures of any two of the three persons serving the respective capacities of City Treasurer) City Controller and City Manager; and WHEREAS, Mr. G. P. Corry, City Controller, retired on December 32, 1963 and the title of City Controller is no longer being used'r and WHEREAS) another person has been appointed as Assistant City Treasurer to per~orm certain specified duties and duties normally performed by the City Controller. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the authority for withdrawal of monies from the WATER METER DEPOSIT FUl'ID shall be vested in the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treal>urer and City Manager. Checks for withdrawal of funds from thi? account may be signed' by any two of the three persons serving in the respective capacities of City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and City Manager. Said signatures of all three persons serving in these capa.cities shall be signed to signature cards as prescribed by the University state Bank) which bank is serving ;;loS depository for the WATER METER DEPOSIT FUlID. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the City Commission and with the signature of the Mayor of the City of West University Place) 9Jexas. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13th DAY OF JANUARY, 1964. ~~ Cit . ec etary . 4:;/~1~~ MAYOR ~~~~~--~ .,.,. :-. -- III 111,'11 III'}' 1I"fll:J:lIMfl1llllllllllllll_.:-.---,------,--- / i ',,-- ~SOLUTION '~t.f """~? ' WE:EREl.G$; the City of "Test University Place has cash a<.railable in the TRUST AGENCY FUND .~. "', ~. .~... . + _~MJ. ....-.......... _~ ~.p. ......- ..........~.: ..r,:..:r...- whicll will not 'be requ~redfol' current opE1rating expenses, and WHEREAS~ it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the c:i.tylsmol:1~y i'nve,ste'd: ts>:earnadd'itional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investm~nt of these certain sums of money~ NOW ~ORE, BE IT' RESOLVED BY 'I'1tE 91TY 'COMMISSION Oli' THE CITY OF t~T tiNpn,1lRt.a"'!:TY PLACE" TEXAS.], that the City Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to invest tunds in the amount of: ., . ,...} ,j, $2':,'480~00 .; TRUST AGENCY FUND - , . .:. ~ -;'.' .,~_::...,.."._.:' :,.~'.,'. _.,~~. ..,~..,:~ A. IN 'tfNIVERSITYS~WUGS ~D LOAN ASSOCIATION TO BE ADD,~D TO ' '. _ . ..fl._ \>..J......,_.. .__~~~~~ ACCOUNT NO. .2690., ~ . ~ ~" ~-....--- --....""_.""'~.......,... . .' .. '. ~__ T ......'"'-;"'....-- PASSED JUU) APPROVED the 9bh. 00' of" ,,....,-_y 0... ~~eh _A..D.., 196...!t..... ---~4~~ City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST : ~- -'F--~='---'-~ r=-----=-=-~_,r 11 II' II r Illl;;,fI1111'11I11I1_ RESOLUTION No. 64-4 WHEREAS, three vacancies now exist on the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City and the City Commission desires to fill such vacancies pursuant to the charter of the City: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: 1. That W. W. BOWJAN, R. W'. GOFF and D. \i. HAN1JAH are hereby appointed as members of the Zonirg and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place, T.exas. 29 That each member so appointed shall serve with- out compensation. 3. That the persons appointed hereby shall serve as members of s aid Zoning and Planning Commis s ion from :r-1arch 24, 1964, until November 10, .1964, and thereaf'ter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND ApPROVED this the 23rd day of March, 1964. /k/~1-tL/~' " _ MAYOR, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXA RESOLUTION NUMBER 64-5. WHEREAS, Mr. Richard Owings, Clerk of the Corporatton Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned from the employment of the city; and WHEREAS, the resignation of Mr. Richard Owings creates the neces- sity of appointing another qualified, city employee to serve as Clerk of the Corporat,ion Court; and WHEREAS, Mr. William Dittert, Jr., employed as City Treasurer is qualified to asspme the duties of Clerk of the Corporation Court; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint another qualified employee to serve as Deputy Clerk of the corporation Court: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: 1. That Mr. Richard Owings, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and he is hereby relieved of the duties of the Clerk of said Court ,effective with the passage of this Resolution. 2. That Mr. William. Dittert, Jr., be and he is hereby appointed as Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, replacing the said Mr. Richard Owings. 3. That Mr. Richard Allen Reynolds, employed as Assistant City Treasurer, be appointed as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, the said Deputy to assist Mr. William. Dittert, Jr., in perf'ormingthe duties of the Clerk of said Court, as pre- scribed by the State Statutes and the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. The date of appointments of the said William. Di ttert, Jr., as Clerk of the Corporation Court and Richard Allen Reynolds as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, to become effective wirth the passage of this Resolution. PASSED AND.APPRQVED this 13th day of April, 1964. ~.aL~ , . . MAYOR ATTEST: ~ ~/A.(~J " 't. City Be etary "'~ ~ __.:.....LL...__....i...I. --liJ. 1Il:...l:.. lll.:l: _.L:.II..:.LJU1...I~.llInllt;II'IIII_. 'RESOWTION NUMBER 64-6 WHEREAS, the present City Commission and prior Commissions have been studying ,the necessity and ~easibility of collecting all of the Ordinances of the City of West University Place ina formal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is of the opinion that the codi~ication of the city's ordinances is in the best interests of the city at the earliest possible time;: and " WEEREAS, a proposal f~r the codi~ication of ordinances bas been sub~ mitted to the City Commission by the MtJn,icipal Code Corporation of Talahassee, Florida, and the City Commission desires to enter into a Contract with such corporation for the codification of the city's ordinances. NOW, THEREFO'RE, BE IT 'RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF VlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'IWCAS: t., 1. That the' sum of $6,200.00 is hereby appropriated for the expense of codi~icationof the ordinances o~ the city; said sum representing the total o~ $5,200.00 p~yable as the base cost to the Municipal Cod~/Corporation of Talahassee, Florida, and the sum of $1,000.00 represent:in,€s incidental expen- i i ses in connection with such codification. ( 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a Contract, in duplicate originals, in behalf o~ the City of West University Place, Texas, and to deliver one executed origina~ to the Municipal Code Corporation of Talahassee, Florida, and a copy of such Contract to be attached to the original of this Resolution and made a part hereof. 3. That the Mayor and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the Municipal Code Corporation of Talahas,se!l, Florida, a check in the amoilll.t of $1,733.33, upon the signing and delivery of said Contract, represeJ::!.ting one-third of the base cost of the services to be performed pursuant to said contract. PASSED .AND .APPROVED this 13th day of April , 1964. COMMISSIONERS VOTDl'G AYE: All COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO: None "A~ST: )k~ MAYOR o&b/lA/~j/;h~ st. City" retary r-- _I~~O~-_ '7:1. ,"-" "I , 11'11' II'irj:lll~!iiIf;llIllllllll~ RESOIDTION l'lUW3ER 64- 7 WHEREAS, the City Manager and City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas} have been authorized by resolution to sign and countersign checks dra'WIl on the various accounts of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS" by Resolution Number 57-11, dated April 8, 1957, the City Controller of the City of West University Place was delegated to sign pay- roll and other checks of the City of West University Place during the apsence of either the City Manager or the City Treasurer; and WHEREAS, the said City Controller of the City of west University Place has retired from employment of the city on December 31, 1963; and WHEREAS, the office of City Controller is no longer in existence and a qualified person has been appointed to assume such duties as hereto- fore performed by the City Controller and now bears the title of Assistant City Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS: 1. That the authority contained in Resolution Number 57-11, authorizing the City Controller of the City of West University Place to sign or countersign certain checks in the absence of the City Manager or City Treasurer, is hereby revoked. 2. That the person performing the duties of ,Assistant City Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector, duly appointed by the City Commission, is hereby authorized in the absence of either the City Manager or City Treasurer, to sign or countersign checkS dra'WIl upon the accounts of the City of West University Place, Texas. 3. The authority hereby granted shall continue until revoked by proper resolution of the City Commission of the City of west University Place, Texas. ,.-- Jf"""~'====--I,,~-..,---"=---==~-~'---n-t~.-=. -'0 -'i=---==----=--===--=-.-~1TI~."ll"'"'TT~III: II. IBlllilHftllllIllI_' 4. The authority contained in this Resolution shall become effec- tive immediately upon its passage and approval by the City Commission. 5. The City Treasurer is, hereby directed to provide the proper officials of each of the banks which are serving as the city's depository with a copy of this resolution, and the Assistant City Treasurer shall sign the necessary signature cards as prescribed by the various banks serving as depository for the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of June, 1964. ~~ ATTEST: ~~ ,,' Assistant City Secretary '" ==--..: ,- -r=:,._~ l$SOtPnOB Nt" 64...a. --... ~J.es lJ. W$.U., J-sr" ~-$$!Oller Qf 'lib.e Gtty .f West untveJ,'$"t~;y tl8ce ~1e4 Qn tU'1.'tl:I, _ .f Me, 1_, d" ~J ~ss1_~ waU, at the ,_ E)f Ms deatb $1Cl. l.on8 PZ01W' 'the:reto, U4 sene4. -1\~J;e ~ the fi~ 0'1 WeJl1l 'UJ11~:t'tf :r_e 1:n vu10lUJ ~i:tl1e$ f;D. ~ JIlIiIQ1:.lel" as- to ~ ,,*e ~ell orlJtit ~ saUL 01qr BEl 'Well U ~ fUillseU aa ........ _4 a C.1t1.aeS; ,.<1' WJlJlBEA$, ~ ad4.1t1on to Iii. .en1oee ta the 1:1t7 GoVU$ll.ellt, ~S$1(!ner WaUdevote4. iDuQ of his ttm.e to ,,*$ West l1ni'llira1_ Baptist Church. ,.4 VM"__ civic orsmuatleme. 0'1 the ftqr, ~eJ.u4ina_ ac.o>>ts 0:-1: _111~a} $ill WUEIlllAS, 'bl1e City COJIIIII1u1on ., West. ViliverSity. 'lace 4e1Jirft 'to 831p:reS8 its app:i7.ec1at1oD tor-, $!14 Sive l'~t'ion 110, the~d~ ~W1blWien ..e ''b1' OOllll1sstoner~w '_. ....., Jr. to b,f...crt~,...4 ~it;y, ana ':'\0' flu'ther e.~ idle,..~ of the Ott.,. ~.gl1 'to the wtdow _ll f'~ .f ~lea ~. WaU,. JJI.; ., ~:BB; BB l'.t. "'JWD. DJ _ om. OJ' .WilS't UBlWUIft':fLAU OF TJilDS: 1. 'l'he;t ,,*eC.11:l1~s of West UIl1vere"'by'.., _t111& _ aD4 ~ the -'1' eai .1t.,. Of.Rlllll1s$j._ elf _4_t1' €t_Uis. ot ea4;4 et~'t ....' l'EiIeOJ;'Ci, theu eppl'..16111on tfi" the Ull~W t_ .~.... 'Wilt. (1~.Wner eba1:1" J,.. Wfill, Jr. ~4 to the .e~.f ~ tn ta.t~ u4 coasc1eattGlUlq per-te~ ~ 4u1>1e$ r~e4:'" bUll .. a ~ .if the e:l;t;y(k)~Qlt _ a& .. .1~:1e_ of" ~ ~'t7" 2. 'J!b.a't lIUd,<<' C1ty'_:refiselift<ts _..'b'~_7. Mrs~ !'1<'_ce~ waU end 110 the ._1' suvtv_ ~. of''' ~ef"~lQ ,. WaU, Jll. 10 their 'bereaveJllellt. $. !llhU'u ~r ev14!ilftoe. OttM. e~ expHH$4..4 th. h1P ~_4 111 wh1. the City .14 ~~ton_"les l.. wm,. J'1:., the Cl1tu hw.taq 1ahereoy 4U>ee-tf:4 110 cGWile this J'eiJGt'Ilt__ 'be..... ~ the' otf1Q1al ..8 ot the flty .:'IIest UiUver.1ty'l.Ue. encl. to pl1ver 11$ "~---lL' -. I _::J:iIIIL. ....dLL.l.....4 -. .--T'.-' .. .'W , l.IQl: _it:! ,IL,IW.I'll JllIIilllallllllu__, M1f$. Francelll W$l.1. &. true ani CQ1"l'eQt GOfy Of wd1 Bes.1~t1on &igt1ea. b1 the ~r 81)(1 tb,eQlty C~.tIliQI'1(tl'..., p~ AND APfPBOVQ' ilhis alntl , ' _ ot lWe, 1964. . ' . . ." " -".' . ;/J ,.J7,j/A" / .... .nao. ". ...'..'... ..".... ',.' ". '.,. ." . ,.''-....''.......'...'..:..' , . . .- ",'" '" ,'. . '.' .. ." .' ...." . '.".' .". ..... ..... ....~Q.,tJW' Af'.l'l!lSlt: ~ . ~'Iui /' .'.' .'.,.....' ://1 '. ....~L........... .. Si to 11;7'., ", '- -~II ilk II, ,I ,.~l'-'~~!iiIfTT~ITIIIIII.II~iII'IIUIIlIlIIl_'- RESOIUTION NUMBER 64- 2. WHEREAS, it was brought to the attention of the City Commission that the International Harvester TD-18 tractor, year model 195J,iJused in the bury- , ing of garbage, trash and refuse at the Sanitary Land Fill site, was urgently in need of repairs; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that this vital piece of, equipment be kept in , operating condition at all times; and WHEREAS, it is impractical to prepare specifications for the purpQse of taking bids, as the extent of repairs required is unknown and the exact cost of the needed repairs is an indeterminable amount; and WHEREAS, various firms were invited to make inspection of' the equip- ment and to prepare an estimate of the cost, and formal written estimates from the following firms who are experienced in making repairs to crawler-type tractors~ were received: Browning Ferris Machinery Company - $3,764.86 Houston Welding & Press Company - $2,804.00 Texas Welding & Press Company, Inc. - $2,586.00; and "WHEREAS, it has been determined by the superinlhendent of the Sanitation Department that estimated repairs to the tractor should not exceed $3,200.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That for the preservation of the public health by the daily burying of garbage, refuse and trash, repairs to the tractor are deemed to be of an emergency nature. 2. That in view of an emergency condition which has arisen requiring repairs to the crawler tractor used at the Sanitary Land Fill site, that the lowest estimate submitted by Texas Welding and Press Company, Inc., in the amount of $2,586.00, be accepted, as they have been determined reliable and are equipped to make said needed repairs. 3. That the 1964 Budget provided a total sum of $5,000.00 for estimated general repairs to the crawler tractor, and that the said estimated expendi- tures of $3,200.00 now required is well within the Budget limits. ,-, -------'--~-'~--~ - 'A' ,.- I '11 ill" if tlil[I!HllillHiI!IIIIIIIIU" 4. That the action of the Mayor and City Manager engaging the services and equipment of the Texas Welding and I'ress Company, me., to perform needed repairs to the said tractor, is hereby ratified and confirmed. PASSED AlID APPROVED this nth day of ~ 1964. ~~.~. , MAYOR ATTEST: "~"~----r;=== I -,,, .- ,. .1""""'.. . 'II" "11 il '11:11 l'i,illl'l!Il!lIllilll.. zmSOw.rIOm IftJMBl!lR 64..10 " ..... ~ 9mE ~ OF 'J1l!flJAS 0 C0~ OF llABlU$ 0 ~fkc.rtlO1l 218(g) of~lt~ 11 of 'the Federa;t,$Qc1al ~W Act baec been IlllII.ellded to peJl'l1d,t pej:'tlci,pa1l1on of' pltcemen and f1l'E1'" men. $n pl:la4.1i1oneewfi4'ed oy .. "..'t~q~ and. ~; lll.eHlbeX'$ Qf .the foUce Dll~t'and ftJ'e 1Jepll1'talent of the ,Cj.t7,~. 'we.'tuatveJ1s1'bar J?1e.cf;l, 'J1e-.&, ba.ve tmtoue'4 e~t.tEt1l l'etn'eeente... t10n l'EIqu.El~., the City COIlllld.S$tQn of ~ Cltv of We$t Un1vel'a~tT Place, We:llas,to8o$k tbe Wema State 1'Je~t of: PubUc we:ll.tve i10 M1O, an IiIleo.. t10n by $nd 'I. tile membeX'~ the 'oUae ~~t $lll. n..-e J;iep&~t of the tIlI4d etty O'f WestliatV"$1~ 'lace,. ~,,. who ~. ~$ Qt the we.a Mw'll(d.l*1aet~t ~m, to drie.ine Whe'theX' oX' not 1ihe;r v$$h to nave ~dere1 034 .,. ~VQJ.'a, and lit$8bl11'ty !Q/illn'anQe o(W~e i1? $dditl<)fl to 1;he ~s'u.s X'e't1X'elllent $Y~. .,.~, BE ;Ill' BBSOJNJm q mm OM ~_OBOF '1U om OF WJlJIiPl. UlfD1]i;RSrft PLACE, ~ III order to meet the H~1Rlllenta of Seot1Q!l 218(pl of ~1.t~ II at theFedQa1 ~ Seeurlt1.Aot,. as ~ed~ t\b.e O$.tl' ~$a~n of the CS'bar of Westl1n1veratty Place;, 'J1exas, b.eJ:eby nQ,UEJf!1W ~ ~. '>>epa1'tment of ,"olio We~ 'to hold ae: ~tiJiQU\f~ 80S p08IJlbte, .. ",ere'n4um of the rnembel'$ of. the PoUee ~t er+d J'$vEl'~ of satd Cttl of We$'t UUveJ."H.W 11':1ue who Q'e' ~a of 1;he. ~a .__ aet~nt _~ as J'e~Nd:fA _4 Js.w ana. in I:iouse >>1.11 60~* Aots o~ the' ;2Qd :r.asiel.atUh of 'tbe state Qf. ~., 1.951.. ,~ AD ~. bYUl18ai.lr&lm$ votit at.. a~_ CClIIIlllS-aeiOlitif" t~ tl1W at Weet lJUtVeJi''-'W P1aee, !J1ea$,j! this 24th Uq' O:f ~t, :t.9b#.. jJ~~/, .. .".LJ,iItlSIW,... ..,..,.,.,.1 ,t,~~, '~GIfj ATTEST: ~~~/il;~;) A . stant ~ . ecretary Original Resolution forwarded to State Dept. of Public Welfare Mr. T. J. Compton '-----'~..,--'- 'I-~ ,;) .---,;.,~.. RESOLUTION NO. t:. #-11 WHEREAS, a vacancy now exists on the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City and the City Commission desires to fill such vacancy pursuant to the charter of the City: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: 1. That L. B. BRICKER is hereby appointed as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas. 2. That such member so appointed shall serve without compensation. 3. That the said L. B. BRICKER shall serve as a member of said Zoning and Planning Conmission from September 28, 1964, until November 10, 1964, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his suc- cessor. PASSED AND APPROVED this the "t fzk day of September, 1964. A~,~4~/ MAYOR, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ATTEST: ~t-e<dJ ~p!a)(bA) 'SS-r; CITY SECRETARY 1 crc'nc"'"'"r _c~ f 'T~~~~~'-'-~:U n II' II .i U I IUIII1I1Ii1II,III" ,'- ____'_n'_______ RESOLUTION NUMBER :64-12 WHEBEAS, f'or the past several years" it has been the policy of' the City Commission of' the City of' West University Place to appropriate and budget the sum of $300 each year to the West University Reserve Police Department for the purpose of' paying f'or services to the COllporation Court provided by various individuals of' the Reserve Police Department as Deputy Clerks during regular sessions of' the 'Corporation Court; and WHEREAS, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain volunteer members f'or the Reserve Police; and WHEREAS, Mr. Donald Mathes,' ca.; member of the West University Police Auxiliary, has b~en serving full time as Deputy Clerk of' the Corporation Court during its regular night sessions f'or the past year; and WHEREAS, Chief' of' Police H. E. Shipp has recommended that the indi- vidual perf'orming the duties of Corporation Court Clerk be paid f'or his services, rather than the sum being budgeted to the West University Reserve Police Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That Mr. Donald Mathes be paid ,at the rate of $25 per month f'or performing the duties of' Deputy Court Clerk during regular sessions of' the Corporation.Court of'the City of' West University Place: 2. That any other Deputy re~uiredto share the duties of'Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court, be paid on a pro rata basis f'or the time served during"the absence of' Mr. Donald Mathes. 3. That the ef'f'ective date of' this Resolution be made retroactive to September 1, 1964. PASSED JUIlD APPROVED this the 12th day of October, 1964. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ~ COMM:ISSIOJ.IlERS VOTING NO::??E#.-/./ ;JJVUL/~~ , MAYOR ATTEST: ~bAiAff~(~~d ' " sistant City' Secre ary --~ --::I" ' ,...-' 1-- -'--1i-11!' 'iii 1I::r IIH IUUiHllillll!II'" ---- RESOLUTION NO. 64-1.3 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS has heretofore requested the submission of a proposal to it in connection with Weslayan Avenue; and WHEREAS, Ralph S. El1ifrit, Planning Consultant, has submitted to the City Commission a proposal dated September 21,1964, wherein Ralph S. Ellifrit pro- poses to make a study and analysis of traffic conditions and related matters as they now exist on said Wes1ayan Avenue, and as a result of such study and analysis to make certain suggestions and recommendations to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the recent increase in traffic on Weslayan Avenue has created several problems, the nesolution of which, requires the' development of pertinent facts and the analysis of such facts by professional traffic engineers: THEREFORE, it is hereby RESOLVED by the City Commission of the CITY OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY PlACE' TEXAS: That the Mayor is authorized to employ Ralph S. Ellifrit for the purpose of making a traffic survey on Weslayan Avenue in keeping with the proposal of Ralph El1ifrit 'dated September 21, 1964, a copy of such proposal being marked Exhibit "A" and,attached hereto'~ PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of October, 1964. Commissioners voting Aye All Commissioners voting No None VGdV ~~/ MA'(:QR ATTEST: ~k/ ~~ '~ Ass~antCity Secretary ~ or .~.:..- ILL..1Ul..l>'III'l'llI"Il'"III_-. ,f,. RESOLUTION 64:'14, A RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION IN TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS, HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 1964, FOR TlIE' FTJIlPOSE OF ELECTING A ,MA.YOR AND FOUR COMMISSIONERS OF SAID CITY; DECLARING TEE RESULTS OF SUCH ELECTION 100) CERTIFYING SUCH RESULTS. 'WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, the General Election Laws ,and Ordinance number 846 of the City of West University Place, Texas, a general City Election was held in the City of West University piace, Texas, on November 3, 1964, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four commissioners; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29 of the Election Code (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. P. 1097, Ch. 492, Article 111) the managers of the election have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election together with the poll lists and tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of We:;;t University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West UniversityPlace~ Texas, in Recessed Session assembled on November 5, 1964, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with Article 8.34, acts 1951, 52nd Leg., P. 1097, Ch. 492, Art. U6, and as a result of such examination and canvass, said Mayor and City Commissioners find that at such election the following votes were cast: Name Candidate For No. 183 No. 15 No. 133 No. 87 Mayor 804 809 644 818 Commissioner 699 712 554 726 Commissioner 698 715 574 729 Commissioner 553 566 438 589 Commissioner 530 544 421 553 DuPree Holman Richard .Ayres Roger R. Wright" Sr. O. P. Gill Loys E. Vest and .., ,,~,o~--"~~r~--~~-;;r," ,r ..----:r'~'~--------."--.T' 11' 'II' 11.!llljl~:,U~"- WHEREAS, as a result of such.election, it appears that DU PREE HOIMAN with a total nwnber of 3,075 votes cast for him, was elected Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas; and RICHiIRD AYRES, with a total of 2,691 votes cast for him, and ROGER R. WRIgHT, SR., with a total nwnber of 2,7&6 votes cast for him, and O. P. GILL, with a total nwnber of 2,146 votes cast for him, and LOYS E. VEST, with a total nwnber of 2,048 votes cast for him, have been elected Commissioners of the City of West ,University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: that, 1. The official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby declared, pUrsuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be that: DuPree Holman WaS elected Mayor Richard Ayres was elected Commissioner RogerR. Wright, Sr., was elected Commissioner O. P. Gill was ele,cted <::ommissioner Loys E. Vest was elected Commissioner of the City of West University Place, at the said election. 2. An executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each DuPree Holman, RiclRrd Ayres, Roger R.WrJght, Sr., O. P. Gill and Lays E. Vest as his Certificate of Election, and duplicate copies hereof shall ?e delivered to the City Secretary of the City of west University Place, Texas, and.the County Judge of Harris County, T,exas, as provided by Law. PASSED AND APPROVED this the'th day of November, 1964, with all Commissioners vottng Aye. ATTEST: I~ I · - ,". ..' ,', ) ;,~4J) ""'<~~ ~istan ty ~r~ry /I r ijlll '1'- ~-'-==:Il 11"j' ill H:II;lil:HIIHli,Ifl!tlIIlIIlI'-.~- RESOLUTION 64..15 'WEEREAS, a city election was held on the third day of November, 1964, in the City of West Universii;y Pl-ace, Texas, for the purpose of e1.ecting a Mayor and four rri.eIDbers of ,the City Commission; and WEEREAS, the votes cast at the e1.ection held on November ~, 1.964, were canvassed by members of the City' Commission on the date of November 5, 1.964 and it was determined that fIayor DuPree Holman had been duly re-elected Mayor, and that Commissioners Ri~rd1\yres, O~, P.' Gill and Lays B.: Vest had be,en duly re-elected Commissioners, and that Roger Ro.1\ Wright, Sr. had been duly elected as Commissioner of the City of West University Pl-ace, Texas; and WEEREAS,in regular session of the City Commission he1.d on November 9, 1964, each of the above-named persons were administered the' Oath of Office and duly installed in their respective e:Lected positions; and w.BEREAS, upon proper motion and sec~d, Commissioner wys E.' Vest was ele,cted Mayor pro tern of iiheCitlf,: of West Universiiiy Pl-ace, Texas: NOW, T:!lEREIilORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T.BE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEal UNIVERSITY 'PLACE, '.l'EXAS: 1. That Mayor DuPree Holman and Mayor pro tem kJys E. Vest be, and they are hereby, designated and,authorized to s:j.gn or countersign checks drawn on all banks serving as depository for funds of the C:lIty of West University Place" Texas, and a:rry banks wbich may be hereinafter designated as depository ,i(!9r city funds during the term of their office. 20 Be it :f'urthe~t:esolved that all provisions of such prior Reso1.utions as may conflict here:w:i.th are hereby expre,ssly repealed; and be it i'Uriiher resolved i;hat the City 'l'reasurerbe, and he is hereby directed" to :furnish each depository bank :w:i.th which the city has funds on deposit, or :w:i.th which the city transacts a:rry banking business, a true and correct cqpy of this Resol-Q.tion. PASSED l\.lIID .AF.E'ROVED this 9th, day of November" 1964. Commissioners Voting Aye Commissioners Voiiing No .4/1 AI AJJt/d' p~ ATTEST: -- _..~ - --'r'~'-'='="'-~ , RESOWTION NO. 64.-~6 , ' WHEREAS, it is the duty of the City Commission of the City of West University Place;, Texas as soon. as practica:h1he after the election of a new City Commission to appoint a Judge of the Co~oration Court of said City; a City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney; a City Treasurer, Tax Assessor- Collector and Assistant, as may be ~ecessary to transact the City's legal and financial. af1'a;I;rs; and WHEBEAS, the City Commission was e1.ected at the last regular election held on the third day of November, ~964: , NOW, 'mEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P~CE, TEXA5: Section 1. That the City Commis,sion of the City of West University Place hereby names and appoints D. Gue Reese, a duly licensed and practicing attorney, Judge of the Co~oration Court 0f the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, and he is hereby '~':(~lvested with all powers and authority as set forth for a Cerporation Court Juage in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of, Texas. Section 2. The Ci:tY Commission hereby names and appoints Charles F. Cockrell, Jr., a duly licensed and practicing attorney, Ciity Attorney of the City of We!'lt University Place, Texas, and he is hereby .:Ovested with all of the pGweI's and duties as set forth in the Charter of said City and the statutes of the State ef Texas. Section 3. The City Commission hereby names and appoints O. Joseph Damiani, a duly ~icensed and practicing attorney, Assistant City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas.'':- Section 4. The City Commission hereby names and appoints William Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer and Tax ~jlessor-Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is herebY'_1Vested with all of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 5. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Ric~d A. Reynolds, Assistant City Treasure and Tax Assessor-Cellector of the City of West University Place, Texas. . Section 6. That each official. hereby appointed shall receive monthly cempensation for the' perf'9rmance of their duties in accordance: with the heretofore adopted saJ.ary schedule. Section 7. The persons appointed to the r,e.spective offices shall ser;ve unti~ the next regular City General. Erection, and thereafter unti~ the appointment and qualification of their successors un~ess discharged by the City Commission for just cause. PASSED AND movw this ~ day of -;::2: ~ Mayor A'l'TEST: ~~~ ' ,'" '.,' M' ,/2) . stant Cit ere ary - -... ,Jr .J.l"""'1l.-~JJ.lltl"J!MI'H"""."'_.. RESOLUTION lITIlMBER 64-17 WHEREAS, it is the obligation 01' the City Commission, pursuant to provisions 01' the City Charter, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor ahd members 01' the City Commission have contacted and investigated numerous qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness t@ serve as members of ,the Boards as set forthkerein: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT :REsOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS: 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Boards as set forth hereinbelow: Electrical Board A.' L. Bodden, Jr. A. Eo, Fisk J. D. Allstott B. B. Byrne J 0 S. Waters liealth Board Dr 0 Howard L.' Evans' James,R. Sims Dr. L.' D.' Farragut, Ex Officio Dr. N. C. Windrow George Dickinson, Advisory Member Personnel Board J 0 Claude Morton W. E. Furley Thad B. Sanders, Advisory Member Edwin W. Morris Vietor Grima, Advisory Member PIUl!lbi= Board Tom I.' JQn,es Go E. Sma,ll'wood Warren N.Richey J. D. Allstott Robert G.Wallace 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the respective Boards shall serve without cQwpensation. 3. That the persons hereby appointed t.o the respective Boards aha11 s,erve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution, and there_ after until the appointment and qualification 01' their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 2:ird day 01' NoverJiPer. 196~. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE: ~ COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO: ?15iM7 <- . ~fb~' MAYOR ATTEST: ~"J.~~~ ,',' ,". ' SJ.S an" J. y' eretary r'- r'---- -:In "J' -~I '.'11. -11'. III lId! Ii H Illi!.IiHilUlllllIlU.... ", RESOWTION' ~ 4- -I J WHEREAS, the City of' West University Place has cash available in the TAX COLIECTOR' S FUND DERIVED FROM CURRENT AD VALOREM TAX COLLECTIONS which will not be required f'or current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of' the City Commission to keep all of' the city's money invested to earn addi'tional incQme and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of' these certain sums of' money. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY , OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is he):'eby direct- ed to invest'f'unds in the amount of': Approximately $200,000.00 in, the f'ollowing Savings and Loan Associations: American Savings & Loan Association Houston First Savings & Loan Association San Jacinto Savings & Loan Association Liberty Savings & Loan Association PASSED.AND APPROVED the 14th day of' December A.D., 1964 ;J~~ __ MAYOR City of' West University Place, Texas AT.rEST: --- Ii~~'~r~~~-"~~ ii:'-- --=:=r==="'==O-11I 11" i! 1li'~lTi'11 IIHlltJilailHIIIIIIlII__ .' , ",~, J RESoLuTION 64-19 'WHEEEAS, the City Commission of' the City of' ~lest University Place, Texas has elected to invest the city's available cash in shares and savings accounts with recognized savings and loan associations chartered in the State of Texas, and doing business in the City of Houston, Texas, which is not required for current operation of the various municip!l.l activities; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain elected and appointive officers of the City of West University Place, Texas, be designated to act for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, in connection with the deposit, withdrawal or exchange of funds, in said savings and loan associations; and WHEREAS" sign~tures of designated officers are required and authority ,shall be"invested in three of the five such officers, one of whom shall be an elected city official, either Mayor Pro tern wys E. Vest or Commissioner Richard Avres to act for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, in connection with the handling of shares and savings in the savings and loa,n associations, as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to substitute the names of one of the elected city officials to serve in lieu of Mayor Pro Tem Horace A. Rice, whose term expired on November 9, 1964. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF YlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS : 1. The herein designated officers are hereby authorized to open investment share accounts for the City of West University Place, Texas, and to invest its aitailable funds from time to time with recognized savings and loan associations chartered in the State of Texas, and doing business in the City of Houston, Texas, and that said associations are hereby authorized to act without further inquiry in accordance with signature cards bearing the signatures of three of the five such officers, unless and until the associations have been notified in writing of 'any change of officers or further authorization for other individuals to so sign: Loys E. Vest - Mayor pro tel!l Richard Ayres - Commissioner Whitt Jobnson- City Manager William Dittert, Jr. - City T~easurer Richard A. Reynolds - Assisi;ant City Treasurer r-..:. 2. Each of the five designated officers shall execute signature cards required by the association, with a specimen of their signature. 3. This Resolution shall supercede the auth0rity contained in Resolution 62-17 applicable to the said savings and loan associations, wherein Horace A. Rice, Mayor pro tem, was designated as the elected officer of the City eligible to act on behalf' 0f the City of West University Place, Texas. The signature and authority of ,;Horace A. Rice, is hereby removed inasmuch as his term as Mayor pro tem of the City of West Un:i.versity Place, Texas, expired on November 9, 1964. 4. Be it further resolved that all provisions of 84Qh prior Resolutions as may conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED .AND APPROVED this 28th day of December, 1964. Commissioners Voting Aye t/~.e / ~ """"',,'oners Vat"'" No . . . , 4J1,HY4~ MAYOR A'l"l'.I!:f?T: ~.~~ /J#A J ' " 't:{J " , stant e y Sec e', ' '--~"-'-"---"-----'----If:-~=-"'---':-r.-' --==='.-;-.'~.~ ',~::::1- ___~. ",-1 ._.~:~.'-- __Lu'-'...,_,"'-__:II,."-'U.L'.....J1.L"-'.J.J.....U..LLU._.'--