HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.63 RESOLUTION '-3 ~1. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Street Improv~ent Bonds~1948 Fund Sanitary ~~wer Capital ]mP!oveme~~_Fund Wlttch ~nll not be required for current operating expenses, and ~JHEF:E.AS, i-t is the objecti'\T€ of the City Co:rmr.:tssion to keep all of the city1s money invested -to earn additional income C4~d it is necessary and prudent to authorize imrestment of these certa.in sruns of money-., NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY Tffi!: -CITY (DI>iJVlISSrON OF Th~ C"LTYO? lilES'l' UNl.V6RSITY lUCE, TEXP,s" that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the a..llount. of~ $}~t12~9C!~ _.. Street Improy~nt Bonds! 1948 Fund _-...-lh700oOO. .. ,~.anitar~ Sew~~p...~21 Improveme~~~_~~___ To_!e invested with Houston Fir 5t Federal Savings & Loan Association at their. prevailing rate of divIdendof -~%~ ---- -~~--~-,......"'" ---~~- ~ -v'.r -........---..~~ "1'" PP..3SED PJIJI) !PPROVBD the~~~~b_~~~ day of' Ja.mJary~_~~_A,.D", 19~_L=" . . . . / . . "'.. .. - Ai) ~~ ".~ .. .-- :r-1AYOR City of tVest University Place, Texas ~.,Il'"f1f11H(~1rp J:) .h.~..1.......:J,;..i'..l.~ ~.. .~ _~~-~.-1( Le~ Assistant OitySecreG .ry ---;:J!-=--='-=o-=--=~'".-'-'.;.,..c..'.'-'-=====~",.W~t _111-jii~_.'-=-=.'--=T----'-l- ,-O~-''',~ --'!r''''~.T~1 ii/,llll1.IIIM YII"_. ~ RESOLUTION 63-2 WEEREASs the City of West University Place has cash available in the .. Street Improvement Bond Fund, Series 1948 ~Thich will not be required for current opera.ting expenses, and WIIEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investm~nt of these certain sums of money: NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE: CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS) that the City Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to invest funds in the amount of: $5, 70Q'j'QO;.. . from the street Improvement Bond Fund - Series 1.948 _ in the Center Savin~ anCL~an AssociatiOnz..-.?606 Fannin Street, Houston, Texas, at the prevailinjl rate of dividend of 4# per annum. ..........-~- ~-~--- PASSED AND APPROVED the l1.th _day of' F~ruB;;t:'v._ A.D., 196.J__ ~~ --~..... -~ MAYOR City of West University place, Texas I,.. L~J Assistant City See .. ry .. -~'L=,'C"'"''C",,-''l,",:,_''"====''-~=''"''n.''' ,,:_1:1 'It~_~':lfl ,lid"'- ---"T=-'-"=l=--'-'="-="--'~I::""~. I III: 11:11 rll.l1111l11 __ RESOLUTION NO. 6]-3 WHEREAS, the City Collllllission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has heretofore by Resolution No. 62-10 anll.No. b21-15, appr0priated the sum Qf $82,416.07 for the construction €If a library ana. payment of architectural fees j anel WliEREAS, it waskn0WD at the time €If the appropriation of the said $82,416.07 that an adUtional appropriaticm woulel be required tQ protide flm4s for library furnishings 8J1d equipment, after bids were received; and _ WHEREAS, on April. a, 1963, sea1.ed cOlllpetitive bids were received from recognized companies for lB8.Ill~acturing and furnishing eqllipment and fUrniShingS for the 1ibrary, and after said bids were reviewed it was. determined that $ 2O,()@().00 would be required for ;furnishing and equipping 'the 1ibrary; NOW, 'fHEREFElRE, :BE IT RESOLVED :BY THE em CQMMISSI0N €IF THE CITY OF WES'!' UNIvERSITY PLAI1:E, 'l'EiAs: Section 1: That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $ 20,0(\)0.00 ~ availabl.e cash in the Water-Sewer Ftmd, i1!l order that a eontract can be awucied for constructing and providing equipment and f'urnishings for the l.ibrary. Section .2: The City Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer from available cash. of the Water-Sewer Fund to the General Fund, the sum Gf $220,000.00 for the pUrpose of :furnishing ana. equipping the library building. PASSED .AIm APPROVED this the 15th day of April, 1963. A/~~ Mayor A'l"l'ES'l' : /~ , ~~ Assistant City Sec etary -r- -..- -:,~, .H~ WI 'Old'- -I.~~-~- - --11" I U I! lIiil-IIIHIIIIII RESOLUTION ~.3 - Y -'~ tJHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the e'LREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, 1948 FUND * $2,,1Se.OO TRUST AGENCY..FUN{> $.500.00 wt.LJ:ch 1nll not be required for current operating expenses, and ,~ -., ". wEEP.E.AS~. :Lt is the objective of the City GOrr1.'1'.ission to keep all of the cit;y~s mone;yinvested t,o earn additi0 naJ.. income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certai.n Sll.Yl1S of money .. NmJ THEREFOREJ BE IT RESOLirED BY 'I'HJ:?;CITY Cm'iHISSION OF 'I'1m CITY OF itlES'l' UNIirEfiSITY YLACE, TEY.JB,7 that the City TreaS'tJ.rer j.s hereby ili,rected to inVest funds in the a..l1ount of~ S~~lMPRO~EMEm: BONDS,~~.!ES 1J48FUND $2.1 15~QO .in Jio~.ton .~rstFederl!..lS~~and Loan cAs~~!LE.?_.1>~~. added to~ o*ur Acet.4F1302 ___-..,-TRlJST Aq~_fJm.D ",~~500.00 In_Ynj.versity Savings.and ]..oa!1 A:~st~. to added_to our Ace. 1/2692.... Both~31J: the Rreva_iliJ1,g r~e oJ. di;.vidends at 4~% ........""'-'"'.....~ .""'~~---"""~~_.-..~~.- P.~.sSED .AND APPROVJ5Dthe~~~L~.~day of~ Hn.....:=~___~~A"D<lJ 19~~_" IJJ~~ ~'='~rAYOR=-~' - -~,~ City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST:' QL.~ As sistant G~L tv : ~ ere <:try u " ..rr=--=='=-~r~-----'~_ .tn- 1-.-1 H__". -=I=="---==-~-=="'~~~:J:III::L-:II' ........._ ...___ -."v". " RESOLUTION NO. 63-5. WHEaEAS6 the City Council of the City of Houston has informed the City Commission of the City of West University Place of its intention to change the name of that portion of Richmond Road located within the city limits of the City of Houston from "Richmond Road" to "BissonnetStreet"; and WHEREAS6 a portion of said Richmond Road is located in the city .11mlts of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS6 the City Commission is. of the opinion that it would be 'ror the best interest of the City of West University .Plaoe that the name of the portion of Riohmond Road looated within the city limits of said City be changed to Bissonnet street. NOW6 THEREFORE6 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Wes1:;University Place6'Texas: 1. That the name of the portion of Richmond Road located in the city limits of the City of West University Place and between Academy Street on the. east and the .San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railroad tracks on the west be changed from "Richmond Road II to "Bissonnet street II . . -.- -.. 2. That the City Manager is instructed and authorized to take such action as necessary to implement such change of name. 3. That notice of such change of name be given to each homeowner in the City that presently has a street address on Riohmond Road. ..1[" ,~..IIHlil.!lJ~li_ - ~.r- ill~~""1IrJ:TIDJJI: 11111II1m.-. ....-: 4. That this Resolution will become effective from and after August Jh., 1963. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of May~ 1963. ~~ Mayor~ City of West University :place~ T~xas ATTEST: .,~.. -'j , ~ ../~~~ C1 Y Secretary COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE: All- COMMISSIONERS voTING NO:. ~ Ii --r ;'i~ IIU::lr:l:!tiJ'-- ....1. - 111"ITT'i"1 i~:II! IIIIHIIIIIl~ 11II.._- RES.ot~N NQ~ 63.,.6 ~, the CU,y C0ll1111i~sion of the City of West Uni;versit;;t Pace, ';C'i'xa..., has been advised 0.1' the untimely death 01' Willia.m ';C. HetldersOllt Jr., on Augus't 31., 1963; and ~, Will:I.alll T. Henderson, Jr, at the tiJllll! of his death was employed by. the City of' West Uni;.versity Place ail Water Sv.pel'intendent and h$.d be~n so employed Ii1w.ce Oe'tober 1,. ;1.958,; l.Uld ~i dtWiIl& hilii 'tenure with. tne City of West University J?3.ace the said William T. Henderson, Jr. nas performe4. all du't1es ass~ed to h:inI eff:i.c:l.ently ~\i in such an ex~la.ry manner as to :;:eflect credit upon the said City and varioml administrations under which he had served as well as upon himself,; and WlII!fIEAS, the City Commission of' the City o.f West University Place desires to express its appreciation for the faithful and eOllIJ?etent :;ler.. vice of W1ll1am ';C. Henderson, Jr. to the Cii;y and to further e;gpress its sympathy to the widow and family of William T. Henderson, Jr.; OOl.J j 'F!lEREIi'ORE, BE IT REOOLVD BY '!'HE Cl'.t'Y COMMISS:tONOF 'l'JDil CI'.fY OF "''WI' UNIVERSJ:TY PLAcE I TEXAS: ;1... 'l'hat the citizens of: West universi:by Plaee, Mting by and 'Iilirough the Mayor and C:ity Commission of said city, here now record their expression at' their high regard fo'1l the memory of William T. JIende:rlSon, Jr., and an appreeia;l;,1on t&1: his te.itbful se:t"ITicee in behalf of said City during his empl.oym.ent. 2.'l'ha:t; said Ctty ex'presse~ its deepes't sympathy to Ml?lh William W. Henderson, Jr. and the other surviving members ot the familY of William T. Henderson, Jr. intheil:' bereavement. 3. Tha't a.s i'm-thew evidenee of' th<il sympathy exprBssed, the City $ecretawy 1s d..i.rected to trar.uillilit a C')T!Y' of! 'this Re$olution to Mrs. WillialIl T. Henderson, Jr. ,widow of W11.J.1?lll T. Henderson, Jr:. PASl3ED J.\ND .il.W110VJ:,D THIS 23rd day o:f September J 1963. AT'I!ESW# -----. ..~ ~~,~~) Assistant C ;:;y .. cretary ~j. ,.______. "",,,'rq ,_ - -~r ":J..a.;.;.j :.,'llci:.......lL..JI'....,".b-.m....-.;-.----- 1lES~ON NO. 63-1 ~, tl::l.e City CollltDissiQn o:f'the City of WeISt Un;Lversity F:!.ace, ~~s, MS ;Long been a;ware of th,e c;iviQ endeaV9J7sby ~"' ~d Mri'1i.. J~Qlt w. Jilvans 1.n beba,Jj' of tne C1ty otWestUnivera1'\;y Place; ~d WBE1UllASp Ml:>. llUl,d Mrs. Jack W.. Evans have un2elf1sb.ly devoted t11e;l.1: ti.me;t enel1's:les and money in $se;l.stj,ng ;y'Ol.mg people in Val1'10Wl ways ;l.n OIUi' commun4;\;YJ and ~, lob'. and Ml'lh Jack W. lllvans m~ :l'ecentlyba,ve con;tdbuted - -. in !llmlY waystowa.i!d the erection apd fu.:misb1;ng oi the new libt'a1'Y bu1ldjng 1.0 said 01 ty; and WJ:lERll1AS, tl::l.e CitY' Comm1$sion b of the opinlJ;6n that the past and p;re$ent endeavors by Ml7. and Mi?S. Jack W. Evans 1tlli;,half of the City ot West tTn;Lvers1ty l"laoe and it.s citizens mez';i.t public. reoogni1.llQn; NOW, ~Wil,.BE I~ RESOIiVl\W Bl' .WHE Cl'JIf COMMlSS:tQN OF 'JI1IE ClWX OF ~ ~I\I?I PLACE" ~t 1. \\!hat the c:/.t:i.zen$ o:f West tTni.veJ<'d;;y Place, act;l.ng; .bY and thJ:oug11 the ~yor and City COlllll1iaaion of said City, here now a:x;ptes$ their un~ua1i:t'ied appreciation to Mr. and Mrlh Jack W.. Evens - o:f 3U8 Geo:Ji'geto'WD: ~~t for: the:L:r.' IlrIstinted e:t'f'ortlil in beoo;J.:f' of se:i.d C:i;~y and its c1"UlUIns. 2. What this Reaolut:i.on be spread upon "the of;fic;j.a:\. minute;:; 01' the ~:l.-ty and ~. a pe~ent part -theJ;'eof. 3. That as further evidence of the City's appree~tion tOe City Secre'ta~ is d;i.reeted to t~$Illit a cOP1f ot th1a llte$OlLrt1W1, to ~. and Mt's. Ja.ck W. Ev'ans.signed by tQ(? M$yor e.nd Q1ty Comm1$.s1o;p.ers. ---~-~ :.. W1;'Jd~--r--~- 'lI'Ulli I j llTTlr!flllUlllb lIlIlIl_ :l?AS$ED JUIlj} mB0VE1,) this 23rd Wa:y of $ep1:;euiber, 1963. A~. __ . / ~~~ ,...J -- --nli~~'~'-'T~C' --"~ liE Iii .II'II..~-"-. _Ioo~~~_'_ .'1iT''1TfTTTIf1Tl1TT1III1II111 11I1'_.. RESOLUTION b3-g w"'HEREAS, the City of livest Universi t;y Place has ~ollected and antici~ates colle~~in~ c~sh in the amount of $100,000.00 f'-r-nm ~1JY'rpn+: +,~Y nnl1p(\+'ion~ ,;;:rn:a 1>l.R~pn in +'n~ l"fl$:lY f'!A11~('!:r\".a ~11'Yln whIch will not be required for current operating e:x:peTlses, and ~ffiEP.E.AS J it is the objective of the City COIll..l'nission to keep all of the city~s money invested to ea1'n additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize imrestment. of these certain sU..l'TlS of money.. NO\rJ THEFtEFORE9 BE IT Rt!BOLVED BY 'l'HF.: CITY COHIJIISSION OF l'HE CITY OF 'idE3T UNlV ~.HSITY F".LACE;; TEYJi..8, that the City Treas'UI'er is hereby di.l'ected to invest funds in the a..'llount of g .._~5.5LtQ90.00 in Ji.he Southw~~tern S~yl:.~ Loan Associati,?n $50,000 .O..cL.iD. :tll~ Gib;r..aJ.,ter. g~Yinia...&~___ . =.,..~~:L the -or.e.Yailiug4i.:.DAlLU9- rat~ of 4i% ~~~~- .~ '",...........-=-__~~,;o.-;- - ~~............... P.ASSED PlWAPJ:'1!OVED ~he~_~lt~~day of 9~o~x:.~~=~_A"D"J 196~~,~" p~ }1AYOR City of l"lest University Place, Texas ATTR3T: r~c-'=-==--'-,~:.:",~-",",,-=-,-,-,-~C=---'~~~ il .,. !<'I' ~.".--"'-'-"-'--'f ~"~:j:::Iri:L.:lEI1lihl'''- .",...-' RESOLUTION b3-'1 .WHE::'iEAS, the City of West Uni. versi ty Place has cash available in the San:i,tar~ Sewer Ca-Pital ~rovements Fund $3l0.00 wtt.t<::n 'will not be required for current operating expenses, and wlIEREA3 J i.t is the objective of the City Co:mrn,ission to keep all of the ci ty~ s money invested to earn additionaJ. income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain Sluns of money.. N01r-J THEP.EFOR.E" BE IT RESOLVED BY'l'HE CITY CDHNISSION OF 1'~ CITY OF TtJEST UNJ.. \) t:B.3TI'Y I.!L.A,OE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer; is hereby direct-ad to invest .funds in t;he a."llouni:. of~ $:ilO.OO f):'om_t:qe Sa&tary S~wer CapitaJ. Improvements Fun'L-~_. _~~ Houstcm. .Ej.rJ2t. FederE!-.~n.gs and Loan ~.Jlociati.2.n .~ a:t; tl1e~J1reya.illng-si"vif:1end !,a~ of_l.!:~ ~,... ~...... ~---- '~-..... ~~-:ll......I--- PilBSEn AND ,A:PPROVEIJthe_ ~~~=~ day of. . Oc~ber .~_=_=_A,)D", 19~~=" City of "L'lest University Place, Texas ATTEST: . ~~>/_) .Assistant City Sa'retary ,1r~.~~~~i~O~.~.~~~~"O~., III; I, I iWlir 0 T~'~~~CTI~.j-n:;-C1nll'lIl.1.lliI_.'_' RESOLUTION 1.3-/() WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Street ~r9vement Bond Funds - $670.00 wh:J:ch ~i1ill not be required for current operating expenses, and vJHEBE.AS, i,t is the objective of the City Gommssion to keep all of the cit;yis money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent. to authorize investment of these certain S'U.TIlS of money.. NOlrl THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY 'I'm; CITY CDlvllIJII:3SION OF 'l'RE CITY OF illEST UlIJ"I'VEP.5ITY PLACE, TEYJIS;I that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount. of~ $670.00 fi:om the --9m.~t Imorgvement ~d Fundsi:u the_ Cen~LSavings & ~aIL~S~OG:1-a~~. ~he ".p.revailingj!iyidend .". _2ate of ~ ---~--........-.........--.-,.. ........~~...~, ~ PASSED PJW APFliOVELt.he~ l!tt!l~~~ day oZ~to!?€lL,"_~ A"D", 196~,~~~" .. --LJ~~ 1-'iAYOR CityofvJest University Place, Texas ATTR3T: . 1~=:=-=Cl=="'-C'-..-==' - ,~,-.... Jilt 1\:1 'll~" --,~===----=--=~c~~~J]IILOiii1_IIIIIU" .....-- ~) L~ RESOLUTION NO . i3-- 1/ WImREAS, the City Commission, through established policy, agreed to assume the payment of street paving costs involving homestead property in .y instances where paving contractors could not obtain the signature on Volunteer Mech~ic Lien Contracts, and WImREAS, the City paid paving costs) where homestead property was involved, from funds on hand in the STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND SERIES 1948, and WHEREAS, payments were made to the City by the property owners) from time to time) and money accumulates in the STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND SERIES 1948, WHEREAS, said funds are not re~uired for immediate use, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to invest the city1s money to earn additional income; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM:M:ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEIXAS: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest funds accumulated in the STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND SERIES 1948, as it may be accumu- lated)said investment to be made in a Savings and wan Association doing business in the City of Houston) Texas, at the prevailing dividend rate. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS the 11th Day of November, 1963. ~i~ MAYOR ATTEST: . ._.rOC-"C-="'""'C-ir=,.,..=:"--,."""--===-,,,,,, "~'" tHe ,It I :~~...__o-_'~"'"" c-=I .-- -~~''11j[Till i 11,111Im-- -__. -- RESO:LLTTION #63-12 i'JHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the -...,.~ CURRENT TAX COLLECTIONS(196~). vm:.l:dl Inll not be required for current operating .expenses, and w1!EF:E.AS s it is the objective of the City Comm.ission to keep all of the cityis money invested to earn additionaJ. income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize inVestment. of these certain sums of money" Nml THEREFORE" BE IT F..E30LVED BY THE CITY cor"TIYlISSION OF 'l'HE CITY OF 1:?Ei3'l' UNl.lJ t:l?SITY PLACE", TE},;:AS, that the City T:reas'lJ.rer is he reby directed to invest ,funds in the amount ofg j?O.OOO.from the_Current T~x. Co1~ections (1963), in~he~ ~~_ .'Qn1.~rsi"t:LSayi~~ & LQan Apsociation, 6135 Kir.'Qy Driv~ .EQuston._~~ ~ the ~revailing rate_9f dividend of 4112% per annum. ~..~-,,~""~~- ~ooU.-....r.;;;.~_..'- PPBSED Pl\JD APP.R.OVBDthe~~~2.~~ day of.~?e:..~~_._ A"D,,) 196 ~~_" )~~~~- l-'IAYOR City of .vlest. University Place, Texas ATTEST: rc=-"''''.-''=f'-..-.-.-.------==cc.-.-----'~-''.~ _. ..."',...,. '..~,,_ ,- . --'1=3='---~--"""-"'"'~".-~-'~-~:-r.:~J.1;..Ll_1. ..,.. RESOLUTION NO. ~.} -/-3 WHEREAS, Mrlil. Pearl Reynolds, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to retire from the employment of the city, said retirement to become effective December 31, 1963; and WHEREAS, the retirement of Mrs. Reynolds creates the necessity of appointing another qualified city employee to serve as Clerk of the Corporation Court; and WHEREAS, Mr. Richard Owings, employed as Assistant City Treasurer is qualified to assume the duties of Clerk of the Corporation Court; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint or re-appoint other qualified personnel to serve as Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Connnission of the City of West University Place, Texas: 1. That Mrs. Pearl Reynolds, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and she is hereby relieved of the duties of the Clerk of said court effective with the passage of this Resolution. 2. That Mr. Richard Owings be and is hereby appointed Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, replacing the said Mrs. Pearl Reynolds. 3. That Mrs. wla Glick and Mrs. Virginia Hood be re-appointedDeputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, and that Messrs. Donald Mathes and Russell Kendrick, both being members of theAJlXi3::iary Police 'Department, are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks of the City of, West University Place, Texas, the said deputies to assist Mr. Richard Owings in the duties of the Clerk of said Court, as prescribed by State Statutes and the Charter of the City of West University Place. The date of appointments to loecome effective with the passage of this Resolution. PASSED this the 9th day of December, 1963. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ~ COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO 9J n-z-J ATTEST: ..,b:~clae~ /)kv~~ Mayor of the c~ty of West University Place, Texas " j'i~I,.ln-lI:I"aid_'- 'u--lI:l, I ~ill: IHllilIIUIII. -_. .-_._----_.---~~. .1 RESOLUTION ~ .3 -/y WHEREAS, the City of livest University Place has . _ colllE~,teg,and anticipates collecting; ~ash in theamounto,L$8o,OO,Q Wi9..r ~. Janua:ry 1, 1964~from c~rent. tax colJ,e~tions and placed in theT~ . Collector' s Fund. which will not be required for cu,rrent operating expenses, and ~lIlIEP.E.ASs i.t is the objective of the Ci t'y Corrl."nission to keep all of the Gity~s money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary a.nd prudent to authorize investment of these certain S'U.lllS of money.. NOlrI THEREFORE.? BE IT RESOLVED BY 'I'h'1S CITY CDI~J}'IT:3SIO]\J OF 1'HE CITY OF itilE3'l' U~T\TEl-1SITY pr.wAOE~ TEXAS, that -the City Trea.su.reris hereby directed to itrlestfunds in the ~~ount of; ~~$.5.0 ,000 in th~ San_~~ci~o Savings & Loan Assoc::iation and _~30 ,-000 in the.lUr.Leric;~ Saving? ~8;!1. f1.~~oSi~ion a.!...!he _ pre~iling Jivtdend rai{e of 1i. .11g~ ~~ ..'~""--....~~ f'1l3SED .A:"~l) .ft..PPROV~D the~~2!~~~day 01'._ _ ~ember __..A"D<!, 196~ 0 ~~ ~-,=- _.-- . , ]\1AYOk City of t1Test University Place, Texas ATTEST: . ~=,,"-""-"'-=l"'=---==~--=->=~~'._! Il'Pf ;11:1' !M~ ~.- O-~'lC'=~-~=~"7"--C - -'-rn'''~-r::llLl;.JliIIIIIUUU. ..._ . f' .' l:U!lSQ~t'Q~ ~O. 63~:1,5 Wl'IEREAS, ~H G. lIXE'l"l',"A reai,dent of the C~i;y 01' West Unj,vers:i.ty J?laC!e, Te~a, for thirly years, died on Sunday, :November 24th, 1963; and WHEREAS, Mr.~tt was Mayor 01' the Oity of Weat University :Place, serving said City and its residents in an efficient and exellq}lary manner durin8 two te~s of oNice from 1933 to 1937, and WIiEBEAS, the City Commbsion of Wl;lst Univel,'"si:ty Place des:Lreli! to give recognition to the many and lengthy civiC ac'tivitles of Mr. lfyett, and especi~ aJJ3' hia service to this Community as Mayor; NOW i 'I'BEREFORE, BE l'l' RESOLVED Bit' 'l'HE Cl~ ~$ION OF 'l'HE em OF WES~ Ul\llNERSMJ?LACE, '1'lilXAS; 1. The e1tizens of West University :place, by and tm-ough their City Commission, express their sincere .apprElciation for the many' years of IiIE1rvice that Ra1ph G. lfyett devoted to said City, 2. The Oi'ty Commission expresses its s1ncere sympa.'thy to Mrs. MoJJ3' ~tt, his widow, and to his children. 3. The City Sec:retary is hereby directed to cause this Resolution to be spread upon the minutes of the City of West Univers:l'~~'1ace and to deliver to Mrs. Molly Byett a true and correct copy of !Ouch l;lesolution signed by the Mayor.and the Ci'by Commissioners. WASSED AND 1lnR0000, 'this 23...d day of ])ee~ber, 1963. ~. ATl'ES'!' : ..---- . ~ ' $#drir-'Ci~ .,-. _..;.II'n'll'I.;lolij._" .-"'I------..-..~---=~=~li1'IiilII11:1111I1;11_ ..- /