HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.62 RESOLUTION No.k2- ( i A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF PROFESSOR tEWIS B. IfiO,N, A CITIZEN OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, Tim STATiE OF T~Sf AJID THE UNI~ STA.~S O~ AMERICA Professor Lewis B. Ryaa, ef the City of West UJiiversi ty Place, Texas, has serve. his City, his State aaihis Couatry im varieus capacities, such as Mayor of his City, Director of Researea oenQucted fer the Umitea States at Fort HOElQ, Texas, amd member of the Blllar€l or the unitel States Merehant Marine Academy at King's Point, New York; ana . .... '.. Preress€lr Lewis B. Ryoa has further served JuisCtty, his state ani his Country by contributimg. of himself to the studeats of Rice Uaiversityin Houston, Texas, over a period im excess af f0rty years as Instructor and Prefessor of Civil-Engineerimg; ami ~AS, Professer Lewis B. Ryenl1as b,eea Professer Emeritu.s e.( Civil Engineering at Rice University, HoustOll, TeixaL3",v be- gimtling. in 1958; ana. .' WHEREAS, WHEREAS, wHEREAs, Professor LewisB. RyoJil. has reeentlyassistea in ~ecoJil.- tinu1i,ng,lievelepm'ent of the physical faoilities of lRi"ce . Unj,versUy by Il'laking possible a new builai~t9; ~~.the De~artment of Civil Engineering sf ~hat Univ'er$tt~;< aai suoh attaiueats, aecomplishmeats aali eoatriltiu.t$oas of. Professor Lewis,B. Ryen as jaereinbefore stateaw@tl,la.not have, been possible wi theut the active aai enthus,i~stb pal-tieipa ticn and help of . his lievetea and lov,ingw1;.feamEl helpmate, Mrs. ~a.e M.Ryea, <-:\,. WHEREAS, NOW, THJ5REFO~.l BE IT RESO~VED. B.'Y THE .CI... TY COMllISSION OF THE: CITY O:FWElST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . . 1. Tut the eeatributilom.s of Professor and Mrs. Le.wils B. Ryen to the. welfare ani well-being of their City,their State, and their Couatr.y be and they are hereby recQgaiz.eli an. ackm.owleliged:, . 2. That this fae~ be duly recerliea ea the offieialreeerlis ef tjae City 0fWest tl'miversity Place, Texas, 3. That a recera of this actien be traasmittei to P1'ofe$ser ant Mrs. Lewis B. Ryon imthe farm fJ>f am offieiail ce,p$ ef this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVDTKIS 8TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1962. COMMISSIONERS.VOTING AlE ,4.u..... ~ COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO !::!.E!:Ltr ATTEST:/, ~ L:k.. ( ) . .'//~ City Secretary (/1.ss/s;r";4-~yV ~.~.~ M-:t T"01t .... ... - City of West. Uaivers,ll.ty Place, ..~ ,. . J....j.J.j..'-LL~.- , lJ: -'lIIrI?]IL i.ILilJlll m~I-""-UlIII__'---. --- -----------~-------------.-- I I I )i\ W'Ji ,,;. U RESOLUTION {",,:;L-1 w""EEBEASj the City of v.7est Univel'sity Place has cas1;l. available in the IJSURANCE RESERVLFUND___ ~ . HEALTH FUND SANITARY SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND . . ~ ~ ..,--..~ FIRE TRUCK FUND which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WBEREAS7 it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is nece~sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOWTHEBEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TlIECITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVEF~ITY PLACE, TEXAS J that the City Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to invest funds in the amount of: INSURANCE. RESERVE FUND - .$8.300000 HEALTH FUND . $1,200.00 S4J'ITARY~SEWERCAPITAL_,..,- DlPROVEMENT FlJND . $3,655.00 _ _ FIRETR~~ F:PJID ..- ~~_,$4~~O~..QO To .be inv!!stedin Savin$s and Lean AsseciatiGns at th!"J:' prevai!.ing rate ef dividend ef~......... ~~-.- i PASSED AND APPROVED the 8tb _day of January ~___AoD., 196~_ ~~~~ -- MAYOR ~- City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: r j=-- ~-':C".~'7"'_ _....~ ~l...;..~ : "-r."'.1LLl.:: ,'L:.; IL;Jn~ 1;..:t~I__UM.I._. - I : RESOLlJrION 62-3 A RESOLUTION C'IllWASSING RETURNS OF A SPECIAL BOND ELECTION BELD ON SATUR'J.l4Y 1 . .:r.lOOJ~ 29, 1.962, F(}~ ~ijE P!~RR~SEt OF ~~(f WlJE'rHER TAX . B9~.J1I! T1lE~~IPAL AM6UNT.gF. $~2?~OQQS~.B\il ~tm:D..FQl1 C9N5~uq'l!ION ~ ~, .,~IC.. IM!'R~~S, TO-WIT: A 13vo.DnIG ''l:'6.HO'f!SE.A LIJ3RAaY AJro.AtJ])I'!'ORJ:t:IM FOR.SAU) CITY;" WHEREAS, there was held in the City 01' West University Place, Texas, on the 20th day 01' January, 1962, aSllecial 'bond election at which' time there was submitted to the duly qualified resident electors of said city who own taxable property in said city and had duly rendered same for taxes, the following proposition, to-wit: PRGPOOI'!'IGN SHALL TEE CITY COMMISSION @F TEE CITY OF WEST ~;rTY :r+ACE :BE.AU'i!II@R~. TO U,)SUE_THE ~ONDS OF : SAID . ~ITY. nn~JiE PR;mctiiAL )~~C)"BW.t'OF $325., 009 ~G .~Jjtt~. .~' 30 -~ Ftf,QM_Tim::i:R "D1!.T.E (m,~;._~ J,1.~~T"~),.l~AttE.:N~_T<;>_~ ~~ ~.~L]j'()R ~_~ ~ .gON~~:pvG . .' ~~..l"UBL:tQ..~~,_ !!19::-WI'!'; ..A. .:t3~ING TO H0USE,A L~Y Al'ID ANAvmITOR~,F0R 6AlD.. c:rfi,~_TO.~__~~~_~:~ PRO~ ~Il:IN S4IP _ cj:'!'I~'Y:.l?~IC~J~O PA.YTHE, ~ ON s.un BONDS..6S I'!' ..MGl;ltm:$ ~ TO ,_ ClWl.TE }um PRQVtDEA)3IlUDJ11~ FIDID'TO PA'Y.,rm: PRINdIPALOFSAID BODs AS I'!'~f - WEEREAS, in accordance with terms ana.' provlsiens of state statu~ of the Texas Election Code and the (Jity Charter, the managers. (Presiding Judges , .~ . of the e'lec'tion) ~ve made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election, together with the poll lists and tally lists . . to the Mayor and City commissioners of the City of West llJniversity Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and city Commissioners of the City of West University .. .. Place, Texas, in regular' session, assem1:'led 00 JanUary ~2,' 1962~ have . , opened and examined the election retu:ns and have can~a~s.~d the results ' thereof in accordance with Stailie Stat~tes:and" City Charter, and as a result or such examination and canvas, said Ifa!or and said City Commis- sioners find that at such election the following votes were' cast: t Precinct No. For Against Total Each Precinct 15 223 387 610 .. 87 190 448 638 133 174 346 520 183 241 383 (;)24 - ~ 1,524 2,392 r-'-'" ,.. ___W - - = ~ I .. ""11 ~ftlll!I..w_llnlllll_1" , WBEREAS, there were cast at said election 2,392 votes of which number there were cast: FOR THE ISSUANCE 0F $325,000 BQlIlDS AGAINST THE IsSiiJAN6E' OF $325,060 BOl'IDS 828 votes 1,524 votes MAJORITY Against THE ISSUANCE OF '$325;000 BONDS 696 votes as.shewo'1n the offi~:ia.i'election returns heretofore'submitted to the City Commission and filed with the City Secretary; therefore - - - BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, -TExAs: Section i: That said election was duly called and notice thereof girven in . . . . . accordance with law; that said. election was held in the manner required by law; that due returns. of said election have been made by the proper officials; that said election has resulted unfavorably to the issuance of the bonds described in said proposition and that a majority .of the votes cast at said election were cast against the issuance of the bonds described in said proposition and that the propopition.has failed to carry b~ a majority vote. PASSED AND APPRGVED THIS '.rBE' 2gND nAY OF JANUARY, 1962. CGMMISSIOimRS' VOTING AYE All COMMISSIONERs VOTING NO' None ~~~ MAYOR City of West_Uni,!,eJ::sity Place, Texas ATTEST: ~ ~i ty ~ecre. . j:" l!lESOJ:.l1!XQW NO. 62~4 ~J the City CQ.._1l.on ot the City of W&liIt Untvera1:l<y Place, Texa., d~ an ordinance cw_t1ns a _t4!Jlllil.). C:lvtl Deferme and ~t'l'aeUf!t Grpm_tA.. to prQv1de~_~nQY FQteO't1on of the health, .~ety aDd Ye~ of the #.Dhabitaa. of thll! City otWeet un1v~ity ,laee, ~eD.'; and ~~ . O1'tU~ )10. 795 c~t~ .uch r<<um.nl}1&l l%iVU Dei.'ente a.nd 1l1aaGtew a$~f QrPutzatiOlt ~. t.QJf a. ,lanning ~1QU and opel.'a:tins ,..et., a.M ~., the Ci.1q aOllld.Mion _a ~ npclu a. vorkable 'ba$e Civil Dete.. ,lall 4eHped t!3 aave liw., lll1~ da~ .d r-utore and 1'$hablUtate. eoe1ety 1n lU1~pney in the e..ttv of West UMw;-$ity 'l.aee I TeDS; and ~J the ~ ,lau., Whteh ... fwth. 1me a.utbQJ)'tty aDd. d~f1.. pvrPOfe,"~n, $ltuat10U1J aM q.~t_ to e:tt~te Iilwm ,lan, an ~c:t eopy of ldlieh te lllm"ked It "'~'t All, _ ~ a pari hereof, u hereby approved andad.oft,- b7 _ 'It.y Q~. ~ tn. City or weet. ~V'f1:1"$tty Pl,aClJ, ~... P~_~__.~"~'f.'~. 19f$a. ~~.~ 1%1t1' of w.... tI.1-VfJr.f.il-;r PlAce, ~. A~t ~..~. . .' -< .. .' .-<?../ Ae.etaW"'tf . ..' .. . .... . -----r""""""..c~""'!.=.-,-..=."=.==~ _, f' ;:~,:: '.l~?"",~~".;'~..~:<;:.f :..,.- " . ~ '. , . .!....r:.,.... 't" ORDINANCE NO.~ AN ORDnWiCE CREATING AMUNIC~ CIVIL DEFENSE AM) . DISASTER RELIEF OHGANIZATIONi APPOn'iTI1lG..TRE 1-1A.YOR. . CHAIRHAN OF TEE OHGA1IIZi\.TIo..-q Arm HIS .ASSISTANTSi CREATING' NECESSARY PGlERS TO COPE WITH El-1ERGEHC!ES , THREA'miING. LIFE AND PROPERTY n~ TilE CITY OF WESI' illlIVERSITY PLACE,' TExAs; AU'1'HOR:I:znlG CO-OI'EBATIVE AIlD MlT.WAL AID AGREEl>1ENTS FOR RE:LIEF :m:NEEN THIS CITY AIID ar:BER ClTIm OR COUNTIES; PROVDlING FOR NO LIABILITY FOR AI1YTh"DIVIDUAL, FIRlil OR PARl'NERSHIP. WO MAY BE CARRYING our TEE DunES OF THIS ORDI- NANCE INA CIVIL DEFENSEFUNCTlmli ~OH;rBITING . WILFUL DELAY OR HnID~ OF ANY ~:BER OF THE ClVIL ~ ORGANIZATION ArID TIlE ENFORCEl-ErlT OF PRE8CRIBED DUTIES; IECLARTh'G POOSIBIE EMlmGENCY . FOR TEE PR<Jl'ECTIOIi OF HEALTH, . SAFm'Y ArID WELFARE. 3E IT 0RDAiI'lED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WE8l' ~ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. TIIERE IS HEREBY CREATED THE MUNICIPAL CIVIL IJEFENSE AlID DISASl'ER , imI.mF.ORGANIZATIOn'OF 'THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS, WHICH SHALL CaNSIS!' OF THE. Fou.owniG: A. The 'Chairman' of the OrganiZation shah be known as the Municipal '. .Defense Co-ordinator and shall be the ~oiay'or of the City 0: .West Univer.aity Place, Texas.. '1,) . In the event of the' inability or- incapacitation of the. Mayor ..to serve as Municipal Defense Co-ordinator, the following . ,t line of succession shall apply: a) loiayor Pro-tem . b) Remaining members of the City Commission of the City of. West University Place, Texas, to be designated in al- phabetical succession. based on the surnames of 'such remaining Co~ssioners. . ~~ . . B. The Assistant Chairman '01' the organization shall be known' as the Assistant MUnicipal Defense Co-ordinator and shall. be the . . City V.anager o-r the City of West university Place; Texas. fiX. i.~" ~>. C. The Planning Section of th; Organization shall have as the head of that Section the Director of Civil Defense and Disaster Re- . lief. Such Director shall' serve at the pleasure of the City l~ . . '~., . -;. Commission and at such rate. o~ compensation as may be set by' the COlllIIIission. Additional staff members in the Plant;:i.nc; Sec- tion s~ll be app~inted by, and at such rates of compensation :.., ~--'-:'i .- -- --- I ... "1.1 I II IJ Jliljll~II_IIII"lmlllll_1" . as ll!6.y be set by, the City Commission as needed. The' Directol' of the Planning Section anA his' staff sball serve to develop $Uch pla.os,programsJ rules, regulatiollS, a.nd directives as ehaU' be designatl:;d by the Municipal Dei'ense co-orq.ir.ator. . , D. T"ne .Opera.tlog SecUbn of the, Organiza.tion shaU consist of employees '01' t~ CitY-of WestuD1versity Place, Texas, as ,designated by the Co-ordinator as vell as' all volunteer vorkeri!l. The'runct1ons and duties of the Operatine;Sect1on of ~he Organization shall be set by the CO-OrdiMtor Soli may' be necessary. to ce.rry out the provisions of this Ordinance. . , Section 2. The )&1nic1pa.l Defense Co-ordinator shall have. tbefollowiIig duties, . . responsibilities and authority: .' B. :.l 'A. , To de,clare the eXistence of an etllergency, 'Which declaration it necesaa.ry to be lIl11de prior to' cantir1lllll.tlon by the C1ty counicision,. shall be eithercon1'1l"1!1ed or rescinded by the City Colll'iilisslozi at its ~ meet1ngfollov1ce; such declarat1on. To control and 41rect the activities of the planning and Op- erating Sections of the Municipal Civil Defeaee and D1suter Relle! Organization.. ..- To determine all -questions of authority and responsibility that may arise within the OrganIzation. To supervise the drafting and execution o'! mutUtl.l aid agree';' menta in co-operation with the repreaeu'tativeri of the ~ e.nd. of ather polit1cai sub-divisions of the sta:te and to . . maintain neceesary liaison with Civil. Defense and D1lJa8'ter . Helie'! Orl;Mhatlons. of other plUt1ca:( sub-d1rts1QnS or' the State 8M' ay \Je nece8~ or dea1rs.ble. . B. To issue all necessary procla.mt10ns u totbe ex1lll'tence at . all emergency and the ef'!ectuating of tbe Operatins Se<:t1Qu of the Organization.. . C. D. To ma.rehe.l a.ll' necessal")" personnel, equip;roent or lJupp:i.1es from any Department of the CityofWe&lt university Place to aid. 1n. the carrying out of. the necessary operati~ aC- tivities of the Organiza1oioD,_IlUCb;. neeesea17 personnel., e<J.u1pment or supplies to include 8.ny ude available by priva.te contributions. To arrange for the iGsuance of rules, regulations, or direct- ives' which would be oecessary. for the protection 01' llfe aM. property in the City of 1Ie$jt University Place, Texas,. d\lring a prociaImed emGJ;gency. 11. To supervise the activa1#1on of a. volunteer block cit1zeDJi organization to function as'& part of the Operating Section .~ the Kunicipal Civil Defet1Se and J)1J:JaSter Belle:!;' Organi- ~~.' F. G. I. To enter into agreements for the use of private property tor air. raid shelter and.'otber purpoaes" IlUch ~nta to be rat1'!ied or cancelled by theC1ty Commission. , i ". ~r>'<'-. ... '..''? .-"~-:;~' '~._~.:~ -':':.;-" ~ ......~::. , .:.-'"'.(. :~."._"_. __-;- ,":,,,_,_~_!.~~_""'~'_'_''''''~''''''''''''''''_'C:;~____.'''''_",,",,_'-:_-''-''''-''-'-;-n--< ~--.-._ -".,. ~,--""': ,~ .. "II I II II 111M Il1fl_~_fmlllll_1 r ,.. I ... 1'..-". '>\ . ,- "'i '<1 ": i- II ,I I 1 ~ ., .', ; '!1 I C i , "' J ;; l' r ;: t " ; "" Hi t. ~. I' t . F i'" . IY: .' ~ ;; ~ I':: . j".: ~ '. l! f ?:; r I? i;< . t-Z. ~f .' W H .. '.!~( ~,r,~' -~.' Section 3. The MUnicipal Defense Co-ordinator shall have the . authority to expend. any publ1c funds of the City or to cotll!ll1t the City 'to thp. . . ' expenditure ot: funds in carrying out any activity authorized under the proviaioua of' this ~ina.nce which are necensa.r~ to effectuate the pro- visions of this ordinance in times of emergency. Any such expenditure "of"public :l.'wlda or colllll1itment of the City to be ma.de in a.dva.nce ot: the . existeDce of au emergency will require the prior and specific a.uthOriza.- t10n of the City C~ss1on. Section 4. At aU' times when the orders, rules acd regulations made a.lid .pro- lIlUlga,ted l?ursuant to"th1a,Ordinancc sluill be in eifect, they shall supersede . all existing ordinances, orders, rules a.nd'regulations insofar as the latter maY be inconaistent' therewith. ,. .~.~. ~.~ . . :l ~., ?(. . Section 5. '2hi1l Ordinance shall not be construed so as to con1'l1ct with arq :--..." , . L;;- .k? .~t~. r; {~;~ ~!' fJ}' state or Federal statute. .. Section 6. ~';:;' .1t This Ordinance is a.n exercise by the 011;1' of . its govermilen-tal 1"unc- 'tions tor the protection. of: the' public' peace, health and sat'ety and ne:l.tl:lei ,'vi f' ~ .t~ ". 1:. -,: 'r", ~?J.' , . the City or Vest univers1t1' Place, Te~~ the a.gen'ts and repreoetikt:l.ves ." ' . t or said City, or any ind1vidua.l;~'.receiver, !irm, partnership, corpora.tion,' association, Or trustee, or any or tbe agents thereof', in good fa.ith carry- . . . if: . ~.' '~\' . _lV,' .;.~ . l'..... ~'" w:: . ~, ~;. . iog out~complyidg with or attee.pt1Dg to camply with, any o~r, rule or regulat1onpromulgated pursuant to the ~s1olU1 of this Ordiua.nce shall be liab~e for any damsge SWlta1~ to ,~8Otl or Property as the result of . said a.ct1~ty. A.rq person owning or cont.rolling rea.l esta.te or other pre. . mise. who voluntarilY a.nd withoutc0mp8nsation grants to the City of Vest Univeri!l1ty Place .8. license or privilege, or otherwile permits the City to inspect, ~signate and uSe the whole or any pert or parts at such real ellltate or premises tor the purpose of sheltering persons dur1Bg an a.ctUal, , ill1'pending or practice ,enemy at:tack shall not, togetbe~ with his auccessors in interest, if a.ny, be. civilly liable t:or the a.eath of) or inJury to, ~ny person on -or about such' real estate or premises under such l1cellM, privilege or other pe~l!llilionor,f'or loss of,' or damage to,. the prop- erty Of such person. . ~~ '~~~. ~~: f',.. . ~'. ;:.. t.. ~i ", ~ r :,;.:: >.<'; .:!:.~ '-r.. 1.... . ,w. jf' ~.: ':::5 ::.:' "-~ ~~i;: . , ~: .~i~~ :. "!', ',-~~, -".~>'r-"~ .....~".,..-".----~-~...:'--. -., . ......--:-...'>" .~-.-------. , . . ,.r .'~' ___. _. _ ,.... -:'''''~'::'''''''''~'~ ,,~~ ': :--" . .. . .'.V:,":'- ..:'.....~.,.-.~~ 'r;':,'~~" , , I ,',. f'. , ~ . " I t. . . f f: Sect~on 7. . ~ .. r f l it '1 :' it if if li: .[' ..1 :. ~ ~ "i ;! ~ f . ,'} .' 'j. ". ': ~. ~ ,'-'; ,:1 :i , -"11 )" .,' t~ ~ \. ~: - ~. .' , .t. ! ,..} '" t .' :. :..,. : ....', . It shall be unlav.rul tor 1Ifn;f parson wil:f'ully to obat.ructj hii<d.er, or de1a.y any ~wer 01' the CivU Defense Qrge.n1.zaUou in the", eaforeeunt ofarry rule or regUlation issued pursuant to 'tbU Qrd1- l:lfW.Ce I or ,to do Mq act f'or'Qidden by 8ZJ.Y rule! or regulatioQ 1sI!lusd purauant to 'the authoiity contained in this ard1DS.acee It shall like- . . . . . . . nae be un1..a.utul tor a~ 'person to wear I cu7:y or d1sp~ e.rrr eulblcm, 1W.Ji~a 'Or &ny' other means of identification as a member at the Civil ~feMe and D1S8JS~r neUe:! Organization of' the City ot West Utrl.ver- s1ty Place,'rexa.8, unless authorlty to do so bas beeu sN,nted to such . person by' the prrcpar o1'.:t'1c1alse ConY1C1;io~ tor violation of' the pro.. vill1on8 o.t tl;ds, fJec~ion e1lall 'be pUnishable by not lees tbs.n $1. aor 'more than $200 pena1.ty ~ Section 8. It .1UlY' portionot this OrQill8.nce. shall, tor aar. reuoD, be declared imralld, such inva.l1d1ty ehsll not aft'ect tbe reza.in1ne; p;t"o-. rls1.OWl he!'eof'. Section 9. ~u, there exists' no a8po.1"t\nent or or~=tion 01' the City or .West .Unt'lFerill1t;r Pla.I:e,<'rexu, which ~ould be 1n position to cOlilO with COll'.l\fiOQ'd1.8asters, either man-Diade Or na.tural, and are.r, prompt lU2d ef- .' :ticient .td.d. in time of' Deed, thereby (!reat1ne: an emergency 1n t~ '. 1mled1a'te pr8ll1ervat1onof' the pub~c, peace, health, safety aDd general wlfaze, requiring that th1s Ord1na.nce ebaU take ef'fectitlmediate~ . '. . . . ., from. e!ld after j,tlll pa.s~ and. proper pUblica.tion of the. caption, aDd. it 1s e.ccori.1.ngJ.y eo ordained. "~A!i)~.TBIS ')'~ .nu.(g ~,l96L. . ' . CCMmJSI~. VCJrIl!lG AlE .4Is/L ~ VC1r1liG RO . 'n.""""'" ....1 ~~:.~ . . Stuart L. lAmkin, ~ ~. City' ~ Vest Uniyera11:y .lP1Ace,. :Teu.a .~:' .' d~ "f-' ---.-~-~. n~~ .J...J...J.....1__~. r ~""IIJ:I"":': -;-c:--:rCu.... ._ RESOLUTION NO. 62-4 WHEREAS, the City Commission.of the City of West University Place, Texas, adopted an ordinance creating a Municipal Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Organization to provide emergency protection of the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 795 creating such Municipal Civil Defense arid Disaster Relief Organization provides for a planning section and I operating section; and ! . i{HgREAS, the City Commission has agreed upon a workable base C~Vil Defense plan designed to save lives, minimize danger and restore arid rehabilitate society in an emergency in the City of West University PIace, Texas; and WHEREAS, the base plan, which sets forth the authority and defines pJrpose, mission, situations and assumptions to effectuate such plan, an ! ! e~act copy of which is marked " Exhibit A", and made a part hereof, is ! hEireby approved and adopted by the City Commission of the City of i-lest ! 1 Uriiversitv Place, Texas. I v I PASSED AND APPROVED TillS THE 12TH DAY OF MARCH, 1962. ~:i;~ MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas ATrEST: ------------ C ---I -, JIlL...... ..LL.JJ.:.::Li:....J.JII:: 'l.LLLli .:.ll-"-L.lLUIIILIU'-UIIIII_ i I ~ ~ - TI~ ::,:.:. . ~}' . .~.; ..... .. "EXHIBIT A II CIVIL DEFENSE PLAl, CITY OF 1'lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE) TEXAS B.l\.SE PLA1'i I. AUTHORITY. state Civil Defense Act of 1951 State Operational Survival Pl,an of 1955 City of West University Place City Ordinance 'No. 795, dated 10/23/61 . II. PURPOSE. To provide, in co-operation with the State 'and Federal governments, a workable' \ plan for ,the City.of West UniVersity Place) Texas, designed to save lives, minimize damage and.restore and rehabilitate society and property in a' nationa~ emergency. To supervise the activat~on of a volunteer block citizens organization to . function as' a part of the overall base plan. Co-operation with Harris'County. III. . 14ISSIOl'J. . To provide fire and: police protection) food aftd health services, shelter and any other help and' aid that we can give to this area and Harris County in case of an attack or any other. disaster. 'IV. SITUATION AND ASSUMPI'IONS. A.. Situation., .1. . 'Potential enemies of the United States have the capability of hitting targets within this area with nuclear and other weapons, and chemical .;,,': and biological .Tarfare. Houston with its Ship Channel, docks and refin- .; t. eries is an assumed target. The City of West University Place, located about 8 or 9 miles. from the . heart of Hous~on" and the Ship Channel and . Turning BaSIn; "Till 1.0 all probability be. on tl1e edge of the .severe damage and. fire area'and must be xeady with' fire, police and first aid equipment to aid:Houston and Harris.county. . .. 2. ' The City of West University Place is bounded on the north, 'east and south by the City of Houston. The City of'tiest University Place surrounds the City of Southside Pla~e on three sides; Southside Place has a. popu- . lation of 1,20b.'The population of the City of West University Place is 15,000, with an area approximately 1.8 miles east and west.andl.3 miles' north and south. The area co~tains some 5300 residences and apprOXimately 100 commercial buildings, one elementary school with an enrollment of 1,200 pupils, and 6church~s.The main line of the T. & N. O. RH. runs along and parallel to the 1'Test city limit' line. U.!:!. High1ray No- 59 is approximately 0.8 mile from the southeast corner of the City of West ;. . University Place city limits. -1- II IIUjllbJ__~IBIIIII__ f' ,. . -'1IIl. 111 ~ f .,r;<. " ~ .';.:~ ;~} .-', {~~ }t '0: ;.... (~ .'~ .B.. .Assumptions. 1. Houston, the 'Ship Channel and/or the City of West University Place can be assumed to be a,target area, by calculation or by accident. 2. This area 1YOuld receive heav:y initial radiation, fire and blast damages. .3. . Harris County probably 1vould receive fallout radiation from an, attack on areas in the Corpus Christ~ area. :. 4. The City of West University Place would be expected to furnish what fire and police protection it' could give along ~ith first aid and evacuation of victims. 5.. Houston Space Center. I. " GENERAL PLAN A.Organization. 1. Municipal DefElnse Co-ordinator . , 'a. Mayor of the City of We::;t University place. . . 2. Assistant Municipal Defense Co-ordinator a. City Manager of the City of 1'Tes.t University Place 3. Planning Section a. The Director'of CiVil Defense. and Disaster Relief to be appointed by the City Commission~ 4. Operating Section a. Employees of the City of i'Test Universtity Place as 1vell as all . volunteer workers. :8; .' Operations.' ;. 1. . General ac:!:;ion to be taken in an emergency: a. Receive l;j.nd disseminate.vrarnings. b. Mobilize Civil Defense forms. c. Recommend 'take cover or evacuate. d. Declare an emergencywh~n appropriate. ,e. Restore and continue control of local government at, pre-deter- mined locations. .. . f. Receive and care for evacuees. . g. Provide direct support of. attacked areas. h. Determine and 1varn .of. radia'\:;ion hazards. 1. Control and 1lJ8.nage t'.esources. . 2. Tasks' of Civil Defense Services. a. police. ~ Under the direction and ordE!r, control and propert:,i. .' of the.Chief of' police. To 1lJ8.intain law traffic, Prevent panic and protect lives ..,.1. ' .,..2-.. , . r' I l11u Illd__IWII.... ~'I1Ii~ ," II .. ;- I. .11 ..i ~ ,r. ~:." ~',. ..' ;,- -';-:." ';i: j". "'-;.. }~ /l.' !~i-' " . ~:"" ,. :<" ~ .:; r b. Hea"lth and r-1edical. Under the supervision of the City Sanitarian. To'protect' the health of the city population, and give active medical support to any effected areas~ c. Administration. . Under the supervision of the City t~n~gerts office. To care for any and all administrative details arising during and after an attack or disaster. d. Transportation. The .equipment of the Garbage .and .Street Departments:, yith.. other equipment, will be combined and will be under the supervision of the stree\ and Garbage' Superintendents. This service will.provide transportation for em~rgency supplies, . personnel and equipment for clearing debris. P-.civate equip- ment will be used if. the situati~n requires it. €. Communication. Under the supervision of the Chief of Police. To wain emer- gency radio and warning equipment including emergency electrical generators. .. 1: . FiXe and Rescue. Under the supervision of the Fire Chief. To carry' out 'any and all rescue operations necessary and direct his own and volunteer firemen in controlling fires and administering te~orary first aid to victims of disaster. 'g. 'Rruri..neerinp. Under the supervision of the' City Engineer, Building Inspector and Water Superintendent. Supervision of restoration of utilities, cl~aring debris, opening of streets that have been blocked and assisting in ~scue operations calling for ".~',,-:' tlle removal of debris. . h. Radiation. Under the supervision of. the Sanitarian and the Police Depart- ment. S.urvey the area and report contaminated areas to thei, City coptrol station. , , .3. . Actions under Various Conditions.. : a. Strategic Harning.. 1. Alert all emergency forces, including city officials. 2. Contact all area directors and adjacent cities. forco-ordina- tion of emergency operations. 3. City officials .;ill activate the control center and operate' on a 24-hour basis. b.Tactical Warning. Sound warning for city population. Call city officials, emp~oyees:and block chairmen to control center. . . Establish contact with other cities in area and county contro.l center. With iittle or no warning and attack imminen~, take best shelter available. C:. Post-attack 1.' Determine unsafe radiation areas. 2. City services to carry out e~rgency missions. 3.. Furnish first aid, medical care and evacuate victims. 4. Estaqlish temporary controlon~ritical resources. 5. Direct distribution of ail resources. ..6. Request support from state if needed. 7~ Maintain law and order within area. l. .. 2. 3. 4. -3- ./ r" -----; ~rlnm 1111_llUlIIlIDIIIII_." I - ---- ..,~<.~ ,. .....-. .'! ....,..~ . !;:. ,,; f~ ; , '~.., .,~, {;..... t~:. ::<: .:~ II. RESOURCES CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT A.' Economic Controls. Freezing, rationing, or other resource controls, may be imposed by direction' of the Governo~, or bY local authorities as necessary under emergency'conditions and the situation. All resources wi~hin the boun- daries of West University, both public and private, will be. used when deemed necessary by county' government officials and upon orders from the City Commission, only' during the emergency. Federal stockpiles may be available to this county upon request to the State Director. B. Supply. Emergency procurement and distribution procedures \,rill be directed, by the supply service, under the supervision of the City Treasurer and' his staff, and shall be in effect upon a declaration of an' emergency by the r.:Iayor or the City Commission. All requests will come through this service section, and nO.other. c. T"ransportation . City of West University Place Civil Defense will procure all trans- portation as needed. From Gove~nment and private sources. . II+. . COMr1UNICATIONS AI-ID COJIlTROL '/ A. Communications. All communications in the City of' West University Place are under the direct control of the Police Department. All types of communication, including private short "rave, will be reserved for emergency purposes. B. .Lines of Succession for City Government. 'The 1. 2. 3. following lines of .succession are established: Hayor. . Mayor F-ro-tem Remaining members of the City Commission of the City of West Universi~y Place to be designated. in alphabetical succession based on the surnames of such remaining Commissioners. . .' .. C. Control Center. City Hall - City of. Hest University Place. . . D. Alternate Plans. . The base' plan is flexible and can be. altered to fit any situation if .the condition presents itself, andean be changed in.its entirety if found to be in the best interest of an effected area. '~'" ___l. --.[). .'~' ',,~'~~ . MAYOR City'ofWest University Place,. Texas Date ~./11'. / t'f0.\/' . ~ _!~- 1"""-1 ~" 111I. 1.11 ~ljlll!IlIli1l1111111111111_1 1.1' !',~,'. ; REsoLurroN b,2 - S- WHEREAS, the City of;'West University Place has cash available in the Stree~ Improvement Bonds, 1948 Fund and SanitaryGe~l."l'ap!tal Iml!~~U~!ld I""~~-- which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREASp it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF'THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER~ITY PLACE, 'l"EXAS, that the City Treasurer' is hereby direct- ed to invest funds in the amount of: Street Improvement Bonds, 1948 Fund - $115.00 (Tobe added to Account Bo. 574, Americ~vings & Loans As~n) Sanitary Sewer, Capita 1 Impro,!ement Fund - $65.00 (To be added to Account No. 427, American Savings & Loans Ass'n) Te be invested with Savin2:i &, L(i)an...!.s~oc~ ~ioJ1s ilL tpe pr~D.1Ung rate of dividend of ~1 ~ r-~- PASSED AND APPROVED the 9tlt day of -.- A'Pril A~D., 196~ ATTEST: _L9nJkL Assistant City Secretary r -lliO--..--- , .-.- ,..---r--rTlI I II 11*lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII_r ~ (31'1 0/ WeJI Univert$ilg pIGUe MADISON 3-4441 31$00 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON 5. TEXAS ., t. 111I 't.' t ... .."..,... h.. -. '.....Ia. __, :......... of'___ ,...,t...... .... _..". .., .. ,.- .. ........... . .....- ... ... ..... .... .... ........... .. ...... "-........ ...... 'ft .. ... ,.,.,--. ..,... ........... .. .... ..... ....1.. ... If ..... ....... ..II'" .. .t,.. _........ ........- ....,. . ..... ..... ...,.... ........, .. ...h.... .. ....,.. -.-.. .. ......~. Aft............. ...... '..., ... 'ba' ........__... _._ ....... ............'1............ .. 'IM'..ftl ... ,~ ... ........ .... ...-.. .. -.. ., .... .'-'" 1M _...". .- - . .". - '...MII"_ ..,.,hl""" ..... ..'i...lI...... If -"-t 1M .... .. .... ...... .HI ....... 'd.. " it .., ,. __t.W. .. .... ........,.... .. .",.., ...-aj .. ___""_ ...., .., .'.,.. .. '&'1.111.._ .h....' . ...,.... .......... ""'..1." _._. .,.... ........ .. 11M. .... .. ........ .... .. ....... ..., ...,....,. t. ..be... ........ .... 'I .. ..JA1..... ....,...............,.... .. loll" . ..... .... _ .r.. .,..... ..,.... _..... ... .. .. .... ............... ....,,, ..',. ~~....~' -17- Va. ...... _. ........... ",1..". .,... ,. .. ..... ...,,,.. '__1'U1.. .... . hl1. ____ ..___ "\BId .amt. ....... ~tal ..... ...... .__il.'8 vblltft ,. ........ '.'lad. t'fda,. It"... "'Ill ..... -.,...... .J:\~ t~ ".......,....-. -, .___..... ...~'"...'....I ... ..'....1 'tl1 -.1' .... ...,...___dk'.',. hI'. '''11 ''-.Ibe .Ibi.- -uuU l.... ._...."1'.1\.... p...,._ .lh.. 4nec._ I... _"'.tu.... _ll_sbotb .e..~'..y...l.lll. 101;' ........wlth.n.' ..iaYt! ~ CUg of We6f Univel'6ilg /Jlace MADISON 3-4441 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON 5. TEXAS ,. '1. ."- .-..._ ...,.. .,.w. . ...., ..... .... ."'" ___ ..W' ...; """".,.,.. ,.,,,ta. . .....a.. i'" .... .,1-"1<<1"_ ,.. ........ .. ,. .... .. 'la. __. ...., ........... ....'..b'................ ....... ,..N.......,~ .. 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'.' ...f......-, . ..- ......- _"-- ,ill.. . ..........;i_ , p..~.."",.. ,..~_. ".;JI!!!f~' ,"'~r-... ., ".d.w_ __".c_.",. 11111 .,....... ..,..... .. .~1. IN ..... of ... 'has..-...... a..It.' ~~ .. a,.,.., 4'. ""t..... --'l"~": -~~""-r-"-'=----===-=~"--'----~~=''''''O~.''"''~IlIiIIL... _.........L..l.-l. __~~----- ,- .,-.---,----:-;~~.,,'~ -TC--:TC::IITILI' ".' ,...."",..,.,.....-... I : ~./ ~.~.~ -'":;-~~ RESOLUTION NO. 62-6 WHEREAS, the present system of issuing water meter deposit refunds to close out a customer's account, is antiquated, time-consuming and in need of revisiott; and WHEREAS, it: ,i!l the recollllllemdatioTl of the city Treasurer that the present system be revised to encempass the fOllowing: . . to (1) That a revolving fund in the amunt af $500.001 be known as CITY OF WST mnvERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. - WATER METER DEPOSl'1':MD" shall be' created with' limited uSe as an 'expedient means to refUnd custOmers' water meter deposits, funds for said account to be derived by'transferring $500~OO from the present TIUlST AGENCY FmID. (2) Checks to be si~eiiby' two of three authorized signatures of either the City Trea.surer, City Controller or City Manager. (3) All water meter dE!posits be refunded by a hand-written or typed check drawn upon the revolving fund' as CITY OF WEST tJNIVEBSITY PLACE, TEXAS. - WATER METER DEPOSIT FUl'D)~. . . (4) , In event a' custo~r is service is discontinued voluntarily or othe~se, 'and ,the :final acceuut remains unpaid, a check in 'the amount of the unpaid aniount is to be prepared -payable 'to the Water-Sewer Fund and applied ~instt~ ~mount due. If 'the account is less than 'the wa'ter meter. deposit, the balance of the deposit is to be transferred to T:JNeLAIMED DEP0S:t:TS ACle0tJl1P.r. New; THI!m:FoRE, :BE IT RES0LVED BY 'fBI!l CITY eam:ssleU OF Tl'lE CITY OF WEST UimERsm :i?LAcm, ~: Section'i. rfbe. present sys.1;:em of. issuing water metel' cieposit re~nds be changed in accorc1ance with the recommentis;tion of the Oity Treasurer and . ' that a new bank account in the 1QS.Xilmml atOOnnt o:l:' $50@.lilO,titled e!'fY (9F WEST .. l:JBJ:VERSITY. PLAcm, TEXAS-WATER DJ.!ER D.EP8&1T. FtmD;~.-..' be, created and that two of three'a.ppOinted' city ori'1cialS'si~tures be authorized for withdrawal of funds on the said acceunt and that refund checks be--he.nci~writte1\1 or tned as may bedeemeci advisable. liiection 2. If custemer' s service is discontinued veluutarily or other- wis~.!,.a cheek be prepared payable to the Wa.ter-Sewer Fund and applied against iheamouI).t due and in the event the account is less than the deposit, the balanee betranst'erred to li1BeLAIMI!l.B DEli'0$I'fS AeeOtm'f. r~ 'l~ rat I I ,.. 1"' "11 I 'II 11111111_00.11"1111_"- ~ ,..._~_.r^"'::T Section. 3. 'fbat the system for refunding water meter de]lGsits sba.U become effective June 1, 1962. PASSED AND APP.aOvEn THIS '!'BE 14TH DAY 6F MAY, 1962. .~~.;t~ stuart.:r.. :r.a.mkin, Mayer City of_lle!iltUniversity Place, Texas A~: /--- /' '~ 'J:. ~~~// . Gity Secreta (/76s,57/>/">) -' -, --~-~---,~"""'r"~---~"-"-~;~ ili '1. ' . ---"-"---;--r: '11 I 'II 11'lllllrll.11Ml!1I1111111f1l111_1 I i RESOLlJrION '2,. - 7 WHEREAS I tl1e City of West UniversityPlaee has cash ayailable in the TRV$T AGENCY FUND. ...--.......-_---~- STREET ~R~T BONJ)S.~SE~S 1948_1!!~ which will not ber~quired for current opE;lrating expenses, and ~ WHEREAS;> :it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and 2t is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIm: CITY CO:MMIaSION 0]' TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVER~ PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby. direct- ed to invest funds in the amount of: TRUS'T AGl!NCY Ft.JND . . - . $60,'11.00 S.TREET IMPROVEMENT !'Q!P~, SERmS 1948 FUND - $385000_-,..... :lei) be invested~ith UniversitySavil'lgs & L.Qan .~s ~n at~_~ . their prevaiUl'l~ rate of dividend of 4%% ~~.~ PASSED AND APPROVED the 25TH --" 'l" _day of _ -!tINE AoD." 196 2 ~~~ ATTEST: ,-L~ Assistant City See etary ---r:"">'O "--=-~l==-~";;'--O:"---"----,==~-:,~ ~L=::JiiII'~.- -----,-,--~~'''~-~:-~:r.-:IT:i, ,.,_,_ RESOLurION NO.~!=L WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has entered into a contract with Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. for the paving of certain streets under a paving assessment program; and WHEREAS, a substantial part of the cost of the pavement is to be borne by the property owner and payment made to the contractor through satisfactory arrange- ments of execution of mechanic's lien contract or through cash payment; and WHEREAS, certain property owners desire to pay cash rather than execute mechanic's lien contract; and WHEREAS, the City Coll1!llission has agreed for the city to serve as escrow agent be- tween the property owner and Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. to receive and disburse money paid for street paving. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That from and after the 27th day of August, 1962, there shall be and is hereby created in the Universit:i7State Bank, Houston, Texas, a depository bank of the City of West University Place, a separate fund known as CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE STREET PAVING ESCROW FUND. All sums of money received for street paving under the Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. paving contract, given to the city to be held in escrow, shall be deposited in said fund unti~ thirty .days (30) after completion of the street paving and acceptance by the city. Section 2. Authority fOr deposit and withdrawal of money deposited in the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE STREET PAVING ESCROW FUJ:IJD shall be vested in the City Manager, City Treasurer and City Controller. Checks for withdrawal of funds in this account may be signed by any two of three persons serving in the respective official capacity of City Manager, City Treasurer or City Controller. Said signatures of all three shall be signed to signature cards as prescribed by the University State Bank. Section ~. Funds deposited in the said bank account, as set forth in Section 1, shall not be paid out to Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. until the City Engineer of the City of West University Place has certified that the street paving of each respective block, where money has been placed in escrow, has been completed in compliance l,rith plans and specifications heretofore adopted by the bity. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 27TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1962. ATrEL.ST:. '.' j /A/ 97~ Secretary . .rr-v:voc ~.~ MAYOR City of West UniVersity Place, Texas -.-----.-~-----r=F -._..i~___.J..1llL.Lj_--,;...J...iiII:- , j,: "1L.Ll.:! .-_U ,.jL~iJJ1.JI"'b'--''''''''-~ RESOL1JrrON b .:J. - i 111IEREAS1 the City of' West. University Place has cash ava.ilable in the TRUST AGENCY FUND 'I rr , which \.Till not be required for current operating expe,nses, and WHEREAS:> it is the objective of the City Co~ssion to keep all of' the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investm~nt of' these certain sums of money~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION Oli'THE CITY OF WEST UN~ITYPLA.CE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to invest funds in the amount of: TRUS~ AGE~CY FUND . $850.00 To be j.nvestec! wit~ University Savings and LoanAssociati~_ a.t th~ir prevai1in~ rate, J!L..c!i:iiden~ ef 4~%~ . -"-,.-- PASSED MID APPROVED the 27th _day of AUGUST ~___~._A<>D,: 196 __~ ~~~ MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: :_~ City SecIltary r=o-cc-=-'ro"'-===-==c-_~'==n~IiTJTT~----------C-;---- - :------~"1TTT"T.-:',..lITnrlTillItlR_IIIIIII__ RESOLUTION NO. b A - I 0 WIlEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has long recognized the city's need for a larger and more adequate library for the use of the city's citizens; and WBEREAS, the present City Commission and preceding Commissions devoted extensive time and study to the proper and most economical procedure to satisfy such need; and WIlEREAS, a thorough study of the city's financial condition has revealed that funds are available for the rehabilitation of the present Community Building and the con- struction of said library, which buildin~ when constructed would be of such size, design and location so as to fit on the present site with the existing Community Building and be compatible with any future development; and WHEREAS, in order to make the necessary funds available. for the construction of said library and rehabilitation of the present Community Building, it is _advisable and necessary to transfer certain funds from the Water Fund and from a special ac- count of the Water :IDund, entitled Account No. 4-255 - RESERVE FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEME:NT, which funds were derived from the sale of l8.nd on Edloe Street south of and immediately adjacent to the Southwest Freeway, to the General Fund of the city; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY . - .... ,. PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That pursuant to the authority of Ordinance No. 653, permitting the transfer of funds fr.oin the Water Fund to the General Fund, the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer from the Water Fund to the General Fund,the SUlIl of . . $64,000.00, and in furtherance of such transfer, Ordinance No.'S08 adopting the 1963 budget, authorized and provides for the transfer of $64,000.00 as herein made. Section 2. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer from the Account No. 4-255 RESERVE FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMElNl' FUND to the General Fund the sum of $32,416.07: Section 3. That of the funds hereinabove authorized to be transferred to the General Fund, the sum of $15,000.00 is to be expended for architectural fees and the rehabili- tation of the present Community Building. Section 4. That of the funds hereinabove authorized to be transferred to the General 'Fund, the sum of $81,416.07 shall be expended for architectural fees and the cost of construction of the aforesaid library. PASSED MID APPROVED THIS THE 27TH DAY OF AUGUST, ATIEL. ., ~~_/~ Secretary -r~'-'I'-"--'~~"'- ,. 'i:il,i i.' --7-----~___;_~'~ :11 11- -IIIUlliIUI__UIIIIII... ,-~--.-~---- ._~<-~ < "- t RESOLUTION ,~-/I WEEREAS1 the city of West University Place has ca.sh available in the TAX COLLECTOR ''8 FUND which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep a.ll of the cityis money invested to earn additional income and i't is necessary and prudent to authorize investmont of these certain sums of money: NOW T~'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF' TEE Cl"TY OF WEST UNIVER~ITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the city Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to invest funds in the amount of: ~100,OOO.OO from Tax Collectors Fund, as Funds become available through collection of current taxes, in Savings and Loan r .,. Associations, at their prevailing dividend rate of 4~% 1;1""'1 .d. -----r-- PASSED A1ID APPROVED the 1st/ _day of October A.D., 196_~ ~4-.~ _~_A ~ MAYOR -- City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: -L..:: ig-</.&/ Assistant City' ec etary rr=- -------:;c!= .-- --=--=----- --'--'""'-=-:'lIiii::: - _...........l.... ~_~- RESOLUTION NO .(" 2 -I :0 WHEREASI a general eleotion will be held in the State of Texas on November 61 1962; and WHEREASI suoh eleotion ballot on that date will contain fourteen {i4) proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS I proposed Amendment No. 14 would grant to the Legislature power to provide for tr18~s de novo on all appeals f'rom aotiansl rulings or decisions of administrative or exeou- tive agencies of' government; and WHEHEASI the City Commission of' the City of West University Plaoe is of the opinion that passage of' said prop~sed amendment would destroy the balance of power between the Exeoutivel Legisla- tive and Judioial Branches of the state and local governments; and WHEREASI the broad and sweeping language of this proposed amendment would nullify any and all actionSI rulings or decisions of all state administrative, agencies and departmentsl counties# cities.and towns and other local governmental units by merely fil- ing in the proper court an appeal therefrom if the legiSlature so desired; and WHEREAS I this amendment would empower the Legislature to burden courts and juries allover the state I or if exclusive venue is lodged in Travis CountYI at times distantly removed from the sites of the original actions. appealed froml in fulll solemn trials of issues administrative and technical in nature and alien to our jurisprudenoe and thus impair and interfere with the ability of our courts to perform their basic judioial functions and require a great inorease in the number of our courts; -c'---r-....-' .. .- .::,~ ~l.~~' j~:".:llJJ.;i ,:U~ .ILJJJ.U;l!llil__lIUIBI.._.... -- '--1-;---- -- NOW" THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF wESTYNIVERs:i:TY'PLAGE~TEXAS; That each and every citizen Qf the City of West University Place" Texas" is hereby urged to fully aoquaint himself with preposed Constitutional Amendment No. 14 SECTION I: as well as'the effects of such proposed amendment upon the func- tions of our state and local governments. SECTION II: That the City Commission of the City or West Univer- sity Plaoe" Texas" is strongly opposed to the passage of the aforesaid proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 14. SECTION III: That the City Secretary is directed to spread this Resolution upon the Minutes of the City Commission and to furnish a copy hereof to each of the daily newspapers serving this community. PASSED AND APPROVED this .:l.;{~y or October" 1962. ~/~~ MAYOR" City efWest tIniversity ~laceiT~xas. . . A~~,) . · '. i A ./La S.ere ary 9tz . COMMISSIONERS VOTING. A~ ~ C0MMISSI@NERS VOTING NO " 9l ~. ,.. c_ -~r"~~~~' ia i b:;;.; ,_~"-"---""'-----'-"--T--"'----'-lll"-'l"':'I!1 II1'i'l 11' '1111111::11,1_11I.11&111_ - RESOLUTION 62'" 13 A RESOLUTION CANVASSING TEE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION IN TEE CITY OJ!' UST UNIVERSITY PI,AcE,'l'EXAS,BELD ON NOVEJ1.mER.6, 1962, .FOR THE PT)RPOSJjl, OF ELECTINGA).fA,'y:OBAJID FOUR COMMIS- SIONERS . OF. SAID CITY; m;CLARING TEE RESULTS OF SUCH ELEC~ION AlilDCERTIF.YINGSUOlI RESULTS. .. . WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, the General Election Laws and Ordinance No. 809 of the City of West University Place, Texas, a general City Eiection was held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on November 6, 1962, for the purpose of elect- ing a Mayor and four Commissioners; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29 of the Election Code (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. P. 1097, Ch. 492) Article 111) the managers of the election have made out, . signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election together with the poll lists and tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commissioners 01' the City 01' West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners 01' the City 01' West University Place, Texas,inRecesSed Session assembled on November 8, 1962, have opened and ~. examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with Artic1e 8.34, Acts 1951, 52nd. Leg., P. 1097 ,ch.492, Art. 116, and. as a result of such examination and. canvass, said. Mayor and City Commissioners find that at such election the following votes were cast: Name Candidate For No.183 ~ No.133 No.87 DuPree Holman Mayor 822 433 535 537 Loys E. Vest Commissioner 780 415 504 519 Richard Ayres Commissioner 793 428 515 520 Horace A. Rice Commissioner 799 423 523 527 Charles L. Wall, Jr. Commissioner 802 427 507 529 and, '-.';-' "'-. WBEREAS, as a result of such election, it appears that DUPREE HOLMAN with a ~otal number of 2327 votes cast for him was elected Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas; and LOYS E. VEST with a total number of 2218 votes cast for him, and RICHARD AYRES with a total number of 2256 votes cast for him, and HORACE A. RICE with a total number of 2272 votes cast for him, and C:EfABLES L. WALL, JR. with a total number of 2265 votes cast for him, have been elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF \>lEST UNIV:l!iRSlTY PIACE, TEXAS; that, 1. The official resul.ts of such election shall be, and they are hereby declared, pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be that: DuPree Holman was el.ected Mayor Loys E. Vest was elected Comniissioner Richard Ayres vas elected Commissioner Horace A. Rice was elected Commissioner Cbarl.es L. Wall, Jr. was el.ected Commissioner of the City of West university Place, at the said election. 2~ An executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each DuPree Holman, Loys E. Vest, Richard Ayres, Horace A. Rice and Charles L. Wall, Jr., as his Certificate of Election, and duplicate copies hereof shall. be' delivered to the City Secretary of the City of ~est University Place, Texas, and the COtlnty Judge of Harris Cotlnty, Texas, as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 8tb. day of November, 1962, with all Commissioners voting Aye. COMMISSIONERS ~~~ MAYOR ATTEST : ~Lv "i,tant c~cretary -~r" RESOLUTION ~,Z - /y 1rJHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the T~GOLLEGTORIS F~ ---~-- wh:lch. "Vull not be required .for current operating expenses, and VJ"HERE..AS: i:t is the objective of. the City Commission to keep all of the ci tyi s money invested to earn additionaJ. income and it is necessa..ry and prudent to authorize investment of these certain Slm1'3 of money~ NOW THER.EFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CD}'jJ'vIISSION OF TI:m: CITY OF "WJ1!ST UI\llVt.:...'1SITY pr.uAOE;) 'rEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of~ $150.000000 .. TAX Cm..LECTOR'S FUND. as Funds became avai1ab1e~thrau2h~. cal1ect ians of current taxes~ in Sav]'!1A!....?nd !-oan .f\!tl!.ociati~!!.5.1 at th~i,r ~_.l2revailing ra~tr.~..J!.:t~ of 4~.. .. " ~~> ___~...a;;:;:.. -. - P~8BSED ..AND F..PP.aOVED the ~8t~~~day of Nov~pe:r:~~~~Ao.)D." 196__ 2: _~" City of tvest Ur.iversity Place, Texas ATTEST: . -L ~~~~d. Assistant C:Lty Se . etary --------- ----r====l=--"'=+O~~= ._~~ -'..LlLL ..;..._iJII:' -'------I---~'---'-----rr~L; . _IL. :ITIII. 1'1'1' '_111111I111111111_'--- -- RESOLUTION NO. 62- I,r WEEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has heretofore, by Resolution No. 62-10, transferred certain funds from the Water Fund to the General Fund for the construction of a library and pa~1nent of architectural fees; and WHEREAS, bids for the construction of a library building were received on November 8, 1962, and the lowesj; acceptable bid plus Alternate No. 1, and increased architectural fees, exceeded the amount of funds appropriated by Resolution No. 62710; NOW, TEEBEFORE, BE IT ;RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, ',UEXAB:., Section 1. That Section l of Resolution No. 62-10, is hereby amended to appropriate an additional $1,000.00, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer from the Water Fund to the General Fund the additional amount of $1,000.00. Section 2. That section 4 of Resolution No. 62-10, is hereby amended so thatc funds in the total am~unt of $8~,416.07, heretofore appropriated and authorized to be transferred, shall. be increased to $82,416.07, which additional amount is, required to be made available before execution of a contract for cons- truction of a library building and for payment of agreed architectural fees. Section 3. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to make such transfer in keeping 'iTith Resolution No. 62-10 as amended by this Resolution. PASSEl) AND APPROVED THIS the J.:2th day of November; 1962. ~'~ MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: ctL~~~~ Secretary' . - -- -" --~4===--~ ,~I ilff-';I.'I-~.-- '~-":-_._..-~---rr~!~lll"II~'I'~I_lImIrmllfl___ RESOLUTION NO. 62-16 WI:lEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to invest the city's available cash which is not required for current operation of the various municipal activities,in shares and savings accounts, with recognized ~~vings and ~oan associations, chartered in the state of Texas, operating under Federal regulations and doing business in the City of Houston, TeXas; and ~, it. is necessary that one of the elected officials of the City of West University Place, Texas, be appointed for and on behalf' of the City of West University Place, Texas, in connection with the deposit, withdrawal or exchange of funds in said savings and loan associations; and ~, the City Commission has elected to deposit its funds in trust accounts limited to a maximum of $10,000 in each trust account in said savings and loan associations in order to obtain Federal insurance coverage. NOli, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVEBBITY, PrACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That DuPree Holman, Ma.yor of the City of West University Place, Texas, beappointed.!.rrustee representing the city and authorized to sign trust fund accounts in the aforementioned savings and loan associations doing business in the City of Houston, '\dth a maximum of $10,000 in each of such trust accounts. Section 2. That the appointment of Mayor DuPree Holman as Trustee represent- ing the city for the handling of trust fund accounts shall supercede the action of the City Commission contained in the regular minutes of December 12, 1960, which appointed Mayor stuart L. Lamkin as trustee for simil~r circumstances. PASsED AJ.\lD APPROVED THIS THE 26TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1962. COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO ~ ~ COMMISSIO:l'JERS VOTING AYE IlJ~ J~aJ- MAYOl:\ City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST : ~j ~~/~ Assistant City Becre ary RESOLUTION 62-17 i~, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to invest the cityts available cash in shares an~ savings accounts with recognized savings and loan associations chartered in the state of Texas, operating under Federal regulations and doing business in the City of Houston, Texas, which is not required for current operation of the various municipal ac- tivities; and ~, it is necessary that certain elected and appointive officers of the City of West University Place, Texas, be designated to act for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, in connection with the deposit, with- drawal or exchange of funds, in said savings and loan associations; and WHEREAS, signatures of designated officers are required and authority shall be invested in three of the five such officers, one of whom shall be an elected' city official, either Mayor Pro tern Horace A. Rice or Commissioner Charles L. Wall, Jr., to act for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, in connection. with the handling of shares and savings in the savings and loan associa- tions, as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to substitute the names of one of the elected city officials to serve in lieu of Mayor Pro tem William T. Lutz, Jr., whose term ex- pired on November 12, 1962. NOl<i, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; Section 1. The herein designated officers are hereby authorized to open an investment share account for the City of West University Place, Texas, and to invest its available funds from time to time with recognized savings and loan associations chartered in the State of Texas, operating under Federal regulations and doing business in the City of Houston, Texas, and that said associations are hereby authorized to act without further inquiry in accordance with signature cards bearing the signatures of three of the five such officers, unless and until the associations have been notified in writing of any change of officers or further authorization for other individuals to so sign. Horace A. Rice Charles L. Wall, Jr. Whitt Johnson William Dittert, Jr. George P. Corry Mayor Pro Tem Conm:tissioner City Manager City Treasurer City Controller . -" -------~ ..----r~ --~'...,-"=F====O--,c..""O'".,T-~~__~I~ .......-:. .._~- 'Section 2. Eacn of the five designated officers shall execute signature cards re'luired by the association, with a specimen of their signature. Section 3. This Resolution shall supercede the authority contained in Resolution 60-24 applicable to the said savings and loan associations ,_where William T. Lutz, Jr., Mayor Pro tem, ,.as designated as the ele,cted officer of the City eligible to act on and behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas. Th~ sig:nature and authority of William T. Lutz, Jr. is hereby removed inasmuch as his term as Mayor Pro tem of the City of West University Place, Texas, expired on November 12, 1962. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS TEE 2(irH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1962. COMMISSIONERS VaJillIG AYE COMMISSIONERS VarING NO a;LL./' }~ jJJvW'~ MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: -...: r-- I ._j~_ aln'.IIII.;;'~l'" Ii UlLU: !'T.a.LLJWUilllIUB ..111- RESOLUTION NO. 62-18 WHEREAS, it is the duty of the City Commission of the City of West University Place as soon as practicable after the election of a new City Commission to appoint a Judge of the Corporation Court of said City, a City Attorney and such Assistant City Attorneys as neces- sary to transact the City's legal matters, and a City Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector; and WHEREAS, the present City Commi,ssion was elected at the last regular election held on the 6th day of November, 1962: 'NOW~ TI:lEREFORE~ BE IT ORDAIl.'lED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West Uni- versity Place hereby names and appoints D. Gale Reese, a duly licensed and practicing attorney, Judge of the Corpora- tion Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested with all powers and authority as set forth for a Corporation Court Judge in the Charter of said City and the statutes of the state of Texas. Section 2. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Charles .F..Cockrell, Jr., a duly licensed and practicing at- torney, City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested .,ith all. of the ,powers and duties as set forth in the Charter of said City and ~he statutes of the State of Texas. Section 3. The City Commission hereby names and appoints O. Joseph Damiani, a.duly licensed and practicing at- torney, Assistant City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 4. The City Commission hereby names and appoints William Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer and Tax Assessor-Collec- tor of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested with all of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this the lOth day of December, 1962. JJ/~JJ4\;[J Ml\.YOR ATrEST: L~/ ~,;W Secretar ,. . - r~~'~r~~~-~~~~~I", II" 1>;1. ii:l" -;-~~--li'lITnillTnmlllllllllll ....~---- Ii ~,,"'.J. R. 6:1.--/9 , - - - :'.' '-~ - . - . _ _ _ __ _ _ .' J.. ~k tne G1itW ~Qmm.~_ ())-I' tfle at, ot WMt _1,... ve.$.tw n._*~. n... ~n 1.m'~ ot the .t'h oS: ~to~ lluueU f'1~ ... ~__'.. 1l~. 19&~. ant ~" 101_' tbe ea"......ta. 1t-u..-U n\lJJlU) .ve1o~ '''S$.M fla_ ..' G-Itha n-t H41ts1__ 1ft t~ ~""7 of lIl_t .1. "eft1., '1aofiU a'tld ~" 111, aub~_' ,.... ...$t:.l ~__ Ju.-1.J. '1umb _v.1~Ei U! ~__ In t.... (Je.v91~ ~" _.. ~"" hmp<t>>t:~ AEiU1il'On aa4""CfJ:t:w Add1:tt.OIa. all. In t.ile Q't'J of' weeta bt.... ve_t.tJ '1aoe~ .Ilti , .... tn 1'" be e".I.tu~Wtl 1m.e ~$', $t.. Ka$ta Bp1nGpal en~b 19aU41_ and waa '~ a"ttve in tq ..-lJ elvte and "11s1oua 1U. .g the, .t., of' ..t __,~ ftace, a. ___. t:b.e t11t~ ~...._ QI' MU O1t.J ..~, tQ gt.". ~.f&fti.tt.tJ to fiht.a td~... t.n _be "1~ '~' tne eltw lH' Weat t1Illwatt~ na-t lIOlf# '~.,.# .. lW' ~ .. .. ..,..-%_ .. lflf& ~In ~~ _ ~ ,~~ .... $~. 1,1 ~:t tlM _'" ~laat._'~. t.'tfrt ~_ to the w1" _d t'.tljf _~.. ~l '3alntb and <<la~.,t~'~.P. the .-="7J8 a_l'e~w~~ t. ~ p~_t~_ ;!;~:-':'iC(;_;--,-';:::;', -<- - -- - - _ ',~,"\',_;;.._-'-.'- '~'. ~', 11I7 ~_ "':l:L '1umb ~ ~ "lJ' __~~ of t~ e1~7 ~ W_t<1I'tllft_~',.. '~."''I' .,,1..' ft'f ~t ..','.'t,~'t', 18 4t."c,t_ t~ ."lV''' _ tlil<< wl.,'.. bS'"lt ...,11 ~_& ,a ~iV .' ~~,..a.tl.. t1._ 4.u-1"~\t:ted' t)i' tine ~J':~ . r .'r' .. IH;' k:l HI,.- - Ii' 11il ; i'llii- Il.ill:III1~I,M~IIII"" ,_ _,.,_n , ?>. _BPN W; ~~ th~ -'ilJtllu.t.s.OJl bet I~d ~p8 the mt.aute& ~ tlla City SelnmI.Q-J;Oft ~ 'M~ ,. c"p>>" .o-f ut.a ~lu~1-Qft M tu~ to ~ ~peH. .~ ~ ~ 4~lJ tnu .ll..:: de, td ~~" 1962. .."o~~~ A~,/ .f~ /i /.,1 / ~ v__ A.tL-~C/ ~ ~_ '-/U'"7~ . ,-- - r" 1'- .. 1Il;11". ~~-""---II II IIIIll:iIJl U11111_ RESOLUTION NO. b 2..> - 20 I) WHEREAS, by Resolution 62-10, Section 3, passed and approved the 27th day of August, 1962, the City Commission authorized the transfer from the Water Fund to the General Fund the sum of $15,000.00 for Architectural fees and rehabilitation of the present Community Building, and WHEREAS, on the 1st day of October, 1962, bids were re~eived for're- habilitation of the Community.Building and after review of the bids, it was determined that the Cook Construction Company had submitted the lowest and most responsible bid in the amount of $14,497.00, and a contract was accordingly awarded to the Cook Construction Company, and WHEREAS, the City Commission on the 26th day of November, 1962, authorized additional expenditures to cover cost of doub~e glass doors for the front en- trance, $340.00, 10 x 16 ft. marquee, $290.00, repairing of venetian blinds, $138.90, and extra cost of painting rest rooms, $65.00, increasing the cost of the project for rehabilitation of Community Building to.a total sum of $15,542.30, exclusive of Architects fees, and ~J3, the City Commission had heretofore engaged the services of Archi- tect E. Kelly Gaffney for a standard A.I.A. fee of 10% of the total' cost of the project, and v1IlEBEAS, the amount norr determined to be due E. Ke lly Gaffney, Architect, for services performed, is $1,554.23, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the entire cost of remodeling the Community Building and architects fees amount to $17,096.53, and WHEREAS, it now becomes necessary to appropriate an amount of $2,096.53, in addition to $15,000.00 heretofore appropriated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the sum of $2,096.53 be transferred from the Water Fund Account Number 4-280, Unappropriated Earned Surplus, to the General Fund. Section 2. That the City Treasurer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary transfer during the fiscal year 1962 in order that the abovementioned sum of $2,096.53 will be available to pay all of the outstanding obligations in "-..---.-----r-~o=o-:=r~-'- ~ .l.li:.L.L;I'~-..,--,~-----c-:----,--- ..,]I.~LI" '1J::""~r::U,IIU11""'--"'"no.-- connection with the rehabilitation of the Community Building. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS TEE 27th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1962. Jk~,,/ .J4/4/ MA.YOR City of West University Place, Texas ATrEST: /- /, , 'zJ f6~?~J 9:J{, /- Secretar . \ -~ [-.- ,11& \11 II". -If--.l..' I' 'II II. 1111I1'1:1,1_11l111111U1I111_. ~--i ;-- RESOLUTION NO. /, 2 - .2 / . \~, in anticipation of purchasing a new fire truck and related equipment on a cash basis, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, created a Fire Truck Reserve Account, and WHEREAS, through the sale of a 1939 fire, truck no longer usable by the West University Place Fire Department, the sum of $850:00 was deposited in the Fire Truck Reserve Account, and '\mEBEAS, the City Commission has for the past five years annually ap- propriatedthe sum of $4,000.00 for purchase of a fire truck and related equipment and in said fund there has now accumulated $23,529.15, including accrued interest, and WHEREAS, it was d.etermined advisable to purchase a new fire truck and related. equipment during the current year in view of rising costs and that it was known that attractive proposals were being offered on fire trucks during the year 1962, and WHEREAS, specifications were prepared, Notice to Bidders were forwarded to companies specializing in construction of fire truck apparatus, and. sealed. bids were received and opened, whereupon it was determined that the most ad- vantageous bid submitted. for a new fire truck was from the Seagrave Corporation, Columbus, Ohio, in the amount of $25,150.00, and for a two-way mobile radio unit from the Motorola Radio company, Dallas, Texas, in the sum of $490.00, and for fire hose from the American LaFrance Hose Corporation, Elmira, New York, in the amount of $1,339.28, for an aggregate cost of $26,979.28, and WHEREAS, it now becomes necessary for the City Commission to appropriate an additional sum of money in the amount of $3,450.&3 in addition to the sum of $23,529.15 heretofore accumulated to pay the cost of a new fire truck and related equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSrry PlACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the sum of $3,450.13 be transferred from the Water Fund, Account No. 4-280 - Unappropriated Earned Surplus, to the General Fund. to the credit of the Fire Truck Reserve Account. Section 2. That the City Treasurer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary transfer during the fiscal year 1962 in order that the aforementioned sum of $26,979.28 will be available for payment of a new fire truck and related equipment. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 27th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1962. j)~~/h/' nAY9R City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: /' .-,/ I '. LY. :22,' '?! 6/.~~~'~~ '7"J//d Secretary . ------..-------'-----r-"~~'~ ~ ~~.___,_L.,::..<L..LilL~.. -_.~~"',,',' BESOLUI'ION NO. t 2. -2. z WHEREA~, the various City Commissions over the past years have recog- nized the necessity for a comprehensive, long range plan to determine the city's future needs with respect to land use, zoning, a thoroughfare plan, storm drainage, water and sewer utility, and HBEREAS, various firms offering professional architectural, municipal planning and engineering services were interviewed, .and in the opinion of the City Commission, the firm of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, with principal offices in Houston, Texas, was capable and had the necessary qualified personnel and facilities to prepare a comprehensive plan for the City of West University Place, therefore, a contract for personal services was entered into between the City of i-lest University Place and Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, on the 13th day of August, 1962, for consideration of $8,400.00, and WHEREAS, $6,100.00 was appropriated in the 1962 and 1963 budgets for professional services to prepare a comprehensive plan, and WHEREAS, it was determined before execution of the agreement with Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, an additional $2,300.00, in excess of the $1,500.00 provided in the 1962 budget, vTOuld.be required after August 13, 1962, for payment of professional services for preparation of the comprehensive plan. NOI-l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Cm COMMISSION OF THE ClTY OF WEST UNIVERSlTY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the sum of $2,300.00 be transferred from the Water Fund, Account No. 4-280 - Unappropriated Earned Surplus, to the General Fund in order 4) to make funds available for payment of profe'ssional. services to Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, duxing the year 1962. SectiOn 2. That the City Treasurer be and is hereby directed to make the transfer dUl"ing the year 1962 in order that the aforementioned sum of $2,300.00 wi~l be available for the purpose required herein. PASSED AJ.IID APPROVED THIS THE 2(th DAY OF~~ 1!i\.11:OR City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: / ( / , q..;-;)-' J r..k-.-.....-../ 07 } ~ d..,../ secrei(ary ~~~~~. IIIL iliLLI,~".~ j; "ll_:J U ~ 11 _ JLUiJJN_IIlIIllIUlmll_. -----~T--: :~ ~.~ (~~ , . ...~" . '. 0"" 1'" """" . i -~ ~. ..\... \.<-<1t~r{!.':", 0;. .. RESOLUTION t,.t-2.3 1.,,1fEREiB, the City of West University Place has cash available in the TRUST.AGENCY FUND v3h.i:ol1 I.vil1 not be recp.dred for current operatir.g expenses, and \'l:1-ffiRE.AS ~ it. 'is the objective of the City Cormnission to keep all of the city2s money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and pr"J.c1ent to authorize investment of these certain Sl'L'nS of money" . NCW! THEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE: CITY CmvINISSr01J OF 'rI:m: CITY OF !tilEST UN.LVDl1SITY P".u.AOE, TEYJ\S, that the City TreaslJ.rer is hereby di:rected to invest funds in t;heamount. of ~ __~50.~t._OO -", Tl!~. AGE~UND - TO BE ADDED TO OUR ACCDUNT NO. 2690 AT THE UNIVERSITY SAVINGS ......~~ ,.. ....--._.",.... .....'7"It<"- --.-....._ & LOAN ASSOClAU ON AT THEIR ANTICIPATED DIVIDEND RATE OF ---~..- .....-~.-- .........,.-~.~~~- 4j% FOR T..HE FI~~~R (F 1~63 ~ ....._""*==.....~~..."..~""<-.- .-.~....-----~~~.-:..... PPBSED AND .APPROVED the _~~~day of.~ -pecem!>eL~~.~A"D", 196. 2: =.._" .. . // 1/ L,:rn/ ~~=- - . ~~ }1AYOR ,City- 0.1' irJest University Place, Texas ATTE3rr :' __L....L.~,;./~ Assistant City Secret..ry r~ul" - --.-.c~-........ i..I...c..-LL_..utII: - J:' ~-TlrlIll1 I II 1_IUIIIIIIIURlI._.... ,; ~' ..... " . - ~ , ~'. ;0,' I. .; ~ .. ~,~:;.:~,~~*~~ '-f"' ,"",,' /,J