HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.61 ) RESOLUTION '1,->77 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the HEALTH FUND. :l'RIST .AG~cY FUND, INSURANCE RESERVE FUND, FIRE TRUCK . FUND, SA:N1TARY SEWER CAPITAL .IMPROVEMENl' FUND "Which will.. not be required for current nperating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city s mOney invested to earn ad~itional. income and it is neces- sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums '01' money: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RES0LVED BY THE . CITY COMmISSION OF THE '0 . - CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 'lfuat the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest fun~s in the amountbf: $ 1,500.00 from the Health Fund in Southwestern Savin~s & Loan Association 350.00 from the Trust Agency Fund in University Savings & Loan Assn. 9,000.00 ,from the Insurance Reserve Fund, and 4.,000.00 from the Fire Truck Fund, and 3,655.00 f'romSanitary Sew. Capt. Improvement Fund, all in American Savings and Loan Association, . . ~ at the prevailing dividend rate of 4i 9th day of January. A.D., ~ 1961 PASSED .AND APPROVED this the ~:t;~ . Mayor . City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: .G ' Assistant City Se~ r-"'-'--~ - ~1I' ~~-r===="~~-=-=.....,-' I'.. .I 11 Illil1iR"- ~ D]'" RESOLUTION NO. 61-2 vlHEREAS, it has been made knmm to the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, by ~4rs. Arbie B. Jones, owner of Lot 16 and the West t of Lot 17, Block 12, Virginia Court Addition, and also by the T. J. Bettes Company of Houston, Texas, that Mrs. Arbie B. Jones has heretofore erected or caused to be erected duripg the year of 1952 on such premises improvements over, on and across an easement in which an 8" sani _ tary sewer line ha~.theretofore been installed; and WHEREAS, 14rS. Arbie B. Jones has heretofore entered ipto a contract to sell the aforesaid property, but it is impossible to obtain the necessary refinancing because of the present location of the said sanitary sewer line under such improvements; and WIIEREAS, the City Commission desires to correct this situation which poses a pOSSible danger to its sanitary sewer system. Notf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City oflfest UniVersity Place shall abandon the section of the present easement over and across Lot 16 and the West ~ of Lot 17, Block 12, Virginia Court Addition, and shall relocate such 8" sani- tary sewer line, with necessary sewer manholes, in an 8 foot easement to be granted by said owner, Mrs. Arbie B. Brooks, formerly Mrs. Arbie B. Jones, a widow, and joined by her husband, William W. BrOOks, along the east line of the West ~ of Lot 17, Block 12, Virginia Court Addition, provided'that the following terms and conditions are agreed to and complied with by Mrs. Arbie B. Brooks, formerly Mrs. Arbie B. Jones, a widow, and joined by her hUsband, William W. Brooks, towit: (a) That Mrs. Arbie B. Jones shall pay to the City of West Univer- sity Place the sum of $1,500.00 to partially defray the city's expense in relocating such. line. (b) That Mrs. Arbie B. Brooks, formerly Mrs. Arbie B. Jones, a widow, and joined by her husband, William W. Brooks, shall execute an easement over and across the aforesaid property to the City of west Uni- versity Place which such easement shall be at the point as designated in Section 1 above. '0 ~___ ~~_ _~ II. ~.__L'~. ( c) That Mrs. Arbie B. Brooks, formerly Mrs. Arbie B. Jones, a widow, and joined by her husband, William vJ. Brooks, shall execute a release to the City of West University Place releasing and relieving said city of any and all liability by virtue of the present location of said sanitarysevTer line or its removal and subsequent relocation. Section 2. That the City Enginae~ is hereby authorized and in structed to prepare the necessary plans and specifications for relocation o~ the aforesaid sanitary sewer line. Section 3. The existence of the aforesaid improvements over, on and across sanitary sewer line constitutes a hazard to said sanitary sewer system and creates an emergency; therefore, the City Manager is authorized to engage a qualifie~ independent contractor to do the work as is neces - sary in relocating such sanitary sewer line without the necessity of taking public bids thereon. Section 4. All sums in excess of the $1,500.00 contributed by the aforesaid owner of the property shall be paid from the Water-Sewer Fund. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS TEE 23RD DAY OF JANUARY, 1961. ~'i-:~ MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas. ATrEST: Lj 9J:~~4) Assistant City Secretary - ,I ------rJI r ~1,1 ill nill 111ITI1Ir"---~~--""-' RESOLUTIOH HO. / / - ~ vrnEREAS, one of the tvro sevTage pumps at the sewage disposal plant was in need of immediate repair, and WBEREAS, it .vas determined that the manufacturer of the pump, The Carter Pump eompany, Hackensack, Ne,. Jersey, could not. supply repair parts under eight vTeeksdelivery, and WHEREAS, it was imperative that the pump be available for continuous service, the Sanitarian engaged the Alpha Machine Company,.Houston, Texas, to make necessary repairs to .the said sewage pump, and WHEREAS, it .was determined that the Alpha Machine Company was reliable and equipped to make repairs to the said sevTage pump, the City Sanitarian and City Manager engaged the Alpha Machine Company on a material and labor agreement to make needed repairs to the aforementioned pump; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE: CITY COMMISSION OF THE: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; 1. That the action taken by the City Sanitarian and City Manager to obtain needed and emergency repairs to the sewage pump at the sewage disposal plant be ratified and con- firmed, as replacement parts were not immediately available and the sum of money expended for machine work was substantially less than new parts. 2. That the invoice in the amount of '$1115.31 submitted by the Alpha Machine Company be approved for payment. PASSED MID APPROVED THIS the 13th day of February, 1961. ~i.~ MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: ~.~ Assistant City Secretary r-.--~F~ ;1':11. I Ilil.,.r " 1.111 "T 1'. ..1,1 RESOLUTION '1.- .</ WHEREAS, the' City of West University Place has cash available in the GENERAL OPERATING FUND AND STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS.. 1948.. FUND 'Which will not be required forcurrent"perating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Conmiissi-on to keep all of the city s money invested to earn additional income and it is neces- sary ,and'prudent to authorize investment ~f these certain sums of money: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMmiSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ':Chat the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: $30,000.00 Fram General Operatin~ Fund ~ $30..000 with Southwestern Savings & Loan 'Ass'n as Trusts No.1, 2 and 3. $ 1,500000 Fram St:reet Improvement Bonds... 1948. Fund with American Savings and Loan Ass'n as SaviR~s Shere Aecount. All at. their prevailing ,rate of dividends of 4% I ~ dBO' of . ~ A.D., 1960. ~. Mayor City of West University Place, Texas PASSED AND APPROVED this the ATTEST: G~ Assistant City Secretary (,~- . L~~"r=.~'j<::- =:rJII ----L'~~ ~- . -'. T:L..... ~ _ L___L.JLTtmrnn:: ~ ,11~ ' RESOLUTION NO. ,,/,- 9 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM!vITSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PL.4..CE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION I.: The Assistant City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to give notice through publication in the Official Publication of the City of West UniVersity Place, Texas, on ~D~ (' 1'1'/ , AND through letters directed to three banking institutions in Harris County, Texas, ,that the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, will receive written applications for the,custody of the City's funds from any banking corporation, association or individual banker doing business in Harris County, Texas, that may be desired to be selected as a depository of the ctty of West University Place, Texas. Such notice shall be published one (1) time and shall direct any banking corporation, association or individual banker inter- ested in being designated as depository of the City to make its application with the City Manager on or before 7:iO o'clock D.m.. ~~...L/.2 7 . ../ 1961 at the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston 5, Texas~ Suchapplica- tion shall state the ter~ and conditions upon which such banking corporation, association or individual banker will handle the City's funds. SECTION II.: The c~ty Commission reserves the right to reject any . and all applications received. SECTION III.: The applications received p~suant to the .notice here- inabove prepcribed shall be opened at the regular Commission Meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m., '71;~ .2./j 1961, and at such time the City Commission shall designate the official depository or depositories for the funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, in accordance with the terms and provisions of applicable laws of the State of Texas, and provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. PASSED, by the City Commission of the.City of West University Place, Texas, this the :L 7 ~ day bf ~, ,~- -7 1961. ~~~ Mayor, City of west University Place, Texas ATI'EST: <,,,,,-- / :JJ' - f?/ L-.- .-',., C ~~ L-.J Assistant City Secre ary -- "----- -_._--E"""=:--::::~~~:E':"~=]~~----=:~~'"':~::.. . .-=-:-::-:~-==~~..:L....- _--..J.j....;ill...._L'~- j ? RESOLUTION h/- b WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the HEALTH FUND AND SANITARY SEWER CAPITAL UlPROVEMENT FUND (Funds will be avai.lable on April 1~196l) :which will not be required for current operating expenses, and ~AS, it is the objective of the City C~ission to keep all 'o.f the city s money invested to earn additional incollle and it is neces- sary~d prudent> to authorize investmente:f these certain sums of money: NOWTIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED l3Y THEC:rTY COMl'lISSION OF THE '. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, lJfuat the City Treasurer is hereby directed to investf'unds in the amount 01': $2,000.00 - Healtb Fund - witbSouthwesternSavinj1l;sand Lean Assec. to be added Le eur Savings Share Account #31-20565 $ 55.00 - Sanitary Sewer GapitaI IIDi>r()vementFund-American Savinss And Loan Ass 'to be adElea to our$avingsSbare Account 1427 ~ ' At Their Prevailing Rate of Dividend Elf 4% PASSED AND APPROVED this the j, 27th day of' March co A.D., ~ 1961 ~~~ Mayor City of' West University Place, Texas ATTEST: P-- (, g;~ 9? ~ / . .' ~ ,....-<<-/ ..~ Assistant CitySecrety 1 L===:l:"":"::J.".::.::_':=rn-.-.,-'-------:L'~-.~.~-~..-~~-.:t,:L..., ,___..____-----'----..cJL. ,l.Il[HC"---'--- ,'.- -j t l~ ':~ r :J: RESOLUTION G:, / - 7 WHEREAS; the City Ot: West University Place has cash available in the S . (1) Tax Revenue .' inking Fund, (2) Insurance Reserve fund (3) Fire Truck Fund, (4) Charter Amendment Reserve ... W~ter Fun~ (5) Sanitary'Sewer CaJ;Jitial Improvement.Fund which will not be required t:or current operating expenses., and WHEREAS, it is the objective ot: the City C:PIIlDlissipn to keep allo,r the city s money invested to earnadditionf;lJ. income and it is neces- .saryand prudent to author~ze investment cl)f these certain sums of money: 1'10\01 T$REFORl!:, BE IT, RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMmISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ':Chat the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount nf: f\) Tax _Revenue Sinking .Fund $7~. 700.00 ,(?) In:;urance.Reserve Fund 4.700.00 (3) FireTruckFun~ 5.515.00 (4)Char~er Amendf,!lent Reserve - Water Fund 18.000000 (5) S~nit~ry Sewer Capital Improvement Fund 18.095,,00 In S'lvinis and Loan A:ssociatic;)Us at their prevailing rate of Divi~~ds of 4% PASSED .AND APPROvED this the 10th day of Apr 11 A.D.,. 1900c. 61 ~--p.J--r~ '. Mayor City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: , ..~ Chc~ Assistant City Secretary r -~'~r~1 ~ - "--"m -.. -~,...-~~~~~ ~ 0''',''1 11 InFIif'''~------~- -----,--~iir=-r ; -;,.---- "- -~_. RESOLUTION NO. hl-R ~( ~ d WHEREAS, JOSEPH W. CLARKE died Olil! af'ter twenty-six years of' f'ai thful seqii 0, 1961, the City of' West University Place in various capacj and WHEREAS,. JOSEPH W. CLARKE, sin _ .Lnitial employment on April 6, 1935, by the City of' West University Place, perf'ormed all duties assigned to him ef'f'iciently and with such cheerfulness, af'f'ability and good humour that he won an untold number of' f'riends not only,f'or himself' but f'or the City of' West University Place; and WHEREAS, during his tenure with the City of' West University Place the said JOSEPH W. CLARKE performed his duties in an exemplary manner and thereby ref'lected credit upon the said City and the various administrations under which he served and at the time of' his death was the S~perintendent of Garbage and Parks; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of' the City of' West University Place desires to express its appreciation f'or the long years of' service of' JOSEPH W. CLARKE and to f'urther express its sympathy to the widow and f'amily of' JOSEPH W. CLARKE; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the citizens of' West University Place, acting by and through the Mayor and City Commission of' said City, here now record their expression of' their high regard f'or the memory of' JOSEPH W. CLARKE and an appreciation f'or his f'aithf'ul services in behalf' of' said City during his twenty-six years of' employment. 2. That said City expresses its deepest sympathy to Mrs. Grace Camp Clarke and the other surviving members of the family of JOSEPHW. CLARKE in their bereavement. 3. That as further evidence of the sympathy expressed, the City Secretary is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Mrs. Grace Camp Clarke, widow of JOSEPH W. CLARKE. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF JUNE, 1961. ~ --L.~~ Mayor or the City or West University Place v:;~ .'-/, . .t;L-~ ' .' .- u- ~ ATTEST: "-~--"------"-~E~" --~_:-:L_ --..~--~ -~- ~.--._- ,oT^;, , . ~- p.ESOLurrON r::;/ - I WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Iax Rey.enue Sinkin2,. F..un.d...-.____ Trust Apencv.'~nd - "f ---.".- ,.......__."'1 which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WBEREAS ~ it is the objectiV'e of the City C,otllIl1iGsion' to keep all of the cityis money invested to earn additional income and it is necess~ry and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums or money~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIDJ:: CITY COMMISSION OJ!' THE CITY OF WEST UNIVE:MITY PLACE, TEXAS) that the City Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to inVest funds in the amount of: T;:Jx~ev~nlle Sj1;)kil)g..,Funrl - S4ROO"OP Trust" AgencI Fund _. $ 500.00 .~-~- Sanitary Sewer Capital L.ilpro-vement Bund -1 55.00 To be invested with Savings and LOan Associations at their , ..-:10.-, ._...~ p~vailing rate of divide~_~.of 4~ ~~.......-.. ~_....?~_-.... 26tg__day of June k,D., 1961_ PASSED AIID APPROVED the ATTEST: ~/- . (7~JzjW) '-,/~ 7/.' ___... 'f _ Ass~stant Ci~y Secre~ary F"-~~~r=1 1.111 Fc==-====C~-~=. '---.1 1 i<III;~---'---'---- - --------'-:'1''':' L RESOLUTION NO. 61-10 \'ilIEREAS, the City of vvest Universit;y- Place was struck by wind of great force at various times between Saturday, September 9 and the early hours of Tuesday, September 12, 1961, as a result of the passing of the hurricane 'Carla'; and WHEREAS, . such high .dnds uprooted many large trees; removed many shingles from roofs; broke limbs from trees and other plants; scattered leaves and in general caused a great amount of damage to the property of the residents of the city; and ifJHEREAS, the damage aforesaid caused an unprecedented amount of debris of various kinds to be deposited through the city on private and public properties; and 'WHEREAS, it was the duty of the officials of the city to remove such debris as quickly as possible for the public health and welfare of the residents of the city; and WHEREAS, the City :i'Tanager and 118,yor, recogmzJ..ng such duty, employed various individuals and equipment in addition to the regular employees of the Garbage Department to facilitate the speedy removal of such debris and it is estimated .' that it will take from three to four ''leeks, from September 13, 1961, to complete this tremendous task al\ a cost. of approximately $10,000.00 (Ten thousand dollars). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMHrSSION OF THE CITY OF liVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the unprecedented amount of debris left on public and private properties in the city as a result of hurricane 'Carla' created a public emergency and its speedy removal .las, and is, necessary for the public health and l.;elfare of the residents of the city. Section 2. That all actions taken, and expenditures made or contracted for, by the uJ..ty l1anager or Mayor of the city, ine connection wit~l the spe?dy removal of the aforesaid debris be, and the same are hereby, and J.n all things ratified, adopted, confirmed and approved. PASSED AND APPROVED T'rITS THE 2!JTH DAY OF SEPTENBER, 1961. COMMISSIONERS VOTnrGAYE All cOlmSSIONERS VOTING NO None ~~~ MAYOR City of '\Vest Uni versi ty Place, Texas ATTEST: ~977-.~ City Secretary r """C"T"~"'I"""""~"'T1m'-""--'--r"'~""-' .".. "1" 1 " L 11ITf' .' 'Tl'''C: ~ '\ RESOLUTION ~ /-11 WHEREASj the City of West University P1acer~s cash avaiJ~ble in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement F6nd TiustAgency Fund ~-- Street Im~rovement Bond~ 1948 Fund Garbage and Refuse Sites Fund . . which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investm~l1t of these certain sums of money~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RES.OLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION 0]' THE eln OF WEST UNIVE~'TrY PLACE? TEXA.6:; that the City Treasurer is hereby direct- . \ ed to invest funds in the amount of: Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund $ 55.00 .j Trust Agency.Fund $l.OOO.QO $3.200009 $ 400..00, Street Improvement Bond"l 1~8 Fund Garba~e and Refuse Sit.is Fund ---~-- PASSED AND APPROVED the 25th ~_._ day of' September , A.D., 1961- ~ - -MAYOR City of 'Vlest University Place, Texas ATTEST: ._.C~/fu;.:c/~/ . Assistant City Secret. y r .._.~C I'~' ~ ~ ---I"'L' [ RESOLLlTION /;./-/ ~ w11E...~.; the City of West University Place has ca.sh available in the Tax eo~ectorFUm4 which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep ~ll of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investmtlnt of these certain sums of money~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CrTY COMMISSION OF THE: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; that the City Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to invest funds in the amount. of: ,Ll()0....eo from the Tax (JQ~ector' s Fund, as Flmcls . ~ ~ becomer ~W:ilable t~!"!..e... co~ectioll 01' current tax~s in Savi~s ana 1.0u Associations, at their prevailua __ ~aen4 rate of 4~. ~---""r~-- PASSED Al'l"D APPROVED the I~J..;.._____day of 0etober J...n., 196;..L ,..~~ ~ . ---- MAYOR city of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: ~-< 9h.;~.J- Assistant City Secretary -- E~c~'=:'::'":r=-':'::~:'--]:"=:'::',,"_7~_~~-'----------~1:~'~"=="~-~'C-'-'='~---=~=<C--'''''--~:::.L.___ _ _~__ __.L-----'-___~...,--"lL :IilillIKr'-'-----'- - -,. n:: J:-;~ ,-". , ,---~ RE:SOL11TIOI~ 6/-/3 WHEREl-\S. the City of West University Place bas cash availa"blein 4 . the TAX REVENUE SINKING FUND AND TRU~GENCY .!illm.________" -...~-_.. which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city!s money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OJ!' THE: cm OF vlESTUNI\'ERGITY PL.L\.CE, TEXAS) that the City Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to invest funds in the amount of: $11.025.84 ... Tax Revenue' Sinldnl2 Fund .. w~tq Southw~~t~&V ~qX111gf.l Association at their prevailing rate of dividend of 4% ____~ .. Tru1!S A&.~nc"y l:1!nd~.. to add to S.rvJn~s Share A~~Q!J\Jt _ #2690 with University Savings and Loan Association at their prevailinf?; rate of dividend of .4J!l.,-......-_ __.__ ,:~...-.- PASSED Al'ID APPROVED the 13th . day of ". Novembe.1:.~_A.D " 19D...l- ~:L --(J' 1\' ,--.-- "'- MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: ~ ~~/...L Assistant CitySe retary , c==---=- t.=~[~~"",,'-:;:m: ..-.---.---~.r~---' " -~c~--r:L....._ ____L......L___:Lll.,lilUr- -------,--------~~lrL:;-r k RESOLLlTrOI~ t:, / - / 'I WEEREASJ the City of West University Place has cash available in the ~ TAX COLLECTOR'S FUND ~._----- ------------ which will not be required for current operating ~xpenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums or/money; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OJ? THE CITY OF WEST UN~ITY PLACE,? TEXAS.J that the City Treasurer is hereby direct- ed to invest funds in the amount of: $65,000.00 in..!E_e TAX COLLECTOJi.!S F:.YND To be inv~st~~~~ith Savin~ Loan Associations at_their \ ___ < \ ~~evai1ing ;tg.te~of_ dividewi..of 4% -~,---- .....~~-- PASSED AND APPROVED the 11th .day of Decemher __A.D., 196...1- ~~ -~ - MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas ~ ATTEST: ~ ,; , ~~. Jd / ~~tV'~ Assistant City Secretary r -~ ~1~'~~CiII "'~-~--I~~~"~'-'"-""'-"" 1, I 'II I illiiIr-'" . ,'I'" ..llof'" ..... ,,./ ~ ~- 1;/- ( RESOLUTION EXERCISING RESERVED OPTION TO REDEEM OUTSTANDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND AUTHORIZING THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF REDEMPTION THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ The City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in regular session at the City Hall within said City on the 11th day of December, 1961, with the following members present, to-wit: Stuart L. Lamkin Mayor William T. Lutz, Jr. Mayor Pro Tern and Commissioner William W. Bowman Commissioner Horace A. Rice Commissioner Charles L. Wall, Jr. Commissioner ItJhi tt F. Johnson City Secretary when the following business was transacted: The Mayor introduced a resolution whiCh was read in full. Commissioner \."~,' . .'" "^ .,- I .. T" &..J '1...\ ~ made a motion that the resolution be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Com- missioner [in n Qp ,.,. ~ l2, <" 'f" and carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Bowman, Rice, and viall. NOES: None. The resolution thus adopted follows: RESOLUTION EXERCISING RESERVED OPTION TO REDEEM OUTSTANQJ;NG BONDS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND AUTHORIZING THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF REDEMPTION ~f.HEREAS, the hereinafter described outstanding bonds of the City of West University Place are redeemable at the pleasure of the City at par and accrued interest on January 15, 1962, or on any interest payment date thereafter, and it is now desirable to call said bondsj Therefore - ~:.':"'::=:::-:E':~~~~'~~'-----~"":':':"PO="'-':l""CC'''-,,",'.-=-'.''=~='''~---==''='!f~."'---- BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: That the City of West University Place, Texas, hereby elects to exercise its option to redeem at par and accrued interest, on January 15, 1962, the hereinafter described bonds and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to give notice in the manner prescribed in the ordinancesauthorizing said bonds that same have been called for redemption, in substantially the following form: L~ CC--~L---:~r~''''C':::lII'-''--'----r''~=' ~"''-'-'-~'''-'-~'"':r:::I...........-.._ __c_~........:..-__":':;....:..lL_T~- -'~:;l:':-:' NOTICE OF BONDS CALLED FOR REDEMPTION Notice is hereby given that the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to exercise its option to redeem the following described bonds: (1) City of West University Place, Texas, Street Improvement Bonds, Series 1948, dated September 1."" 1948, numbered from 45 to 128, both inclusive, in the denomination of *l~OOO each, aggregating $84,000, bearing interest at the rates of 3-1/2% and 3-1/4% per annum, maturing serially in each of the years 1963 through 1967, both inclusive, and redeemable on January 15, 1958, oran any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued intere&t. and (2) City of West University Place, Texas, Storm Sewer Bands, Series 19l.!8, dated September 1, 1948, numbered from 22 to 60, both inclusive, in the denomination of $1,000 each, aggregating $39,000, bearing interest at the rates of 3-1/2% and 3-1/4% per annum, maturing serially in each of the years 1963 through 1968, both inclusive, and redeemable on January 15, 1958, or on any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest; and (3) City of West University Place, Texas, Garbage Dis- posal Bonds, Series 1948, dated September 1, 1948, numbered from 14 to 25, both inclusive, in the denomination of $1,000 each, aggregating $12,000, bearing interest at the rates of 3-1/2% and 3-1/4% per annum, maturing serially in each of the years 1963 through 1968, both inclusive, and redeemable on January 15, 1958, or on any interest payment date thereaft,er, at par and accrued interest. All of said bondS have been called for redemption on January 15, 1962,at the First City ~ational Bank of HoustoQ, Houston, Texas (successor to the City National Bank in Houston, Houston, Texas} where said bonds shall be presented for payment at par and accrued L~~'"l.~":"r ..'-~:.l.jJ\~-"-----L~..'."""~~~~~""-:r,L.. __~_..-l:......~l.jlLIlL" ---- ---- " iili':'i' interest to the date of call. Said bonds shall cease to bear interest from and after January 15, 1962. By order of the City Commission. ----I". -'1- ,~I--'~r'--"'--F""-~""'''~''~----''''''T 1 " II ilfIJ"'- -----'-,~T ~:-- PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of December, 1961. ATTEST: U)~~A... "'"'~ City Secretary . (SEAL) .~~~~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ~.'~:""_~:~~':::r=:"::=~:==;:':':=~ ,.,- .------..~'-..".-...___::r-...,-=."'~-~~'o~=.=.---,,-=c,,-,,---,.-"!'!f'-~'1-.....- & ( fr/~ A RESOLUTION CALLING SPECIAL BOND ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ The City Commission of the City of West University Place, ... Texas. met in special session at the City Hall within said City on the 21st day of December. 1961. at 8 o'clock A.M., with the follow- ing members present. to-wit: Stuart L. Lamkin Mayor William T. Lutz, Jr. Mayor Pro Tern and Commissioner William W. Bowman Commissioner Horace A. Rice Commissioner Charles L. Wall, Jr. Commissioner Whitt F. Johnson City Secretary and the following absent, to-wit: No N7!: when the following business was transacted: The Mayor. introduced a resolution which was read in full. Commissioner 13eWMA-N. made a motion that the resolution be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner I<.. fee and carried by the folloWing vote: AYES: Mayor .Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Bowman. Rice, and ~val1. NOES: None. The resolution thus adopted follows: A RESOLUTION CALLING SPECIAL BOND ELECTION WHEREAS. the City Commission of the City of West University Place. Texas. deems it necessary and desirable to call an election ."" ,for the issuance of bonds for certain permanent public improvements hereinafter described. therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: --- - ----r=__ - =~~-------=L~'-- ~-~-=~=:r'~__ ~__~_~,--~._~l~LlL.AII:-O~ Section 1: That a special election shall be held in and throughout the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 20th day of January, 1962, at which election there shall be submitted to the resident qualified electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their action thereupon, the following proposition, to-wit: PROPOSITION SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSm; THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $325,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN 30 YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 5% PER ANNUM, FOR THE PuRPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING PERMANENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, TO-iVIT, A BUILDING TO HOUSE A LIBRARY AND AN AUDITORIUM FOR SAID CITY, AND TO LEVY. TAXES UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY ANNUALLY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND TO CREATE AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES? Section 2: That said election shall be conducted and held in the several election precincts of the City of West University Place heretofore established, and at the respective polling places hereinafter stated, and the following named persons are hereby appointed officers to conduct said election in said election preoincts, respectively, to-wit: Precinct No. 15 - Community Building 6104 Auden H. E. Terry, Judge Mrs. A. B. McGinty, Clerl Mr. A. B. McGinty, Clerk Mrs. H. E. Terry, Clerk Mrs. A. C. Moss, Clerk Precinct No. 87 - West University Elementary School 3756 University Blvd. J. H. Barlow, Judge ~~~ Mr. C.H. Wallace, Clerk ( Mrs. C. H. Wallace, Clery Mrs. J.H. Barlow, Clerk' Mrs. H.H. Schadler, Clerh - i '~I i.;i~ ,-- Tl ., Ii 1111,1. --,,-, ---,-- , -~-iTrr"'ct- Precinct No. 133 - City Hall 3800 University Blvd. W. E. Ewing, ,Jr., Judge Mrs. vi. E. Ewing, Jr., Clev. Mrs. H. M.Oliver, Jr., Clerk a..t..><<.:t; Mr. H.M. Oliver, Jr., Ole):': > Mrs. Sidney Yoder, Clerk Precinct No. 183 - Street Dept. Bldg. 3820 Milton S. W. Garrison, Judge Mr.M. R. Lee, Clerk Mrs. M. R. Lee, Clerk Mrs. S. W. Garrison, Clerk Mrs. J. E. O~burn, Clerk Section 3: That the ballots of said election shall con- form to Chapter 6 of the Election Code of the State of Texas, Chapter 492, Acts of the 52nd Legislature of Texas, 1951, as amended, so far as applicable, and, in addition to the requirements of said Chapter, shall have printed thereon the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $325,000 BONDS Voting on said proposition shall be by voting machines, and each voter desiring to vote in favor of a proposition shall pull the voting pointer down indicating IIFor" such proposition, and each voter desiring to vote against the proposition shall pull the voting pointer down indicating "Against" such proposition. As to absentee voting, however, paper ballots shall be used, and absentee votes shall be cast at the office of the City Seoretary at the City Hall in West University Place, Texas. Said absentee ballots of said election shall conform to the requirements of the Election Code, as a~ended, so far as applicable, and, in addition to its requirements, shall have printed thereon the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT ---fFORTHE ISSUANCE OF $325,000 'BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $325,000 BONDS 1-;1 11m r--- - ,'I' "!111 1!IiII1IrOC--~-'-- - --~I'~----- J ~ ;, As to such proposition, the absentee voter shall vote on the proposition by scratching or marking out the expression that he does not wish to vote for, thus leaving the one not so scratched or marked out as indicating his vote on such proposition, in accordance with said Election Code, as amended. Section 4: That said election shall be held in accordance with the Constitution and general laws of the State of Texas and only duly qualified resident electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be qualified to vote. Section 5: That notice of said election shall be given by posting a copy of a notice containing a substantial copy of this resolution at the City Hall and in each of the election pre- cincts of' the City not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date on which said election is to be held, and by publication thereof on the same day in each of two (2) successive weeks in T,L/e He u S70 /V Ci1I2<0Nr C':" 6 , said newspaper being the official newspaper selected for said City in accordance with Section 15, Article XXVI of the City Charter, and being a newspaper published in the English language and of general oirculation within said City, the first of said publications to be made not later than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for said election. PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of December, 1961. _~~ t..~ ~'yOL', 01[,;)1 or W'e"s-v O'ruvers~-vy Place, Texas ATTEST: //--1 ~'d- ~"~~ ~ , City Sec ~ (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: /J. 7!/?L~) ('lji4~~ . ~"(62a/te/, ~;~ City Attorney v , // U -------r==:=-=c--:-~~"r=,,~~r.=:":~~"":"':'~ __,__~o ~~'~-=E~"=-='~7_==--=---="-c=.~~,'~~.J....i.___ _ ----.J.__-'-.L--------'--..__lli-'lL.::Ti~- --,..--~l~':'~'------