HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.59 RESOLUTION ,,- <1 - ~) ~ 7- I' WHEREAS, the City of West University Place" currently, has capital available in the ',~-r SDmR 6APITU m.aQ~r.rJi'l.lM)~_, Fnm,T:RtIGKF~ AD' . -.. ",' .. " . '. . . '" " . ..' ..' .". ," .' . . . ~-'.' >' - .- ~,,~mG~ ..: . ~ ~;. ~:. which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such" funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, \JiJHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and ex- penditures of these funds, as anticipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLi.TED BY THE CITY CmiftnSSION OF THE CITY OF vJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amount:ing to: t!h6..fel' 8periQQ oL 'Twe~veJJI&nthB@~ frem th~S~;r,'~'QJlP:r. IMP.FfOO;l _." -/"~;'.~ -. ~'-' _ ....,.......... ._'~' ::---~.;".- :-.. _ _.,'. '_. _ _,~"".. 'A'__" . .____... ....~~____...":::;" .;~...-. ", . '. $k!~~, :t:~z:.,~ ~~~~<!.~".:~~ .~~~1l'~..~~~i1S"@, .3~" :~~J~J!1.' ~i1e,."~~.:;~l.,JIO'<' '.' '. :., ',,- ' ,p:~!!~:€eP'all>'e~ira.~f 3~1t0Btb~f:@': 9~' ~~:t~':~~J}.~~.Q>>'~t~'j;K~~l " , , $~OI~1l) fe~ a,' )eri0fi.' o'X TWe1;~EOJ1tk$ ~@ 3%,' fr~m, 'tla~ &eneral"0,Psrat:tng fUnd \ in ,the u.NLv:muSI'fY STATE.:ilANK ef.HfJ(fST&N, 'PR'Q~", ,', ~ - ., ""'. .. .. . . " '. . ~ ". > .. . -l.... PASSED AND APPROVED this the / Z ~ day of ~ . . . , A~D., 19~ ATTEST: / ,"'r9_ / r '-I "". --- -r" . rr .------ wH RESOLUT:J:Olif ~ 5~r~ ,~ . '. '. , . . . , , WHEREAS" the City ofljllest UniversityPlac:e; curr~nt:);Y..'hasfJit~i'~al'a:va;i;lable in the . '., ... . , ' , , , , , . '. . INS~NC~ RES.~J'" ~A~H', ~d _~E&,"'~"1f~,.' , . . '. ." ,",.' - : . ","' . .'. ~ '- ,'.~ , - . , which will not be required for operatipg expenses until the :riextf;i.sc~l ye~r; AND" vJREREAS" it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City thai:> such- funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additionalreventie in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND ,\il1HER:E;AS, the present bank balance" the average monthly income and ex- penditures of these funds, as ant1:c-ipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: , ' NOv!, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CON1USSION OF THE CITY OF HEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS , that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amoun t:ing to: , 'i;L~4l0Q.~ f9r a ~-eri.d of six m0~iihs@ 2~ :t';r0In the,~:cmA.J.m:i4'fJ!lS:mll:EFJlNj) . . '" .'". ').....' '". ~4 '" '.k~.'_~. ,'_., ..,~ .'.....,.. .,~~ C'''',"'.'_ " ....,;~...._._ '"'.....-"......: .... -......., ..' ""', '. . . ,2.000~OOf'oraT!e~i0~,~f, six,menths @ ;2~f1i'omtl1$:BA:r.WFml, .' , ~" ~._ ''', ~ ':" "/'" '~'. ~"'.. .~J. ',... .'>. -'. ." ..-:-" _,.'.. ~._.~,~ .' '. '.. _ _ ~ -<".~ ~ _'."" '.... . .' . ~''', .... ~~,~~~ i'.o~ ,~' ner~Qd,{J.f~s;~'m~nths '.@~, i1i@mtAe,'-WA~'~' ~'", ".. ~ the T:J'NIVEB.Srrr 'SfA:TE .BANK '. . .'.; ., '.' .'" . '.. .':, .' : . ~..:' . ~ PASSED AND APPROVED this the 26t\1 day of J~'qll:;)ry , J A.D., 19-.JlL ~.~.~ { ff<~~~=;;')G ~i~c~~~::s Uni versi ty 59"':0 -- r'" ~ ~-~r-~---r-----r -. , , -~lrl I Itllf RESOLurION NO. "".,..3 v~, on the lOth day of January, 1959, one of the police vehicles of the c~ty of West University ?lace was involved in an accident resulting inconsiderable damage to said vehicle and ren- dering it inoperable and out of commission as a police vehicle; and v~, the loss of such vehicle as a patrol vehicle for the City reduced the patrolling vehicles of the Police Department to a number tl1at could not in the opinion of the Chief of Police and City Commission adequately render proper police protection to the citizens of the City; and' ' WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Commission that the damaged vehicle be replaced and put into operation immediately in 'the interest of the safety and welfare of the citizens and that such immediate replacement creates an emergency: NOW, TBEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY CO!;lMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; THAT 1. An emergency is hereby declared to exist relative to the replacement of the police vehicle bearing Texas exempt ~icense No. 1969 which was damaged in an ac- cident on the lOth day of January, 1959 ana that such vehicle should be replaced at the soonest possible time. 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to obtain three informal estimates from reputable auto':: mooile dealers and after obtaining such t4ree estimates he shall effect the best trade possible for the benefit of the City. 3. All actions taken by the City Manager in pursuance of the replacement of the aforesaiadamaged police vehicle are hereby ratified and confirmed. ' PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26 th day of January, 1959. CO}<lt;JISSIONERS VOTING AYE ALL COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO NONE ,6, {{, ~ MAYOR PRO-TEM. City of West University Place ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY -~"'--r~"'="=-Fi-::I j lI~t:.ill ~~~"'''.,lr'l __'" 9 JJ J.. RESOLUTION 59-1 , 1 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place" currently" has capital available in the GENERAL ~TING 1UlID which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that-such; funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the,operation of the City; AND, ~lHEREAS" the presentb.'~l')k balance" the average monthly income and ex- ':.7Z~:~ :..:.~;. . .. pendi tures of these funds, as anr:t~~~iited until ma turi ty of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, ,THEREFORE BE IT RESO:j;.VED BY THE CITY Cm'1MISSION OF THE CITY OF "-JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: $'l~....~f'~~ a.:pA~^~ n,f' S;'y Trll'lTlt.hs @ ~ f1?rnpr~hfl'~Anp-'P.Al~A"'!rt:ing 1i'I1Ttd ,t~ -che 1J~vet"J.ll~tY,State,Ba.tlk -~ 19 59 - PASSED AND APPROVlID this the 9th day of ty of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary ..5- '1 - 4 l' -'~~=._-r:- ~ ~~-----r--.r-rr--' __ -r-w ~ \ i, RESOLUTION 69- \ ,I ~-1-~ WHEREAS , the Oi ty of lnJest University Place" curr~mtJ,y;, ha~capit~J. available , ' in the ~" O~'fINGA ,~, 'IN~tmA~ ~w:.,S~T~YSlmER{J~A;J. ,', . . " , " IMPROvnmN'T and.,GHARTER'~ __VE ,,~, " ' , " " ,,',' , , ,,' , ........,',,' c' , ',' ,,' ',' , ' which will not be required for operating expenses until the next ,fiscal year; ;' ; AND, WBEREAS,~t;s deemed to be to the best interest of the City tha:t such' funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the, operation of the City; AND, 1rJHEREAS" the pres~nt ~bank balance" the average monthly income and ex- penditures of -these funds, as anticipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL17ED BY THE CITY COHMISSION OF THE CITY OF 1,\TEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TFhs, that -the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: ,J2e,OO(\).~~O fF_ the ~n~~OpE:Wati.ng Fu,ncilf.oraperiodQf 6menths;,~ * '".''' .. _; _' _ '.". -......> 'r<~_ "..." .'_,' _ ...,.~... ~,..,...," ..... y.~...." ~~_,. . ;~'-"'-,~' ,'_ ',c~.<, . ,'. ." . ..:..... - -. , , 1.,5610.00 fr,,-m tllaJiea9.'bb.,Fund fora peri6Xi.o-x,,6,monthft_* '~.'..'<',"..'~"',. ".,__._.. ,....,... :. ;._..~.... ",'>,",'~'_ . -" .~~~. " """>~,~o""'_:~,'''.'i-~"",,,,_,,",-:.._...>.--:-..-....,.,.._,,,:~"",,"':"""'''\:'-'''' , ' '10~000~O@frem the !nsur~ 'Re$erve~d~&:t", ~,p~ri:ed ,:ot;,,~ ,,~n'ths ~ ~ .' lZ.."l~o'l.O f'rom theS~tarv ~ewer~a.D. ~,~Ftm~:ror _a, pe~,ied &1'12' mo~th~ @ JI", '~'_."." _' _'._<~ _.~ ~_~.-;",. ..' :, ...... ...~,,>-.~... _ ~'>..".A. .".,,.....__.,.:.,,..'....... ~''''''>~_''''':''''''''_'~'' 1l.6g3...27 from the" Charter.Amendment. Reserve Fund,..~wer, fQI' a; li>eri,Qd of '. . .. .. . . .. . ... . .. '. -. " ", l~ 1f!Onth~ @ .3~ '> ' in the Ulliv~rsit,y StateB~ , PASSED AND APPROVED this the 23'd day of ~ A.D.., 19--52 s University Texas ATmST: City Secretary ~""l-S r- "'( ~. l-OI"o-:"'Y-, -~I' L ~_~.LIJI.!U! RESOLUTION NO. 59-6 A RESOLUTION APPROVn~G TEE DESIGNATION OF Jlra PARKING ZONES ON CERTAIN STREETS n~ TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. WHEREAS~ the Chief of Police of the City of West University Place is authorized by Ordinance No. 698 and Ordinance No.7l7 of the City of West University Place, to designate certain no parking zones on the streets of said City, subject to the approval of the City commission; arid WHEREAS, the Chief of Police has submitted a recommendation that parking of motor vehicles should be prohibited on Buffalo and University Blvd., for certain distances and certain times, and that parking of motor vehicles should be prohibited on Buffalo Speed.my and Rice Blvd., for certain distances and certain times; as follows to-Wit: 1. No parking on the North side of University Blvd., for a distance of 200 feet east from the intersection there- of with Buffalo Speedway from 4:30 P.M. to 6:}0 P.M., and that all cars so, illegally parked shall be towed ai~y by the Police Department. 2. No parking on tl::)eSouth side of University Blvd., for a distance of 200 feet west from the intersection there- of with Buffalo Speedway from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M., and any car so illegally pa,rked shall be towed away by 'the Poliee Department. 3. No parking on the West side of Buffalo Speedway from the intersection thereof with University Blvd., to Amherst st., and any automobile, so illegally parked shall be towed by the Police Department. 4. No parking on the East side of Buffalo Speedway from the intersection thereof with University Blvd. to Amherst Street. 5. No parking on Buffalo Speedway from the intersection there01 with Rice Blvd., to Georgetown street. 6. No parking on Rice Blvd., from the intersection there- of with Buffalo Speedway for a distance 150 feet west of Buffalo 'Speedway. -~-,~, -'~'F~-:::--=.n_=:r==:r::II n ~T--'-~",'II':-:L.. ______.._L .1li.1.JI 7. No parking on the East side of Buffalo Speedl,m;'i from the intersection theI'eofwithRice Blvd., to Jan'ard st. 8. No p8xking on the North side of Rice,Blvd., from the intersection thereof with Buffalo Speedway for a dis - tance 200 feet east of said intersection from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and from 4:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. 9. No parking on the South side of Rice Blvd., from the intersection thereof with Buffalo Speedway for a dis - tance 200 feet east of said intersection. 10. The aforesaid no parking provisions to be in effect on ',reek days only. NOH, TB:E:REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONMISSION OF THE CITY OF \-lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. The recommendation of the Chief of Police that parking be pro- hibited on Buffalo Speedway and University Blvd., and on Buffalo Speedway and Rice Blvd., for the following distances and at the various times is hereby'approved as follows,to-wit: 1. No parking on the North side of University Blvd., for a distance of 200 feet east from the intersection thereof with Bt~falo Speedway from 4:30 P.}1. to 6:30 P.M., and, that all cars so illegally parked shall be towed a,-my by the Police Department. 2. No parking on the South side of University Blvd., for a distance of 200 feet west from the intersection thereof with Buffalo Speedway from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M., and any car so illegally parked shall be towed away by the Police Department. 3. No parking on the West side of Buffalo Speedway from the intersection thereof with University Blvd., to Amherst st., and any automobile so illegally parked shall be towed by the Police Department. --~-r~~-~~-'---r'-- ,I r'-~~~11f 1 I illilll 4. No parking on the East side of Buffalo Speedway from the intersection thereof with University Blvd. to Amherst street. 5. No parking on Buffalo Speed"ffiY from the intersection thereof with Rice Blvd.) to Georgetown street. 6. No parking on Rice Blvd.) from the intersection there- of with Buffalo Speedway for a distance 150 feet west of Buffalo Speedway. 7. No parking on the East side of Buffalo Speedway from the intersection thereof with Rice Blvd., to Jarrard st. 8. No parking on the North side of Rice Blvd.) from the intersection thereof with Bu:ffalo Speed,.,ray for a dis- tance 200 feet east of said intersection from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and from 4:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. 9. No parking on the South side of Rice Blvd.) from the intersection thereof with Bu:ffalo Speedway for a dis- tance 200 feet east of said intersection. 10. The afore&aid no parking provisions to be in effect on ..eek da;jrs only. 2. The Chief of Police is hereby ,instructed arid authorized to secure and install the necessary signs or other devices to properly designate the aforesaid no parking zones on the aforesaid streets. PASSED, AND APPROVED THIS 23 ED DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1959. COMMIsSIONERS varI1\1G AYE All COMMISSIONERS VarING NO No Place ATTEST: Secretary --r-:--- "-~I r' . IJ:":.~.._ __~....L'l~ BESOLUTI0N NO.~ WEEBE.A$,on the 13th flay- of' March, 1956 the Cttyo~ West University Place conveyefla tract Qf ;la~ (1)(19.11 aereS out, o,fthe Beckman Canfield Stu>vey, Harr'~s Gount)", Texas to l\iGDel't Vernea King and as 'part of the purchase'price 0f said property Rebert VernQn n'li1gexecllted a pr0lll1sser3t no,te e~ even cil.ate tlirerewitn in thepr1n.eipal 'swn o~ F-IF\rY TH01JJSU!) ($50, 0()0. 0, 0) ,ID,OLLARS1bea.r:f.n, g int"erest a, t ti.e ,r,ua,tEl ef 4.% per annwn, theprineipaa. of' saldD,ote being payable :La ,tflre, e, ~a;L a"nn.uaJ. in," sta1J.iD, ents, e,',',r, S.lJI:,',+,EE,',N, TJiOUSAD,'., SIX,' 1:1UBJl)RED SY-S,J:X&66/100 (t16,666.:66) JK)LLARS,'the first sueh insta11memtbef..ng QUe and pay-ab1e flU' er Gefore the 13 th day e~Mareh l.95'landthe last 11i$ta.llmeatbeing iue and pay- able on or before the 13th iay o~ ~areh 1959; ancil. WHEREA.S;on the 13th day of Jue, 1957 said Robert Vernon King did' COnvey the abeve descr;i becil.. property, to Earl W. Gammage and salli Earl W. Gammage asswned paym,eut oft the aforesaid note and said Earl W.Gammage is nQ:W the owner or said propert1; and WHEREAS, said Earl W. Gammage has requested, thatsa1d n@te be extE;lndel so that the ~inalpayment thereon shall ,be;" CQme due and payable 0n t);le 13tn cil.ay of March 1960 and the request o~,saidEarl W. Gammage lias been considered by the City 0ommissi@n; New, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY BE80LVED BY THE CITY C0MMISSI0N OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA.C~, TEXAS. 1. That the Mayor is hereby autherized' to enter into an a.greement witnEar1W. Gammage in beha.lf:of the City of West Y:niversityPlaee ~~tellding the time (l)~ payment of thetliiri ''aniifinai insta1lmllnt of 'the, aforesaid note 11U'tt1 tile 13thaay of Mal'cn: 1960. 2. An e:xa~t eO]lY of'tae e.traet te b.e signed by Goth parties is a:ttac~ti aerete andmaG:e a part ef ~j& ResGluti0Jl. ancil. ~ueliJ; 9i~We~l'.Il$n't is hereby refa1.'M-ed ta ~or a more detalLJzeEl; description of saicil. extension agreement. PASSE~ AND APPRCllVED this ~ J ~ay: o~ MarCh, 1959. C0018SIO_8 VOTING An: t2tL COMMISSIONERS V0TING 10 91 ~ ~,l ~,~~~ , M A 'OHoPRO TEM ' " , City (i)f West UniverSity Place ~ --'--------'-~--w'--'-rrr~=~', '---1.:1 F-"~T-'~.~'" __~.._L jJ.J.IJr------------------------ RESOLUTION -5 '1 - 2 ...."'! WHEREAS, the City of' 'tnJest University Place, currently, has capital available in the "Trust A~encY\Ins'Q.;r'ane~ Reserve. Tax; Revenu.e Sinkine:~ ~ap~t~17 Se..reYoo:riV'l '\ ~r. . Street Tmt>rovement a1ildFire Tru.pk funds " which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND" WHEREAS" it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such- funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue . in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, 1r-JHEREAS ~ the present bank balance, the average monthly income and ex- penditures of these funds, as anticipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl-'l1HSSION OF THE CITY OF \1EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: , >> $500..00 from the Trust ~lf~Fund ~n tl:te Un}versitv ~~rut~ & Loa:q Ass 'n , $5~00()~(\)O from ~h~ ~n~it~yeReserveFln!df@ra ne~iodn:f Tr(e)veMon:bhs,@ ~ $5~OOO.W fTO:mthe _Tax~eV:ertue~i~rur Ji'1l~dJar anp.ri-6d QrTT.;r~l1f;A Mo:nt.hR '~' ~, , . ~ '- . . . ~ ~. - , . -. ." '-. , , $13.Q67..t~'frQm theSanita!"VSewer Can. Thmr.., Fund fora }VArjflldo:f'fyeJ:y:e Months @ 3% ~ '. ~."'..'." ':' _.,' .....~.,~., "._ _" >-.. .':-'~"'. ,A "~\:"'~ .... ..... '., ".". .," 0" '..::. '.' ..... ',"., ;., ......~.. .0'. , '.' '. ~:~Y;~.r~,t~."":~ ~l~I~~..'liI~~~,!.lI~~1~IfUIlJF.ltk.~ j"'r'~Y,f'~"'UIl.."~.d..<i ~:~l. J.,i~~lP~.]~ ~~~fl~'t'f I ~k~~ _ . '.' ~.. "'.' . "'~.' '..' . ..... . . - '" - '" -. ".< '. . -~, ~.' ~.. . .. ,...". ' . , , '$4,120..00 from the Fire TruckFrmd for a Deflodor TwelveMQntbs:@ 1% in Certificates, of Deoosit :with the University State Bank af Houston. Tem'8 PASSED AND APPROVED this the 27th day of ATTEST: ,-~'? - :? ~-------- r~ '~~,' r' """J' ,- r "~, ~~, ", ~'T1r I IJr RESOLUTION NO. ,5' 'j - '1 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place by legal advertise- ment, on the date of February 4, 1959, authorized the trading in of two 1954 International Dump Trucks on new equipment for the street Department;and WHEREAS the Ivy Russell Motor Company submitted a bid and trade-in allowance for 1954 International Dump, Unit No. 504, Motor No. SD240 126503, Lic. No. 2696, Trade-in allowance $325 and Earl McMillian, Inc. submitted a bid and trade-in allowance for 1954 International Dump, Unit No. 506, Motor No. SD240 126513 Lic. No. 2697, Trade-in allowance $300; and WHEREAS, through error Unit 504 \~s delivered to Earl McMillian, Inc. instead of Unit 506. In the meantime, Earl McMillian, Inc. sold Unit 504 to a third party which rightfully should have been delivered to the Ivy Russell Motor Company; and WEEREAS, Earl McMillian, Inc. is agreeable to re-imbursing the City of West University Place $325 for Unit >504 and the Ivy Russell Motor Company is agreeable to receiving $325 cash in lieu of Unit, 504 which rightfully should have been delivered to them; NOW, TIJEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY .COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Section 1. That the City Manager be authorized to receive from the Earl McMillian, Inc. Check No. 2126 E in the amount of $325.00, same to be deposited in the Treasury of the City of West University Place, Texas, and then a check of like amount payable to Ivy-Russell Motor Company be transmitted to them in lieu of their receiving Unit 504 on their bid allowance of $325.00. Section 2. That the necessary certificates of title both be delivered to'the Earl McMillian, Inc. which gives them lawful title to both Unit 504 and 506. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of May, 1959. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE All COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO None Texas ATTEST: ell,,y Secretary r.-~- , ' .I'r-", ;1.1] '\ ~ j . . ".-',.{ RESOLUTION $'7-/0 vlliEREAS, the City of West, University Place, cur:r'ently res capital available in the ~1fiTAWY ~ ~'PT'I'fT4 1t~~ Fund. which wiD. not be required for operating <expenses until the next fiscal year; later ';',(1 bfie prOBoRt fiscal )eal, AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to b~t9 the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the op- eration of the City: AND, WHEREA.S, the present bank balance, the average month- ly income and expenditures of th:is Fund as anticipated until maturity , , ' of this investment will preclude a frmd deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY Cor-JMISSION OF , THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest fUnds amounting to$ ~.181..~ ' ,from the Ssnri~,S~r eaD:i.ta1 ~r~ Fund, for a- period of i;ve1ve months,. 8 "$ PASSED A-ND APPROVED this the 8~ , day of J.. , A.D., 19~'. ATTEST: City 1-'fanager r r~ ~--r ~ Ir :l RESOLUTION NO. ~ v1HEJREAS, on the 31st day of July, 1959, Police Patrol Vehicle Unit 102 'of the City of West University Place, Texas, driven by Officer Fred Peebles and occupied by Auxiliary Paul Gibault, was involved in a four-way collision at the intersection of Post Oak and Richmond Avenue, resulting in considerable damage to said patrol car and rendering it inoperable and out of commission as a Police Vehicle; and WHEREAS, the loss of such vehicle as a Patrol Car for the city reduced the effectiveness of the Police Department to a degree which, in the opinton of the City Commission and the Chief of Police, is inadequate for proper police protection to the citizens of the city; and WHEREAS, it ~R peen determined by the City Commission that the damaged vehicle should be replaced by a new one and placed into operation immediately in the interest of safety and vTelfare of the citizens and that such immediate replacement creates an emergency: NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 'BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA!JE, TEXAS, ~T 1. An emergency is hereby declared to exist relative to the replacement of Police Vehicle Unit 102 bear~ng Texas Exempt License No. 7777, vhich was involved in a major collision on the 31st day of July, 1959, and 'that such vehicle should be replaced at the earliest possible date. 2. The City Manager and Chief of Police, acting upon the authority and instruction of the City Commission, o.btained 4 informal estimates from reputable automobile dealers, which were as follows: COMPANY GUarATION 'PRAnF.-TN 1'I1'mW AMOT1N'T' 1. Richardson Chev. $ 2401.00 $ 260.00 $ 2141.00 2. Jack Roach 2172.03 325.00 1847.03 3. Ivy Russell 2304.05 527.50 1776.55 4. Jimmie Green Chev. 2151. 38 575.00 1576.38 f '---'-'-'----~-~ r~~~'."~'~~~"r~---r-"-., Ilri___ ,,~_UlllJi 3. AI} action taken by the City }~nager and the Chief of Police in pursuance of replacement of aforesaid damaged vehicle are hereby ratified and confirmed and authority granted for the purcl1ase of a new 1959 Chevrolet Automobile ;from the Jimmie Green Chevrolet, Company, orr their low bid of $1,576.38. PASSED AND APPROVED. THIS TEE 10TH DA;Y OF AUGUST, 1959. A'ITEST: City Secretary "'--~-'--:r=-",",~="O~~~".:.L"']'-----''------r"'-',' '-rILl__ , _ ___,_LJUUi' I I -s '1- / ;(" RESOI.Tl'rTON WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently, has capital available in the , Trust Agency Fund, Water-Sewer Fund. Insurance Reserve Fund. Swimming Pool Fund, Tax Revenue Sinking Fund and Garbage and Refuse Sites Fund. which will not be requihed for current operating expenses; and WREREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be invested in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; and WBEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expendi tuxes of these funds, as anticipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, TEEREFOBE BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: Total :I> 500.00 49,801.03 10,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 :I> 68,301.03 Trust Agency Fund Water-Sewer Fund Insurance Reserve Swimming Pool . Tax Revenue Sinking Garbage & Refuse Sites with the Federal Reserve Bank, in 91 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available. PASSED AND APRROVED this the 28th day of September, A.D., 1959. ATTEST: ~ rR:4J Assistant City ecretary -5- c;; -/ ~2 -~=--- ~ ~~-O=-_-~ ''!, --.:j-'-/J RESI3LUTION WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be invested. in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; and 'WlIEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of t,his investment 'Will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, TBEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is .hereby dir~cted to invest funds amounting to $~,OOO.OO from the Tax Collector Fund, with the Federal :Reserve BaDk, in 9lday Treasury BiJls at the current interest rate available. PASSED .AND APPROVED this the 26th day of October, A.D., 1959. ATTEST: City Secretary ~-.- "-----~--------------.--- - ----~--~-------E~-=--=- _-::_~:::.:_-::: -::-_~__O:~-:~:'-_:::'"'~ ---.- .=o-"..--~--.~'!-jy='I__ s9__ IY RW.8()T.T~T()N WBEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has cash available in the WATER Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and'ex - penditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a f~nd deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE Crry OF WEST UNIVERSrry PLACE, TEXAS,tha.t the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $55,150.00 from the WATER Fund, with the Federal Reserve Bank, in 91 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available. _PASSED .IUID APPROVED this the 9th day of November, A.D., 1959. f niversity Place, s ATTEST: City Secretary '" '~C~~~~~. 1"1 r,c'~'i''''~~Tl!'l 1 illlJ! __u_ ______,_ , 1.- 6f-/J- RESOLUTION WBEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has cash available in the Tax Collector Fund wl<l.ich will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average montl<l.ly income and expendi- tures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: NOW" TEEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P~CE" TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $50,000.00 from tl<l.e Tax Collector Fund, with the Federal Reserve Bank, in 91 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available. PASSEDAl'ID APPROVED this the 9th day of November, A.D., 1959. ATTEST: City Secretary ...._:=- 7 .-- /-5 --'--'-'----rc-'~~~l"'---" r-C",T, . 'IF 1 i ,111111 - RES 0 L UTI 0 N _5' 7' - / &, WHEREAS, the City Commission has been advised bjr the City lv!anager that an emer- gency occurred at the main Water Plant, 3825 Milton, and it became imperative that certain repairs be made to the 200 BP U.S. electric motor vhich operates Water Well Number 5; and WHEREAS, the Water Superintendent advised the City Manager that an electrical shortage occurred in the motor and the motor '\-Tas burned beyond'use and that it was urgently needed in the operation of the city's vater system; and WHEREAS, quotations '\-Tere received from the following firms to rewind and apply special treatment to the electrical motor: Heights Armature Works Payne Electric WoJtki3" Texas Armature Works Houston Armature Works $700 771 695 750 WllEREAS, City Commissioner E. R. Davis had made a personal investigation of the condition of the electrical motor and the estimates for rewinding and applying special treatment, and in his opinion, the proposal offered by the Houston Arma- ture Works would be most advantageous to the city. NOW) TlJE:R1IJFORE, BErr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESI' UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Manager and Mayor be and'they are hereby instructed to engage the Houston Armature Works to reVTind the 200 BP U.S. electric motorvThich .operates Well #5 and apply a special treatment to the motor, including 4 dips and bakes, for the sum of $750.00. Section 2. That the necessary ,funds in the amount of $750.00 be appropriated to defray the expense of revTinding said motor. Section' 3. That the action taken by the City Manager and Water Superintendent relative to obtaining estimates of repairs and authorizing certain work in connec- tion with the repair of the motor be and in all things are ratified and approved. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1 ~ DAY OF "/1 rrv~~ , 1959. '--- , Mayor ATI'EST;: Assistant City Secretary -"f#. ""--- '~'1'~'}i:. ~ju:t ... Ii'f.i:+V .1 v........ ....~:J'el':H;t""- 'D't...... m.!M!i' .......~., 10....... .......<li'k ,.~., , ..wq :,: ,~' 9--. . :fIfi1i<y.,~...-.e W-.~~frW~1f ~ _#>\ .~J.e lP..llle ,... ,.u..~~d b .. ~~ .f,,,,$O&.", ,.p .~ ~a'l.g \",'. c-e~~ .~~ .....t 0& ~ "* ~_, ~~-tl_ ~.",... ......-IfO;!;;,"';n the ~-- ~eal 'i.aiA' ......Jll , y.......""'""!'!"...... '~",Wlo, ' '., , r""'.....~...JJolilP' , '. .,...-J '-QIM .'. . . . , ' . c: If..,j,;t Jif ~~ ta-- An ~'t,"" ,.Jt7....()() ., 1'" ta . . . . ." . . .". . . . -.. ,." . . " . . . tU"".J.l'l)..~i.W' ~w _tM..edr~ ..~lq ~tf "il&'~'ty ,.........n .n.~l!,l'.J anti '~ it'-';. .1..... -","".......~~n ~ .".,... l1ti;ti.. -...-li,......,... ....1J...."'" 'il-;a ..tA , ,', .,' c~" ~;~..~ " ~ ~;~".\Iini!~.n 'w ~).~ .... -. .. ~,.l-tr.. __ t~"\. ...n 111~" d ~t.ttI.l ~.;_ .$t ,~, , . . '. . ."' . l4.'~."""Wk. .~t.e ~"llt,.t ..~.-;_~~W' , .i\..........~!i:!i,;~, a"'i-..,....~.........;r ',1o!.\l" a ...._-.. A-..... ii<-, ~........ ........~,~ii\, ...,..4.11, Jt..........~""'-t;; ;~" ~;:~.....*~~~'~'~ 1l4:~.M'''-ygJ. ~~ ~,,:.~,. ... .~;.,~(-~~' ~ ....y.~~~. -:i ~~~. <~,"- - ' '~.,." .~~~.~~~~~~. ~.~., ' . . '1 .j~~"". , ...,~.... ,,",,;. OA~""_.._~:_~~c~~;'"'''' , ' ,_~_""''''~:'",~_.~..f '_,,_ ~.,~J4t?~~~, , ~ ' "l; .&'U:l......- ....!l,,,.........,,~ ....46 ~ '!IlIl...Jt..., ,..:-i '!J&'II!i-_ "l*.,.....},r.., h a't A....... II'.hlt ' , ':J:.t)~ ...'jif7~.1loiIl> Il~".,__.w. ,.'. ,,~.~,.... 4,~~.,~' ~', ',' ':1'+ ,~~I't~f;,,> ",,",3;, : '.:"." ".' . . .. . . , '.' .; .' '. .' '. ..' . ~:~ - ': . '''r''-'' . , . ...... "",.. ",.., lto.-..i. '40................... ,~...' _"*"1_"''1-. _<II ~... __ ...-It';t., ~....... " , ' ',> 1lW' '~, ~el!t.y,'jiJ>'A"~.~,....~"y~_,~~. ,',' ~~." . ~..~, _:'~~'".. . . .~ '.;:~. ,,", ".':'..:.:'.':.' :'.-, '". . ~"." ..;"T'." '." .' '.~' ,: . ". ';'.~:';" '~",' ,..:,'.... ita .aa.~l:~:~_~~ldUa..~ ~~;.,.:t...., _.~~".t:- .aJ.~_....~ ~~~f4tlt._,_+,. .~lJ#.t_:~~. .. aId. ..... ~t ).",. --~ 'ai" ~~ ,,,,,,m Am_ '~'_ 23M ,1&" ~ 1"9- ~~.., "..a. late '.. 91aL~L;;.itjV~.2 ltf:.~lwlGn .e. O?;/j.-t _. -- --- r~ - ;: '~-I r', ';-~. Ir:J. I - " .'11 0-'1- / Y RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Ciiiy ofWesii Universiiiy Place curreniily has cash available in the Tax Collector Fund in the amount of $lOO,ooO.OO, and in the Water Fund $20,000.00, which will noii be required for current operating expenses immediatelyj and WfflilRl!:AS, it is the ebJective of the City Commission to keep a.ll of the city's money invested to earn interest as addiiiional. income and iii is necessary and prudenii iio authorize inves"tmenii of certain sums of money;t::':w.t 'J:~ NOW, THEREFORE, :BE IT RESOLVED BY 'THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, thaii the Ci iiy Treasurer is hereby d.ireciied iio invest :funds amounting iio$J.OO,OOO.OO from the Tax Collector Fund, and $20,000.00 from the Water Fund, wiiih the Federal. Reserve Bank, in ~2cnw Treasury Bi1.J.s at the current interest rate a.vailable. PASSED AIm .APPROVED this the l4th day of December, A.D., 1959. ATTEST: ~~~ Assistanii Cityecretary J: ?- //5 -" --~C'---~---'f":'''~ -"r ""c,,---~,-.. f- . ~--Il"""-' , 'IOI.~-'----'--"-'- , <I" ~"., ..... ",,~'" ;'it . .' ..,~h..'" ,.' ," . .... . . jj'1~~ :~~ - \..~ L, ''''''..".,'~,,:;'',:" ",'+',"""', 1 . .;i,; ~ 1:;..i;"~~;;ii.~4g RESOLUTION 59-19 I, WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector Fund in the Amount of $50,000 which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, the City also has available 91 day Treasury Bills maturing January 7, 1960, in the Water Sewer Fund, Trust Agency Fund and Garbage and Refuse Funci, and Trust Agency Funds on deposit with the University Savings and Loan AssQciation on which interest accrues to December 31, 1959, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City COmmission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money; , NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF , . " -. . , , " .. -<" ~. . WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to " ' ' , , ' , ~',. ',- " " . ~ invest i'unds in the amount of $50,000 from the Tax Colleeter Fund and re- investment of $50,000 f'rom the Water-Sewer Fund, $16,000 i'rom the Trust Agency Fund, $2,000 i'rom the Garbage and Ref'use Fund, in 182 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available. PASSED AND AP.PROVED this the 28th day of December, A.D., 1959. It.c/?, ~ May0r Pro tem, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: L ' . ....i.t...t Cit~ " 'fl\'#1.~ '7,;~>:i' f.> Sq '" /q -- --~- -- ~~~'F- ..----:-:-~-=--==::...---... ==.- r' . rr--l I.'