HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.58 / ") ') J -5.fT~ / RESOLUTION 'VJHEREAS, theCi ty of West University Place, currently has Gapi tal available in the GENJ5RAL Fund, which w.i..llnot be required for operating expenses until ~ m~ later in the present fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be .to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the op- eration of the City: AND, 1n1HEREAS, the present bank balance, the average month- ly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY' C~1MISSIONOF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEJCi'l.S, that the City Tr.easurer is hereby directed to ,invest. funds amounting to $ 20.~OO0..eQ from the GENERAL SIX Fund, for a' period of months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the' /3 'TH day O:f~-<7 A.D., 195'. ATTEST: Mayor of the ity of West University Place, Texas 1,1 ,--- nil II 1111II1 ...'..IIII.1IIT,m'l ,11~ ') 58-A RESOLUT:j:ON v-JHEREAS, the City of West Um.versity Plaqe, currently has capital available in the TAX. COLLECTOR Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until ~ ~1\)It.~~ later in the present fiscal year; AND, ~EA9,~t is deemed to be ~o the best interest of the City that such funds be placed ih a time deposit i:rlvestment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the op- eration of th~ City: AND, l'11HEREAS, the present 'bank balance, the average month- ly income and expenditures of this FUnd as anticipated until maturity of this investment will pre~lude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONi"lISSrON OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXliS, that the CitY:' Treasurer . is hereby directed. to invest funds amounting to $ 15.000.00 , from the TAX OOLLJWTOR Fund, for a: period O:L SIX months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the /3.z;J!--. day Of~ ' ,fI '., . .~/L?~ ;Mayor of .the City of West University Place, Texas A.D., 1955. ATTEST: / /. ()~ '~I - .- "..., . I 111111- -mi1111lif-'il~~ I \ } RESOLUTION 50-3 \ \ ,j"- - . ) .. WHEREAS, the Ci tyCif WestUn,i verEii ty Place> currently; hasp_api'ltal available_ . ", ", ."... ," :.., ,..' - ," in the . a~ni~ar:r SfrW~~;~f1l~~~t~~':~~~~Y~~At~~~~~~~~r,~~~ll,:J!e~e~e.,~ew~:r." . " , ",' . ..-.... :. . . FUna., 1(&ter..$~wer)l'u:m.d, ,e.ud:t~~~~11-qe R~s,erv~~,:,.~.~ .. " , , , which will-not be requ~red forCiperat~ng eXpenses until the rte~tfiscal year; , AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the' best interest of the City that such> , funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order. to earn additional revenue in theform6-r interest for the operation of the City,; '. ' AND, 1rJHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income' and ex- penditures of these funds, as ant~cipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl~lISSION OF THE CITY OF :b1JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treaflurer is hereby directed to invest ~: funds amounting to: .~2,~70 .from t~ $a.m. $eY~r C@''P~:P~ ,J;tllProvem~ J'lmd :for ~,-period of l:.g~13. . .1.11 ~10 .$20,000 ,jlO.Q~0' 11 11 ~te~ll.<l'>Jit:eserTe'4ewer ',lI' .It .' . "." ,...'-.~, ," . ." _ ~.><l-~:.~:'....~;~;..,<" .n .# 11 . 12 1IIIi)S. .y' . 11 n ,.. Wa.ter-Sew~r ,Fl@.1\d , :./~.~ . h~~~ .n n n tt 6.!? ,. J! ~:",!:...\" - . : If .. .I"s~a.uee.aeserve FullS. If tt II n 12 mG$. - PASSED AND APPROVED this the loth day of FeBruary , A.D., 19 5i ATTEST: ~=~<~~""'-.=-I --=-~ -- ~... .~=~ ~ ~_~--,"--L.~" RESOLUTION 58-4 WHEREA;S, the City of West University Place, currently., .has capital $.va11able in the ~ nmB..AMDlI6~~'~ ". .' " J.ater .,in. the present . . . which will not be required for operating expen~es until~' fiscal year; . AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that suchl funds be pla~ed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, ~JHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and eX~ p,enditures of these funds, as ant,icipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COlv~nSS.ION OF THE CITY .OF 11EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TP,KAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to~ ~i~~'{;}O@~(>)Of~m t}aeGeIier~J.~cil, :f;0:ri' ~ -period of B~ :ut~Jlt..hs . . ..J21f) ...(i)OO..OO :fr0mthe W~ter~ewer Frmd, :tQr a_ Pef~ed,et8~m,!n'hfis . .' ., ., . . PASSED AND APPROVED this the 13th day of March , A.D." 19.9_ ~.~t'I.U' :<4t~:' "","" Ma. ,. . . " . f1fiJes n~versJ.. y . Pro tem Place, Texas A T1ES T: ~ ~- .. l"-~--' ~ -~~ l'~ __~_ll r:JJrIiI""" - .~wnr.'r"""'mf"-'-- RESOLUTION . '. ' 58-~ '\ . ' , WHEREAS, theCity'of ",Jest University Place, currently, has capita1av!1iTable in the . ~lSN.RAL F1JNl) , , which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deem~d to be to the best interest of the City that such> funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, 1r!HEREA$, the present bank, balance, the average monthly income and ex.. penditures of these funds, as anticipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 1rmS'l' UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: jl~t.QO(l.00 0Ut Q:f tlJ.t1lGe.eral. Fumcil 'i'~ra pe~j,.aQ:f~welv:e,ll1oJaths. " This t12.00e.Oo $ln:al1 esta\llisha f"u<< 1;e'be~l)p.as :tlll.e~~'0f:ia~" ,", '"." ..,~ '_"'.~~ ,. ."'__~' .,.... '_"'_ '_. _' .._n.... " _'." <~'.~_ _;. >__...:>...._'.~' '. .:' :.' . _:'~___: See\1:r>i tr . :tr~~~ . ~d .tihis amoul1t. _ ~ha~~ l?e,-.~~ed~. ~e.~,~!l~.~~e~., .~.f;'_\' . . . ~Q_~~eeiE.~to the 'fexas $'1;8.t6 ])ep.aJrmeI:t,t,.' Q:e:Pnb~~<(;!e~,are ..' .' una t ~he .el u". 1s :f'ina!;Lc1a:J.l:v ?&$P> Ga$ibl.e tQ~ al1e(i)ntrib1l1.t~~Jis. -, . . , ": . '. ~ . . .: '. .-;" :. . "', ' ,~ '.. -, '~':. .,.- ....;=- .,- '., ?;' ,: .: -, . ,'; and 0ther 0biigat:t$Bs, tLllder the Seeial Seett~i,ty 'DrEHZl?Ol .~j;:e:l1ed . <' . <' .' ,. . . -. < :{. - . - . ''',' --, -, " ' - '.-- '. ". .-. ..' :'" -,.'. inte 1!>etween the C:it:r and the Texa$ ,State])eJ>t. ef' J?JlblleYeJ.fare. PASSED AND APPROVED this the /3 T H day of '7hJ~/ , A.D., 19$'g- "J.' of v.Jes.t University' Place, Texas AT'lEST: ~'&~- I=~~I~~' -r~~~ -, 1', Ilur ,11.111.1111 I' ''j , HF,$qr .TT'l'Fll\T Jy!f~ 6 \'JHEREAS; th~ City of West Un,iversity Place, cUrrentlymscapital available in the FIRE TRUCK Fund which wil1 not be required for operating expenses until the next fisca.l year; ~,ri.~ AND, ,waEREAS, it is deemed to be to thebest!interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest fOT the op~ eration of the City: AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average month- 1y income ana expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment mll preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BY TEE Cln CONMISSION OF , . THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:, that the City TreasUrer is hereby directed .to invest funds amounting to $k. @.OO.,()O from the FIRE TRUCK' Fund, f9r a period of TWELVE months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the ;1 ~ ds;v of ~t! ,#, A.D." 1957. ATTEST: ~ tI-;:? .' ayor of the City of West University Place, Texas -.,=-- RESOLUT;I;Ql1 ,5" J- 7 A RESOLUTION CREATING A PROCEDURE. TO BE FOLLOiIVED IN INSTALLING ADDITIONAL STREET LIGHTS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF VvEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS WHEREAS, the City Commission of the Ci~y of West University Place, Texas periodically receives requests from various individuals for the installation of street lights at various points within the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, said City Commission is of the opinion that it is expedient and would be to the advantage- of said City that a certain procedure be followed in all such requests for the installation of street lights.; . NaN, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 1. That hereafter all applications for requests for the install- ation of any street light shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the City Manager of said City; such application shall state the location where it ,.is ,desire~ that the street light be installed and the'reason or reasons that a light is needed at such location. 2. That in the event'that such application is not signed by the persons residing on the corners of the street intersection at which the desired installation is to be made, that the City Manager shall be furnished with an agreement in writing from all persons reSiding on the corners of such street intersection agreeing ~o the location of such street light at such street intersection. If such installation is requested at some point other than a street intersection the~afore~ said agreement in writing shall be signed by the owners or occupants of those lots adjo~ng the lot on which the light is to be located. 3. That the City Manager upon receipt of any such application shall be, and is hereby, authorized to request the Houston Lighting & Power Company to make the desired installation. PASSED AND APPROVED: THIS /iI-'$ DAY OF ~' '~J)~ , 1958. U COMMISSIONERS VOTIN~ AYE ~ CO~4ISSIONERSVOTING NO ~ l~{f{/::~~~ ity of West University Place, Texas ~ ~~~~.:' RESOLUTION ~g-? 'lrJHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the INSURANCJ:~SERVE Fund which will not be require~ for operating expenses until the next ,fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time qeposit investment in order to earn additional revenue ~n the form of interest, for the op- eration o:f the City: AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average month:.... ly income and e:xpendi tures of this Fund as anticipated until :rriaturity' of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COJVIMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEX1'~S, that the City Treasurer is hereby'directed to invest funds amounting to $ lQ",0~e...06 from the INSUllANOERESERVE Fund, for ct' period of TW:IfttVE months. ,PASSED AND APPROVED this the A.D., 195$. ~ . t IV .daYOf'~ ATTEST: td~~/nru-~ aybr of the City of West University Place, Texas'. City }1an~.ger I' ---'. -I --'T,]J 11 L nor -.lJdlIUill -:rrr- ."", ....'" ,'~ L 0-.F-C) , RESOLUTION vJHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the SANITARYSEW;JBReAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; ~~ AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such fUnds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the op- eratiQn of the City: ,AND, l'\1HEREAS, the present bank balance, the average month- ;I.y income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY Cill'JMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to' invest fimdsarnounting to $12.687.,1 , from theSANIT,ARY SEWER OAPIT...U. IMPRQVEMENT . Fund, for a' period of . ~Vlii' months. PASSED AND. APPROVED this the 1'1 ~ <lay of ~, A,.D., .1958. ATTEST: ~a1~1 jlMayor' of the . City of West . University Place, Texas _ City 1-1a.na.ger ~~~r~ "-- ---r-'~ I 1 1 1 TOrn'" jl'nrur '''f' , ,1 "i RESQLUrION ) s-g-- ICJ WHEREAS, the City of West Uh'iversityPlace, currently.t has capital available in the S.ANIT~. S~::~~"~DW:aO~T,~~' ,OIi~-TER ~NDMEtifT . .. . . . -. '. . ". RESERVE. FlJM)., FIREftlfClFlmD'.AND' TRUST 4G~'tY .'~ . . ..' . . ;' ~. . . ..".:. " .. .' '.' . >: I . ".... '., .' which will not be required for operat~g expenses until the next fiscal year; , . AND, WHEREAS, it is: deemed to be to the best. interest of the City tha"t such- funds be-placed ~n a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, ~1HEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and ex- . penditures of these funds, as ant1.cipateq. until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOv.T, THEREFORE BE IT .RESOLVED BY THE OITY COH~HSSION OF THE CITY OF 'ltJEST . . UNIVERSITY PLACE, TF..xJI.S; that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to j,nvest funds amounting tcn ,J~.,.34. 7,.~a . f:r~tne ' .s~~,'&~:r;-YS$werCa~.1. ta.J. .~r~ye.em.t FUE.d, $1~".'37.8'.t"~ Ohu.tez.-Amenmnemt llt)serve ~e:. and , . ._.,' ,_ '. ... ." . .....".. .~. ..'. . .-",.. -:., ....: ' . '.' ~ ~ , :'. ',' " : v.... .".. t$67..j' ,t*pem.~:b.e F;iJ!'. T' ":~;F~d f@raeri0def 12 mel'lths" and, , '.~" , ~ ..... . .~ ~t2,~SO~'O .fJ>0ltl t~e Trust j,ge:r::u:y, Fu;m.ci" in the Univeraity Savin~s e,n(i Loan j,sseciatien. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 28th dav of . April , A,.D." 19~B .. ~wd/ItmPHnt.cI. t>l'Olayor" City of 1,o.Jest University Place, Texas A T'IEST: /~~~~ ~y ecre. ~~ --._-_.~ - ~ ~~----~.. ,,' ", RESOLUTI!,N NO. ,x y- / / WlI!mEAS, the City CommissiGn Jaas been advised by the City Manager that it is imperative that eertain repairs be made to tbe InternatioAal TD14 ~racter being used at tbe City garbage disposal site; ani WHEREAS, it is necessary that such repair werk be 40ne 1mmed'iately in order' that the operatiolls at the garbage 4ispesal site be carrie4 on 0& a regular basis as Bach operatiell is necessary to the plllblle health and welfare of" the City of West Umiversity Place; and. WHEREAS, it is impossible to determine the exacu cost at such re- pairs until the tracks .n such tractor have been removed and it 1s. there- by impossible te draw the necessary specificatie1!1s as te the repair$ Dee4ed te be mad-e; and WHERE1lS,the City Manager, in v1ew or the .exiSting emergency" bas obtained an estimate of the eest of su~~ repairs from the Texas Wel<<iag &: Press Company 1n tile amoUAt or $3..5'34.'6 and an estimate frQJll the . Brewning-Ferris Machinery Company ia the &meullt of $2822.67; aid '~, the City Maaager Jilas authorized the Texas We1d1ng &: Press Company "Ii. make the aecessary repairs te sald traet.~. New, ~ijEREFO~;1.BE IT RESm.VED BY ~llE CI!Y COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WES~ l:JNlVERSI~Y P.1sACE, TEXAS: , , , ' 1. That ~e City MaJlager' aJIIiIl the Ma-~ 'be and theI aJ'e hereb, eJIlpnerel allCll authorizei to eDter 1.,t. s\1leh aFeemell.fia with Texas Weli1l\lg &: Press C_paay as is necessary ~. immei~atel, ef'f'ectQ'te the eempletbl\l of' repairs te the City's Inter1'l:atli...u TD-14 fraeter new bei-JIg _ed a-!fi _ gar'bage disposal site. 2. That any actioas takell 'ltr the C:iitjt: ."Dager aad ~~ 1leret.t'ore relative to ebta1niag the aeces:~_y repairs t-e said I!lternat>ieq;ai. ~Di~ Tracter are ia all things ratltif'i.el and approved. PASSED AND APFROVED TBIS.:t. p~!)A.Y OF APRIL" 1'5.8. A:~~~~ ~it~ecre: . comaSSIt)JJB!la 'ftlt1!I!1G An: ~ I COMllISSIf!)~ VQS!.ING N6 91&-n..J1 ~~I City of Wes~ Un!~ersi'~ P~a~) feu'S ~\ I c:----..,...,~=~ ...c- ~ , r-:1~ _ ___.-"~.. I.l:I.E:llir.~ ~lmT.~ ;:T:f' RESO.LUTION 'd _ J ,.", ..... )S' i .... i. t.'. ; ',,-~.' . , ' WHEREAS, the City of v-Jest University Place, currently, has capital available a.ani tary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund and street Improvement in the Bond~1948 Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREA.S~ it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such' funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of theCitYJ AND" -trlHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and ex- penditures of these funds, as anticipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit:, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COH1HSSION OF THE CITY OF ilJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: $5,?13.50 from, the Sanitary Sewer Capital Inmrovement Fund for 12 months. $e-$,923.20 from the street Improvement Bond.-1948 Fund for :I2.months. - .'~' . -.. '" ". '..... PASSED AND APPROVED this the 9th day of June , A.D., 19...2L ~, ayor, City of West University . Place, Texas AT'IEST: City Secretary . . ----r=' I ~~---I~ .-.- 11 I I fl[IjF' Irflrrrr-''j,T< RESOLUTION ...:::r?- / ..3 vJHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the &ENEItA1. ~fDIG Fund which will not be reqUired for operating expenses until l~"'~'lf,..,.i. i'iillllii1!Ji~Q-''''lJJ:J later in the present fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the op- eration of, the City: AND, 'WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the ave:r'age month- ly :income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fmid deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CrTY C()]1IMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer , is hereby directed to i~vest funds amounting to $ le._.. from the GmJEI.U.L IPEU.fING Fund, for a' period of .t$Q: (6) months, at!t(twoaad oaeltaU) per eent. PASSED AND APPROVED this the Qj day of J~ , A.D., 195'. ATTEST: ~~~J Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas - ----~_=~=:-::"'=I::_:D------ r:_~__~_L _, ':L:L.,_ ._~__ ___ __.--"- _LutIlI: n W'---~"".n'---", ---.-::ml=.=rrn------- - RESOLUTION ~G'-lfI vJHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the WATEIt~ Fund which will not be required' for operating expenses until .~ ,,~ liJS;i/J~~"'~ later in the present fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of / the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit in'Vestriient in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the op- eration of the Cit~: i ; AND, 'WH~REAS, .the present bank balance, the average month- ; I ly income and expehdituresof this Fund as anticipated until maturity I . of this investment I will preclude a fund deficit: i i NOW, THp?EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~il"IISSION OF i THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer, ! i is hereby directedl to invest funds amounting to $ ...... I i1AUll~ '- , I period of Sll.% <61 ! i I I . PASSED AND APPROVED this the ~ from the Fund, for a- months, at wo sail eDe l1alt (It) per eeat. day of J&e , A.D., 195'& ..~~~ . University Place, Texas . / ~~~,~ ATTEST: t~ sa: Jr I , ) " RESOLUTION WHEREAS" the Oi ty of. "'lest University Place, currently" has ,capital available in "the ~a PCE& ~, Ilf~ qSERVE F\JJl!). TAX ~ SINKING J.i'BND, and. mlfft AeE'N'SY FlJND ., , which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREkS, it is deemed to be to the besi1 interest of the City that such> '. funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form o~interest for the op~ration ot the City; . I AND "l~\ilJHEREAS" the present ~.ank balance" the average monthly income and ex- pendituref'- of ~~ese'f~ds" as anticipated until maturity ot this investment" will preciude a fund. deficit.: ~ - . ~ ~.' ) ,.... .' . NOW , THE~FOREBE ~f ~LVED ~ THE CI~Y COH1USSION OF THE CITY OF "JEST UNIVER8~TY PLACE, TEXAS" cth~t \he D tty Treasurer is hereby directed to invest fund~ aJY.lountingto:: 0 " ~ .... . " : ,:'" ' ...., '0 '.$;.~!..~lIl"!t~.~GP&9L FUNI.r_ aJl'6~~~ ~(,,~~~,.t!ts..~ ..,Mt:.. t:r_ ~. IIfS"-E DSERV'E Fmm fer. &_ .~.d .r :twe~T6 ._n.th. 8 . I~S~" . ~.'.e, D,X' _v.;.,<lS SIJQ:. '~fer& P~ttlG€l:,.~twe,llve-n.:~s.:@ 3J .,~:.. ~e. 'tJae-,,~ A~ FIQ', ill 1ihe Vniver-:t~.~~~.&~~s>,.. PASSED AND APPROVED this the .net day of JMe. , A.D., 19-9., :-.' ayor, City of West University Place, Texas A T'IES T: r:::c - [---:::1:lII. ~~'-~r"""-"--'~,:r::.L... .~--'L..il.lL&.t:. .s~- I ~ Or -/'/~ t;" r: '7;<'1" ') .lt~ijULU,!'lUl\l , . 'if' WHEREAS" the City o.f irJest University Place, currently ,has capitaJavailable in the G_ FUND, WA~ER:-$m:ER .:ii'OND AND. STORM sJa FuND '1 . i . which will not be required for, operating expenses until t!:1e nextf:lscal year; AND, IN}lEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best inJrest of the City that ~lUch' .'<'. funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue " in the form of interest for the operation of the CitY1 AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance J the average monthly income and ex- penditures of these funds, as anticipated until matur~ty of this investment) will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL'ilED BY THE CITY Cm1HISpION OF THE CITY OF 1..]EST UNIVERSITY PLACE,. TBXAS,' that the City Treasurer is Jereby dire~ted to invest funds amounting to: $20,000.00 . @ 3% for a J)eriod 'of 12 months from the GENERAL ~TING FUND --, ." 'I'. - . l5,OOO.OQ. . i~ for.8 period 9f .12 won~h~ f"om t.rA WA1iF.l:l:-S~ li'fThln 1,410.;61. @ i~ for A peri od of] 2 mont.bs f'7'om t.hA JrORM ~FrTtm . . . . in the UNIVERSITYST4TE RANK l' . . .' I '1 1 Oct~bl . PASSED AND APPROVED this the 27th day of , A"D., 19~. ATTEST: (bA'i'~.q;-#~<< ~ ity, aft'We:mt Uni versi ty Place, Texas --" I' I I ~, - - 11 I IIIIU' -, -lillTiil"ll ) --28'-/k RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF .AN ElECTION IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY paCE, TEnS, HELD ON NOVEr-lBER 4, 1958, FOR THE PITRPOSE OF ELECTmG A MAYOR AND FOUR COMMISSIONERS OF SA.ID CITY; DECLMING THE RESULTS OF SUCH ELECTION AND CERTIFYmG SUCH RESULTS. i'IHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, the General Election Laws and Ordinance No. 743 of the City of West University Place, Texas, a general City election was held in the City of vJest University Place, Texas, on November 4, 1958, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners; and f WHERE/l.S, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29 of the Election Code (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. P. 1097, Ch. 492, Art.lll) the managers of the election have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election together with the poll lists and tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WIlEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, in Special Session assembled on November 6, 1958, have opened and examined the election returns.and have canvessed the resalts there- of in accordance with Article 8.34., Act~ 1951, 52nd Leg., p. 1097, Ch. 492, Art. ll6, and as a result of such .examination and canvass, said Mayor and City Commissioners find that at such election the following votes were ca5t: Votes Cast in Pre~~cts: Name Candidate For No. 1133 No. 133 No. 87 Total j Wes Brown Mayor l053 726 695 24'74 wm. K. ,Greenlief Mayor 1 1 30e Poener Mayor 1 1 Chas~cartWright Mayor 1 1 A. K. Korn Mayor 1 1 Geo. Williams Mayor 2 2 E.dR. 'Davis Commissioner 1035 720 685 2440 Wm. 'i'. Lutz Commissioner 1026 72l 680 2427 M. c. Halbert Commissioner 1025 719 677 2421 stuart L.Lamkin Commissioner 1038 715 692 2445 Tom Kelley Commissioner 1 1 . ..- r-- 'I~'~' r ,'1 1 ; IIUT" 1i'!l1'ii1- -; and, WHEREAS, as a result of such election, it appears that Wesley R. Brown with a total number of 2474 votes cast for him was elected Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas; and E. R. (Ed) Dav:i.s with a total number ofi 2440 votes cast. for h:i1n., and William T. (Bill) Lutz, Jr., with a total number of :=>4:=>7 votes cast for him, and J;f..aurice C. Halbert with a total number of 2421 votes cast for him, and Stuart L. Lamkin 'With a total number of 2445 votes cast for h:i1n., have been ele cted Commis- sioners of the City cf West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXlS:that, 1. The official results of such election shall be, and they are h~reby declared, pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to, be that: . Wesley R. Brown was elected Mayor E.R. (Ed) Dav:i.s was elected Commissioner William T. (Bill) Lutz, Jr. was electedCcmmissioner Maurice, C. Halbert was electedCcmmissioner Stuart L. Lamkin was elected Commissioner of the City of West University Place, at the sai<i election. 2. An executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each Wesley R. Brown, E. R. Davis, William T. Lutz, Jr., Maurice C.Halbert, and Stuart L. Lamkin as his Cer-tificate of Election, and dupliCate copies hereof shall be delivered to the City Secretary of the Cit.y of West. University Place, Texas, and the County Judge of Harris County; Texas" and the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, as provided by law. PAS~EDAND APPRQVED this the 6th day of NovE'mlber, 1958 , with all Commissioners voting Aye. AT'IEST: OOI1MISSIONERS ' ~~d .' . MAYOR Pie6--rS",,? CITY SECRETARY " ,- --'--I'-'-'~~~~~IC~'O'jrJr--""''''--''-------.=e'''~~- "'--"'1 1 ; ;1 -r;~iilr -- "iiTflT1TIT'O-O;ilT <<J' ) ., \ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS -----------------~----- RESULTS OF A GENERAL ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 4,1958 TO ELECT A MAYOR _ . AIID FOUR COMMISSIONERS -----------..------------------------ Pet. Pet. Pet. l::n 183 87 Total 726 1053 695 2474 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 :MAYOR Wes Brown William K. Greenlief Joe poener Coos. Cartwright A. K. Korn Geo. Williams COMMISSIONERS stuart L. Lamkin 720 721 719 715 1035 1026 685 680 677 692 "'2440 2427 2421 2445 E~ R. Davis Wm. T,. Lutz M. C. Halbert 1025 1038 Tom Kelley 1 1 I --'-~11"1 r-' "', ' " 1'1. " 1,[11'1r "'TiITil '-, \ ) RESOLUTION ..sg- I g- '" . . . WHEREAS J th~ City of West University Place;c~rre~tly.. has capital available in the T. GOLLEG,TQR . FtJNP'. which will not be req~ired for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such. L.., funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, 't1JHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and ex- penditures of these funds, as anticipated untJ1.1 maturity 9f this inv7stment., will preClude a fund deficit: - NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COHHISSION OF THE CI'rY OF' 't'JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest ../ funds amounting to: $2Q,QOO~OO @ 1't for apttriodof twelve monyhs from the Tax CGllectarFund 20.000.00 @ 3% for aper:i.od of tlfelve months ft . ." . ". . ~ 11 II If tt , 20J'OOO~OO @ ?{/.,fQ:J? a period of :t~ve ,II1QU-J;hs. II .'~ . 'II ,lI II It lQ,OOo..QO @ ~ :t'or at "p~r:iod of six months' U II u 11 1I lQ~OOO.~ @ 2~ far a period of six months 10,000..00 @4i% for a ~ed.od of si:;c months 10,000.00 @ 2~ f0r a neriod of six months II " It It It lJ If II If It tI II If II Il .! in the Um versi ty State Bank. PASSED AND APPROVED this the /lJ'til day of Nov~er' , A.D., 19-5a.. ~~~1? ayor, City of V'tJest University Place, Texas , . ..~ A T'IES T: r-- - r I. i ~'-"I .. ,- I ". I II I ,IIfIT"' -'1lTiilT " ) RESOLUTION Sg-/~ ') WHEREAS" the City of y.,iest Uni vel'S i t,y Place, currently, has capital available in the . Trust Agency Fund and T~ Collector Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, liffiEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such- funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City,; AND, 'irmEREAS, the present bank balanc~, the average monthly income and ex- penditures of these funds, as anticipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a .fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL'\7ED BY THE CITY COMJ.VlISSION OF THE CITY OF tm8T UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that -the City' Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: " ,090.00 from the 'J'r9.st AJrencv Fund in the Um. vers! ty Savings & Loan Ass 'n $100,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fund in tGJIl Certificates of Deposit of ---- ~lQ.~OOO.OO each for six months @ ~ interest. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19..('r - ----,=-'" I~ r' I' .-00'- I 1 1, , II 11111...' IrnT~ s~ -.;J- <) A RESOLurIOr-r EXERCISING RESERVED OPl'ION TO RED~t ;P3.7, 000.00 QurSTAIIDING BONDS OF TIlE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND AurRORIZING TIlE GIVING OF NOTICE OF REDEMPl'ION illiEREAS, the hereinafter described outstanding bonds of the City of West University Place, Texas, are redeemable at the pleasure of the City at par and accrued interest, on the option date of January 15, 1959, or on any interest payment date thereafter; and WHEREAS, the City of West UniVersity Place, Texas, has available in its Tax Revenue Sinking Fund an amount in the sum of $37,000.00 which is considered as surplus and is not obligated or allocated for the payment.of principal and interest on any of its bonded indebtedness and is availabl~ for redemption of the hereinafter described bonds; and llliEREAS, the City Commission and the Finance Committee of the City have determined it advisable to call said bonds and the calling of these said bonds will effect an interest saving of approximately .$10,822.50; NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~1MISSION OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City of West University Place, Texas, hereby elects to exercise its option to redeem at par and accrued interest on January 15, 1959, the hereinafter described bonds and the City Treasurer of, the City of West UniVersity Place, Texas, is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice, that the bonds have been called for redemption, such notice to be sub - stantially in the following form: NOTICE OF BONDS CALLED FOR REDEMPl'ION Notice is hereby given ,that the. City of west University Place, Texas, has elected to exercise its option to redeem the following described Bonds in the denomination of-:jn,Ooo.oO each, bearing interest 'at the rate of 3-1/4% and redeemable on January 15, 1959, or on any interest payrilent date thereafter at par and accrued interest: "CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, STREET Il\iPROVENENT BOl'IDS, SERIES 1948, DATED SEPl'EMBER 1, 1948 Aggregating $37,000.00 Bonds Numbered 129 to ,165, both inclusive, due January 15, :11968 All of said bonds, totaling $37,OOO~OO have been called for redemption on January 15, 1959, at the City National Bank of Houston, Houston, Texas, (now known as the First City National Bank of Houston) "There said bol1ds are to be presented for payment, at par and accrued interest to the date of call. Said Bonds shall cease to bear interest from January 15,1959. By order of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas. fl.l~ City Treasurer, ity of West University Place, Texas PASSED Alv.D APPROVED this the ~th day of December, 1958. ATTEST: .J d~fik'~ - c~ty Secre , E'~-======e"~=.." , ---'--=-.EC'E'T"'"'-~' l,--~:~l.. ..........:...L....:.lL._.r~"'- ''a.. , li~2Qldl!1..Q1I NO. 5' 21-2/ WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas entered into a contract and agreement with the F & E Construction Corporation on November 27, 1957 for the construction of an equipment storage building for the street department of said City; and WHEREAS, prior to the completion of such construction and ful- fillment. of the contract by F & R Construction Corporation, said City has been served with notice that various sums of money are due to various companies and individuals by F & R Censtruction Corporation for materials used or services rendered in the construction of said equipment storage building; and WHEREAS, under the terms of the contract between said City and F & R Construction Corporation, said City is authorized to withhold a percentage of the contract price, and is required by law to do so, if City receives notice that sums are due to suppliers or werkmen; and WHEREAS, at the time said City received notice of the various claims against F & R Construction Corporation, there remained due to said corporation tJae sum of $3,450.20 and said l;fum has been carried in the General Fund of said City in an account with the University State Bank; and WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient by the City Commission and to the best advantage of all parties concerned that said sum be removed from the General Fund of said City and be placed in a special or escrow account: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMNISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 1. That the sum of $3,450.20, being the balance due from the City of West University Place to F & R Construction Corpor- ation under a contract for the construction of an e.quipment storage building for the street department, be withdrawn from the General Fund of said City now on deposit with the University State Bank and that said sum be placed in a SpeCial account in the University State Bank and that said account Shall be designated as uCity of West University Place Escrow Fund for Street Department Building." 2. Said ~WJl. Q1' $3,450.20 Shall remain on deposit in the aforesaid Special Fund until it shall be lawfully determined to whom such funds are due and paya ble. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS:?,;!, ~AY OF DECEMBER, 1958. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE (Ut/ CO 8SIO V NG NO 'r~ Uni~\3rSif,Y! J'U~f~i~~ ATTEST: SY-;;J../ ~~- ~ r--1 I , TO r~''----------'''''"7-'''''- ------~-~fi'Tlj,f=;'l'[--- NOTICE Pursuant to Resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, on Pecember 22 , 195!L, notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, a municipality incorporated under the laws, of the state of Texas, will receive applications from any banking corporation, association or individual banker doing business in Harris County, Texas, for the custody of the funds of 'the Ci'ty of West University. Place, Texas. Any b"anking corporation, association or individual banker desiring to apply to be designa'ted as the depository of the funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall deliver to 'the City Manager, a't 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas, on or before ,7,:30 o'clock p"M,,:Ianuaq 261' , 1951-, its application for handling such funds, stating in such application all terms and conditions upon which such banking corporation, association or individual banker will handle 'the said funds of 'the Ci'ty of Wes't'university Place, Texas. The City Commission of 'the City of Wes't University Place, Texas, reserves the r.igh't 'to reject any and all applica'tions. City 8ee1ll'&~~ City of West University Place, Texas '---' II'"I~- r' , --[, 1 nrIf" j 11~ --",-,.--- .(;; f " '1;;,~~" ...;:---..- - REsoLurroN NO. o-,J'-.;:L J...- BE rr RESOLVED BY TEE Crry COIv.lMISSION OF TEE CITY OF 1ilEST UNIVE..~SITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1.: The City Secretary is hereby authorized and di rected to give notice through publication in the Official ~lication of the City of West University Place, Texas on January 7, 1959 ; MID through letters directed to three banking institutions in Harris County, Texas, that the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, will receive written applications for the custody of the City's funds from any banking cor _ poration, association or individual banker doing business in Harris,County, Texas, that may be desired to be selected as a depository of the City of West University Place, Texas. Such notice shall be published one (1) time and shall direct any banking corporation, association or individual banker interested in being desig- nated as depository of the City to make its application with the City IvBnager on or before 7~30 o'clock p.m. , , .Rlm1arv'~ 26. ::. 1959 at the City Hall, 3800 Uhiversity BOUlevard, Houston 5, Texas. Such applications shall state the terms and conditions upon which such banking corporation, association or individ- ual banker will handle the City'S funds. section 2: The City CommiSSion reserves the right to reject any, and all applications received. Section 3: The applications received pursuant to the notice here- inabove prescribed shall be opened at the regular Counti! Meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m., .JahUar;v 26. 1959, and at such time the City Commission shall designate the official depository or depositories for the funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, in accordance. with the terms and provisions of ap- plicable laws of the State of Texas, and prOVisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. PASSED, by the City Commispion of the City of West University Place, Texas, this the ~ day of December . ,195L. =m, ~ J 4, _--""......., eit Sacre APPROVED AB TO FORM: (?,"l: (!~~~ City Attorney .5'8'- ;t.;t..., r==-====~'~~ --I::::- 't' ===r'-::I~ ~,-1L _l.~'- :~:rl:l:m:r