HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.57 " ) /\ , ) / .. '~ .)---'1 " /. ,,~_A< " ' \,+" L/f"F , *'17.,< . ... <. . - , . . "',$7-/' i$~Ol;;t;ITJPN " J.' " . \ ' . . . . . '. . . . WHEREA$, the 'City of West:IJIUversityPlace,currently hascap:L;t.al . available in the, STORM SEfWERBOND \Furtd which will :riot be required for operating eX]Den~es until: ,~" mi~l;X:t~~, ' , , later in the presentf;f.scal year; AND, t'llHEREAS, it is' deemed to be to the best i~terest of the City thats~ch 1'undsbe pla.ced ina time deposit 'investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHE..ttEAS, the present ba.rik balance, the averagemonth1y ) , , , . .... . incoine and exp~ntU:tur.es of this Ftmdasanticipated Until m?tu.r~tyof this~nv~stm:erltwi~:preclllde a ,:f'un4deficit: ' , ' ' .. ' , , Now; 'THEREFqRE;BE' IT ImSOJ:,VEJ) BY THE CITY CoID1ISSION OF>'.BHE CITYpF '")EST Ul'IT'iERSITY: F~CE, TEXAS, thatthe.CityTre~sureri,~,;li~reby . . .. , , , , ' 'directed to ':i.nVestf;untP3 a~01ll1ting to $ , 1.352..,1'8. ' , from the \ ' STORM SEWER OOND.' Fpndsfor:aperioq. .,' of , SIX "" ,months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 31st day ~f January , A.D., 195;.7 ATTEST: fh~ ' 'J. ' . , "~A .,'. "., ,>.,',' .".' . . .. " . . .." ." jMaYg~%;~:~y C~i~c~~~:;:{3 " '. ' .~ ~ ,",>~ ,~#t"~ 'City Seer.. ' ' " f- ',-' = ,,-. ~ ~--"--r" ,'~ ----1"1 IITr"l'J'" 1 '"I'" TrIIi'-' Tf"[' ') ,; S"f-,,2'" .' " llESOLUTION,. . . '. " . , " -, , -.. ". . , , ....", " .:,., . '. vJHEREA~) the oi ty or, West jJDj;versi tv" Place, 'curi'~htl:r "ha:s. caI>;ita,l' aVailal;>le'~n'the , , , " . , " ' ..,WA~R~S~ Fi,iYii'l " which vr.i.l,:L' not .be ':d~qtriredfbr ".' ()perat~ng' e~?ses.unt:i.i thene;Xt 0, fi$ca1,y:e,ar; . ~ '. . .'. ~R~.~.'~'t~~~J;lX)'~'~JJ . AND" tVHERElt8; " :it"id~~a:e~tned' ,to 'be. :tq th~best ,~nt~r~$t,9f the", - . . . . " , - " . ". Cityt;hatsu:chfunds be pla(}ediiia tiine' dep,osit 'ip.:ve:S:t~ehtinorder .. , , ' . '" . . . ~. . . . .. . to earnad~t,iona1 rev-enueintheforlil of;i.i1terestfor.the'Op~:Rat~on of the City; . . . . ~. " ' . . . . , , , , AND, ~ltEAS, ,the \ppesen"j:. bank ,balance, the... aVerag,~'~orithlY, ' in~()me ~d e2\P.enditures of this Fund asant':i.cipated, uiiti;L~at>Urity,:()f' " ~.:., , , .. . . . '. this investment will, preclil,dea fund deficit:, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED :BY'THE <CITY COM~n:9SIO~"OF THE" , , , ' , CITY OF ~1EST UNIvERSJTY PL(!;CE, TEXAS, that theCityTr~asurer 'isJiereby , directed to investfunds'aii10Ul};ting to$ ,.3~,jP9.~c.~Q,'" from the, ,. WA~i-';'~' 'Funci, fo~ ,a, period <;>f " ,'M:T.VF. mohths. PASSED AND APPRO'"\TEDthis, the A.D., 1951.7 31st, -, day of Ja.rnla.tv . ~'4'"' , ATTEST: . ...'" ~ ayor'..ofthEf Cityofw~st .", UniversitYPlace,'Bexas ~~~_.~~~ rc::Lty Sacre ,. . , , r ,-"]( - '''-F "" ~ I III .r fTT'""~~11il"f'-""f'-'1 r ") '\ RESOLUTIOl\l . , ~'7'- ,,--:2 ~ . . ~ - , , , , ' , WHEREAS, the City of, West University Place", currently has caplta~ availabl<:3 in the WATER -"\. SEWER, Fuiid, which w.i.ll not be required, for operating eXpenses until the next , . fiscal year; , , 1~jU~4,W.~:JxEn'~$Jlf1~iifJ ' AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed'to be to the qest in~erest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investntent'inorder to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for ,the operation of the Ci'ty';' AND" WHEREAS, the present bank ba1~rictil, the average monthly , ' - . . . income and e~endit1U"es of this Fund asanticipatedufitil mat-uritjiof . ' this investment l411preCludea fund defi,cit:, t' , , , , , , .. . . . . . .. NOW, THEREFORE:, BE ITRESO;LVED BY THE CITY G~USSION OF: THE ,,' , .. CITY O:F1nlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the CityTreasurerishereoy di,rected to invest funds8Jnoufitipg to $ 4~",~QQ~:Q" .,. from. the , , 'WA'TER' , ' '~" . .. ~. . . --. "< .,. . "-". Fund, for a period , of 'lWELli$ months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the A~D., 195$.7 31st.. .day of .raJql~~- ,) ATTEST: ~ ~~ ' ' "~','''''':''''"",." , ayorof theC~tY'di'-West '.' " , Universi~y Pl~ce, Texas ~~~ . City Secret ", .' r ~._~, r' Fe-- ~ ,. I'TITI '~m" '1T'1 ~ ") } '\ RE$9:C;VT,1tO~ ".-, , ." 67- ,..,:/,' c ~S" the City 6'f W~st Umversity Place, ,currentlyht3.s' capital , \ available ill the "'qp;~,.", F$.d. " ,," ' , ,~ " ' , , " whichw:CLI not be T~q'tP.redfor 9perating 8:xpei1S8s until ' the next .\ V" fiscal year; ~;"""""""-' '..".,,",',:"~~ , ' , . ",." .. -.... . AND,l'\1HEREAS,it i$deemed to be 'to the best interest of the . . - . . Gity',that.such funqsbepla?~d~ in a time deposit ~nvestmep:~ iq order . . - . . . . toearnadPitional revenuein~th-eforin of interest for the op~rc~Ftj:oh . of the di ty;' ,\ , , , , , , , , - '. . .AND, :wHE.~S~' the'pre;seritbank 'bala.Ilde~theaverage1l1onth:LY' income and'expericlitur.e~.of ;th:Ls'FUnda,s ~i:i~c:tp~ted uiltil, matlWity of . . . ", . . . . . . . . . - . . . " . . . ; . :.' ",'; '.:". ", ", this'ihV:~~~1l1etit #11 precl.ude>a .fimd defi;c~tf NOW:,THE,llEFORE:, ~:BE: ITRES,OLVEDBYT$ CITY' COO1I$SIONOF' THE' .' . . . ~ . ". '. . . . ~! CITY OF' ~1ES~ ,um:VER$I~I'LA.c~,.Tms;. that the C~tY' Tre'asu~eri$"l1ep~}jit.; , , , di~egted)toinv:estt~dEf:a*!i()witihg,tb $ .2:?lt(j),~~~~L;,:~,:fTOm: the " " , .' .' -"~G~y". 'F1lJjd;i'ora.pe~~9d . '1/.:"" , ,:,lmo.nths.' , of, ' ' ,~L~' PASSED-AND.I\.PPROiTEP this ,the , , , , .31~t<,' day of' ,Jan~~.:, ':.. ' , A.b., 195~} ATT;&ST: ~.~' , , ,'. .' . - . . , , .. , , ' . - ..' ~ ",..,.,..~,,',..,...,.' aYO'ij'pf,thef.CitY,6fWe.s't ,"',' ' , ,',' 'University Place, T~xas ~ r "--~ rl -- . III 111111 l":11'111;"",'IT!'- -, ,I , ") ./- RESOLUTION ", '....... -.77~;j " " , , , ,wlIER$As, the City 6f :W(:lst 'UiP,.versi:ty Place, currentlYhas'caP:it~" " ", <. ' J available in-t.he ,G~,., 'Fund' . . ," , which "w.Lll not be,requiI'ed for operating expenses until '~ ft~ i~terin the'presentf~scal year; , , AND,t.mEREAS, it is. deertle'd to be to the best interest of the ~ .. ! City that such funds beiplacedin a time deposit i:nv$stmentinoi'der to earn additional. revenile :j.n the form of interest, for the operation 6fthe City; , , AN)),WJIE,,~$;thep~eserit bank baiance, theaverag'emonthly .. , incomeandeXpsnat t~es~Qr'thi:s~d .asariticiPat.ed;imticl'mat~itY~f" "\. this in;j.estDiel;1t::winpX:ec:Lua,~ '~'., fund d~f:ic:it:. . NOW,THE:REFOUE~BE:tT RESOLVED :BY" THEC!TYCoMMI~S~ON OF Tim . . . ..' , ' GITY OF lnT:i!1ST UNIVERSITY . PLACE, TEXAS, that the. City Tr,eas~rer is:hereby directed to invest funds 'a.n.iounting to $ 50.00G.o~., ' fI'om' the' G~;L'" . Fujld.~or a p~riod of, 21'1 months. : PASSED AND APPROV'ED this the 31st day of J~ua.rv , A.D., 195J.7 ATTEST: f2.~ar(r/~ tJMai~~~:~:~y G~i~c~~'~:~;s - * ..~ L -~,;~ "~--~--= LJ ~,,~~ _ ------'-.. __.-...L l.Ll.I...Ill::: !:::IT:'TID~--'~T.T-:r~ ~'- -} '-. ") ~SOLI1TION ,,$7-6 . .. . , , , WHEREAS, the Gity o+'Wes.tUpiversity: Place~" curr~I+:e~Ylliis'~eapitai , , , " , , ." .. ." . available in the C~. ~REsERVE ~S~Fund .. '. . , , , . . '.. wllich'vdll not be, reqt!ired for operating ,expensesbfttil'thenext , , fiscal year; . ," . ," , I," : ':, J)t~~rtlililw~_ftt;~i'$;$~xtlti~j(!f ' -.. '. .' . , , , , ' , " , AND, 101HEREAS, ,itisdeem,ed to be to the bes,t interest of the ,City' that 'such fUnds be placed; in a time d~poSit, i~vestm~rit in, order " , , to earn: additional revenue in f.he ~ro~ofiriteJ;'est for t~e ,?peration of the City; l~ND, lJHEREA8) the present ,'barik bala:tl<::~"the' av:erage,mont~y , . . "' , , , iIlconie and eXpenditures of thi~ Fund as anticfpateduhtil.ma,tm:::4ty of ' . . . . this inves.t.meritwillpreclude a fund deficit:' , , , , NOW;. TIflj:R];FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THECITY'COMMISSIQN OF TIfE' CITY OF 1nJEST UNIvERSITY PLACE", TEXAS" that the CityTr,eas~rer is hereby dire;ct€)d tolinvest f~dsam;ountingto$10~93~..h4- , from, 'the,' .GHAR~DmNllMEN~~~VE'~ .,~EWER',' , -4;'~ . ,~d" fora-period of 'TWELVE' . ., : 'months.- PASSED "lLT\fD APPROVED this the , ' . 31st, .' dq.y ,'of , J~?-~,' ' , A.D., 195..7 ATTEST: , ' , ' ~~'" , , .' ., , , , , , , ' . .' , .- , , , .. ".'a/7ch:.. '.'...,'.<,,'. ' , ]'1a:b!'-:(Xrt~e'CittGiif:~e$.t., ,,' " ", '" UmversJ. ty ;Place "Te;x:as " r ., '::III '" '----=r' r ~ ~ --~ -; ~ _, ~ L__l-'L lllJIIl" li::rr:mr:r:n::r: ~). ~\. .I -~~;"" .~ I' '"I> ,f' - . ,.-.-: ,f .,ti111SQr;Jirfrirm : w:-: -': ~.' :", '::\. _,J...> .~. ". , : . S7J.." 7 .f , , .:i' v~S;'the Cd.tYOfwe,'s.t,tJITf:t[~hs,~ty ,PlCice; , cUf:r'entli' h~sdap~tal . available in ,the .' ;~A~~A,R1~ f~~I~Il~~'~~C)1~~', ., ,",")illnn, , . .". .' Whichw.i.l1 not be' FElQ1itr,ed.'f'ot 6~eratilig, eJtpsnses!lIltii ' the 'next, fisc;al ye~r; , , ~~~~st~nt~~st.~~e... ~, .. . . . '. . ", ..... AND , , City tbat such, frind~i ~epia~eq.ln .at~me, d~pos:it i~ve~tInep.tA4,'6i-4~r. . , ' '. . to' earna,ddit,ibnal r'~venlleiri:.tp.e: f:OI,n,<Jf fnterestfor t,he' '9l?;~##i~9h - , of the City; , , - ' . ". ,'AND,~S" :ihe .pre~ent>ba~bal~#ce, ,thea~ef&geInoiit14y " ,., income ;an-de~~n<lf>t~es;Of.th?:$, F'ynd .as'$lti.cj;patedUl1tilma~tIr~t!,df< , thisi+ive~tinen~ will'p~eci11<~~:'a fUIld 'den:C~t,;".'" "'- . ,,',' .,' NoW, T~EF~,~E~ITRES0liVBD'BY '~HE CI/rt:'C<>>IISSIONOi,:TI$- CITY OF 1~'ST.UN!vERSI:1tPLACE" TEXAS, th~t . the 'City ,Treasurer ',:isI1ere\>y' , , ' di~e~tedto inve,st f'Ulj,qs 'amPJ;l:rt~J;n.g tb$,,12.0~ttKL ~ .c;;.. ,: from'iih~" '.,S~~TARY,~CAR~~,~i(tt~T ,.. /~ 'F:Unci, $0:1:' '.,~'" p~tioCl.' of' "'Pii\1Et.Vli; ,. ' " ' ,...., ;tnouthl1h. PASSED AND APPROV:EPthis ,the. 31.st , A.Dooc, 1951~7 , , ' ~ayof ,J~~l;'f' ". , . ATTEST : ~" , ' ~." . - . ~ ,,", '.. ,.... :'- .: ayofo of the Ci1iy'ofW~st' University Place, 'l'exas . d6k~d.~~ , ' City secretar.t, ,', L-~ c ...::ill -----' -L [~ :"T l._ ~_~, _ __,-1.. idJI:H' 'ITI1J:IT , :rn; RESOLUTION 6' 7- f" WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, is the present owner of Lots Nos' 13, 14 and JS in Block-No. 15, of COLLEGE VIEW, THIRD ADDITION CIty -of West University Place, Texas and the'West University Bapt!stchureh is the present owner of Lots Nos. 16, 17 ?-iid 18 in Block No. 15, 'COLLEGE VIEW, THIRD ADDITION, City ef West Un-iversity Place, Texas; and WHEREAS the City of West University Plaoe is desirous of obtaining title to the three aforesaid lots now owned by the West University Baptist Church for the reason that said three lots are co:r:ner lots; said lots are closer to other Ci ty ~roperty alid said lots are necessary as a place to store Said City s street maintenance eqllipent inasmuch as the property now being useli far such purpose is needed for the construction of improvements to the City's water works; and Wij)i:Rl!:AS, the City'Commission of the City of West University Place has determined that' it would be advantageous to said City to acquire the aforesaid lots now owned by the West University Baptist Church and. the said West University Baptis,t Church, by Resolution passed in a regular business session ot said Charcn, ha$ agreed to and approved the exchanging of the 10ts now owned by said City ani by said Church: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CItY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I. That the City of West University Place shall acquire the title to Lots Nos. 16, 1'7 and 18, Block No. 15, COLLEGE VIEW, THIRD ADDITION, Cit~ of West University'Place, Texas,from the West UniversiliY Bapt.ist Church by a duly autllorizeEl and executed gemel'al warranty deed. 2. That tb,e City of West University Place shall convey to the , West University Bapt:Lst Ghurch t1\e title to Lots Nos. 13, 11!- and 15, Block No. 15, COLLEGE VIEI', THIBJ!) ADDITI9lf, west University Place, Texas by a duly authorized and execu.ted general warranty d.eed. 3,. That tile Honerable James W. Hammend, Mayor of' the City of Wes.t University Plac~l Texas, !le, and he is herebyl auth$r~z:ed to execute on be haJJ:" of' the City, aU necess~y nstr1llDle~ts to celisWmnate the sale of salli lots to the 'West trnlversl~,. Baptist Church and to execute Oll ~1f of the City all ne~~Ut,s_y 1.n- struments ta consummate thep1,irchase of the af'-eresa'id ~from the West University Baptist enurek. . 4. This ordinance shall take effeet and be in force imme<i4latel, from and after the date' of its pass~ge and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this~day of February, 1'5'7. ATTEST: COMMISSIOmms V0TING AU ~ COMMI-SSIONERS WfiaJNO: NO ~' ~ Place, Texas City Secretary ~--===-.=- - ~ ~~------::r=-"~--- 57_ q , I RESOLt.1.rION WHEREAS, the Gity of West University Place, currently, has capital a.vailable in the Water-Sewer Fund, Insura.nce Reserve Fund, Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, Street Improvement Bond-1948 Fund, and Charter Amendment Reserve..Water Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; A.ND, WlmlREAB, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the Oi ty that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, W1III1REAS, the present bank balance , the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund, as 'anticipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a. fund deficit: NOW, '.e~ORE, BE IT BES0LVED BY THE CITY CQMMISSION OF '!'BE CITY QF WEST UNIVliIRsE?Y PLACE, TEXAS, thatth.e City Treasurer i$ hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: $10,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund, fQr a 'PSri9d of Twelve months, $~,OOO.OO from the Insurance ReserVe Fund, for a period of Twelve months, $7,450.00 from the Sanita.ry Sewer eapital Improvement Fund, for a period of Twelve tn0nths, $3,250.00 from the Sanitary Sewer eapital Improvement Fund, for a period of Twelve . months, $6,050.00 froJlltheStreet Improvement Bond-194~ Fund, for a period of Six months, $16,150.00 from the eharter Amendment Reserve-Water Fund, for a period of Twelve months. PASSED Am) APPR.0V.ED this the ~th day of April, A.D., 1957. ~ Mayor of t e City of West University Place, Texas A'l'FEST: ~~.-,J. City Secreta !_, L__ _ __ _..::::=m _r"']: ., m-,-..Jl__:1...._ __ _~___________~--...:..l.....:lL.__L.!l[](jJ"",.., ...,.,--------T-C"T', '" 'l1::I~::rmr::!':-"-~r:T~r:: (1 r 1'0 ~' ll-!!ii.Yl1,Q,I BE IT RE$O't.nD m: 'rIm em C,OMMIl1ISrON OJ!' THE em OF OS! UN!VERiIU Hil~, fEXA3 = t'ha-t, ~. Cha4k$ €h>~\'IM 01\ }l~1 ..~_ $f thti ct,., (# .,..t 11Jil~g__ l.*;taMj ~a. ," '~t! to tJae ~1 tt~__, sbU. .. ... .., t~aaU1. ~_ _ .", ".*'.,-,t_ ~ * _~ . " ~.,.&th_ ".. r:- .-..,..,~ '3 ~.,l\4'f ,~, _ ~.e~ ,:.W 1\*-.111'. ~1 be: , 'ht ~_ ~. " ,', '. .,' a.ad If,'. ,'. , W theel.., _:u.s... .- elt~ the-~~,~:p- 1Jhe .aW ~. '. at (i!lefil. ... _ , . ,. ~4~~. ... ~a14e t., the C1 ~l be 4!tdli __ t.he " , i1$,. !be~ W eoute!' . ~d ", '. .4 ......:~ta; aJ44. arA7 at. ~ of, .. 4.~ ~ p.,.14. _ the 11 .' $Wl be '4t-alfa . , the: ,a4A <11" f7....e u.<< ...... the watf __ .. the ~ w...'~. ~_ ehflt* ~her tball ,~.e~ dre.llA ,aN' CJ-r.. Q1.'s ", . .e:e... -.4 :fayab-1e W the: aaitl ~ $ . .. ,'," tile ~ -.__ fI'~_ _ o~te..#t~ W ~ tlie .aa14 ' ....... and_~__'~, ' . ... ~ _Ctb tilth.. ~ ~ eke.. ... .. .., et .. ct.'. ~ ...___ eai .1'u\y&h1e to the ,lid.d __'~_ shall ,. ar.. tq' the aat4: CJ.tr. f1"eUWeJ1 aM e$'tmte~stgmd by 'both tbiJ aat( Itty Ma.nage an4 the 3a1d .&10>>. Mu.ag~ ..,. . ,0. , ....<<. .-- 07':~.. :BE l'f ~ l'Ul'.s0LVQ' that. the G1. ....vu 'be ,t;Utd he :r.. ~re. d'il'eete4 .. ~m..1l eaeh 4epoa"" lIMk witk WhiG. ct. has- t-unda 0n. depo.. f!J7!w1:~ wtd. _ Cl$T ~&(I" aay ~ bU$iEl~ a tl'U1S copy Q:f' iihi. R~sob:ld._~ ,~ AP.QOnD RXi BE f,~)~ 01" ~rIt lfJ'1. APPR~; " ~Il~ ' l~r,/~_ " '. ' ." b~ /57~/tJ I'~~-==::.:=:m ,,-- =rr'''' -, ~~, l~ _..'...''__,.L.JL..l,DJ:Iil:- ~ u:r::m::ru:r1 ~ g~2.QldI%lQ1Y: II WHEHEAS, the City Manager and City Treasurer of the City of West University Place are authorized to sign and countersign checks drawn on the account of the said City to meet payrolls and other current expenses; and WHEREAS, from time to time one or the other of the said officials is not available to Sign or countersign such checks; and vrrlEREAS, in the absence of either of the said officials it becomes necessary for the City Commission of the said City to authorize t~ Sign- ing or countersigning of such checks by another official of the said City; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to grant such authority, the same to be continuing until withdrawn by proper Hesolution to an official of the said City; and WHEREAS, the City Controller of the City of West University Place, having been delegated such authority heretofore, is deemed to be the logical person authorized to sign or countersign checks in the absence of the City Manager or City Treasurer until revoked as above provided: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT :RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVEHSITY PLACE, TEXAS,: 1. That from and after the effective date hereof, the City Control- ler of the City of West University Place, is hereby authorized, in the a-asence of either the City Manager or the City Treasurer. to Sign or countersign checks drawn upon the account of the said flity. 2. The authority hereby granted shall continue until revoked ay proper Resolution of the Ci ty Commission~ PASSED AND.APPHOVED this the g DAY of ~: // , 1957. COMMISSTO:NEHS VOTING A.YE ~ COMMISSIDNERS VOTING NO '77~ ~ ./ ~~, . 1IYllR IF TllE C IT" "" ~ --uN1'VlllRSI'l'r'PtlUE~- ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY '-------'-'----'----------IF'''---'"~--~'~'--~~'~~'''--~I~~'--~~'--, '1' 1 II I rrrIir---- -",---,'''-li~~'''~'T~r:; TELEPHONE MADISON 3-4441 WHITT F. JOHNSON CITY MANAGER 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. HOUSTON 5. TEXAS May 27, 1957 Honorable Ma.yor and. Members of the City Commission Gentlemen: On May 13, Resolution No. 57...12, approving investment of $19,000 :from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund was adopted. The $19,000 should. not have been included in the resolution, as this amount was on temporary loan from the General Fund, and, of necessity, must be transferred or returned to the General Fund. Therefore, it was not availa.1;>le for investment. Resolution No. 57...12 should. be amended to omit the investment of $19,000 from the Tax Revenue Sip..king Fund. Very truly yours, WJ Ill;. ,. _.~--------~~:::='~-=::~-~I~:-::-_.:~~-'~E'""""'E.~----------'-'.,.::-=~-'I_ """'l.\ 'RF.ROT .lJ11TO'T\T .,5-1-1 P ~ (-<. " w:BEaEAS, the City of West University Place, currently, bas capita.l a.vailable in the Sanitary Sewer Cap:i.ta.l Improvement Fund, Tax Revenue. Sinking Fund, street Improvement - 1948 FUnd, which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AIm, WliIEREAS, it is deemed. to be to the best interest of the Oi ty that such :funds be placed in' a time de1>Qsit investment in order to earn a.d.d.i tiona.l revenUe in,the form of interest for the aperation of the City,; AND, WllEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthJ.:y income and ex- penditures of these Funds, as ant:i.e:i:pa.ted until maturity of this investment, will pr~clude a. fund deficit: lVOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESGLVD BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CJ;TY OF WEST UN!- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 'that the City Trea.surer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: $10,000 trom street Improvement 1948 Fund for a -period of 12 months $10,000 from " lr tl tt tt " " fJ tl " :{> 6,250.from " " tl It " It " " tt " 4> 1,500 from " tt " tl tl lr If tI lr " ,~-." ~v~-,/",/'" ~om Tax Revenue Sinking Fund for a period of Six months & i",>"'l ) ~eeo ~m It It " If 1t" lr II It It ,~-I" "t Y , ( , ,j,' .... , f,? 4> 3,950.00 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund for a period of 12 months 4> 1,500.00 from ff "It It "" It " " " It PASSED A..'lIID APPROVED this the 13th day of May, A.D., 1957. Ar:rJ:EST: ~ L " ,-- '1-- :JB r: L I I:1...._ .~~ _L .w..r lI_:.r~11]!::J. -:r,:r:r: ...1"7-;3 RESOLUTION ---------- WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, in regular session on May 13, 1957, passed ami ap!lI'oved Resolution No. 57-12; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 57-12 directed the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $19,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund for a period of six months; and WHEREAS, the $19,000.00 fI'0m the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund should not have been included in the Resolution as this amount had been transferred from the General Fund as a temporary loan and not available for investment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED :BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, ~XAS; THAT Resolution No. 57-12, passed. and approved on the 13th day of May, 1957, be and it is hereby amended to omit authorization for the City Treasurer to invest :funds amounting to $19,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund for a period af six months. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27th day of May, ,1957. COMMISSIONERS VOTlNG AYE /f? L C OOMMISSIONERS VOTING NO~#r ~~~ MfiOR' . ATTEST: ~~~~ C Y cretary ~ -------~~..,==--"'~=:t:':::....:.~=_:::tIl ----'~--~~'---~-,.~.~----r~"'"e~"""c"---"--,,c- -:"'r-O-"'''-'':''''~E~ _ __ __________~.~._L~',--------------,--,---- -'''!e:r:::~rul!~e:~m~:: ' RESOLUTION NO._5-7~ WHEREAS, it was determined by the City Commission in regular session on April 8, 1957 that the sum of NINE HlJliJDRED SIXTY-EIGHT & 66/100 ($968.66) DOLLARS should be paid to Harris County for the City's participation in the Harris County Air and Water Pollution program; and \fHEREAS, the City Commission instructed the City Manager to trans- fer $968.66 from the General Fund of said City to the Health Fund of said City in order that such payment could be made to Harris County, such transfer of funds to be considered as a temporary loan from the General Fund to the Health Fund and such amount waS to be repaid to the General Fund during the 1958 fiscal year of said City; and WHEREAS, such transfer of funds was made pursuant to the instruc- tions of the City Commission and said City Commission desires to ratify and confirm such action by formal resolution: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl'4lYfISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UND1ERSITY PLACE, TE.,'{AS: 1. That the action of transferring the sum of $968.66 from the General Fund of the City of West University Place to the Health Fund of the City of West University Place for the purpose of making payment to Harris County for the City's participation in the Harris County Air and Water Pollution program be, and it is hereby, in all things ratified and confirmed. 2. That the sum of $968.66 shall be paid by the Health Fund to the General Fund during the ili958 fiscal year of the City of West University Place ~n full payment of the amount so transferred. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS'/I~AY OF MAY, 1957. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE P L &- c COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO ((../0/// e ,~! ~~ a MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas Cit '~~IF- .- -~ r , =:=-'111 I Ilt'l!r I ..-'ll''TI=I'im=r'''roniT1P:-------- '-',<.. y' llE5llL1J!IIlIl1l8. 57- I ~ WHER.EAS,the City of West lifn.iversity PlaGe, Gurrently has capital availab.le in the Trust !gemy Flmd which will m.ot be required for immediate re]ilaymen.t to Water 6ansumers;and, WHEREAS, it iscieemed ta be ta the best interest af the City1hat such ;funds bein.vesteci i:n order to earn addi tienal revenue i:n the form of inter- est .fer tlae e]ileratien afthe City; and," WHEREA.S, the presen.t baDk balance, the average monthly receipts and disbursemel\lts of this Fund will preclude a .fund 4e.fioit; }(0W, 'lHER'EF0RE, BE IT RU0LVED BY THE CITY C0MMI$SI0N (j)F TROITI GF WEST lmIVE~ITY PlACE, TEnS, that the Cityireasver is llerehy directe4 to . invest fiinds amountillg te$',fDOOoOO from the Trust Agency FwlQ in the University Savags am.d'Leam. A,ssoeiation, Houston, Texas, for an U\t1lefinite period ef timeam.d um.t_il ordered withdrawn by tlle City Gemmissien. PABSE>> AND .APPROVED this the lC>tn day of June, 19$7. ATTEST: -- ---- ~"O=::-::.:::~_..~-__-:::.]:";:==-:.:::::::ut ~:.-~.~----_.:. ---:- ="":"~~:~~ __~~._.__.L.I~.--- RES 0 L UTI 0 N N O. 57 16 At a ,regular meeting of the City Commis~ion of the City of West University Place, Texas, held ,on July 22, 1957, the question of providing Social Se- curity for its employees was'considered, and WHEREAS, Section 218 Cd) of the Federal SOcial Security Act has been amended to permit coverage of municipalities having their .own municipal retirement system, and, WHEREAS, the employees ~f the City of West University Place, through com- mittee representation, have requested the C2ty Commission by petition to invite the Texas State Department of' Public Welfare to conduct an election by and for the employees of the said City of West University Place, Texas, .Tho are members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System" to determine whether or not they 1nsh to have Federal Old Age and Survivors I Insurance coverage (SOCial Security): NOW THEREFORE, in order to meet the requirement of Section 218 (d) 01' the Social Security Act as amended, the City Commission of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texa.s hereby requests the Texas State Departnient of' Public Welfare to hold, as expeditiously as pOSSible, a referendum of'the members of the Retirement System as required in Federal law and in House Bill 603, Acts of the 52nd Legislature of the state of Texas, 1951. PASSED AIW ADOPrED' THIS THE 22M> DAY OF JULY, 1957. -~~- City of west University Place, Texas ATl'EST: ~~ ~..tary . =, , __.L__'..L__= _L-~:_::_"~"'"['JlCL~, ____,~,~~i.cJL,_LIJDlIl':-' ", '-.-'------u~l~::Ir:TIlII:r~.:nmr:r:~-- f RESOLU:'1'ION' -$7- 17, ;', , /' ':"S..~;~~,;>. :",', .:' '-c:;..'i,'. ." . . '.-. ~. ~~_.: '..... _...t 1iitI,.,JD<<, "",0..'__,186".1 ,. . ", '-:,:;' ","., 't --,. \ . -.' .~ '. r ,.... .. . ':': : ". J.' .', ,~. . _' " ( p . ,.:. " ~{:':.:";J,.._~~ ~ .:':-- , whd;ch: w~il n.~t be required ~ :e0~,;o~~r~tin&!e~p,~nses un~i~, ,t,h~'~;ne~t .' ~i~'~a~;yep.r~ , . Alm; ;WHERFAS~., it is' d~~m~i;"t0bet~:i~e . b~s~ interest '6f' tlie'Ci~i::that: :~mch" ~ds,be placed in a time dePosi~~investme~tciK order t~' ea~~ additiona~ re~enue . . I . , . ~.', '"'. " ,3-Ii,the form o~ interest for ,the opera:~ion of ,the City; ,( Ii. " " ,. . " ",", :: . f . : ';': .'"", . , A.ND, l'lHERlJ;ll.S" the present bank, balanc,e.; the€lverq.ge montg:LY inc'qmeand ex- , , . .. . ~ < - "pE:}ridi.t.u.:E?~ of' these funds , as antic i:patedimtil nia turi:ty ,~f this ~vest!nent,' will prElclb,de' ,a 'fund' defic it: ,. , . " . , . " . .,. J ." '",NOW, THEREFORE BE IT,RES01VED::BY,THE OI~Y CO~HSSJON Of~:rHE C1TlOFvJEST ; '.' ',! . ~ '. " . ~.' "<' ',: ", l" ~. (; UN;rvERSITY' PLACE, TEXAS, that 'theG ityTre,asurer . is he;r.eby directed;~o' ,iIive~t , ' " , , , ti41as~o.uritihg to:' . ' "\'~ " .',' _____Iftl.:.'l..... ftfI ~.ia._ I'",~;, ' 't.", .', ".' _....~_. ~t*~~,... 'iA8tJ_~'_~;',: " .. ,..,'", ~.,._.>...,.l..:.~~~."">'" ':";:/';,"; :_~.._ .....;.. .....~:~,..~.. ~..~_:~ -'. ~", '. .."- .~., ,.<;'. y~~:.:.~' , , .:-.-~ 'i . -~..~._,...; PASSED AND APPROVED this the~/;Z#. day pi 'ayori City of Vilest Uhiversity Place, Texas .J AeD., 19_9, .. ~",,' , , - .-', ) , , . J' '~~~'--"~~' 111 ----F-,n.~, ""-,-'1, 1 i Il1iIF , l"'"'IU"'~ 'rr 'I : ) RESOLUTION i: 1rJHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently ms capital . available in the S,treet LmprOVemeRt - 1~~8 Fund which :will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; ~M: , Hie AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the op- eration of the City: AND, ln1HEREAS, the present bank balance, the average month- ly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CDr'Jl'flISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ 6 .1lJ. ~ .00 from the street Improv~ment ":" 'l9lJ.8 Fund, for a period of months. twelve PASSED AND APPROVED this the /~d day of t1t'4~~ A.,Dit) 1957;. ATTEST: Mayor of the City of west University Place, Texas , '-, j ;JlJ ',,'s7-/t .V,i~~ ,. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector's Fund which will not be re- quired for expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed :in a time deposit investmerit :in order , to earn additioJ;lal revenue in the form of :interestfor the operation of the City, A1'D, i-lHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly :income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this :investment will preclude a ~und deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CC>>lMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLfl_CE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amGunt:ing to: $10,000.00 from the ~ax Collector's Fund for a period of twelve months at 3%, $10,000.00 from the Tax Collector's Fund for a peri9d of twelve months at 3%, $10,000.00 from the Tax Collecto:rl'ls Fund for a period of twelve months at 3%, $15,000.00 from the Tax Collector's Fund for a period of six months at 2t%. PASSED' AND APPROVED this the 28th day of October, 1957. ;$i City of West University Pace, Texas ATTEST: ~k:J~'-l-d City Sacre :i E<'=".~-':-~,,=:~~:~ -'"'~'''-:::-'-:'e:-:,_,::,=~ - '.,-,_.- __~~::'-":"",,=":,"''''~'''O:'==:::--''''T-::J1L:L....-_. _ ~____"'------"-'-..~I--".1L.::r:~ ,----------- :i I' 1'/ -:----:"-!l~I~m:::::'~T.'j::t:: 57";(0 RESOLUTION ---------- WBEREA.S, it has been brought to the attention of the City Commission that there are insufficient funds in the Health Fund for the payment of salaries and normal operation of the department for the re- mainder of the year, and WHEREAS, it appears from a statement submitted by the City Treasurer there will be a deficit of approximately $1,300.00 at the end of' the current fiscal year if additional income is not forthcoming, and WHEREAS, the matter has been considered by the Board of Health on the date of October 25, 1957, and it was the unanimous opinion of the Board to request the City Commission to transfer from the other funds of' the city the sum of' $1,300.00 to defray expenses of the Health Department for the remainder of' the present fiscal year, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'lliE CITY COMHISSION OF THE CITY OF Wfi'..BT UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that Af'terconsideration of' the anticipated def'icit of' t~e Health Fund and determining it advantage11ll:1s to all citizens that this department maintain its ef'ficient operation, the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to transf'er from the Water Fund to the Health Fund, the sum of' $1,300.00 as a temporary loan f'or the operation of' the Health Department f'or the balance of the current year, and that the said $1,300.00 be returned to the Water J!Jund out of the f'uture income accruing to the Health Fund. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 28th day of' October, 1957.' ATTEST: d~2~y ~-~ CUy Sedretary - - F"='=---=.~._-'-- -: ="'--"'F'<"-~'=~-'-'---L-=F"-'"~'-"~''''='-=---~"'''''=='i'-'_lIj L:'" , ___ OUL L[][Iil" ---'-l["":~"..~n7nr~ ,.:~r 7 -. ~--/. RESOLUTION WHEREil.S, The City of West University Place currently has capital available in the Tax Collector's Fund which will not be required for expenses until the next fiscal year: AND, WHEREil.S, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City, MID" i'lHEREAS,the present bank balance, the average month- ly incOl)1e and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until ma- turi ty of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, ~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COI'1MISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXI\.S, that the Ciity Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: $15,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fund for a period of six months at 2~ $15,000.00 from the Tax Collector. Fund for a period of six months at 2~ $10,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fund for a period of six months at 2~ $10,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fund for a period of six months at 2~ $10,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fund for a period of six months at 2~ PASSED AND APPROVED this the 18th day of November, 1957. ~.~~ City of West University Place Texas ATTEST: City Manager -JC:::'::"__-------'----___::r_-:._-'-_=:m~ -.. ,:~:Jl.J.::~__ _,_~_____.:.._L______'.L~l.L_::.iL_,_LliI.LA.II: ,------ -. ~-'----,---,-lr::r:n::::~~n:;rrrln~ ...r=:-_~L,~ . E . c '/' -' ~/ ;~ -).- I R . s, 0 ~ IT ! I 0 ~ l }- W.HEREAS J. I.C'oRNELr~QN wa:; empl.,ed as city ~nginee3:l for the City ~t We13t bniverdty Place; ~exas (!In the 15th day 91: April. 1'52, and ,i't'€ll'vedfa;tthf'ully in such. capacity fr1!ltn suCh date uutil Nevem'beJr 19,195'7) ana ' ' WI!J$REA$, the sa:iA J. I.. CO'R1ij!:I.!SQN has t~un..d it meCeslllary f 01! persena.l reasons to so..!t his :r~stgnat1$n a$ e:1tyenginee~of' the City Iilf West university P1a-eEl, ef'fe-ctive NovembQl' 19., 1957; alaI! , WllE'Rl!:4$, dlU'i,ng his ten__ with the City ~f West University Plac~, the said J.. T. ec:numIt~(m ltas pe:rfe1'1llet hi, duties in an exemplary mannsr and thereby re:t'1ee'teli ere4it up~. the sa.id Gel. and the various adm1:n::$.atl'ati_ W'l4e1f which be, bas seRe4 an4, hase:t'ficient1y and eom.... ptrben.ly SUpel"VbEJd Q. ill}u.u'1ta-Il' pro3~v :1~tWillg t.o 'bne benefit and we-l:t'al'& of theCn.y ()f West Uld.versity p1a,~t'a;nd ' , " W-H8.REA.$, the City CQmmustQn' Qf t~Ql1iy af West Unlversi ty Place is desirout of expressing its appreelati~_ as well as that of the eit- iaens ()ft~ said GityfoI' 'the 0'iblpetent ald meritoruus sel'viee ren- dsred by the said J . I. CQRNELlSGtl through. his employment: NGw,TmiREFeREt $: I~ RESOLve Dr THE CIft"' COMM~fUON OF THE e1ft" 0Jr WES~ mJIV'ER8Ifi PlaCE,. nXA.S c 1.. :rhat; the appreciatiGA fift the e1t1fins at the City of We13t University' Plae-et aeting by and _auigh the Maytn' and C1t, Gelilm1sdon fif sa.1.d cur! a.s well aa tha-t Gt the Mayer ana City, be, arid the same 'S hel'~bfe.w.4_' W ;r. ~. ~-eORti'ELISON ter 'tlhe: GUmp1arcy JIl,ann.er in whiCh ~,lias ex~eutell ~ 41.- cJ:wrg-ed his dut1q as 0:1 tT EUilgU$$" $f' the $a1d Ci tr ~, eeadueting all atfUl":$ of his efft.~e threugb..ut hiS QPl.oy- ment.. 2.. That a e-ep1' &1" this Res(\llution be pl"esel'lted t. the sat4: J.. I. OORNELISON 111 < t.. of the ap}Jl'ect"a ti.ell 9f the 01 tiS's.$ of the Gity of West ,tJi!1i.versitv Pla:ee and fIf the )fay. M4 City C8lll1$sion fijf' sdi Gi'ty 8.$ espres."~ ther-e!:.. 3. That e({pies r;t this RElselutiGtl be f'u.rnishedto eaeh of the loeal newspap.rs serving this ar~. PASSED AND ...tPRC~>> ftl8 .$ DAY CJt N~1 1',-.,. CO_18810__$ VOWIN& AYl!l CU)MM!-SSIO:NERS VOTING NO ~aJff~ , KA,y C R. " ,i:tr...P--w.est--'a'~n-i.tT place, ~exa$ UTF$.~~ ~ 4 .' '. ' le.:t~I~~ 01(1' ~(jl.'e,' ' , ~ljr l;~~\... . ,j#,... ~ . . . ;A:: , ,,-:' ~ .y~ .~~ ,. \ ~t ..4>-:'l"_,t. .:;,..., ;: ---::r 7 - .2 . ~ < _... ~ . t.,":. . r"" ~!. RESOLUTION 'VJHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector's Fund Fund which will not be requi,red for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, 'Wff.E.,~S, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the Cit.y that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn Cl,dditional revenue in the form of interest for the op- f eration of the City: / AND, l'1lHEREAS, the present b8.1'lk balance, the average month- ly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of t.his investment will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONNISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ llO,OOO~OO from the Tax Collector's Fund, :for a: period of Six months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 9th day of December A,D.." 1957. A~ aV~ , Mayor, of the City of West University Place, Texas ~ 1-- .r' -=:n: -- ~-r" ,,~-. '11 1 L IILIa J~m- ~jT"r'