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"dayof.J~~:: " 1\ TTEST: di.' ~~. · ,C~ .,," , "",,";:~ Mayor' oJ)" the' 8itji' "Cf ,-..... est' , University Place~Tex~s .. .' .4~w,J : ''. <.', ...>!:[~!t:~~.~~~rrE~ .' - ~. - -, .'" , . ~, '" "_.",, .,-','. ., ~ , :.. ~. ',.'. , , , . ",: : ',~,.1Imm~~~RE)~! BE iT '~f(ESbIiVED-J3Y; ~ eI~ c-0MMISSION O:f THE '~,~;~.~~~,,~,~:~l~~~~~~,i1l:!!el"e~ .... , (;ij!~e~~~~,-"t9<~1}ve~;b : IUp.a~ 8.lIloun~1Job.g, to '$,. l.ti'_.'~3" ,.' '". .f~~, the.. , ' , ,::~~~~~';tai,1!I1~ :. '"~R~ -''-'', "~'-~:. ,': ~l~~~:-:f~~,i a;"I3e;iod,', . '#:'::}~::';:;~:J~;;~~~~ . .... ..... .. ....... '..' ...... ..' , , " , ~ - ...., . <',' . ..',- '. ,.:".': <.' " "\'. ,',' ~S . '-. ' . , ~ ~. "i~,$~ll:p , ~~~"Ap,fROirl!;Pthis~h~ A~'D~.,19$~~ : '. . . -. , . '9~.~:r of. . ~J.~~~,:.;, ." , .A'r't'Es''.l', ; , - '. " L' ,."" , ',," , '714" ..', , ' ' " " . ". .' . ",'., . \. ~ '. :' ~.' .' '. . .: . ' '. " . II . .' . .,',.,':::'-",'.,",',,'<,:~~',,~;". Mayqr ~,'~i~.:::~~t;g::-6;e~lit;;.; (, . ,': ., , Univets;Lty.Pl;ace,~ ':Tej;as , ' , . - . " ' , ' , '~'I ' ' " , . ,'. . .. .~ " ,,', , > -.' ~"'"-', ,:~,~..~~{K ~ ' .,~,..-'€"~ S" ,,-' - " ,', , , '. d;Ji~:Y,< ',:e-'~" ...,' ,", - ", - .. , " " '. . , , .- - -----.. , r -----.-.- ~ ,r ,5/:'/"" -} -' ) . _'1;-, " ~":' . j~. ';..\ . :..'.., . Ci;~tli~'~A~'. . v ~. " ' ',< ,', . ,: . ,.-,' . , ::; ~ :< . , ' '1';; .. , ., . '. , . ':",.[1,. ,,- .' ~ -'.' '.~..' l . .' (.... ....;~...~~~~:;xl';. . '" ~ . '. \' '. . .,."1f~~,tp,dCttt.t~e;_:'" ava:i51.~blEFih:the' .'~.::::f:<;<:~J..:',~=::~ ',~..; ,,' . ," ,'",' "irund' , "..",." ',' "-', .. ..,.,.','4.);1,~.,,;;..,~i<J,~,.J~)dJllt'~_,.~,.- <,., :-.~".,.1." :.',:~-:=;".:<,;..l:;.." · '\' 'wn,Ichmil., nQt' be :r,e.a~"~~~:~~~~~~'~~~~@i~til~fi~:~":" ',,' " k-" ; ",' ,': '- ,;. , , , , ' . .:., ~~.th$C$'tt:f:' "c,' 'c.< L:',.,.i,...:':,:. :;::' -~~;~;'i " . '" .'F - r - "I r . .. ,- _.~ I r 1,'/ 7 /~r.1:J- . I ....-/. . ,."" \' .I " J ) ,'? ~, ,~~$PLUtrION $ 4- 7 " ' .. - c. ~ ; '. -:. :~"i r . .' . ,",. ,~. . ~.'" -, . , " '~s~..,,;{j4~~:dity.'oi_W~~t::Hk~~~~~i~i"'Pla.qe;~~~~$~t.A~'ji~$,'&~p~f~~,: " '~vailap:I:ei~; the '";tfate.r~~~~'>"" , .:., i " ~: :....,. ,,::.,:.;i~l~d. which ~li ,not be req$'ed. rot!~bPE!r~t;1ng ;;e~enses' ,until t~l!~ ~~~j ~rti~~~ll~:ts~t::rLt, illte~est of'ihe '. .".::."P.1,.,[,",t,",-,.?',~r',',:.a,:.,.trn.:h",; a:"a~,~:,.U"."..":,:,.,,,'o.','nr, .:,':,,',.,.,d."",:,,'e'..,:. ",.ee,.,.n:,:,le:.',..a...,,:n$d,.t...h~,'.en,:' a titne'depOsi t investm~i1tib.orcler I . ,bv~." ~~Q"," c:u...... 'v . ,..,... ,torm b;finte~estrorthe:oper'ati.on . ' , . . .' or~E;;C:ttyl . "~~dtn: :~~~~:::t~:::~:~~::.:~~ this, i,nv:e~:t~~n:ti.d1l'pr~~i~4~,:a,:!lind,'de.fi(H.t1. ,,'," : ~/ . :, .",' " ""~~~"~;:; . FUnd, fbr;~'<,pe:ribtf i?f '-" " . m,~n,1:;lIs~ ,,' . '., , r' ',PASSED !t.l.JD 'imPRovED. thiS the A.D., 1955. ~ . ] i(, cia of ' > ',' I.; '. ,}{ , '. _ ~ " . , ' .. . > . ,,' .> '" ....... .... ..':: , , ATTEiST: ~ ~ ' ,,,'" .. ..... , ," ,',..I) ~~ , " . '" " ",..~,/~ May-brof .' the ,ity of <W~~t ' "" University Place; Texas , I , , ---~' -:<::1----------.--- il'l -'Jlf : 1:-:- ,.., " '-, < "~ ~ . !," ',' , , . . .- , , -:".,.: ,",. . '. , -. . '. - . t< " " ........ " L a.a . pt<<.c 'K~.. M.._",.. ,,~>. 'Ita ..WoI1\.-. .....~ ."~...,~'~>~~-:.c.ii~;"~~~~~~'H".,, ~ ,_~ _Il~t.rc,,""'" ~b._ ~..>.u'_ , ~.......-. .~ ...'~ ........ ~\1....' ..~,-- ~-.... -... tGIII"" e,..~'*'4 "'''111' na.. -.e." ," 01. COJIIIdUionot .. 'Cl..~t W., tJ....l_.t..__~--,~... -~ the........ .. ._4_+..... _ _'1'1 .,""",-'IlJa:. "'......, "'~I "---"'-, ...... .....,- """"'V. .... ."u........ _WIll' '~ ,; : -'~..- . . .,:' i:', ; .,' j :' .'.: ~....5 . It~ t~ol.etj,w_ tJfims1~V " 'n;.,..., ' .'" '. II .... , . T,~~"H ~~~'_" H"I r ' it--l RESOLtJrIOn no. 56-8 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM:MISSION OF TEE CITY OF \-JEST Ul'lIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1: The City Secretary is hereby aut~orized and directed to give notice through publication in the Official Publication of the City of West University Place, Texas, on February 22, 1956, and through letters directed to three banking institutions in Harris (tountjT, Texas, that the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, will receive i.ritten applications for the custody of the City's funds from any banking corporation, association or individual banker doing business in Harris County, Texas, that may be desired to be selected as a depository of the City of \-Jest UniVersity Place, Texas. Such notice shall be published one (1) time and shall direct any banking cor-, poration, association or individual banker interested in being designated as depository of the City to make its application with the City :Manager on or before 4:00 o'clock p.m., Monday, March 12, 1956 at the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston 5, Texas. Such applications shall state the terms and conditions upon which such banking corporation, association br in- div,idual banker yrill handle the City's funds. Section 2. The City Commission reserves the right to reject any and all applications received. Section i: The applications received pursuant to the notice hereinabove prescribed shall be openedat the regular Council Meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m.,!, :March 12, 1956, and at such time the City Commission sh~ll designate the official I depository or depositories for the funds 0f the City of West University Place, Texas, in accordance with the terms and provisions of applicable laws of the State of Texas, and provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. PASSED, this the 13th day of February, All Commissioners voting ,"Aye". dfl;~ )/4~ Mayor, City of West University Place], Texas. A'I'I'EST: ~:().~ ~ , City tary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attormey i~__ ~---'-----~-r'-' .., ."m'~""'_"~ " ir'~. i . i I. r ,-----~------ - ---""'""'~-'l~"f'" :"::'''i:-~~C;; _-S ,RE.SOLUTION 56-g RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF '\-lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON SELLING AND SHOOTING FIREWORKS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SAID CITY AND URGING ALL CITIES WITHIN HARRIS COUlllTY AND THE COMMISSIONERS COURT TO ASSIST IN ABATING THE SELLING AND SHOOTING OF FIREWORKS WITHIN THE CITIES AND UPON COUNTY RIGET-OF-WAYS IN HlL'RRIS COUlllTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS,-on the 13th day, of February, 1956, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, after having heard complaints of num- erous violations of City Ordinances and State laws of citizens buying'and shooting fireworks and having received complaints of citizens being seriously injured as a result of fireworks going off near them; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place feels that it would be to the mutual advantage of all citizens within the surrounding areas to abate such activities; NOW, _THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF '\-lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: That the Ordinances of the-City of West University Place against the selling ahd shooting of fireworks within the city limits of the City be strictly enforced; and That the other cities in Harris County be urged to strictly enforce their fireworks ordinances if they have such, and if they do not, that they be urged to pass ordinances prohibiting the sale and shooting of fireworks 1fithin the city liniits; and, That the County Judge and the County Commissioners are urged to pro- hibit the sale and shooting of firevTOrks on any public road1fay or right-of-way, within the county; and That a copy of this resolution be sent to all of the Mayors, the City Secretaries, the County JUdge and the County Commissioners in Harris County, Texas. INTRODUCED, PASSED AND UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED by the City Commission of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, this the l:ith...day of Epn"'""'-~y. 1956. ATI'EST: ~-.:~ :/ 4~ MAYOR '~ I 4~; , ~~#-rJ City Se 'y C'-' '-----~-~----'--~"r~~~o~=,o~~~~='!I----F-T' -~~:L _ ,__,,__ ,..JJLr--- ]--------- ";":IiT'l...;;J!: -.:J' -I 0 ...: ~SOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MA.YOR OF THE CITY, OF \-IEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TO ENTER INTO AND EXECurE !IN EASE1~:wr ~ AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY TO THE HARRIS COUNI'Y FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEEPENING, HIDENING AND STRAIGHTENING BRAYS BAYOU. WHEREAS, Hanris County Flood Control District has heretofore re~uested that the City of West Univer~ityPlace grant the district a per~etual ease- ment and right-of-way over and across a portion of the property on which the city's sewerage disposal plant is located; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that certain improvements now situate upon the property must be relocated and the district ~s agreed to pay for the actual cost of such relocation to the maximum sum of NINE THOUSAND ($9,000.00) DOLLARS, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. ,That the ,Mayor of the City of West University Place be and he is hereby authorized to enter into ,and execute an easement for and on behalf of the City of West University Place_in favor of the Harris County Flood Control District in accordance with the terms and provisions of the instru- ment attached hereto marked EXhibit A a~d made a part of this Resolution. 2. That the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas be and he is liereby authorized to enter into and execute an agreement between the Harris County Flood Control District and the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, for relocation' and reconstruction of improvements along BraYS/.BaY9u in accordance with the terms and provisions of the in- strument attached hereto marked ExhibitB'and made a part of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this.2 '1 "dav of;fl~~ - ~; 19'56. COMMISSIONERS VarING, AYE .All COMMISSIONERS varING NO None ~__" }I( ~~ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE, TEXAS ATTEST: ~~;~~ .~ CITY ____'_"_~~"~-F='O=O~'=~O~""'- liL _ ~._~..:J.I..t'--~-----T----- ----c'-'T~Ii:r' r-" ""n~'" -- LJji i ; RESOIm.'I0N ..5" _ / / BE IT RESOLVEElby the GityCQIDlI1;i.ssion of the City of West University ~ce, T~s, that the HoustoIl Frontier Fiesta Assoeiatililll shall be811d it is hereby authGrized to, hang a six by' forti' five foot advertising bmmer within the Oity of west University Plaee Quring the period from April 6 to and including April. 21.,195", subject nonetheless to the, follOwing conditio~: 1.Su.ch banner shall be hung at such location within the city as may be previouslyauthorised by the Oity Manager. 2. The banDer will be hung :no earlier than APril 6" 19$6, and will be removed, no later than April 23" 195'6. 3. The autharization hereby granted shall be effective only from and after the date the Houstcm Frontier Fiesta Association shall accept the full responsibility with reference to ant damage that may be caused ,to the city's property and the property pf any. per8Gn flia'm or corporation by the execution and deliVery to the Oity by "the AssociaUon of a copy of' ~s Resolution.. h. The Houston Frontier Fiesta Association" by execution €If a copy of this Resolution, agrees ,to, protect and. to farever hold harmless the City of West University Place from any and. all. claims of what- soever nature for any damages that may hereafter be presented to it of the city, because of oce~e.s arising" directly or ~directly, from the hanging, presence of , damage, destruction, repair, mainten- anee or removal of said banner . PA,SSED AND APPROVED, this the 12th day of March, 19$6. VOTING. AYE: All VOTnm He): Hone &~ 7tf4f~, MaYOR" City ofWes1> lTnivei'Sity Place Texas AGREED TO this the _drq of , 1956. Houston Frentier ' Fiesta. Assoeiatien -. - -- - - ---_.-~_.._~~.._--~-~"_.~_.'. ~ ''-.. " ') ; "} "." . -t'"..-," ~ ,c. , " , :" ~'. : R:&SQtpqitQN~ , ~"'; (,. :'1(;,: . .~,': -..,', ., " ~,:'. ",-< j-,' ,.~ -.' .. . '",.;~;;F.-~j . .,'" :~ ,. , ::,~i;qh: ':~'11.,n.6:t:be \::;~~;; " . - '-.-!."~ ,". . .:;:- i: ~ ')' '.. d:t the '~;' . t , t~~-.~~fi-~~dhft$bh~""t~YEJnii~:ih:'ph~ ..... . ';'" , . - , ,':,':~ . . ,,' ': . )." . ^ .. ~ >' ~ '. ",:1 >~.. 9'", , . .. .,;, .,.. , , . . ,", .1. "<~ , ' " ; . ~.:: 'l, .1. ".' . " . .....>" ';~ ~'<":.' ..'>?';~':'._'..~.' :;:;:~;_'s ,--. Fi$sij;}:~~Jt., A.PP~0'ITEj) , - . ~. . . l' <'-' .-' ~. . - '. ". , ", -\. ,'-', . :>:-:-,/,,:,:,.:t:.;::::\/,: - --, A~D." ~9$5.: " . ;~.--'::, ",'T A WTm,ST:, " ''-;:'(':-'''-.-, _u ---,_ ~I r~ :r 1 III , T' .... .', '~tf . !'-""""...;;:) ') J , "\ ) , .', .' " ';-, . " , . . . . ,... :" '''' . - " ' - ,~ , , ,"'. - Jrn:SOIimr:rON : .: - ~'". , . '. S:~'- /.5'" .' "; $' : '. ~. . , , , .' , , ," ;,. "\~. ',' :,. ,'; -,,;-:.~"~ . , ~ i ,:' ~_ .::t:;:;::~~;;;:~~{~~SI,;0\ ~..",- . J' ~ '"" ..~ ,< ;'":.::"~<_~'""~."~,,,,":-~,:~'.".~"~'I'~ '-''::,;,'" ~' 'Whi;ch~~i not' be,~~i~~~4~ !c;>,t~~p$:da,~i~g~<i~~~~~~\~~~~<~~~<", ; , ", ) ". ". , +~~~", '" '...,. , . ~iite~,:~~~i t~!~<p~~~~t.:t%sQ~i-'~~a~~;' AlIlD,lll1H~~,~:,~~i'.is-:~;~~~medtOj"'l?'et~'t~,~:best:i:nt$re~t~;~: "BJ:1e " ..:~~:~14::p:;:~;y::tth~i:;:~d~::st:t:t~~:... 'f' ";;,iii." ",:".cl.'&i! ' :0'q:i(f'. q:2:{iill , '-- .; . '.".. . .. . '. - ~,'.',MtD~',,~~?j' t9tii:Pte's<?n~,:b~~'b~;g.~'q:eJ: the<:a~~i-~lii~,.~~p~l1Iy" ' ip~~me,:am;~::~~:~l1~t.~~$' :qiLtlfts.~~~s'a~~~~Rtt;~~~:~tili~~ ~~~~~",()t. .', .thii'~~~~~i!ien~'~lJ):~J?t?~~ufle:.'~'_~~~i;iefiC'cit!;' , . ' ' .'::' - ~ , " '. ' " . , '~~. . ".. ..,.. .' . " ~,'" .",',' Qf , ,'. > ,s=,,' " , . " '.'. .'.- " '. '.>inQIl"ths:.. ' 'PASSEDANDl\;~PROV'ED.th:iS the, ~ ~"-1-:."" <;lay of~;,~ ;' A~D.;' 195'- - . . . ~', ' , --".';: "..- ATTEST: , , ~. . , , , , .' . - . . , -. . .," ":' . . . .. '.' . t.-' " ...... .'. ' II . >. -':'t~""c,l~ ... ayo!!Ci- ':~'e: J; Y-Q: ':.j~'s:< '," " Uni ve:rsity P1aeje, ,T"eJGis ,- -- -- ---,--., --rr- 1 . ..-"LT : 1:-: ,... '~) c -t . ' .' .-.. \~ , ..-'. . "' '" ~ , " ~.:. >", ,:~ -:~;..,~.r:-:~ ,: . ; '~:. ,',' , Fund' l~a~~:iii;' " . .. . , ,; ",-f.j,i1.~t~~i{;. ,1tNP, "q$by:,j;h~t,'Sci1:0h;jWdS\',B~;;p,i#c~:d'~:iIl'~'t.tfu~,' d:~p~~it "irilVe~til1ertt:, i'h::~~aet' " tb~ea~ ,~~~ti9ri~!~~'$rhi~: ~n ihe,j'oI'I!1 of :f~t~\J";,~'st:for, tl1eop,er~ti:0n~ o1'theCitry; , , , , , , " 'AND,~~it,h(;CPteseIi~'ba~b~~A6'e;<the':~verag~:,JiId~~hiy' ' .":i.hbP~~:,,~d:~~e~Gtt.i}~:~~:':'~~::~'~~'~_' ~4;:;?-'S;.~:tiC~J?a,t~~:'&f~iJ}~~t~~o/f:,ot, ", .#~~.~~~:t~:~:::Z::~~~CI*...C~i~~ci.~ .C'~.TY, OF:wEst:t1lmVER~!!f.t~"tkB~h:,:T~Xk$j thai; tn~',City,T~g8;~ii~e~' ~s':::~e,reby" . ..".. .:qirecte'd to, invest ,fv:n!1S'~Jp,oimti~l$:to'; .$ " i0~~~':: ' ',~rcofu:,the ' .."':i.....,~.....<::':.~~~. _ ~<..~.,,...~"~ . ,',-," d',', ,;, ,~~t'~~~,'.:. "\ ~: .\,.:. . .' ", 0 ~" -. ,.>.. .~ '. ,. ~::'-"', ~ ..~;.<. ~.: .-: ~ 't ':"'. '.Fim4.ffor';a.p~riQq , of "..J. . .~. ,,;,'.,~:~~IJj~~1FnJ3;.' '" , .: , ' . ..- PASSED, ~AND>AFP,R0l;Eb<this" the , " ;'JJ ~-.~' ...d~y of ~" " "~.~""~" . ~ .r- ':' . .11 . .~ <. ~..." . . . '. -A~D.) 1~55. ATTEST: d '" . .~,. , '. . - . . . . . .... . . . .' ." ~. ..' . . . >-" ~.' ", .,'.' ,'.'... -f', .'~~' "':.. .~..: ," . . , ~"':/ ,?Ii. ". 1-1ayor' Q"f: :tfi13:'CitY":O:f':V:,~' , , Univers:LtyPlace, T,e,xas ~"",,"/' , ' ". : . '. ./' , ... " \ \\ -, r ~-"I . --,' r.------- '. r 7'~~ - ') . ,".' ,RESOLUT-ION &- 4.. {S' , '. '. ,,\ - .~, " ~ - ~--:;. ~ ~,~, >th~ ~Qi~y;;~:r'~~~]'\~~~~J''si~Y.''P~~~~;'; ~ur:):l:!ilt~jfy:'~?S, c.p.p~:ial . , ' av;j,i:l:C1!P~~~inthe" ,:"'t.~~~t!~.~::Jji!~;~~~i~'~'::', ',' ,: . ,;t~d . ~iqh::<~11~9t' pe req~~d:~;6;'~~~~;~iin~:' e~~~~~~ < iu1ti~ ~~~'.'ift~., ' ;J ',""' . '.~ ' , --~t~i'{;f~~~: ' ".{tl'ID , , ~~4i~~,~~"the,*r~~~nt'fisda~:--year:; 'WH.~;"iti~' de'em€t1cto:beto thebgst' interest ()f the City. that ~;$ticlt fund.s. ,he' pla;ceg 'in c;t timed~p6 Sit'ix{ye~:tment:'ih' order ' \ ' . , ,.. "". . ':4$>,',~$:,' 'the p~~sentb~, balance, :bli'e';avera:ge'l!ionth;ly' ....::;;~::::::::::tPat~dunt~l matutltfof. :, ;;~qw~'-;~~~~9RE';*~1l~ 'IT'~sotiVED' BY, THEf -c~ITf:eO~~{[~S&~N:"()F:tHE . '". . .' . . 9In - ~~F,'yJtS'f~~~~'.rXP1iACE"~TBxAS; Q;ttec.it~~C:t9:'i~cie;~},' :t~~?",~ilT!~~if~~:,t~ ". '.' . . . . ", , '.',::t_~\~~~~~~~~~~l:~~~~~(}.~;~, " , of .', ',Ii:'*' '. '. ";',::,m", .on, ,.2P,h,,',s,~',' . " _. r ....__" " . . . _ , . _._' _ :~~~!~~~~t[:~ , ' , . .". , , ~ ',":, . " . ;2:,~..".:,-.:d~YOf ?1'I?!~!;.~~"I~,-(, ' .PASSErr A,\JD APPRQilEPth:ls the A.Ii ., 195'5 ~ . " '~""'-' . -. . . . ...... : - ',..' '-\ '.... . , , , . ..". ~", .". '. ."./ ';:. ," " . ." ~<~,~~" ].iayor'i):ff :tli~-Cj:ty :()f~W~~1t':' /',',' " . Univer:sity Phice; ':T~~a:s - A TTEiS-T: . ~.~ ' ' .. ..~.""..~.. ,.~ , '''- y;::~pl1e ' , , , -~~- '---r ~ '-----nf, lr-r- , 'T ~ "", , . ' '\. " ..: '\ ! , , -\ r ." R;FlSO;r;UT1;ON ", ::-:- .' . " . $J:;,-rb " ' .. . . - , . ' t6e~rri'j~~ctitlPn~" r~venh.~ ~tl:, tl1e, ,:f'6-fm.' of ,'interes:t~fpI' .,t:h~(,CDPe.t~t~o'+i' . . . . . . . of ,ihe"Cit'U:-~.,,;, , .' , ,_ J.,_, , ' .'- ~ . .',' :AlJ11),}fflER$ft.'9;' 'j;;h:~.:p~e~ep~ .bq.$'~~i$~e" ' the ,a::v~~ag:~:<rnbrit~:v' ~d'.'~~eri~ t~~s:()1f~hi~. ..~~,~~;:;ad1;~c~p*~~?iili1t1l,~1;~iti..:,oi incdpt~ thili~,,~nW3&t~~rit ,w.rU ,pr~iJi1i~~.,~'iurtd 'd$"i;i'~i:t.f "'~' ..,' , ": Pli0W~T~Bi6~>.~BEhT l~ESQL~13Y'~iiE QJTY 9~n:9$t0bl6F:THE' Gfft:O;F"A~QT UNJ:wnSITX .~1ACE" TEXAS,thattije-'CJjjy'[ireasur~ri~i(he:r~eby, " . . . - ','" ~. .. . . '; .,' . . "::' " , Qi~~~t~tt/~'0',:i~~est~tl1rtds..a~()1ll1~irigto $ ., 3;~~~~:::~.;.,,:,,:,~,.. ,t;t9jntli~' : ',,'" .', ," '" ,', ' " , ;' ," f6~,a, ri~;;ipd ') . '-.~"';':.' .,., . .' . . ". . , . . - . 6:f ,:, ;~~"te.:: ,,<,<I!i?n~'hs~ '," ,', ~ASSE~ A.~ItP~o/ED this the ?~.Jdtwot&' 0 . -' .... 'f) '. . -. .:". ...."' A.D., 19~' ;. * ~2k~~' . '" -".. . - , ~1ayo+ of the-:Gi ty qff~~~~.s't University Place, Te](:cts. ATTEST: -r , I 11'1 Ifr ~r ~~~~, " --..... \ i ';;.;. f . .. >. . RESOLUTION' ' , $6-/7 " . . . . .' . 1r~ElI.S" the9ity, o,t'w~~}?, U~v:e:rsfty:Place'ce1W:ren=tly: has dipiJiil , .,.',., available in the 'e~$11-"i(~'iReserve ~ .~te1!' , Fund . '.' . , , . . ..,c..... ". ....". wl1:tch w:LJl not be required,. for operating eXpen:3es uptil the.next I> , -'fiscal. year;, . " . . .' ,~~~~~~~ti.g~iIt-~~ . ' J.' . . . 4ND,1n1HEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City tl1at'~uchf~dsbep~aced in ai;.ime depositinves~mentiribrder , . , , . . . . to earn?-ddit-ional' revenue in the form of interest for the op~ration oftl1e pii?Y:; , , , . , 'Jl:ND~ '~$" thepresentbailk bCl~anc!~,tp.e<ilv~r.ag~ nKmthly '. ..' . . <.... i:rl9bm,~ande.#endiiures 6~Jihi.sFundas ant:ic~p~tedW1~~+, Il1~1m:-ity Cof this'<~;'nill'esi1m~nf, Win. p'rf?Gtu:~e a'f\m.d. deficit-: ' ' . . .. ..' f'" .. .' ... " ~. . '.~, -. _. .' ',. . n. l.'l(JW~Tmp~EFQIUhJ~EIT RESOIiVED:BY-T?E'C:r+y'.eO~I:l:$S[O~ 9FT~.' ". '.. . '. .....:., , ~J:TY ':9r'wE,STtTh[[VER~~:TY: Pr.ACE~. TEXAS,; .that~h~,Citt','~t.f?~s~~t::is':~ere~y . Qir~c",,~~~'~'O':iBve~t'iut1d~~~~~b,1h1:~i~~ t?$,'*Slt~~'i!~a: :":~:",:~,', ~~:~i0rif. th~, , . '--~.--'>, '.' '. "., < . '.', '. .".,~ ,$~~}~~~~:1~~~~<~/ri.~" ' '.'Filrd~ . :fbr<ape:riod ' of , ;:-twelvemonths~ PASSEDAllJ) APPROVEIlthisth"~04 Of1f'~'~> 195,;. A~ D ~ , ~ ;#(4-~ 1-1ayor,'6f the City of West' ' UniYersity' Place, ' Teta,s ATT~ST: -1 ./ ^ -, ) , " . , ' , " 'RESOLUTION:, 0- ~ - (,g- .- ' ' ,'j r:; . ::=~:t:::Of;~a~C?j...~rie4t+y,~as...~~= ....... .~i~h~lLn()t bers~~r:E3d,iQr-6p:et~ting . EiXpen;:es lmtJ.l tk~' ~Q>Xt . . '. ,"-E~~.~~~~ ' .'. . ,. .- .. . ' . , ' la:t~~ i~'the,'pn~~~t d'i~qal Yt:lar; -. .' .' . . , , , , AND,WHErof;AS-, ,i~:fs~deeiTred, to be to the best interes:t6fth,e . , , C~tY,1>hatsuch .turids,be)>l.acedirta timecieposit inves.tment' in.order , , , ,. . . . .... .. , tbe4rn :additional neyenue ;i;nt:Q:eform of interest fo:rthe.pp~rat:i.6n .' .... . '. '. -'. : ~ ; c ot' ~!i~ 0i ty; ." -', ',. . . ". . . . ANI), ,1~-qEASithepre~ent 'bankbaJ.ancei .:thea;verag;e:iliontlilY . . , ." ~..' . iriG~~~'''and ~e.xpen4itur~$ .of': tlii;s' Fund: ,as anticipated 'untilmatl,ii>i~y' of , tb.is.i:nv:es~D;ent '~ll:~:r:~'c:h~qe ta:' flll1d qefieit: ,', , ~ G:n.'Y6F"~~ST;:mti:VJtR$iT$/prut6E, 'T.EXAS; that. the' ,City;: "W;~ais~e~: :~s >'n~reby: - . :' '.' . " ~. '. . ."' ." . '". . . "'". -. , .di~ecte4 t.6',i~1)les"t ':t'~cl;~ a.m()lJltf;;ing tb$t'~ Ifi..' _ ", f~r:5!ll' th~ . .. . , , ~1'::~r~(~"i'tl~~~;: ',' <, " of':~',." ~9nths. "FUrid~' for aperi.od . '. ~ ~ , ".. PAsSED AND APl'jlOlT,EDtl)is the ~dio/Of ~( '0; A.D., 195~ ~' " ,"< , ' , ~ .' .:,' ."' . .' . . , ' ,,','~~~, ATTEST: ...,..':., Mayo:!:' of tp.e City' 4f w~st University Place, T~xas ; / ''-- , :-:r ;r' I lJl[ ~c ~::: , u'\ , J , . r-\ } i: ~SOLUTION .' ~ .. .' '. ...!i''' - l , '- .' ....' .,.'. .' .......... -. ," -WJiEREASitlie.G~ty Q~,W~s,i':gm~ersi;ti~lace" CWrl:lntiyha~';~4pii;t,a;L ,', ..... ".-:. '.- av;iilable in tb,e~~:'~",~,> " 'Fund . '.' WbichvdJ;l notberequj;r$d'fQi6peratingexpe~~ses Uiltil thene~ . , fiscal. year j J . .",. AND, liffiEREAS; i:t;issie'emed to be to the best interest ,oithe , , City that such fimds 1';)e p~cedina time deposit investment in order toea:t'naddition~ revenue in the form of int)erest for the operation of the Cit~; , , ',AND, :wB$REAs, th(3 <pres'ent b~hkba1:anc~,thea"l,[erag$ monthly in~ome'and:e~e~~iur~s()f" ~t.h~s" Furtd as, anticipat-ed, uritilcma:tjITityot' , , , th.?,$inies:tm~tit ,14~pj;;et:lude ..a :fundde:ticit:, :NoW, THEREFO~:j~E 11?RESOLvEn ,BYTffi} G~'lt:G@1IS,SI0N'OF,THE . . '. .... . . .. - ." '. . .'" '.' ..:' " .,' '," . C~ITY OF ,~ST UNIVERSITY .fLjirOE, TEXAS, that' the CitY:!fP,eaS\l,r~r ~Elpereby .'. " ,""...:. "..".. ""'.". '. ," :,. ". ","'.,'",.: ..:. ;' , , di,re~ted tg Jnyest f'tind's's.w:Q~M'l1g to $ >8h9:+!~~_~,' ,,' . <.:. '<'". :'J r '.. ~~oIli:the: , " 1M"""':' 'm...;..._,_ " :, ,.,_' .~~~i;~~~~~~ ..' .... "," . . . ~ ,_ ~ ..... ..~,.L- ,c. " _, "..}- " i1md; 'fot;;1:ip~rip~ . ~. } 6f ::~~ . .. . .,~.,'mo~th~~~ .' """. " ~ -': y" .. Pi\!;SEP !.'ID APfflQlltbWs the ~.... .&Yl>f/tf/[' .G-.,/.. A.D.,195~ ATTEST: ~. , . , ' 7#' . .. ~ . ,. .... . '. '" . .'. "', ,. , . ,'."','"...:.:,.>~ M ' 'f 't' h" 'C"t" ,>. f' '''''t' , ayor 6., ?1 yO ;.)38 ,-' " " Uni versityPlace,Texas ,--- " ,------ ~rl 1111 r , T ~ ,...;., ,"- """'\ ,'.-. - 'I " ) L :, RESOLttrION ..5 ~.. ~ C . .' . . ' ,. 'v~~i,th:e {;itY~OfW~~t;~!f~:~~~~Y.PlaCe, . ,"avai:U~~bie ,i~tht:l"" " .\, .:f~t~~~e~.,' ^ ....'" ':! . -,''':,' ,/. - ,,~:;' "~ ,"'"' -'.' ' .'~, Cw:'~.~tlt:4y.~a~:;Et~g~~~/ ,.,", '. ,: ''fl;lli'~ ':';"'- '",- .. ." 'lil1;f~Ji'~);l : not . be requ$:t.itdfop "pperatiilg expe,Yis'es UffttJ." t~~~~~~, . ~s~~~__; " f' ~ , . , l\cND,wH:ElREAS, it is dee1Jledto be to the 'bestinterest Qfth~ :.. d$.f.Y:thatS1iCh<~'p:ridS be placep, in a time depo~t investmentiri~6~der , , , to ~arn additional reverlUe in th~ form of interest for the \ (:jperation oftheC:it;r; A~, 1iJI:tE:.li.EAS, the present bank balance, thea"eragemonthlY itlconieanct ,expehdi tUfes .o-.f' this~d ' as, anticipa t,ed un!-il: ~atur:i. tyof this<'inyest;ment':wi:upreyiliudea .fund deficit: , '. ", , , - , , " , " , '. '. " , ' , , C:J:TY OF 1rf:E~T'lJNIVERSITY: P'LA,CE,. TEXAS, that the,dity Treas.ur~r is hereby , ' , , " , , , ~ " ~ " ,.., , , " . .. "'.-NOW" THEREEO~"BE IT nESOLVED BY .THECTTY COO1ISSJ:ON OF THE , ' ., . ^ '" " , , ' qa:~e,~t:e,dbq~ni}:est filnas"flinoUfiting to. $lJ~;,"~~ . ,- - . -, , , ",ffpnrthe, ,'~.' ,~.~~~..- <, ~q; :r~~a ,~:er:iod ~',,,"": ,:,-, . :01' . ' ,;~, ' ': .. " '" m9p~~s" " ..,' "~'~-'~,-'~-~ ",--:-- ,;" ""', ~ ".. ","', . .P;'~JlD. AlIlJitP.PIlWllD this . the ~~. A.D. ,195. ./ d~"\T of .,,~4~,& ,'J "'/'2:1,., ' , \ 1 i ~/f~" .,; ;/;M.,.",. ,~, ) .- '.' Cf't:ff"Sec " ,~." " , ~"" ',' '~ '" ,.',.~'.~ '.... .., ,'" ?" "", ." , " 1'1g.yor 'of 'theCt:tyof::Wi:i$t ',..: V:biversi tYPlage"',T.exas . ATTES?'l': -.- ---~- -~ r' ",' . ';\;.". -" 1 --, I J. " RESOLutION ~,:e. - ',2 J , " r, . ~. '.,'-,. available in the ' ' :aen~,' ". , " '..' . .~"en~.~~"~~..' , , . . .' ~. ~ . . ~ ' , 'c~~~d ':--'-lo'. .S;, . ti):e - Gi'1JY of West cJJJljj.:v,El~~ity Place, " . "~''')''~-:-'~~< . ."'. '<""'1'" -;. . ',.'.. .~ . ..,......', , which ~willnot be req1.1,j:req. ~for'-. -operating experts~s 'lffit~R, .- ':~, ' .,'.,!', f~ - .,.. . ~. .~:;~ 1at~r ,it!, tl:1ep~esent' fis~a1year; . . '.' ,AND, 1tffiER.EAS, it ,is,deein~dto betb the be$t 1nte:rgs-tQf the 'PitythfI1;; :sl,lchfundsbe -;pl~ee'dina time deposit irivestment:in;':6rd.er" to eavn '. a4dit:t6paJ. rair.$nuein the form of ihterest for tl1~, ~:Bera,'ti9n . of' -the 'CitYr '. . . , ' A~" t~9, ,tliep:p.~:s~i!:t? bank Pala.I!ee,:-the:,~verit~~;~(hi:ti4i inCOIllB.' :andv~~e.ric:tj.t1l!'eti Qfthi:s,~d:: aI:;, ,'aptic;lr>atsd up.tEt:I, m,8;jY1JFi:~i:qt ~ . th}::sJ,nVe!3t~eht,li.LU. pFe'e~u~e:a.fund: de~~cit.~_ ',' u:~- . '... " cii~ej;}'$eg~a:;iltvest f;il!i4~~.m~~~:i,ng, ~,o ,$ , , . '. . : .....-.. -:;--." ~.......: '. ., .",,::,:i~'c~~l,f,,' . . ;.' ,.... .- ", '~St~~~':::,:::',:,,~,:~r~;"~ne . ~t:;t, :rot ,a, period < ~ ., " -'j . ,. . ~"" ~ "~;:'_'.. ::",-';':' . of', , , . m()htn~~,> "~:$E~ ~~D ~~ tMs the addaYO~~" 19512' ',' ',0;' A.D~, ATTEST: <" ,21 .' . '. I " . . ~ <. . 1-1ayor df' ~lle City 'Q'i,'"' 'Y-!!is': '" Uni verqityF,lace; -Tex:as (. --- . --- ~-- - f ~ "I-~ -------, ~ rr-l 11IIf , T ;', 'n'.., 06- ,Z-Z A nSOt~I:0W RECOMMBPINQ A MINDfUl( fINE IN AN :Tli0l18 '1'0 . .me!r .... U""$l'fUL'E FOR !lUn' VIOt4TIQJ XI. tU em OF mf U1UV'EnS~ p~.. IN ORI . . ,tJ: '0 '~a . fQ 'fB C:~ $ >>10_ <l!' FX8 !itAl, .'., net __ !IIi eOltPeltNtlmreOO' rnnmE.AJ.. an 1.eatJ;gat1..n. has beea'~ aa t. the f1aea now H~ USfl'- __ ~ CIty o.f We-aii Vatver.f.ty Place aM VUll.ou GI~ mu,nj.e1.pe.111iu loca\~d tn Ral'$'1a-' C-o-...w. ~R..t m vtf>>1at1oa 0~ the i>>1aff1e law.f an<< W.-Mt 1t 18 tleemetl advtsa14e by tne G.lty CO!mDI.#a1.on tob?1ng the a4ked. ,fI)f t'1ua tn the G.lty of We$t U~lvera1t:, Phoe more- closely ln .0.'- wl"li the t.1n.U belin; aaaeNtKl by u18llwr-lnc mUlltetPalttlesj au<< W~t the Ct_ COlllm:bal_ wt.a. to ftC-OlInead _ establish a mtaD.a ttne t..- vartotla tt.'attto v10laU.. 1. aa .out thought to be just w reuo_ue f. the $omreat._ of t~ per... 4eautD<< to pltlad ,guUty w .1:\. vtolatioa ~_ ritllftt p...1'It.117 .peulng lBef:OX'. the C..,oratten c'ourt of the eu,: of' West Un.f:n1-r3.11tY PlaM' KGI, 'ri!'ERlll'OJm, m ~ mrA~ lit 'fllli em a~S~ION €IF 'liJlj GIft OF Wlf,Slf mnVEUM PLAGBt ftUat Itat4-e& 1. ~t t'~ 4J'Il ~1' the et1:ectd,.v"c '-,. he"~" _ C1.erk , '., tbe' filOJ! .0Il $-' ., ."'.', 'g1Av'~.l" Pla... !e~ ia au-, W ,~,_, tl41, ,~, _ ~.. .)(00 1M11M' tor ea. of' '. 1t3_ _tl.", ...' t~ _- cl1i!.i;>>e.u ,!.eat .~l_:.a ~ alW.t'M: oft"eueeugM is the ~iratette... ' " .~,~ ~~['~~ ~. Sp.e4t....1e* 10mfl....<<r 1~~~-"" ~-- -................... "11.00 t3.lI)Op.. Jd>> u ..... fit 1CJ a11.. , Q'tt-' 1$141 tWt,. ' . aWltd Re4 Lt.'''' ... .,.. .. -'....... .... ... - -. ... .. ..., ... "'" .... ... .... ... ..... 1J.OO . '!..................._.....~~......,._~.."'"._........._..'M!:.--10..;., '. ". ~W .... .- ~ -" .., - ..... ..... ... .... .... ... ....~ ... ... ...... _.. ... ,..... '-0$ D:d.vtng OJ.l WlfoJal.l111. ofSven. - .. ..... -... ... .. .. ... ... ... -...... . (). W1'.r Wv 0 e... .s.~t... '... ... .. ... ... ... '- ...... ..... ...' ... -.... ... .... :r~"1.. _,Yl:eW:' *-et.w..,. ... ~ .. - -- .. .. .. ..... ...... ....... -aJ.<:tO '_2."'al",$~D .... ...... .. ... - ... ... ... .. ... ..., ... ... ... - ... .. ~~ 'he a_it ~ __ - ,. .. .: .. ,. ~ -- .-- .~ .. - -- ..... ~ .-. ...,. 1Ill't ." .' __ .. ..... -- -- ~ - ...... ..... -.. - ...- -- ---.. - - - .. -- - ... ....... ".8. Pe4: 'lart ];,.&s. ".. - .,. ~ .... ~ .. .. .. ... ... ~ .. ~ .... ... -:... f...GO llEi,f'e alt.. ... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. - .. .. ... .. ... ..,,'.... .. ... --... ... ,a,-.oo . ". ." .u~ ... ~. ... .., .. --.. ........ "!'II!' -- ~.. w. --.. """'...... .. --- .. .. -- ,-.~.. . ' .. m.gal Kutft..- .... -- .. .... .. .. ... .. ... ..- ... ..... -.... I,.' lito GpQa-'-ct $ ,"lee.. -... .. ... - ... - - ...... ... .. ... .". ... -. ... - ... ..., " _ Ve-hle+$- &1~e"" _ m_l ~~..e "" ...... ... ... ... .. ~ .. "" - ....... c .oe B1oc1d.ng' TSre ~_ O'f ,h>e }),1111 ... ... ~,"''''' ... ... ... .. ... - ... - - ... ...If.GO "edastr~eH$$"_ ~tw"A ;ate~e't1.. ()~Ja1ld.JaI'gal~t ie4 - ........................ - ... ... .. .. ... 1.0. ~j)9~at1q %~k till.... '.;~ ...... - ... .. ... ... - ... ... ... ... ... - ...... ,-.0$ f~~~~J ~ -....... ... .. - .. .. -............. .~~~ .-a-ft 'L' ,~ , -:"~---r ~ ,~ If, ,1.11[ i 'WT" \~~~~., le~$~,L- fllat wl\en ftn"$tl <<hlU'Jei,w1th Ii ~atfl, v1o~~Um 'appf)$l'1i- . e the- S..:r-poraUWCl(Ju-t Q1'W..t. trn1VU$11.iy '1... .it~lr .-. ,~a;.of ~11ty '. ,rIft 1~~1., . e-evt, . __ ~U.~I an. be a_so. -as- .batt a.et'$~. anA ill aec.~aartce" with i__,U-n. atatu. .. ..~_~ 'A~S. A,lUl AP'~Rfi'lij) fJ:lIj,Z/ia/ri .. m.- 1'''6. ~tJ7 e~$IO.U vOftw 4D #6'- , COllMDSIOlIFn V0fIR d ~.(fI~' ~~k~ t. ,"(I' ~. l r~l. T. City Of ....t'in1v.r31tlr Place, , !l!eaa A~~ J "II"!'" .-n"1T.., ,~',;<i ,!....~ ~ \ ,J " I \ . ~ .' . ,:RESOLUTION , , , , , .. ," .'- . ,. . WHEREAS, the City of West'U~ve:r$ity Place,cunrerit;iit':.il~s,c9.;pital '" available in theSt1"eet '~r0vement :BOl1d>~ 1943 ,'~~~. ].i'und -r- : ~';.:~~~.~': . Which will hot be req~l'ed for bperatinge:xpenses ,until ,'~" .c.. i.~'. 'fj;,~,,;aci ~; later in the preseht fiscal year; , , AND,WHE:REA.S, it is' 'deemed to be to the best interest otthe , , . ,"". . City thatsuchfundt:1bFlplaced in a time deposi tipvestmentitl'cq:iider toearn-addit;tonal reVen-q.e in the form ofihte~est for ,theop~ration , , th:ts;;iav$s15irterit; :~ll~rec1-ude~:f'und 4eflcl.t: ' , ; ::,1:. tJQW;,' TiJ;ERE~0ifE;,:E~: ,IT RESOLVED BY: :T$CITY: C~II$,Sa;{l~()~THE' , 'q~q.yOF~~S'f~um:vtR&~Tr 1~LA9E, T~XA,S, ,th~t tne,:e~tY'TieaS111"e~!':~s"~e,~~py ',' . ," ." ,. ,", .. . . . ,di1i.eGt:~.ct Ji(k~~ipye$,t~i~cls"~Jll~~:rt?-f1gt()$' ~'~;~Q$.~~ '. . :t:rqm':t~;e, ,,' .' ~.;t'~.. . . -,,' (..' .", ," " ,,:S;~$'h.~)'nem~nt ~:'1.~kl . ,":--........--, '..',. "'''1';., ,-,'. or , .sJz ' 'months.. , ' FuP..d" f ora.':p~riod . . PASSED AIIDAPPROifEIl this the~daY of A.D., :1.955. ~"'" " ".,,"':/ ,< "' ,~~.~ , <~~.~.'~"Y~~'7--t...~...,.>.,~.:: ~ .' ATTEST: / &' ~ . . , . ", ... , , , . i". . v . " ' . . . . - , ,,',', .....,.,,-c. 7. .-~~, . n_" ""'" <., ~_._ ' Mayordi' the Gityof~','.est ,'" ,,' Universi'ty Place,' '1"eXas r- ~--'=, 11" I LIll:: , I' ~ . ~,....- RESOLUTI@NNO. '56-24 Y1HE:REAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas has heretofore ]lassed two resolutions, one dated the 26th day ,of November, 1951, and the Gl~er dated the 12th of January, 1953, establishing starting and ]lrobat~nary salary schedules for the Fire and Police De]lartments of the cityas,rollows: POLICE,DEPARTMENr 1951 1953 1. Starti~ Salary, Patrolllla.n, six months probationary per~od 245.00 25(i).00. per month 2. Salary, PatrGllman, after six months probationary ,period and until end of one year continuous service 255.00 26,i.OO per month 3. Sa.larY, Patrolllla.n, after one year of continuous service 270.00 290.00 ]ler month FIRE DEPARTME1iI'l' 1. Starting Sala.ry, Firellla.n, six months probationary. period 235.60 240.00 2. Salary, Fireman, after six months probationary period 245.00, 355.00 3. Salary, Firellla.n, 8.fter one year continuous service 255.00 275.00 ' ~" it has be~n increa.singly difficult for the City ManagElr and Depar~metitHeads to employ competent personne~ for reaso? of aulow starting salary as established by ResolutiGln heretofore adopted and ob- jec.tions from desirable applicants tGl the provision requJ:J:'ing a one year probationary period, and WBEREAS, it.is the opinion of the City Commission ,and all others concerned that applicants of better qualifications, character, reputation an~_stability could be employed if the,starting salary was increased and a more l;iJ:lera.l ]lr(;)bationary PElr~od prOVided, ~, the City Commission has considered this lIIa.tter in detail and does herei-'1lltBiJ;l_d that it would be more advantageous for the city to increase its starting salary i:n the. Police and Fire Departments, and pro'l('ide a shorter probationarY period; n_~--r .n-=:::I---------.~nn~-ir'l_ .. ,_11.1:'------ u_ -'I i ,I 1 j ~ ~ ! j ! ----IIIIiT' NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas,: That the following salary schedule and probationary period for starting persqnnel of the Fire and Police Departments be established as follows: 00I.:EEm BEPM'fl~ 1. Starting Salary, Patrolman $ 300.00 per month 310.00 II II 320.00 II " 330.00 " " 2. After two months service 3. After four months service 4. After six months service A salary of $330.00 per month shall be paid each patrolman employed for the Police Department after 6 months continuous and uninter- rupted service, which shall constitute a 6 months, probationary period. The a.bove schedule is not applicable to the position of Captain. FIRE BEJ?M'fl~ 1. Starting, Salary, Fireman $ 280.00 per month 2. After two months service " " 290.00 300.00 II II 3. After four months service 4. After six months service 305.00 II " A salary of $305.00 per month shall be paid each fireman employed fOr the Fire Department after 6 months continuous and uninterrupted service, which shall constitute a 6 months probationary,\?eriod. The above schedule is not applicable to the position of Captain or Driver. Further, the salary schedule for beginning firemen and patrolmen hereby established shall be retroactive to April 15, 1956. PASSED AND ADOPrED THIS the 14th day of May, 1956. MAyeR, ~ )/~~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ' 7;k.~w 4_ _- . ( s) Charles Cockrell CITY ATT0RNEY ' ,---~~r .~ r---' lr.-) ____ ___.._L. .jJ...J~----------------'-'-:--- '--T:-'I::-I:" ...5 {, - 2 S- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TR4NSFER OF $1000.00 DOLLARS FROM THE GENERAL FUND OF T;HE CITY O,F WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO THE SWIMMING POOL OPEFlATING FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AND PROVIDING FORRE-PAYMENT TO SAID GENER,AL FUND OF SAID AMOUNT DURING 1956. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas has been informed through, afficia1 channels that the Swimming Pool Operating Fund does not contain a sufficient amount of cash to properly proceed with the recreation program far the 1956 season; and WBEREAS, the C:i.ty Commission desires that the Swimming Pool program be continued as in past years as euch program provides re- creation for a large number of residents or West University Place; and, WHEREAS, it has been made known to the City Commission that a temporary loan of $1000.00 to the Swimming Pool Operating Fund will be sufficient to conduct the Swimming Pool program and that such loan will be repauJ from Swimming Pool receipts during the current swim- ming season of 1956. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT, RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ~~ TEXA6: .., 6 tf.$t:/-,"6/C.-- Section 1. That the City,' r be,and he is hereby, authorized to transfer the' sam of $1000.00 from the General Fund of the City of West University Place, Texas; to the Swimming Pool Operating Funa on a temporary loan bas~s. Section 2. That the sum so advanced shall be repaid by the Swimming Pool Operating Fund to the General Fund from revenue received by the swimining pool and the total aJa9~t of the loan shall be repaid by the end of the 1956 swim- ming season. APPROVED Tf1JJiJP--DJiY OF HAY, 19,56" PASSED AND COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO 4v0 ~ ~ // ~~ ,. ' MAYoR ' City of West University Place, Texas ~ISSIONERS VOTING AYE ~ - - r~ -' -" .C~ ,0 ,~- -~~'-'----r' ~ tFl _ _ ".a.r-- I: "1l" r ~~ 'I.' ) RESOLUTION J~~ ,~~ 'J WHEREikS, 'the City 'of West ,tTtii'v,ersit.y.P~ace"Jcurre~tly;ha,s , , . '. '. ...., st~~et ,Improvement' ~'~?~8 'Fund capital " avaiiable' in - th,e . ..~ -. ',"-' ,-'- , , which'Will not b'e reqi:dredfor pperating expensesuntii . the next ' fiSCal year; . " ~a;l;~~Y1'4Q-P~QS8R~~G~_~~.~ . . . . , " , , , ' , , ~AND, WHEREAS,:,-itis deemed tp,b,e to the best inter~st of' the , ' , , City thatsuehftirids be, placed in,a t:Lpte deposit investment iporder , , to earn addit~onal revenue in the ~or.mof interest .for the operation of the City; AND~, WHE..mS, the present bank balance, the average monthly , , income and e,Xpenditures of this Fund as anticipated until__ maturity of this investment' Willpreclu.de a furid deficit: .. , . . . '". . NOW.; THEREFORE~BE IT RESOJ1VED BY' THE CITYCOMl\IISSIONOF TIlE . . '. ",' , '.. ," , ' . - . . . CITY OF WEST,WlVERSITY'PtJ\:GE, 'TEXAS, that t,he City Tre;;,sUJ:'e:r ',is :hereby " , ~. , directed tOirtvestfwidseJ'D,btiJitilig to. $ , :Lt2~~~', ' " from the , , , ' _ Ji'und,f-Or' a ~periQd of ,tvel v.e_ mpn'th13_ . . /~7:'~ :: PASSElrAN:Q APP~(JIlEri this the 'A.D. ,l95.~ j~~ Qf8fh~" " ATTEST: ' , , ,~~J~ l-1ayor of.th~ C~ty, 6f'West. '. ' lTriiversity Place, TexaS , City SecretarY ~T flT ~"m' 'I 111 'IF 'I '\ ! I RESOLUT,ION, '~, - z. -1' . - . - , . ';~S! ,theGityoiw'~~;t~ll;i~~~.i.;~lt~ace,' '. currell~J;Yhl;tS~~pa;ta,;L. ." , , ' , , , , . available ilf the' , , '. .,..::~~<A~en~". " '_~ .' .,~ 4;_~_ '.-.', " ~.~,.~ ," .' "._ . .' . - . . . ..;.:. "" . .'.. . . whicIiWii:r.not :be :r.equlredfor '()p,erat'~ngexperises until,".~ , " ,'Fund '~, , . ' . . "'. - ". . . , " , ' . ". . "lat.er:i.n,t~~~prel?~nt ~isGalyea;r; '. ", . ," '. .. , . .' '. , ' , . . .' . . , , , , ' ,Oi ty'tl\at' Suchfunas bee plaqed irratimEj d~posi t iny~stm~n:tinbrder: of the t:~tY; , , , . . . ..".. AND, _~$,~:thep.~e~f!ent ,hankbalanc-e, the averBcg'e;irioh~ki1Y .,' i*cb:m,e:a:ndext>.end;tt~e~'ofthisFw1dasantiCipated until matup:t;1;iyof,' ,,;this'ii'ive$~IneD:~wi).lpF~c;~ae' a. f\1ild defic.it.: ;l\JoW~T~rp~,:~Er~.~s()iVBDBY tHE GITY'G~ll$SIONbFTB]; , .:C::~;:~.~~~~::.:.t~:~~:::~:h:er~by.. '. .:~,lg~G.r of " siX, . .' .' . . . - ""Fw;t9:," f'qrCaperiod, months" PASSED AND APPRUvED this the . . . . \ . /t/#-daY Of~' ~Jk' , , ' ~ ,- ..,..,""..,.:'".,'~ Jl.1ayor'of'the'Gi:ty'6:fWe'$,"" " Univ~rsity Place, Texas A.D., 19SJ. ATTEST: . City Secretaxy ~ ~- \ . -' , (, '" I I RESOLUTION. ~- .6 - 2, g-' . '. ..' , , , , t-JIIER.E.AS,the City of West'Uni~ef~p~y' ?la~,cUrrent+:r has cap:Ltal , available iri the H'f$XRevenueS~ - Fund - . ~.' . ," . , , . - , , , , , whi~h mll,i1ot be regPir:ed :toroper~ting eXpenses un"fjil t~~- . ,fl~:, . , latep iiLthepres'ent, fi-scal year; AND,WHERE!S.,it, is deem~d to be to the'pe'st interestof the City that suer{ funq~ l:>e placed,irt a time, deposi t;lnvestm\3nt ;in'order ,,'. to earn,additionalreveIiue in the fotmJ.:ofinterest for the oPeration 01 theCitYl AND,;. 1~~, the pres~nt bankbala:nc-e, the average mQnthly . . .' . , " income~d e;xpenditur~s' of ,tl;Lis Futid,as' a;nticipateduht;il maturitY' of' ' ' , tiIis . irivestl\lentWill p;recl1idea fund deficit: , , , , , , ' . " , , , . . ". . '. . , Nciw,THEREFO~,JjEITRESOLvED '~ THECITYCOMNIS$IONO!i':;THE , , . , ~rect:ed't() ~inV:e~t ," fi.#lCl~,~o:Untin~ 'to :$ ,', " '~~~~.,~', ' . ,frolll the: "';Q R ,,' " 'Sr.~ ,'. ' , ",...'." .a;x: ,,' ;e: "",:J ~" 1:,",", " , ,<,,~,. ,! 'n,'~' '. . "". . . . . '. , _. _ J': _,~ '.~'. _ . ~~. .. _ Ftlpd,;for ~'p".e?iod ' of .,s~ 1q?r1tpS ~ " PA.SSED AND A:pPRO"vED, tl1;is the A.D.; 195JP, ",~ Ii day of .~~., ,.~. ~.~~~ Nayo;rofthe .City of'W~sil:;: University Place~ Texas . . . . ~ ATTEST: , . , City Secretary T :' "I - , - --r -rr- -.- .ar [' 'I~-r ~n~ ' ) (,. '. . RE~OtUTION 5' - ~ 'i .~~.';"-~' " . , , , " ~8~ the City of Wes,tYni:1(e)?sity', Place, current~yhas ca;pi:tp.l . '\: \ ...__.. . . availp,bRe iJ;ith..e ." .,:'f~ I. ,~~ . '. .~. '. . _,~.Ftind: , '~ :":~hi,chwillnot be req~red {<>r bpe]:'ating expenses, until, ~~n f4~~;y~; l~~~J;'iiithe present fiscal year;, :': ' ", . . , . .. . . . AND, WH~S', i.t is, deemed to be to the best interest of the, , , . , , , . City that such .funds,',be! placed in at,1medepositinvsstmentihorder . . .. " .NOW, , THEREFQ~,BEIT RESOL~JE]J BY THE CITY C~IISSION Of THE ' CITY, OF1nJli:8T' 'UNJ:VERS1lJ.lYP,MCE; "TEXAS, that, the" qityTreasureri-sh'ereby :'.: " , , , , ' , ".' . dir.ectelito:,'inve:stt"Qlidl3',~.plount;tI'l:g to $ 12,oqp~" ' " _from:: tl1~' (le*e,~aL '. ,'1- , fuTICi, for a Beri,dd: of ,~~'~" ,months. PASSED, AND AI?PR()ITEDthis the, A.D., , 195~.. If"~ day of ~?'~' ~ ATTEST: ~., ' ~~" ,;d""~~"'" }1$.yor>of :5heGityof':We$it-;~'- , Uni yersi ty ,Place , TeStas City 'Secretary "I - l ' IT'I-- lirT 1'1'-' ""., 'J i . ~ '\ j RffiS0LUTION: ,,~'G -$ Q , ..~'~- :-f.\., . .:: . < "', ,", .\:: . ,~9{1:lp~e;'G~t~;'~,~~eElt'~;~~e~~~~y~,:~~a,~~%~~?~r~~tJf' 'lIas,:' (J~F,~;ta~:.,.. ': ' ;)t~d: , , ;. ~'~.,~'? <~ ,- .." ,'. . .. aViai1abl~ j;~tlte>.; ';' , wli~6h,J41i,,:n,p;t~:j;)~6j. tl <L'<' , .~. . -:,~~:', " ,< , , .', "'~~r;, . , '. . ," . . ' ' interes't <fl t1]e . '\ ; <;. , " " .. of.tn~'o~:tw~-, --. ",<;. ", :. ~., . ~~~~~~":;:~;b~~;~:::;::::r~: . . . ," . ,~-:- '.' . -: . .",:,~:~~~ thi~the~~d8yQf 4$ 195_~ .,.',' ':::ex".., ,', ", ':'~"~ . . '. "~ . '" , '~~ . ,.' A~D., ATTEST: , . , , .."~,." .. , , , , " ".",".".p.,',,".,',"'~ ,', .P_ .,,,,,,,",_ ,,;;:f!"~ '.., " }1~YQr."6f ~tFi'VCiiiy or'We~;t,', ,,'. , ,,' Ubiyersity,P;iace, T?~as '-' '" ... .- -- --, ~ if-'- III! r li'i '..~r " :) ) .:\ it , , 't, ~ .~" .~~, Rts.ohw;rON :.5' ~ $1 ", . '. ..-_.... . .~. "~ ,.-. .. .", ',. ", , , , , ~~$,tpe City of Wes.t'~Y~r~A'liY;:Place;cur~~~~~Yl19-:~ ~~~i;iti~i, '. " available in the _~!~,:~~"~~~!~~;;:..,.:,_.' "\:;.~:Etuir~ .<" " whi~h 'Will not be requi~e<;l fo~ . operating expenses Uni~l, ~. , .. ,~, ',' , t, f~ , , , '. iatsrin:th'~'pJ,'!e$~ntf';Lscaly:~a-~; , " , 1mEREAq, it. :i~;kle.,~ir}~d:t9bet6 th~b~st"j;rrt~J;-~~~;of ,the AND,' ':~:::~::o::~~nl4::4t::6::~d:::~x::~=:r~; ,- ".~' '.., . '. . . . . ~" ,",.. . " /. ,"'c' ""\':""';"'-""," 'CO "j," . ',' . ~ ;:. ~.:.~., .:'r,r. .: ~ .,' .', . c; 'N0W'T'HIDRER0RE ..BE' [I!' R:msotVED :ay'THE'GI1.![ ,eGMI(j,d~0S:IQN'0E"{l?tm . c~...O?~T.:mI~:~',~~5':h~',th.;~~~ila~;'0'~~~~",.". di,:t'ectt3d ,tQ;J..nve,~tf~q~ 8J.Ilo1mtilinl?;t9 ~l1!,"C ,.',r.5~l~~!~."}t!+",,o' 0",. '< "f;[!bm~'~n;Ei' , . . :. ," . ",:'. ',',,'" , . ", " o_,,::.!~~~~!~I;~wer, '_ N'H~drfQra':p~J,.o.q, .. ~ r~'y : . '. .', "'. . . , of sbf, months" .-......_.. J.>A:SSED AND APPROVED ,this ~the A.D., 1955. ATTEST: ---.- - liT :~" " iF 1 lLf ~ "- ., \ j i-. "'- . \ l / , '. , '\l".l1t;;j-, ::3:,~,' , ' '~. ". " . .' '. .' , . ." ,.. . . " '..' -.: "" ",' " " Jr~REJ\:S;'"6h~Ci ty o.tWe$t\U1iiliv~p~;tt.y J?lac~, bui-r:~ntiJ.# has cap'i ~al availab=4e i~ the ".>f_ .~~er,:-S-eWer~.; , " ,,' I which will not be r~ctulred for 9pepatiItg~xP~11$es'ill:1'Y~1 ' · rund., , , , , , the1J.~it, , , , fiscalyea,r; .. -. ~dt<:Ji~~~fJ~~$~IJ;h>'fhn.:al:-,w~', ' : \ ~ " : ,. " . AND, WHEREAS, ,"it ,1,5 de~med ,to, b'~,toth e ',be'sf", ,:tn,:tere~:t()fthe'. Oitythat s1ichfundsbe plp.ceq. in a t.ime ,:dep~si:t:J;nV~stllleht.;~p::o:);'q~r: to earn addi,tion~reveIiueih theform'of' iht!3r$st fOr the opi3,fat~6n' 'of the City; AND,"WHEREAs, thepre~erit bank balance, ~he:avel'a~~"Il16p~hiy , ihc,oiTie :and : e~endit:ures of this FUnd as.a:nticipateduntiima~Ur~t~t.: 9f, ,', ,', . . .' .' .' .' , , " ' , , th:i.sin:VestmEmt ,willpreclud~,a. fund deficit : , , o , . NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT 'R~SOLV.EDBYTHECI'n ,qOW<U:SSION'QF 1'$ ,. . . ' , , ,directed to ',invest 'tWlds ellionntingto '$: lJ.~~OO~te~}', ',:~1'L .". '. . .... , . '. . from "the - ,,- 'Water~ewe~ " . F:tWd" for,~per',iod of, ' six' mOnths.. " , ' A~/da",'T of t.h.,~_,.~"9J,.,.,,.', PASSEDAN"D APPROVED this the " o/'~' 'J z.. / ' , A.D., 1955. ATTEST: ~' , " ;;;f' I.. '""~'",~~,, Nayor' 0:(' 'the City o:fW~st," Uhiyersity Place, TeXas ~~~~ .'City~ecreta - , ----- - -.,- ~- ~'1 ----. ' IF I liH r' T' C_, ) -" ) : .,,: . ,.r. , ' -El!:SQLU'l'!ON '-> #6- ~..$ :. ' ~i ~ " - wHER1!;AS.) tIle' ,City 'of' We$t>U~ vf?r~i ty'~la:ce, Gurr$nt~~~~as 'capi;b~i . ," ,~.~. . avai1a1:>le in the" '$etl$X'al ,Fund ~, ' " .' . ." . '. . . :. .' .," ", . ",", lifuich ~11 not be reqiJi.red,f~:r. operating 'eXPenses until '~~, -1'~oSo0a~-5'oeB.~ , , ' , ' iateri~il the ,present f~c~l, year;, . . . .' . . City-that sU=Oh,fundp'b6' placed in a ti,;me deposi t~nvestmentj;n:9rder' . '. ,': , to earnad~tibnal revenue in the form of:in;terest for the operati,on of the City; /. A~,.: WHE..~S, ,the presentbankba1a;hqe, the: average~?!1th:i;.Y' . . . .'. . ,"':. > .' itiq9lne < anaeXltenQi t~es<J>fthiS ' Fund,a;~, "arit:icipa.ted$ti.1Inatut.f~t;of' , th;isinvS$tment. will ,:preclude .a fund;defici.t: . . . . . NOW,' TIlER, 'EFqRE:; "BE;:I:T RE;SClLvro'BXTHECI_TY'C~tISSIoN.b;Fmm: . .. . , , .. . . . . .."... dITY Or 1iJESTU~TVERS:tTY ~LACE, TEXAS, that the City Trea~u:rer:ts-'-he~eby . .. .". ". . . .. . . ,.'. . .'." . .... -, , di,rected -to in1i-e~t flinds amolllltingto $ i4s0QQ.OO. f'r0I1l thi:r: , Gooeraa -,' "'.< . ',' . . . '. .' , ' , , ' , ,Fun<l.for ar?t:rr:iod " of three, months. . .. . PitSSED ANDAPPROV'ED this the p?,~,'day of 41'$1'"", A.D., 1955. ATTEST: ~,., ';;/~ " , , , , , ,,', ',', r", '" ' ' ~iayor 6f the Cj,.tyoi'ifest " UnivBrsity P1ace,Texas Db (i)~ 'CitySecre ' . ' , ' " ;) ~- Jjf!"-' . .,. \ j ~..,.:..> '1"' '.~-.s..~ " . ' . /:,..; .!jr' "'~$:Y , , , '., ~:REootUfuill'0N;: '\' " .' , " .. .' .' 3:~:E~~.;i:~r~~[t:~:. 'fisea1.year; , '~~~~l'~~~ltb-~;t~; .' ,,'" A:I'fD~ ~Efl.ElI.S? i,1;.i~ deeDiedtobeto ,the 'be.st interes.t of"the, ,City 'th~ :qfl1i,c111Uri4$' ~{;!#~.g~cii:n a' tfme <?,epo si t ih'ves,tme:nt ~p; Q~4er , , ' of,~1i~:'ci ty;, " ' , ':jtND, ,~~;;th~,;p~esent ~bankbaJ:a1iGe, , , , , , , , , " theaver~ge.:m?,~~~Y income~'<i7#p~n(l,j;t~.~$:;?f"t~i'~ "F1lriti'9is':ant~~~J>ate.di1h~,J;~a~tir~~! ~;Of' . '~.<..' - . .:. ~ ,'. ...' . , . this~in"\[~~~m?:nt Wi~::'J?,t~olllAA .a; f.un4' ~ef?-'c~t': , '" ,', '., NOtifj " TliE~FQ~~: '~E"lj 'R1}J$Q~WIDBY'THE ',6I~Y Q,~M}lfss~ON:':-9~'~HE;~'" . . , 'C1TY'6:F: ;1nImSir uNiVEi:ts~rt: .;PUCE" T~US}.' that 'the Citif'fe~sl!rer'is 'li,ereby .', . -...". ",.. ". '.. -'"'"": ~ ..".. . ., . , .' ~ . , .". .,". " '.' ," . "..' ". . ."; "" ',....... '". '", '. ". .... .... .' ." '." . ...... ,", .-' .' ..., '. .'",.' . ,',", di~~~te(it-9:~~:v~lS:ti'f~~$: ,~~:qnt:thgto, l)'7~9~Gi~,,::-..:,,;~; ,'frbtn ~n~,'" ' , ".. . "~~~~~'~~!f&~,::~1~~0~~~r~~' qf. ,',>sS' . '" ,,~l{lP~:tli$e ' . , ;'Jtl:md, :fq:r:';Si,p$i,ii~~ ~ 0> .- '.' P~i3S~l) AIm APmlWE;j) this t,heff_ daYQfA{~ ' A.D., i955., ATTEST: ;,.-0.' ' .., , {'" ~"'.- ,.'" ',: " ~ ~ " .... . '" " :,' "~~ee.'.d',' ,,~i: '~/: :':,' >" ' , ' , "'>_.~~"",. .. :Hayor' of the 'C;ftiy6f.?~l:~st:' Uni ver'~ity -Piac,e, '~e~~~ , . , , ~~ . , , , ,~/",:'/ ,',. ~/ y , , 'eit;y '-S,ecr " ' ' , , , ~"1 --"---,-, .. --rr.--- IMT 1'1'" .j'....:: "'~ , 4' . ..,.,- . ,.:-, ~';" ,'~-~ ", ' ( R1l'.8OLUTION ...5""6-35 WHEREAS, the Building Code of the City of West University Place provides that a~l new sidewalks constructed in the City shall be four feet in width, and there has been a request made of the City Commission byW. H. Farrington that he be allowed to reconstruct his existing sidewalk which is now in bad repair. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl'1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: Section I. That the request of W. H. Farrington, 6624 Vanderbilt, that he be allowed to replace his existing (but damaged) three foot wide sidewalk in front of 6624 Vanderbilt with a sidewalk of equal width be and the same is hereby granted and approved. Section 2. That the action as taken by the City Commission in regard to the request of W. H. Farrington shall not be construed as an exception to the existing ordinances of the City requiring the construction of four-foot sidewalks in residential areas, but to the contrary, that the action so taken is and shall be a mere permit for the replacement and repairs of exist:ing three-foot sidewalk. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS .2:3- DAY OF J~ /9"" / 1956. COMlfiSSIONERS VOTING ^Yli' 4J / C- COMfvIISSIONERS VOTING NO ~# ~ &~u Af!~ MAYOR, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: II)~~~~ Cit.y Secreta ' ,._~---,--- ,-------- .-, F=.-~~~~~~C~C~"C--~ ' Jr:"l '1- ------m-.--'I:'I['r'~~j::,.. _. __._m_u.lJi[ c, :* \ . -. '1 . \..: . .~",{ RESOLUTIDN ~, \ .'~ :. , , .....:r 6,.. .J 4 , ; 1rJHEB.EAS,tpe 6i ty ofWe~t,~J1Nyers,;i~ty Place, ctjJ;'re~tly has capita). " - available in the , ,. li1~t;A'r';'R~A'r ' -, "'-., . . . .., ;"'--0- ~ '- .' .. ,F11rid , , which 'Will not be required for) t?Peratipg expenses until the next fiscal year;, }:ai;~p~~l<r-'6l-re-P:fesent~fi::!te~7ea~;, " . , , .' '\ '.. . AND; WHEREAS, it i;:>deeIlied to be to the best inte~est of the . . , , . ..".. ; , j' ," City that such funds be placed ina time deposit investment in order , - ' , , ~'" . -, . of the City; AND, WHEREAS~the prese,nt bank balance, thE? av'era~e monthly- ,income and expendituF6s qf this Fund as anticipated until. Inat~ity of . '. . . . . , , , . .". . '. 'this irtvestIllent will preclude a ,fu,pddeficit: , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . NbW,THEREFO~,BE I'J:' RESOLVED BY THE CITYCO:M,}1ISSION, OF THE , , , , . CITY OF, i~$Tum:VER$I~',PLACE,TEXAS." thatth\3C;ity Trea:sure~ is hsr~by , " directed toiilvestfWlds amounting to $' .~r;.9~~-&oo ',' ' from the ". w~+"~r__~~~'" ',F'und,f'qr a period. of six months. ' , .. PASSED AND APPROVED. this the .~ z:;;('" day of . A.D. ~ ,195i , , ATTEST: ~~ \5"{'-.37 RES 0 L UTI 0 N ~r6 - 3 "1 WHEREAS, THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSar ;PLACE as part of it$ summer recreation program bas fostered and encQuraged the West University Place Baseball Association in reeognition of tbe importanGe of s~ervised reereation forttheboys of the City or West University Place during the stUllJl1er; and WHEREAS, sucb association furnish(;ls an QPportunity to approximately-two hundred and fifty beys of West University Plaee to participate on a competitive basis in the game of bas~- ball, said association being eompr~sed of six minor league teams, four major league teams and, !QUl' peewee teams; and WHEREAS, due to eirCUBlJ;ltances beyond the control of the proper officials of the City of West University Place it was impossible to obtain a playi~ field for the use of the baseball association as originally planned; and WHEREAS, when the pr,o blem of obtain.iilg a field wa$ known made to T. C. (Bud) Evans, Gener-al Manag~r of' the Coca Cela CQmpany of Houston, Texas, said T. C. (Bud) Evans gene2!'onsly offered. to make available and did make available to the West Um.iversity Base- ball ASl!oe~atiQn a use of' the Ceca CQla Ii ttle league field.; and WEEREAS, it Was neees$ary for said T. C. (Bud) EvanS to spend a eon$iderable amoWlt of time and to in.cur a substantial exp.ense in prepar~ and maintaining sueh fiel~ for- the use of the West University Place Association: NOIf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CRY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1., 'lfuat the appreciation of the c1tizens of West University Plaee acting by and throU$h ~he '.eemm1'S~1;~ltL Qft.~~c,t~y,,::;~J}n~.e'~ ,~~%1 t~t:Y~~l be, and the same 1.$ herebY extended te T., -e. u tliu:v: Qf i1' anlJ; 01 ty r1j~:: e~tr"6 ' ans fe-I' b1.s ~--- ---r'-- ~--,~~r::J r ~-'- ~ Ir 1 - -~( 1:'1:1" ,,", ..~.i; 0 ,w:~.le1tftrte<l,.f.\D..~'lQa 13 m_~ lft~la.'bl.e,~, ~~~".t~t~tt::_;t -=j.1in::t~rJ'1~C~(=t' _~ bel-q ita full _""-<<De. wt'Q. il h~$'t ,'11'1.1,1.. fit _tv1. ~~. ' . ,a.~Mt,a Qt *$ .$~au.Clt uprQ3...d! W tll..1A i. ,a.. ,(h4) ~" fi~ tile apJne1at1._ ,fit tae a.t~ at the ttttr GtW..' vatv__ ,> 'lau uA of ib.- ~ aM c1. ~,s:d.., et -.tel ,city tU$, expl'~ ~. ). !t'tutt- ~.$ of thf._ ,lt1tLa. '" twrm.aited. to..~h or the 1i1ea1 .-.,apel"a ,tel-'V'1A1 8 ar_. PMSD AlW APPROV'El) ti. 6th flay of Augut, 1',.,. adJ. ,~ ~"~~ -.. 6t _flib& DS,lr' mf1'V1!iB$XS' pit-Un!;, lfEXAS OOMMI$$:r~ VOf!llG AD COMM;t5SIQ.Q.:RB votml NO Aft1rB~1 (fiW'l~fii4i' ~'.. . 1_ _. --'~-'---------'~~.~"--r""""~-'"--=..:=-=--==-.=.=;''"'"""'''''"=~---- rHO' fro I. r- T:--'H"f""~'f'':"1:~'"'' - "i..'''' \ . ~:.. -. , . ',.' :.' '. ' , , , . '.," . '. . . . . , -;.~.~J,.~,,' .' ; , . ~J .: ..~~~~47~~ . RJ!lSO~UTt0;~(,,:& ,~, 31 :.,::~: l" .'C:. :~ ' '. .:~ . ,.'-<." , " - ':. .1 " " " ~ .,.<.: ", '.;' ~ , . .\ . WI!EREAS, , the .Cfty: JJ1; We~,t', Urn ver~ijjy ';pi~de,... curreritlYl1as 1, capAt~h" '., ~j . - .' . '. , . ::::~:o::e ..req~e~f;_ii~es " ' -0>"', _ '''.;. '. ',,",'Furid, ' . ,.' ,uritill " the ne~ . . ci.eal.i-:~~..~~~s~ ..., " . .' :i:nteI',es.tof "th~ . ~.' .,.',>.,' ,'... - '. ;.., . '. . .'::t:r:~:O~j,t:b:~:at:'.;~:,~~~~::s:h:::~~,:~i: . ~', '. . , .p. ,.r,,'h' , "c'" ,-.t'>;;<< Ool.',,",e '.iL y", :. .<., , ' ~~~~~~: -.-,.", ,tQiS invesZ':~;,i:~:~~;i:ic;~r~,'.ct~~~P,;,il,;~F~ ., "-' . ..~~}. . ~ , CIwYO~ ~~;1:'P~Il:~~$!TYPfucE}TEXAS,:'t't~at .~~~ -City ~re,~E!~,rer: i~.l>1~rebY' . ~CJ:~~.~1~t%~:,~,~;;,~~~:,,!:t~tio~<'; ,"".,', .:'.. of .," -,a 'inp,p;~h""$~,"",, ..' '" , . , .... ">,:~.i:~~~ ;,~.,:.~. .,~~." ~:~,;:~'.~~"~.' ':'. " . ~ - .. 1.' ", 1 ',',-, , A.D., M~;in.L~~~' this th~,jt~~#or,"&,,) :::~"'; ".%;".:"~'~:",v~:< ,',.. , ",', , ' c.//'/~ ., .. '" - . N ,'. . '.' _,' . '..' . ,.- .->\. , '.' '" ::",";- . ATTEST: , '].7 ,,,." 'f' tli ':':c.t -"irw' t.. " ,',,', ;; P~~i}~i~rsitY '~l~~'~~;':.\i:~~~:, . \' ',. :,. ',: '. . City S'ecretary ~:'-~'-~~--. , \ I '\ I i RE$O~PTION s-t.. '3, j . . . . 'liJItEitEAS"the8ity ofWe~ttTniversity PlaceiJ ;cUrren~ly,h?-scapital 'available in the , , ,':~~~~~r., ' FUnd'" Wh;ic~ w.i.ll not .be req11iredi'or: operat;ingeXpe,n:ses 'until' theri~Jct . f:iseal yea]:>;, l~"'iTr:~~' p1,e$~:.d~ 't~~ctitl"~~; ANJ\WHEREAS~:ltisde}emed to be' to th~b~wti1i;te~~$.t. 9fthe City, t~ateu()];i f1incls be plaC~p:il1a timedeposi t 'inveS:"bn).ent'~~,o~~4~r' '. , - . . " t06::lrn.agdi,tional reyeriue 'in the f.oI'In dfiltteies:t fortheQ~?p8-iio;n" ' . ' . . . of the City;, AND" l~S" the pi:es~nt ;bank t>als.ri~.e~theare~~ge,~~rl~hlt " . '. , , , .. ~ ".' ineo~e ~d '~end:it~:es;oftMsFunda..salit!i,:c1:pated uilti:t:maturltf:0;t' this wvestm?l1:t wiJaprecluCieafund defi-eit:=: , , NOW,THEREFOREj 'B~'J:'1'RESOLVED 'BY' THE CITY COMMISSION {)ETHE , .; . . . '. , , . . . . .' .' " CITY 9F loJES!' :tJNXVERSITY' PMC:E,'i'EXAS,that the City Treasurer is herecby. , ' d:irected toinvest:t:Uhds.'aJl1otirttingto $2€).t~~~.",' , froi)1 tne,. .W'a~~~S~~ . ' Fund, for, a period " of six 'J1lpnths .- . :.. A.D~ , PASSED AN,D APPR<J\fED.thisthe' I~~day of ~' '~,~)q~, 195'. ATTEST:, l'-iayo~oftheCit,y of'We:st Uriivers~ty Place, Texas City Secretary -~ ~, -~~ rr- 1 .l1C I: 1:1' ~~' '/ '~ ..:. ": . " :>"...: " . ~ ~". , "'-,0. ,. ~.:: \ \ '\ ) ) .. , .:'" >'. ; \~> R~sdLl~tnT\l :;:r~ - :5 r - , , 1r~S)the City of West University Place,. -currentlYllas cq.pital , ' , , , ,.,available in the SRi lB,'ltl~g~ot>l Fund which "Will not be required for operatirig eXpenses until the next fiscal year; ,l&l;oe!o-*ft"'~~!'elSenrffse,Cti-ysar; , AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the , ' , , , , ' City that such funds be ,plac~d;in a time depositinvestnientin order to earn additional revenueiri the form of iriterest for the operation ,of the City;, - , ' '. . . . AND" v.JHEBEAS,the pre~ent bank 'balane,s).the" averageymonthly "'-'- ... ,ih06~~ ~~:l.' E3~ehdiiU#~~ of' thisFuhd as, antici;pat:e1-unti,l IIlatm-i toy-Of th~:s"Jirvestm~ntw.iJil. precr:ud~,a furid deficit: . '. . .. Ni:JJii,'THER~ii'ORE~ BE IT, RESOLVED BY THH: CITY COOIl;SSION OF: THE. . :i:"; .... '.. . . "CI'J,'Y OFWES~~;pNJ:VERSiT1PLACE,'i'EXAS, ,that the City TreasurEwis hereby' .' .... . , ,". "!~ . direct-ed to 'irnrest 'J\inds amounting to '$ .3~~.OO, ' ,from the, ',.'.,'~",",~",P~(;)l , Fund, for ape:dod of ,"~, , '" ,months. PASSE:Q AND APPROVED ,this the /7 pI! dat Ofc;;:5E/d~/1' A.D., 195! ~ J(4r~ , , ATTEST: Mayor of .the City of West University Place, Texas ... )~ I' ~ j'(;/~' -- "."" > ~ Oity:$ecr. ',""," , ['- , '=1 [ " II L _~ _~.1J.J.L - n~~::m l ' , " ".1" ...::;Jf=?-'f A. RESOLUTION EXERCISING RESERVED OPrION TO REDEEM $52~OOO.OO OUTSTANDING BONDS, OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIIlERSITY PUCE, TEXAS ~ AND AUTHORIZING THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF REDEMPTION ,., '\rmEREAS, the hereinafter described outstanding bonds of the City of West University Place~ Texas~ are redeemable at the pleasure of the City at par and accrued interest~ on the option date of November l~ 1956~ or on any interest payment date thereafter; and WHEREAS~ the City of West University Place~ Texas, has available in its Tax Revenue Sinking Fund an amount in the sum of $52~OOO.OO which is considered as surplus and is not obligated or allocated for the payment of principal and interest on any of its bonded indebtedness and is available, for redemption of the hereinafter described bonds; and WHEREAS~ the City Commission and the Finance Committee of the City have determined it advisable to call said bonds and the calling of these said bonds will effect an interest saving of approximately $26~950.00; NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMNISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ 'l'EJCAS: That the City of West University Place~ Texas~ hereby elects to exercise its option to redeem at par and accrued interest on November l~ 1956~ the hereinafter described bonds and the City Treasurer of the City of,West University Place~ Texas~ is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice~ that the bonds have been called for redemption~ such notice to be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF BONDS CALLED FOR REDEMPTION Notice is hereby given that the City of West University Place~ Texas~ has elected to exercise its option to redeem the following. described Bonds in the denomination of $l~OOO.OO each~ bearing interest at the rate of 2-3/4% and redeemable on November l~ 1956~ or on any interest, payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest: \ICITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE~ STORM SEWER BQNDS~ SERIES- 1946" dated NOVEMBER l~ 1946 Aggregating $28~ooo.Oo Bonds Numbered 33 to 36, both inclUSive, Borids Numbered 37 to 44~ both inclusive ~ Bonds Numbered 45 to 52~ both inclusive~ Bonds Numbered 53 to 6o~ both inclusive~ due November l~ due November l~ due November l~ due, November l~ 1973 1974 1975 1976 --'-~-'---~-~"-'-r~,o.--",~..~~."~--,~O"""=~I"'---'~'-~'--"--' ,IF--.---- " ..-------T------ =Tr-liF'-'-~C~l::"-- "CITY OF vlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, PUBLIC PARK BONDS, SERIES 1946" dated NOVEMBER 1, 1946 Aggregating $21,000.00 Bonds Numbered 30 to 36, both inclusive, due November 1, 1974 Bonds Numbered 37 to 43, both inclusive, due November 1, 1975 Bonds Numbered 44 to 50, both inclusi.ve, due November 1, 1976 "GITY OF,WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRE FIGHTING EQ,UIPMENT BONDS, SERIES 1946" dated NOVEMBER 1, 1946 Aggregating $3,000.00 , Bond Number 8, due November 1, 1974 Bond Number 9, due, November 1, 1975 Bond Number 10, due November 1, 1976 All of said bonds, totaling $52,000.00 have been called for redemption on November 1, 1956, at the City National Bank of Houston, Houston, Texas, (now known as the First Ci.ty National Bank of Houston) where said bonds are to be presented for payment at par and accrued interest to the date of call. Said Bonds shall cease to bear interest from November 1, 1956. By order of the City Cormnission of the City of West University Place, Texas. . PASSED AND APPROVED this the 17l:hday of September, 1956. ATTEST: ~ ?h hc~ May~, C~vy oJ:. wes" un~versity Place, Texas ~~~L 'Oi y Secret - ~~~~.~~-'fIT'="'C~.=='-==_=C7=-'=_-=-C-=~-~--------~-"-""7. , ,....I"------.-'-!---------- -- 1!.-'rFI"~'-~C!~L-'C'..'-- , -~ ) F) , ' 5b~W' :EESOLU'1TON ' :::e:::t:;~Z:;C;2yhaS cap=. Whichvrl.l1~bt be, req#~~~_ci()1'QPe~ating,expen~i;s urrtil ,the'~ext. . ~ !iscal'ye~r;, . .' . ", ~l;:~d~~~h~~~$en~-~~o~~~~~el!~" ,.,' .; , WH~S ,it i,$..(r~-eined to be to'th'E!:;best IlJ:ter13$,t, 6fthe .. -' ,-'-.- ,AND, Ci tithat, 'S~(}hfW1&~'be:p'-aqe4:tn " a time d~posi tirrV'e~tpieniin;'6r~er , , . -. '.." . . to' ear:h a,ddittonal,reV6:tlueiritheform.of' inter-eat for the '?pefat~ori: , ' of t,heCit'if. , 'J' !ffm:'''~PI the pri3sentbapk b&lance~ the average 'n1ot.Ltlil-j , "- inc~~~,.~~:~~~~di:tl~~ ~,Of~~i,sFwtda~ :~ticipate4#ntil ma~~it~ Qf , ~thijj '1:ri:vestmenit,Wi:p.Y~~P$911l~~'afUndd~f:rc;it:~ " < ' .'{'-" , NgW" .ir~R~~{)mi, . ,BE .IT, F{ES(0LvIDBi . TaE' O):~ 'C~r.~8IqN 0FTBE', . , , ,cITY OF~~T qtqvERSITY PtAQ$~,rEXAR; that~,'the, Ci~Y~Tr.e~sU~~,i-i,~ii$~ebY; '<ii~~cted.'to'inve,s~ :f~aScUiiO}\~iflg,:tO,$~~'!~:~'("," , '; f~oni 't~~: , ~t~~-~'1:~~,~t~iJ..:~J~~~~ '-'- "F'und~ for "aIie~iod, .of .,'~'~, - '. .' . . lIlonth$.., , , , ' , ' , ' '..6~. / '> PASSED AND APPROVED th;ls the / ~- , day of L2~;fil4)t,~ 195h A.D.., ATTEST: ~ ' ' , , ' . ~ --- . . .' -'. . ",. . ".' . .' . '". ' . . . . , , "f,::~.,<~" Mayor'o-f' th$' Citl<?ti:J~'?t ~ ' " , , ,U~versity PHwe, f'e:&:as .- -', - - -r ~~ 11 -r------ .1JIlr I: I'! '~~ -") ..:;:1 '" -1' jG) \ ) , . , ' RESOLU'l'ION , ,', ,. " '" , ' . '. , .'. . -. . . . . . . - .' wHEREAs, :tiheCi tyot: West: ;'-Urti~e~~j,::t.y.;Pla,ce~, currerit'lyhascap~tal -,' , , ,availa1:>le ,);ri ,the' ",~~~~~~~tAi~.. .~,.,'" ,'Fifiio. , -.' w)1ich:wi:llnot,he regui:r~d.\,t'or9P~r,a:~ing,exp~hs~sunt,il' the:;ne~ " ,fi,scal year:; ~~~~,~fF~&-~~e~~~t;i~~~~~i:;-",,' ~~s,i~i~~de;~m~dto b~t;oth~ :15e~t.: . ,." . , .' < . .' - . . . ~ . ihtet~~:t:<6~ thE?, ,,~ND, Citt':t~at SV;ch' fund~'be plai::ed~n'a tiIll~ depo$r!:t,:triy~stm.~:t1t-in.;:Q~,ger , . . . . . , . to ~ai'naqditi~rialr,e'Venue in the rdrmq$:lnterest,fot-th~0p~rat:Lpn,," , , of 'ttI~ ;ca;tr; AND~' _~E:AS, the preserrl;bankbalance,ttye 'a;vera~e;niQnf,h1y fnCQIiieandexperidituresof "this ,Fund' as aritieiPatE?q.:uni:Ll:in~tur,itYbf: .' . . , , , ,'. . ,th~!3itiveStmehtwi:*prepluCie a f,UIiddefictt: . .'. ." , , CITY'OF 1A~STUNIVERSJ:TY PJ;.ACE;TEXAS, that th~ City'-Tr~C;lsur.eris';hereby ," ." .' . - .' . ""' "NOw ,THEREFO~E" J3~ .IT RESOLVED:sY THE CITYCOw-IISSIONOF' ,THE ' dir~pte&t~ i~v~st fungs :a.mounting' to '$it~:000.:QO '.,',' from the, ' ',~CG1',~ACJ.:r '.1l!1innj fo!',a.period.. o;f '."',~,. '. *onth~ ~ PASSED AND APPB.CJITED this the /~ '. day oft2J~i.e'r-,. A.D., 19~: ATTEST: .~. l/,~"."'" ~",//i, ~4~, MaYQJ;'o,fthe Gity.of'We,st ' " University Place; Texas r' 'I r ' l~ 1 IIU r I' I'~ on," ) . " "' ..:r6~ Y3 \ ,,' fRmsonuTloN . .: >;'~'2t':.~ ~ ': . . . .." ': . ",' .: -;- :,' 0-. ~ , ,. .\: : ,'" , ., ~ . :~S, ,the';ci ty. of W~~,,~~~~sibty Place, 'curreJJlt1;y:;h~$ cCftia'tal, ' , " - ..~ 'l. . ",--.... {" . ,." ",' ~. av:ai1,ab.1e:t* th~:~~ ,,~~t~,> ,:<" . . ~- '::- ....,...,. , , ' :Jf'il~~" 'wfyichmllriotbe requij::r'eir i!q~' oP~~&tiijg~Xperise$$tii ',t.4~:; fieXt '. '." .. ".r, ,~ ,. fl.sca.l 'y, ear'. , ' ' , , , '~~~~"#~~1\:e--:P1~#~~~~'ee~a~~~~;i", ' . WHEREAS; 'i;tis'd~:~ir!~dt:o be to.the bestlnte~~~:t'ti:r th~ :1,:' ~ ,( . ANl>, " " . ".",. .",.. .' .' . ." : '-. Citytbats:uch fUnCl$,~elJl:a;cediri a t:Lme deposit investrii~I1t;,,:t'tr'()rder ' ' . . .' . . ". . : .-:.. . - . ',' . - .,' . ': . ~'.' ':. . ,"." . '. '", . ' ". - . .' ..' '. '.' . t\;. '.' 'to e~rIla~#~~0nal'r~v:env.~ii)ti1~ fom at interest for theoR~?fa:Gd;:o.n > , , ",'.' of,iheCity; " AfD~ ... ~. ~ '" , -';-". ,. " , " tb;;t$ .'. ".., ; . -, ~; :::- , . ,,' ,~" " , , ~, ~ ."NGt-f: TmmEF0RE~ !BEl:J:ID RESOLVED',,:BY~;'PNEGI['Y,'Gr:JM}lIS$I0N:()F",~m'_ ,~., CIQY,bF: ~~.~ij~~~IlA6~i:~~..'tha"~t,.~":~,'~,t,,.~,..J,.,,,:,~:r,"..,.u_":.'";::,.,:~~.._.,',,,',:,,. ',.t,.,:~""y",.,.,.,~,',.,'.,.,.,',':,m.._,::""',,'F,i",'.';~",..;,_'~:..,.,."'S".,':',',,p,:;,~,:,.,:,.,..."_e,.,.,~a",',.;m;,.,:".,.,:~,-,,:,,.>,','.'_,.'r, ,'",:.,_,..."",......,li"..e.,:":..,,e.,.,.,. ,.:',',_.~,:'."~,,e,:~I::. ,,~tec't.E3q.~9>~n1e.~~i)~~~.\~~~~t~~~'tC:ll ~~~:~~H::'~~;_. :L,L; '~;~T' > ,,:, ; ..>~,;:,;;~,~~~,,~,i:,:r~.._.::,.~' ," :~qtf~*\~~~~~~~d':::" at: .' ,~, ", :l~. ':, ,:. '.' ", ,riI~n~ii$:~ ' ' ~.'~, .:. . ':" ' ' " ' '.:, ~~ ,:'. ' . " , . · :, ,."" ' ",. '.,' '. ," ", .;S~ ,l?~,SSl!iD A.T\fDA,PPRQ"'ITED, ~h.is the . /~: A.D., 195/t:;. " ~,..'" ,.,' , " gay OI';;;it, :~~~," ' \ ~-' - , , '. 'i ," . " ' , -, " '~ .. >,::,,: . ATTEST: , , , , , , , ' , . ' ~",,' 'iE',:'....,'.,"": ,;,: ',.", '~" " "~:",:.,',',::,A;,~~ ;MqyoJ:'.':5~' 'th~.:~J:~y"of::t!~~t' ".' ",. , Urrj, versityPlaGe,';rexas .... ~k~-,=l . ' " , '.-~ty..~ecr ,'.", , " , , .. . , -- . ~ ) Sh- tjt/: RESOLUTION WHEREA?,the Ci,ty of West Uniyers~ty Pla~e, currently hasc8.p~:tal , available in'the ~reet, ~rove.ent Bond - 1945 . . '. ~ . , FUnd which will not be required for ope,rating expenses until the next .' fiscal yea!,; , -~.eP:-!:l1-~"1"~e~:e-~j:~elt3:-ye-a!' ; AND, WHEREAS, it iedeemed to be to th~ best inte!'est,of the City that such funds be placed 'in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the ~ity; AND, WHK.1lEAS, the present hank bfllance, the average monthly ""~ci:>meandeJtpendit1lI."es of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of' thlsinVesf,ll1entwil1pre~lude'a fund deficit: : . . . ~-'., ,. NO\(,. THEREFQRE~ ,BE IT RESOLVED: BY' THE CITY COMMI~'SIGNc~JFTHE CJ?I'Y, OF lhlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE$ TEXAS, that ,the City Tre,asureri.s~erebY ditectedtoi,i1west funds Blnounting to $ 5~",~.@Q , " 3tp~et~QVftlent '~en(! .. 1~k8 ..... ,-,. ". .... '., -,.:",- '"": .' ;. - .,',", -....." .",:-. , , ' , :tromthe Furidj ~or ,a period o:C six . mO:aths.. PASSED AND APPRCJITED this the .!' . ~~-d. day o:f: (76;/~'" , , A.D., 195~ r' =....----~r - ----rr-I I' '1'''-' ,'n," a - .l/S' -') ) / '{ :b: RESOLI1'l'ION' ~'. ..' ~ -. . \":' ~.:-:,-' ";<'~'-/-' 5t ~, '1~ ";,.J- ., - '. . .' . . lr~S, :~hci ,'01 ty of W~$,~;~~*~~~~~~FYPlace, 'curr~ntl:r has c;ap! tal available in the,' , - '"'. . '. .' . , ,.~~i~J!~~ter., .". ". . "." . . ,'. .... . , :' ,c. '; '.F". >F1ind' ' , , - ~ .'-.>- - 1"'- . ~ > 2"0{.' ~~: : . "'. <"'.'~-;'~:'~~"" .;, whi,ch will'not be reqt4f~g.t~;r' '8pe.:ratiilg ~:xpenses~t:Llithe TIe:)Ct , , fiecaLY'ear; , . , , ,". . '~'b~~~il$e"~!i!!1.~~4'~~~~i" " .. c.' ": .. ," ,", . ..... . . AND, WIIEREAp,i~ ~fi'~~~ed:to be to the b~qtinter~stof' the o.i by' that_:$~~h,' j})nd~: b~plfLee~ -i.t1 a time depo;>it irivestmerit', in ' order , , . . .. . . 'to~arnadditj;bnal:x:everiue iri the form o:fin:t;ersqt#or theop~,ration o:f~f1eCi,tlY:; ::-<..,. , , ' AND" _liEAJ3, t.bepj:>eseiit'banl5:' ba1ariee~ th~a:verag'e mdtl'tp"ly , , ' ." . . " '. . , .' , " inc'6zne,' ~d:'~Xpendit~~s o:(thi:S Ftlridas antf~1Patea;furti~matU;r'i:!iyof, this' inv:~s~ent , will,pfe,c:bic;le a f'und ~defi:cit : " , ' , , , , . . . . . N(jW, -THE~EFORE, 'BE IT RESOLVED 13YTHE CITtC~ISSIbN6FTHE " CITY OF 1nJE$tt'UNlVERSIU PLACE, TEXAS, that theC;i:tyTreasurer:i:s hereby directed t6 invest fundq alfl.Ountin~to $~~~OO0~ . Wat~-SeWer ; '_ fromtl1e' . 'r Fund, fora ,Period , of siX months,. ' PASSED A.l\JD APPRcrvED this the 2~ ., Jday of ,-"~?!'j :<- J , P:-...,-+,', ~ A.D., 1955. ATTEST: C:?A ~~ . . . ~..... l-fayor of the CitY of ~Ji3st ' Uni ver'si tyPlace,T ey,:as , I ~ -~'-~ ---- l'- :::1 --,-- -- -- --r - Jr-.-------- .1Jl[ r:-n - ~:~ : ' " \ , "' ) $C ~ 9,6 i ,: i~. .' RESOLUTION -.56- 0/"'6 "': l....' , ." 1rJHffiREAS,theCity of Westl')1Iti.;1te:r.sj.~yPlace, cu,rrently has capital ~-~ . . . available in\the i1:;.:J::i:l~-.$Rer " lf1]nr "Which -will not be required foroperatingexpensesuiitil the next fiscal year; ~"'1ril.-~" ~~t.~~"'; " . ',' " "~c-''':'t'''....~, " ~, , , . , . , . AND, WHEREAS, it is de~ed to be to the ];Jest iriter~st of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in qrder . toearIi additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of tl:1e City; 'AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, theaverage,monthly ~ income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity 'of this"irtvestinent Will preclude a fund . defQcit: NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COOn:SSION OF TIfE . ' CITY OF 111T:EST UNIVERSITY 'PLACE, TEXAS, that the City 'l'!ea,surer' is h.ereby dit'e'cted to invest funds 8li).qunt;Lp,gto $ .'2~"OOG)~.oo: :" '" from the . "" ~. ", :W:,~er.;.Sewe'P ..",- . .",' . . ." . Fun4,for', a, p~riod of ~y, . months. ' J;'ASSED A..'lD APPIWiTED this the ?-1/;-~il8y of ~ A.D., 1955. ATTEST: C:7I > }1ayor of theCi ty;, ,: ,West University Place, Texas , . ' i ! .~ ._--~- I' .,'-, ~ _.n -1L' 1 _uH r~IT T~~,r:~ ) /- - '\ / 5fi:t-fl , ' " , t...-f'~' .' .~: , ,Ji$sO~t[TI(:JN . . ..' -.:J. ~ G'~ ;//,', " ,", '~,---' ;Y:.'" . . - .."" ", .' ~. . ~.' . .- >-~ ., , . WfIER.EA:p~th,e -qity- ofW~st Jj:tlj,:v:E)r~'ity Place,cu;rTeIltly has' capital available in th~ . ,.' . ~ax, ~eU~eter Fund , , " , , , which wil:i. not, be reqUj.redf:or' 9pera.tip.g expensesun~ilthe next fiscal year~ " ' ; l.e:t~ri-~~~.f~~-,.~' , , ' . , , AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to ,be to,thebestint.erest of the City that such funds be placed in a tiI\1e d~po$it inv6stm.eritin ord~r , , to earn additional rev~n~e in the form of int~rest for the operation of the CitY-J ". t ..' ANI), 11JHERElliS, the present'bank"balance; the a:verag;,e m,oi1:thly' . . , . - . -- - . inct>niearlcl~:xpenJlit;t;We~or. thisFtind a,s anticipated- JI1tiima.tll!li~y ~Qf ,.". . tbismvestment: wi:U:p~ecl1ideafunddEi!ic:i.t: . ' : ,. :," , "N~,-, ,THEREF6ItE~ BEIT'RES01VEDBY'THEC:j:TYC~U:S$:tON'OF THE . . . . '. ." . '. -', . .. CTTYOF 1nJE$T~VER~J:TY<P:LACE;TEXAS, thattheCiiiy; TreCistirer':i,shereby . . , . , , , , directed" ,to. ipvesttUrids 3Jl1,6unting, to ' $ .k$:_.O@o~~~, ,', '" ,. ,."frqm, the: . , ~. 3, r .' 'PA<lr f!a '1 T~~~r , , , , ' , ... . - ,-,". 1. _'h . .' , "Ful1d.. 'fQI'ia p$ri()d" of . .': , ," , , ,su ",' ' .~ lnonthl3~ inf0ur separateinvestmei!lts of.$l~J@El)O.eOe~ell. PASSED AND APPROVED this the !!k2-_# d9-Y of' .~, ,~ . '. . .. , .. . .... . "., .." A.D. ~ 1955. ATTEST: )I' , , "~" " ' c:., ,'" , ,i ' ' ,',AI ~''''''9 ]'1ayo;6f~the i Cit'y of'We;t : ' Univer$ityPlace~ Texas r' lr 1 IH - 1"1'''1" T;,,",r s?; ~ Sf - 'lIT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A $297.00 INCRE.ASE AS' AN ADDENDA TO THE-CONTRACT WITH THE WILSON EIJ!lCTRICAL MUIPMIilN1' COMPANY, IIOUSTON, TEXAS, FOR FURNISHING AND FABRICATING A SWITCHBOARD CONSISTING OF A 300 H.P. STARTER AND MErERING EQUIPME:N.r FOR TEE WATER DEF1\RTMISNT; SAID ORIGINAL CONrRACT TOl'ALING $8,900.00. WHEREAS, bids were received May 21, 1956, in accordance with Notice duly pUblished to bidders for furnishing additions to switchboard equipment includ- ing a 300 H.P. starter, and metering equipment and subsequently a contract awarded to the Wilson Electrical Equipment Company by the City Commission on June 18, 1956, on the basds of the best and most reasonable bid submitted; and WHEREAS, the Water Superintendent and City Engineer determined it advis- able and so recommended the addition of an electrically operated circuit breaker to be included in the Switchboard equipment as a safety measure; and WHEREAS, the City Commission accepted the recommendation of the Water ,Superintendent and City Engineer and approved an additional expenditure of $297.00 for the electrically operated circuit breaker as a safety measure; NCM THElREF0RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE OITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that The original contract with Wilson Electrical Equipment Company, Houston, Texas, be and the same is hereby ordered increased by the amount of $297.00 making a total of $9,197.00 for furnishing and fabricating a switchboard consisting of a 300 H.P. starter an~ metering equipment and an electrically operated circuit breaker for the Water Department. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 29th day of (}ctober,1956.' ~~~~ Mayor, Oity of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary -..---..--,-----..-,~--'~..- "-'~:--:c..::~:C''''" ---..--r.~.~....c---- 1.L_-:l__ __~'__.i.l.Lr---- -I~:n' ,.d. .. 1-- RESOLUTION -,j- ~-.- Y'~? A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY HANAGER TO m<IPLOY THE BRITAIN EIECTRIC COHP.!\.,NY~ HOUSTON, TEXAS, TO PERFORl'1 CERTAIN PERSONAL SERVICES AND FURNISH HAn:RIAIS TO INSTALL A CURRENT TR4.NSFORMER BOX A.WD n\fO NEv.l S1/JITCHBOAHD PANElS AT THE I'IAIN 'i'lA'lER PUHPING PLANT OF THE '{rATER DEPAR'TIYIENT FOR .AN ESTll1ATED SUM OF $1,600.00 WHEREAS~ the 1tr~ter Superintendent and City Engineer have submitted a written recow~endation for necess~ry electrical improvements to the water plant in connection with the city's heretofore adopted five-year water improvement program~ said recommendation involves two major items~ (1) the fabrication and installation of a waterproof 2000 Junp. bussed current transformer box for outside service to connect onto the Houston Lighting & Power Company's main line and the furnishing 8-Tld installation of conduit and necessary wiring to relocate the electrical power meter~ and (2) installation of t.m new switchboard panels in place of existing p~nels and install current transformers to be furnished by the city on each of seven starter cubicles ~ the necessary wire to be furnished by the contractor and to discop..nect a 200 H.P. Cutler-Hammer reduced voltage starter from the present switchboard and replace the end panels. The estimated labor being approximately $1~100 and estimated cost of materials $500.00; and WHEREAS~ informal bids have been received from Harper Wood Electric Company~ Britain Electric Company and Bill Henry Electric Company; and 'WHEREAS ~ it appears on a turn-key basis the labor and material estimate submitted by the Britain Electric Company would be most advan- tageous to the City; and WHEREAS~ the City Connnission hereby adopts the reconunendation and findings of the Water Superintendent and City Engineer and hereby deter- mines that the informal bid submitted by the Britain EJectric Company, Houston, Texas, for the furnishing of materials~ tools~ and all personal service on a turn-key basis is the most advantageous of the three informal bids submitted; NCJW' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED B: THE CITY COl'1MISSION ~ OF THE CITY OF 1iIEST UNIVE-li.SITY PrACE, TEXAS ~ that . ----..~.,--.~- rr."=:-_-_-,='""'''"=~,:c~=''':o"-,,.'_'"''__c,=_'"'!"~ /9 The City i~anager be and he is hereby authorized to engage the Britain Electric Company to furnish personal service, tools, materials and equipment for the installation of a current transformer box and the reWiring of tlvo panels of the W'ater Department Switchboard controls in accordance 1n th recommendation of the T;Iater Superintendent and City Engineer; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures incurred in these improvements and rehabilitation of the switchboard control panel at the T;later Department be paid from current revenue funds of the water System. PASSED AND ~PPROVED this the 29th day of October, 1956 ~ YJH~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary - --'-~~-~-I~C'-'~~O~'=~c'c=~--'-'~---"-"---r""~~- n_ ~ -~-lFI _ ____.____....l..I..r--- . ..----"~r:_:HT'..~::~:~': RESOLUTION ,..:)-6~. :::,e:; A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY SECRETARY TO TRANSFER $30,000 FROM THE vVATER...SEWER FUND TO THE TAX REVENUE SINKING FUND AS A TEMPORARY MEASURE TO BE USED IN REDEEMING $52,000 IN TAX OBLIGA- TION BOES AUTHORIZED TO BE CALLED NOVEMBER 1, 1956; PROVIDING FOR THE TRAWSFER, AND REPAYMENT TO THE WATER....sEWER FTJ]If) AFTER MATURITY OF CERTIFICATE OF TIME DEPOSIT NO. .183 IN THE AMOUNT CF $37,000 WITH MATURITY DATE OF NOVEMBER 18, 1950. '., WHEREAS? the City Commission on the 17th day of September, 1956, passed Resolution 56-40 exerCising reserved option to redeem $52,000 outst~nding bonds of the City of West UniversityP1acez Texas, and author- izing the giving of Notice of Redemption" said resolut~on having been passed as a mea~s to save approximately $26,950 in interest which would accrue to the maturity date of the bonds; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore authorized the invest- , ment of all available cash not required for immediate payment of PrinCipal and Interest on outstanding bOAds in the University State Bank as evi- denced by Certificate of Time Deposit No. 183, maturing November 18, 1956, and there being insufficient available cash in the Tax ~evenue Sinking Fund until November 18,1956, the date of maturity of said. Certificate of Time Deposit No. 183, makes 'it imperative to transfer funds from another source; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF WEST UN IVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS, that The City Secretary is authorized to transfer $30,000 from the Water Sewer Fund to the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund to be used in redeeming the said outstanding $52,000 in tax obligation bondso The City Secretary is further required and requested to submit a Certificate certifying that the $30,000 has been returned to the Water- Sewer Fund from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund immediately aft~r Certificate of Time Deposit No. 183 matures and the proceeds thereof deposited to the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS the 29th day of October, 1956. ~ 7f 4t.-v~ MAYOR, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST. k ~ ~ /6 .~.,~ ,~.~~ Ci ty Secretary . L - - jl Ir 1 ~ _ .1llL --- li-liIl .~;~~~..,-,- ~r ~I. 1t.. ""'j Q fi9 - ''-' r RESOLUTION 6~-~1 1rJHEREAS, the City of West Uni versi ty, Place, cUrrently has capital available in theTAX' t1(jr.T~CIJl()R Fund, which w.i..il not be required for oPerating expenses until the next fiscal year; , . .i~~~~ AND, WHEREAS, it is deem,ed to be to the pest :i,nte;restoi: the City that-such :funds b~ placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional reve~ue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND,.WHEREA$, the present bankbala~ce", the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as antiCipated until maturity of this investment Will pr~clude a fUnd deficit.: , , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMNISSIOJlT OF THE CITY OF 1rJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest, funds, amounting to$~IP~OOO..oo .' from, the Tue OLLEDT0R Fund, for a period of ~. ,'lX months.. pASSED AIID APPROVED this the ~;;/ . day of d / , A.D., 195i; ~~~ ]'iayor of the City of' ~Jest University Place, Texas ATTEST: I F-- --=- "To . _.~ -==""'. r" 'It''"'", I. .,.. ~r~I"f' T.....".' -S0'':; I?J RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION INTI-IE CITY OF WEST UNTVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 1956, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COMMISSIONERS, OF SAID CITY; DECLARING' THE RESULTS OF SUCH ELECTION AND CERTIFYING SUCH RESULTS . WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, the General Election Laws and Ordinance: No. 112- of the City of West University Place, Texas, a general City election was held in the City of West University Place, Texas,. on November 6, +956, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29 of the Election Code (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg.P. 1097, ch. 492, art. Ill) the managers of the electiDn have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election together with the poll lists and tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Hayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, in Special Session assembled on Nov ember 8, 1956, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with Article 8.3 , Act. 1951, 52nd Leg., p. 1097, ch. 492, art. 116, and as a result of such examination and canvass, said Hayor and City Commissioner find that at such election the fOllowing votes were cast. Name Candidate For No. 18 1834 2 1 1 1 1 1353 1423 4610 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 James W. Hammond A. K. Kam Gail Reaves Joe Smith Max Farrar M. B. Boysen Herman Tschumy Harry A. Turner Dr. Ray J. Kelly Leland Hancock Mayor 1 1 1 1 _.. --~--'-~~----'-~~--'F-"'=~~'="'-=='''-~-==-~--- ___r - -'----r-- Name Candidate For ~Qte~ GR~t;Jn p~p.~;n~T.~' No. 183 No. 133 No. 87 Total Cecil Gal brai th Paul G. Reeve E. R. Davis Wesley R. Brown Jim Roberts Ralph Lee Chilton Bryan DuPree Holman vIes Kuenenan Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner II II Il Il II 1805 1807 1805 1800 1 1 1 1 1 1332 1337 1324 1316 1398 1383 1394 1382 4535 4527 4523 41+98 1 1 J- 1 1 and, V~EA8, as a result of such election, it appears that Jame W. Hammond with a total number of L.610 votes cast for him was elected Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas; and Cecil Galbraith wi th a total number of L.S"3S votes cast for him, and E. R. Davis with a total number of 4523 votes cast for him, and Wesley Jr. Brown with a total number of 4498 votes cast for him, and Paul G.Reeve with a total number of 4527 votes cast for him, have been elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, That, 1. The official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby declared, pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be that: James W. Hammond waS elected Mayor E. R. Davis was elected Commissioner Cecil Galbraith was elected Commissioner Wesley a. Brown was elected Commissioner Paul G. Reeve was elected Commissioner of the City of West University Place, at the said election. 2. An executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each James W. Hammond, E. R. Davis, Cecil Galbraith, Wesley R.. Brown and Paul G. Reeve as his Certificate of Election, and dupli- cate copies hereof shall be 'delivered to t~e City Secretary of the -'---'-~--~-'_m_-T' c~__" r" .,,=CC--',",-"_,..,---' - - -l!"-.-l . _ _._,_,nr-- ----'--,---' I:"TITF:::::'" City of West University Place, Texas, and the County Judge of Harris County, Texas, and the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROI.1ED this the 8th day of November, 1956, with all Commissioners voting Aye. ~~ ~~ ~hj2l!3u ~~tQ .~ COMMISSIONERS ~;f~~ MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY - -- -----=r;'I1'-r".;r.,.~r-.'" - 1--"--- ._,. , ., -..... v . I ~ RESOLUTION Sb ~.5:3 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the 1iITater-BeJ-Ve:r Fund 'Which will not be required for operatin~ expenses unti:l-the next fiscalihear; !!{" , " ~~;g~~~$J"~~ ' . " . , " ", . . . . " . AND, 1'llHEREAS, ii1 is deemed to be to the best interest of the , , City that such funds be placed in a, time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form qf interest for the operation of the City; ANP,. WHEREAS, the p,resent bankbalan(}e,the avera:gemo~th1y income and eX'pendi tures ofthtaFund- as anti~i:pated i:!ntil mat~i -by of this. :investment \Will precJ.:~de a fUhCl deficit: . , , " NOW, THEREF0RE, BE IT .RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMNISSIONOF THE , , CITY OF1;m:STUNIVERSITYPi:J\.OE,TEXAS, that the, Ci~y Treasurer is hereby directed to invest fuilds amounting to $ lQ';OOQ~OO. " ,from 'the ' -' . Wa ter-Sew.er. . Fund,' for a period of Sjx months. I, PASSED AND APPROVED' this the I ~ day of A.D., 195~ ATTEST: ") J / ~.:v ~.,f~ 1-1ayor' of the . City of West , University Place, Texas ,,"' \ i . r~';~ \ . . .~. l , RESO:tiUTION -'.- ~- - .- ,5(, - sf, f .' , " WIIRmEAs, tIie City ofWesttT~vetSity Place, currently has capital - , , , avaj..l~hle iilthe '"., ',.,'- . . ".' . . '_ ~;,~9T~~;li~CTQR Fund" " . . - ..". . .' :' .~-.~~;......~'.':-':'~' ," ,", '. ,".' .' :' which 'Will .not be re~ruired fQli operatinfe:Xpen$~s11D;tilthe Ilext fiscal' year; , ,', i~ter ip.. thf3 presehtfiSc?lYear;". , AND, .~rJHEREAS, 'it is 'deemed to b~to the' best inter-est or the . '. - cityth~t SUch fimdsbeplaced in a time deposit inVe$tiile'Ilt In Qrdsr, , ' to earn additional :reVenue in the forinof interastfor the'operation of.. the 'City;, , , ~1ID, WHEREAs" the present ba.iucbalance.,the, p;yeragew(m.t~y ineoIlieand'expend;Lt~~~ of this~dasaritic:ip?:ted iliitil1n~tufityOf . .' '.. . . this investment rw.i.ll 'preClude' aftmd:deficit: , , 'NOW,T~HEREFORE, ~BEIT RESO!;\tmItrTBE CITY'CQ-1N;E$SI9N6F':TnE . . .. CITY OF1rJJ?S'r UNIVERSl:TYPLACE, TEXA.S, th4t -the C1. tyTrea;~~:r:er ishere'by . , , dire'cted to inve:st ,ftinds. eJllPunting to, $<~~t~~'~: " tro;mth$ T.nct~~em;, ." > ' "' ".~, 'Fund, :fo:r' ape:dod' of SIX: 'months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the /:2 ~ ' day of 'N":v~e~ A.D., ~~~~~ J.956 :; ATTEST: '6,)/ ~ ' . ',~ , 'I ", " ,,/ ", ,,'. . '- . '. . '. '. .' . , -May~ro'rthe'e:ity>d{We~t University Place;:~exas d r""~ ~ .~ -rr. 1. ~. l' 1''1' "~~) ",C .. " "', < \ ) RESOLUTION '. -,',' ; -, ' , s,-_s..:r liffiEREAS, the City of WestJJnivf;irs;ity:Pl~c?, c\lr,reIltly has capital available in the S~MY.,SJMm,CAPI'DAL ,IM.FR~, ' F1md ". ' .. ". . .'p . - " , - . , , which will not be reqUired":forop~r~ting ~Xpenses uhttlthe next fiscal year; \ l~ter in the present ,fiscal year; , , , , , AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed ina time deposit investment in:ol'der , , to ea:rnadditional revenue in the~form of interest for the operation of the City; . , - . . AND, , WfIEREAS , the present ,ba,nkbalancEl, the' avsr-a:gemonthly . '>c.' .' .' . " 'income ,and exPenditures ,oft'~is,~~'asanti<;:iPated"imti:!.' m~tu:i::i;tYof ", , " . ."... .. .'. . ", this invest:rnent, Will preclu~e'a: .fund ' d~f~~.;;i:t: ' . . , . . ",' . , . . 'NOW, THEREFORE, ,BE 1;1' RESOLVED BY THE CITYCOOIISSION'()F THE " , , .,' , , CITY OF 1nJESTUNIVERSITY PLACE,TEtA.S,thattheCity Treaslirer:i,shereby . . . ". . . < .~ - . . . .., , . . " , .} " directed to invest funds ~(i)untingto $ ~.~~4.,1)2 " from the . '., of Saliitary Sewer: Gap;ttal Improvement .> ' 'months. -.. :Fund, for a period PASSED AND APPRCJITED this the A.D., ~. 1956 19th day of November , ATTEST: --- // r' - =...--.-----r~ ~-"lf" 1 iii r I' ']"F ,.n.." \ - i ) , ' EESOIilJ[!ION '_~ ~ ~.' .'_'" d>_ _. 56 - Sb ", . ,,\ , , lrJHEREAS, the City of West UmversitYPlace., cwreIltiyhas capital: available in the , , , , ' , "".~,.,.~~ BoNiJS+948 Frind , ' , , Which will not be reqUired"for :ope:ratingewens~$ ~t~lthe'niSxt , , , , . , . . , , AND, WHEREAs; it: is <ae~edto b(3 to 'the best int'erestof the , , , ' . late:r" in thepre~Emt f'i'sQal',' ye~r; , , fiscal Year; . .' . '. .' .. . . . . -.. . . . . ..' .." .. , , , City that, such f1lIld~be p.laced in at;iIlle depdsit:l:rrVestiri.$ftt'il(l'lo~tler .." .' ".' to earn,_adCiitional rev;~riuefrithe form ofinte:restforthE!b~€lta:tiori of the' City; A:ND~ .WIffi!REA~j th'e p:fesent bapkb:alai1c'e,the~: av;er~ge:m~h,~ffity . iheofue~d'eXp~ridittil?es;' oitlii~FWtdas anticipaved;Uritilmat*j,iI;.1:';~f "',' ' '. ,"' ~ - thi.s i.nvestntent ldll pre'elude afhhd defiGit~:.. . . . . NOW; THEREF'ORE,BE TTRES6:pVEl)'BY THE CITY OooiII$SI0N-'Olf:''1iijE: , , , "directedtb inVe~tfui1qS8J1lo1.mbipgto, $:g~;,~~~~,QQ , ,_ fromth$ Street:t1nP1t~~~~:ao.tl!lfJl~48: _ ' ' ' , ,Ftmd, for aper:i;oa. of Six: months~ PASSED ANDAPPROV~E:D this the " '1..9th, A.D., ~ 1956. day ofNQV:~lAb~;t', ,~. ATTEST: --- -- -'-------r~ - ~ '<"1 If 1 II r I' '1"1 '''':'' EJJ12Q1Q1'.IQli ...s,;-S7 WHEREAS, a regular election was held in the City of West University Place on November 6, 1956 and as a result of such election a new Mayor and City COlllIl!ission for the City of West University Place was duly elected; and WHEREAS, the Charter of said City provides that the City Commission shall appoint a City Attorney and Corporation Court Judge upon said Mayor and City Commission being elected. N@1N ,TFlEREFOl,m, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMJ:HSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: 1. That Charles F. Cockrell, Jr., be and he is hereby appointed City Attorney of the City of West University,Placewho shall serve in such capacity until the next regular City election unless sooner discharged by the Commission~ 2. That Karl E. Kraft be and he is hereby appointed Judge of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place and he shall serve in such capacity for a period of two years unless sooner discharged by the COmmission~ 3. That the appointments hereby made shall be effective from and , after the date of the passage and approval of this Resalution. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /,~ DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1956. COMl~ISSIONERS VOTING AYE ~Lt COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO ~ ATTEST:~ ) d" r.u~t ' "'~ Seeret . ~,w#~~ AYOH of the City of West University Place, Texas -'----r-- -56 -$ g- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a City election w"as held on the 6th day of November, 1956 in the City of West University Place, Texas and at such election a new Mayor and City Commission was elected; and WHEREAS, it is provided by the Charter of said City that certain officers and boards be appointed by the newly elected City Commission within a reasonable time after such election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That Whitt F. Johnson be and he is hereby re-appointed City Manager of said City. 2. That all individuals n01, serving as department heads in the City of West university Place and the City Secretary are hereby re- appointed to serve in their respective capacities and all present heads of departments and the City Secretary shall continue to hold office during the pleasure of the City Commission. 3. That the appointments hereby made shall be effective from and after the date of passage and approval of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1956. COMMISSIOm:RS VOTING AYE /P Lt..--' COMMISSIOm:RS VOTING NO ~G cit:y of West University Place Texas ATTEST: ~M~,.-~-1 CI SECRETARY _ _______..:..______._____~~_1"".,,'-'.,.,,-=...,-,-"'''"'''''=O''-==~==c=~-'-----.~~c-=~cc-~.-,-'~--Ir"' 1___ ____~~.._L dJ..IL " I: :w~' 5e:.. _5 '1 RESOLUTION WEEREAS, a City election 'faS held on the 6th day of November', 1956 in the City of vlest University Place, Texas and at such election a new Mayor and City Connnission ivas elected; and WEEREAS, it is 'provided by the Charter of said City that certain o1'fi- cers and boards be aPPOinted by the newly elected City Commission within a reasonable time after such election; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That Dr. Lyman C. Blair, Dr. Ben \ial-pole, Mr. James R. Simms and Mr. George Dickinson be and they are hereby appointed mem1;>ers of the Board of Health of the City of West University Place and they shall serve in such a ca-pacity for a period of two years. 2. That the appointments hereby made shall be effective from and after the date of passage and approval of this Resolution. flASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19l1B:'DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1956. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE: /:1 ?,C- COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO: AJo1t/l. Y of West University Place, Texas A:;Jkd ~~.I~~ ~ CITY SECRET. ' , --~-~------~-------'-----~-~_.-.~=. "'"'I._._-~~C~~-C_C--~Ir'L _ III -Ii 'II:, ..UL, (-'- '\ ,;>.,\' '\ RESO:LJJTION. 66.,.6{J . ", ,-:.~,: r- , , , , , " . , :~S,th,e Ci tyof' We~t,Jiriiv:ersir~",Pi~~,'e;" cUl;'pently has cap:ttal , " '.',. , '"." , a:vailaple in' tl1e ", 'Watars~:li' :li;""" ' ," . . '. <", >"~.~'~ ,"<,:-. Y:..~ .,:~;">'r:?'." "... ':. . which -will not be "require(j' fOr ,?~era tirig ex.pe~s~s:un.til Fund .\ ' the"neit f'iScal'year; laterinth~pr~$ent f'iseai y~ar; '. . ." . , , ' , ' , ' , AND,- WHEREAS,i tis deemed to be to the best il:lterest of' the , , , , . '. , , , , , .. . . . . City that such 'funds be placed in 'a, time deposit"'investmerit in" order' to earn additional revenue in the f'onn of' interestf'or th,e operation, of"the City; I AND, WHEREAS" thepr~setltbankbala:nee, the a-verag.e m()nthly - . - . . ineomeand ~xpenditures of"thiS Fund asanticipat-ed uhtilmatlli?fty'of this investment Willprec1.llde a fund def'icit: NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLoVEDBY THEGITY COOUSSIONOFTHE , .' ".' . ..... >.-..../".//"/. CITY OF1i.JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ,that the City'Treasurerishereby directed to invest f'Unds a~oU1lting to$ 25~OOO , We.t~r Sewer f'rom the Fund, f'or a period of Six' months, PASSED AND APPRa-vED this the 26th day ,of November , A.D., ~.1956. ATTEST: ~~"'."" , , .." , ,. , .' . < .' .".. -. ~ . ..-' -- .. . . ayor of the' 'CitYoffW~f;t,' uili versity' ,Place, ".T~:0is' 1 ,t;< . --- ~-- , . --,-- .~_.~_. '~'''----.--r -~ Ir"I 11"- I-'I"l" "".,., . '.-: (' - ') "), .) .~~~~j:, , .,: RESOLUTION w;ffEREAS, the City of WestUiliversityPlace,. cUrrently has capital availa.ble in the , " ,'TaxRevenueSinkina " ". . .'......., , " .':' ." , . Fund fiscal year; , , ' . '" '. ,latei:' in,th!9 pre~enttj,;sc~l yea.r;' ~ : , ) A:ND~ WHEREAS, i,tisde$ed to be to, the best interest of. the , , , , , .' , . " , Citythat,sb.ch fllpds,'be:i'laced ina "b~medeposii ii1Vestm!9~t. in ord~r ' , , to earn add:i.tidna1reve.nueirithe form of interest for the operation ' of th~ 'Oi tit; , ' 'AND, 1rJH&llEltS, the present bank 'balarice:,tl1e $lver,a.g'emon~hly " inCbm!9ahl:l~ilfPendi tui:'~s 'ofthiSFutid as an"\jiclpateduntil ~,~Ui:i1Ji6f, ' . . .. ',' . this invest~-ent wfl1precl;1iae:~fund defici.t: "NOW~, THER$FOR.$, ",s~,t'f'-RESOL"VElr BY THE CITY COMNIS~IONOF ':TIffi, CITY OF1nJEST' UNIVERSITY PLAq];;-'TEXAS,ihat the GitY'I'reasurer iShepepy" .' directed to invest tUn~s", 8:mpunting to, $. ,7,000 . , " , i from the, Tax 'Rfl'\tAc~mp. ~i nki rig j?Jrr:V1 Ti'nnd,for a p!9riod of Six months. ," PA.SSED AND APPR(}ITED this the, l,Qth ' day of December A.D~, ~ 3.956. , ATTEST: ~ - ' ~v.;~ ' , , , . " . . '. '. . ~, . , , ,~A-::?, , " . ',' ,',' '," , " "Iayorof:the City,bfWest'.r ,'. ,'. :,". University Place, Texas " k~ ' ",' . ~ ' ~",".'~ C~ty Sec. a . ~-~-- - ~ -:-.-0<-="'-._ -.---=----~ (l" i i , j .;-- , RESOLWION IrJHEREAS,the City of West ,U~ver$ity Place, currentl:y has, c~p(i..~a~ ", a1failabl~ in the , , ' '<,,' , ,'" .W'..t~7iS~~er' . Fund " , .' - . ...". . . , , . whichvdl1 not be requiredtoropera.ting expenSes UI1t.:LltJ:ieI:i~xt fiscal year; .! ... . , , ", . . , , . '. . , , ' , later in the present fisca.3. :year; , ' , .' . . q . AND, ltJHEREAS, J..t is cieemied to be to thebestin:terest ~if the , , , , , , , City that such funds beplaceo.' in a time deposit investmept in O!'d,er ". . . . .' , " " , , , to earnadc;litional revenue in the form of interest for the op~ration ',( , of ,the City" .. , , AND, WHEREAS, the present bank ba1arice,theav:eragent0.ntp.1y, ~, . ' " , " " ' ," income <:l,rld~XpeIl~t1ires of this' Fund asanticipat~d AAti:Lmaturity of' ,. " this investinehtw:1.J.l pre91~c;i$"a.fund deficit: "NOW, THEREFQR.E;BE IT RESOLVED BY THECrn: GOMMtS~IONOFTHE ". , , .' " . GITY OF 1nJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEX4S", tha:t the .Ci tyTreasu:J:!eri.s ,:tlereby directed toj,rivest funds amount1ng to $- 5.0,.,(300 frQm ,. the Watei' Sewer .1i'nnd) for <a .period of 6 months. PASSED AND APPR(}ITED this the . A"D", XJd.:t956.. , day of.,' ,DeGember,', ", 10th ATTEST: 1ayor' 'of 'the 'C:j,ty tif: lATest' Umversity Place, '. TEixas ~J;~~.,,-) ~ty See , , . --, - .,-~"" ~ ' IlItf I' '1'"1' '~~" l~. . 1 " , , ' 5~:t;j) ;, .- ,..>: :) "',t: ) .,; ,( (/ I / (' ,/ ( ;;:..,---- -l ,-~, 66-~~ ,k RESOLUTION irJIIEREA~, the City 0;[' WestUpivers;i.ty Place, currently has capi.tal available in the , ' T'~':'~~$~ Fund i 'Which vdllnot be required' tor 'operating eXpenses until the next ., fiscal year; later in the present fiscal year; , , - .. . AND, t*IEREAS, it is deeme.d to be to the best interest of the . City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in -order to earn additional revenue in the form of intere~t for the operation of the City; AND, ~llEAS,the present bank balance, the ave;r-age mortt~y income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of , , this investmentwiUpreclti,(ie a fund-deficit: , , . . '. -. NOW, THEREFORE,$'I,T, RESL>;LvEDBY THE_CITY' COMNISSI.O~i OF THE . .... . .. .' . .. . .. '. - '.' , ' . .. .. . C!TYOF 1rJEST UNIVERSITY PLACEj 'l'EXAs;t~at the QityTreasllreris,_hepeby , , , directed. to invest funds BinoU11;ting to $ ,'150. ~Q , Taxeol],.eetor's , " from the- Fund, fora period' of 6 months. PASSED AND APPROV;ED this the A.D., Q'.U.1956.. lOth day of December , ATTEST: . r - -,----r ~- rr--l I. r I' 'n' n..." .-4l' --'~. 4 c. 6-- ',0 -' ~LUTION VfrlliREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has received a letter dated December 5, 1956 from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation setting forth new rates to be charged for the sale of gas to residents of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, said Houston Natural Gas Corporation has a franchise from said City by virtue of an Ordinance adopted July 6, 1926 and it has been determined by an examination of the rates set forth in the aforesaid letter and from examination of the pertinent Ordinance that such rates are in keeping with the provisions of said franchise and Ordinance. NOW,' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That a copy of the rate schedule submitted by Houston Natural Gas Corporation be attached to and made a part of this Resolution. 2. That no further action is required on the part of the City Commission in connection with such ra~~s and such rates shall be in force and effect from and after the time stipulated and stated by said Houston Natural Gas Corporation. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS~~AY OF DECEMBER, 1956. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE lit 1/ ;JoJ~ COMMISSIO~~S VOTING NO (J~,~/~ t/ "MAYOR ' City of West University Place ~ :1 ,i l:! :! hi ~ ',j