HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.55 RESOLUfION S s- / ~,' the ~ty of West 1i'1ivel'sibyPlace, CUl'!'entl1' has capital avaUa'bl.a in the Sewer Charter ReseI'Ve Fund which will not be required tor operating expenses until ~ bJ>."!,,.-If"'U&' '1<...--' ~ the next fiscalrearJ AND, WHEREAS, 1t18 de~ to be to the best interest of the City that 'such f'unds be placed in a. tixne deposit investment. in order to earn additional revenue in the t01'1l1 of interest for the operation of' the City; AND, ~'JiJrnEAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as ant1c1~teduntUmaturity of this investment w.Ul ~4e, 8. fund detic1t; NOW, 'L'HEREFORE. U& IT RESOLVED ~,.TIm CI1-'I. COMt-lISSION OF THE CITY ".j .' OF WEST UNIVERSITI PLACE, TEXAS, ~t the' City Tre~ is hereby dUected to inveSt hnds amounting to$ '. 1.0,455..15 from the Sewer Charter Reserve Fund" tor a. period of twelve. :montbs. PASsED AND APPROVED '1'b1s 'l'hQ, /~rJC.k ~ of l"e".pt"r;t-' A~D" 19S5c> ~~ t): . tary ~~~ ~ or the diti of '\lest umvers:tty FfaaeJl . Texas r" ,;"",,,......,,......." .,...,.,=~~~,c------- RESOLtr.l'Io..'IJ ..G" .$' - ..t. ~9 the O~ty of. West University Place, C'W."rentl\v has capital avUlable in the Water-Sewer. Fund which will not be req1dred for. operating eJ!PEmlile8 until later in the present fiscal year} ~ AND, WHEREAS" it is deemed to be to the best interest of the Oi.ty that such funds be placed in a - time. deposit imrest.men1i in order to ~ addi-tional revenue in the fo:t"lll of interest for the operation of the Oit.rJ AND, i'JHFREAS. the "present bank balance, the average monthly :i.nCClt!le and expenditures of this Fund as ~c1patedlmtU maturity of this inveEltm.eat w11l ~ II. flmd detic1tJ NOW,. mRE'FOREgBE 1'1'< RESOLVED BY THE CITY CMfISSION OF THE cm OF WEST UNIVERSM PLACE, TEXAS, that the C:i.t.y ~ is hereby ~ to invest funds amounting to $; 3'lOQO.OO from the Water-Sewer Fund.. for a perio4 of siX months.. PASSED AND APPROVED This The /tJd dayo:r~"~"'?J'A..D.. 1955.. . II" ~~.~~ ' . ty ~...~~ Ma10r of the city of.~ .' .~\y Place; Texas - ---------'---~.:-~~.---=-~---- r: ~- =-:----:-----r:::::ll - "'. """'-LL__ _ ...'-L__ ~-"_L'" _elL'" """'-_--'-,.......;.." . ---.-----------i-'-~'""""'1'r'~.,'~--~--- ------~--.- llESOLUfiOlf ...r,F- 3> 1lA" . ~s, the ~V of W~ tldversitoy' Place, ~ has capital a.vailable in the Sa.mi ta.r;v Sew!'. Capital Improvement Fund . Fund 'Ahich will. not be required for. operating expenses until later in the. present fiscal yea!,'. ~ Al,1D, WHEREAS. it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed. in a tb.e deposit investlllent in order to earn additional revenue in the fom of interest ror the operation of the. City; MID, l'IDREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly inc01lle and expenditures of' this _Fund as .antic1pated.unU'l maturity" of' this investaent uU.1 ~ a f'lm.d deficitJ lWW', 'm'EREFOF.E, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE em CQlw~O:SSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSIfi me]];" TEXAS, that the CitY' ~ is herebr d11"ected to invest f'un.d8 amounting. to $ ?125.00 trom the _~:mi t.\lI'! s~ Cani tlj.l Inrorovemenj; rnna Fun~ f'or a period ot _ ~~ months.. PAS.'3ED AND APPROVED 'I'his The 1.d.4-daY' of Ck__'r"')?" JI."D.. 1955.. I ~~ ~.?/~ __. -c:- fit .r1leri M_,.. !'IOoe, Texas '--------"--~_..~ " RESOLUi'ION .$~ ~ I ~s, the ~tY' of West Unive1'sity Place, CUl"1'e1l~ has .capital available General F\m.d in the Fund tih1ch will not be required for operating e:llpetl8eS until later in th$ present fiscal year. fl'l\e-Mxt-AHal-yea!'f AND, WHEREAS" it :1.s deemed to be to the best interest of' the Oi ty that such i'unds be placed b a time deposit investlnentin oX'd91" to earn additional revenue in the f'om of interes1; for tl'te operation of the City; AND, l'lH'FRF-AS, tbe present hank balancE/, 'the average month:!.y income and expenditures of this Fund as .~e1pated1mtil maturity of this investment wUl ~. a 'fund det.tcitJ NOWt. THmEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIrt COMJ.crSS:r:ON OF THE CITY OF WESTUNIVERSm PLACE, TEXAS, that the Cit.;r Treasurer ishereb;r directed to 1nvest funds amounting to 3 $0.625.00 from the Generi.l Fund" for a period of six :months" PASSED'AND APPROVED 'nWJ The /IJ,d day Of'QL~r"''''d''' A"Do 1955.. / A.-4~..~ ..... t . - . !faF i6:;-~~ na.-; Texas '". .. ~-- --,-~- ~ -- - T'JI r--:~-'-' II_ ~__ ___L--.l_,"-~,~:_L1IlJII[ --"~""'~~'ll:-r:c=----- ---- ~ )/~) iy RESOLUTION ~- 55~S WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Garoage Disposal Reserve Fund Fund which will not nen. be required. for operating expenses until later in the ~ fiscal year; AND, WHBREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in. order to earn additional revenue for the ope:vation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average Iiionthly. income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months are asf.o-llows: NON.... OPERATING FUND Bank balance as of . 195 _ - $ IncoLle . Expens.e , 195_ , 195 , 195_ ,.195_ Certificate of Eeyosit #53 - ~turing 12/~8/54 $1475.00 Interest on #53 36.88 Bank Balance 1200.00 , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ $2,711.88 , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195 Totals for past year Monthly aver~ge Average (Expense over Income) (Inco~e Over Expense) Bqnk Balance less Investment of $ Est.i.r.1ated balo as of Naturity Date . $ $ Plus' previous inv. matltl;,ities Estimated balance at time of this maturity $ NOV1, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl4MISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer_ is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ 2'lll.B8 from the GarbaP'Al!l1 RnnR~1 'R\:>lOtA.,...,.A Fund, for a period of six months PASSED AND APPROVED This the/~ft , A.D. 19~----. ;~9~ I Tex ';'f' r. ," , ii 1,1 11111!1 111111.'" -~ /-"" _~OLU'l'ION' 05 ~ - t:,. ~s~ the C;i.ty of west Universit.y- Pla.ce~ curn.'1tly has capit.al avail!lhle in the hneraJ. Fund which will not be required for opera.ting expenses until later in the present fiscal yes:r the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS.1t is deemadto be to the beat intereatof: the Ci'ty that such funds be plf1ced in a tilne deposit imres"i'ill1ent in olftder to earn additional revenue in the f'ol"ul of interest :for the operation of the Cit;r~ AND, \"JHFREAS. the present bank balance, the average :month1.v inc~ snd expenditures of this Fund q anticipated 1mtil maturity of this invellltMent w.U1 ~. a. fund deficitt !roW, ~REiI BE IT RESO~VED BY THE CITY c(]'~'IISS!O'N OF THE em OF t-mST mUVERSm PLACE, TEXAS# that the CitY' 'l'-rea.SUI'er ishereh,y directed boom the J!\md. fal! a period of six months.. PASSED AND AmOVED This'l'he g~ d day of' vf~.,,,,y: A"D.. 19550 I ~~~ ~ &~t:~ )/~ J.~ of. the c31y ottofest Univeralty :f'18e9; Texas -...-----r"""--- .~, RESOLUTION 00$ - 7 ~S9 the ~ty of west University Place, ctl1':reI1tlf has capi"tal avai1a'b1.$ in the Health Fund which will not be required for operating ~enses unti4. later in the ~nt ttsca.l year the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest. of: the City that . such funds be placed in a time deposit S.mrestment in ordel' to earn additional revenue in the tOl"lll. of interest tor the operation of' the Cit;n AND, t-lHFREAS, the -present bank baJ.ance, the average monthly im::ane and expenditures of' this Fund as~ic1pttted ut11. maturity of this . investment w1l1 .~ .. fund detiaitJ NO'i. mrnEFORE.II BE I'rRESOLVED BY THE em COMHISSION OF THE em OF WEST UNIVERSI'l'I. PLACE, WAS, that the CitY' Treasurer is herebr directed to :t.mmst funds amounting. to $. 2,!t.00.€l0 from the . " r lIea.1tk "'l~.,~' tor a. period of six months.. PASSED AND APPROVED 'l'bis '!he ~# day ot( ~P;~ A..D.. 1955.. -~~ ~//~ ""'"" of 'ffio ll!tT of"'" _l;y"PIiOo, Tens UJI. -' .- -. ... II' LLn .... _...i"n.. _i.L,__!.L1:.JIl3IL.:.lLllllll&. --~~~~:jiT""'----- RESOLm"IpN 5' s:.1 A RESOLmION C9MMENDING MR. KARL E. KRAFT FOB THE EFF1ClBBT ~ Dr WHICltlIE DIsCQaG. DE J)1J'fiES. OF 'CIn .u'fORPY lll:DRDiG ~"".- O(reUPIDSmH~$E UJ> J!~XP!tESSnt~ THE .PRE- CIATIeN OF fRE cm C~ISSI()N .'WEST ~SIfi P1.lCE FOB: HsreH SEB"1ICE. .~, Mr. Karl E. Kratt has served for a period of years as the City Attorney of West University Place, duly and ably performing all of the duties of such office; and WH'F.'Rw.~C:, Mr. Karl E. Kraft has found. it necessary to resign such office -to 'devote his full time to the private practice of law, slleh resignation being effective on December 15', 1954; and }' - . ~mA,.';l, it is the desire of the Ci~y CoJDmission of West University Place to express to Mr. Karl E. Kraft their appreciation for his efficient d.ischa,rge of the duties of SliJ.ch office af City Attorney and to c~end him for his efforts' in '\;)eha1f of the City of West lflliversity Place; New ,THEREFORE, . m IT RESOLVED BY TEE CIn: COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF wEsT UNmmsI!Y PLACE, 'fEUSt 1. That the ROD. Edwin. W. 'Morris, Mayor of the City of West Un.iyersity Place, is hereby authorized to express te Mr. Karl E. Kraft the appreciation of _ t~ City CammissiOlll. of' West University Place fer his faithful atteadance to the duties of such offi~e aae. for the efficient discharge fillf such duties and to Officially eammend. Yr. Karl E. Kraft far his loyalty te, and efforts ill behalf of, the City of West University Place. 2. That'the Hon. Edwin W. Marris is hereby autherized to deliver to Mr. Karl E. Kraft a copy of this Resalutia& duly signed by the Mayor of the City af West University Place al'ld attested to by the City Secretary. PASSED AND APPROVE>> this th#.#td~ef Juuary,J.95'5'. I'!(JlJD1ISSIOIDS YO:t'DTG AD ~ / L . ATi'ES. !:~../~. '.. .. ( ..~0.__.~. . . COMMISSIONERS VG~UG me //b//i d.:v 7J~ MAD, wr~_ Cmo;'.~T '. VN~In P:t.4CE, TEXAS ----. . I II , . II I . I - ~ "11 I 111.11' ~"f""T' RESOL'UTION 5""'5 - cy A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF .Ai NEil TENNIS COURT AT WEIR,,~ARK; AUTijORIZING TEE PURCm.S~ ()F l$C~S!RY MATERIAL AND,1\IllQVID]]JG FOR ~AYMENT FOR EE'CESSARY MA.TER~ALS '. AND LABOR WlIEREA,S, it has been. determined from a rep()rt by the City Eng.ineertliat one of the present tennis courts at Weir Park has deteriorated to such an extent that such tennis court is no longer usable for the purpose for which it was constr~cted; and WHEREAS, it has been estimated that the aforesaid eon- cretetenrds court can be replaced at a cost of $1250.00 and funds were appropriated fer such purpose in the 1955 Park Depart- ment Budget of the City; and WHEREAS, it is thought advisable that cost records be maintained to assist the City Commission in determining if an additional tennis court sb.a11 be constructed at some future date: NOW, THEREFORE, . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 1'$ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 1. That the City Secretary be and is hereby authorized to replace the present concrete tennis court with a new concrete tennis court. 2. That the materials necessary for the construction of Said tennis court may be purchased on purchase orders from various suppliers and the work involved shall be done with city labor and equipment. 3. That the cost of the aforesaiGl construction and labor shall be paid from the funds of the City and charged against the Park Department BUdget for 1955, and that cost records be maintained to be furnished to the City Commission on request. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7;t:L day of ~~~;h955. ATTEST: COMISSIONERS V-oTING AYE ~I COMMISSIONERS VOTINl3- NO 'Z1~ ~.)/~ MAYeR, CIfi OF'vms. UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS . CIry SEe:BETARY C;]~- .. ~ WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Commission of West University Place, Texas, that it is necessary that certain sums be paid from the City Hall Bond Fund, the exact amount re- quired being now unknown to, the City Commission; and ! , I ; I i I I ! i I ! I j I I I I I I ! I WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Water-8ewer Fund I and. the General Fund of the City of West University Place have a I' sufficient amount now on hand which can be transferred to the Oi ty Hall Bond. Fund; and . . I WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Commission that I such temporary tr~nsfer of funds will enable the City to with-' 'I hold the sale of the ;Oi ty Hall Bonds until it is known. what the exact amounts of money will be required: ! , i I I I I I I I ! RESOLUTION ..5S- /0 . A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF F,IFTEEN THOUSAND ($15,000) OOLLAF.8 FROM TEE WATER-8EWER FUND AND ($15,000) :90LL4RS'FROM THE GENERAL FIDID TO THE CITY HALL BOND. F!JlIID; AlID. PROVIDING- FOR REPAYMENT OF. SUCH FUNDS TIPONCERTIFICATE BY THE TREASURER AS TO THE EXACT AMoUNT OF MOiiJEY. NEEDED '1'0 EEPAYSUCH FUNDS AND. AUTHORIZING THE SAIE OF THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF. CITY HALL BONDS TO PAY THE AMOUN'l' SO CERTIFIED. NOW, mEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OFTBE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the City Secretary be, and is hereby authorized, to tran.sfer from the City Water-Sewer Fund the amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND ($15,000) DOLLARS ,to the City !raIl Bond. Fund and to transfer the sum of $15,000 from the General Fund to the City Hall Bond Fund" such fuhds being transferred on a temporary loan basis. . . 2. The City Treasurer shall determine the exact amount of money necessar;y tc complete payment for the construction of the I City Hall at the earliest possible time that the necessary figure~ are aVail~b1e te him and shall certify such exact amount to the 11 Ci ty Commission and the City Secretary. j 3. That upon receipt of the aforesaid certificate by the I City Secretary from t, he City Treas~er! the City Secretary shall I Cause to. be sold a sufficient. number or.. the unSl')ld~:Ci ty Hall Bond~ authorized by the election of December 12, 195'3 to retire the loan from the Water-8ewer Fund and General Fund. PASSED AND ~PPROVED THIS~DAY OF ~- -/' 1955. COMl-IISSIONERS VO'l'DID .lIE d/L/ I I i C0MMISSIONERS VOTING NO ~ ~ 7/ $~ I MAnm OF' THE CITY (F WEST T;l'NlVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS A, ._.'4;~. J IT ~ . ~..~6-K../ CT ~ECRE'fA.R APPROVED AS TO FORM: i- f?~ . , ..... z;: ,. ,'/ . ._..' ~. ATTORNEY .- --~ -rJl r- i1 LL _ -' _ j I ~ _hUll llllJJR -. , ~~lJiT'--'-- . ___RESOLUTION 55-11 ~s, the ~ty of West University Place" cur:rently has capit.al available in the G-ar'bage D;i.s.pGsal - U~ Fund which will not be :required i"or operating expanses until later in the present fiscal yee:r the-~~ year; AND" WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of t.he City that suell funds be place4 in ati1ne deposit investment in order- to earn Mditional revenue in thei"ol"lil of ,interest tor the operation of the City; AND" 1'Mfi:REA.SlI the' present bank balance, the average month1-,. ine01l!$ and expenditures at this Ft,md asan~pa'ted untU maturity of this inVestment td.1l ~a fund defic1tJ troW.. THEREFORE;, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CQ!lMISSION OJ.' THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'l'!' PUCE, TEXAS,tha.t the City Tre~ is hereby d1rected to invest 1'unds amounting to $ $67.99 Garbage - llisJJosal ~. 1~k8 froDl the Funds for a period of 'kelve monthso PASSED AND APPROVED fbis The ~___day of "" IvJarch II A.DII> 1955.. ) .~~~ ~..?/ 4t~ ma.ror of' the City of West Ui1~ Place, Texas T""-:I r-." ~L __ __ _ L~_"-LiCL1L .LIlr.M:' - _0 .-- ---.------.----,-",'~<cf"''T1~''''<>-~------------.----_____ ..,!ESOLUi'ION 55-12 ~s, the C1.ty of West University Plaee,currently' has capital a.vailable in the .8anita.ry Sewer Capit.al Improvement Fl.1nd lI'lmd. which Will not be req\dred for opera.ting ,expenses until hlter .in the present.flscal year1;he twSAeeel 3eM'; AND, wm.."'REAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a tilne deposit invesboont in order to sam additional revenue in the form of i,nterest fo!' the operation of the CitjrJ AND, loJIDREASlJI the present . bank balance, the average month1.y income and expenditures of this Fund u&nti,c1patedutU ma.turity of' tbis investment; w1ll ~ a fund detie1tJ lID'.rl.. 'l'ID!REFORE~.BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY ~O:SSION OF THE em OF WEST UNlVERSITI PLACE" TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed - to invest funds amounting to $ 29,S80.OO Sewer. Capital :tmprovemeat hom the Sa:ni tary __ Fund, for a period of six JIlQilths Q PASSED AND APPROVED This The 7th day of Marsh If A.D... l.9SS.. ~~.,J ~ JEk~ loIayor of the c!t7 ol'West umveHi~ meet Texas r--.-- - --r:l1 ,L ~R!50LtnION . 55-13 ~SJ the ~ty cd: West ll'nivel'sity P1a~e, current;4r has capital avaUable in the lfatu- Sewer Fund which will not be required for operating ~enses un1;U later in the present fiscal year th~ ft'"''V i'iSl!Iea. yeal"t- AND, WFlEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of' the City that S"J.ch funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additionalr~in the form of interest tor the cpera:tion of the City; AND, MImMS, the present bank balance, thG average monthly incane and e~tures of' this Fund as . ant4cipated . until maturity of . this investment. =.u ~ $A -fmold deficit; WOW, 'J.'.!JF.REFORE.(J BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIrt COMMISSION OF THE em OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:I; tha't 'the City Treasurer is hereby directed to 1nvest funds lA1l1OU11'ting to i lD.OO0.€lO from the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of s1x monthso PASSED AND APPROVED This 'l'he 7th day of March 11 A"D.. 1955.. . /7 / 4~~ ~/k~ ~ of' the C1t.y of Wes1;.lQV'erSity Place, .'1'exas RESOLUTION' 55-14 l~SB the ~ty of West University Place, current.1;r has capital available in the 1fealtll .F1mi[. Fund which will not be required tor opera'ting expensesurrtiil later' in the preserrn fiscal yea:r Itftb ..e..ct. fiee&l ye-, AND, WEREAS. it is. deemed to be to the boot interest of the City that such f'w'.ds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional re'VeUl1e in the torm of interest for the opera.tion of the Ci:t.1J AND, l'JHFREAS, the 'present bank balance. the average monthli inco1lle and expenditures of this Fund asant.icS.pated until maturity. of this 1nvestmeat wUl ~. .. f'm1d deficit} NOW, mREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C<J.lMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSm PLACE,ITEXAS~ that the City TreastU."e%' is hereby d11'eeted to invest f'ur.ds amounting to $~~.OO lIealiJil from the Fund, for a period ot six months.. PASSED AND APPROVED This 'l'b.e 7th ~da.y or March , A..D~ 19$.. . . .~)f~~ .. _n ~. "~.' ...... l1~;~eCity of1'f;s.. vm:tty naee, ~. . ~ ~!'rIt:~~t/ Cty ------,.--.~~----~ ____--LiJI _-"-.c - . --ILL1L-____.:.l:...-___LL.:_IL:t..lEI1mL3llllllU;- r~-',.,-o"~t""~U1:~r------ - RESOLtlfiON 55-15 ~, the C1.ty of West Uhiversity Place, ~ has capital availtbla in the Tax Revenue SinldJ;!g. ~ ~'\md which will not be required for opEn'ating e:xpenses until later in the presexrt. fiscal year tIh~ ..fteHI; oN -~, VA_<t ~ AND, WHEREAS" it is deemed to be totbe beat interest of the City . that such funds be . placed in a ti1n~ deposit investment in order to earn additiOnal.r~inthe form of intereSt tor the operation of the City; AND,t t'JHllRF.AS, thepreaent bank ba:J,anQe, the a.verage l'IlOntbly ineane and expenditures of this Fund Gti ant1e:1pa~ tmtU maturity of. this investment tdJ,.l ~e a. f'lwi deficit} . NOW, 'l'H1!REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIrt COl4}1ISSIQN OF THE em OF WEST UNIVERSITI PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasure1"1s hereby Q1reeted to invest funds amounting. to $. 31,000-.. from the ~ax.. Revnue - ~ ~ Sh.lrh~f FmuJ.. .~" !:or a period. of 1!I.'t~ monthso PASSED AND APPROVED Tb1s The 7th day of - t1arch ,. AeD" 19$$.. ~ )/~~ ~~/'"'''' ;;: om- olllliiii 1loI._... ~ ~- "1 I fi hi ii, '; r,I:1i11,'-IILI(j.1IT 1~1imi:i""" -- RESOLUTION 55-16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A1ilD DIRECTING THE lfAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO .EtJTER INTO A1ilD EXECUTE A CON'l'RACT Olq BEHALF OF SAID CITY iUTE RUSS 1'lJ.'re'BLL, INC. ,FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS AND FIRE HYDRAm'S IN SECT:;rON ONE, TWO..AND THREE OF TEE PROJECTED WATER "Ilo.1PROVEMENT PROGR.Al4 FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, it has been previDusly determined by the City Commission of the City ot' West University Plac€,Texas, tM:t it is necessary and fOI'. the best interest of said City that a contract be entered into for the installation of water _mains and fire hydrants in Section 1, 2 and 3 of said City's projected water improvewent prograru; and vnmREAS, pursuant to such determination legal notice of the City Commission I.S intention to accept bids on such work was given b;i' publi- cation in the official newspaper of the City of West Uni,ersity Place, Texas, on January 28, 1955; and WHEREAS, purs~nt to the aforesaid nptice, bids were duly received, opened and noted by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, on February 14, L~55, such bids being as follows: Name of Bidder jlm01mt; of' "Ai (j Russ MitcheLl-, Inc. J. H. Britt Cook Bros. L. C. Sauer L. H. Mathis Texala Construction Ce. $ 29,393.50 31,148.50 31,286.28 34,821. 25 38,555.70 42,072.75 WHEREAS, the bid of Russ Vutchel1, Inc., in the amount of $29,393.50 is the lowest bid of those submitted; and WHEREAS, the City Secretary and City Engineer of the City of.West Uni versityPlace,. Texas, l:>..a.ve recommended that the contract for the aforesaid. work be awarded to Russ Mitchell~ Inc.. on its low bid.of $29,393.50, such bid and the recommendation of the City Secretary. and City Engineer being deemed to be in all thingaacceptable by the City Commission of the City of West Univers2ty Place; and WEEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Tey..a,s, is of the opinion ,that it would be to the best interest of the said City to accept the bid of Russ Mitc4ell, Inc., and to award the contract for the performance of the aforesaid work to such company; and WHEREAS, the City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas, has certified to the City Commission that there is now on hand the sum of $30,000.00 in the Water-Sewer Fund of s~id City, which is available for payment of. such work. NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. T~~t the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas, be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter into and execute a ,vri tten contract for and on behalf of the City of viest Uni versi ty Place, Texas, with Russ Mitchell, Inc., prociding for the installation of water mains and Fire Hydrants in Section 1, 2 and 3 of said City's projected water improvement program in accordance with the plans and specifications previously approved and recommended by the City Engineer. 2. That the low bid, of Russ Mitchell, IDe., for the aforesa.id work be accepted and that all other bids in connection with such work be in all things rejected. 3. That there is hereby appropriated from the Water-Sewer Fund of the City oi' West Universi;ty Place, Texas, the sum of $30,000.00 to be used for payment of the amount to be due to said Russ 1,1i tehell, Iuc.." upon completion of the worlt hereby authorized. PASSED AND APPROVED thi~ay : 1955. cm'1L>ITS AYE~Z L COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO d~ ~//k~ ~iA.YOR OF 'rEE CITY OF W'ESn,' UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS !r7f~;Y;;;t:dL "I"~ Y AdOmJE . ;, ------~----~- T:Il r. ir 1..i.L__ ; L_._ -,-_lil.:.;ilLnll.ill!R - -~.~'~='1~:ln"~-------- RESOLUTION 55-17 ~s, the C~ty of West University Place, currently has cepital a1mUabla in the General Fund which will not be requi.red 'f'~r 'operating expenses until later in the present fiscal yean -t.h&-B&f;.~~ AND, 'WHEREAS, it is deemadto be to the 'best in~3t ot the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in .order '!io earn. additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the Oit,r; AND, t'JRFREAS~ the present bank baJ.anee, the ave,rage mont.hlyineome and eX},lenditures of this Fun.dMant~oipated.\'l1'lti1 maturity of t.hia ir1ve8tment u:W. ~ a fund deficit; WOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY TIm: Cr1"! OOoiJ}.'lISSION OF THE em OF WES'l' UNIVERSI'l'I PLACE" TEXAS"f,hat the Cit.y ~ is hereby d1reeted , to :I.n.vest funds amounting to $ 25,@09..00 from the , ,General Fundg f'or a period of' six monthso PASSED AWD .APPROVED '!'his The 28th clay' or March J> A..D.. 19,5.. .~?/~ J.UIafW. or tu-dl", Of watUMv""'V Plaee, Tqaa . CUy Secretary r- -, .~ r- .1 I ',"!i' '-11I'.'1 ---'-"T"-~~"f'=l:mrf''''.-'- _RESOLUTION 55-18 ~SSl the C;i.ty or West University Placel'OU1'rently has ca.pit.al available in the Sanitary Sewer Ca'Pi tal lIJ11)rovel!!SPt Fund ~ch will not be l'eq'Uired for operating e:xpensas unti1 16~ii:a -tmrpl'",sent fi1reai-year the next fiscal year; . AND, 'W'HEREAS" it is deemed to be to the best interest of the 01 ty' that such funds 'be placed in a time deposit investment in ai'der to earn additional revenue in the torm of interest tor the operation of the City~ AND, ~'JH11R~ the present bank ba1a.nae~ the average mont.hly inc01llG and expenditures of this Fund asan~ie1patedunt.il maturity or this ~ l1Ul ~de a fund deficit) NOW, ~REs BE IT RESOLVED BY T.tlE CITY COMMISSION OF THE em OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby d1rected to :lnvest funds amounting to $ 9,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Calli tal Il.l11'tl0vement ._ Fund" tor a period of' .... 12 1IlOnths.. "" Ma.re~ ...".t A.Il.. 195"S.. PASSED AND APPROVED This The 28th day or L,t~ ~ oJ: the C1t.y of West tJDivers1t.y Place, Texas Cj.ty Secretary c~ . _!ESOLU'fION _ ...,s-..r - I , ~s, t.be ~ty of West University Pla.ce~ C"Ul"l"ently has capital available in the Charter AmeDOm6!.p ~serve ti@,terl_ Fund which will not be requ:u-ed for operating expensesun~i1 ~i.1'!" t.AG.~$...Dt-f'i""'''' ~ the next fiscal year; ANDt WERFJ..S" it is deemed to be to the best interest of' t.h$ City tha.t such funds be placed in a time deposit invesbllent in order to earn additional revenue in the torm of interest for. the operation of the Cit.n A!m~ t'JHFREAS. thepreaent bank ba1anc~ the average monthly inCOl71e and expenditures of this fund MlU1tia1patad..atil maturity.of this inves~ w.Ul ~ I.\l, f'tmd defie1t; NO'ti, mmEF'OREgBE IT RESOLVED BY THE crrt COMl'lISSION OF 'l'HE CITY OF WEST mp:vERSITI PLACE: TEXAS, that tbe City Treasurer is hereby dil"eeted to :lmtest fUnds amounting to $ l~. ~7~.t~- froIn the Oha.rter,~~Oment Reserve (Water;) ~.Fun~ for iii. period of 12 months.. PASSED AND APPROVED '!'bis. The .t/-;t;L...- day O:f'~ A..D" J.9SSo ~7/~ .~ of tbeC1ty of We$t 1JJd.VenityPla08" 'l'eDs - C:Lty S~ r 1"11 , i1)), i 'I ::- r.1-:!~11 i (,1.11.111 - .-T~~~~--- RESOLUfiON S- S-.!:2 a W1iEREAS, the O;i.ty of West University Pla(le~ currently' has capital avai,labJe in the Sanitary Sewer CapitaJ. . JiJq)rGvement ! Fund which will not be required for operating eJlpGnses until later in. the 'present. fiscal yeQ'a h-ne::ct' flts",dl :J~ AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed tQ be to the best interest of the C:i.'t3' that . such f'unds be placed. in a time deposit investment. in order to earn additional revenue in the foftil of' interest tor the operation of the City; AND, \'JlIrnFAS, thepreseni> bank balance, the average monthly income and expendii>ures of this Fund a6l&nt1c1pQ.tedurrliU -.turlty of tld.s investmeat will' ~1.We a fund' deficitJ Nor.... '!:'BEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY 'flIE cm CCilMISS!mf OF TEE cm OF WEST UNIVERSIT! PLACE" TEXAS; that the City Treasurer is hereby dfJ.'oected to invest i'nnlis emoun1;ing to $ 2,874.15 from the Sanitary Sewer CapitaJ. ImprQvement ..... ~ Fund" for a period of six 3l1011thS. ~ PASSED AND APPROVED 'l'hi$ T1ie , r:/ ~ day of' a~" A..D.. 19$.. , / ~ ~.~~ . l}!ayor 0 e C:Lty oflles' ,tq nacs, Texas $, ---'~----_.-~-~. - -.-. 11 r- II I'i ;1 ;1 "1ii:m tilill,ac--- -- -~'-~-=r-=TIir"-T------- RESOLUTION' sS--..:</ ~s, the O;tty of West Uniyersit;y Place, currently has capital. available in the Water-Sewer Fund. which will not be :required for operating expanses until later in the present fiscal yea:t .-tfte..___iiMti-~ AND, WHEREAS" it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placoo in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the rom of interest for the operation of the Ci!'GYi AND, l-JHmEAS, the -present bank balance? the a.verage lI'lOnthly income and expenditures of this Fund asanttc1patedmltU :maiiurit.y of "his 1nves1:l1aeat ll1Ul ~ .. fund deficit.; NOW, 'lHlmFORE, BE IT RESOLVEU BY TdE CIY! COl!<J!.'lISSION OF 'l'RE em OF WEST UNIVERSM PLAOE, TEXAS, that the Oiti' Treasurer is hereby directed t.o ~funCls 8lI1Ount1ng to $ ;l-O..000.0Q from the . W~+:b..._q~'t!'- Fund.a . for a period of six IllOIlths 0 PASSED .AND APPROWD 'l'bis The ~ day of.... _, ----,,' AeD" 195>.. ~)/,~ .. .. . ~ Ha.for of the City of west ~ ~; 'l'eDs . City Seereiia.ry [1'11 r- II ILl :1:1:i;:':i11I:U~~- : Ii III ~ Iii I RESOLU'fIQN .s -5'"' - :2. .:::z.., ~s~ the ~ty of' West University' Place, currently baa capital. av.Jj1fthla in the Garbage Disposal Reserve Fund which will not be required for operating expense.s until later in the present fiscal year. th:e-.~ J:lace.l ~ AND, WH.EREAS" it is deemed to be to the beat interest of' the Ci:~ that such f'unds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for. the operation of the City; AND, ~-MF'REAS, tbepresent. bank bala,lce, the a.verage 1l'lOnthly income and expendit.ures ot this Fund &smticipated ~U maturity of' this i!l'V'estment uUl ~ .. frmd deficit.} lIOW, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY 'rHE CITY OOMNISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST tJNIVERSI'l'I PJ,ACE" TEXM),. that the City Treasurer is hereby> directed to invest :funds amounting to e 1,100.00 from the - Garbage DisposaJ.Reserva Fund, for a period of s1.x monthso PASSED AND APPROVED 'Ms 'fhe // ~ _day of &f/!.r, . ~ A"D... 19S5<! 4~~ ~~k~ Mqor of tb.e C1ty' of West 'Urdvers1ty PIaC8; Texas ~--_..~~----_._--~ LlJI ~,- "[l.~ __ L'__~.L,~jLLLUUllL .-----.-- - ~- ~-. =........=1~TI:'...., , ---- RESOLUTION 55- .%.3 . ~S,l the C;i.ty of West l1niversity Place. currentl1 has capi'tal a".....i1.abla in. the PiP. .-.~ Fund Which mll not be required for operating e:xpen$es ;mtil ~'*';t.-~ ~~",i:~ai~~ the.next fiscal year; AND,'WFiEREAS"it is deemed. to be to the best interestof'the City that welt funds be placed iri a t.i.medeposit 1nveatmentin order'to earn. additional ~ in the farm of in""ueresttor the operation of tniii' City; AND, t.JHffiE{\S, theJ)resent bank balance, the average month~income and expenditures of this Fund afiil._:t,ci~~lmtU maturity of this ~. wll1 ~e .. fund deficit; NOW, TH1!'REFORE:, BE IT RESOLVED :BY:'rIWQ;t'l'I CQMfJJ;SSION OF THE CITY .' OF WEST UNIVERSITI PLACEt TEXAS, that the City ~surer. ishereb,y direeted to $.nveSt funds &I1ounting to $- _"~ J!i.~ ~lC from. - the . FundjJ for a period of ~'\[. monthso PASSF~ AND APPROVED Tl$ The ;t.;r ~ da:r of ~ft, '--< ,.A.D~ 195$. "~..>>'~ . . ......"'......... ~..'. .< . '.. ...... J. '.''''''''':,:e '\l1v' otVat _T ~ ~ < ~.~...- - -~T --- - 1'1 r - Ir I'll II n:, IiI:ilIl: 11111111 -C-Tr'=~"liir' - - f/ ,j . RESgLtmON .s 'S";" ~ Y ~S!1 the ~ty of West universit.y PlaeEl$ currently has capital available $tme:rat in the Fund which will not be required for operating e."q;Jooses until later in the present fis~al"year ."fife next ~ ~rJ1'll , X~I AND~ WHEREAS" it is deemed to be to the best interest of t..~e 01 ty that such f'unds be pla.ced in e" time deposit :tmElstliKmt in order to earn additions1 revenue in the form of in'"..erest for the operation of the Cit.n AND~ vJH1\llEA,;;,thepresent bank balancelP the average monthly inceme and expenditures of this Fund Q$ anti.cipa'bed mtU matu..~ty of th1a investment ,vlll ~e a fund deficit, Plj THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY WE nIrt COMMISSION OF THE CITY ,9F WJ!:ST tJNIVERS'ITY PUCE~ TEXAS, that. the City Treasurer is hereby d:1reetea . to invest funds BmOlDli;i.ng to $_ 2a._.- ~~Al " from the Fund, for a period of &~ months.. . PASSED AND APPROVED 'l'hiB The ,,;?.c,q!di1y of ~~~ ~ A..Do 19S5f> ,~ ;J~ q~, .~~, ' '. MIlpr ;;~e citT 01' lfe8t lJftlversi-6y PJ.ace~ ;. ,~,,~~J ,---- .' RESOLUTI01L ss-.;t,S ~s, the ~t~ of West l1niversi.ty Place, CU1'1"ently has capit.a1 a.vailable in the._ "as bvenwt Ii>>". Fund Wich will not be required for operating rolpenses lmtil later in the present f'1scaJ. year" ilmJliV ~ ~~''i{''~ . AND, WHEREAS, i1; is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such f'unds be placed in a ti."lle deposiii inves'tment in order to earl! additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City! AND, ~oJImtEAS, the-present bank balance, the average monthly income . and expenditures of' this Fund as entic1pated unti111l&turit.y of this investtaent w!ll ~4e' a. fund deficit; lIiOW, TID!REFOP.E, BE IT RESOLVED BY Th"E. ern ~n:SS10N OF THE em O,F WEST UNIVERSI'l'!' PLACE, TEXAS, that t.he City 'lreasurer is hereby d;iree'ood to invest. i"unds amounfiing to. $__ U..~OO from the ~_ bveml8 11~1~ for a period of 8~ monthso _ Fur~ PASSED AND APPROVED '!'his The e:!.s~ ,daY' of If!7Pr, (.,. J AeD.. 19$5" ~~~.....J .. ~ ?I~~ ~r of ~e . '. of West U versli:<y Pl4oo, Texas r- L.ll ~ - il LL.... ~ .....1 ........L__L.I....:JL ..ll1lYll:: -----p----,----,-~i "iuU:1j~' ,""-----'. RESOLUTION s :r - J..."'~ ~S,l the C;i.ty of West Universi.ty Place, Cl11"rent~ haa capital. available in the irax Collector Fund which will not be required for operating e'lIpenses. until. later in the present ~scal year. tme r..m ~~ AND~ vmEREAS, it. is deemed tel be to the best intere3'll of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit invesbneni> in order to earn. a.dditional1"ElVenUE! in the rom of interest tor the opera.tion of the Ci~3 AND, vJHmEAS, tbepresent bank ba1ancajJ 'lAne average monthly ineaoo and expenditures of' this l,i'und asant:tc1pa~luntil. matl.U:'3.ty of this investment w.U1 ~ a funddef'ic1t~ NOW, TH'EREFOIlE,. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIY.f ClJ.Ml.lISSION OF THE em OF WEST UNIVERSm PLACE, TEXAS., that the City T't'easurer is hereby d1reeted to invest funds amo'tmting to $ .3,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fund" for &. period or s:Lx: -"'- month5o PASSED MID APPROVED 'i'bis 'file 9~ ,daY' or ~, A.D.. 195$... ~ //k~ l~ ol'the Ci~ of' \-1es~ lJnJ.;m:.:sfty P'ls.Ce, 'reDS City Secretar,r 'f/ li ,,; CJI r I.l_~_ _ L ;' _~li2.;!L;.~LUL.all: ~~""""'F"O~~.' -- ...!!SOLU~OiT S S - :z., 7 WIlEREAS, the C~ty of: l>lest University PlaceJ ourrer.rtly has capital a.vailable in the Si>reet Imprevement - :l$h.8 and expenditures of' this Fund as.GJ!1tici:pa'tedtll'ltll :ma.turity' or this ~veetment wll1 ~ ,It :fund deficit; NOW, 'l'HEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT"I COl-lMISSION OF THE em: OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: TEX/l.ss that the City Treasurer is hereby d1ree'ted to invest funds amouni>ing to $ 24,000.00 from the street Improvem.ent - :1$48 Funda for a period of tweJ:f'e mont1'18;, ~.-' PASSED AND APPROVED 'fbis The ....~ J:1L _day or ~ A"D.. 1955.. ~//k~ ~. o? the City of li'eSt lfiig.versiiiy l'Iaee,T Texas cu.y ~ co( 'y' S j.- ~~F (;-11 .- - -rr I ,,- !r-"'II :-.,Ilf.r - -~~cr;- RESOLUTION Q" .s- - Z r ~s, the O;l.ty of West University Place, currently has capital ava.i18bla in the Wa:ber-8ewer Fund which Tdll not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year. tlhe"1'1exb fiseal:~J AND" vrnEREAS, it is deemed to be to 'the beat interest of' the CUy that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the C1pes.-a.tion of theOit:n AND" t'MFREAS, the 'present bank balance, the averege :monthly inCOl.'IlI! and expenditures of this Fund Mantic1p~tad unti1._turity of -hhis inTastment. ldl1 ~ a. fund deficit; NOW, 'I'HEREFORE" BElT RESOLVED BY THE em Co}~USSIO~j OF THE; om OF WEST UNIVERSI'l'I PLACE" TEJrAS, that the City 'I'reasurer is hereby d:1reeted to inwst flmclsamounting to $ lO"OOo.eo !'rom the Water-Sewer ~ Fund.; for a period of six months.. PASSED AND APPROVED 'l'bis The 1.~ day of '>\t~ < . ~ 1; A..Do 19;;;;.. ~ 7/#;~ . Mayor of the City of'lrfest untversit;y ~oo-; 'reDS City ~eeretary ~ ... - ..s - s-:::;z 9 _11ESOLUTION _ ~. \1fIEREAS,l the C~ty of West University Plaoe" currantlr has cspi-tal a'lmilabls . in the ~~ Fund. which will not. be required for ope:t't.l.ting e.."rpense!3 until ~!i'l~ _~ ;lo~ ~AA'll?'t ~1IW1.~ :the next fiscal. year; AND" WHEREA.S" it .is deemed to be to the best interest of the C:i:1;y that such funds be placed. in a time deposit. investment in orUer to earn addition81're:venue in the form of interest for the operation of' the City; MID" ~'JHFRE.IiS. the present bank balance, the average l'llcmthly incCYile and expenditures of this Fund as sntic1patedmtll llmttU'it;y' of' tiP.s investmentwUl ~ a fund deficit; NOW, ~RE". BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CrTY cmcrssImi OF THE en! Of WEST ~ITY PLACE, . TEXASjJ that the Ci~y Treasl.!..'"ElX' is hereby ciU"e(;ted .,".'. to .in.. mat fun,- ... cis ~ting to $, 5 'IftA J~'''''I' . :from the for a period of , . ....,. 'l'ImIdt ~ months.. . Fund ..._ II PASSED AND APPROVED This 'l'hel";(~':""...daY of4~. .~ A"D.. 1955.. , ~ ;v.'~ . . ~_. _ . ~,or ~~e my of Wes'~ ' ermty""na<;;;' ,/I: S n!-, r~_ " T:' L 11 1- ll.u:.&d: ~~ RESOLUTION ?:s--;;;;""'" . . ~s, the ~ty of west Univer~t.v Pla.ee~ aurr,mtly has capital available in the ~-,~ ,..~ Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until.. later in the present fiscal year. ~ AND$ 'WHEREAS. 11; is deemed to be to theb~t interest of the City' tlmt. Web fUnds be placed in a time deposit inves~t in order to earn additional revenue in the formot" interest f'W' the operation of the City; AND# \'lHffiFJI:S. the -present bank OOiancs_ the average monthly inCOln.e and expenditures of this Fund 8fHont.ictpated until. -.turity of this 1nvnt.1JlGnt. w1l1 ~ a i\m.d deficitj . NOW, '.lmREFORE$' BE IT RESOLVED' BY THE Crrr. CmUSSION OF THE CITY OF WES'l' UNIVERSI1'I PLl\.OE~ TEXAS. that the Oity Treasurer is hereby l1:1rected to invest fonds amounting to $.-::.,8.~OO. S<Id-S:_ Pool for a p~od of _ d.3t months.. .from the ~ PASSED AND'APPROVED TMs The2~'r d .... day of ~~ >> A..D.. 1955.. .. ~~~. . ~_ _~.. oflli.--c-_ P1&oe, A . ~._~.j -, III r -0- I I ill 1111111 .- l'-' 'j"i 'Tiiin RES 0 L Ti1 T I 0 B ..s.5~ 3/ '- VlHllliEAS, the City CemmissiGn of the City of West University Place, has been informed lily tBe City National Bank of Houston, Texas, a fiscal agent for the City of West University Place, that said Bank has been notifi.ed that five CGupGnsdue OctoBer 10, 1954., for $22.50 each Qetached. from City of West University Place, Texa.~Ref'1mding &nds, Series lO:"',dat~d April 10, 1936, due April 10, 1966, Nes. 589 te 593, inclusive, have been lost, mislaid, stolen or destroyed. so thattBe same cannot be found or produced.; ud WHEREAs, said Bank has further informed the City Commission of the City of West "ifniversity Place, Texas, that there is now on laud. the sum. of 1225.00 to pay coupons tha.t were due OctQber UI, 1954.; ud ~S, the Grea.t Americu Insurance Company, No.1 Liberty Street, New York, New York, is BOW the true and lawful ~er of' tlae ~ores~.i.d. COUpGBS lily virtue of a suorogatisn agreement and assignment from the original owner of such coupons; and WHERllOAS, said Great American Insurance Company has furnished an orig- ina1ilGnd. of indemnity to the City of West University Place and the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, in the _ount of $22;.Oa, saving said City aDd said Bank: harmless from pa;ym.ent eB the aforesaid interest coupons; and WHEREAS, said Great American Insurance Company has furnished the neces- sary preet or less, affidavit of loss ana assignment coveriRg the aforesaid coupons. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES0LVED BY THE eI'n COMMISSImOF THE CITY OF WEST tmlVERSI'l'Y PLACE, 'IEXAS: 1. That the City National Bank of ioustol'l, Texas, fiscal agent tor the City of West Uni:v:~rsity Place, Texas, is herelily authorized and directed te pay to the Great A.me-rli.ean InsuranceC0mpany, No.1 Liberty-Street, New York, New York, $.ll2.5@ out of the funds now beingkeld by said Bank for this purpose, said P&1JIlent being due on five interest COUpGlBS due Octog~r 10, 1's'4, for $22.50 eacll detached from City of West University Place, Texas, ~ding Btnds, Series Nos. 1'3', dated April 10, 1'36, due April Ie, 196&, numbEirelil 589 to 593, inelu- siva. , - r -, ~~ ~ PAS5ED AIm APPROVED THIS !'~AY OF JtlU, 1955. OOMMISSIttiE1!S TOTING AlE 4LL CeMMISSIOBERS VOTING NO #,Af6" ~x~ MUQIl. OF '1m: CI'l'Y OF w.ES'l' UNIVER$I'l'Y PLACE, 'l'EXAS ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY (! ,7 (i!M1Ml ~/ CITY ATTORNEY - -- ---~-----------r' --'3 -' I..L..~_ u-'_._.__LL.....:.L_Llll:l!lL..ll.tllJlU: T-==T~~j':":'i~u.;.-:-:~-----------~------- - RESOLUTION ..5$'- 3 :z, ~, the c,.ty of' West University Place, ~ has capi'taJ. a.vailable in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for operating eJlPenBes until la:oor in the present. fisca.1 yee;r.. .~~ AseQ1 ~ AND, WHEREAS. i-~ is deemed to be to the beat interest of the City that such f'unds be placed in 'a timedeposi't imTestmentin order to eam additional revenue in the torm of interest tor the operation of the Citn _ AND, toJH'ffiEAS, the '.present bank balance, the average :monthly income and e:.lq)enditures of this Fundasant1,c1pated until. maturity of this 1n'1estment will ~ a f'imd defi~tJ NOW, THEREFORE:,. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ern CDmfISSION OF TflE em OF tiEST UNIVERsm PLACE~ 1'EXAS,tb.a.t 'the Ci'tY' Treasurer is hereby- d1re~t.ed to in~ funds ~ting to $ J.0,000.00 from. the Water-Sewer.. . ~_ Fund, . for a period of six months. PA$SED AND. APPROVED '!'his The ~7A1' daY' ot.~ ..4,dC, A.D.. 19$~' ~. ........,..._~jf~ti~ . ~.~,..,--I . , . . ty e . . . _. Fr~ 3-"'/ ----cJI . - IT: L-__ _ _ _L __ 1 --.l__~.ci-'.clL_t.ut...al[ m__,'___'__._.__ ----r-=~~-~'";TI"""TIr;~"- RESOLUTION .:i$'-33 ~, ~e ~ty of West Univel"sity P:1.aoe, current~ ~as capi~ a.,,-aUable :in the GeneraJ. Fun!! which will not be reqniredtor operating eJlPemles until l.at.ep-a -t&e-pl"eeen-fi:seel-ye8!' the nexb fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of' 'the City, that such funds be plaCtYl in a time deposi.t :1nvestment in order toeam additional. revenue in the form of interest for the operation of.' the City; MID, l'lHFRE.II.S,. the. present bank. balance". the average month1y ineOll!& and expendi1iures 01: this l"undarJanticipated until maturity ot this invelJ~ w:W. ~.a f'nnd defic1ti NOW,T'HFREFORE"i3E IT RESOLVED BY THE om I>>i'USSION OF THE c:m: OF WEST UNIVERSI'l'! PUCE" ~"EXAS,) that the City 'J."rGasurer is hereby directed. to invest funds t.\!OOuntingto $........ 10,090.00 from the General Fund,,- for a period of _three, ......- months. PASSED AND """""'" """ 1hO If&..... d ~A'D.1l>S5' ~..'..-....~.... ~ ... ~.. &.,~~. ;/ ~~ . .~ of the City of West Uiivm1iy Place, Texas i-:nl .--- "_no__of! ." '1,,:111 1,111'.11: . .~~=~W~- " ~ ~---. RESOLirfiOf'l_ S' $' - oS t' ~s, the C;i.ty of West .University Place, currerrtlr has capital avail$b1e in' the Water-Se'1'er Fund which will not be. Nquired for operating ~enaes until :ie.te%"'-ift the- p!'eBeM ft.eea}.-,.ew- the ne:(h fiscal year; AW, irJHEREAS" :'1..t is deerr.ed to be to the best intei"eat of. the City that 'such f'1mds be placed in a time deposit investment in order '00 earn. additional revenue in the fol"lll of' interest for the operation of the City; AND, \'lHrnEll.$. the:present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of' this F'm1d a$antie1:pated U11tU nmturity of this inves~ w:J.ll ~ a f'tmd detieit.J NOW, '!'H'i!REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT! CCUcrSSION OF THE em" OF WEST UNIVERSIT! PLAOE" TEXAS,'that the City '.l:'re8&arer is hereby directed to in'mst f'nnds amountitt.g to $ 20,000.00 i'rom the far a period of. six W~ter"';?ewer months. Fund. PI.8SED AND APPROVED' This 'l'he 11 ~ day of cr-. (, . ,II A"D.. 19$.. . .,~~ ~ ~~...... ~-"-o"Y the ~tY of' West veraity' Place;'~ Texas . ~ . <; ~<:()~!JTIO~!, ....s-.. 3 S- ~SJl- tlle ~ty of West University Place, eurrent4rhas cepi'taJ.. available in the Sanitary Sewer Ca;ei,t!}'_!mProv~~~nt D 1!'u.ud .lihich will not be required for operating ro;panses until ~ ~ the neA-t fiscal year; Ab.1D, 'WHEREAS, it isdOOl-ned. to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be place-din a time deposit investment in order 1;0 earri additional revenue in the fom of interest for the operation of the City; AND; '\'JHFREAS, the -;present bank balance, the average monthly :i.neOllt0' and expenditures of this Fund as ant.:t.c!:pateduntil me.tu..'l"ity of this inveatmGGt w1U ~a :f'und deficiti NOW,. Tm!REFORE;. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT"f C~lISS!ON OF THE em OF WEST UNIVERSITI PLACE:! TEXAS. ~tthe Cit;r 'l'reasurer is. hereby ~ad to1mrest funds Qlllwn;tingto$I",An.oo from the Sa.iP-tarv S~M1'A-r- C~rri ~A1 -!~'r'l\'VFm~n+ . Fund,,- for a period of twelve months. PASSED AND APPROVED Tb:is The {I d. da;r of ~7 !I' A.D.. 19$5~ ~~..~:J &~X~~ Hayor of the city o!'t<J~$t Url!versity Place,- Texas r L;JI ll. L-.__ _ ,_ ~~,.sLLLur.&I:. '-~r-"~~"nTir":"Tr:mjr:~--- l ..,r..s....3'- RESOLU'l'Ip!~ ~s, the C;i.ty of ''lest Ur.ive1"sity P1aee~ au:rren:tlr has capi.ta1 a~lG in the .Water-Sewer Fund which wlll llot be required tor operating expsnses until. ~. ~. the ne::.'t fiscal year; ANDlI lrlHERE..~, it is deemed to be to the best interest of. the City' that such funds be placed in e.. time deposit im1eS"..;men.t in o:l.~der to earn additional r~in the tom of interest foY' the operation of the Ci'ty; AND, \'JRmEASlI tnffPl"eSent. bank 'bala..'lce" the average roonth1;y incOlnt and expendi:lm:ras of' this Fund I!iB m1tic1pateduntil. mlitturity of thi$ investment vll1 ~a fund defici~l PI, 'mf!REFORE~, BElT RESOLVED FfI THE CITY OO-D-USSlmr OF '1'HE CITY OF WEST lJNIVERSM PLACEt' TEXASll tha.t the City ~er ishereb:r directed to imresti'tlnds amouniiing to $ 20.000..00 from the . Water-Sewer .. ~ ... Flmdg for a period of _ ..!.ix lllOntha.. PASSED .AND APPROVED This ~e i".5' daY' of I~ A.D..195,.. . . h ____ . ... 'reDS _. . .. -_d .. . toy . . . " -'"'11 . n I' I :1 .,. I~':m' li!II:I. . ----T-==---..mr1iiilin~ 5~~- :3 '~/f ~LUTION ;"-. .: ~.~ . '. ,,< "s~-,.:~ . ~. ,::\. . , ~S, the C~ty of l.vest University Pl.a.ee, cu:i-rantly has capi'tal ava:Uabla in the ~ reol Fund 'which wlllnot' be required tor operating e:llpmses until ~ fft, t'ftt\1~~!!'I8lt~"fteed.t:,~ the 1l"'..xt fiscal ~J AND, "WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best in.'terezt of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposi't investment in order to earn additional revenue in the fo:t'lll of :i.1Thel'est for the operation of the City; AND, illlIFRFAS. the-present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of tbisFundu ant,icipated tmtU matTtt"it;r of' this im'estm$nt will ~ *, f'lmd defic1.tJ NOW. ~j BE IT RESOLVED 'ff!{ THE C:rTt Ca-lNISSION OF THE CITY OF t'lE5'1' UNIVERSI'l'I PLACE:> TJ5YAS, ~t the City T-..:>e~ is herebjr directed to invest funds all10unting to tr.'..... _...... from the .....1tg ~ - ",- ~ Fundb for a pen<td ot .. , . __ -mon:ths. PASSED AND APPROVED This '!'he ~~ .~ day ot ~ ' A..D.. 1955.. . 4~ ~~~-VPlBoe;.. Texas ' , 55-37 ~ .;;:,'i>!.".::-' RES01UTIOl\1' ____ 'I:"'R'"...... V-,",,:":'" ~...AS, the C;i.ty of' \'ia8t Unive<:>sity Pl:J,ea~ C'i.U-4'ent17 has c~it$1 avrlleble in the Iui.", SeIftI' CepJ.W 1'tqp~, Fund wn:i.ch will not be :required fot' ope:r13.ting e:l;pl:mses un'~il ~ t\,. ('et1~~~'t;J ~ ~ t.."te nex:h fiscal yeal;."; A~TDf> 't-!tl~..EAS" i.t is deemed to be to the best inte'.i:'est of theOity . tM:ii S'..lch f'unds be placed in a tii!!e deposit invesi>ment. in O'i"del' to Sarli additional :revenue in the fo%'m of :L.'Iberest for tho ope:t'at:l.cl!i of o1;ha Oit;.n MiD; t~$:I the':,present 'bank ba1a'llcalt 'l;he a1,reuge monthly ineC$'l!3 and e::q>endit1l.1"'es of this Ftmd~s e.n:bici..pa.ted \mtU 11I1aturl:ty of t..'/.rl.a. in'WIstTdent lr.-'Lll ~ ~ fund defic:!;t; NOW, ~EF-op.E5 BE IT RESOJ}JBD BY 'E'1E. CI'l't . GOrJ1.m:SS:rON Ol"i' '!'BE. erry OF liES~ mUVERSm PLAOE" TEJl'AS, that the Cit.y 'Tre.1sw:>el' is hers07 ~e'1;ed from the --~ 1~~ ~ ....~~~ lrim~' mOl1ths. ....... PASSED A1\fDAPPROVED This 'f11e~t:~daY or~./~, A~D..1955D' ,:~.. ) ~ .ty ~_. . .~.)/~ ~ (If the 01'f.y of' Wai6 maversity MaCe; T~ . r"'" - i.JI r- III 1.... L ----L_J.....:lL lllLAC 5 .>-33' ~C:OLUTION~ ~S$tbe O;t~y of tfeat i1n:1.versity Ple.ca, ctI1'ren:t~ has capital. aVt&ilabJ.a in the Water-Sewer ... ._111'"0:1II____ 1!'undWdch wlll not be requil"ad tor operating ElllPEmses un'l>il ~~9. -~ fJ!'sest .f~~ the nexbfiseal year; AN'l), WHEREAS" l.t is deemed to be to the best inte'rem. of the Cli:;}" th&:h such :funds be placed in a time deposit investment in Ol"der to . earn additional revenue in the tom of interest fei' the operation of' the ClityJ mm, \MrnEAS,the :present bank balance,. till!! average rr.onthly income and expenditures (If' this' Fund 'as Antic1pated uti:!. 1llIOturi ty of' th:l.s invest1aent 1dll ~ a.:fund detici.i>J NOl., 'flfl1REFO'RF.., 'BE 1'1' RESOLVED BY 'mE CITY ~IISS:WN OF 'ffiE C:rri OF WEST UNIVERSM PLACf5:> 1'EXAS, that the City TreaSU1>er ifl hereby ~ted to ~st funds &1llOUnt:i.ng to i 20.00p.OO Water-Sewer from t,'le FUnd. _... 'IJ ror lit period of six mon:ths.o PASSED AND '.APPROVED Tbi.s The ;:!~{!..,..OaY ot4:;,,$,,e:- ~ A..D..1955~'.,:. (~ y ~~ ~~ 0'1 the CitY of l'yeit-uftiveraiV Pii'OO; Texas ' . /-1-,37 --~~- - r lJJJ. -'- fr. ~________ __.L--1L:i:..1L.illL:_Ld.IL_ ~~]~:mrr!:;----------------- S5~...3 9, ~ -.ii..dA- RESOLtFtIOH -"'-- ....~ ~1lEAS9 t}1e City of West UniV8ll."ait-" PIaea, cU1'Tently h3$ ~ite.1 a;wwable ..in the ~.,,~_.W .--- _~JIW"_~~~""'~~ , Fund which will not be :requil"ed for operating expenses unt:!.1 lfttii_ ..jril.....,.il_Il.!\~liI"f~~. ,..,. the next flaW. yea..~ AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the ~8t intElX"es'l, of the Gi:t;:r that such funds be placed in 1\ time deposit investment i1"l .order to earn additional revenue in the tom of interest for the. ol-leratioI'l of the Citn AND, l'lHVREAS" the present b&:nk ba1anoo~ the average monthly iru::ome and expenditures of" this Fund u ant:i.c1pated wtU :llll\';turity of t~.J!I 1nwstment 1ilU1 ~h4e al. f'Imd de.fiGi.t.~ NOW, TffffiEFOREII ~E IT RESOl.VED BY THE CITY COl'lN!SSION OF 'l'BE CITY OF WEST mIT.VERSM PLACr~11 TEXAS, ~t the City ~u..~ is he~.r ~~tM to it'iwst fUndsl\lm01mti11g to.$ _~. from the. 1. -=-NS IIP.~ .<!.llil1lBllI!il..lll'W.... ~~- ~.l!1~~!',- ,. __~_.1iUn~ for> a period 'Or . _,~ 1!Ont.~G 1 ~ \' PASSED AND APPROVE~ 'l'"nis '!'he -&t!!! ,jJff,Y ot ~/'~~ /\,.11" 195$" d:i ;J/~ - ~ ~ ~';~' CUy ol"'l1iio! ~ &. ' _.n.._ ...ty - --....--- I ~ ffl , II 1111111 r ~~''T'= ~i1i~; , RESOLUTION ~-.$- yI~ ~1il the Citi<J of Wea1# Unive~sity Pl.aee~ currently has oapital availablii> ']!ax Revenue SiDidng Fund in the ...........o!I ;;''lI __ i'tmd which will not be required for operating e::lpooaes until l:ata'r-in ~~~~ the nm fiscal year; AND, vlHEREP.3a it is deemed to be to the beat interest of the Oity that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment. in o!'der to earn additional rEHletMe in the fom of interest tor the operation of theCit;r; ANDj t-JItvRE.4BB the present bank balance, the avenge monthly incmoo and expenditures of' this Fund as anticipated 1!il.til maturity or this ~tment. w1ll~..e a f'lmd deficitj WCM,t '!'H1':REFORE,'j BE IT RESOLVED BY THE em COi'JF.frSSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST mniJ'ERSTI'Y PLACE~ TEXAS, that the Cit.y Treasu..."'6r is hereb;y' directed to invest i'unds amol.1n'l8illg tQ tLj\lj 000 .0?~ . Tax Revenue S~king from the __, ii'wag fer a period of .; six .I.. . v- months" PASSED AND APPROVED This The t~#- day of .,5';;:// ..J. A"D" 19550 d~~~ >>k~ / ~ - t;k. ~.... : ~ ~ dl.ty .r 'IlBSli 'llnbwsi'" ~ 1i '" . -~~~-T~ - -III . '~rr )':j 1,1:"111.' Iltlli.1" -- r-,""=''''-"'lr-riii:-''''l~:ml:r~----- ~LU'1'IO}r, .s- s - tJ I ~~IEREASi' the City of 'vest Ul'..iversity Plaee~ currentljl' hatl o8pital available HeaJ.th in the ;.. Fund which will not be :required tor operating expenses until lft~~~ 4;ke-~!1lt-f!8Qa1-ylia1" the next i'isool year; A!.'DlI 'WHEREA.Sa it is deemed tobs to the best interest of 1:...l1s City that such f'ur.ds be placed in a td!f(e deposit 1m;el:rtillent in order to earIi additional ~ in the f01'Il1 of irrteresttor the operation oi'the Cityj AND$t'JIWREAS~ the present ba..'Ilk balance.. tho average monthl;r income and expenditures of' this ~d uant1cipateduntil :.m>turlty of till!! 1nvelit.m~ w5.l1 ~ a. f'lmd. detieit~ liIW,t THl!:REFOREj BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT! corm.lISS:WN OF THE CITY OF WEST' UN:rv'ERSITY PLACE:! TEXASg that me City t-reatm.!'e:l:' is he:\:"eb,y ~~~ to im'ell!t f'unds _ol1nti:ug to $....}!!~.:OO ._ HeaJ.th from the r\m. __~.f9 fora pm,od of "'. 4ll- six lOOnthso \ PASSED AND APPROVED 'i'b.U The _.il ~ ,,,dayof' .;;5 FFj'~ ~.t A~Do 195.5" ~ I .ef.= ~~d ~ . ~ . . ~ ";': " .. ... \ - . '. ~. 't, .~ ~~~.<~. tn ,(:tY ~.~ 'to "t ~. ~"'-.............. ~r of e v1. 0_ wes . :vEl'n'i. 'f rJ..!iu:~eli T~s ) . " . ---------,~ ---,-, r rr-, Ii ~ 1.111' III -~'1iITITIiifiir' ~. RESOLUTION W:-rn:REASs> the City of" West University Place, currentljl' haii!!oapital afti~ in the Street, I~rovement 12.4~N'~' Fund ;,,'hich' w.i.ll not be required ror operating axpense.s until ltt'ber-iB the-present-fi8ed-~ the nm fiscal yaarJ AND, ~, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the Cit;y that such funds be placed in a t:i.1nedeposit 1nvestmer~t in' Ctl"de1> to eaJ;."n additional revenue in the fo1"ll1 of interest for the operation of the Clt;,r; AND, ;,lH'FRE!l.S., tns present bank balance, the average monthly ineoms and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated lmtil m!aturity of this imrestment will ~e a fintd'd$ficitJ Nail', 'l'HEREFOREs BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIfi OOR-Jt.crSSION OF THE CITY OF \-JEST UNIVERSI'I'! PLA.CTI:2 TEXAS.!! tha~ the City ".l':l"easure%' is hereby diree-l;;oo to :t.n~t fUnds amountill€; to $ 4~OOO.OO_,_ Street2=mprovement . - 1948 from. the ~_ ~_ F'.mdg for a perlodof , SU: months" PASSED AND APPROVED 'This The 'I/;E _iJ2.y of ;jtF'/L.~, .\\,,:0.. 195$" ~'f#:~ - C ty , ' ~~k~ ~ 01 the a!tf of Wes~ un!ve1"S'l ty 'PIice';' Teas --'---------r"' - --'---T 'II -----rrl . li."II' liUl..II 1"~j~ii':T~'ITiij-:ii------ ~1U'rION ~..:r.. tI ~ W:'~s~ the Oit.y of Wast University Yi....ace, currently haa eapital aV<llilBhlc in the Tax ColleCtor Fund mrl,eh mll not be req1.1i.redfor operating {>~enses until ~-ift -t.he-~~~ the next fiscal yearJ ANDJI WHEREAS" it is deemed to be to t.he hest ~,nterest of the G;l t:f that sueh funds be placed in ill the depos'.t im'e&1;moot in 61"001" to earn additional reV9ml8 in the rom of' interen for the operation of the City; AND~ NHmF!!.Sjt tnepreaent. bank balance, th", average llltmthly ine(lm@ and expenditures of this Fund ae m'l;1c1patedutil .turl.:ty or this :1nve~t w1ll ~oo a fuad defic1:l#} NOWs :mFREFOREll BE IT RESOLVED BY Th"E CI'ry CCH-lISSIONOF THE CIT'I OF WEST UNIVERSI'l'! PLACE.., '1'EXASll that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to inwst .funds amountitlg to $" ~ the lQ,~O.OO . Tax Collector . _ Funda to!" a pmodof . six months.. PASSlllU AND APPROVED This The ~~.,_ds.y Oft!~ --...' A"D" 19$$,. ~ J:;;~'.t:1~~ TeDS {if ty Seerstuy ........... ---- ~$OLUTION SS - .......3 ~~,Sgl the City of West University Place;> curren:tly has oapital availa.b1e in the Tax. Collector Fund ';;;1\.1ich will no'tt be ~uired for operating expenses until later-in- t.ke-~eeM-iiE!eal-yea!I' the next fiscal. yea:r; AND, lImEREASg it is deemed to be to the beet interest of' the City that such funds be placed in a t11ne deposit :iJm:;)stment in order to earn additional1'e~ in the tom of interest fOi." the operation cf' the Cit:n AND" t-llff7ftFAS... the present bank balAnce$> the average monthly !Deane .and expenditures' of this Fund uant1e1pated.unt1l- Dturity of this I 1nV$S~ w.Ul ~~ & f'lmd defio1'tJ mi, '!'Hi1:RKFOREs BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'fi C<Hn:SSIO'N OF 'mE em OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACBil TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby direC'lled to invest funds amoun:M,llg to ~L 2.01000 i"rom the . Tax Collector ~_ l"unda for a pe:ciod or aU: months 0 PASSED AND APPROVED This '.!.'he /t!J..eL-.-d1!J.yof tP/'~{ -! ~ A..D.. 1955" ..~.~~ ~ or e v :y 0 S . :vem ty P"...ace~ Texas C1.ty secretary -',- -..-----..., -- - ------ r =11 ..r- II ~ ___...._~_L----1.L:_:!:.J.li:!!1L:._l,Ui':Elf"".--- I ="""l~"""l'm':~''''' - P.EE::XLtl]Ig~L ..s S' - y' y ~Sp the City of .Wel:!t Uni17e'i."s:i:ty Place" c'lll'r'ently Ma oapital a:t;1idls1;la in the '-il8l!.m ~~""'...._tr<tAl!___~'-=-~.""'= F'.md . wh1c~ w.Ul not. be required for opera.ting e"..I'pe!IS<'!1Ol lm'bil :m:t!!'lf. 'b. l;;1.bJl'",e~J!J!.!Ar fJ.;!,;,d ,.,. the nerl fisw ~~ AN!), irlllEREAS, :it. is deemed to be to the 'beat :l.ntereat of t;be G:'dT;f that SUCl'1 funds be pl$ced in a tit"!e deposit :1.mes1;;at;mt in o:rde~ to <,'.m;n I!'tdditiooal ~e in the fon; of inte.t"est for the opeJ:'frM.on of the Oity~ A1YD.l' l'JHVfWJ\.Sgtha present bank balanceI' t..he average lllcmNuy ineO)fi!{J1 Q."ld expenditures of this Fund a~ Imt',c:lpe.ted wtil ~t,urity of' '~:i.$ 1Imls~ 1dll ~ ~. fund d9fieitJ NOW~ ~R.Ell BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIl'Y COMNJ:SSION OF TFf..E; Cl1.'! OF WES!f UNr1lERSITI PUCE~ TEXAS.!' that the City ~urer is hereby d1.ree'hed to ~ fu.nds amounthlg to tt.... ..~ _~ from. the ___. ~_._ ~4$."~____ Fu."1~ fo%' a. periiOd of,. .. -= !l'lOntn.s " PASSED.AND APPROVED 'I'bis 'i'he t~-r~ .._day of ~~_, A"D", 1955.. ~ )/ kt~ ~ or ~e m-y o~s~ iMv~ty'1"Ii~ Te:u.a crt.,. 'Sem~ -.'- ~~~~--_. r . IJ. L_ , ____---"L IUL..aI[ I . .w.."......,li1 :~" ~~1UTION ~ .,$.$-"ys- ~~il.S[; the t.'ity, of W&St. Unive1fsi't-.f Placa~ C:1U""'l'ently 11.t'M!l ~~it.al &~e in the ~.. .--"""'~-"'-----~~ Fund 'Which ..ill not ba~ui.red fo'!.' operating expenses until ~.;l : m .' :l'lY;Sl!git"l!I~l"~ J the ne:&-t fisw ~ AND, 'lrlHEREAS" it is deemed to be to thebe.."'lt intere3t of the Git'j tha:t. such funds. be placed in a time deposit. imrest&liimt in Ol'der to ea.""'11 additional revenue in the tot'm of interest fen' -me ope:;"ll"!;ion of the OiV~ AND" Hfl:1''RKl\S:;> the :f)l"esent bankbeJ.al1cell' the average l!:.onthly iXll':ClXIl~ and expenditures of this Fund as ant1eipatl)d un'ihU :llWJ,turl.ty of 'thiJ.a 1nveatmamt"!dU ~MWe a fund'defid:t; lYJW" 'l'HEREFORE$ J'lEI'r RESOLWDBY THEqI'fi ClDtJll.1ISSj:ON OF THE C1'ft OF vmST tr."l"IV'ERSI'l'! PLAOE., TEnS:;>that,t~,Cit.l~~1.u'er is herebydireeted to invest i'~ atll,O:U:ll:i~~"!Jg .1i9... $ from. the r~~, ~ . .;;,. , 11'\mdj/- for B. period o.r .~. " '.. ,months.. '. .(~~.-.,.." PASSED AND APW~ 'i'M.s The' /?~ ...day ott?~41~~ !,.D..195$", ,~ ~. '-~>flf~~~ ... ..... r. '.... ..... .... cr ~~e' ;:r 0 . $", .. :Vel't'~i:v!!"'J,Aee, .4 ~. .,-~-- ::r,eere " ~!lQ~~9!L .s S- - if' Yi~. -' ~'REASs the Ci;t'y of West Univs,i.'sity Place.. currently has o~Ull ~le in the ... ,......~ ,1l\MRI __ ___~~!II::ft'> Fund .mien Will not be :required for ope1'8.ting e:JqlerIS€l!li until. ~..t~ ..~bi\.o:a~~~t..fi.~~I~ the next fiseal year; AND$WflE'.'l;E.~S~ it :l.s deemed to be to :the b:e~t interest of t..l:te City that such ~be placed in a time depositinvesttll.'l'rlt in order to earn additional revenue in the tom of interest for the operation fJ,f the C1:t;r~ AND" l<JHJ~FAS$ the present. bank balance, the average month.1:y iM~ $.nd expendit.ures of' this Fund ae mtic1pated etU llll$;ttlrlty of tlrl.s invelil~ 1dll ~Qe a flmd'def'icit~ , lrowj THffiEFOltE,9 BE IT RESOLVED BY Th'E, CITY CMUSSION OF THE CITI OF WEST UNIVERSM PLACE~ TEXASp that the City TreasUrer is h~eb.r d:i1"ooted to invetrt. funds amounting to $ K~..M ,..., ' frOm the 'Imc hjlt,MW >q_-"'1'~1 Funde tor a period of __ At'lt 3llOntbs,. PASSED AWD APPROVED This 'fhe/Z# day otPe4kAV, A"D.. 19>5., ~ //' /bt~ 4.. . ~ """'" ~o!llOT of "'"''' 1Ini~ l'1.iC8, . f" ... -- .., ~-... -1~ 1. :yo Beare - -- -~r~==n- r - u.L~ ~ 1 --L _.l:I-'l.IL ll~ ~ '~-;r..'''i:"j;;:'- .,----., '--"'-.- .....r- ~1?~O~l!t.I~9!.... 4" ..s.... Sf 7 ipFf&'1f~.S.!l theC;i.ty of livest Uniw1"s;l:ty P'.la(';a~ ctk'""l'6ntly has cap..i.tal ao.rail~16 in thlOi Tax Collector ___-"'".....O!! ........ ....~__"""""__......______~.t.>_ ~ ........"',za""""""""".l>:Oi!'JIlI1'> 1!1:lT..d ..hich wUl. not be ~ui..~d foX' operating 1'l'lXPm-~S$l!I until -l:~-1:l:t tb.e_p1:Ssent..f:1scal-ye= the nexl; f.:i.seaJ. ~; AND, i~HEP.EAS" U i.s deemed '1:.0 be to the he~Jt, inte1"e~t of the Git:f' iii'll':.!;. Buell funds be placed in a. t:lme deposit invest....,eflt in ,:;'l'der to earn additional revenue in the fom of interem for ifl$ opel'aM.oo of the Cityj AND, I-iHFRFAS$ th.a preslilut bank balance, the avera.ge monthly' ineor..ll!I and e;q>ooditurea of: this .Fund as ant1oip,9.tad mtU :i1!l'!l.turlty of' thb investment. l1d1l pree~ a fimd defic1tJ lIDW~ 'l'HER'EFORElf BE !'.i' RESOLVED BY THE CITY CG1};lrSSIOi:~ OF '1."flE CI'l'I OF 'tIEST UNIVERSITY PUCE,e 'l'EXASllthat the City Tre~..ll"er is hereby directed to invest funds. go'l.'l.u:til,tg to $_1ZL~2~qq,.. .._~.~ ~ the ___ Tax Collector _'t~_~_'UI!I' 11.[ ~"'.~n"_" -~Jn~) fer a period oi' 1 six A __~- ~l mon:the.. PASSED AND APPROVED This The _Gi ~!..daY (Jf ~~s AoD.. 1955" .. ~>I~ '1", '. ~.~. '. ~~ ~;~e C~~tltn!versit.y PIi'OOl' ..L~ .~ $ -- ~-'- r - -:l::JI - IrL- --'--___-'-'_,-'L _.t.lIUM: ----------I~~~l~r.:."c, , "". r___ '. ;R.EB~l1>~ION~~... .'.4~;";'f'a::' C';j~~~:r~~7i__ .>c~~~~~~:.3~f=:t~to::"' to~ea~!l;a~~~~~;;~evai~e .inthe fO.6if"J~fj~$st ;ilor 1}he operatj;on o!':t;i~.C-i~; . " .. . " ~,. < . ~.- . ", :.," . ..;fromthe . ."'. . d.~G" .:t:pt. a ,p~riod '9f. .::::':~:" . ...<~OhothS..- ., A/rT-EST-: . ." .... Pb~,~E:D.~ii!DAPPRCiWED'thiS. . A.D., 1%>. J1ESQ:!:;U'.UQN: c' c" <.r S" - Y? - ' . ~-.. ~.r._. '. ,., ..:' -",... ';'1:" ":;, '" -.. - -;, c~pi~l FuUd ,the ne~ , ,to,~a~' a:d.d1:tx~~.tl?:~ei:iu..~iI):t~ytom q~i~ier~si:tor the op~ration , .;- ';"- ~ _ -1 . _. . '0:(" tbe,(};i$;Yi;, . .' . '.' i1i~me,:-ap.4.'~~ifip~es,6i-~g .~d' ?~'~riti~Ti?t$d'Wlti,l matwictyof '. .' . . .thi&1.riv~~~~ piiej~1f~e Att'~'ti.a;M'tcit; frOl1). .t:he. ... -."-'- ." . ,...-~~._ .t- . ":": f,or .a :P~~i:oCl ,qC , A':Il!,.<'195'~, " .J', ~~.d~~~ ,~;;;~,fi"~$&ii . ",":' ';pJ!'Ii&~;'. 'Texas . '~ . .... ,.. . ..,. . .' .~~ _ . . . . ...~ . '. - '. j> .:~ '-" '.,,:':~", /.' '..: .'....' . , . . -. . - -' ". . ..41.....~~~~', d.Cii;'j;.y-e;~~-~' ":":' "-;:';: y.,-/. -. . - . . . . . - .. . . '," , '.. . ". . . .' . , , , - ATTES'l': - ~., .....,.. .,.,,'. "\\ - ,.r-i'... /.--:-...:r .j" , , " ' , - RESDLuT-ION:,<:!$'S - ',,r~ .~i~)~~~~~~tt{#;~})~ ll>' c~pHal '::".V' ,'F1uro. ,'the next' ~t;~~~=t)~~int""e.. ~._ C:it-ytb,9.1t,~tW:c:~i~&;i)k"p)\a:0e~iIi:;a ,t#ie'~o~it_iny,efl?l!Ii1ent 'in order . ;'.0; ,toearn~4~~;:~, 3:i~!:~~~ei:pi..the. fO~/"~'~re4'1'~ the operaitiQn - , , . ' . -. .. AlW~:JmE,1H1EAs,tl:1ep~-1"lB~Rib~~ ~ai~dc~~uhe:ayer~:e ~9ltlihly illcpD1$' llri~;~~~.~~~$".:6f'tW;S-Fund~$~~b,t~~Apa,t€d' ~~~imatur:i;t.y of '~s iriv~t~~tF;iv.i~~pj:-~~~.~.i@d"..ti~l'i'(;it:, NoWj.~$$!lntiTkE?Oh'm.) BY, .'l'HEC1'ri,-o_fI5ST{)N 0FTHE ..oftllEf-G"i:t~s: '" ..,c.- of' , ~bnt~.., -" 'u, '" A~:q..", 19>~5~ ATT~ST:: "">~:"':::,:"""'.. ',:',', .~, .,..,.:...:..;........-,.'.,-.....:.~~,..,. -'.. "". '.. .- ." '.-: - .....'.-.'.....'... .'~ . ,., . -' .' " ..' -.., ...., -.~ .- - , . 4~;",::,-~ - "', t, C'll'6' .." -,'" ",.. " ~, '~.,' -' .,,-,-'~-:" ~ "-~ ....' ", " " . ,'~' ~.' . . ~ .-," - ," ," " .' . -~'" '.' .~ .' ..:'. " "i'.~'_ -.-." .- - L -,""I r IlL- J ---1 _~UL I ULH: . ~"j[~~ 'li1i ' ,~ r .........- ~t!iOftk ....,.$is-S'I . '. '. . - ,'- ... . : ..v~S,.-~~~~~~'tJ~':~e,~~~JJili~r;~~Y:f~~~~~:ir~~j;i~haSCapfta~ ~~.~W:~~~'~';"i>" ...:. 't;i:$'~~~~~)~~';f;:c ." ,.F .'.A~". ~~$f;i'\;,.~~..de:~~dt.Q'~' to';"tl1~?hEf$t Interest_ of' the :7S~1:':'":':;=!~::::':~;:: .' - ".'." :..: .: ':~ -,~ '-:;:.~:'; . ~;;th~,(3-f~;y.c~';:' .,. MID" ~imAS~'tne p~setl't 'l;l~'~'7j~tIC~, . iJle:. .iverMeJno.nthlJ'"" :.t~,~::"':::~'fted~U ~t~y qf ..<f'Y;OY:~~:;:;~;~~;G:::=:a:: di.~cted to'"iifv1i~~'ifui's"_m\nniFiio':t ~., ..' :f:'~the . ),":;"', '.,!c .. J~ -r.....,....~ I' ~ ;:~i.J!'-s.-4H-~ ~f~ ",., .~ .-, .:" ..__::~_:;,_:.::i_._n.,i!~r~o. Fund, .for a period of ":~f~j/'!'~;-:;:(~" .....~b~S:._~,. .;/'. '!-'':'''',:' '-\!~~~~ AwttIT"En. :th:i-s, th~;. ~e~#f.', aa1,o:r'~~" 1l..p""i~~;c . ". -, ... .' """'~""" "':":'/'~'" ' ." , ~,-y?;'" ~ ," :".c_' ':\""~<~;"{""'~"~'~'_<';_'~:;'~:' ""., . :'-.'. .,., '. M~~~~i~~~&t~::~:~!:s . ..i, ! ' .- V ~ Ul ~A' ~ :' 'L , , . :JfI~ '. .' .'.r ' ^ . '-~kli:~7>~rlW -~, . ~ - - - \ . , , '/i .. .i.l.: '~~~;'~{.: ,'" .....'.--. ~'''"-r. ' c ; { t :".{-' -..~~ ,~> " - ,'E .,....~....~..:.' , ,~'- , ..: ..., . " c ~REi$DtYTI0N, :..,4-...;r.. $" ~ 3.&_~~-~~~=: . -. " .... ~:!.=!!:==:~o~~ : '~9-,;~~~ai,t.J;:*~,Y~ev~ue' ,ii:l,tl1e A>rM"" pf'in~fii,IrEll"t tor the QIJej~tion "6f~,O$t$L" ' . - -. . ..' .'C. ' . ., ,"'. . .", " "~;; ~s.~', the ;Pte;seljFt, b~ ~;~~?-~~, tn~ ay.er,-ft~-e monthly :~;:':Z:~:'''~~'i "' " ,,'<N~/~~~R)1i,BE ~T~Sq~~,~;cni:'(f~~iliS$J:~~'l!' THE '0tri-,OF1r~s~t:OO~$ITYP~, ,TEXiS,tA~il':~e;l3,~ttf~e~s~r~I' i'$nereby " ~~ed,~q',i.i:ti~~i>::+1iA~"amouht,iJ!lgtb';~~~f__~~".' ,':fr~lln,t~e , , ,"",,<" _ :~'!j~~J,,~L->"'{ ':c~';':'. "Ji'wid;:.$or ,ap~r.i--od of ,,:: ~~,:~:"~:<::,;:~,,,{.";-l!fontrl~~ ~~~~'~~'AI>-~~ri,jtRi~ ~~)i_;~}~~ O$.,_~~/ , '.... . ,},A~:n.,19S5~ ',' ,~~~-, ,', ~~.. , "',-',,,,; ,::,'~, "~ " . ,-'::" ~= >- ""'/"--'- -'" "" - ~, ~,.. \ 'Kn~ ~ :: - ~~ ;J- ,.......- ,~~ t:> ~ , ~,.. ~. . .' ~l .'p~\<" ~. r ~-'-- ,-~ rr '- ._._ 111LA.[ ~~nliji" ..,"1'-."" . ,'. _i,' ~. it.. . ,.'" "..,:.1-., ':" '. .::.;~ '",";, . ..,,-'.,...,.... . . " . . . ,,,.... ".' ,.,. \-", :.;' ../.......:<}~';~;;tJt: ". ~~. ~.<~~ C~l: \:;.;:":'~ .;.... :~~:: '.< '-.,~ ;~,:;~:" .\~l1~~1~~.>j;-.-,r;!. ::"'s',-i::;!::~>:::."':: '. .- ; .:',:- ';":';:"/:!:/. . ,. ,...... :'" -,' .,:'. '~"t,,:,,:t:i'~~i~t" ~s--S-:J -I' .,',. .........~...:,~.-~,~._.. iii:.=-~.~'::::~:. ._"....t.toof_';~:' .' , : "::4;." ~ . . :':'- '''. ': . .' 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