HomeMy WebLinkAbout03082007 ZPC Agenda Item 3
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Possible Topics for Review for 2006 - 2007
May 11, 2006
1. To manage the scale of homes, evaluate modifications to framed area and related
regulations including possible changes in, or alternatives to the 80% rule, rear
accessory building separation and maximum height in front yards.
2. Evaluate rezoning of commercial areas to allow or facilitate rebuilding and
3. Review height requirements and other matters relating to Base Flood Elevation
(BSC coordinating)
4. Evaluate Garage and Driveway regulations:
A. Evaluate garage setback requirements on new or remodeled garages to
ensure that sidewalks remain unblocked
B. Clarify front facing garage door conditions to be applied only to the
first 10 feet from the front yard line.
C. Semi-enclosed garage space definition
D. Two garage space requirement with exceptions for old stock housing.
E. Garage maneuvering area in single family detached (SFD) residential
F. Minimum driveway widths for SFD
5. Possible limitation of volume of porches that project into front yard.
6. Modify definition of Old Stock Housing (original square footage too small?)***
7. Green Building/Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
8. Evaluate allowing fountains, arbors, trellises, sculptures and other similar items to
project into yards. * * *
9. Chapter 20, Subdivision Ordinance update (rewrite by City attorney and new City
Pull together and put all under one public hearing* *
Possible Zoning Ordinance Improvements
Overall Objective
Balance the interests of property owners with the needs of the community in a new,
simplified set of rules regulating building size, bulk, etc. (see 4-9-2005 "Architectural
Services" for specific objectives, copy attached)
Changes Under Consideration
1. Buildings in rear yards
- Purpose: Prevent building a high, solid wall along much of the length of a
property, allow entry of light & air movement
- Summary: Would require a separation between the principal building and
any accessory building in the rear yard (setback)
- Status: Shelved following preliminary report to City Council and public
hearing. A possible alternative (allowing limited second-floor
connections) is to be discussed at the meeting on 3-8-07. See, also,
discussion of wall articulation, below.
2. Height of porches in front yards
- Purpose: Protect front streetscape
- Summary: Would restrict height of porch projections into the front yard
(setback) to the length of the front setback
- Status: Tabled by City Council during first reading following positive final
report from ZPC. Possible alternatives: (1) use a single, 25-foot height
restriction, as suggested within ZPC; (2) use a "sloped setback" height
limit to control porch height (see below).
3. Framed area vs. lot area
- Purpose: Preserve open space by scaling back the allowed framed area
percentage for buildings on lots larger than 5000 sq. ft.
- Summary: Would limit framed area to 4000 sq. ft. plus 50% of the area of
the building site in excess of 5000 sq. ft.
- Status: Draft discussed and completed at 1-11-07 ZPC
4. Sloped-setback height limits for buildings
- Purpose: Limit bulk and preserve neighbors' enjoyment of light and air
- Summary: Would limit the height of buildings near property lines by using
a sloping setback from a starting height at each property line
- Status: Draft for side setbacks discussed and completed at 1-11-07 ZPC.
Draft for front and rear setbacks being prepared based on discussion at 2-
8-07 ZPC
5. Remove certain attic spaces from framed-area count
- Purpose: Simplify framed-area rules for attics
- Summary: Would exclude from framed area most attic space meeting
sloped-height setback rules
- Status: Draft revision of Schedule FA discussed at 1-11-07 ZPC. Needs
minor additions/clarifications
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6. Increase portion of building site required to be open
- Purpose: Control building bulk and preserve open space, light and air
- Summary: Would increase open-space percentage from 40% to 55%,
excluding eaves (i.e., considering the area beneath eaves as "open").
- Status: Discussed at 2-8-07 ZPC, draft being prepared for 3-8-07 ZPC
7. Eliminate side-yard projection allowance for attached garages
- Purpose: Preserve open space, light, air movement by protecting full side
- Summary: Would require garages attached to the principal building via a
high-wall passageway to respect the full side setback
- Status: Discussed at 2-8-07 ZPC, draft being prepared for 3-8-07 ZPC
8. Require articulation of high walls near property lines
- Purpose: Preserve neighborhood aesthetics, improve light and air access
- Summary: Would require elements of articulation in long high walls near
property lines
- Status: Possibilities to be discussed at 3-08-07 ZPC See, also, discussion
of buildings in rear yards, above.
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Possible Zoning Ordinance Improvements
Overall Objective
Balance the interests of property owners with the needs of the community in a new,
simplified set of rules regulating building size, bulk, etc. (see 4-9-2005 "Architectural
Services" for specific objectives, copy attached)
Changes Under Consideration
1. Buildings in rear yards
- Purpose: Prevent building a high, solid wall along much of the length of a
property, allow entry of light & air movement
- Summary: Would require a separation between the principal building and
any accessory building in the rear yard (setback)
- Status: Shelved following preliminary report to City Council and public
hearing. A possible alternative (allowing limited second-floor
connections) is to be discussed at the meeting on 3-8-07. See, also,
discussion of wall articulation, below.
2. Height of porches in front yards
- Purpose: Protect front streetscape
- Summary: Would restrict height of porch projections into the front yard
(setback) to the length of the front setback
- Status: Tabled by City Council during first reading following positive final
report from ZPC. Possible alternatives: (1) use a single, 25-foot height
restriction, as suggested within ZPC; (2) use a "sloped setback" height
limit to control porch height (see below).
3. Framed area vs. lot area
- Purpose: Preserve open space by scaling back the allowed framed area
percentage for buildings on lots larger than 5000 sq. ft.
- Summary: Would limit framed area to 4000 sq. ft. plus 50% of the area of
the building site in excess of 5000 sq. ft.
- Status: Draft discussed and completed at 1-11-07 ZPC
4. Sloped-setback height limits for buildings
- Purpose: Limit bulk and preserve neighbors' enjoyment of light and air
- Summary: Would limit the height of buildings near property lines by using
a sloping setback from a starting height at each property line
- Status: Draft for side setbacks discussed and completed at 1-11-07 ZPC.
Draft for front and rear setbacks being prepared based on discussion at 2-
8-07 ZPC
5. Remove certain attic spaces from framed-area count
- Purpose: Simplify framed-area rules for attics
- Summary: Would exclude from framed area most attic space meeting
sloped-height setback rules
- Status: Draft revision of Schedule FA discussed at 1-11-07 ZPC. Needs
minor additions/clarifications
6. Increase portion of building site required to be open
- Purpose: Control building bulk and preserve open space, light and air
- Summary: Would increase open-space percentage from 40% to 55%,
excluding eaves (i.e., considering the area beneath eaves as "open").
- Status: Discussed at 2-8-07 ZPC, draft being prepared for 3-8-07 ZPC
7. Eliminate side-yard projection allowance for attached garages
- Purpose: Preserve open space, light, air movement by protecting full side
- Summary: Would require garages attached to the principal building via a
high-wall passageway to respect the full side setback
- Status: Discussed at 2-8-07 ZPC, draft being prepared for 3-8-07 ZPC
8. Require articulation of high walls near property lines
- Purpose: Preserve neighborhood aesthetics, improve light and air access
- Summary: Would require elements of articulation in long high walls near
property lines
- Status: Possibilities to be discussed at 3-08-07 ZPC See, also, discussion
of buildings in rear yards, above.
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Architectural services
to assist Z&PC
in evaluating
new, simplified regulations
of building size, bulk, etc.
April 2005
Overall Objective
Balance the interests of property owners with the needs of the community in a new,
simplified set of rules regulating building size, bulk, etc.
Recommended Next Step (Immediate Action)
Obtain architectural services, by contract, to assist the Z&PC in evalutating rules
regulating building size, bulk, etc. (see objectives and possible approaches listed below).
Services would include sketches, analyses, advice, etc.
Objectives Of New Regulations
1. Architectural Freedom: Avoid undue interference with architectural freedom; allow
many styles.
2. Light & Air: Reduce the adverse impacts of new buildings on penetration of daylight,
circulation of air, etc.
3. Height: Control the height of buildings, especially in close proximity to other property.
4. Bulk & Size: Regulate the bulk and size of buildings; encourage reduction of bulk as
height increases.
5. Yards, Open Space: Help to preserve yards and open spaces.
6. Density: Reduce overcrowding of structures and population; avoid undue
concentration of population.
7. Emergency Access: Facilitate emergency access, especially to higher floors.
8. Neighbors: Encourage designs that respect privacy and quiet enjoyment of
neighboring property.
9. Administration. Provide simple rules that produce predictable, consistent results
(perhaps mathematical).
Possible Approaches (To Be Sketched and Analyzed)
1. Palo Alto "daylight plane" approach
2. Bill May's "scale-based zoning" approach
3. Sloped-height setback approach, 2-8-05 (new Note 10 for Table 7-4b)
4. Others that may meet the objectives of the new regulations