HomeMy WebLinkAbout10162008 ZBA STAFF REPORT DKT 2008-08 City of West University Place oTexas Memo To: Zoning Board of Adjustments From: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner Date: October 10, 2008 Re: Staff Report for Docket 08-08 The applicant in Docket 08-08 5708 Buffalo Speedway, is requesting aspecial exception to allow installation of an additional maneuvering area ("dead end" or "stub" driveway) in the front yard. Background Information The applicant's property is located between Tangley Road and Robinhood Street fronting on the west side of Buffalo Speedway. The traffic flow is controlled by stop lights two blocks north at Sunset Boulevard and three blocks south at Rice Boulevard. The applicant's property is 50' wide and 98.5' deep. The property is not wide enough to allow a circular drive in the front yard. The applicant feels that backing out (into Buffalo Speedway) creates a difficult and unsafe situation. The driveway is 10' wide with the garage located in the rear portion of the lot, so there is not enough rear maneuvering area to turn a vehicle to enter Buffalo Speedway headfirst. Additionally, visitors must either park in the driveway or on a side street since parking in the street on Buffalo Speedway is difficult because of the volume of traffic at certain times of the day. The applicant proposes to constrict an additional maneuvering area ( "stub" or "dead end" driveway) in the front yard, to allow vehicles to turn around and enter Buffalo Speedway headfirst. The applicant proposes a 15' x 13'2" area paved with concrete, crushed granite, and/or grass pavers strong enough to support vehicular traffic. The applicant further plans to plant shrubbery around the "stub" or "dead end" driveway to screen it from public view. No trees will be affected since the area is currently grass- covered. Staff Response Driveway and parking regulations are found in Table 7-5a of the Zoning Ordinance. . Table 7-5a refers to Article 10 for "other" requirements not specified in Table 7-5a. Section 10-103 provides: In an SF District, all parking areas and maneuvering areas (including dead-end or stub driveways) must be behind the principal building or surrounded by opaque fences or walls at least six feet in height, and all such areas are prohibited in front yards. However, Table 7-5a, Note 7 provides:, 5708 Buffalo Speedway Page 1 10-12-08 The ZBA may issue a special exception for a parking area, garage or driveway (or other maneuvering area) in another location or with a different design than prescribed by this ordinance, if it finds that: (i) the other location or design will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire-fighting and similar needs; (ii) the other location or design will prevent the destruction of a qualified tree; (iii) in the case of the remodeling of a principal building, the location requested is the same location as an existing parking area, garage or driveway; or (iv) the location or design requested is necessary for safety considerations. Therefore, in this case the ZBA has the authority to grant a special exception for additional maneuvering area in the front yard if it finds that: (1) The location or design will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire-fighting and similar needs; (2) The location or design will prevent the destruction of a qualified tree; (3) [...]or (4) The location or design requested is necessary for safety consideration. Section 11-02, Findings, Subsection (b), Special Exceptions, further requires that the ZBA consider the following circumstances and find them all to be present: (1) The proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking, will not cause any substantial traffic congestion, will not cause any substantial increase in traffic or an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service. (2) The proposed special exception will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance. (3) The ZBA has made any additional findings and determinations required by a specific provision of this ordinance (as specified in Note 7 of Table 7-5a). (4) The special exception has been reduced to writing and includes any conditions prescribed by the ZBA or required by this ordinance for the special exception in question. The burden is on the applicant to present evidence to the Board to support each finding and determination required for the issuance of a special exception. If the Board grants a special exception, the Board may want to consider attaching conditions similar to the following: 1. Limit the amount of maneuvering area to what is required for a standard sized parking space (9' x 18') or just enough space to adequately turn a vehicle around. 2. Specify the type of material to be used in creating the maneuvering area (pervious only, for example). 3. Require adequate screening by shrubbery or other plantings to be maintained at all times. 5708 Buffalo Speedway Page 2 10-12-08 V it City of West University Place APPLICATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") Address of site: 5'708, l>04G ~o Legal description of the site: L o7" A-1 I"3 l o c IL I Sher I , n M2 0(0( %-h a) Applicant: Mq-+le vJ 4L. 6`ro~ Address: (,3D_4o Contact: Phone:(717 )2A) -S W- Fax: (713'7?1-6659 Email: MrowlQno(e Circa -cnerSL Decision or Action requested (check one or more and provide requested data): Cory ( ) Appeal. Hear and decide an appeal from an order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Administrative Official. • Is the official's action in writing? ( ) Yes; ( )copy is attached. ( )No, but the action appealed is as follows: • When was the action taken? Note: Appeals must be filed within a reasonable time. Please explain any delay below: • Exact zoning ordinance section(s) involved: • Grounds for appeal: ( Y'Special Exception. • Exact zoning ordinance section that authorizes the special exception: , T~'+? ~ 5~ ~ N o_~? • Exac wording of speci I exception requested: s l vet q S Feces, I ey'UPO~ ct5 pcout~q iJ Ta~rj~ ?°Sq tQOA-e.^7 ~r a n a I d-er~a~~ 2 o(,c S I .c, nn a e u rrer~ N a Irv 4k~,e S c`0 k.00'1 gdld%~> C, S~u~ o~ qot enoc &k V,0 c ( ) Variahce. y • Exact zoning ordinance section from which a variance is requested: • Exact wording of variance requested: Other Data. Are there drawings or other data? ( )No ( )Yes(list items here and attach them) S u M ro d~- o A- (,e I v-Q_0- 2 , C)taw Irv ®4-- OLre G ~ . Q(~o ~.e i ~ v C✓ e t A 4"n+V Attached. The applica has read the State a Celions attached. Signature of applicant: V" Date: -Z~ For Staff Use only Date filed: 2L Date heard: Docket#: Form ZBA-102 V to TO: West University Zoning Board of Adjustments FROM: Matt Rowland DATE: August 29, 2008 RE: 5708 Buffalo Speedway Special Exception I would like to construct a 15' by 13.2" stub in the front of the property to allow for drivers to turn around and forward exit onto Buffalo Speedway. My property is located between Sunset Boulevard and Rice Boulevard fronting Buffalo Speedway. The traffic in front of my property is controlled by signals located at Sunset and Rice (Street Map attached). The current configuration of the garage (located in the rear of the property) and driveway (10' wide) is too tight to turn around so it requires drivers to back onto Buffalo Speedway to exit the property. This is an unsafe situation given the amount of traffic on Buffalo and timing of the signals in this area. Article 10-102(b) of the West University Municipal Code limits dead end or stub driveways in a front yard to major thoroughfares; however, Buffalo Speedway is not defined as a major thoroughfare so I am requesting a special exception as defined in Table 7-5a Note 7 which states: "the ZBA may issue a special exception for a parking area, garage or driveway (or other maneuvering area) in another location or with a different design than prescribed by this ordinance, if it finds that (i) the other location or design will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire fighting and similar needs; (ii) the other location or design will prevent the destruction of a qualified tree; (iii) in the case of the remodeling of a principal building, the location requested is the same location as an existing parking area, garage or driveway; or (iv) the location or design requested is necessary for safety considerations." I would propose to use either: concrete, crushed granite, and or grass pavers strong enough to support vehicular traffic to construct the maneuvering area. The area around the modification will be planted with shrubbery to shield from public view. The area to be modified is currently grass, no trees will be affected and the work will be professionally done. The proposed design will not interfere with available light or air or alter fire fighting access. In addition, visitors to my property must park on a side street as parking on this section of Buffalo Speedway is inherently unsafe and would severely disrupt the flow of traffic. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Regards, Matthew Rowland 5708 Buffalo Speedway, Houston. TX 77005 to 6326 Belmont St; Houston; TX 77005 - Pagel of 2 Ir 40 Directions to 6326 Belmont St, Houston, TX 10 A 77005 i C- " 0.6 mi - about 1 min Save gees. Go green! /;<a Download Google Maps on your phone atgoogle.comlgmm ,.uv I;y Sunset Blvd 01 Sunset BlvdI i I l i it ~ Nolingham 51 Nottin~ha f- a : I I ~ a~ 3 - .Nottingham 5: ; o ` QtJenb Sl ;N I } I ro i i r e t/> Robmbood Si Robinhood St l -709 + kE ! Tangley ~St CO f Tan le Si i Plumb Si Plum l Plumb St ur j Mayette St M~_ i Georgetown St l -9 Rice E ( Rice cBtvd ----7 1 ( JI r° Imo= Rice Blyd o I Irn m i 6), 0 ©2008 G: gle - Map data ©2008 Lead Dog Consulting NAVTEQ? Te - -of-Use_ - a i - httn•//mark ar)nalP. rnm/man..q?f=r1k.snddr=570R+Buffalo+Sneedwav+Houston+TX+77005... 8/26/2008 § 7-101 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE MUNICIPAL CODE General Rule: Every building site, vehicular area and related struc- ture must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table. ("N/A" means the rule does not apply.) Exceptions/Spe- cial Rules: (1) See special rules noted in table. (3) See Article 9 re- Table 7-6a: garding Planned Development Districts. (3) See Note 7 regarding Parking, driveways, etc. special exceptions. (4) See Article 10. SFA SF.2 SF-3 TH GR-1 GR-2 C Item Regulation Off-street parking spaces Number, location, size, de- Depends on land use, layout, etc. See this Table, Table 7-4a, and Ar- and parking areas sign ticle 10 (including maneuvering areas, design requirements, 'same Other regulations apply; see, site' rule, yards, street areas, loading spaces, etc.). e.g. Article 10 Grouping or sharing. Not allowed, except in a QMDS platted parking reserve serving two or more DU's. But see Note 2. Use of parking areas Parking spaces for non-SFD uses may only be used for motor vehicle parking. See Note 3. Emergency accessway Minimum width. See Note 1. 20 ft, via public or private street, to each principal building and each DU (or to an adjacent open area accessible to firefighters and equipment). Other regulations also apply, e.g, fire code. Driveways and private Minimum width. See Note 1. For non-SFD residential use: 10 feet, or 17 feet if two-way and serv- streets ing three or more DU's. Other regulations apply; see, Maximum width For SFD use: W Driveway serving any single-bay garage: 12 feet. (ii) e.g. Article 10. See Note 1. Driveway in a front yard serving rear garage or side-facing garage: 12 feet. (iii) Driveway in side street area of a corner site serving a side-facing garage with three or more bays: 30 feet; (iv) Any other driveway: 20 feet. For other residential uses: 24 ft. (or 35 feet if con- necting to a major thoroughfare). For any other use: 30 feet (or 35 feet if connecting to a major thoroughfare). Maximum length For non-SFD uses: 160 feet, driving distance to the nearest street area, measured along centerline from farthest end point. A longer driveway is allowed if there is an approved turnaround or second means of egress, or if the drive-way is platted as part of the common area in a QMDS. Route, location See Note 6. N/A Spacing For non-SFD uses: There must be at least 40 feet between the "in- side" apron edges (at their narrowest points) of driveways serving the same building site. Pavement Required type For SFD use: Hard-surfaced pavement required for each required See Note 4. parking space; twin "ribbons" of pavement are permitted. For all other uses: Reinforced concrete, with curbs and drains required for all vehicular areas. Exceptions: See Table 7-3 (pervious pavement) and Note 4. Markings; wheel stops. Required type For non-SFD uses: Parking spaces must be clearly marked on the pavement, and wheel stops are required. See Note 12. Curb cuts Number For SFD use: Maximum one per subdivided lot abutting the street. Other regulations apply; For non-SFD use: Maximum one per 50-ft. segment of street line. see, e.g. Article 10. See Note 5. Max. width per 50-ft. seg- Four feet (for aprons) plus the maximum driveway width allowed. ment of street line Each curb cut must be confined to the part of the street area that directly abuts the building site(s) served. See Note 1. Visibility triangles Forbidden structures, plants The following are forbidden on parts of a building site within a visi- See definitions in Article 2 and other things bility triangle: structures, plants or other things taller than 2.0 ft. or shorter than 8.0 ft. This does not require removal of trees in ex- istence on July 1, 1992, if kept pruned. Supp. No. 1 CDA:40 APPENDIX A-ZONING ORDINANCE § 7-101 General Rule: Every building site, vehicular area and related struc- ture must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table. ("N&A" means the rule does not apply.) Exceptions/ Special Rules: (1) See special rules noted in table. (3) See Article 9 regarding Planned Development Districts. (3) See Note 7 regarding Table 7-5a, cont. special exceptions. (4) See Article 10. PDD PDD PDD- PDD PDD PDD PDD- Item Regulation SFI SF2 TH1 TH2 ' TH4 TH5:- TH7 PDD-G Off-street parking spaces Number, location, size, de- Depends on land use, layout, etc. See this Table, Table 7-4a, and Ar- and parking areas sign ticle 10 (including maneuvering areas, design requirements, "same Other regulations apply; see, site' rule, yards, street areas, loading spaces, etc- )-e.g. Article 10 Grouping or sharing. Not allowed, except in a QMDS platted parking reserve serving two or more DU's. But see Note 2. Use of parking areas Parking spaces for non-SFD uses may only be used for motor vehicle parking. See Note 3. Emergency accessway Minimum width 20 ft, via public or private street, to each principal building and See Note 1. each DU (or to an adjacent open area accessible to firefighters and equipment). Other regulations also apply, e.g, fire code. Driveways and private Minimum width For non-SFD residential use: 10 feet, or 17 feet if two-way and serv- streets See Note 1. ing three or more DU's. Other regulations apply; see, Maximum width For SFD use: (i) Driveway serving any single-bay garage: 12 feet. (ii) e.g. Article 10. See Note 1. Driveway in a front yard serving rear garage or side _facing garage: 12 feet. (iii) Driveway in side street area of a corner site serving a side-facing garage with three or more bays: 30 feet; (iv) Any other driveway: 20 feet. For other residential uses: 24 ft. (or 35 feet if con- necting to a major thoroughfare). For any other use: 30 feet (or 35 feet if connecting to a major thoroughfare). Maximum length For non-SFD uses: 160 feet, driving distance to the nearest street area, measured along centerline from farthest end point. A longer driveway is allowed if there is an approved turnaround or second means of egress, or if the driveway is platted as part of the common area in a QMDS. Route, location See Note 6 N&A Spacing For non-SFD uses: There must be at least 40 feet between the "in- side" apron edges (at their narrowest points) of driveways serving the same building site. Pavement Required type For SFD use: Hard-surfaced pavement required for each required See Note 4. parking space; twin "ribbons" of pavement are permitted. For all other uses: Reinforced concrete, with curbs and drains required for all vehicular areas. Exceptions: See Table 7-3 (pervious pavement) and Note 4. Markings; wheel stops. Required type For non-SFD uses: Parking spaces must be clearly marked on the pavement, and wheel stops are required. See Note 12. Curb cuts Number For SFD use: Maximum one per subdivided lot abutting the street. Other regulations apply; For non-SFD use: Maximum one per 50-ft. segment of street line. see, e.g. Article 10. See Note 5. Max. width per 50-ft. seg- Four feet (for aprons) plus the maximum driveway width allowed. ment of street line Each curb cut must be confined to the part of the street area that directly abuts the building site(s) served. See Note 1. Visibility triangles Forbidden structures, plants The following are forbidden on parts of a building site within a visi- See definitions in Article 2 and other things bi&ty triangle: structures, plants or other things taller than 2.0 ft. or shorter than 8.0 ft. This does not require removal of trees in ex- istence on July 1, 1992, if kept pruned. Supp. No. 1 CDA:41 § 7-101 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE MUNICIPAL CODE Note 1. Width measurement methods. Minimum driveway width refers to both unobstructed vehicular access path and pavement. Maximum driveway width refers to maximum width of pavement in a front yard or street area, excluding complying curb cut aprons. Maximum curb cut width refers to the width of the driveway plus aprons, measured at the edge of the roadway. Note 2. Grouped or shared parking. Article 10 also provides for a special exception, in certain circumstances. Note 3. Parking exclusivity (non-SFD uses). Required parking spaces must be kept open, readily accessible and used for parking only, with no sales, dead storage, display, repair work, dismantling or servicing of any kind. Required guest parking spaces must be kept open and reserved for that use only. Note 4. Pavement. The ZBA may issue a special exception to allow other materials if it finds that they will provide equal or better durability. Note 5. Curb cuts. The ZBA may issue a special exception for additional curb cuts. Circular driveways specifically allowed by another ordinance are not prohibited. Note 6. Route; Alternating Driveways. Each driveway must connect garage space to the street by the most direct route. On narrow sites where alternate side yard areas apply (see "Yards" table), the following special restrictions also apply: (A) there must be a driveway located as nearly as practicable to one side of the site; (B) the side is determined in accordance with the established driveway pattern for the block face in question, if there is such a pattern; and (C) if there is no such pattern, and if there is an adjacent driveway on one adjoining building site but not the other, the driveway must be on the side farthest from the adjoining driveway. Exceptions: (i) this paragraph does not prohibit circular driveways specifically permitted under another ordinance of the City, and (ii) a driveway may be curved or moved away from the most direct route to the extent reasonably necessary to avoid destroying or seriously injuring a tree. Note 7. Special Exceptions. The ZBA may issue a special exception for a parking area, garage or driveway (or other maneuvering area) in another location or with a different design than prescribed by this ordinance, if it finds that: (i) the other location or design will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire-fighting and similar needs; (ii) the other location or design will prevent the destruction of a qualified tree; (iii) in the case of the remodeling of a principal building, the location requested is the same location as an existing parking area, garage or driveway; or (iv) the location or design requested is necessary for safety considerations. Note 8. Curb Cuts in PDD-THI. (i) If a building site abuts both Bellaire Boulevard and another street, then all vehicular access shall be from the other street, and no more than two curb cuts shall be allowed. However, in the case of the development of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and the east ten feet of Lot 10, Block 1, Kent Place Addition, if Lot 6 is included in the same building site or in a joint development with the other lots, vehicular access shall be limited to one curb cut on Mercer Street. (ii) If a building site abuts only Bellaire Boulevard, vehicular access shall be limited to two curb cuts. Note 9. Curb Cuts in PDD-TH5. (i) If a building site abuts both Academy and Bissonnet, no curb cuts on Bissonnet and no more than two curb cuts on Academy are permitted. (ii) If a building site abuts only Bissonnet, there may be no more than two curb cuts. Note 10. Driveways in PDD-TH7. Cul-de-sac driveways in PDD-TH7 may not exceed 50 feet in length, or 200 feet if a terminus is provided with dimensions adequate for turning. Note 11. Curb Cuts in PDD-TH2. (i) If a building site abuts both Kirby Drive and another street, there may be one curb cut on Kirby Drive and on each other abutting street. (ii) If a building site abuts only Kirby Drive, vehicular access shall be limited to two curb cuts. Note 12. Curbs as Wheel Stops. Curbs may be used as wheel stops. Area outside a curb-wheel stop counts toward minimum parking space dimensions if actually usable as "overhang" and not needed for maneuvering area. Supp. No. 1 CDA:42 V 40 AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Matthew W. Rowland 5708 Buffalo Speedway Houston, TX 77005 Prepared By: Robertson & Anschutz, P.C. 10333 Richmond Avenue, Suite 550 Houston, TX 77042 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER. STATE OF TEXAS § § ss.: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Harris § THAT Sterling Homes Corporation, a Texas Corporation, hereinafter called "Grantor", for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to Grantor in hand paid by Matthew W. Rowland, hereinafter called "Grantee", whose mailing address is 5708 Buffalo Speedway, Houston, TX 77005, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and the further consideration of the execution and delivery by said Grantee of one certain Promissory Note ("Note I") in the principal sum of Six Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($620,000.00), of even date herewith, payable to the order of Houston Capital Mortgage, hereinafter called "First Mortgagee", bearing interest at the rate therein provided; said Note containing attorney's fee clause and various acceleration of maturity clauses in case of default, and being secured by Vendor's Lien and Superior Title retained herein in favor of said First Mortgagee, and also being secured by Deed of Trust of even date herewith from Grantee to Thomas F. Vetters, Trustee, and the further consideration of the execution and delivery by said Grantee of one certain other Promissory Note ("Note II") in the principal sum of Seventy-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ( $77,500.00 ) of even date herewith, payable to the order of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., hereinafter called "Subordinate Mortgagee", bearing interest at the rate therein provided; said Note II containing attorney's fee clause and various acceleration of maturity clauses in case of default, and being secured by Vendor's Lien and Superior Title retained herein in favor of said Subordinate Mortgagee, and also being secured by Deed of Trust of even date herewith from Grantee to James L. Robertson, Trustee, Grantor has GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents does GRANT, SELL and CONVEY, unto said Grantee, the following described Property located in Harris County, Texas, to-wit: The East One-Hundred (100) feet of the South Half (1/2) of Lot Three (3), in Block Sixty-nine (69), of West University Place Second Addition, an addition in Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 538, Page 147 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas Togetherwith Grantor's right, title and interest in all system memberships and/or ownership certificates in any non-municipal water and/or sewer systems serving said Property. (R&A) RAO1 13857 - wdcorp.tx - Rev. 01/20/2006 Page 1 First Mortgagee and Subordinate Mortgagee have, at the special instance and request of Grantee, paid to Grantor a portion of the purchase price of the Property hereinabove described, as evidenced by the above described Notes, and thus a Vendor's Lien and Deed of Trust Lien against said Property securing the payment of each Note, are hereby assigned, transferred and delivered to each Mortgagee, to the extent of their respective advances, Grantor hereby conveying to said Mortgagees the said Superior Title to said Property, subrogating said Mortgagees to all the rights and remedies of Grantor in the Property by virtue of said liens. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereunto in anywise belonging to said Grantee, Grantee's heirs and assigns, forever, AND Grantor does hereby bind Grantor, Grantor's successors and assigns, to WARRANT and FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the said Property unto said Grantee, Grantee's heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. This conveyance is made subject to all and singular the restrictions, easements, exceptions, conditions and covenants, if any, applicable to and enforceable against the above-described Property as shown by the records of said County, as well as ad valorem taxes for current and subsequent years. But it is expressly agreed that the Vendor's Lien and Superior Title is retained in favor of the Payees of said Notes against the above-described property, premises and improvements, until said Notes and all interest thereon shall have been fully paid according to the terms thereof, when this Deed shall become absolute. When this Deed is executed by more than one person, or when the Grantee is more than one person, the instrument shall read as though pertinent verbs, nouns and pronouns were changed correspondingly, and when executed by or to a corporation, the words "heirs, executors and administrators" or "heirs and assigns" shall be construed to mean "successors and assigns". EXECUTED this kt~) day of VAV Lf 2204' Seller: Sterlin es Cor or By: Na e: Title: Date (R&A) RA0113857 - wdcorp.uc - Rev. 01/20/2006 Page 2 / ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS, / ✓ County ss: This instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of of Sterling Homes Corporation ,,o If of said corporatio . / Notary Public GRACE SARAGUSA cP c NOTARY PUBLIC Printed Name of Notary Public 3a t J STATE OF TEXAS COp,~M EXPIRES 05-16-2009 E T (R&A) RA0113857 - wdcorp.tx - Rev. 01/20/2006 Page 3 PROBSTFELD &ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 21S30K;.g,l.nd B6d.,S.itel06 K.ty,T...e77450 Off;R12811829-0034 F>:(281)829-0233 n Pua .t S' x. L t P. ea ~I -'z-~. 3 ~(aa. 4esa 9 Sze Nr~a~ent vaL a Loto.,c) Hm9 eNn( a. {ese Pa sze HmN) North 5 0.00' zj4o:s Na 9iaaa... d...d)e •P° x7w:n ]).v IaR... ~tl ) or r a. ~dvutl ENCROACHMENT -d I a19na sauna>v un.- - - - - - 5- uUtty n .p .g~• zt.o )/c w.es lva. 000 Pa. Isx txsn) ~h P x rA •aax (va. see P9. x]9 xepx) -1 a Iva. vv 9.:vl NwN) Lot •A "/0 7o 123 4 ass 9so.t G~ gg` Npa a i >35oesT E Ac Lwlvrnvn Puy ~~J :jso iea .~v ])so. p : sECaNO .ow] Nme v0. SJe, c z> 0 9.e 2 Story T. 16 ')rte . e m Stucco n49.e Let 4A R 11.]4 Lot 7A o 10 0 v x,.9.m a--2 v. Prn 110 334% ti d d' d 9.1d „a r~l 3a~a~ e ~ 1 a- ~r 1 As .1 F- 1 1/2. 50.W _ a 9m aaex 3.a. Is oar) (soar) mai •R }P ~ South 50.00 (Em °"T I x J ]/c .ees -/c ea.9t .e P.ap<t emcnmo~u r r c 4e Z• c •s ,9 c 4e.N Buffalo Speedway aA Is 11 100' R. O. W. cA 49.21 NUR: m . ur Slocco ca amna .,vauc . ]a' xan nm - 51.39 N.W 1933 Ioo1 otlPelm9 ND,E .a e. • r.d to tx. r.csd d pal u~lse• ouw•I•• aa,.d 1 ()O~^ r, vGem~c 11011, vxp Nlr 49 0l ln• 0e.e R•cerdr o, Hartlr C ••a~ Na P W Y • Qr-d to Nauelm Na1uM Goa ae •e1 Ivlh F F•lrvm•nt reewtl•tl V f'I I-) ~~4'L 1 T of .uepal 1a x 9 elnanc. Y t we.1 Unl Y ur., Htlu 0 w1 not tNnn.e 1a ume aw untl~ Hs.l• c lY .9 a n• No. x-)4,3)]. ~ 1_ .ue pct le e...r1.e e.... y u 9 h. r - Un Y a, r Y •mP r by v .n•nl 7 ..tn-b7c1.rNe•lo BaundmYCL'. ♦9re - a toc•. onn C. Dole m •Y for u u• Ea•1 1e tla1W N r 3a, 19]J, Q 10' r.cartl .M Y 3 1974, In th• otllce of Ina C -y erF of Hortl• Y, „nd. tl- N• NoeE-a)ia39. o•xnx hereby certify that the above PLAT OF PROPERTY FORm o: PIOI correctly represents the Sterlin¢ H es Corporation OF ~ at 5708 Buffalo Spread- lads found at the Ilme of the ~i'GtSTfR, ~ survey made on the ground ...f Lot A-l, Block 1, Sterli ng Homes Addition MAnla9 PROB91'f'6V under my supervision, and •••Y•••••••••••••••••••r••• NO RECORDING INFO. AT TIME OF THIS SURVEY. there are no opm.rt ...a p' orESS~: o~ Seel.: 1" = 20' mcrodchments al the lime of 7'1'OSU RV J Date: 4/16/04 Revised 11/2/05 this survey, unless shown or -P." o0o noted other.isa x e..19,.1.tl I n e Ix.r.. rw m u. eaeu w. w n•r ee Panel No. 480318 0860 K Zone: X Data: 4/20/00 9rwha ganr.9 aM MATHEW J. PROBSTFELD rw. • . e p•rf...a a mb•noe sorb Huey co (meet Registered Proleeelanal Lord Sure)or Proheed )b Houston Title Comnany~ Slate 0 Tez9d N.. 4995 y: GFII 04030582 (3/25/04) Job 0 886-001 v ROWLAND MATTHEW W LANDMESSER LAWRENCE M & ANN M LUQUIRE PATRICK & CHRISTINA M 6326 BELMONT ST 5702 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY 5712 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY HOUSTON TX 77005-3402 HOUSTON TX 77005-2206 HOUSTON TX 77005-2206 RE: 5708 Buffalo Speedway DUONG ANH VAN EMBRY JAMES A III & JENNIFER A HOLZHAUER PAUL C JR 5716 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY 5720 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY 5724 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY HOUSTON TX 77005-2206 HOUSTON TX 77005-2206 HOUSTON TX 77005-2206 JACOBS MARK A & JULIE S ANDERSON MATTHEW L HANSEN TIMOTHY L 5622 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY 3132 ROBINHOOD ST 3131 ROBINHOOD ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2204 HOUSTON TX 77005-2346 HOUSTON TX 77005-2345 PERSOHN ANNETTE MCDONALD GEORGE E & MAUREENA T HAU THOI & VAN HAN NGUYEN 3129 ROBINHOOD ST 3210 ROBINHOOD ST 3209 ROBINHOOD ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2345 HOUSTON TX 77005-2224 HOUSTON TX 77005-2223 SCHEFFER & ASSOCIATES INC SAUER ELIZABETH A SAFI DEBORAH C & HAZIM J 6712 BROMPTON RD 3215 ROBINHOOD ST 3219 ROBINHOOD ST HOUSTON TX 77005-3908 HOUSTON TX 77005-2223 HOUSTON TX 77005-2223 Re:3214 ROBINHOOD JORDAN KATHERINE T MAYER JOHN STANDISH THOMAS R & JOYCE 3220 ROBINHOOD ST 3223 ROBINHOOD ST 3224 ROBINHOOD ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2224 HOUSTON TX 77005-2223 HOUSTON TX 77005-2224 COOPER DAVID & SALLY H MONTGOMERY JOHN N & ANN PERSOHN ANNETTE H 3132 TANGLEY RD 3214 TANGLEY RD 2726 CENTENARY ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2358 HOUSTON TX 77005-2244 HOUSTON TX 77005-3940 RE: 3220 TANGLEY ST ATKINS THOMAS H & BRENDA 3224 TANGLEY RD HOUSTON TX 77005-2244 ~ r City of e Place A Neighborhood City ® Recycled Paper NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in the Bill Watson Conference Room of the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, City of West University Place, Texas 77005, during a meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.m. on September 18, 2008. The hearing may be recessed and continued to a ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.m. on Octoberl6, 2008. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the site: 5708 Buffalo Speedway, West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal description of the site: Lot A-1, Block 1, Sterling Homes Addition replat 2005 {previously known as: The East One-Hundred (100) feet of the South half (1/2) of Lot Three (3), in Block sixty- nine (69), of West University Place Second Addition, an addition in Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 538, Page 147 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. } Docket No.: 08-08 Applicant: Matthew W. Roland Action Requested: Applicant requests a special exception as provided in Table 7-5a: Parking, driveways, etc., Note 7, Special Exceptions, Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances to allow a stub or dead end driveway in the front yard as an alternate design for maneuvering area. Applicable regulations include the City's Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. Additional details on such matters, as well as, the applicable regulations are available for public inspection in the Public Works Center, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, 77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearings. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting, please contact the Planning & Development Assistant at 713.662.5843 in advance of the meeting. Reasonable acconunodations will be inade to assist your participation in the meeting. The Municipal Builting is wheel chair accessible from the west entrance and specially marked parking spaces are available in the southwest parking area. Signed: , for the ZBA 9-4-2008. Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant.