HomeMy WebLinkAbout05212009 ZBA Agenda Item 4 Air Memo To: Zoning Board of Adjustments From: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner Date: May 18, 2009 Re: Staff Report for Docket 09-05 The applicant of Docket 09-05, 4112 Judson, is requesting a variance to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Table 7-4a, entitled "Garage space." Table 7-4a regulates garage doors or openings and their distance from the front yard (setback) line. A garage door or opening facing a front street line (property line) is required to be set back an additional ten feet from the front yard (setback) line. The applicant at 4112 Judson purchased a 79.4' x 100' lot behind their building site (4107 Emory). The applicant combined the separate sites into one building site through an owner's designation of a building site allowance in Article 5 of the zoning regulations. This combined building site now meets the definition of a "through" building site and is treated as if it has two front yard (setback) lines. The average front yard line along Judson is 20', so the front yard line for 4112 Judson has been designated at 20' Staff Response The applicant purchased the building site located at 4112 Judson and combined it with their current residence to create one "through" building site. The existing residence was demolished, but the applicant retained the pool structure and patio surrounding the pool. The applicant is planning to construct a 14' x 20' garage stricture on the Judson site and plans to use the existing driveway to access the garage. The applicant also plans to constrict a new fence along the front building line to enclose the site. The applicant requests that they be allowed to front the garage on the front yard (setback) line in order to create better flow with the adjoining properties. The applicant states that adhering to the requirement to place the garage an additional 10' behind the required front building line would create an unsafe option for accessing the garage by creating a recessed area without lighting. The proposed location will not create additional on-street parking, will not cause the sidewalk to be blocked, and will not interfere with the streetscape view of the surrounding properties. Staff believes that the ZBA has the authority to grant this variance, but according to Section 11- 102, the ZBA may not issue a variance unless all of the following circumstances are present: (1) The ZBA must make all findings and determinations required by state law for the granting of a variance, which are: (i) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting the variance, the spirit of the Judson Staff Report Page 1 ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) the variance is not contrary to public interest. (2) The ZBA must make any additional findings and determinations required by a specific provision of this ordinance that relates to the variance. (3) The variance must be reduced to writing including any conditions prescribed by the ZBA or required by this ordinance for the variance in question. Judson Staff Report Page 2 1 § 7-101 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE MUNICIPAL CODE General Rule: Every building site, garage space and related structure must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table. C"N/A" means the rule does not apply.) Exceptions l Special Rules: it) See special rules noted in table. (2) See Article 9 regarding Planned Table 7-4a: Garage space Development Districts. (3) See Note 1 regarding special exceptions. SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH GR•1 0,R-2 C Item Regulation Garage space, Garage parking Minimum 2.0 per DU (1.0 per DU for old Minimum 2.0 per Di1; each must be enclosed. in general spaces. See Article :Mock housing); each must be enclosed or 10, semi-enclosed and adjoin a driveway. Maximum 1.0 per 2,225 square feet of building site area, not to exceed 4.0. '.Minimum garage Ten feet wide, 20 feet deep (for each 12 ft. wide, 25 ft. deep (for each required garage parking space di- required garage parking space). parking space). mensions Garage doors Maneuvering area See Article 10 or openings Door or opening Prohibited unless: (i) the garage door is (May affect eligibility as QMDS. See definitions in facing front street set back ten feet or more from the front Article 2.) line. yard, and (ii) there is only open area above the driveway for at least seven feet inward from the front yard, and (in) any structure above the driveway (and > within ten feet of the front yard) must be cantilevered or suspended from the build- ing (no special posts or vertical supports being allowed). Door or opening Prohibited unless: (i) the garage door is (May affect eligibility as QMDS. See definitions in facing side street set back ten feet or more from the side Article 2.) line street line, and 60 there is only open area above the driveway for at least seven feet inward from the side street line, and (iii) any structure above the driveway (and within ten feet of the side street line) must be cantilevered or sus- pended from the building (no special posts or vertical supports being allowed). Garage acces- Limit on non-ga- Max. 600 sq. ft. GFA in any accessory N/A sbuildings rage space building containing garage space. Note 1. Special Exceptions. The ZBA may issue a special exception for a parking area, garage or driveway in another location or with a different design than prescribed by this table, if it finds that: ( i ) the other location or design will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire-fighting and similar needs; (ii) the other location or design will prevent the destruction of a qualified tree; (iii) in the case of the remodeling of a principal building, the location requested is the same location as an existing parking area, garage or driveway; or (iv) the location or design requested is necessary for safety considerations. `upp. No. 6 CDA:36 • APPENDIX A-ZONING ORDINANCE § 7-101 Ccneral Rule: Every building site, garage space and related structure must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table. i"N/A" means the rule does riot apply.) Exceptions /Special Rules: (1) See special rules noted in table. 2) See Article 9 regarding Planned Table 74a, cont. Development Districts. (3) See Note 1 regarding special exceptions. PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- Item Regulation RF2~ THl TH2 TH4 TH5 TH7 CI Garage apace, Garage parking Minimum 2.0 (1.0 per Minimum 2.0 per DU; must be enclosed_ N/A in general spaces. See Article DU for old stock hous- 10. ing); each must be en- closed or semi-enclosed and adjoin a driveway. Maximum 1.0 per 2,225 of building site area, not to exceed 4.0. Minimum garage Ten feet wide, 20 feet 12 ft. wide, 25 ft. deep (for each required parking space). N/A parking space di- deep (for each required mensions garage parking space). Garage doors Maneuvering area See Article 10 N/A or openings Door or opening Prohibited unless: (i) (May affect eligibility as QMDS. See definitions in Article 2.) N/A facing front street the garage door is set line. back ten feet or more from the front yard, and (ii) there is only open area above the drive- way for at least seven feet inward from the front yard, and (iii) any structure above the driveway (and within ten feet of the front yard) must be cantilevered or sus- pended from the build- ing (no special posts or vertical supports being allowed). Door or opening Prohibited unless: (i) (May affect eligibility as QMDS. See definitions in Article 2.) N/A facing side street the garage door is set line back ten feet or more from the side street line, and (ii) there is only open area above the driveway for 10 at least seven feet inward from the side street line, and (iii) any structure above the driveway !and within ten feet of the side street line) must be cantilevered or sus- pended from the build- ing (no special posts or vertical supports being allowed). Garage acces- Limit on non-ga- Max. 600 sq. ft. GFA in N/A N/A sory buildings rage apace any accessory building containing garage space. Supp. No. 6 CDA37 City of West University Place APPLICATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") '94m, NP, Address of site: ` P ( Z_ j vt sG r 1 Legal description of the site: Lot 2 I o CCG Z Z 0-C) 1 Applicant: a I) U 421L') ~ ~LY~L C10111 Address: ~1 I 0 rl w U p 4i L- i v t) 7y OC S , Contact: ( C ( ( I ~ Phone: I Fax: SGL-Y► Email: r Vl l C r~ Decision or Action Requested (check one or more and provide requested data): Appeal. Hear and decide an appeal from an order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Administrative Official. • Is the official's action in writing? ( ) Yes; ( )copy is attached. ( )No, but the action appealed is as follows: • When was the action taken? Note: Appeals must be filed within a reasonable time. Please explain any delay below: • Exact zoning ordinance section(s) involved: • Grounds for appeal: ( } Special Exception. • Exact zoning ordinance section that authorizes the special exception: • Exact wording of special exception requested: f` Variance. • Exact zoning ordinance section from which a variance is requeate T1 _q 01__ ca ~eu5 e- D ~:a C C_ • Exact wording of variance requested: F ne_ , i i C.(U V-X5 t` ~0~y~ : ~5"~- l~ r'v :1 tG ~Zt 0.- 0. G Cwt ~t l 1 Z ~1 GiSc, Z( ~ b ~ 11Z 15 Q t}`fZ & Li L ~ - I t / 1 `W (h L~ J -n-~t L r 1 I l,~ ) ~(j f 1 1 /S ru --c" i L l l cL Other Data. Are trgere drawings or other data? ( )No { )Yes(list items here and attach them) I Ce 6-f { C, i L, C, ~`-'LI I - t: TF? } a y~l~ I Le y Attached. The applicant has read the State and City regulations attached. 4/ 3e, 0 Signature of applicant: ! L - C L ~-t Lk+_~Date: C i J-( Docket#: `S For Staff Use only Date filed.-;) Date heard: ) /:N) I I Form ZBA-102 1- IE & HARVEY MICHS $ PERMITTED I - - I Existing Neighbor's 20' -Home - CeA ~ i ~ Existing Pool - Existing Homeowner's and Patio o f Dwelling Driveway I ~ Extension to Garage Door a Proposed rete 14 X202 R -xis my t C - n Garage. sear Existing -20' • Neighbor's Home ~ I I IE & HARVEY MICHA S FOR PROPOSA I - - Existing / ~ Neighbor's 20' Home 7' fence-on Siyc \ 100' K °Existing d f ut o HomeOwner's Dwelling w MWpMmdL NO Driveway c. ' version io ;u ~ I I - age Door Q) 10 r, ii~ etl i rote N 4 , { 141.26' 4` _ E isu u, T, C ~z Jll ev ay O ~ ~ Ct N Existing 20' Neighbor's • Home I • Reasons for Requesting Variance for Garage Construction at 4112 Judson We have been residents of West University Place since 1983 and appreciate the environment and services provided by the city. We built our home at 4107 Emory in 1993 and have lived there since. For some time we had hoped to enlarge the yard space of our home. When our neighbors on Judson decided to sell their house we thought this would be our opportunity to have a larger back yard with an existing small pool. We thought about keeping the home but there was significant deferred maintenance and mold, so we had to demolish it. The house was one story with an attached garage. Since the driveway was in good shape, we tried to just keep the existing garage but were told by our contractor it was not possible to keep it while tearing down the rest of the house. Throughout the permitting process, which began in January, we assumed we could build the new garage in the place where the original garage was situated. When we began the process of getting our fence permit, we were told the fence would have to be at the 20' set back line in order to be lined up and not block the sight line of our neighbors. We complied with that and placed the fence where the original house stood. We then discovered that we would have to set back the start of the garage an additional 10', even though the original garage and the garages of our neighbors are not set back at this distance. This necessarily requires us to pour 10' by 14'(the width of the garage) or 140 more square feet of concrete. This of course defeats the purpose of providing more green space in the yard. Our lot on Judson is very close to the triangle at Judson and Bissonnet St. and looks out on both Bissonnet and the long fence of our across the street neighbors (who front Bissonnet, see pictures attached). By setting back the garage an additional 10 feet and building the side fence perpendicular to the front facing fence to attach to the garage this will cause a blind spot behind which someone could hide. This makes us feel less safe, especially since the primary use of the garage will be for our teenage daughter when she begins to drive next year. • • The 4100 block of Judson is made up of small single story, old stock homes many of which are rental homes. Given the proximity to Bissonnet, it is unlikely there will be much new construction. The proposed location of our garage will fit in more closely with the rest of our neighborhood. We have also asked our neighbors if they are in agreement with our proposal and all that we have reached have said they are. Please see attached letter signed by our neighbors. We understand that the regulation requiring a 10' set back for garages was initiated so that cars parked in the driveway would not impede a pedestrian's ability to walk on our sidewalks and to prevent people from walking in the street. We agree and support this goal. But by granting a variance in this unique situation the board can be certain this will not happen due to the reasons below. First of all, there are only three people in our family that reside in our house. The main entrance to our combined lots will always be through our front door at 4107 Emory. At that location we have the ability to park b cars in our driveway without blocking the sidewalk (see pictures attached). Secondly, as stated previously, the garage on Judson is a secondary garage (no house will ever be built there). It will be used for one car only, which will be housed inside the garage. Because there will be no gate into the yard no one other than one of the three of us will be able to open the garage door, enter it, and access the backyard. Thirdly, where we propose to place the door of the garage will still afford plenty of space to park even an SUV sized car, should the situation arise, outside of the garage and still not obstruct the sidewalk. (See picture attached) In conclusion, we feel that we have a unique situation since this is a through- lot with a garage only and that the requested variance does not violate the spirit of the City's regulations. It will not cause a parking problem that will block the sidewalk, the proposed location fits in aesthetically with the rest of the neighborhood and in fact improves the neighborhood with a new fence and garage, and adds more green space on an inferior lot that faces the traffic of Bissonnet and our neighbors do not oppose it to. April 27, 2009 This letter is to inform the City of West University's Zoning Board of Adjustment that the undersigned neighbors of 4112 Judson do not oppose the property owners, Harvey and Collie Michaels' proposal to build a garage at 4112 Judson that lines up with the 20 foot set back property line, versus being set back an additional 10 feet behind the 20-foot front property line set back. Name of Neighbor Address of Neighbor Signature of Neighbor ~w C -----=S J _ - - - Sol - C-------- - = t=-----`-~~--------- H 1LL Lie-, 41 E: rq k) } t-------------- C,I( - f / 4 - _ , ✓ 04/30/2009 10:17 FAX 7139329238 wivv-L.Vv, 0, O{Z0H 4 4, 51 TI~;Y;tl~srn*Leiaroslt. c + Rf~1C' Fa`lders ! 081042 08 l737p. A+NIsrry Tt4340 p;2 nib WtW- IslalaFarmtheCtty of test fin Wl!rsity' i n ng Board:ofAdjust t t!~$ ire an d ri of ~41 u s ;da nog o~pg tf pa o: x~r t oWneft, Harvey anordilie.'michuds' p vpwat to #u gd av age at 4112 judsm es- tip :the W ;kotset-back Qrape line, verses timing set back are a imat 10 t hind: e J ={o fi mt rty tine set "C.. F Ova f _ r~.~ aC3Q rpy b 410( _t~Q . IQ ~nw..J n~.r-s -n-w-w-._-.~-.wr-aar_w_ rv.w_rr. r.inr-.._w+.T _-_.n w_Mr~_..._ i I \ ,r a.~..M _ .4 . • rte- . , w. - _ Sr h A ~ Mika '.444 ¢ . 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THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF HARRIS § ;f That JOHN ROBERT SPIKERNIAN and wife, MARY SETH SPIKERMAN, hereinafter called "Grantor" (whether one or more), for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ($10.00) DOLLARS and other valuable consideration to the undersigned paid by the Grantee herein named, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents does GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto HARVEY N. MICHAELS and wife, COLLIE C. MICHAELS, herein called "Grantee" (whether one or more), the following property situated in Harris County, Texas, to-wit: Lot Eleven (11), in Block Twenty-Two (22), of COLLEGE COURT PLACE, a subdivision in - - Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 7, Page 7 of the i**lap Records of Harris County, 'texas. This conveyance is made and accepted subject to any and all easements, rights of way, valid restrictions, mineral reservations' of any kind, maintenance charges, building set back lines, and governmental regulations, if any, to the extent, but only to the extent that they are reflected by the records of the Office of the County Clerk of the above mentioned County and State.. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever; and Grantors do hereby bind themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the said premises unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof except as to the resenlations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty. When Grantor and/or Grantee are more than one entity, the pertinent nouns, verbs and pronouns shall be construed to correspond. When Grantor and/or Grantee are a corporation, a trustee or other legal entity that is not a natural person, the pertinent words "heirs, executors and administrators" and/or "heirs and assigns" shall be construed to mean "successors and assigns," respectively. Reference to any gender shall include either gender and, in the case of a legal entity that is not a natural person, shall include the neuter gender, all as the case may be. Current ad vaiorem taxes on the property have been prorated, the payment thereof is assumed by Grantee. General Warranty Deed (Cash) Page I of 3 OltStt?Cl T WE) Comaan>f EXECUTED THIS day of 20 v , HN ROBERT SPIKE MARY BE H SPIKE IAN ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS TV This instrument was acknowledged before me on this 1day oF~ 20~ by JOHN ROBERT SPIKERMAN, Notary Public in jd3d for The State of TEXAS ACKNOWLEDGMENT i THE STATE OF TEXAS § F COUNTY OF HARRIS § by MARY This instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~ 'rday of 20-21' BETH SPIKERIVIAN. l1 ~i Notary Public in and It - :The State of TEXAS r4 se.cO r 71 r General Warranty Deed (Cash) Page 2 of 3 GIrA.NTEE'S ADDRESS: AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO: `vE PZW-5. Flag V -7 -700 PREPARED BY THE LAW FIRM OF: TRAVIS NEWPORT & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 4702 Old Spanish Trait, Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77021 Telephone 713,741.1237 GF4 08054558 (7.08) y k163'J~iC~~SKtt(~~IEYtk<{{~~cg ~~,rtzSzLk r, C")C'Mly OF 1(:_zr,~yw; 1 tass Cars ply mt c r d j i ~ .3 wf rz~r S=-;f= c1 v oil JUL 2008 J ~ (✓VUII~II t.j (~IL'1 ttd~r ktv t'(ti 1{~J'h~ General Warranty Deed (Cash) Page 3 of 3 COPYRIGHT 2008 JOB NO.: 0165-08 RY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY THIS PROPERTY IS NOT IN THE 1DO YFAR FLODD PLAIN ACCORDING TO N FAY. MW NO. 48201C 0855L REV. JUNE 18, 2001. ZONE 'X'. WE DO NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILIrr FOR -T DETERMINATION. PROPERTY SUBJECT TO LOCK MUNICIPALITIES AND ORDINANCES, ZONING REQUIREMENTS AND SUBDMSION COvENENTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. SET 5/8' CIR EAST 50.00 o SET 5/8" CIR ROCK 0 jx~ a I ; \ a p e. a O p 2.a 6 - O r O O 4.9' 19.4 ONE STORY I FRAME co _ # 4112 Zol Z) H O o c I 13.2' r C I O O C Z 5 10-0"a N r/' 16.7 4.8' Q LL 3 LOT 11 I 5 p BLOCK 22 a 60.0' 50.0' 50.0' 50.0' FND 1/2 I.R. ND 1 1„P. EAST 50.OOr s es-i 4z E P~~ e 0", JUDSON AVE. (60' R.O.W.) I, FRED F. LAWTON. a Registered Professimal Land Surveyor in the Slate of Tesas, do hereby Certify lhol this -y w made the here d,fe_derttmcrovcPmentsn' of the property described hereon (and/or by metesIle ts awnhddbounds on [cached wheel), Ia correct and that apparent on the grountl, and chef all improvemenly within the property lines, evicepl as shown or n oledahereon. This survey certified for and provided solely for use of the currl arties and na Ilcen se has been -t,d, expressed or implletl, to copy survey a cepl as is nets nary in onjun coon with the ori9in p al transaction. Surveyor did not abstract propttty, easements, buildingslines, restrictions, etc. shown hereon ore as idenlined by 111 ON Tlltl COMPANY _ -GF No. ~'SMS4558 _ ,~~ZE OF pf _c~.;.......... Lot _ I_1 Block - of IILI t ;L COURT PLACE PEOIS'Tf~~,~q n 1lRolvi -ION IN rlnr _o11N1Y rLxns According to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 7 Page FRED F LgtNTON. _t ...............................t. of the- MAP_ records of HARRIS County, Texas. _ 5530 Purchaser: IIARVFY N. MICHAE LS AND COLLI[ MICHACLS~9 ~~~ESS10vP'' Address:-_ ` 1 aUU50N AVE , HOUSION,- TExAC 770(15 ~ IJR VE V°-~ Lender: Witness my hand this__ 1`111 __day Of_ JULY „2008 -V ~ South/West Land Surveying Co. FR F. TON 11281 Richmond Avenue, Suite No. J107, Houston, Texas 77082 REGISTER PROFESS NAL ND SURVEYOR NO. 5530 Tel.: 281-496-9977 A Fax: 281-496-9989 A Toll 800-336-2840 www.hughesswsurvey,com SCALE: 1 "=20' DRAWN BY: KT REVISION: OLM i i City of West University Place A Neighborhood City ® Recycled Paper NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in the Bill Watson Conference Room of the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, City of West University Place, Texas 77005, during a meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.m. on May 21, 2009. The hearing may be recessed and continued to a ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.m. on June 18, 2009. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the site: 4112 Judson, West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal description of the site: Lot eleven (11), in block twenty-two (22) of College Court Place, a subdivision in Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in volume 7, Page 7of the map records of Harris County, Texas. Docket No.: 2009-05 Applicant: Harvey and Collie Michaels Action Requested: Applicant requests a variance per Article 7, Table 7-4a: Garage Space, Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances, to allow building a garage at the front yard line instead of the required 10 feet back from the front yard line. Applicable regulations include the City's Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. Additional details on such matters, as well as, the applicable regulations are available for public inspection in the Public Works Center, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, 77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearings. Ifyou plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting, please contact the Planning & DevelopmentAssistant at 713.662.5843 in advance of the meeting. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your participation in the meeting. The Municipal Building is wheel chair accessible front the west entrance and specially marked parking spaces are available in thl. uth west parking area. Signed: J_ for the ZBA 5-11-2009. Sallye A. Clark;' lanning Assistant. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.668.4441 9 www.westu.orQ 0 • MICHAELS HARVEY N & COLLIE LEZUNGAS JORGE W & JESSICA A WILLIAMS JOHN E JR 4107 EMORY AVE 1226 BUELL CT 4104 EMORY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1920 JOLIET IL 60435-6875 HOUSTON TX 77005-1921 Re: 4115 EMORY FABIANI RUSSELL & MICHELLE RANDLE CHASE K GAVAGAN DONAL C & MONICA 4138 RUSKIN ST 4108 EMORY AVE 4116 EMORY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1921 HOUSTON TX 77005-3513 HOUSTON TX 77005-1921 Re: 4112 EMORY GIERING GEOFFREY 3402 BROADWAY ST BOUTROS AUDREY M JACKSON LESLIE FRITZ HOUSTON TX 77017-2216 4124 EMORY AVE 4127 EMORY AVE Re: 4120 EMORY HOUSTON TX 77005-1921 HOUSTON TX 77005-1920 LINESCH MARK H & ABBY L MILLER HUGH D & MARGARET R DAVIS ANDREW M 4123 EMORY AVE PO BOX 270222 5702 ACADEMY ST HOUSTON TX 77005-1920 HOUSTON TX 77277-0222 HOUSTON TX 77005-1950 RE: 4101 EMORY VODANOVICH ESTHER ANN 5925 KIRBY DR UNIT E504 IMBERMAN SCOTT & SHINY SANCHEZ HECTOR HOUSTON TX 77005-3150 5706 ACADEMY ST 4115 BISSONNET ST Re: 5704 Academy HOUSTON TX 77005-1950 HOUSTON TX 77005-1913 RUMSEY JANET NOVAK JOHN E & CATHERINE REZAPOUR AFSHIN 4111 BISSONNET ST 4109 BISSONNET ST DANESHZADEH SARA HOUSTON TX 77005-1913 HOUSTON TX 77005-1913 4107 BISSONNET ST HOUSTON TX 77005-1913 THAI SUONG NGOC MCKELVEY JUDY LEE M PAUL NGUYEN MARY P P 4105 BISSONNET ST 2302 ALBERTON LN 4114 BISSONNET ST HOUSTON TX 77005-1913 PEARLAND TX 77584-9803 HOUSTON TX 77005-1914 RE: 4104 Bissonnet TOWNSEND P C TREIDER MICHAEL D J F BRAZOS ENTERPRISES LTD 4108 BISSONNET ST 4132 JUDSON AVE 2145 STANMORE DR HOUSTON TX 77005-1914 HOUSTON TX 77005-1925 HOUSTON TX 77019-5611 RE: 4128 Judson RE: 4122 Judson ROSER NORMAN L & ETAL HO MING F 3203 MERCER ST STE 200 LASLEY STEPHEN E & MARY H OU JIM HOUSTON TX 77027-6017 4116 JUDSON AVE 11002 TWAIN DR RE: 4118 Judson HOUSTON TX 77005-1925 MONTGOMERY TX 77356-5526 RE: 4106 Judson HOPE MICHAEL A 12704 SAINT LAZARE LN SAINT LOUIS MO 63127-1522 Re; 4102 Judson