HomeMy WebLinkAbout03122009 ZPC Agenda Item 3 i Memo To: Zoning and Planning Commission Members From: Chris Peifer, Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Debbie Scarcella, City Planner Date: March 9, 2009 Re: Staff Report for Docket 08-04 Plat Approval Mathew's Market Plat Applicant's Request The applicant requests final plat approval (with a waiver of the requirement to get preliminary plat approval first) for Mathew's Market, a subdivision of 0.8006 acres situated in the A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract No. 61 of Harris County, Texas. The proposed plat is divided into two unrestricted reserves and two common use areas (public utility /drainage reserves). The applicant also requests the Zoning and Planning Commission consider variances from strict compliance with provisions of Chapter 74 for the following items: 1. Not all of the site drains to Edloe Street (The portion of the site behind the existing buildings drains directly to Poor Farm Ditch). 2. There is no public sidewalk in or adjacent to Edloe Street (An alternative interim public sidewalk easement is proposed on the plat). 3. There are impaired public easements for utilities and drainage (this could be construed as a variance matter). Background Information The properties located at 6203 and 6207-6217 Edloe Street were originally developed in the mid- 1940's. The tracts have most recently housed Mathew's Motors and various retail outlets and were both owned by the same grantor. In April of 2008, the tracts were sold by metes and bounds to separate owners - Stockard Realty Partnership, Ltd. acquired .3114 acres located at 6203 Edloe Street (Mathew's Motors) and 6203 Edloe Partners, L.P. acquired .498 acres located at 6207-6217 Edloe Street (retail center). The applicants intend to renovate and upgrade both properties but will not alter the footprints of the buildings. The "Mathew's Motors" site and building are proposed to be long-term leased to an entity for remodeling and operation of "Mathews Market", a neighborhood type grocery, prepared foods market, casual dining facility and community gathering place. The "Retail Center" site will be re- tenanted with retailers providing goods and services to the immediate neighborhood. Apparently the entire tract is still "acreage," never platted. Strictly speaking, it should have been platted many years ago when it was originally subdivided out of a larger tract and built upon. Also, Mathews Market Page 1 3-12-09 F • • when the tract was re-subdivided into two parcels last year, it should have been platted. Both state law and city ordinance require platting when a tract is split into two or more parts (subject to certain exceptions not relevant here). If the proposed plat is approved, the question will become somewhat academic. Separately, the applicants have applied to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for relief from the requirement that 15% of each building site be "pervious area." There are other aspects of the project that do not meet current zoning regulations (including off-street parking), but the applicants are claiming prior-non-conforming (PNC) status as to them. Staff Comments: The applicant requests final plat approval, with a waiver of the requirement to obtain preliminary plat approval first. The Zoning and Planning Commission has the authority to waive this requirement for simple replats and other appropriate plats, "when, in the judgment of the Z&PC, sufficient information is available from the official site plan or other sources." The applicant is also requesting variances from strict compliance with City ordinances: 1. Drainage Flow. Section 74-113 requires all drainage from lots in a "new subdivision" to be directed to the street, "unless otherwise indicated on the final plat." The rear portions of the property sheet flow to Poor Farm Ditch and empty directly into the ditch without an internal drainage system. Note: The proposed drainage into Poor Farm Ditch is essentially the status quo. It has probably been that way many years. If the Commission approves it, there should be a noted added to the plat to indicate which part of the site is allowed to drain directly into Poor Farm Ditch. 2. Public Sidewalk. Section 74-105 (and other sections of the Code of Ordinances) requires the installation of public improvements and facilities to serve the subdivision. There should normally be a public sidewalk within or adjacent to the abutting public street right of way (here, Edloe Street). However, if the applicant installs a public sidewalk in the normal location, the sidewalk would be behind the existing "head-in" parking spaces along Edloe, creating possible unsafe conditions for pedestrians and vehicles that are required to back out of the parking spaces. This is an especially acute problem because of the nearby elementary school and pre-school. To address this problem, the applicant has offered to dedicate an interim easement for a public sidewalk adjacent to the building fronts (across the interior of the site), with connections to the Edloe Street right of way. There is a special clause in the dedication requiring the City to release the interim easement when (and if) a substitute sidewalk is ever provided to replace it (see Note 15 on the proposed plat). Note: The interim sidewalk solution is better, in the judgment of staff, than installing a new sidewalk behind a row of parked cars. It will route pedestrians along a safer path, and it will bring them close to the storefronts, which may help to revitalize the area. 3. Utility and Drainage Easements. Chapter 74 requires that public easements be dedicated for public utilities and drainage. In this case, the easements should be located across the rear of the property, because that is where the existing facilities (including a City water line) have been built. However, there are three existing easements across the rear of the property: (1) a 15-foot wide strip along the existing Poor Farm Ditch granted to an old Harris County drainage district (probably now part of Harris County Flood Control District); (2) an adjacent 10-foot strip plus Mathews Market Plat Page 3 3-12-09 aerial easement granted to Houston Lighting & Power Company (now CenterPoint Energy); and (3) a later 10-foot strip overlapping the HL&P easement granted to HCFCD (which makes a total width of 25 feet for HCFCD). All of the prior easements are shown on the proposed plat. It is possible to add new public easements for drainage and public utilities as "overlays" atop the existing easements, and the proposed plat would do so. However, unless the existing easement owners abandon or subordinate their easement rights, the new "overlay" public easements will be impaired. Notes. Reportedly, the applicants have attempted to obtain abandonment or subordination, but without success. Apparently, neither HCFCD nor CenterPoint will consent to the overlay of new public easements (or any other feature of the plat). As a result, staff believes that it would be prudent to plan for the possibility that HCFCD or CenterPoint may someday require that utility facilities be removed or relocated in the rear area. Should that ever happen, a new location may be needed. The applicants have offered to dedicate anew ten foot public utility easement across the front of the property for this purpose, and it is shown on the proposed plat. If the Commission approves this approach, staff would recommend that the dedication of the "overlay" public utility easement in the rear be clarified (the draft plat submitted on March 10 shows only ten feet plus a five-foot aerial easement; it should be 25 feet plus a five foot aerial easement; and Notes 13 and 14 should be corrected and conformed). Mathews Market Plat Page 3 3-12-09 Addendum to Application To the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PRELIMINARY PLATNARIANCE: Applicants request waiver of the requirement for a preliminary plat and the direct approval of a final plat for Matthews Market, a subdivision of 0.8007 acres in the A.C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract No. 61, Harris County, Texas, composed of Parcels I and II on the east side of Edloe Street, West University Place, Harris County, Texas. There is no benefit to the public of a preliminary plat, when the final plat is ready for review and filing. Applicants respectfully request that the Zoning and Planning Commission waive (or grant a variance from) the requirement for preliminary plat since the final plat is prepared and in acceptable form. REQUEST FOR VARIANCES FROM CHAPTER 74 REQUIREMENTS: Applicants also request the following variances from strict compliance with provisions of Chapter 74: (1) Required drainage to Edloe Street (the portion of the site behind the existing buildings drains to Poor Farm Ditch) (2) Requirement for a public sidewalk directly adjacent to Edloe Street right-of-way (alternative temporary public sidewalk easement is proposed on the plat) The Zoning and Planning Commission has authority to grant variances and modifications from the requirements of Chapter 74 under Section 74-7(a). The requirements for granting a variance or modification are: (1) Extraordinary hardship resulting from strict compliance, (2) Substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured, and (3) The variation will not nullify the intent and purpose of Chapter 74. Background: The properties were acquired April 15, 2008 from a common grantor (West U., Ltd. - J. Ray Riley). Stockard Realty Partnership, Ltd. acquired a .3114 acre tract of land located at 6203 Edloe Street, which formerly housed Matthews Motors (the "Matthews Building"). 6203 Edloe Partners, L.P. acquired a .4893 acre tract at 6207 - 6217 Edloe Street which contains the West University Retail Center (the "Retail Center"). These buildings are over 50 years old and have continuously provided retail and service support to the City of West University Place. Both properties will be renovated and upgraded to have a more pleasing aesthetic appearance. G:\Clients\6979\005\ZPC Plat Application\Addendum to Application (plat 2-27-09).doc 2/27/2009 11:10:29 AM 1 The Matthews Building will be long term leased to a Jim Reid entity for the development and operation of "Matthews Market" a neighborhood grocery, prepared foods market, casual dining facility and community gathering place. The Retail Center will be re-tenanted with upscale, desirable retailers providing goods and services to the immediate neighborhood. After redevelopment, both properties will provide a substantial boost in property taxes and sales taxes to the City. Discussion: The requested variances are appropriate as follows: (1) Drainage to the street - The standard rule in West University Place is that all property should drain to the street and all streets are designed to be the primary carriers of storm water. These properties have existing long-term drainage characteristics which are approximately 80% to Edloe and 20% to Poor Farm Ditch (being the area behind the existing buildings). The area does not have a history of flooding. The on site area draining to Poor Farm Ditch is very small. The ditch has adequate capacity to drain the rear of the properties, as it has for over 50 years. (2) Sidewalk - Placing a sidewalk directly adjacent to Edloe Street would put it behind the parking spaces for the site, which would be a safety hazard. A superior alternative is to place the public sidewalk directly adjacent to the front of the existing buildings with a temporary public sidewalk easement dedicated on the plat. That easement would terminate upon the approval by the City and the recording in the Real Property Records of a substitute sidewalk easement (such as when, if ever, the buildings are demolished and new construction occurs). Satisfaction of Zoning Ordinance requirements for variances: Considering the foregoing circumstances, Applicants will incur extraordinary hardship from strict compliance. Substantial justice requires that these variances be granted. The public interest is protected and there is no nullifying of the intents and purpose of the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of West University Place. The variances will support the proposed redevelopment of these 50+ year old buildings into the proposed Matthews Market and a more upscale retail shopping center, providing significant benefit to the City of West University Place and its residents. Formal Request: Applicants respectfully request that the Zoning and Planning Commission issue variances as requested above. G:\Clients\6979\005\ZPC Plat Application\Addendum to Application (plat 2-27-09).doc 2/27/2009 11:10:29 AM 2 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS WE, 6203 EDLOE PARTNERS, LP, A TEXAS UMffED PARTNERSHIP, BY JAMES K. REID, MANAGER OF 6203 EDLOE MANAGEMENT, LLC, ITS GENERAL PARTNER, AND SIOCKARD REALTY PARTNERSHIP, LTD., A 7EXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, BY WALTER A. SIOCKARD, MANAGER OF W.A. SIOCKARD MANAGEMENT, LLC, ITS GENARAL PAWNER, HERE7NAF7ER REFFERED TO AS OWNERS OF THE 0.8006 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE AND FORGOING MAP OF MATTHEW S MARKET, DO HEREBY MAKE AND ESTABLISH SAiD SUBOMS/ON AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF SAID PROPERTY ACCORDING TO ALL LINES, DEDICATIONS, RES7RIC770NS AND NOTATIONS ON SAID MAPS OR PLAT AND HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREWA, ALL STREETS (EXCEPT THOSE STREETS DESIGNATED AS PRIVATE STREETS, OR PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENTS), ALLEYS, PARKS, WATER COURSE'S, DRAINS, EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC PLACES SHOWN 7HEREON FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERA77ONS THEREIN EXPRESSED; AND DO HEREBY BIND OURSELVES OUR HEIRS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND THE RILE ON THE LAND SO A044 W. FURTHER, OWNERS DO HEREBY CER77FY THAT ALL &WSTTNG ENCUMBRANCES, SUCH AS EASEMENTS, FEE STRIPS OR SIGIVIRG -4W TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES ON THE LAND BEING PLATTED ARE FULLY SHOWN AND ACCURATELY IDENTIFIED ON THE FACE OF THE PLAT, FURTHER, OWNERS DO HEREBY COVENANT AND AGREE THAT ALL OF THE PROPERTY WTTHlN THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PLAT iS HEREBY RESTRICTED TO PREVENT THE DRAINAGE OF ANY SEPTIC TANKS INTO ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATE STREET, PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENT, RDAD OR ALLEY OR ANY DRAINAGE DITCH, EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY. FURTHER, OWNERS DO HEREBY DEDICATE 70 774E PUBLIC A STRIP OF LAND FIFTEEN FEET (15 07 WIDE ON EACH SIDE OF THE CEN7ER LINE OF ANY AND ALL BAYOUS, CREEKS, GULLIES RAVINES DRAWS, SLOUGHS, OR OTHER NATURAL DR41NAGE COURSES LOCATED IN SAID PLAT, AS EASEMENTS FOR OWA14GE PURPOSES, GIVING THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, HARRIS COUNTY, OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON Si4/D EASEMENT AT ANY 77MES FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUC7TON AND MA/NTENWCE OF DRAINAGE FENT E TES AND STRUCTURES. FURTHER, WE DO HEREBY DECLARE 7h4T WE DO NOT DWN OR HAVE LEGAL INTEREST IN ANY ADJACENT PROPERTY FURTHER, OWNERS DO HEREBY COVETWNT AND AGREE' 7HAT ALL OF THE PROPERTY W17HIN THE BOUNDARIES OF TH /S PLAT AND A" CENT lO ANY DRAINAGE EASEMENT, DITCH GULLEY, CREEK OR NATURAL DRAINAGE WAY IS HEREBY RESTRICTED TO KEEP SUCH DRAINAGE WAYS AND EASEMENTS CLEAR OF FENCES BUILDINGS, PLANTING AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS TO THE OPEN710AIS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY AND TRiAT SUCH A8UTI7NG PROPERTY SHUT NOT BE PERMITTED 70 DRAIN DIRECTLY INTO THIS EASEMENT EXCEPT BY MEANS OF AN APPROVED DRAINAGE STRUCTURE. FURTHER OWNERS ASSURE THE CITY OF WEST UNNERSiTY PLACE THAT ANY COSTS FOR MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED BY SAID CITY AND BORNE BY OWNER IN CONNEC77ON WITH THIS SUBDIVISION (BY THE MAKING OF DEDICATIONS, PAYMENTS OF FEES OR PAYMENT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS) DO NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE ROUGHLY PROPOR77WTE TO THE PROPOSED DEVAOPMENT W17NESS OUR HAND IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, THIS AAY OF 2009. 6203 EDLOE PARTNERS, LP, A 70 AS UM/TEO PARTNERSHIP BY' 6203 EDLOE MANAGEMENT LLC, A TEXAS UNITED LABILITY COMPANY ITS GEA14RAL MANAGER BY. JAMES K. REID, MANAGER SIOCKARD REALTY PARTNERSHIP, LTD., A 7EXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BY.• W.A. SIOCKARD MANAGEMENT, LLC A TEXAS UMiTED LLABIL/1Y COMPANY iTS GENERAL PARTNER BY WALTER A STOCKARD, MANAGER STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS THIS INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME ON ypOg BY JAMES K. REID, MANAGER OF 6203 EDLOE MANAGEMEINT, LLC, GENERAL PARTNER OF 6203 ETILOE PARTNERS, LP, A TEXAS LIMITED PARTHERSHIP, ON BEHALF OF SAID UMfTED PARTNERSHIP. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES. _ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS 7HiS INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME ON 2009, BY WALTER A. STOGURD, MANAGER OF W.A. SIOCKARD MANAGEMENT LLC, GENERAL PARTNER OF SIOCKARD REALTY PARTNERSHIP, LID., A TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ON BEHALF OF SAID LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES• ENCORE &WK, NA770ML ASSOCIATION, BEING THE OWNER AND HOLDER OF A LIEN AGAINST A PORI70N OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE PLAT KNOWN AS MATTHEW S MARKET, UNRESTRICTED RESERVE $' AND DRAINAGE RESERVE 7)' WHICH S4 1D LIEN BEING EVIDENCED BY INSTRUMENT OF RECORD IN THE CLERKS FILE NOS. 20060199091 AND 20080199092 O.P.R.O.R.P. OF HARRIS COUNTY TEJG4S, DOES HEREBY IN ALL THINGS SUBORDINATE ITS INTEREST IN SAiD PROPERTY TO THE PURPOSES AND EFFECTS OF SAID PLAT AND THE DEDICATIONS AND RESMIC17ONS SHOWN HEREIN TO SAID SUBDIVISION PLAT AND DOES HEREBY CONFIRM THAT R IS THE PRESENT OWNER AND HOLDER OF SAID LIEN AND HAS NOT ASSIGNED THE SAME OR ANY PART THEREOF. ENCORE BANK, IMROINAL ASSOCLATTON A M477ONAL BANKING ASSOCM77ON BY.• JOHN A. GONZALES SENIOR VICE- PRESIDENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS THIS INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME ON 2009, BY JOHN A. GONZALES, SENIOR VICE - PRESIDENT OF ENCORE BUNK, AA7701N4L. ASSOCATION, A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCL4770N, ON BE74AF OF 5410 8 4NK/NG ASSOC147ION. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 1, ED/LBERTO V SARRIENTOS, AM REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS TO PRACTICE THE PROFESSION OF SURVEYING AND HEREBY CER77FY THAT THE ABOVE SUBDIVISION IS TRUE AND CORRECT,• WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION ON THE GROUND, • THAT ALL BOUNDARY CORNERS, ANGLE POINTS, POINTS OF CURVATURE AND OTHER POINTS OF REFERENCE HAVE MA BEEN RKED W rTH IRON (OR OTHER SUITABLE PERMANENT METAL) P/PE5 OR RODS HAVE AN OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE EIGHTHS (518) INCH OR AS SHOWN THEREIN AND A LENGTH OF NOT LESS THAN THREE (3) FEET AND THAT THE PLAT BOUNL1r4RY CORNERS HAVE BEEN TIED TO TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATES SYSTEM (N4083), SOUTH CENTRAL ZONE N0. 4204. ED/LBERTO V BARRMNTOS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL. LAND SURVEYOR TEXAS REGISTR47TON NO. 5364 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CRY OF WEST Ummnf y PLACE; 7FXAS, HAS APPROVED THIS PLAT AND SUBDIVISION OF MATTHEW S MARKET, IN CONFORMANCE WiTH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, AND THE ORDINANCES OF THE CRY OF WEST UNNERS/lY PLACE; TEXAS, AS SHOWN HEREON AND AUTHORIZED THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT THIS DAY OF 2009. BY' BY SELBY CLARK SIEVE BROWN SECRETARY OF ZONING PLANNING CHAIRMAN OF ZONING & PLANNING 1, M. CHRISTOPHER POWER, DIREC70R OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 70A.S HAVE RENEWED AND HEREBY APPROVE THIS PUTT OF SAID SUBDIVISION. BY M. CHRISTOPHER PEIFER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 1, BEVERLY B. KAUFAMN, CLERK OF THE COUNTY COURT OF HARRIS COUNTY, DO HEREBY CER77FY THAT THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT WITH iTS CER17FIC47E OF AUTHENTICATION WAS RLEO FOR REGISM77ON IN MY OFFICE ON 2009, AT 0 CLOCK M., AND DULY RECORDED ON - 2009, AT O'CLOCK M., AND AT FILM CODE NO. OF THE MAP RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY FOR SAID COUNTY. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, AT HOUSTON, THE DAY AND DATE LAST ABOVE WRITTEN BEVERLY R KAUFMAN COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS DEPUTY RICE BOULEVARD �. -- --� - - IRON R00 I FOUND 60.0' 465.72' (.M.) �IRON PIPE I FOUND � I I RAE I I 50 Io 61 00- I ESN N0. I Pct LOT 4- I ca f n S� R A, BLOCK 53 I WEST UNIVERSITY PARK I g rV 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN I I (VOL PG. 13, H.C.M.R.) BOUNDARY (3618 AMIHERST STREET) i FREDERICK CONRAD GARDNER I ( (H.C.CF. NO. K115172) WEST UNIVERSITY LODGE NO. 1292 AF & AM I I ( C.C.F. NO. 2 6 H.C.) - (VOL. 5855, PG. 258 H.C.O.R.) I (6125 EDLOE STREET) IRON R00 X - 3100313.5380 N.G. SET I Y = 13825134.6937 I N.G. 49.6 I 49.2 N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. X = 3100466.3746 1.808 I T.C. G' ti 49.0 49.4 49.2 49.4 49. N.G. G. 9 Y = 13825141.6084 ZONE X �� +�r,.,�0 �G p"� �'� N 87'22'09" E 155.00' 49.4 +25.00,6 I OUTSIDE 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE G;� �j� I I .t. "� G• 130.00' G'k1 (� {Ghb+ +.0 39.23 I kCUT �(" �k k1 qk9!`� "W kg k9 'V k9• I SET IN CO C p I I-- -15.0' 15.0' I T.C. QQ4.1' i (I POINT OF a C.D. '� 39.13 I 4784 BEGINNING G• ��• I 4 �6 STREET I GQ� 00 �G' oy 9hti w I I RESERVE + k9 kgk+ + I � 60' R.O.W.) { k1 P k + 1 � (VOL. 9, PG. 13, H.C.M.R.) I I I FLOOD CONTROL TIROCOUNTY iSTRICr o I to, P.U.E. I DRdWE EASEMENT O (POOR FARM DITCH) I G, 0 C.D. I I LDL 4710N I STORM SEWER MANHOLE 47.70 � II (1bL 2740, PG. 414 H.C.D.R.) � � Rlj k y ELEY =47.85 1. 39.061 I 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN th I N. S. 18 RCP FL =43.55 G 11`� G ,G G. 9 AND 25' H.L. H P. EASE741fM G + I BOUNDARY ��. I �•�5+ II DATED MARCH o4 1939 G'9 I R94' 3 W. 18 RCP FL =43.65 + k .1 1 R v - I k w 00 q R7 [�1a VUVUItEG!/IIUItlFED nc l�[�21�n�2 D9 /�99 I^ �0.1 N, 0tM : 0 1 0.2611 WLSc�JLS1fv L%LS A a n eau ACRE I I I. C. 2 I SIOCKARD REALTY PAR7N£RSHIP LTD. I o r"1 39.05 1 47.61 ( I1 (H.C.C.F, NO. 20080199090) 4 v �GOy I G• o (6203 EOLOE STREET) �. �+ + I + ZONE AE t�•61 (• ( k IN 100 YEAR T.B.M. } 1'k0 c' �' k9 + r�+ I I + k9' FLOOD ZONE 70P of FIRE HYDRANT INLET k1' t �` p I LOT 1 -A, BLOCK 44 ELEV 50.49 Topes 4739 k 47.581 I ` ti 03 10 I� I� w I WEST UNIVERSITY PARK W. 18" RCP FL.-44.01 I I I 0 1Gkg 1Gk9' v I G G'g (VOL 9, PG. 13, H..M.R.) Gk rain q�p9 I �A}� +k9 +k + + f0' P.U.E. CD I (3621 AMHERST STREET) i +1k, 6 k1 k1 �• I i G• h G•1h G 1k �G 10 IRON R00 92 r.t I E. ALBERT KELSO, JR. G16 �• �y A�Qi I �kgl +kg. {tka' +k9• Gyy+ SET kg.+ 4 �k1 I ET UX + k G k,k+ ►� I + + 'S2. k (H.C.C.F. NO. )'529061) I N 87'22'09' £ 130.00' Tc. k1 25.00' 75B S 82'2209" W 130'00' 30' WIDE HARRIS COUNTY POINT OF I C'D83, P320, NH.C.D.R SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE BEGINNING CUT ET I I G. G I 1 ( 38.80 I ) V C ELEV. -47.46 ® 0 G '� (e0 s. ` I�• ii++ 18" RCP FL =37.62 RESERVE IN CO1VG� 1G � I I +- + k9 } k9 + �a ' ak9, � k kry 2T I ���� j + �� POINT OF +tGkg1 i I { I J! +Gk11� I RESERVE ,D" 10' P.U.E. I Zvi I k1 T, III F l toNr" to � 4 I III �ry1 + chi I a G I 1� G I I I DUNE X k � v O + � + + oU5P= 100 YEAR ra- rn g', k1 47.631 I i I �rj, FLG100 ZONE I 38.88 I o � A �,�j� I I I g i i II /1�/�1t I�/� 47.71 �� @yU RES 0 RIC FED RESEUV IYE " " 'N-•. I 4 I 1. k C.D. I 2C TT k G. 6 0.4104 ACRE + I W 38.84 I I cn J co 10y g k0y I +1 ��6 I I I 6203 E OLOE PARTNERS LP ri, + Gyy (H.C.CF. N0. 20080199091) I �- t'--� � • �, • 6 w I I II w (6205 EDLOE STREET) aGkgO � I � o CL I alGryolg�/i/ o C.D. I I kq +� I I Q C '% N. 36.65 CO. ,y � K )* C.) - I I I +9 I IIo POWERLIES I �, k1 47.73 2 h I C.D. I I I I I II A U I ® G•ej6 38.92 I 10' P.U.L y1 k• C"' 25' HARRIS COUNTY LEGEND : T.B.M. TEMPORARY BENCH MARK C.R. CENTERLINE OF ROAD C.D. CENTERLINE OF DITCH CONTROL MONUMENT R.O.W. RIGHT -OF -WAY NG• NATURAL GROUND T.C. TOP OF CONCRETE GUT GUTIE!? FL FLOW LINE B.C. BACK OF CURB BENCH MARK PROPERTY CORNER MANHOLE WATER VALVE WATER ME7ER HIRE HYDR4Nr INLET F.F. F7MSH FLOOR ELEVA77ON T.C.O. TOP OF CLEAN OUT TOP OF ASPHALT T.B.H. TOP OF BULKHEAD 100 YEAR FLOOD PWN BOUNDARY P.U.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AERLAL £ASEMEW " } k FLOOD CONTROL DIS RIOT k1 DRAINAGE EASEMt]VT I - --- (POOR FARM DITCH) r C.D. - 24.1' I 11 (VOL. 2740, PG. 414 N.C. D.R.) t�9 1G.ry® 38.88 I T.C. AND 25 H.L. & P. FA�EIVT+ + + k, i ,83 �ry0 I 0 ,0 I I I DRIED MARCH 04, 1939 C G. I 15.0 I 30.0' 9 ' Gk1, G yy +'k9' I + Ars�i 4" M E T A L P I P E I n + �� P O W E R W E S T LION 4-A E RLOSCK 44 PARK I k1' p,EV. =48.8 i ��tiy I �G. POLE "L 9, PG. 13, H.C.M.R.) POINT OF 5.0' F G'0' G"yy i BEGINNING I 'F a�• I g I (3622 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD) I RESERVE UNRESTRICTED �j' G.� N.G� NT'fi 130.00' Ng� + 19.60 k TR4NSPAC INVESTMENTS, L.L.C. N 5 9• Mg' I 9, M (H.CCF. NO. 0307312) Q•00 155•10 1?'y\ T.B.H. .G. C.D. G 1. 4yp + S 87'2209 W I +k k1' NGZIRON D q!"�T.BH. 4�r� -49.07 k1' 49.03 k1 48.2 38.79 TELH, T.B.H. LNFOUND IRON PIPE 48 24 k11 48.94 k1 49.04 4910 I(REF: CDR.) I X = 138249 9.9jo 0.4448 ACRE C 2 Y = 13824909.9308 20 0 20 40 80 Feet SCALE 1' 0 20' VTCINRY MAP: METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS NOT TO SCALE IHE FOLLOOM ARE METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS OF IHE TRACT SUEDMOEL/ BY THNS PLAT. THE METES AND BOUNDS DE CR0`70ONS ARE PROMED AS AN AiD TO THE NYTERPRE?AIXW OF ITE BOLM Ry ORIWING ILLUSTRATED ON INNS PUT. oV CASE OF ANY D/rFERE7MCES BfMFEN THE METES AND BOLWDS DESCR/P1iON AND THE BOUNDARY ORAWM, THE BOUNDARI' 044MW SHALL. CWAOL, PRAT ERTY DESCRP71W. (l N6RESIRICTED RESERVE A7 A iOACT OR PMC.) OF ACE CERTAIN 0.2611 ACRE (11,375 SOLAR£ FEETj, BaW THE NORINERLY PART OF A CERTNN TRACT CF LAND RECORDED IN VOLUAM' 1w, PACE 147 OF W MRRIS COUNTY DEED RECORDS (H.C.D.R.) AND A CERTAIN CALLED TRACT /I RECORDED MV HARRIS COUNTY CLERKS H7LE NUA69ER (H,C.C.F. NO) K544880, BEING Oi/r OF A CERTAIN CALLED 10141 ACRE TRACT RECORDED NV 6t]Lt/MIE 581, PAGE 219 H.CD.R., SMA47M IN THE A C REYNOLDS SOMY, ABSTRACT NO. 61, IN HAMS COUNTY TEXAS SAW 0.2811 ACRE TRACT ALSO lif7NG THE WESTERLY HART OF A CERTlUN CALLED 0.311) ACRE TRACT RECORDED IN H.C.CF, NO. 20080199090 AND SONG MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED 8Y METES AND BOt//t47tS AS HALLOWS (BEARINGS ARE BASED MY TEXAS STATE PLANE COORLXHATES SYSTEM (FL40BJ), SOUTH By ME CENTRAL ZONE N0. 4204) of Un for reference Part o at the tnteworde of the north o. Y25f- -way (R.O.W.) lkro of Un/mrwty BodeMard (100 Fret R.O.w.) with the east R.O.W. one of Edoe Street (60 Feet R.O.W.) For the southwest corner of 3642 Un/vorafty Partners, LP tact recorded h H.C.C.F. No. ►35T914; IHENCE N 02. 37'51' W, along with the east R.O.W. line of said Edloe Sbroet and the west one of sold J642 UnAronXy Porblenr /p tract say 620.1 Ediae Partneva Lp tract recorded to 1LCCF. No. 20080188081, at 125.00 feet pawing on Iron rod set marHdng the northwest comer of saki 3642 UnhroreiW Porbrers LP frost and the southwest comer of said 8203 Ealbs Penn, tp tract and oon8nulny n o total rnor of of 262.50 felt o cut a. set tract con" viv ma wmg the southwest comer and POINT OF BEG#~ of the harm daedibed tract the southwest comer of odd 031 f3 acre tract and tai northwest corner of cold 620.7 £oleos Partners, LP tract: THENCE continuing N 02' 37' 51' W, akrg vrth the east R.O.W. lNro of said Edbe Street and the west ono of ofomaod 7}aot W 0.3113 acre Duct and fhe hsroVn aWc►Hbed tract a aWtones of 67.50 het to 0 cut ?t" set In sonata mad*V the northwest cmw of add Tract o, 0.3113 acre bvct and the herds dssanbed tract and ryes southwest carnsr of o cartvh o~ West bast rrcarded In Volume 8655, Pogo 258 HCD.R. (H.CCF. No. C44WW); Unlw wty Lodge No. 1292 AF d• AM 7HBVCE N 8T 22' 09' t« olon9 with the north Nne of sold Tract I!, 0.31 /3 a" ad and the heroine descrbed tract being the south ff- of sold Weet Unkard(y Lodge Na 1292 AF Ali troc 130.00 het to an Iran rod set marking the nor&aae comer of the heroin described tract t o d&Mhce o/ THENCE S 02' 37' 51' & along with the east line of the harsh descrbed tract bent lasted 25.00 feet sit and parallel with the wet one of add O.J113 ads tract o distance 87.50 test to an iron rod set in the South Nne of sold 03113 acra trod marking the southeast comer of the harsh desa -ked tract said comer oleo being h the north the of of orosold 8203 Edloe Pwbesrs LP teas(; iHOf to h 87 22' F WGW#" the common Nne of the south the of said 0.3113 ocn tract and the harsh descrbed tract with the north one of said 6203 Edos Partners, LP tract a db&,,e of 130.00 feet to the POINT OF tit' containing 0.2611 ocn or larwd. A TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND CGNtTM" 0.4104 ACRE (17,875 SQUARE' njo, BOW 774E SOUTHERLY PART OF A CERTNN TRACT Or LAND RECORDED Nf VOLlAWE 1545 PACf 147 Or 17E HARH7LS COLpl7Y OIEED RECORDS C.D.R.)) AND THE SOUTHERLY PART OF A CERTAW CALLED TRACT N AND ALL OF TRACT I RECORDED IN HARRIS COUNTY CLERKS FILE AIUWE7�t ((H.C•CM ND.) 044880, ACE 1 BEING OUT OF A l�7PiAMI IXW IAffr A TRACT RECORDED IN VOLUME 564, PAGE 218 H.CD.R., S/TW7ED IN THE A C REYNOLDS MAVEY ABSTRACT NO. 61, NV HARRIS COUNTY, MC41 SW 0.4104 ACRE TRACT ALSO 89AG 7T# WESTERLY PART OF A CERTAIN CALLED 0.4883 ACRE TRACT RECORDED /N MC.C.F. NO. 20MI99091 AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY OESOMM BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS:• (864NNGS ARE BASED M TEXAS STATE PLANE COORp/WTES SYSTEM (NA0183), SOUTH CENTRAL ZONE NO 4204) COMMtENONO for rahranae at the Hnterseabnn of Mo north right- of-way (R.O.W) Ike of Uniwrsry Awdevad (100 feet R.O.W.) wtMh the east R.O.W. Nero of Edo- Sbeaf (60 fear R.O.W.) for ft wdhwmt comer of 3642 Uniwnfty P- tners, LP bad recorded in H.C.C.F. No. Y252914; THENCE N 02. 37' 51' W, along with the amt R.O.W. line of said Ed/oe Street and the west ins of sell 3642 Un comer of said 04883 oath baof the northwest Omw of say 3642 Un ' Partners; LP boat a dstanee of 12500 feet an kan rod met marking Me southwest Iv,rsty Porbnar4 LP tract and the southwest corner and PaWT OF BE #W of the h-rok described 6act INENCE aontindng N 02' J7'51' W, along with the vast R.O.W. Nhs of -old Edbe Strwt and the west Are of aforesaid TFaebe i and b the west Nn- of aafd 0,4693 oars tract and the heroin dsscrlbsd tract Of 75.00 feet Podding the northwest comer of sold Trout I and Are ma -Mwwt cornor of said Tivot N and continuing for o total dbMnoa of 137.50 feet to a a& X. set k ooncrote h here the erbod tr comer of auk/ 0.4893 acre tract and the hendn described tract and Me southwest corner of o certoln eased 0011.3 acre StoekoM Rya fly Parfner&* Ltd tract (Parcel I) recorded in N.CCF. No. 20080199080,• THENCE N 87 22' 09' E: anon said Tract n and Me common lint of the souNrwfy of said 0.311) Den bast with tai nor Mnty Nne of mold 0.4893 erne boat and era hanskn dasenbad 130.00 feet to on iron rod vat martdng the northeast caner of Ms harsh daacHbsd tract beret o a7aMnet of THENCE S 02 37' 51 ° 1~ along with the east Itns of the harsh dwcrbad bast being lasted 25.00 feet west and PamNS wt the mat Ike of sold 0.4883 acs of sold Treats I and 0 and continuing for o bola/ dh0ance, 1.7.50 feet to a tract at 8? 50 /set pasakg tai common Frhe Me north one of aforesaid 3642 University Part rom LP tract; polnt !n Me muM Tine of sold 0.4893 acre tract for rtes doutheaat cdner of Me harsh deambod Gerd sold comer also being in THENCE S 87 12' 08° W, clog the common one of the sou th the of mid 0.489,3 WM tract Tract I and the hers,- descrbed tract with the north line of said 384? 130. 00 /set to Me POINT OF BEGN1gV1Hh; containing 0.4104 acre of land Ur+h^asiY Pa b rerR CP tract a aVstanes o/ PEW DE5CRN (RESERVE 'c7 BOW A TRACT RECORDS OR D�A�ND CERTAIN CALLED TRACT Aft£ (Z j8Z5 WbARE FEET), AN HARRIS � CLEWS (H FCF. Na) RACT , F, LA OUT CERTAIN UMGAL LED 10J 4�AC� 77r 7NE R HvvsD COUM DEED UAI£ 584, PAGE DE HV H.C.., Sl7NO. 0 /N THE A C REYNOLDS SURVEY ABSTRACT NO- 61, NV HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS SAND 0 0501 ACRE TRACT ALSO 6t7NC 774E EA57EIPLY PART OF A CERTAIN CALLED 0.31 13 ACRE TRACT RECORDED M H.C.C.F. NO. 20080188080 AND BOAC MORE PARnCULARLY DECRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FL -LOwS ( BEARNGS ARE BASED NV TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDNMITLS SYSTEM (WW), SOUTH CENTRAL. ZONE NO 4204) COMMfENCNNG for reference of flro Intersection of the north right -of -way (R."..) Ike of Uniwral4r Bbubva►d of 5642 lfnlvsrsHy Fartners4 LP frost recorrfe0 In H.CC.F. era Y252914 (100 /-et R.O.W) NAM Ma vast R.O.W. one of EdI00 Street (00 feet R.O.W.) for ft southwest corner THENCE N 02' 37' 51' W, WeIV WIM N•a .W.q RO,W. Nnt of saM_ Fdloa SYreef and tai w,.,,r Hbee nr .weld J642 t 20060;99091, at 125.00 feet pawky en �i&,7 rt,d set marking the northwest carnsr of said 3fi4Z LAnlve/si Pbv Pbrtr+as, L.P bcst and &203 Edlae PorL•y! -, LP h••-tlt r-eewded !n N.Cr�F Ns. Passing o cut ?r' set h concrete morking the southwest comer of said 0.3113 acre tract and the northwest Garner of said 0489) a tract t comer o total datonce of 350 feet to a test Set in eonarote morMng the northwest earner Of avid Tract N and 0.3113 acn beet and the southwest comer of o certain called Weet Un 258 H.CD.R. (H.C.CF. Ab 2448980); )royalty Lodge Na. 1292 AF d• AM tenet recorded In 40hnms 51155, Pape THENCE N 87' 22' rth L: along with tiro north One I add Tract 0 N and 0.3113 oars track and Me south Has of add Wvat Unhw*fy Lodge No. 1282 AF AM tract a datance of 13000 felt to on ken rod set marking the northwest comer and POINT Or BEClNHNrHG of tai harm dover bod tract' THENCE conH5d N 8T 22' 09' & dong with the north line OF sold Tract Al, 0.3113 oare tract and ryro he desrrbed tract and the south in* of sold West Un detonos of T5.00 test to a point k the dli for Me northeast comer of mW Trost 11, 0.3113 acre boat and tai harsh dewarlbed tract and tai Lodge t Na 1282 AF AM tract a AM soaryrooet caner o/ sold west unhwalty Lodge No. 1292 AF d THENCE S 02. 37' 51' E along with ft east dine or sold Twat N, 0.3113 acre boat and the harsh described tract, o d1etanee of 87.50 feet to 0 acro treat and the herein described tract and the northeast comer of aforwold 0.4893 acre tract: Pont h the dKdr far the aouMeost caner of sold am t3 THENCE S 87 22' 09' W, along the common Nero of the south fine of sold 0.31 f3 axe tract and the hers& dwcrfbed tract with M, troth Nero of sold 0.4883 acre boat a detanca of 2500 test to on tech rod set marking the soutbwsst � of the heroin dww9wd tract 7HNCE N 02 37' 51' & across sold Tract o and 0.3113 ape bast btYg lasted 2500 fist hroor and poroNd wLM ere east Nne of said Tract N and 0.3113 cps tract o dratanc�s of 87.50 het M the POMIIT OF IECMNttNG containing 0.0502 acre of lord, •r lace A TRACT OR PARCEL OF LANO CONTANWNC 0.0769 ACRE' (3,4,37.5 SOWRE FEET), L THE EASTERLY PART OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND RECOROID IN VOL 1545. PAGE 147 OF 7Ht£ HLARITS CO!/MY DEEP GE 218 H.0 Sfltk17ED NV I7NSID RE> LAS SR l fy HARRIS COUNii TEXAS. SAD 0 789 ACRE'TRACT ALSO BOAC ER EASTERLY PART OF A CERTAIN E 3 ACRE TRACT RECORDED tit H.CCF. N0. ZOO60198081 AND BArIG MORE PAR1ICf1LARLY L>ESCRIITED By METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOW (LTSMXS ARE BASED NV TEXAS STATE PLAN£ COOR MTES SYSTEM (hi, W), SOUTH CDY7RIL ZONE M0. 4204} Of -T fIVCNVG for refineurer of the Intersection of the north right -of- -way (R.O.W.) Nne of UMeer harts BOUkward (100 test R.O.W.) rfth the vast R.O.W. one of Edo, Street (60 f d R;O.W.) fo dro south sot corner Of 3842 UniversHy Partrners, LP tract mroMed in H.CC.F. No. Y752914; THENCE N 02' 37' 51' W along with the ecwt R.O.W. ens of said Edlab Sheet otrd Me weet line of sold 3842 th 200801 99081, at 12300 reef passing on !ran rod see markhq the northweet corns o/ Said 3642 WNwrsuty Partners, ZP LP ° 8203 Edloe Partners, LP boat w0fded In H.CCF. Na . for a total a9etones of 262.50 feet to a cut �" set in condor, mo tract and the southwest comer or sold 6203 Edlae Avt rarq LP trod and cunt mhg rWn9 the eouthweet comer o/ add 0.31 f3 ad, froot and the northwest aorrrer of sold 0.4893 ado tract; POINT N 87 22' 09' E olag w7M tai north one of add 0.4883 acre tract and Ms south Ike of sold 0.31 f3 Dora tract a dletdro of 13000 feet to an iron rod set POINT L'F BEGNh1NG of the harsh described WcC mad drng Ms northiwet caner and THENCE continuing N 8T 22' 09" L: long with the north Nrte of said 0.4893 acre boat Dry bhe h,eWn dssatbod brat Dry the south orro of add 0.3113 oen tract a dMrMncs o/ 25 00 het Po o point h Nor dtoh for Me northeast tamer of sold 0.489.1 acre tract and Me harsh described tract and Me aarryhwaeet corrher of add 0.311.y ado tract 7HIDVCE S 02 37' 51' E along with t/ro soar Una of said TivcM /, b 0.4893 ado boar and Hne her desarrb,d tact o dtatonco of 137.50 filet to a point h tit dfich for Me s,uffmW comer of sold 0.4893 acre boat and tai heroin asscribsd troct and the northaost comer of dw*sdd M42 University Porbrors LP tnaat; THENCE S 87 21' 08' W, along the common Mro of the south fine of add Tract /, 0.4893 acre tract and the herdn dwcdbed tract with the north lh- of mid 3642 Uhhwwty Partners, Lp tract of 18.60 rest Pig on iron Pipe Found (mfwwm comer) add continuing for a total dbtance of 15.00 fast to a point Tar the sauryrwset carrror of the hadn abscrlbsd tract: THNCE Falff N OZ' 37' Sf' L odosa add Tracts 1, n and 0.4883 ado tract, being krcated 2500 teet weal and parolkr/ with met line of add Troete I, ll and 04883 acro tract o dsfancs of 13750 test to the POINT OF Lid11N1NIG containing 0.0788 acre of land I 4 I 3642 UNIVERSITY PARTNERS, LP 10. THIS PLAT IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND OTHER ORDINANCES, rC.T (H...F. N0. Y252914) RULES, AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ('GTY7, ALL v Z 2 (3642 EDLOE STREET) AS HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER AMENDED ( "APPLICABLE REGULA770NS7. APPROVAL X 3100478.7025 OF THIS PLAT DOES NOT- (1) SIGNIFY THAT ANY BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE e � N = V tv Y = 1382491 ZO456 COMPLIES WITH APPLICABLE REGULA7701VS, (2) AUTHORIZE OR EXCUSE ANY �r 14 NONCOMPL14NCE WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS, OR (3) REUNOUISH OR IMPAIR I 2 5 ANY PROPERTY RIGHT OF THE CITY. ti 11. THE COORDINATES SHOWN HEREON ARE TEXAS SOUTH CENTRAL STATE PLANE GRID I GENERAL NOTES COORDINATES (NAD83), ZONE NO. 4204 AND MAY BE BROUGHT TO THE SURFACE w i BY APPLYING THE FOLLOWING COMBINED SCALE FACTOR 0.99988719. F�EASON FOR PLATTING: TO CREATE TWO UNRESTRICTED RESERVES AND TWO DRAINAGE RESERVES FINAL PLA T,• a n�,9 TTHEW S MARKET A SUBDIVISION OF 0.8006 ACRE SITUATED IN THE A. C. REYNOLDS SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 61 OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 1 BLOCK 4 RESERVES NOVEMBER, 2008 1. A PORTION OF THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN ZONE AE" AS PER FLOOD 12. THERE IS AN UNRECORDED EASEMENT DATED MARCH 04, 9939, GRANTED 10 THE I I g INSURANCE R47` MAP, MAP NUMBER 48201C 0660L, DATED JUNE 18, HOUSTON L/GH77NG & POWER COMPANY BY W. D. HADEN AND D. T. AUS77N FOR C O POINT OF coMMENGNG 2007 7THNEENTYRF72) OFfIN Po ANOPUOGH� ES LOCATED OVER THE EAST 2 3 EDLOE PARTNERS, LP I I UNRESTRICTED RESERVES A" & $ 2. 74CO1L" lND/G,TES HARRIS COUNTY DEED RECORDS A TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP & RESERVES C' & D" 13. A PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT lS DEDICATED UPON, OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS -- J. "...MIND' ATE., BUILDING HARRIS COUNTY MAP RECORDS DRAINAGE RESERVES C' AND V, 3630 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 4. '$ L. ° INDICATE BUILDING LINE 14, THERE IS A FIVE (5) FEET WIDE FROM A PLANE TWENTY (20) FEET ABOVE THE ' HOUSTON TEXAS 7700 5 HCCF' iN 1G SOUTHWEST CORNER OF � A C. REYNOLDS SURVEY .'r 1 6 113 ABSTRACT NO. 61 5 60 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD (100' R.D.W.) (VOL 733, PG. 153, H.C.D.R) DS HARRIS COUNTY CLERKS FiLE NUMBER 6. C M.' INDICATE." CONTROL MONUMENT Z NOTHING IN TM: PLAT iS INTENDED 70 AMME7VD OR REMOVE ANY COVENANTS OR ?ESTR /CTRONS, AND THIS PUT SHALL NEVER BE CONSTRUED AS-LAVING SUCH AN EFFECT. 8. ANY YARDS SEiACKS, OR BUILDING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAT ARE THE MINIMUM A£AS ESTABUSHED FOR SUCH PURPOSES THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND OTHER ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, AS FRO; TiME TO TIME, MAY REQUIRE LARGER OR DIFFERENT YARDS, SE8ACI5, OR BUILDING LINES, AND SUCH ORDINANCE SHALL APPLY TO THE ,REA OF THIS PLAT, REGARDLESS OF ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY SHOhy ON THIS PLAT. 9. THERE IS A 2 ITCH WATERUNE LOCATED IN THE REAR PUBLIC UTILfrY EASEMENT (P. U.:). GROUND UNOBSTRUCTED AERML EASEMENT (AE) DEDICATED FUR PUBLIC UTTLl1Y r r PURPOSES BEING LOCATED WEST OF AND ADJACENT TO 7HE TEN (10) FEET PUBLIC (713) 524 -5300 UTILITY EASEMENT (P,U.E,) AS DEFINED BY H. L. & P. EASEMENT DATED MARCH 04 OWNERS: STOCKARD REALTY PARTNERSHIP, LTD. 2001 KIRBY DRIVE, SUITE 605 HOUSTON, TEXAS, 77019 (713) 522 -1693 1939. SURVEYOR: 15. THE INDICATED INTERIM SIDEWALK EASEMENT' 1S DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC FOR THESE PURPOSES: (A) BUILDING, PLACING, CONSTRUCTING INSTALLING, OPERA77K CONNECTING, MAINTAINING, DISCONNECTING, INSPEC77NG, REPAIRING, REBUILDING, RELOCATING, REPLACING AND REMOVING FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND LANDSCAPING FOR SIDEWALK E PURPOSES, AND NA USE A A PUBLIC SIDEWALK. THIS EASEMENTs� , PRECISION SURVEYOR S REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL TERMINATED BY AN INSTRUMENT SIGNED ON BEH4LF.1A[•j �, THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE (ClTY7 AND RECORDED IN THE REAL PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYS PROPERTY RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS. THE CITY SHALL SIGN AND RECORD SUCH AN INSTRUMENT PROMPTLY FOLLOWING ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY OF A SUBSTRATE PUBLIC SIDEWALK (AND EASEMENT, lF NECESSARY) ACROSS THIS SUSDMSiON PARALLEL AND PROXIMATE TO EDLOE STREET. GRANTOR RESERVES THE 1- 800- L4NOSURVEY 281 - 496 -1586 RIGHT TO USE ANY PART OF THE INTERIM SIDEWALK EASEMENT AREA FOR PARKING 1- 800 - 526 -3787 FAX 281 - 496 -1867 OR LANDSCAPING, lF THE PART /S NOT NEITHER IMPROVED NOR MARKED AS A SIDEWALK. 14915 MEA/OR1AL DRNE S(NTE 8100 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77079