HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.54 .... -:oi...''f- ./ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, C. E. Gammill, Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collectoro:f the c:i.ty of West University Place, Texas, is over sixty-five (65) years of age and has completed more than fifteen (15) years of credible service as an employee of the ,City of West University Place, Texas, thereby qualify- lng for service retirement benefits under the terms and provisions of The Te4asMunicipal Retirement Act; and WHEREAS, Section VII, Sub-section 1, Paragraph C, of The Texas Municipal Retirement Act provided that any employee who has completed fifteen (15) years of ser- vice and has reach~d the age of sixty-five (65) years shall retire, provided, however, that in exceptional cases and for substantial cause such retirement may be deferred by mutual consent of the employee and the municipality from \year to year for a periOd of not to exceed one (1) year " at any time; and WHEREAS, the said C. E. Gammill, whose retire- ment was heretofore deferred for the years 1952 and 1953 by Resolutions of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, passed and adopted on the 8th day of October, 1951 and the 12th day of January, 1953, has expressed a desire to continue as Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, for the month of January, 1954, and has re- quested deferment of his retirement until January 31, 1954, at which time he intends to retire from such employment; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the re- tirement of C. E. Gammill be deferred for the month of January, 1954, and that he continue in his present employment ----rn ---'1 III' ~~----~-'.'~I'i1imIiiiT''TI~=:--------- ~--- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY . , OOMMISSIONO:F THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That In accordance with the provisions of Section VII, Sub-section 1, Paragraph C, of The Texas Municipal Retirement Act, the retirement of C. E. Gammill, Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby deferred for a period of one (1) month beginning December 31, 1953, and ending January 31, 1954, during which time he, the said C. E. Gammill, shall continue in his present capacities as Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas. Passed. and adopted this, the "t.' -r4i- day of January, 1954. COMMISSIONERS ,,{l L? ~#i!? voting aye. COMMISSIONERS voting no. &#~~ .)R ~4.: r? MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY. PLACE, TEXAS AT~?~O~.~J ~y~~ r-,. RESOLU'T'TON A EESOLUl'!ON ESTABLISHING A EESERVE FUND DJ TEE sEWER DEPARTMENI' OF THE CITY OF WEST. UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; EEQUIR!NG THE 'I'IWlSFJ!:a OF FUNllS FROM THE SEWER.FUm) PRESEN'l'LY ON'!'JB:'])E- POSIT INTRE UNIVERSITY STATE BANK TO TEE SAME; PROVIDDJG FOR THE DEPOSIT OF SUCH RESERVE FUND ON TDlE DEPOSIT FOR A P.li:RIOD OF OQ YEAR; AND PRO- VIDING FOR TBE DEPOSIT OF ADDITIONAL SEWER FUNDS ON TIME DEPOSIT WHEREAS, By Ordinance No. 653 passed and approved the 9th day of November, 1953, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, called an election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City the proposition of amending Article XVIII, Section 4, of the City Charter, pro- viding for, among other things, the establishment of a Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) reserve in the sewer department of said City; and WHEREAS' At a special election held on the 12th day of December, 1953, the said proposition calling for the amendment of Article XVIII, Section 4, of the City Charter was passed and approved by the duly qualified voters of said City; and WHEREAS, The City Commi~sion of the City.of West University Place desires to establish a reserve fund in the sewer department of said City, to be known as the City of West University Place Sanitary Sewer Charter Amendment Reserve Fund in compliance with the said approved Charter Amendment; and WHEREAS, There is presently on deposit with the UniVersity State Bank of Houston, Harris County, Texas, funds of the sewer department of said City amounting to Fifteen Thousand Two Hundred and 15/100ths Dollars ($15,200.15) available for use in complying with the reserve sewer fund requirement as conta.ined in said Charter Amendment; and I II 1-:1 rlr' ~~l;I'-," WEEREAS, The City Commission of' the City of West University Place is desirous of transferring to tbe City of West University Pla.ce Sani ta.ry Sewer Charter' Amendment Reserve, Fund Ten Thousand Two Hundred and l5/looths Dollars ($10,200.15) of tbe said sewer f-imd, the same to be placed on time deposit with the University ,State Bank of Houston, Texas, for a period of one (1) year; and WEEBEAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Pla.ce desires to place the remainder of the said sewer funds presently on time deposit with the Uliiversity state Bank of Houston, to-wit, Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) on t;'ime deposit with the said University State Bank for a period of one (1) year. NGl, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI'i'Y COMMISSION OF THE CI'i'Y OF WEST lJNIVER3ITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That there is hereby established a reserve fund of Ten Thousand Two Hundred and 15/l00ths Dolla.rs ($lO,200.15) in the sewer department of said 0ity, the same to be known as the City of West University Pla.ceSanitary Sewer Charter Amendment Reserve Fund in compliance with' the Charter Amendment paSsed and approved by the duly qualified 'voters of said City on the 12th day of December, 1953. 2. That the City Secretary of the City of West University Pla.ce be and he is hereby directed to transfer from the sewer de- partment funds of said City presently on time deposit with the UniVersity State Bank of Houston, the sum. of Ten Thousand Two Hundred and 15/1ooths Dollars ($10,200.15) to the reserve fund hereby created and to redeposit such sum. on time deposit with the Said University State Bank for a period of one (1) year. 3. That the City Secretary of the City of West University Place be and he is hereby instructed to redeposit the remainder of the sewer department funds presently on time deposit with the *2* University State Bank of Houston, to-wit, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.-00), on time deposit for a period of one (1) year with the 'said bank. -d .2....5... day of January, 1954. PASSED AND APPROVE!) this COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE O'~ ~ COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO ~_J:~ /k ~..~ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST tlNIVERSITY. PLACE, TEXAS ATTEST: CITY SECBETARY s;j~r * 3 * J~ L .1.-1 cl.LL ------ lilI.JI..lLil-II._;}JI f ........, " '"''I' ,J; .~J I.. If W"." th a. ....~._.__1.,... u.e~p__ t,_ tu" or .., llatV.Hi'W 'lue. __. .-"$,11. 4.., .'1 "'''11,193'. .. .....4 faJ.tlM-'1:r .. .._ .....1;.,. t. "., ....l"..r $.t.."....., '.1IB4 ~# ~.d4. o~ a. ."'JrL t.1l.......1...J"1iee . . .. .. $l___r., lllhe ottJ' fit ..., .1",....t\7 Pltu.,.. ... .".1allle4 '"~ -_ .,. A....... .... O.ll..to.. rqp '!J. ..t4 '. t1' ,l~ ,1.\. 1ft-> 1"1 aM .el',"4, lJl a'IitQh ....tt1 __U.11.,1.' _ fir 1_-17.1'-". at -l.lt"~ be ....'''...4 Nlv~ ~~'l1.. i1," f.1" '.._r1ts __... 1t...ib:it..u ... p....l.~. .Ilt_ ~.8 "'1.1~ _'l~at .,t; .... ~" ~~M. MD'-_ 1flthtu Q1.t;r .r._._ UDl..fttt1P-...t. at. Ct.B.. ....... 'hu..~~, h1.. ..111_ :b'a_ ....~ _~ .; ~~:_t~_1lle.~t, ... i._.id QltJ' amt _.",.1n.;__181.-'t..-... ~ ...-_ he ha:a;.~l. ".4 ~" -_,crUlf -UJ'I'",.... .f .... .;t.,.~,W'.~, v.~~l,." 'lac. l.~.!;"u fit ....M..... t_~..tl_ .. _n.. ,bat .r '1M _IUa...!' the ..id ~l_t.;p.. _nt.vi.......t... .-......'''7... aai4 0..1., __. t~t..l~, .q~,tl 1ft" \\'~~~~U;"'ve. '.,.e~"._.I.W or.,.. ~1:U" ....~lft.__.J ,__,t .~" [:::II [, ..13 _1_____~LdlLI..L. l.illLJIIU;"]uIJI"c""'----- S. fta't a...... .1.. ~\l._ .P"~...'''' .. .. ... ,.. L .~"r1~'1'l t.a ..... N t_~l..-U_.~ .. e1........ 0# tile U" .. .... ...........P1Me .. .. .... ..,. ... .. ~ ., u&4 _. _ ~ ....t... 'w .... ..... .,. *- .~.U" .. _....... .. ..-. .,.. -.1 ..w..,.._ ~. aM ..... ."...... ~... 11...,.1......., 1flH. ______... Aft ~. ...___ MI... ~ ~ ;;/#t~ '. ......... .tI J." 111ft .'fIIII.ft....... ... r. -~j ... --_. ., *' , ;" - <- ."'. "'}:'J~ RESOLUTION ["'-I - y. in the WHEREAS, the City of WE:!st UJiiversity Place, currently' has capital available Fund which will. not ~ be require~.foroperating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; AND., WHER:I!:A.$,~t i,s' deemed to the best'. interest of the City that such funds be plac'ed ,ill a time deposit investment'in order to. earn additional revenUE:! for the oper.a.tlon of the City; ANJ?, wHERpS, the present bartkbalance, the average IilDnthly income and expenditures :~; this Fund 'for the past twelve months are asf.ollows: :! Bank'ba~~ari~e as of . ~ it .... Apttl .. ."..,.... ..- "_JJ",, ,~ .~ '~IP":. , >>--";""1' .:i--...." . .~ , . ," " Tota-Is f:or pa~t year Average 195~- $'jJ".1P IncoIae. Expense, ., 195~ , 195-J , 195..;,) 195+3"~ 195~ '195~ 195..:.) , 195-2J';Y J ,;I95J "> , :195J . ,195J,J . , 195.... $$.14." 1\8.... nr.SI -.u '..~ fIT..- f);, 1$: .,,' ~~,.~ .~ ~1 .~ Bl\Ilkg1i:iprte.e +es5, ;Investmm t of $~. ">.$ "f~l,." . """, . ..,.....'f4' }.ionth1y average t "~.: ' ,6it.iW . , """ " "'. '" . "' . :" . (Exp~nse ovel;' fucom~). (~e.<ir~i~'~l<l><J~ " " ~ " " .~. ,", ' ". " MOOdtl; -~I?" .~. .~ "*-., .-,.." . ....'.. --' ~,;~ ~,' ...' ~. ".,-;, " "' ~ , "~i'.' . , . Estir.1atedba1~ as of Naturlty Date' $ ;;.1~1I." Plus previous inv-. Il\8tu':rities .,; .~':.~ ~lJa Esti.ma,t~d.baiax:ce at time of this matUrity .$ lA'-.,\:. . , . ' NO~l)'iHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COIDITSSION OF THE' CITY OF ,WEST , . UNIVERSITYI1LACE, TEXAS, that the City TreasUrer is hereby directed' to invest funds amounting to '$ ""~ Fund, for a period ,of .~Jl PASSED AND APPROVED This-the f-:;z:;Lctay of ATTEST: - r= from th e ,.. 9r; ~. , A.D. 195~ ~ Nayor of the City of West Un "versity. Place, Tex ~ ii.:J. "L..l..LL" ..,~.,.....~ /-., ,."""," RESOLUTION r-- <I - {' in the -.. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available Fupd which will not be required. for operating expenses until later iri the present fiscal year; MID, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the .best interest of the City that su'ch funds ~i,,:1tt~~~~. .~~'lt.i":'P.~~ be placed in a . time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope:m>t4.on of t~e City; AND, WHE!lJi;AS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditureh'dfthisFund for the past twelve months are ascfollows: Bank balaiHi~ as Of ~Jf ..... ~ .. -. l14r ~ ..,...... ...- ~A 'L:~!, ~ ........ ~ 195 Jt.. _. I' .,.- , ij>. ft~ ~. Expens e. , 195.1- .,~ ~.. , 195J.. ~. .....32 195"- f..M ~ 195-1- ~ .....1& , 195.,J. ~ ........" , 195~ ~U ,...t.IY , 195~ .~ ...." 195.1 ...... ..",.,J , 195.l. a.m.sI ~T' , 195.l. 1....1& ..-.. , 195.l. .~'8 lA"W'- , 195..IL ~... ..-." '.',". ,'. , Totals for ~ast year ""~ ~hGO Monthly average ..~~ . '~i~. Average (Expense over Income) (~~J:ll~Ii;~~') Pt~.l~,P BElIlk Balance less InvestmEnt of $~~ $ ~V Estimated bal. as of Maturity Date $C~~) (~) . Plus previous inv. maturities ~" '..'J~_~ $ . . . .' '~.~., Estimated balance at time of this maturity ~ NOvl, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CrTY .OF' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ fY"*'~M Fund, for a period or"'..... PASSED AND APPROVED This the f[:::z.L day of ATTEST: . r I II from th e 8 l~ 9'r;~k , A.D. 195..Jr ~'" )/ ~~ Mayor of the City of West niversity Place, Tex 11 ----.--.,I1T""~iT.,---. I ,lUll RESOLUTION . f"" Ll ~i~f!;r;~ ~ ~I - -<:b'. WHEREAS, the City'of West University Place, currently has capital available in the _ ~... "'1__, __t~,JI" . Fupd which will not be required. for operating expenses until later jn the 'present fiscal year; AND, vlH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interes.t of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope:r.ation of the City; AND) WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average Ii10nthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months are as fpllows: Bank balance. as of .....". -~..... , 195 1_ _ I' t.,.Al'&~~. .,. tt..ke1d. . ij> ....-~ Incotle Expens e , 195_ 195~ . , 195_ --:...... 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195__ , 195 , 195_ , 195__ Totals for past year " Monthly average Average (Exp.ense over rU:come) (Income .Over .Expense) BElIlk Balanceles.s Investmm t of $ $ Estinated bal. as of Maturity Date $ .(-"'.' ".*~ ,,...~ Pluk.\lit.iiU$ inv"i:ti~ "'."""~"" ...181:............. ,NOvl, 'lliEREFORE, BK ITll.ESOLVED BY THE C lTYCO~USSION OF, THE CITY OF' WEST' . , UNIVERSI'liy PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed' to invest funds amounting to $ ~. Fund, for a period of .. .~ PASSED AND APPROVED This the .?~ day of from the .~ ""Ji..dta~., ~~ , A.D. 195L. ATTEST: ~/~J(~~ Mayor of the City of West J.versity Place, Tex RESOLUTI~ . -1i./ - P ~EREAS, the- City, of West UniversitY' place, currently has capital available .. ' , ' ~A.",,!W"'" '... '. ,,~:>f:r., ,-. II. .,. " . ,..:-~... 'C:c: '{c~..... . Fund which wi 11 not in the be ~equire4.for.qperating expenses ~til later in the'present fiscal year; MID, WHl!;J1E;AS,it is deemed to the bestinte~'est ,of ,the City that such funds 1;le placed. ina time deposit investment in oFdei' .to ,earn add.itional revenue for ,the' opex:ation of the City; AND, WHNJEAS, the present lJank balance, the average IiJDnthly i,ncome and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelvemonths are as 'follows: Bank balance as of U'n_. ,195e $ WtJ. ~" Expense , 195 , 195_ , 195_ , 195 ~w., ~,-\j,,~ , 195.;,... ~ 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ Totals for past year Monthly average Average (Expense over Income) (Income Over Expense) BElIlk Balance ~~,neoelllfn~ ,$ $.,~ Estimated bal. as of Maturity Date $ . , NOvl, 'lliER~ORE,'BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COIDUSSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, ,that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest 'I ' funds amoUnting to $"'~ from the WI.. ,___' Fund, for a, period of~,~ ~' PASSED AND APPROVED This the ,y day of 9:r;~ ,A.D. 195.z(. ATTEST: 4~ )/~U~~ Mayor of the City ofWes~/~;-~ty Place, Tex ,;:c.. tS-MlSSIONERS. .JOHN K. MOONEY MiA YOR PRO TEN ROBERT W. GOFF FRANK E. HANGS E. AI.LAN NISBET CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE EDWIN W. MORRIS. MAYO" 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD . MADISON 4441 HOUSTON 5. TEXAS OFFJCE OF c. E. GAMMILL TREASURER .A,.SESSOR..eOLLECTOR March 8, 1954 Mr. Johns 011: Attached are three proposed resolationswlrleh, if passed, will authorize the investment of f'tmds' from three non-0perating accounts. All three of these accounts, are presently invested and mature on March 12, 1954. The fund, amount of principaJ. now invested, the amount of interest e~ned on present investment, and the amount of interest to be earned by this propesed investment are as fellows:, PRIWIPAL INVESTF~ Int. earned to 3-12-54 Int. Earnings to 9-12-54 FUND 1948 Street Improvement $30,375.00 $ 3~9.69 Less amt. w/heldofor skip paving 4,000.00 For Investment $26,375.00 $ 334.43 San. Sewer Capital Fund 3@,37S.00 379.69 384.83 Available for invest. 3,037.50 424.47 3,461.97 37.97 1948 Garbage Disposal Plus bank baJ.anee 43.75 '~ Treasurer II_,ll L",r'.. /, '<> -) y. ! RESOLUTION WHEREAS, By resolution passed and approved the 22nd day of June, 1953, Mrs. Pearl Reynolds was appointed Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas and G. J. Forcher, R. M. Farris, C. E~ Duffin and Perry Pace, were appointed Deputy Clerks' of said court; and WHEREAS, "The said Perry Pace has recentl,y been transferred from the Fire Department of the City of West University ~lace, of which he was a member at the time of his appointment as Deputy Corporation Court Clerk,and is now a member of the Police Department of said ,City; and WHEREAS, By reason of the transfer of Perry Pace to the Police Department of the City of West University Place it has become impossible for him to continue in the capacity of Deputy Corporation Court Clerk; and WHEREAS, The need for additional Deputy Corporation Court Clerks now exists by reason of the inability of Perry Pace to serve in such capacity and because of the schedule of work of the Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place and the:other Deputy Clerks of such Court; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West' University Place is' of the opinion that the said Perry Pace should be officially relieved of his duties as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of said City and that Mrs. Lola Glick and Arvil Patton should be appointed as Deputy Clerks of said Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXAS: I [J 11 I!II' _----.~.....,-r- 1. That Perry Pace be and he is hereby relieved of his duties as Deputy Clerk of the corporation Court of the City of West 'University Place, Texas. 2. That Mrs. Lola Glick and Arvil Patton be and they are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City (;)f West University Place, Texas to assist Mrs. Pea~l Reynolds in the execution of the duties of Clerk o,f the said Court. 3. That except as herein provided the Resolution of June 22, 1953her'einabove refl!ilrred to is in all things ratified and confirmed. PASSED THIS THE 22ND DAY OF MARCH, 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO ATTEST: ~,.~ MAYOR OJ!' TH~ CITY OF WE8T UNIVERSITY PLACE, ,TEXAS CITY :5ECRE'1'ARY * 2 * RESOLUTION 4f 5~ /l? ~~ WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, ,currently has capital available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund which wi 11 not be required. for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; MlD, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope:r.ation of the City; AND, WH~EAS, the present bank balance, the average Iilonthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months are as follows: Bank balance as or Marcil 27 . 195 h..... - $ 8,684.50 ~ Expense , 195 , 195_ , 195_ NON-OPERATINQ FUND 195_ 195 195 , 195 ,122_ 195 , 195_ , 195_ 195 Totals for past year Monthly average Average (Expense over Income) (Income Over Expense) BElIlk Balance less InvestmEnt of $8.500.00 Estimated bal. as of Maturity Date $ $184.50 Plus previous inv. maturities 35.754.69 Estimated balance at time or this maturity $ 3~.939.19 NOV1, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ 8.~oO.oO from the Sanitary SeWer Canital ImnrQvement Fund, for a.period of one vear. "PA'Ss~iY M/il.!-.PPROVED Tliisthe~j!n( day of ~~~ , A.D. 195~ A~~~ ~..;., ~ 2f~ Mayor of the City of West University Place, Tex 0-' ~.------- " 3.-:l _.J.I.L . "I .JILJJ]" RESOLUTION .::,-7'- // WH~S, We City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Fund which wi 11 not Cha:r"tA'" .RA~~"P'trt;) _ lnTo.....o._ be required. for ,operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; MID, vlH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope:r.ation of the City; AND, wHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average IilDnthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months are asfollows: Anticipated Bank balance as or Apri~ 16 195 .!L - $ 15~(')oo.oo ~ Expense ,~ , 195_ , 195_ Non-Operating Fund. 195_ , 195_ , 195 , 195_ , 195 ,~ , 195 , 195_ , 195 Totals for past year Monthly average Average (Expense over Income) (Income Over Expense) U~k Balance less Investment of $ $ "';'''''''-''''>-7'''-''.'-'' ~. Estir.J.ated bal. as of Maturity Date $ Plus previous inv. maturities Estimated balance at time of this maturity $ NOV1, 'lliEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIvERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed' to invest funds amountin~, to $ l~rOOO.OO Fund, for a period of one year rrom th e Charter Reserve - Water ~,.:.l'," , /" ~~~,hU .- .. . ~ ,A.D. 195~ ~?/~ of the City Of West University Place, PASS~D AND APPROVED This the "Z~day of Mayor ~! -~.. II ,1 ; Illiar - I' ! 'rex ~-'. /', RESOLUTION .,f Y - / :l.- vIHEREAS, the City or West University Place, currently has capital available in the He~th Fund Fund which wi 11 not be required. for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal yearj MID, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the opex:ation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present banlc balance, the average ~nthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months are asfpllows: Sent. , 195 2. - $ 3,287.18 ~ Exoens e , 195_ , lli- ,~ 195~ $140.10 $509.27 , 195.3 117.58 653.60 , 195.3 ~1.13 660.10 , 195.....3 136.55 1,019.07 , 195...1 47.50 627.6J. , 195.....3 51.75 612.95 , 195.....3 85.38 488.11 , 195_ , 122_ Bank balance as of April 12 Ap,.; 1 Ma:v June JuJ.v A1W1St October Totals for f1J!:/.:a-r;-Od last year. $629.99 $4,570.71 Monthly average 90.00 Average (Expense over Income) (In~e ~jCF Ea~8~se} h53-ClO 5h3-no B!lI1k Balance less Investmm t of $ 2,600 $ 3.231.09 Estimated bal. as of Maturity Date $ (33.91) Plus previous inv. maturities 9-12 4.000.00 Estimated balance at, time of this maturity $ NOvl, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COID-fiSSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ 2.6Q\1 from th e HAR.l t.h Fnno Fund, for a period of ~;y: mt:\11t..h!;t PASSED AND APPROVED This the / ;~ J2 day of April , A.D. 19:iL. ~ ;?/(' ~~ Mayor of the City of West UnIVersity Place, Tex I II i. I Ilr- ....-.':1-,.'1'...,-;"........' ~-,_. r""'. '.-...' , ~,. ~..ti',;~#' .....,.; lil.$OLllUOl~ -5;7~ /3 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, "currently has capital available in the Water-Seii:eJ;' Fund which will not be required,for operating.expenses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed ili a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope:riation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average"monthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months areasf.nllows: .. Bank balance as of , 195 lL - $ 34,290.04 A~ril 12 Inco~e Rxnense ,~ , l2.5. See attached schedule for estimated sched~gf receipts and expenditures ftlr , ,- this fund threugh June 30, 1954. ~- , 195 , ill- , 195 ,~ 122- , 195 , 195 , 1..2..L- Totals fnr past year Monthly average Average (Expense over Income) (Income Over Expense) B~ Balance less Investment of $ $ Estimated bal. as of Maturity Date $ Plus previous inv. maturities Estimated balance at time of this maturity $ NO\tl, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIvERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed' to inv,est funds amounting to $: '?7000 00 from th e Wate!'~gewar Fund, for '.a period of 4'....~ YAa,..' PASSED AND APPR,OVED This the , /2;~./ day of , ~ ,A.D. 195L. ~O"''''",_/', - ~/ &~)/k~ ~ Mayor of the City Of West University Place, Tex --, ~""i""''nl'.r " ~~-' -"11 .1111"'--- ~ >oJ"" T";: '-, , ./ ADENDA TO RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INVESTMENT OF WATER-SEWER DEPA..B.'l'MENT FUNDS DATED April 12, 1954. April 12 Bank Balance Portion' of 4-16-54 Investment Maturity $34,290.00 Transfer to Charter hendment Resv. Well repairs 2/3 Avg. monthly e:x;penses - April 23,000.00 $57,290.00 $11,710.70 8,000.00 8,000.00 27,710.70 Est. April 30, balance $29,579.30 May estimated income 16,000.00 12,,000.00 May estimated e:xpenses Est. May 31 balance !t.tooo.oo 33,579.30 Estimated June income 17,000.00 Estimated June expenses 12,000.00 Proposed water & fire protection extensions 25,,000.00 Estimated Expense over Income - June 20,000.00 Estimated Bank Balance, as of June 30 - $13,579.30 I.r ---.......~<TT RES OL UTI 0 N -5':/-/Y WHEREAS,WILLIAM E. JUNELL, Judge of the Corporation Court'of the City ~f West Univ~rsity Place, has requested that he be relieved of his duties incident to suchpositionj and WHEREAS ,The said WILLIAM E. JUNELL has expressed his Willingness to serve as Assistant Corporation Court Judge of the said Cityj and WHEREAS, DAN WALTOl'i" has expressed the desire to become Judge of the Corporation Caurt of the City of Wel;lt University Place, replacing the said WILLIAM E. 'JUNELLj and, WHEREAS, The said DAN WALTON has been highly recommended f~r appoint~ent to such position and the City €ommission of the City of West University Place is of tae opinion that it would be to the best interest of the City to appoint the said DAN WALTON JUdge of the Corporation Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: L That the resignation of WILLIAM E. JUNELL be and the same is hereby accepted. 2. That the said WILLIAM E. JUNELL be and he is hereby appointed Assistant Corporation Court Judge of the City of West University Place. 3. That in accordance with recommendations heretofore given, DAN WALTON be and he is hereby appointed Judge of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place replacing the said WILLIAM E. JUNELL. * 1 * L._ I' I 'ill I. I il~U mnrnllrT...'--- 4. That the appointments hereby made be effective as of the date of the passage and approval of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 29th day of March, 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO y# c:n~ ,..~,)I~ MAYOR m' THE (;1 TY . WEBT Ul'UV ERlSl TY PLACE, TEXAS ATTEST: Sb.;CRETARY * 2 * R E, SOL UTI 0 N .$ (- /S- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIREC~UrGTHE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT ON l3EHALF OFS4ID CITY WITH THE SUPERMATIC WASHAT,ERIl\., INC., AND THE CITY.OF HOUSTON, TEX;AS RELATIVE TO THE CONSTRUCTlON qF, A, SEWER LINE BY THE SAID. SUPERMATIC WASHATERIA,. INC. ON CERTAIN LAND OWNED BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. BE IT RES@LVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I. That the Mayor of the City of West University Place be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute an agreement in writing on behalf of said City with Supermatic Washateria, Inc. and the City of Houston, Texas, for the construction of a six inch (6") cast iron-bell and spigot sewer line on the herein- after described tract of land owned by the City of West University Place, such agreement t~be effective for j,;" _years unless sooner terminated' by mutual consent of all parties; said tract of land is known and described as follews: BEGINNLNG at a point in the South line of Bellaire Boulevard 270 feet East'of the East right-of-way line of the T. &; N. O. RR Co. ; THENCE South Parallel t,Q the East line, of the said T. &; N. O. RR CO. right-of-way 432 feet, more or less, to a point in the South line of the A. C. Reynolds Sur~ey, said line also being the North line of the P. W. Rose League; THENCE East along the South line of the said A. C. Reynolds Survey, 60 feet; THENCE North parallel to'the said East line of the T. &; N. O. RR Co., right of way 432 feet, more or less, to a point in the South line of Bellaire Boulevard; THENCE West along the south line of Bellaire Boulevard, to the point of beginning, and con- taining 0.59 acres, more or less. - 1 - -",_.3 ~ :1l.:LI: ._-, -"~----~r.r~....-- PASSED ANDAPPROV~ this ti . -:).t, . day of April, 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO aft ~ MAyOR ~Cl?:~~ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AT~. )..... I.'. ~ ~~ s: - 2 - KEK:N 5/8/54 .5 tf -" RESdLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY WITH THE STOKES ADAIR COMPANY, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MUNICIPAL BUILDING. WHEREAS, On the 12th day of December, 1953, the duly qualified voters of the City, of West Univexsity Place, Texas voted for the issuanc~ of Two Hundred Ninety-five Thousand and No/lOOths Dollars ($295,000.00) City Hall Bonds by the said City to finance the construction of a municipal building; and WHEREAS, Subject to such action by the said voters, plans and specifications for such municipal building have been drawn and prepared at the request of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University place; and WHEREAS, Bids for the construction of the said building were advertised for and received by the said City in accord- ance with law; and WHEREAS, The bid of Stokes Adair Company, Inc., general contractor, in the amount of One Hundred Sixty-nine Thousand Nine Hundred Thirteen and No/100ths Dollars ($169,913.00), being the lowest of those submitted, is deemed to be in all things acceptable by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University Place;' and WHEREAS, Th~ Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University Place are of the opinion that it would be to the best interest of the said City to accept the bid of Stokes Adair Company, Inc., general contractor, and to award the contract for the construction of the municipal building to such company; and L ,--. WHEREAS; The CityCommlssion of the City of West University Place desires to authorize the Mayor of said City, by Resolution, to execute the contract with Stokes Adair Company, Inc. providing for the construction of the said municipal building. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMrdISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIV~RSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas be and he is hereby authorized to enter into and execute a written contract for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, with Stokes Adair Company, Inc. providing for the construction of a municipal building in accordance with the plans, specifications and addenda prepared by Herbert Voelcker & Associates, Architects, and the bid of the said Stokes Adair Company, Ine. heretofore accepted by the City Commission of th~ said City. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of May, 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE COMMISSIONERS VOTING"'NO a.Lb ----. ~<./ M~i~~~7F'~ST UNI VERSI TY PLACE ,TEXAS ATTEST: SECRETARY * 2 * - .L ~:::;:;;JI ,--UK:N 5/22/54 RESOLUTION WHE~EAS, GIBSON GALE, Assistant City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas, has moved from the said City and is no,longer available to serve in the Said capacity; and WHEREAS, CHARLES COCKRELL, a resident of the City of West University Place, and a duly qualified and practicing attorney before the Bar of this State is desirous of assuming the position of; Assistant City Attorney of said City; and WHEREAS, The said CHARLES COCKRELL has been highly, recommended for appointment to such position and the City Commission of the City of West University Place is of thE! opinion that it would be to the best interest of the City to appoint the said CHARLES COCKRELL Assistant City Attorney of the City of West University'Place. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That because of the removal of GIBSON GALE from the City of West University Place he is hereby relieved of his duties ,as Assistant City Attorney of the said City. 2. That in accordance with the recommendations heretofore given, CHARLES COCKRELL be and he is hereby appointed Assistant City Attorney of the City of West University Place replacing the said GIBSON GALE. 3. That the appointment hereby made be effective as of the date efpassage and approval of this Resolution. * 1 * E._ ____-L:JJiI L___ ~ __::I_i ______:lil...L - :"j;jn:-':T:':[ln=- PASSED AND APPROVED this,;.. </:d-day of May. 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE elL( , , COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO "Yl. ~ ~7h~ MAYORU ", ,l'Y QJ!'W tlNl VERSl1'Y PLACE, . TEXAS ATTEST: ,. ,'~ ~~~ ... ~-'TAllY * 2 * r--'...., .-, )' /r:-:" sy~ .!f RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the ,City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the City Hall Bond, Fund Fupd which wi 11 not be required. for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; MID, WH:EREAS, i~; is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds ,-- be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the oper.ation of~heCity; ,t t~eJ'ab~~~a.ad ve,'mon't~ as fPrlows: Bank balance as of \ , 195 _,.. $ Incor.J.e ExpenB e Reinvestment or maturing time deposit~ ill- , 195 , 195..,.; 195_ $25;000..00 - 90-day mVeS"Clnen'li 15, OOo~Oo - 90-day investment 10,000.00 - 90-day m'!reS1m1en'li , 195_ ~, $50,000.00 , ill- )195_ , 195_ 195 195 .195_ 195 Totals for past year Monthly average - Average (Expense over Income) (Income Over Expense) B~k Balance less Investment of $ $ ,~ Estinated bal. as of Maturity Date $ Plus previous inv. maturities " Estimated balance at time or this maturity $ NOvl, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C lIT COMMISSION OF THE".CITY;.oE' WEST UNlvERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City T,reasurer is hereby'directed' to invest funds amounting to $ ~O.OOO.OO from th e Ci -tv Hall Bo~ Fund} ~or a period of 90 days /~ day oflk4? , A.D. 19~i PASSED AND APPROVED This the .ATT:~ ~. ~ //4~ Mayor of the City of West University Place, Tex [ -- llil. ,.. -::I-::I __ .J.Lr ~~~-'rmrT' ..-' KEK:N 5/29/54 RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, Sf resolution of October 25, 1948, the City Cotlimission of the City of West University Place established a charge for furnishing sewerage facilities to the West University Elementary and Pershing Junior High Schools in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50) per month during that portion of the,year such schools are used and occupied; and WHEREAS, It is the desire of theCit~ c~mmission Q:l: the City of west University Place to include Mark Twain Elementary School among those to Which sanitary sewer service shall be furnished by the City of West Unilltersity Place; and WHEREAS, It is the further desire OI the City Commission of the City of West lJniversity Place to reduce ,the cha~ge heretofore established and ~ establish a charge of Five Dollars ($5) per' month for service, rendered ea(:h of such schools, making a total of Fifteen Dollars ($15) per month; NOW, TlIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ,!,HE CITY CO~MISSI0N , - OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVEU.SlTY PLACE, TEXA$~ 1. That from and after the effective date hereof the charge prescribed for furnishing sanitary sewer service to the, West University Elementary and Pershing Juniar High Schools established by Resa1utian of Octoberc25, 1948, be and it is hereby reduced to the sum of Five Dollars ($5) per month for each such school. 2. That from and after the effective date hereof a charge for furniShing sanitary sewer service to the M'a:rk- Twain Elementary School by the City of West University Place -.. _L-'.!lI. L .1__:::t _ _____._~ JlI.L 1:.'111'1; ,.Iiwr-----~ , be and the same is hereby established at, Five Dollars ($5) per month for that portion of the year such school is used a,nd occupied. 3. That the provisions of this Resolution be and they shall become effective from and after the date of its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPRO'VEDTlIIS -;3f~ DAY OF ~ " 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ~, ~c , , , COMMISSIONERSVO'TING NO' MAXuR~L~~~~ UNl VERSl TY PLACE, ",EXAS ATTEST: CITY BECKE'EARl * 2 * r;-- I 'mil iI ,I illlllJ ;-il, ,r,,-,-j, lilF"T"r 61./ - ;2 Q (-ljJ~. " RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the General Fund Fupd whiCh wi 11 not be required. for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, vlH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that suCh funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope;r.ation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures or this Fund for the past twelve months are ast;ollqws: Estimated Misc. Revenue to Septe~il)5.2:.2 $ 6,000~00 100,000tOO Incor.J.e, 1,250.00 2,000.00 Expens e Bank balance as of July 7 , 195 L - Maturing investment as of 7-7.-54 Interest on above ,195__ $109,250.00 A11g;tlst , 195JJ.. 195..h. 24,000.00 24,000.00 Requirements - July , 195__ Estimated balance at time of next mat~5 certificate of d6!les:it '-- , (9-12-54) " 61,250.00 , 195__ , 195__ , 195__ , 195 , 195_ , 195__ Totals for past year Monthly average Average (Expense over'Income) (Income Over Expense) B~k Balance less Investment of $ $ Estimated bal. as of Maturity Date $ Plus previous inv. maturities Estimated balance at time of this maturity $ NOV1, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIvERSITY P~CE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed' to invest funds amounting to $ '50.000.00 from th e General J!'nnd Fund, for' a peI'iod of (, m01'lt.h.cl PASSEP.~D:'ArP~OVED 'This the ',~..Ii.tday of ~ ------ , A.D. '195~ ATT~T~, ",' / ~.,~ ., ,n:' , .-'<<'- s fL.;2-/ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of West University Plaqe, currentlY has capital available in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund Fupd which wi 11 not be required.for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, vlHEREAS, , it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such runds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the. ope~ation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average IiIOl1th.ly income and expenditures of this Fund ror the past twelve months are as,follows: Bank balance as of JUlJr 1 r; , 195L.....;. $ 17,500.00' InCOlal.'! . Expense November , 195_ 195J!. , 1954 195.1 4,650.00 9,630.00 14,327.50 . September October , 195_ , 195 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ c. of D. maturity as. of 7-6-54 Totals ror ~ast year 40,500.00 28.607.1)0 Monthly average ,Average (~) (Income Over Expense) ~. 393.00 B!lI1k Balance less Investment of $ $ Estimated bal. as of Maturity Date $ Plus previous inv. maturities Estimated balance at time of this maturity $ NOvl, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City T.reasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amount~ng to ~ f)p _t'\f'~ '.~~ from the l11__.D____,_ C!~_l""_g m. :;.3 A:~~ , A.D. 1954, ,Fund, for a period of (.. """,...+1".. PASSBPAND APPROVED This the~ay ~"--~r' _(::JiiI L__ _ T:::J.____ _ _ _____;...;IUL --- ~~-~-~lIf~"-".'------------- --v \J;Jj 0" f" - .z;v RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Sw:i.mrn:imt Pool Fund which will not be required. for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; MID, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such :t:unds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope;l:ation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average IilDnthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months are as;f~llows: Bank balance as of , 195 _ - $ Incor.1e Expense $ 2,607.88 5,600.00 , 195_ , 195 $8,207.88 195:- , 195_ , 195 , 195_ , 195..... Totals for past year Monthly average Average (Expense over Income) (Income Over Expense) BElIlk Balance less :tnvestmm t of $ $ Estimated,bal. as of Maturity Date $ Plus previous inv. matm;ities Estimated balance at time of this maturity $ NOvl, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TP.E CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer 'is hereby directed' to invest funds amounting to $ 8.000'.00 from th e Sw:i1nming Pool Fund, for a period of 6 months , PASSEDAJ./D APPROVED This the.;:;::t'~day or A.D. 195+0- ~~~. Place, Tex 1.11'. .il III " ~iliIT'''- .c".--. ......... s-</-;L3 '''- e _._ ",' REsoc.YTI~r WHEREAS; th:e Ci"ty of West University Place,- currently has capital available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund Fund which wi 11 not be required. for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; MID, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope~ation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average montlJlY income and expenditures of this Fund for the/past twelve months are as follows: Bank balarice as or 195 ~, - '" ~ Expense , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ To invest funds accumulated in current bank account 195_ NON-OPERATING ACCOON'l' $3,200100 , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195 , 195_ , 195 , 195_ Totals for past year Monthly average Average (Expense over Income) (Income Over Expense) BElIlk Balance less Investment of $ $ Estinated bal. as of, Maturity Date $ Plus previous inv. maturities Estimated balance at time of this maturity $ Nbvl, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~iI9SION OF' THE' CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ <, ?OO 00 from th e San. AnFB~ ~ ~ P:/' ~ Fund, for a period or 12 Months PASSED AND APPROVED This the ~//ctay of , A.D. 19~-- o~ _..........r--- . .""='r-I~""'n',[Uf~1 T l:K:N 7/10/54 RESOLUTION 0:4- Z~ WHEREAS, It is the intention of the City of West University Place to operate as efficiently as possible with a minimum duplication of effort and procedure; and WHEREAS, Invoices for operational expenses charged against the General Fund, Water-Sewer Fund and Health Fund are remitted from each respective fund even though a particular invoice may cover items of supply or service required by all three on a single billing; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That from and after the date of August 1, 1954, there shall be created in the University State Bank, a depository bank of the City of West University Place, a separate fund ta be known as "Fund E. tt 2. That from and after August 1, 1954, all due and payable accounts charged against the General Fund, Water- Sewer Fund and Health Fund for materials, supplies and other operational expenses excluding labor shall be pa.id from "Fund E" hereby established. 3. That to establish "Fund En the following amounts shall be transferred to the same as.of the date of its establishment, to-wit: August 1, 1954: (a) $15,000.00 from the General Operating Fund; . ' (b) $500.00 from the Health Fund, and (c) $10,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund. 4. During the month of September, 1954, and during each succeeding month thereafter, "Fund E" shall be reimbursed from the General Fund, Health Fund and Water-Sewer Fund in the exact amount which has 'been dis- bursed from the said "Fund E" for the respective operating expenses of each of the three named funds during the month next preceding as determined from the records and accounts of the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this J Z d day of ~ 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE /JIJ COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO 17A-nd ~~~~ MA ,', ,'", E C; F WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A~~~ * 2 * r- 1'1". r ~ I IIIi ~"if""-1~"'r;:11\'i"lr"''-----------~ ,r"'"KEK:N 7/12/54 RESOLUTION 5<1--Z'5 WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, Texas, is now engaged in the, construction of a municipal building; and WHEREAS, Prompt decisions are frequently required , on matters arising during the construction of the said building in order that the work may progress in an efficient and economical manner; and WHEREAS, It would be to the best interests of the City of West University Place to have a representative with valid authority available at all times to make minor decisions and to authorize minor changes in the construction and/or materials used in the municipal building by executing formal change orders, such decisions'~nd change orders not . to appreciably increase the cost oftc~e said building; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the Cit~ of West Univeraity Place is of the opinion that WHITT JOH~SON, City Secretary of the said "City, is the logieal person to be appointed the City representative for such ,purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THEel TY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That from and after the eff~ctive date hereof, BITT JOHNSON, City Secretary of the City of West University Place, shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to act on behalf of the said City in making, minor decisions and in effecting minor changes and/or approving substitution of' materials in the construction of the municipal building by the execution O#~change orders, such minor decisions and change orders not to appreciably increase the cost of the said building. 2. All such change orders herei~atieve referred to shall be in writing and signed by the said WHITT JOHNSON and a duly authorized agent of the contractor whose con- tract is affected thereby and a copy of each such change order shall be retained by the City Secretary in a separate and individual file for ready reference thereto by the City Commission of thi~ City. 3. That no authority is hereby granted or sought to be delegated to the said WHITT JOHNSON as representative of the City of West University Place to enter into any agreement on behalf of the said City under whiGh the plans and specifications of the said municipal building or any other matter or thing relative to such building shall be COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE in pal:'agraph 1 / ~ ~ #/1 ( (J,& C}~/.y.s-~ ~ ~ modified or changed except as provided above. ~ PIl.ssEQ ##R d/f/lfprCQ ////S COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO ~Af4~ MAYOR oJ!' THE CITY OFWE~T UNIYERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ATTE5T~ ~ ) ~~ ., .. ~, .."" . . p7.:, " , C ' , , * 2 ~ I;ilil t .~ 11"-' ._-~-~7TI"'1l1nrTI~-' --- ~: RESOLUTION Si.f-2ta WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place has been advised by Captain Fontenot and Lieutenant Barlow of the Texas State Guard that a company of such organization to be known' as Company "K" is to be organized-and have its head- quarters in the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, The said Captain Fontenot and Lieutenant Barlow have formally requested the City Commission of the City of West University Place . on behalf of the Texas State Guard to cooperate in the organization and maintenance of the said: company in West University Place by extending permission for the members thereof to have access to_the facilities and a POrtion of the City Hall or other public buildings for the purpose of holding meetings of the membership of the said Company "K;" and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is cognizant of the functions of the Texas State Guard and is desirous of assisting insofar as aVail- able space and facilities within the pUblic buildings of said City will permit; and WHEREAS ,The City Commission of the City of West University Place has been advised br the City Secretary of the said City that such space and facilities are available and that the use thereof by the membership of the proposed Company "XU of the Texas State Guard will in no wise hamper or interfere with the operations of the various branches of the said City. 1111 ;11 '11:IIf '--'~"1Tmrw"---'-'-' /"" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE' CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the City. Commission of the City of West University Place being aware of the functions of the Texas State Guard and Qeing desirous to assist .in the establish- ment and maintenance c;i"a local company of such organization to be known as Company ilK," and having been advised by the City Secretary of said City that there will be adequate vacant sPace in the municipal building now being constructed which may be used as the headquarters of said Company, without interfering with the operation of the said City, does hereby authorize the use of such space and the facilities of said building in conjunction\therewith for such purpose. PASSED AND . d rl.I_. APPROVED TK~S /2 day of ~' 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ~ COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO '2t~&.! .~ ){:It~ MAYOR OF THE Cl TY OF WEST A..:S...T~. .......~... ...UB '.. I ...EIl JSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~ ~ ~~ C . A * 2 * 1'1111 ~ .,1 II .------- ----~l=n'iffili""'- ~" KEK: N 7/19/54 RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, ~e employees of the City ,of West University Place, Texas, are in the process of establishing a c:redi t umi.on; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University place is aesira-us of assisting insofar as is reasomable and proper in the furtherance of the saia credit union ana the benefits afforded by the same to the employees of said City; and WHEREAS, It appears that the said credit union would. be assisted mater,ially by a system of payroll deductions by the City of West University Place as to those employees who may, from time to time, be indebted te said credit union; and WHEREAS, The City-Secretary and the City 'Treasurer of the said City of West University Place. have advised the City Commission that the institution of such payroll deduction plan would not affect the efficieney of the Treasurer's IDepartmentnor 'Would it invelve eiltpenditures by the City ef any consequence; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West I . University Place upon advice and recommendati~nof the Ci t.y Secretary and City Treasurer of said Ci/ty is desireus of assisting the establishment and furtherance of the credi t union by the insti tutien of a paytmll deduction plan thereby simplifying collection of accounts tiy the said credit union: NOW, THEREFORE, BE I T RESOLVED' BY THE CI TY COMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: 1. That from and after the effective date he~eof, the c~ty Treasurer of the City of West University Place is hereby autherized to institute a plan of payroll deductions, the sums so deducted being payments due and to be paid the credit union Which is to be established for (;'- ~ .. :J..::I ~'I~~------'~Y..,.,n"jHnr~ the benefit of the employees of the said City. 2. That the c:ity Secretary of the City of West University Place be and he is hereby authorized to require the institution of a payroll deduction plan by the City Treasurer of said City upon the establishment of the credit union hereinabove mentioned. 3. That no expenditure in time or money other than the issuance of month-1Y,checks payable to the credit union, the same not to exceed three (3) in number, shall be made by the City of West University Place under the provisions hereof. 4. That should the credit union,pre~ently, being organized and referred to hereinabove, for any reason fail to become operative, the authority hereby grante~ shall be revoked and no such payroll deduction plan as hereinabove provided shall be instituted for any purpose except by further action of the City Commission of the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPEOVED.THlS~'Y Of~' 195'. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ~, COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO <77.~~J ~c.:/ ~~. MAYO~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AnES~~ ~ . ) t4K-.~ .~.~ C'I R rAR * 2 * Ll....r ' -'~~:'1H]lr~~--- ,,:;7 //'" .,,- >~~;"~ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been authorized ~ the City COI!lIlIission to countersign the City's checks on its several depository accounts subject only to such limitations as have been prescribed by the Commission's action and it has become necessary to authorize the countersigning of the City's checks by G. P. Corry, Controller of the City of West University Place, Texas, during the absence of Whitt Johnson and while he is on vacation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that G. P. Corry be, and he is :p.ereby, author- ized for and on behalf Of the City of West University Place, Texas, to countersign all checks executed for and on behalf of the City which the City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, could countersign under the existing powers granted him by the City Commission. The authority hereby g1'anted to G. P. Corry to countersign the City's checks shall exist from July 26, 1954 to August 7, 1954, both dates inclusive, and therea.fter such authority shall terminate without further action upon the City Commission's part. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 26th day of July, A.D. 1954. ~~;~/;P' ~~ Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas A'l'TEST: - -.----'---~"flffll'- \ \ ~; t- lit '" I " J . ; '~ \ "; \ ,/ \, \ ,j \. ' WHEREAS on January 6, 1947, a Resolution was passed and a~pted by the City Commissli:.cin which among other provisions provided for charging 1 cent (l~) per name for use of addressograph plates by any person, firm or corporation other than the City or vlest University Place, Texas, and ~,~I , , '.' ,..1 j :)., ~-I :( , I' ii' , \0 V fd' I, ii'" 1 J J. J'. '~~RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES' TO BE CHARGED FOR THE USE U ....' ~ ADDRESSOGRJ...PH EQUIPMENT OW"NED BY THE CITY OF WEST UNI- \\ VERSITIPL;\CE AND AKENDING ALL PRIOR RESOLUTIONS AND ACTION ;,} OF THE CITY COl'JMISSION PERTAWING TO THE USE OF SUCH EQUIP- MENT. . REsoLUTION WHEREAS on March 10, 1947, the above mentioned resolution was amended to make the charge for non-profit organizations ~ cent per plate with the City furnishing the operator. 'WHEREAS on May 26, 1947, Section 6 of R.esolution dated. January 6', 1947, and amended l'la.rch 10, 1947 was again amended to r'ead as follows: SEe TICN Vh ADDRESSQGP~H - The rental for' use of the addressograph will be one cent per name ror plates used by any person, firm, or corporation other than the City of West University Place, Texas, provided, however, that all non-profit organizations shall be charged at the rll.te of one- half cent per name for plates used., and that the West University Civic Club shall be charged a 'flat fee of $10.00 for each use of the addresso- gra.ph machine and pla.tes, when used for the purpose of distributi.11g infonnation of general interest to the inhabitants of the City. In all casas, the City will furnish an operator for the addressograph machine. WHEREAS it has now become necessary to amend all prior reso- lutions and motions of the City Commission for a more thorough and complete understanding of the problem, and. WHEREAS use of the equipment during the past several years had brought to light certain objections concerning public and individual use of said equipment . and further the City has acquired new and additional equipment of this nature it now becomes necessary and expedient for further amendment; NOW', THEREFORE~ BE IT RESO~ t~ ~ection VI of Resolution dated January 6~ 1947, and amended ~ . ~f Sftt , and motion by the City Commission March 10, 1947, as recorded on Page 103 of'Minute Book 8, be amended to read as 'follows: ~'I'Tn1lT VT That after the effective date of this resolution the addresso- graph equipment owned by the City oiliest University Place" Texa.s, sha.ll be authorized for use only by the following: " I. The West University Place Civic Club may use the said addresso- gra.ph equipment when used for the purpose of distributing information of general interest to the in.l1abitanta of the City of West University Place upon payment of a flat fee of $10.00 for each use of the equipment and additionlilly shall pay $1.25 per hour for services of a city employee desig- nated by the City Secretary as operator of the equipment. The hours of the operator and use of the equipment shall not be in conflict with regular working hours. II. No person, finn or corporation shall be permitted to use said addres so graph equipment for any commercial purpose. III. The said addressograph equipment may be used by individuals asp~rJ.Ilg for elective political office of the City of West University Place upon payment of .Ol~ ,per plate plus the aforementioned $1.25 per hour oper- ator cost. IV. The said addressograph equipment may be used by persons, groups or parties promoting political interests in the city government and pUblic affairs of the inhabitants of the City of West University Place upon pay- ment of .Ol~ per plate plus the aforementioned $1.25 per hour operating cost. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of 1954. . MAYOR ATTEST :, CITY SECRETA.Rr l~ L .a_...::J. _ ...I...L.L - - .~_._----~-":;:~~~nrF--- RESOLUTION 54,..29 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE USE OF AD~lm$SQ~RAPHEQUJPMEJriTOWNED.B! 'J:1lIlll CITY OF WEST, UNIVElSliTYPLACEAND AMENDI'N:(1.AU.., PRUlR RES,OLUTIONS AND ACTI0N'OFTHECITY COMMISSION PERTAINING TO THE USE 0F Buell EQUIPMENT." . WREltEAS on January 6 , 194;7, a Reselut.ien was passed and adopted by the City, Commiss,ion whieh among other pro- visions provided for charging 1 cent (li) per name fer use of addressograiali plates by any persen, firm, er cerporation other than the-<i:ity of West University Place, Texas, and Wl'IEREAB on March 10., 1947, the abovementioned resolution was amended to make the charge for nen-'prefit arganizations i cent per plate with the City furnishing the operator. WHEREAS on MaYi26, 1947, Se,ction 6 of Resolution dated January 6, 194;7, and amended March 10, 1947 was again amended to ,read as follows: SECTION V! ADDRESSOGRAPH - The rental for use of the addressograph will be one cent per name for plates used by any person, firm, or corporatian other than the City of West University ~laee, ':l':exas, provided, however, that all non-Profit organiza;t;~ons shall be charged'at tile rate of one-ha:l,f cent per name/for plates used" ,.andthat.the West Univer~ty Civie Club shall be charged a flat fee of $10.00 for each use eJ the addressograph maclline and plates, 'when used for the purp0se a:f distributing in~_~mationo:f general interest te th~ inhabitants of the city. In all cases, th.e City will furnish an opebiter for the addresso- graph machine,. WHEREAS it has now become neeessar~ to amend all prior resolutions,: an€l motions oft'11e <1:i ty Cell1missien for a more thero~gh a11J:ij complete un€lersta.nding of tl1e problem ,and WHEREA$ase e~ the equipment during the past several years had brought to light eertain,ebjeeti0Rs cORc.erning public and in€lividual use o,f said equipment and further the Ci ty has acquired new and additional equipment of this natu~e it now becomes neeessary and expedient for furthe~ amendment; N0W, Tl[EREF@RE, BE IT it$'-l.VED, that5.eetialil. VI af Resolution €lated J'a.Jluary 6. 19~7, El.lld amendedlY1areh. le, 1947, and motienby theCi tyC1i>>mmissien March Hl, 1947, as recorded. (i)Jl Page 1(:)3 of the, Minut~ ~ok a, be amended tl!l read as folows; ..,,".,"*,~-~~~, ..-------.'.'.-'..-.' -.--- ! That after the eff.ective date of this resl!llution the , addressograph equipment owned by the City of West Uni~ersity r Place, Texas, shall be authorize€l for use only by the following: \ 1 SECTION VI. 1. The,.West University Plaee Civie Club may use the said a€ldressograph equiplnent when used for the purpose of distributing informatiel1 of general interest to the inkabitants of the City of West Uni,\fersi ty Place upon payment'.of a flat fee of $10. eo fOr each use of the equipment and additienally sh.all pay $1.25 rr ~ L _ ::::I=t__ _ ;1J.LL ,. ._--"~-'-----------------"":1'~IIl'lr:'" per hq\lr for services of a city employee designated by the Ci ty Secretary as operator of the equipment. The hours of the operator and use of the' equipment shall not be in con- flict with regular working hours~ II. No pe~son) firm or corporation shall be permitted to use said addl-essGgraph equipment for any commercial purpose. III. The said addressograph equipment may be used by per- sons, groups or parties promoting political interests in the city government and pablic affairs of the inhabitants of the City of West University ~lace upon payment of .Ol~ per plate plas the aforementioned$1.25 per hour operating cost. PASSED AND APPROVED this the;2g~ay of /'f'q~v~.,L- 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ('9 ~ L-- COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO ffi /Ve . ?~~~- /UN.' .IVBS.. .... ITY ,.p.'LAJ. . E,. T... '.' .' A'\'T.~......~.'......'....?J. ..' . " . A......... .. . '-, * 2 * .. RES 0 L UTI (:) N 54-30 , ' , WHEB,EAS , Th.€> City Secretarya;~~.. City Treasurer of the'City of West University' Plaee are,,;Qutherized to 'sign and countersign checks drawn on the account of the said City to meet payrolls and other current expense~~ and WHEREAS, From time to time One or the other of the said officials is not available to sign or countersign such checks; and WHEREAS, In ,the absence of either of the said of~icials it becomes necessary for the City Commission of the said City to authorize the signing or countersigning of such checks by another official of the said City; and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable to grant such authority, the same to be continuing until withdrawn by proper Resolution Qr termination of employment, to an official of the said City; and WHEREAS, MR. G. P. CO~, Ci ty .;f)~~troller of the <ill ty of. West University Pl'ace, haVirtg been dEillegated such authority heretofore, is deemed to be the logical person authorized to sign or countersign cheeks in the absence of the City Secretary or City Treasurer until. revoked as above pravided: NOW, THEREFORE, ,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE eITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That from and after the effective date hereof, G. P. CORlll,City '._@QJ~raller of the City of West University Place, is here~y authorized, in the absence of either WHITT JOHNSON, City Secretary or L. A. PATTON, City Treasurer, to sign or countersign checks drawn upon the account of the said City. 2. Tbe autbori ty bereby granted sball continue uJCl.til termin~tion of employment OJ! until revoked by proper Resolution of tbe City Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this the,$~day of ~1'4:'~/- 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO #t~ ~ COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE A~S~~ ~.. ...... .04...~ , ' ,.' y j * 2 * - L__ ----~ E _ :1.__::1_ ________dil1.r --~r"'""mm".,~-- f .,. .t.~~~";~/ . (~' /"'" '-< RESOLUTION.- ..7<iJ..,..3 I WHEREAS, the City of W~st Universityrlace,currently has capital available in the Beai:th. FUnd' Fupd which wi 11 not , I be required.ror operating. expenses until later in the present fiscal year; MID, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the opellation of the City; D, WHEEJEAS, the present bank balance, the average Iilonthly income a Fund for the past twelve months are as.,follows: , 195 I' - ij> Income, , 195_ ~. , !22- ~ , 195 Average (Income. Over Expense) Investmm t of $ $. as of Maturity Date $ previous inv. maturities time or this maturity . $ NOW, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City T,reasurer is her,eby directed' to invest ,funds amounting to $ ,3,eOEh00 from th!3 ;J[e'1'~~~ ~~d,for a period of:6,me~~s PASSED AND APPROVED This thedJJi'day of ~~~ , A.D. 195~. A~,~ c)j(;Rt~ Mayor of theCit;r di' WsstUniversity Place, Tex r- L:::a :r-::J. __ ....iLL. ------.-.~~ '~:i~t.i '\ (-. /~ RESOLUTION _ s";' - .3:L- currently has capital available in the WHEREAS, the C.ity of West University Place, Water - Sewer Fund which wi 11 not be required~for operating expenses 'until later iri the present fiscal year; MID, WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best ir)tefest of the City that such funds for the ope;t:!ation of the City; be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue , WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income a ~ this Fund for the past twelve months are as follows: of year Average over Income) (Income Investmm t of $ $ as of Maturity Date $ inv. maturities , 195 - $ Income. , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ maturity $ NOvl, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ ,49, ":0Q;,;00 from theWa,i;er -,Se:wer \,. Fund, for a period of 6"JllE)nths . ...... . ..../,1 PASSED AND APPROVED This the /3, day of ~~~,. . -/ . ." .' .... . .' ....~ . ~... . , CO . .' \ '. c"-. . . ae;I?tem:PJ~r ,A.D. 195~. C! ;/'.~~ Mayor of, t he City of West University Place, Tex /' ( r '~,<.i:~, . . RESOLUTION 6';./ -.3;!? WHEREAS, tpe City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund Fupd which wi 11 not be required. for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that suCh funds be placed in a time ,deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope;z:ation: of the City; D, ~EAS, the present bank balance, the average Iilonthly income. Fund for the past twelve months are as ':(ollows: 'i , , 195 I' - ij> Incor.le' '1 ,P.. , 195_ , 195_ ,195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ 195_ Average (Income year Investmm t of $ as of Maturity Date $ inv. maturit.ies time or this maturity $ NOW, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF' THE' CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest ,funds amounting to $ g,5QO~9Q from th e Tax Rev~nu,e Sinking "Jru,nd. Fund, for a period of 6 1l1Q~ PASSED AND APPROVED This the $;1( day of September , A.D. ~. ATTES~..: .' .~.', ' ,-.d.' A.. . ..... .~~~ '. c: )( ~;h)~ Mayor of the City of West University Place, Tex r L:::a. =-::I --I L'-' ~,mH" "1111"11 (---, ~ -1ftr':~ ~' REsoLUTION (54-.J~ i .L. WHEREAS, ~he City of West University Place, currently has capital aV'ailable in the Sanitary @.~:w~r'<~:ii;ta;~~ov.€!llent :h:~ Fund which will not be required. for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; MID, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that suCh funds be plac~d in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional'revenue for the oper-ation of the City; l " . 195 I' - '" D, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average Iilonthly income ures of this Fund for the past twelve months are asT-ollows: .~t:'.;,...' , 195_ . 195 , 195_ 195_ Average (Income Over Expense) Investmm t of $ $, as of Maturity Date $ inv. maturities maturity :$ NOV1, 'lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE ~-rTY OF' WEST UNIVERSI1'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed t,o invest funds amounting to $ 29~~~",(1)1i> from the San;J.~. ~~~r~<it~, ~ro:vement Fund F'und, for a period of six 1Il010,i~ PASSED AND APPROVED Thisthe.d'lIItday of ~~~~~~ , A.D. 195~. AT'~9~ ,~#./It~ Mayor of the City of West University Place, Tex 111 r ~ I l,llr 1Ii-.r- 'ittrF ~;!t ~ ~ r I~ " RESOLUTION - -5";' - .35 WHEREAS, ~he City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Qa.rbage ~9QSa4. ., ;L~ Fupd which wi 11 not be required. for operating expenses until later iri the present fiscal year; MID, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that suCh runds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope;t:ation of the City; , WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average IilOnthly income a of this Fund for the past twelve months are as )'ollows: of 195 - I' , ij> , 195 , 195_ , 195_ 195_ Average (Income Over Expense) Investmm t of $ $' as or Maturity Date $ inv. matllri ties maturity $ NOvl, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY Th'E CITY COMMISSION. OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ . 3.?h-g~9 from th e _1;lage ~i~l>~~._ .:h~4:8 Fund, ror a period ofS~,!~~AP .' PASSED AND APPROVED This the /..;I~ay or ~ember " A.D.': 195J1:.. , ,r , . m~~. . . ~' r . . ' -. ~ -, - . ~, . -. - - . ,,4?,." '. .... ~.-.:"". c!!~///~~ Mayor of the City of Weest University Place, Tex r ~~~;~ "', RESOLUTION .5 4. - J/';' WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, .currentlyhas c'apital available in the .e1i;y. BaJJ.Bond ~nc3. 'Fupd which wi 11 not be r~quired~ror operating expenses .until later in the present fiscal year; AND., vlH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that suCh funds be placed in a time, deposit 'investment in order to earn additional revenue for the ope:t:ation of the City; D, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average IiJDnthly income ~ this Fund for the past twelve months are as 'follows: , 195 I' - ij> , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ Average (Income Investmm t of $ $ as of Maturity Date $ inv. maturities time or this maturity $ NQVi, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CGMMI.s.srON OF THE' CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $ 35;~~O.,€)O from the .~;i::w~ BonEl.1ull\lil. . F'und, for a period of '~111,0~~ PASSED AND APPROVED This thed#ctay of 8~ii..~b~F , A.D. 1954 . ....~~~ ~ '. .~. Maybr C7V~ . C,. //'.'...... .~.. ~f the city of . est-UniVersity Place, 'rex ,....-.'-~t: RESOLUTION - ..54 - '3 1 WHEJs, the City-of West University Place, currently'has capital available in the fa:lt ColleetGr Fnnd ~ which will not , t'l 1 t .' th ~ ~ f' 1 be required.for operatlng expenses'un 1 a er ln e . 'ei\", lsca year; MID, vlHE:REAS, it is 'deemed to the best interest of the City that suCh funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the opellation of the City; Won-operating Fund Jt/JD, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average IiIorithly income expend1f,ures of this Fund for the past twelve months are as-follows: , Bank palance as of " I, " II II , I, I, / '1 / : I / . I . / 'j I 'I . I '/ / Totals for past year I , Monthly average / , Average (Expense over Income)' (Income/Over Expense) BElIlk Balance less Investmm t of $ /1 $. Estimated halo as of Maturity Date $ , /1 Pl ., t 't' ' / us prevlous 1nV. IDa Url les I Estimated balance at time of this maturity , /, , and 195 _ - $ Incor.te . Expense , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ 195_ , 195_ , 195_ NOvl, 'lliEREFOm;, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COIDUSSION OF THE' CITY Of' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $100~OOQ.OO .~ for a period of six lllmlths. from the fax Collector Fnnd - 195h Tax Collections PASSED AND APPHOVED This the 29 day of Q:~~h.hGM , A.D. 19511- ATTEST.~ ~ ~... . Mayor or the City of West University Place, Te:1C -... ,., IU - ...."...il~1ilr 1'"--, - ~,K:N .U/ti/o4 RESOLUTION _ .5" J .,. 31 A RESQL'U'rIGN CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION IN THE CITY OFWES'l' tmJVElitS:ITY l"LACE, TEXAS, mEW ElN NOVEMBER 2 , 1,91)4, F0R T}[E PWROOSE GF ELECTING AMAY6R AND FOUR COMMIS- Sl'GNERS &l!\i.$M:C:9CITYj DECLARING mE RJiltlGLT$OF SNCH ELEcTIGN AND CERTIFYING sweB RESuLTS WIlEBlEAS, In accor,aance with the Charter of the City of West Wni~ersityPlace, Texas, the General Election Laws and 0rdinanee No. G;6 of the City of West University Place, Texas; a general City election was held in the City" of West University Place, Texas, on November 2,1954, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and fourCommissionersj and WHEREAS, In accordance with the terms and pro~isions of Article 8.29 of the Election Code (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. P. 1~97, ch. 492, art. Ill) the managers of the election haye made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of sa1u eiection, together with the poll lists and tally'lists, to the Mayor. and City ,Commissioners of the CitY,Of west University Place, Texasj and WHEREAS, The Mayor and" City Commissioners of the City, of West l:Jni'l1ersity Place, Tl;lxas, in Special Session assembled on No'l1ember 5, 1954, ha'l1e opened and examined the election returns and ha'l1e can'l1assed the results thereof in accordance with Article 8.34, Act. 1951, 52nd Leg., l'l. 1097, ch. 492, art. IHi, and as a resal tof sach examina- tion and,~anvass, said Mayor and City Commissioners find that at such election the folloWing votes were cast. Votes Cast in Precincts: "Candidate For .' No. 183 No. 1~3 No. 87 Tot,al Name Edwin W. Morris Wayland Hancock Mayor Mayor 1,106 263 692 239 774 165 2,572 667 TiiiI ,. Iii --'---"._-~'r1;:01:mrlr"----------- Name Robert W. Goff Aubrey C.Jones Cecil Galbraith John Hughens Jame$W. Hammond Paul G. Reeve Otha R. McCall George A. Sartor and, Candidate For Votes Cast in Precincts: No. 183 No~, 133. No~ &7 'l'ni:~l Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner '1,137' 245 J..,141 286 1,066 1,096 166 163 717 232 718 254 635 , 645 174 157 782 178 767 182 728 740 115 126 2,636 655 2,626 722 2,429 2,48J.. 455 446 WHEREAS, As a result of such election, it appears that Edwin W. Morris with a total number of 2,572 votes cast for him was elected Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas; and R.obert W. Goff with a total number of 2 ,6~6 votes cast for him, and Cecil Galbraith with a total number of 2,626 votes cast for him,alld James W. Hammond with a total numbe;r of 2,429 votes cast for him, and Paul G. Reeve, with a total number of 2,481 votes cast for him, have been elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ,RESOLVElJ) BY THE CITY .. ' -, -.., COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, That, 1. The official results of such election shall be, and they,are h~reby declared, pursuant to canvass of the returns gfsuch election by the Mayor and City Commissign tg,bethat: . Edwin W. Morris was elected Mayor Robert Vi. Goff was elected Commissioner Cecil Galbraith ~as elected Commissioner James W. Hammond was:elected Commissioner Paul G. R.eevewas eleeted Commissigner *'2 * ~..-,-:::I ::JI.:=JI of the City of West university Place, at the ,said election~ 2~ An executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each Edwin W~ Morris, Robert W. Goff, Ceeil G~ibraith, James W.Hammond and Paul G. Reeve as his Certificate of Elect.ion, and duplicate copies hereof shall be delivered to the City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas, and the County Judge of Harris Coun.ty, Texas, and the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, as provided by law~ PASSED AND APPROVED this the 5th day of November, 1954, with all Commissioners voting Aye. --.-"'. 4~v'c,._~~J MAtitil'" '.::>i' '. ATTEST: /~~ * 3 fie '-- 1:iiiI r' ---- -."11 Ilf -"'"~<Irl~~~iiiinr"'----- ~ I~ ,/\ 1>/" " RESOLUTION ..:r ,~J 'j WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capit~l available in the 'fax GOJ..leetor Fund which wi 11 not lien Jbe required.for operating expenses until later in' the jitPe~eJl!t fiscal year; MID, WH:EREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that suCh funds be ,placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the opeJ::ation of the City; e present bank balance, t e average IilPntl)ly incom Fund for the past twelve months are as,,'f':qllows: Bank balklce as of .. ..... 195 - I' , , y , 195_ , 195_ 195_ 195_ '\ , , Non-operating fiuia, \ \ ~ ,-_. " r-~ . ,,' , 195_ year Average (Income Over Expense) Investmm t of $ $ as of Maturity Date $ inv.maturities . ted balance at time of this maturity $ NOV1~ 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE' CITY OF' WEST UNIvERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed' to invest runds amounting to $ 75,",OO~.~O rrOlIl,th e 'faxGolleetar Fund Fund, for a period or four mon'tli.s '. ~~'J.ND~VED This the, &,7J{ day of ~, A.D. 195/ ,..-\ , . AT, T,',ES~,,;,... ; 9, ' "'.., " A""'~ ' <'. ." , , , .. - . .. ., . ... .,.. -., . - . , , , , , , , , '- ,~~~~ May:6r'of the City of Westnjiiersity Place,'l'ex 1'1FI iI I ,Iill ~ ~lr ",.. " . . " ".1"'- ~, ...... ~. . .... .... ... '~4!'~ ",,\~,. ,. :,.-',,-,"', '. ' . ~..~'..~r"''''.e-W ~'et........~. ,..........,~t.:~~~IJ;.:~'...'~j.:,... ..'....,.- '."~~~:...~...,/~~.,-,:-..,,...;. ......',' . ... , . . 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