HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.53 r'- RESOLUTION 53-/ 'WHEREAS, Charlfl s S. ~aylor, Jr., has served as City A'ttoPney or the City or West University Place, ~exas, 1'rom the 1st day Qt' Deoember, 1950, 'WJ.ti1 the 31st day of December, 1952, having been reQ.uired to retire from such position by the ever-ine-reasing demaatts upon his time and energies made by his position with ane 01' the large eorporatiens or this area; and WlIEliEAS, during his tenure of office as City Attorney, Charles s. ~ay1or, Jr., did distinguish himself by the capable anG, e1'1'icient mazmer in which he executed the duties of such office and the aggressive spirit exhibited in cep:ing with problems, hoth 01' major and minor import, with which he was confronted; and WHEREAS, during his tenure,of office as City Attorney, Charles S. Taylor, Jr., has, in the execution of the duties incident to such pesition, maintained and exhibited a deeply human interest in an' approach toward the problems of the citizem>yand. . of the employees of this city, Which conduct has contributed in large measure toward the suceessf'ul, efficient and harmonious f'uneti<llning ,af" the city admilll.istration at all e!ehelona ; and WHEREAS, durilag his tenure of' offiee as City Attorney, Charles S. Taylor, Jr., has endeared himself to all with whom he was - associated in th.e administration of the af1'airs of the Oity of West University Place ~ ~exas, and by the manner in whieh he conducted his duties in connection therewith, has earned. their admiration and respect; and 'On r III r ---01 __Jll- w~, the' Oity ColUmis,siGnof the City of West Un.iversity Place, 'fexas, being .tully cogniz;ant o.t the sacri- .fiees made by Cllharles S. 'faylor, Jr., to tlae eJild that he might preperly execute the duties o.f City Attorney and being .fully aware o.f the exemplary maJlU1ar in which Gharles S. 'l'aylor, Jr., has .ful.fllled the requirements or the said o.tfice, is desil'ous of expressing its appl'eciation, as well as that 'of the citizens o.f this city, .for the service ren- dered by this outstanding civic minded citizen. NOW, T~ORE, be it resolved by the City Commission o.f the City a.fWest University Place, 'fexas: I.. 'fhat the l1:ity Commissiono.f the City o.f Wa.st Univers it,. Plaee, 'fexas, aeting for and on behalf o.f the citizeIls of said cat"-' expresses its deep appreciation to Charles S. 'fayJ;or, Jr., for the manner in which he has exe- cuted the duties' oftb.e o.ffiee of City Attorney of this city from the 1st day af December, 1950, until his, retirement on the 31st day of' De.cember, 1952, and far hi.s many cantributioJils, OVer and above t;he requirements of sueh office, toward the civic improvement o.fthis eommmdty. 2. Be it .furthel' resolveti by tb.e Sity Cemm.i.ssi.on tllat this ResolutioJil e e spreati upon.' the MiB,utes 0f the Ce:mm.issi0n as a token o.f the Cit.,-'s appreciatiQIl to Charles S. 'l'aylor, Jr., andi'urther. tllat @epies hereo.f be furnished to the press. d Pass.ed and adapted this the L.2t.-day 0f January, 19~o. A,PR0VEI> ~~q~ MAY0R A'fi'ESi': OI'fi SECllEfARY r -.~..- I"" ,. n I ':.IIWI:I ---'--,-.------.~--~--.-.-- RESOLUT ION WEEREAS, 0.. E. Gammill, Treasurer and Tax. Assessor and Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, ,:is Qver sixty-five (65) years of age and has completed more than fii'teen (15) years of eredible service as an employee of the City of West University Place, Texas, thereey qualii'y- 'ing fer Berviee retirement benefits wader the terms and pro- visions of The Texas Municipal Retirement Act; and WHEREAS, Section VII, Subsection 1, Paragraph C, of The Texas Municipal Retirement Act provides that any employee who has completed fifteen (15) years of service and has reached the age of sixty-five (65) years shall retire, provided, however, that in exceptional cases and for substan- tial cause such retirement may be deferred by mutual consent of the employee and the mwaicipa1ity from year to year for a period of not to exceed one (1) year at tmy' time; and WB1!i!'lJUS, tke said G.E.. Gammill, whose retirement was heretofore deferred for the year 1952 by Resolution of the City Gommlssion of the City of West 'University Place, Texas, passed and adoptee. on the 8th day of October, 1951, has expressed a desire to continue as Treasurer and Tax. Assessor and Colleet'or of the City of West University Place. Texas, for the year 1953, and has requested deferment of his retirement for sueh year by letter dated December 29, 1952, in which said letter he expressed his intention of retiring from such employment on the 3ls1# day of December, 1953; alii. I l- r- - I ,.,1 ,. .r" 1.[" ~S, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West University nace, Texas, that the retire- ment of C. E. Gammill be deferred for the yea:r 1953 and that he continue in his pre-sent employment as Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of sueh City until December 01, 1950; NOW, THEREFORE, Bl$ IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF w"EST U:U'VEfiSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That In accordance with the prOVisions of SeetionVII, Suo'seetio;n 1, Paragraph 0, af The Texas Municipal Retirement Act, the retirement of C. E. Gammill, Tx:easurer and Tax Assessor and Collect,<ilr of the City of West University Place, r Texas, is hereby deferred for a period of OriS (1) year b~ginning December :51, 1952, and ending December 31, 195~, during lib. ieh time he, the saidO. E. Gammill, shall conthl.ue in his preserit capacities as Treasurer and Tax ASSElsso1l' and Collector of the City of West University P1ace~ Texas.. Passed and adopted ,this. the lath tiI.,y 01' January, 1953. C6MMISSIOl'mRS COMMISSIONERS All voting aye. Hone vethl.g no.. ~iT1B~:t~ wEST tmI'VEIits I'i'Y . .J:'1.ACE, T EllS AT~~ CITE. ~". '11-0 " "~ I' Tl lilH . ,- --T REIlOLftION BE I1'1R1l)S€!I.VEItl BY'i'HE CI'i'Y OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UIUVERgj}fy PlwHJE, 'tEXAs:. 1. The Resalutien heretofore passed on the 26th day of NQvember,J.,951, eflt'ab1.is:hing'th'e salary sehedu1.e for police 0ffieers of t11& poltee department and paid firemen of the 1'ire departm.ent of the Gity efWest University Place, ~,~xas, as fo110ws: , POLICE :DEP.ARTMENT 1. Start1ngsalary, patrolman, dlllring six m0nths probationary paried $24'5.00 per month 2. Salary, patrolman, ai'ter sUll!onths FobaMo:c:ary ~ried,anti!. ll!.nt,;U ~lad al' aile year 01' eontinuelits'servtee $2@o..,OO per month 3. Salary, patrolmm, atter one year of ee:,atinuElUS service' $2"10.. 0.0 per month F_ >>El'lUi'i':MElIl'f . 1. Sta:ll't1:ng 88,18,17,' .1"1rell1an, ciluring six m011:bhs jlI'oba-ti011ary pe ried $$S5~00 per menta 2. Salary, i'ire~,. a1'ter six months probationary period $245.@,Q per month S. Salary; -f.:Lrema14, after one year of continu0'U.Sserviee $255.00 per mOl1th which. said Resoll1tiel1supp~anted and superseded the Resoluti0B o1'the 01t-,. O@mmis~lQn of the City of West University Pla.ce, !exa.s, da.ted March 26, 1\")51., establishing Blilen sehedu1.~, ~ here\)y suppluted and superseaed. !11 rm ~ I ,-~."., -'if" !I[ 2. The salary seheaule for poliee officers of the poliee aepartment ana the paia firemen of the fire aepartment ef the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby estab- lished as follows: POLICE lDEPARTMlWf 10 Starting salary, patrolman, auring six months probationary parioa $250.00 per month 2. Salary, patrOlman, after su'months probationary perioa, ana 'Wltil end af one year of eontinuaus service $265.00 per month 3. Salary, patrelman, after one year of continuous service $290.00 per month :F IIiE DEPART1jI{EJN'f 1. start ing sf>.:l,ary,.t ireman, dilring s i.x: months probationary per!Gd . $240.00 pel.' month 2. Salary, f iremB.Il, aft er su months probationary period $255.00 per month 3. Salary, fireman, after one year 01' eontinuous service $215.00 per month 3. The salary seheaule for patrolmen ana firemen hereby established shall he eft'eetive as of 'lithe date of' the passage and aaaptian Elf this Reso1utiano Passed ana adopt ea this the 12th aay 0f January, 1953. . COl'llMISS IODRS All voting aye. COMMISSIONERS None vot tllg n.~.. ~~~7fm?:'~ lIES'!' .lJNI\7ERSITY . PLACE, TEltAS ATTEST: ? '._ , ~~~/ Cy ~C' : All--- - - - r "1'. ,~ iT" I fir ,--,---.-.-------- -~'c~----.----.--~-il- - ~, :~eN: .., .... _"'! .~ '"'i: ,~l. .. _...., . . . - <. \ftl1UmAs, Of) OP.8D0Ut April 28~ 1945~ wh1le ~'~!:--!-" . Ira" A. ftrris 'U8 SQpe1l'1tateR4eat 'of the "ster . aaG , -' '., *. , .', . ,,' - Sewett'Departlneatef t1leC1ty of \fest W1I1vers1ty Place) _ aQ.1M!l-11e~-wasaat$lptiRg, ~t.t~~d't& tile 'tep'or , -', ":v \..--,- c',"' ":, ' .- _ . .- ." ~ep_' H..ae 1-9.~&.._tftP~.ct's~... .Departmeftt C,81"1!7- - - tug a"b"'t~ lle'~ ..~. tall ~ iealle. "af the fact that . . - tae .1;1IIP p,.rt.l1Ja-'Or tileia4ftP'wA1ch ran over the fire , , wall tar the pUmp~uiJe'E!l-ave away- &ad ,Dnke perm1 tUng , lil1m to fall tE! tne'~~1iQdJ DyreaS&t1 ~f su~hfall l1e t: suabl:lted a. i\tj.u'~lI'baek~ pelvlabil'okeR 1R seve~l . . plaees ~..~1t.h, N1PILt!:Bg . tW\lUflaUe. a~hf'1:t1s of tla.e . ' . . '- , -,. '., , ~t;~~ .~~., t'raeurea of tlae- .first ~Ba 10111rl:1 ,~< .', "',p- -~ , . ltatDt3ar ver.t~wae sf ids ~k~l!tpekeiJl~1o arm aSG wrist~ l!t1"oken 1"'1g19,t a-~~, a fra;e.vtwed Jn~ aR4 aserieulfly injured . . P1P1o feet~ aQd silYeralll-POlifea r1Ds a.d res~lt.1ag 1Rtellftal 1RJ~1"1es; and~ .ft' r-'''1'-~ /-, WHERBAS, as,~be result ot sueh fall'tAe said Ira A. Harriswaa h$s:p1:taU,zed Ud accumde,ted expenses im thea_aDt.t $J.,a6?9S~ made,up as follows: $" 112.. 70 .f~h&spib,l 263,.00 for medical .'Ooten 115.0$ tor .eQtist ~.9&- lor ambulance l$.Oetor 1avalid ehair 15.$$ tor in"aee 1 .---" ' 12:.2;t.zo medicine; tltat t'M City .Comm1881on .1' 'bite aUT of West Wniversi tT Plaee..lity~ appropriate -Be-solutiOD eQ Kay 14~ lj45~ authorized the pa;yaent qf vke s81a1.7 ot the -said Ira A. ]{anis. during the periOd he was ottduty as a result'or his i.Juries received 111 the- tall at the Water }>lant~ and turther adhoriz-edthepa;yme-at of a Ii. doetGr~ hoapital.. ana lIursing bills'a....eeieal 'expeaees 1n CORneetton wita the said 1Qjarles .of Ira A. Harru; and, ~S~ 1n add1t1on to the attev-e ref'e~1iI to bospiJ!talandmedl-e.al 1allieanJi u.r the alilthorizatie. of t_,~M1". ''Ot tile:i.lt"eo_ls81e-n "ot tae' alt:y ef West ~Q1~rsltyP~ee otmay14;'1~5ItBe G1tT ot'west Un1versity Place paid to Ira A."Harris .$1~316~.9 covenag"Ms nioutlUy sa.larylMtwe-4\tn April 23~ l~45, anlilS-ep1Jem&ep 30~ 1,45~ the date 'tbeade-I'Da A. bJ?"pia 1'etur-aed to work f'1'. 'tke heapi ta1 and fl'OJl au ee-ava.le:senee; and thereaf'ter. t1le . . Cl ty of' hat "-"ver8-! tJ Place paid the sa.larT. of Superinte.ndent Ira A.bn~8c:hlrlDS tile t1me :f'l'GIll 00te-liter l~ .l,,45~ to tke 2nd o~ Jand17. 1947~, a ~tal sum of $4 ~ 431. 36~ makl.g a total _at pai4 1R aala17 aad medical and kesPlt.l~ etc. ~e.QBes of $1;8.61.31; aftd~ -2- ~ - --'" r iI~ _Jli ,y-.. ~, ~$Q "<abolitt February 20" 1947 ~ s.u~t , ,'" ,. ., ,~- \.~ ~ae. t-;13ie.d1n:~~s~ NO~340,,326,,-Ira A. Blr1'18 v. C1ty of We:s:t .tfll1TersitTP:.:La~e" .i~ t~ 6J;~t JUdieial District Ceurt of lfai'r18 (JOla1l:t1; 'fe~s" by his att&n~s". HelD. ana J0QeS, s~e:J..11t;)gBi11iei.n-s" Hous1ien, Texas;maklQ~ claim for $36,,000.00 ita damages; aDO, wmmli:A~3., the'suit has seen on the doeket until -tMe t~,ana is, ~resefttly being called tor tr1al Gn ~l'ela Ie" ~9S31" at wMeh t1m~ the case will be tr1d UQ- 'iesurit'-1s:ae-ttied; and" WHER*i3, ~tter discuss10ns had~etween Attorney ehli_n' :ii7an~' r~the City of WesttJ1alve>rsity Place" and . . 1;Ae lIa7...~tmd Cl'ty tJommlal!l'1etil of tb.e' City of weSt Wa1vers1ty pl-&CJe, a-nEl' AttcWney-SliI.1rle-y J!h B.e1lil tOl? plaintiff' Ira A. Ita~l8.,. .the' sai.d Chilton Bl'y"all~' by le~ter of' Haram.' 6, 1953" has.'i-eeamenGe4te tlae _7Giratu1!,eUy'Com$isaien or the C1tyat'1Jeat Vniver-Sit,- P+.aecf.that the lDrit eooM.i.ca1 d1.sPoS1tlft,ot ta1s. matter 18; the paymetrt ~f$3,"@.eo pbil 1.-111' 1iax.abl"e court cests not to oeeed $50.00, and t'04tlniWl.' 1Jl1e CVGJu.,.aet'ij,\)n iB 'lTl1eameunt-ef t1 ,Q67 .31 t1;1"s7 thee1:.- or, ~tUQ1;ft1PBitJ! :,l~.J d and" ~#~..i)elllatt&r mas-sm. fu:11y uD.dentood . . "' -', ~ I an4IEl1.eu~~'1:1J~1azim.~1:..g ()f tltecne~tJ' eo.DUllla-s1.ofi aD .r."~, 19.!;;J, c aQd :aaid-eomm1:tRi1cDtlf .1ilft.cftclmleliltitlat: 11;" Bile.14 acee;pttk-e" reeeiJmetillJatiou .el"C1lUtlmBrys:tlI, aDEt . ' 8hou14 . a:utk$nze Rim tO~~.Qde t'w,. ,ma1j1ier .wa:tap.lailt.t1ff '. ~ ' Ira A. Hawi. au, ~lilat1ier\l.'y, 3hi~. 1(.' .~. of t'ke' ~w . , . . , . fiNi-01''HelBi,atld;Jones 1'O'1.',1;he stimot.$$;$EJ0~e€l),Ella:s-~~l'lY tUible-eEJlilrt eoi~S' &Gltt.'~eee..~..e$~ a'Qd1'tli"taer" . . he s_ul-a be. auvB~_dtG d~' a"~"19~ the claim of 1>'_6.11;y .t-.atw.t-.rs'a'1.'ty' 'Plees by its ero.-s:-aettelt 1'01' th$" sum .of i1 ;$61.31~ pl\!1:8 1itteftst at ff/%' p~ adUiU -3- r- ! ;Jl . it':I 1__ .ill ("'. .--;1" , . ~ n ,_t~;aH 1l't'.~.l_~lI8~,14, 1'fl'T,and tohet s_u~o a..'W~~.:~.;'~~_t;" ef _toll; ~1ml 0f ,S,000.8@ p~us , ~.,. " . ~ ];$g~,~.lt1l:aale . coU"ii' ees-~s. not to exe~d $50..08. Gut '. oi- t~.'ti.r u. '$-eWer;8,&~1;1Rg Ftulti Gt tAe t:i ty of .' 1l~B~..tr.1_~1tY'Place lIew OR cieposit in thelJld.vers1ty ~.'_nk. BE I'f.1iE$61SD by tile City Golflllj.ssion of .' tae Ci-ty of ..st ;u..1:veHity p];aee taat in the regular . . meetia;i:ottne _~ss,1oQ on." the night etMareh9,. 1'53, .- Gh1it..lJt'f8njat.t~e-J' fer the Gity;~f' West VQivers1ty , J . , , '5(<'.' . P-l~ee, 111- .~tnol!"1zed tese-ttle io behalf" at t)ieeity of 1JeS't-tfR1ve~tyPla.ee 9yeom.prem1;.se ano peekase efpeaee apeeme.t ,and ~yaftdtarl!i.uptlte secnrln'g o-f, full. and eG'inp*-ete 'Pel'me 1'-&11-.e011;'1 'ef Va'!; 'fn1"1eralty Place all claiiH et every ldll-d or eharaet'eraspreJ,eeted by Ira A.llamain Cane lie. 340,~~,:r1l!a A. Harris v. e.1tyo-iWfls'tW-:iversity Place, GlatJucU.eiai Dtstr1et - - e;eturt.o-f-'Jlarr18ce~'ty, Texas.. for the votal awn ot ' 'fh't'ee:\fhGiUMll'ld a-ad no/I. ($3..~.OO) Dollars# -aR,d -legtiy t~.J;.e.tj.t't "e..t'liJ '1'. am' -*~.nt .&$tC t&e~e~d-. PUttalid , . .' ! .f~~~{~'",.0l.U~#a:ad'a:t,~ae-fiame: 1d..;etdltoQ . . ~&. 1;" atlt~+iZed 1oe'J!ie1eaae b7ap~tat'e-rel~as~f the ' 1 e1"cOss...ae1i.1~Rtl1ellbJ: tile.. e1~..t vest. <If.iva-r.:s1,~'pi:a~ apj;'..fitt;&.ra A..'Barns- f'0l"~lae'<siim"f'7;$6T.31, Slfdto ot.~fia'~e"'c oat of' stlc:h .8ld:tby 8:~~r1.atej.d~entl: and'1.slleh_~t telaaSmlle tl'ie leogal1y tu:ab--1ec<lJ\Uit ee.,w ~~t"e _~cifttt.T~dQ./J:4l0 '~.5$.~) l>>lla1ia. FtilrV.1o,,< '. 'I"f ~-mtlta;t to, pay the 8&t.tlemeR.t , - " -",."," -' - . ~Q1lS1~~at10.ot~~.'c~ami~.Rd '1il.o/j;fi~~~,~~.,&@?~llars, aacilie:plly t~Jl:all~'e e~~t.e&sta nt. '\fe' a:e'eed ri'~:Jl;"R~'~/i,oo ._'; - ,,''''- . f ~, ",'~ f -' -;; .,., (.~e..tU)l~ua., .~.. :r.an~r Gtd ~hEt~ C1tyef'1,,](~~ve-rs1tJ' . " " " . , ~. . .... -4- r-', ~ fi~~Ef';a';!lIs~":ted ~M $mp.lIQ~<1 upon tl\e ,passage ef ~r,'- . "0 t~;'{...1iJ'ttG..to .ppe"~7 .dnw a check in ~amQU.Qt , , . of ~mre=e': ~Q:~aHd 8'.4fto/'109 ,(.3~e00.a0) Bel1ars~payable t.o in A ~::sa~rf;&alJQ li!'lllf aodlone..,. ll1sattot'-ftews:" showing tke-eeon'-:taa't' 1-'&Hb~ tull . sett-lemelltof allela.1ms of Ira-A.. BalTU im Cause Ne./ 34a~ 320 ~ Ira A . Harris v. C1 ty af. tiest' iJ.tlive1>'S1tj ?1ace" and. to ))roBtp'tly tramllli t suclii eMek iie'lihUtOu ;BrJaQJ ~e ~rea.u~er oftbe. e1t~ of West University . . . :P~_ fa tU'l'ta~r authorized to- issue a eheek te J. W. ,. . . Mills,; D~Btr1etelerk or Ha~ris County~ ~exas~ in an am&tlnt~~ to ex.e.eea J'it1;y ~nd ne/lQG ($50.Ge) DoJ.:lars, . eover1ng'the ~'ym8'Qt ef nthe legally tai~1Ue ceurt costs to be a as WIled by tae e.i.ty of west Univ",~81ty Plaee itl eennect;1on with the aD&Va aut1tled'andnumbered ca1:1se; both of said ehc!c)Ea tebe drawn on tae Water anoSewer Gpera~1ug Fund new OR deposit in the university state Bank. In ceBnectionw1th'these Reselut1ons, it 1s utlderstood by the City El.eJlI$.iss.1otl ef thee~ t;y ef West . . v.::fveirs1tY' Place *t *It.Gll Br)".am;,1m "",11ft!!: and 4j.'~}i)OSitlg- ef tile, -elia:3.lBB 'e1-.:i:ra,':A. llarr.is 1n the suit abeve S~1.e6 w:1:11' seeu~ a tull ,anu c_iirte. release, frem ;J:rs A~ :Iia1i'rts -sDdbts att.1fflJ\t~'l';~ a'nm wUIL:etrt&r a'ra~1ate juoiPBe9tdisp~s1Dg' of the lIIaill.:aotien aai ,tllec1'Oss-se-1t1&ft . . . of the eityof west 1fJl1y~t"sityPlaee~'an1it w111 pt"'epa1!e andappt"~ve aJlap~0't"late _relea~e frem tlae eity of West .D1ver.1tyPlaee to Ira A,. Harrisano,w111 cot"reetly . , a.seerta19_ ,tha-t.,~y j~.....teittere.d 1a this cause. dism1RiDg at'ld Jit.1&,es.i:lIget :the e.-laJ.m'ftGf. Ira A. Harril!l :w~lll1m+t the pa}l'llleDt of 1.Uy t&xaale oeurt. eosts by tl:1ee1ty .' -5- [ ~ -I .-:T-~----'- - U-i11 _.ar /':~ ot.efi&1c~a1ty Plaae 'to. uotexceed1ng the sum of Fifty aNd De-lito.' U~o.Qe} Dollars. PASSED AD APP.ROVlm this f-6t.. day of March.. 1~5~.. by a'vert. of ;s-- AYEs' aDd 0 N&ES.. 4~ A4 !luNF~ C? Mayor.. ey$t We. . uivers! ty . n plaeeL,!f.'eJlialiil A~: ~.' ~ - . , .' - , .:;---~~ .. C-~=.- JJI 11.1 __ ..lL[ , I I \..~'..,.... , .. .r,. r--. ---... --=:5 c:l - b - ~ - RESOLUTION WHEEEAS~ the City Commission of the City of West University Place, ~exas, being aware of the need for additional space for the storing of trucks, equipme~t, matertals and stlpplies used in the operation of the Garbage and Street Departments of the City as well 'as for other uses connected with the duties, responsibil~ties and under- takings of the said City, has entered into negotiations with Doyle M. May for the purchase of certain unimproved real estate located within the corporate limits of the City of Houston, Texas, to satisfy slich need, to-wit: the West one-half of that certain 1.307 acres of land out of Lot No.1 of the A. T. Morse Subdivision of the A. ,C. Reynolds League Survey dese~ibed ,in Volume 311, Page 37~ of the deed records of Harris eounty, Texas, and one acre tract in the A. C. Reynolds Survey as described in Volume 228, Page 28 of the deed records of Harris County? Texas, and the East one-half of tke 1.307 acre tract in the A. C. Reynolds SurveY described in Volume25~, Page 215 of the deed records of Harris County, Texas, both tracts being located in Lot 1 of the A. T., Morse Subdivision in said A. 'C., Reynolds Survey; and WHEREAS, an agreement has been entered into between the City of West University Place by and t~oug'h its Mayor, Edwin W. Morris, and the said Doyle M. May provid.ing for the sale and conveyance of the said unimproved real estate to the said City; and WBEREAS~ the City Commission of the City of West University Flace deems it advisable to sell and convey a portion of that real estate n0W owned by the said City located within the corporate limits of the City of Houston, same being known and described as Lots 49, 50 and a portion of 51 of Cambridge Place Addition as is shown by Sub- division Plat recorded in Volume 4, Page 55 of the map records of Harris County, the proceeds from such sale to be applied toward the pur- chase of the additional land herein above mentioned; and WHEREAs~ the Shell Oil Company is desirous of purchasing from the City of West University Place the property herein above de- scribed and has made an offer for same which the C.1ty Commission deems L , ' ~''i ~ttr~ctiveand believes should be accepted; and WllEREAS:, Article III, Section 4 of the Rome Rule Charter of the City of West University Pla.ce, 'l'exa.s, provides that the. City may n ... for cash" on terms or otherwise, purehase, lease, rent or acquire property ~nd sell, lease, rent or otherwise dispose of a.ny such property. It may make any and all rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution 'Which may be required to carry out fully all of the provisions of any, conveyance, deed or 'Will in relation to any gift or bequest or the pro- visions of any lease by 'Which it may. acquire property.n NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That In accordance 'With Article III, Section 4 of the Hame Rule Charter of the City of West University Place, Texa.s, authority is hereby granted by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texa.s, to Edwin W. Morris, Mayor of the said City to execute for and on behalf of, and as' the act of the said City, any and all contracts, agree- I ments, deeds, notes or instruments of 'Whatsoever kind or character necessary for and incident to the above mentioned transactions involving the acquisition and sale of certain tracts of real estate by the City of West University Place, Texa.s. ......A Done and passed this, the P J ......<. day of ~, 1953. COMMISSIONERS CU(", voting aye. COMMISSIONERS I ./#7_.A,"-?"l.-~_/ voting no. ~ // ~~, . MAYOR OF THE. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AT'.I'EST: ~~~-J CITY . ..' :ARY .-.iI---------r"-----,.-=-~~"." , " n-, III r -.-- - -____~~._'-T_____,~-- , BESOLY'lt'ION 53-1 WHEREAS, '!Ille Cit-y of West Un.iversit-y Place, Texas, is in need of a~Assistant 0it-y Att@rne-y, said position having beem remdered vacant b-y the removal from the said City of T. H. Riggs, the person :who has lOccupied such position during the twelve months'next plast; and W~AS, Gibson Gale has been. highl-y recommended to the Git-y Cominission of the Cit-y o.f WestUniversit-y Place as a well qualifie'd candidate for appointment to such position; and , WliEF.lEAS, TheCitw Gommission of the Cit-y of west Ulaiversit-y Place is of the. opinien tbat Gii;bson Gale is well qualifiea.t;o serve as Assistant City At:[;o:r;'ne-y and would be an asset to tne city in suenposition: NOW,'llHERFO'lE, :BE IT lRESGLV'ED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF . TIm CITY OF WESt' mTD7Ei.:BI'if!Y PLM:lE, TEXAS: 1. '!!hat Gibson Gale is hereb-y appointed Assistant Cit-y Atto+,neY efthe Cit-y of West'lJli.iversity Place, Texas, effective as of the dt:l;te Qf pass~~.hereof. 2. Tbat the said Assistant City Att0rne-y shall work in conj'UtlctiQn with, and assist,. the CitY.i~tltorney of the Git-Y of West;~lvers1ty Place, and will atte:to the dlltiesincident to.suehoffiee durimg the absence of t ity Attorney. 3. That the clOmpensation for the position lOf Assistant City Attorney snall be on a per diem basis and shall be deducted, pro rata, from that authorized for the position of City Attorney. PASSED Am:) APPROVE>> this the /~ day of June, 1953. @OMMISSIONERS.VO~ING AYE ~ COmmUSIONERS V'O'.l!:rNG NO " A~..'."'......""~",.. '~T:' ~. & . );/2-7. \ ". ~.'.7":. .~ r= 1--- 1;11 r- "'ir, iil.r------~-~~~I~'---..----------- ~ RESOLUTION * * * * * * * WHEREAS, bond issues will shortly be submitted to the voters of Harris C~~nty, Texas f~r the p~pose of financing'certainroad and drai~ge improvements within the said County; and WHEREAS, the praposed road and drainage- improvements will be of great benefit to the residents of the City of West University Place, Texas, both directly and indirectly; and WHEREAS, the effe~tingQf stlch drain.a.ge improvements will, in large measure, help ta eliminate those problems of health and sanitation faced by the residents of this area resulting from the existence, in its present state, af the drainage ditch commonly known as Poor Farm Ditch; and WHEREAS, the residents of the City of West University Place have lang been cognizant of the need'for improvement of the said Poor Farm Ditch in the interest of health and sanitation, as well as from the aesthetic viewpoint; and WHEREAS, a movement has long existed toward attaining such needed improvements by and through the concerted efforts of the City of Ho~ston, the City of Souths ide Place, the City of Bellaire and the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, the passage of the said bond issues would provide far the said improvements sought ,by the residents of this community and the aforementioned cities as well as additional improvements of benefit to the Ceunty as a whole which could not be achieved by action of 'the cities ~lone; and WHEREAS, the cost of the contemplated road and drainage improvements to be provided for under the said bond issues would be nominal as to iDdividual property owners aDd the residents of Harris COtlnty, and would be far outweighed by the benefits to be derived from such improvements. Nt>W. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ," ,. ... , '. OF TIm e~~ OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE.' TEXAS: ,\'(\ 1\. That the efficial approval and sanction of the City Camaission of the City of West University Place, Texas, be. and the'same is hereby given to the bond issues for the improvement of roads and drainage within the Ceunty af Harris which are to be submitted to the voters of said County on the 27th day af June, 1953. 2. That all citizens of the City of West University Place and of the surrounding area be, and they are hereby called upon to appear at the respective polling places on the 27th day of June, 1953 and east their vote for each and every one of the said bond issues. 3. That the City Secretary of the City of West University Place be, and he is hereby instructed to furnish a copy af this Resolutian to the several newspapers in this area for publication therein. PASSED this the 22nd day of June, 1953. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE /U~./ CQQISSIONERS VOTING NO "'77.~/ ~~~~ MAYOR QF '1'm;- CiTY OF 'WEST ~IVQSITY PLAClil; TE:QS ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY c::--"-.'-"-r~-- ..-.. mn_ -,--JI -.-- il::J __~:':'_:.clI.l. RES 0 T. TT T T 0 lIT * * * * * * * * * WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, Texas, has on deposrt in the National Bank of Commerce of Houston, Texas, to the credit of the street Paving-Bridge Fund (1946- Cash), the sum of Five Thousand Fifty and 13/l00ths Dollars ($5,050.13), including interest earned and to be earned as of the 10th day of June, 1953; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is'of the opinion that such funds will not be expended duririg the ensuing six (6) months, and should, , , therefore, be placed on T~rm Bepos~t for such period; WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that it would be to the , and best interest of the City to remove the said fund from the said National 'Bank of C0mmerce and deposit the same with the University State Bank of Houston, Texas, in Certificates of Time Deposit earning interest at the rate of Two and One-half Per Cent (2!%) per annum for a period of six (6) months from and after the '10th day of June, 1953. NOW, THEREFORE;, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: That the City Secretary and City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to withdraw from the National Bank'of Commerce, of Houston, Texas, the sum of Five Thousand Fifty and 13/100ths Dollars ($5,050.13) representing the amount on deposit in suc'h bank to the Street Paving-Bridge (1946-Cash) Fund of the City of West University Place, and to deposit such sum for a periOd of six (6) months from and after the 10th day of June, 1953, with the University State Bank of Houston, r' '"""T ..- H I' 'if I IIr - " ""- Texas, in Certificates af Time Deposit earning interest at the rate af Two and One-half Per Cent (2t%) per annum. PASSED AND ENACTED, this the 8th day of June, 1953. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO ~ ~~.. . , ..~. , MAYOR F THE. ..~ UNIVERSI TY PLACE, TEXAS ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY * 2 * !i; RESOLUTION WHEREAS, G. E. King, Clerk of the eorporation Court o~ the City of West University Place, Texas, has heretofore been appointed,- and has assumed the duties of, acting Deputy Fire Chief and Fire Marshal of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS,i The duties incident to theposi tion of acting Deputy Fire Chief and Fire Marshal requirea~l of the ti,me and attention of the said .G. E. King and thereby interfere with and prevent the proper execution by him of the duties of Clerk of' the Corporation Court; and, WHEREAS, The said G. E. King has requested that he be relieved of the duties of Clerk of the Corporation Court of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, The City Secretary and the, City Atterney of the City Qf West University Place have recommended appl'eval ~.' : ' ef the said G. E. Kiug's request and have further recomtfi~~ded the appeintment of Mrs. Pearl Reynolds as Cla1'k of the Corporat,ion Court of West University Place to replace him; and WHEREAS, The city Secretary an!li:(the City Attorney of the City of West University Place have alse recemmended the appeintment ef G. J.Fercher, R. M. Farris, C. E.Du~fip. and Perry Pace, each of whom is a regularly employed member of the Fire Department of the City of West University Place, as deputy 'f.:lerkS of the Corporation Court of such City to assist the said Mrs. Pearl Reynolds in the execution of the duties incident to the position of Clerk of such Ceurt; and WHE~AS, The C~ty Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, is of the opinion that it would be to the best interest Qf the said City to relieveG. E. King of the Guttes of Clerk of the Corpora1:ion Court and to appoint Mrs. Pearl Reynolds as Clerk to replace him; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City' of West University Place, Texas, is of the epinion that the said G. J. Forcher, R. M. Farris, C. E. Duffin and Perry Pace should be appointed deputy Clerks of the Corporation COllrt to assist the said Mrs. Pearl Reynolds in her dllties as Clerk of such Court. NOW, THEREFQltE, BE I T RESOLVED by the Ci ty Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas. 1. That G. E. King, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and he is hereby relieved of the duties of Clerk of such Court. 2. That Mrs. Pearl Reynolds be and she is hereby appointed Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, replacing the said G. E. Ki~, hereby relieved. 3. That G. J. Forcher, R. M. Farris, C. E. Duffin and Perry Pace, each of whom is a regularly employed member of the Fire Departmen.t of the City of West University Place, be and they are hereby appointed deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West UniVersity Place., Texas, to assist the said Mrs. Pearl Reynolds in the execution of the duties of Clerk of the said Court. PASSED this the 22nd day of June, 1953. CeMMI SSH.>NERS V0'lJrNG AYE COMMISSIONERS VOTI~G NO MA~~TY~ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY [_ . 1 - _JJ (" IT] ______JU ---, -r ___u_ "C"":' _,./ f Rli'BOT.ITTTON WHEREAS, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been authorized by the City Commission to countersign the City's checks on its several depository accounts subject only to such limi- tations as have been prescribed by the C01l1l1.lission's action and it has become necessary to authorize the countersigning of the City's checks by G. P. Corry during the absence of Whitt Johnson and while he is on vacation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that G. P. Corry be, and he is hereby, authorized for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, to countersign all checks executed for and on behalf of the City which the City Secretary, Whitt JohnSon, couM countersign under the existing powers granted him by the City Commission. The authority hereby granted to G. P. Corry to countersign the City's checks shall exist from July 2~, 1953 to August 3, 1953, both dates inclusive, and thereafter such authority shall terminate without further action upon the City Commissio$l part. PABSED AND APPROVED this the 20th day of July, A.D. 1953. . ~;y(~ Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas. ATTEST: 'I / I!. /Y~/~J~ 2 -~ PPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney ~-~-, r - 1 I'll - .-. II I IH "'1- ." ,.. RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, Texas, has a Certificate of Deposit in the ~mount of Nine Thousand, Dollars ($9,000) maturing July 14, 1953, to the credit of the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund; and WHEREAS, There has been accumulated in the said Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), which sum is presently available for investment; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that the Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000) as evidenced by the Cirtificate of Deposit and the Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) accumulated as mentioned hereinabove will not be expended during the ensuing six (6) months; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that the proceeds of the Certificate (If Deposit, which constitute a portion. of the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvemen.t Fund as well as the Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000) accumulation to the credit of such fund should be deposited or redeposited with the University State Bank of Houston, Texas, in Certificates of Deposit earning interest at the rate of Two and One~half Per Cent (2,,) per annum for a period of six (6) months from and after the 14th day of July, 1953. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City Secretary an.d City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to deposit and/or redeposit the total sum of Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14,000), which tetal sum constitutes a portion of the Sanitary Capital Improvement Fund of the City of West University Place, Texas, and is represented by one certain Certificate of Deposit in the amount of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000) maturing July 14, 1953, and an accumulation of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) in the said fund, for a period of six (6) montl1S from and after the 14th day of July, 1953, with the University State Bank of Houston, Texas, in Certificates of Time Deposit earning interest at the rate of Two and One,..l'la1f Per Cent (2!%) per annum. PASSED AND ENACTED THIS THE 13th day of July, 1953. COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ATTEST: lj / ./ l\ . lbLa~ ~~OP' C~ ~ST / UNi SI.. TY. PLACE, . TEXAS V' . ',/7 CITY SECRETARY * 2 * r===f=-~----_..- --,-,. fB iT., 'II[ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, In the early morning hours of July 22, 1953, . . two crimina~s gained entrance into the ~M H Super Market located at Rice Boulevard and Edloe Street in the City of West University Place, Texas, for the purpose of burglarizing such establishment; and WHEREAS, By virtue of the efficient and alert manner in which Officer James o. Bryant, a member of the Police Department of the City of West University Place, executed his duties in patroltling the said City, the presence of the said criminals within the building was discovered; and WHEREAS, Police Chief H. E. Shipp, Captain R. J. Bugg, Captain Clyde W. Hansard, and Officer Joe K. Taylor, all of wh~m are members of the Police Department of the City of West University Place, respond€!d to Officer Bryant's call for assistance in apprehending the said criminals; and WHEREAS, By the concerted, efficient and heroic execution of their duties as officers of the law, in utter disregard of the danger to their personal safety, the burglary of the said J M H Super Market was thwarted by the said officers; and WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of West University Place, Texas, by and through the Mayor and City Commissic,m of such City, as well as the Mayor and members of the City Commission, individually, wish to commend the said officers, and each of them, for the superior police work demonstrated in preventing the said burglary and to extend their deep appreciation for the heroic service rendered in this instance: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ,TEXAS. 1. That Police Chief H. E . Shipp, Captain R. J . Bugg , . Captain Clyde W. Hansard, Officer James O. Bryant and Officer lill - "iT 1 IIf 11-'-' o. J. K. Taylor, and each of them, be, and they are hereby commended for the superior manner in whiCh they executed their duties as members Of t:he J>olice Department of the City of West University Place, Texas, in discovering the attempted burglary of the J M H Super Market located at Rice Boulevard and Edloe Street in the City of West University Place, Texas, on July 22, 1953, and in preventing such crime. 2. That the deep appreciation of the citizens of the City of West University Place, Texas, as well as that of the Mayor and members of the City Commission of the said City, individually, be, and the same is hereby extended to the above named officers, and to each of them, for the herioc service rendered in thwarting the said burglary. 3. That a copy of this Resolution be furnished to each of ' the above named officers. PASSED THIS THE 27th day of July, 1953. COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ~Flt~T UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~,',T,'..~",".". /'. ,'- ~~..~~ * 2 * lill " ir I ;;II[ --. --~--_.- '~!~--."-'--.r.-.'ir'T.'~------.-.: ,~ RF.SOCtl'FIaN lill'E:lmAS, C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been authorized by the City'Oommission to countersign the City's checks on its several depository accounts subject only to such limita- tions as have been prescribed by the Commission's action and it has become necessary to authorize the countersigning of the City's checks by G. P. Corry during the absence of C. E.Ga.l!IIllill and while he is on vacation; NOW 1 'I'HEREFOU, :BE IT RESOLVJi;D BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST tl'NIVERSITY PLACE, TEX1\.S, that G. P. Corry wose signature appears below, be, and he is hereby a.uthorized for and on behalf 01' the City of West University Place, Texas, to countersign all checks executed for and on behalf of the City which the City Treasurer, C. E. Gammill, could cquntersign under the existing powers granted him by the City Commission~ The authority hereby granted to G. P. Corry to countersign the City's checks shall exist from September 8, 1953 to September 22, 1953, both dates inclusive, and thereafter such authority shall terll!inate without further action upon the City Commis- sion's part. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 31st day of August, A. D. 1953. G. P. Corry Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texa.s ~ );( q~ ATTEST: ~~ Whitt Johnso ",' Secretary ,'- .,..=-~ if I Ilr'---' ,~~~~n- ~'.4.J - f- '11-, jL.,. ~rz. t---r..../"'~~ ,,/" j' /,- "" RES@]'"UI@. DEiUilI$DIQ. REsERlE>> @P'!'It):tl 'f0 ~...' t)i',f$!'''.~ Jjl&JID$ @l' 'fD. OIfi OF .S'f B' .... .' . .~J.lU.lU1'D AlJ'fElfmIZIQ 'FB Cln'IIIG.' 6J".0' U1'lDUFl'Iell 'fB S'i'A'm. tlF 'l'EX.U I (I10tm'fY tl]' i'ARRIS I The (I11ty @@mmiss10n of tlle eity of West Wl!liversity Place, Texas, met:in ~~t74- sessien at tile (aty Rall witllm .fUiiEl eity on the ..s- z:,(... clay of (i)etober, 19531 wits tlle following members pre~eEl.t, to-wit: Edwin W. Morris maY0r Mayer Pro 'fam od et1)_is~ioner JOB lL M()(i)mey Rebert W. 6Ioff Commissioner . . A~.$~H..6 Gommissie:aerr' eommin ioner h' ~.5ed~ jll'liI~4lb JIang K~ AUUl'li1~l;n Wllitt F. Johmson eity Secretary wllen tse followtmg busimess was traasa.eteEl: ~e Mayer imtro.c1~eeEl a resolution wlliell was read ia full. eommissio:aer .~ d~ Y IIilade a motion tkat tlle " reselutiom be adopted as read.. 'l'1a.e metiom was seeondeQ by Gam- missioner ~r:-/" al!uileal"rieQ,b.y tke follow1lag vote: A~S.: l!!a.yol" l\forris 1 eemmissio:l!lers Moeney, Goff;>~ and ~i;.. 1I0ES:Wene. Tse resolutioli thus aEle.pted follows: BjS.QJitftIQl!I EDRElISDICI RE$ERVD 0ftieiI 'f0' ,.. . . ',lS.t)~,'f_ e:.I'fY QF . AI>> -llft'BR1ZDrfi :g Of.~P'l'I.ml ~EAS, the hel"e1laafter deseribeel eutstamdi;o.@; liloads Qf ~==co-==~ Im'r -- . _r_u r'1 ., _____n (--.' -~=nI tJae City ef West U'niversity Place are redeemable at tlle pleasure ef' tlle eity at par amti aecrueti imterest ~ p11118 a prem1wn 0f 0ne amd e.e...blf (1-1/2%> per ee.t 0111. Deeea~er 15~ 1953~ 01" <;)111. amy aterest ~ . payment ute taereafter, amti it is n0W tiesj,ra~le te eal1 said bemtis ~lleretere BE I'l' lmSOLVD by tme City Commissiom ot tlle eaty of West YmiverSitY'Plaee~nTeXas; 'fhat tlle City of ' West 1JniverBity P;J.a.ee, 'fexas, llereby elects te exereise its optiem to redeem at ~r ama aecrued. interest pl111s iii. prem1wn ot eme amdefte-l9.alf (1-1/2%) per cent, e. Beeember 1 , .- 1953~ tlle11ere1aa.fter d.escribeti beftds anti t11e City'l'reastU'er is hereby autmorizea 8.D.Q tiirectedto give ftetice 1m. t11e JRa.U1er preseri e~ 1m. tme erdi1aa.D.ee autileriziRg said llends that same have beeft ealled tel' redemption, in substafttially the follow1Rg tem; Ne'fICE 81' BaleS C~ FOR B.DDIPfI8N Notice is ~ereby glvemtkat t~e eityot'West U'miversity Pla~e,'l"exas, bselected to exerd~e its o,Rt1eftte redeem :t;he tel1ewi:m.g,Qescr1bed. b0mc&s; C11yef West lJmivers1ty 11aee, 'l'exa.s~ Wa:ter ReVelllle ae:f'lul(ii~ Be.d~J.Series..1951, d,ated JAAuary,l" 1951, ._bered from ~ ~e S5~ beth ifte1111sive, iftthe den01Jl1Dat1ell ef $1,808.@@ eae1o.~ aggregatb1g $5$,@@@.88, hear;1mg 1m.terest at the rates of 1-3/4- anci 1-1/2%l'er lUmum, .1:t1l1rb1g sEtr1a.Uy 1m. Etach ef t1o.e yeare..l~sJI; thre-agh 1958, beth 1ftel1i.\sj,ve~ ud redeema)le en J'lU1e 15, 1951" ell' en by imterest paymeatdate' tliere,atter ~ 'at par pIllS aecJ!'lilea im.-terest, pl111s aprem1um efefte aDdelilEt...l1alf (1-1!2%) per eemt. ""'- '~r All ot said bellds bveheel1 called fer'rEtde.lQt1oft on Dec..oer 15, 1953 at the First Natio_1 ~ i..eustol1, lIoutem, lfexa.s,wmere sa:ld he.ds small oe pre-s_ea fer pa;vmeftt' at par and. acerue4 1lltereet te t11e elate 0f call, pl\ils a pz>emium 0f ella and GDe-l@U,{+-l/2%} PEU"~~t. Said oeRdssJaall cease to beu 1BteJllBt i'ram aadafter Becember If5, 1~53. By ereler ef the City CemmilllsiQn. e~~",,_st l'Diversity Place.. 'l'exas ,. J /'------., P~ and APPROVED tAla ~~ day of Qeteber, 1953. ~.. ?/f~~ Mayor,eity ofWestlJ&1versity P:j.a.ee, 'fe~s "~ ~~. , iESQI.ftD1ffl'.~G .1m" ..m&Cl:'l'IBM . "Ii THE PmitF0SE -~, -. ~~_.~,p~~~8~.."n~..::rsIW~i~_ .OF "y,.11;.E.~ .iY 'f.i[ECI'fY . !,_:'l'lbt m€fiF - ~ . . 'fDS-WAR'. 'l'ED.S IllS_Y" 0F - DUm I 'f1qeCUy CQDltie-S!Glll Gf tliIeC1.ty af West Wn1.vel"lil1.t-;y- Place, 'fe3&;alil, met :In 'Re~ ses.s1E1n at tlie City lIaU'w1.th1R sa1<ilCity OIl tae . 231'd daYG:f. )J~l~ fellewug m$lillel"B preseat, to~wit: . 1~53, with the Mayor ~emmi.ssiG>aer alld Mayor P:!i'a Tem C01Rli111.ss1Gaer ~0mm113sioD.er eommillusiGm.er '1.tySeereta:ry ~1ty'4tt0Rey e0:rast1.tu.tn.ga G1I1>1.orum, '!IfiIle:ra't;aefol1ow1Jag Du.sillite:SS was trusaeted: :mom W.M0rris .rob E" .I\'I~ettey li0.ertW:~lil:0:rf Frank: E. E.. A11.~ t WM~t 'JQ~oa Maye-r.Morr-1s1:ntJ!!o.d11eed a l"e8e111t18a wkieJa was read in f'u.i " . Commissie19.eJi' MQ~n"'v m.ade a lilWt10:ra'that the resolutioR be a4ept:eciasread. .'f1le ._t1.e19. was seea_edby CQJl'aissiol1er Goff aiWearr1eciby the fGUeW111g vote: AYES: MaY0r JIorria.,Cemmissie-Reill's.a_ey . Gaff. ]I$l!1gs UQ Mis'b.et: - iB: WORe T-ae Ma-;y-eJ? deie;1a;red that tl!le resellltioB had been fiQ.lly ari~jted. Tile re.sullt1ea tlit1>1.$. a~p1:ie4 folle-ws: ~_1:mT~G :A1f.l!;~efl:.lr Ffi. '~PR~ U: . ."'1lH_a-'lI[eE "' ....."u.~:...~ :~im e ~,~ .... _ :t,rN.lJl"f:ft'';.Jl~~'lt?''.t!_'' ~. -'. - .J?f"-~~,~t.j,}i'."tlle- '.~~f.Y CGDlJldss10R0~.the eity of "West lJaiversity Pialie.'~ei~IU $e-et1~~ It _ll\t U e-.le.eti0B small be llele; ia aad throllglieat the 61t;r o-rW_tVmv-erdtyP1.aefil~ 'fexas. em the. ~day ei.' lilecmnber r= __~_____~ I_om iI~J.____ ____~i~ .-,-..,-,c---""}lr':-~-----~ , 195...1.-, at wMck e1.eetioR t1:1ere shall be submitted to t1:1e resideRt qul1f'ied electars w1:1e OWlll taxable property witkiR said City &Rd DO have Eiuly reRdered tile sante for taxat10n ~or tile1r action tl1ereQOR tlile.followiDg FJiGPeSITIOI" SJIA..L'L 'I'D ern C~SI:-ON .OF'fB el'i'Y OFWES1' .'J.\fIli~J.WI ~~et:~,~tlln$....~-A",.~ _ '!'G. ..tIE 1'~~.~~=: ~fl\j!~=A:-~OO~' , "00:. .' .'. , " ,. ; (~').l!.A'R~~ftl:~i1':Q;m_~ ~R J!A'l'lES,~~~Ul(i-~~ AT_4" .... _'l'~~~. FfQc;JUm.~~, ~,nCE!r.l' -'{4-;l . ~,~.. _ F_~_~~..J~~~Tle1'DJ(i A1Q!). ~JQ:l~Pl~A e~;Q~1ia"., .... ..A~_.~~..,~.."-~.f~~'JP0N 4LJ;.!'..Q'ABS ~ . ~ .~. ~;,m,en'l_AQJA~Y,_ _' ~Ie!l_'f',~~I'I'., ,jjlf1'~..Jtn.:U> _ ~~_.$ IT 4QCR__4D.~0,.~$4lfl!: A,$Uf~tI,~, !f0, JP~Y'fP ,. ;rRl~IJP~OF- $A~~ 4S,~._'f~~? , - Section 2: 'fhat said electioR shall ~e conCl:ueted and keld at the following places wit1l1R the tm-~e regUlarly established VQtilag precaets Wit111m t11e city.. to-wit: (1) (2) Attlle CO:lJllllURity tfall YetiagPreeinet1fo. 183 At tile West Wniverlllity ;flaee.El;emel\ltarySellool Yoti:agheeimet 1f@ ~ 87 3756 WR1versity Boulevard 6104 Auaen street (3) .-- -,- ,- At t11e e1ty Iiall Voti:o.gfreeiRet1fo. 133 3800 Tlniversity Boulevard Seetien ~t 'filat t11e fellowag perSOnS arellerally apjloitatea officers to conQuet said election 1m said election precinets, reepeet1vel;y: (l) lUeet:to:liil. Preeimet Ne. 183: {At t11eC~_ity Ball) . CHOwlilM . C .- T..."', PresiaiJag Jwige Assistant Juge (nerk: Clerk s. w. G~sGn tfJ1'?S. A: B. t'f'l"'A"V Mrs. Ha__rd el~ 1,P-p.,. r fir H--,_n_-n" "ii ,. --- ~~=;r, {2} Ele~tioa..P~e~~ctl'e. 81: (At tlile W~stTlm:ive;r.s1ty fJ.aee lUeaenta:ry Sehool) ~F~A. Buw~.. I.. H,.Barlow Pres:l;d!ag Judge Ass1staat Judge Clerk Clerk ~. F..A.. l!ImrA~l~ Miss Helen Ch_<l" (3) Eleet1em Precinct lfo. 133: (At the Cj.ty Hall) Win.; e. Bucharclt. Jr. lelm. Jl. Dew Preaidimg Jadge Assistaat Jadge Clerk tJlerk Mrs.. V'i,'I!'ri\'lia ~ Mrs.. lilu. Q'. Basehardt., Jr. .Seetien 4: Tmat the ballots for said election shall conform to Chapter 6 of the Election Code or taa state or Texas, Chap,ter 492, Acts or tl!le 52mEf Legislature of Te;x:as, 1951, so far n as applicable" aad, iaaddition to tke requirements of said Chap- ter 6, small mave priatea. thereom tae followiag: 0WICIAL ~ Plll0POSITi1~lf . F0R TIm ISP"B<m. 0F" ,Z"~..OO C~.~'IJ.,'~~ AGADft ~ ~D:t$jtJAlieE 0F $ ~,Of.O..aG ~;F;l'!iU;L. ~()~ '. n n . " . Each voter' soil mark "out one of' the abeveexpressiens en suek proposition, taus leaving the Gtaer as indieatimg his vote on sue proposit:ion. Seci;:io:Q."i: That said eleetien saal1 be keld in accordance with the provisiOBS'of' tIae City Ckarter of said City, the Constitution -. - aaa laws of' the state of Texas, aaa only auJ.y qualified res:taeat electors of tae City of Vest Tlniversity Place, who oft taxable .::-::--. _1 ~ ._~ __,-,ll r n--... ,,-_,~--~~----CilrC~.' ~, property withiDsaiEl City and whe have duly remdeFed the s.am.e f'or taxatiom shall ~e ~ua1ified to vote. Seetiom€i: That notice of' said election shall ~e given by pos - ing a copy of' a notice containing a 8u~stantial copy of tais reso lution at the eity Hall anEl in each of the election precincts of' the City not less than f'OllU'teen (14) days prior to the date on whieh said election is to Be he1d# and by publication thereof' on the satUe liiay in each of' two (2) suceessivewee~s in a newspa.per published in the EmSJish language and of' g~!lera1 eireu1atioli with" such City# the first of said publications to be made !lot later than fourteen (14) days I>rior to theda.te set for said election. PASSED and APFR01ED this 23n\ day of IIwiillllbe:r: 195 3 . ~ ?/~~ )1ayor# <::i:tyot W$stUll11versity Place # 'i'~xa.s ... . A~: APPOOVEDAS 'ill Fam AND CORRECTNESS: ~.5~ C=_J:__' _ _IIiI [..-..".,,-,- 'iLJ. _____.:.._ _iLL -- - --~----------,--:~~."..,T'c~'rr.~".--. ---,--------- S-j--/~ < uf) ,,1 ; II. "I II / fill I~. j <, i ! .f " .~ N"ei)TIEm . ~_ ~~JL(lUi '1'$ ..!DE~liY ..QIlA:r..IFJm)RES~ . EaeT$ll$.... mE Cl"fi. .~....WEST ~l~~_..~~~.-. .. ..~~,.M-,.._.......FIt$~,~iW(nSAD GJ~..Ql)."O-D-lE~. ~ l!~;.,!,~'iI',:t_,f . Not1ee 1s herebw g1vem t~t a s~eeia1 electiOB will be keld :Ul thetUty ef West l!l"Biversity Place, '1'exaa, en the .12th Claw of n Dee~ ~~, . ~i)i~53 , purs\iantto the folJ.0w1:mg resolu.- :'; ..;\~\;:;: ';'-'~'e':" tion adGpted bW t.ke G:J..tyC€>u:issioB Gfsaid eity, to-wit: r=='-~=-r=====;-1I ill fir -- .--r-~Wi~T~--~-- Y:, 1 -11 , .,j KEK:N 12/7 /53 $5~/t A RESOLUTION. APPOINTING CERTAIN SUBSTITUTE ELECTION OFFICERS. TO, SERVE AT THE ELECTION TOBEBELJl,ON THE 12TH DAl' OF DECEMB:ER, 1953, ATW!llCH. THE PROPOSITiON .OF THE ISSU- ANCE OF. $~95 ;090 CITY HALL BONDS BY THE. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAeEIS TO BE SUBMITTED TO TlIE VOTERS OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, On'the 23rd day of November, 1953, the City Commission of the City o~ West University Place passed and approved a Resolution calling an election for the purpose of submitting the proposition of the issuance of $295,000 City Hall bonds by the City of West University Place to the qualified voters of such City on the 12th day of December, 1953; and WHEREAS, by such Resolution and. in Section 3 thereof, the City Commission did appOint officers to conduct the said election in the said election precincts; and WHEREAS, Subsequent to the passage of such Resolution it became evident that certain of the officers appointed thereblj to-wit, Howard C. Lee, Mrs. Howard C. Lee, John R. Boyd and Mrs. Virginia Webb, will be.unable to serve; and WHEREAS,&lt is necessary and the City Commission Qi' the City of West University Place is desirous of filling the vacancies created~y~he:1i!;navailabilityof t,h~ named persons by the appointment of substitute efficers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CCiWMISSION OF THE CITY OF WES:rUNlVERSITY . PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the :fallowing are hereby appointed officers 1nsubst1tution of the perso~s hereinabove named to conduct the election-to be ReId in the City of West University Place, Texas, Precincts Nos. 183, 87 and 133, on th~ 12th day of December, 1953,atwh1ch the proposition of the issuance of $295,000 C1ty Hall Bonds by the C1 ty of west 'University Place and the levying of taxes in payment ther~of is to be submitted te the voters of said City: r- ~ ~ (a) Electien precinct Ne. 183: (At theCammunity ~all) S. W. Garrison f6J" (In substitution ~lilJ1 Howard C. Lee.) Mrs. A.B. McGinty (Replacing S.W. Garrison hereby a~pointed Pr.es~di~ Judge.) Mrs. Fannie Flerence Whitmore (Replacing MXs. A. B. McGinty hereby appointed Assistant Ju<lge.) Mrs. S. W. Garrison (In substitutian for Mrs. Howard C. Lee.) (b) Electianprecinct No. 133: (At the City Hall.) O.D. . Tarlton (Insubs,titution for John R. l3oyd~) .' .0' , Mrs. Warr'en Bttttelman (In substitution for Mrs. Virginia Webb. ) Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Clerk Clerk Assistant Jl1dge Clerk Section 2. That all other appointments af election officers made in the s~id Resolution of November 23, 1953, be and the' same are hereby confirmed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of December, 1953. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE COMMISSIONERS VOTnTG NO ATTEST: ~ . #f~ ' , II. ___ ,..... ." . ~O<,"~ lUYU' '....~ITY OF ,'T . . qI ljEl..tSI TY _ PL4.Cl1l ~ . TEX;.AJS . CITY SECRETARY APPROVElll AS TO FOIM AND. CO~TNESSt ~ &~JJ:l . . CITrATTO,' " 'J ". . * 2 * r::_- -- -,_-,-,ll ~'-..J. _______...l.LC .- ,.-.'w:'"-----,------ .wi/~ ..L KEK:N J."A/"f I O:.:J L-- ~:? -/7 ~ '-.l I A RESOLUTION APPOINTING OFFICERS TO SERVE AT 'J.'HEELECTI~~ 'fO BE H.ELDIN _ THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'Jjl~~C~ t ,!,EXAS t ON THE 12TH DAY OF J)Ji;~l!:_Itt195-3t AT. .~lCHTIIEPROPO- SITlON'~ mnING $iRTIC:U .XVUI,. SECTION 4 OF THE CH.ARDRJ'.)1l'S41,D.CI'.fYIS. TO ~SUB- MITTED TO THE QUALI:Fl:&D VOTERS ~SIDING . THEREJ:N. . WHEREAS, ~ Ordinance Number 653 passed and approved the 9th day of November, 1953, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, called an election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City the proposition of amending Article XVIII, Section 4, of the City Charter to permit the transfer to the general fund of the excess receipts and revenues from the water and sewer departments after providing for maintenance and operating costs and debt service requirements and the establishing of a $15,000 reserve in the water department.'and $10,000 reserve in the seWer department of said City; and WHEREAS, The City Cemmission of the City of West University Place desires to appoint by this Resolution the officers to serve at the said election. N~W, THEREJ!IORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF' THE.llI'ff,:QFWSfJINIRHSU1 i!:MQ&~ :TEXAS: Section 1. That the following' persons a~e hereby appointed orr1cers to conduct the Charter Amendment 'election called and provided for by Ordinance Number 653 of the City of West University Place, Texas, in the various e1ectionprecincts of said City as hereinafter indicated: (a) . Electio.n precinct 183: (At the Community Hall.) S. W. Garrison Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Mrs. A. B. McGinty Mrs. Fannie Florence Whitmore Clerk Mrs. S. W. Garrison Clerk ..,. ._.~'~- ~, Ilr 'IT <C "'~~ (b) EJ.;ebtion precinct 87: (At the West Univers1ty Place El~mentary School.) . F. A. Huwie1er Presiding Jug.ge Assistant Judge J. H. Barlow Mrs. F. A. Huwieler Miss Helen Chapman (c) Election precinct 133: (At the City Hall.) Clerk Clerk o. D. Tarlton Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr. Mrs. Warren Butte1man Mrs. William C. Buscbardt, Jr. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of December, 1953. ~~~~ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST A~~.T:. ~_ _ }~IVERSITfPLACE, TEJ;AS c1'~J~. ,.,..,'-', " * 2 * Clerk Clerk <';;.i~ .k': _lL -~ =< ! ~ - / RESeLY'i'ION eOVASSING RE'l'lJRNS AND ]}fi:g!.ARTlfg 'R.Rl!llltr."pJ'l ClR :60N.:1))lJ:.;ItC'fIO!T TIm STATE OF TEXAS I I GCJDTY OF RAmus The eity eo~ission of the eity of West University Place, Texas, met in ...~tm'-~~ session at the City Hall within said City on the lht.h day of December, 1953, with the following members present, to-wit: Edwin W. Morris John K. Mooney Robert W. GQff Frank E. Rangs ]b.~l>a'~~~ Whitt J0hnson Karl Kraft Mayor C0mmissi0ner and MaY0r Pro Tel'll. Commissioner Commissiener e~",,~ ~'Il4lv:#11l '1'1(" . City Secretary City Attorm.ey cQnstituting a quorum, when the following business was transacted: Mayor Mel!'J:'is intrt;)duced a resolution }'laich was read in fUll. eommis.sie~er Mooney made a motiOn that the resolution be adopted as read. The motion was secended by C.om- missioner Gti.lU.... and carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Mooney, Goff, Hangs and Nisbet. NOES: None. The Mayor declared that the resolution had been finally adopted. The resolution thus adopted follows: RESOLUTION €IAlWUSDiG RETUUS AJlIll..€lLARING RESULTS OF EOli]) Et.EC'fION HELD Di THE 3:Ifi OF WST~ DI'l1ER$ITYPLAe.E,,':l'EXA~I..ON DEeEDER la, 1953 W1:IEREAS, the~e was held in the City of West University Place, 'I'e::x:as, on the 12th day of Dee.ember, 1953, an eleetion at which was submitted to the duly qualified. resident eleetors of said City who own ta::x:ableproperty within said City and who had duly rendered the sarne fol" taxation, the following c' n--. PROpOSITI@N SHALL 'rHE' CI'I'Y ceDIS3I@N OF 'mE CrTY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BEAWHORIZED 'fOISSlJE TBBOQS .OF., SAID CI'I'Y IN 'mE AmOmf'f OF NO ~.NINE'I'Y. FnE'flIOTJSBD. OOLIJUW ($295, 000 . 00) lU.TtlRINcr SERIALLynTRDI'l'WENTY~FIn: (25) YEARS FROM THEIR DA'l'l!t OR ElA'fES , . BEAIiINcr DI'fEREST AT!. RATE NOT TO EXGJn;];} , FOURADO~]IALli' PERCEN'f (4-l/2%}PER AlfIfiJM, FOR.. THE PWRPOSE OF" C6NS'Fl\UifC'l'ING BEl' EQUIPPING A CITY HALL.' WI'I'l'IIN SAID QI'l'Y,. AND TO };,EVY ..'tAXES ]Jp0E" AIJ. 'fUABLE PR~'fi WI'l'lUN SAID -CITY - AIDU'IA!.LY SUF1C::rEN'I' 'l'0. P.l~ 'I'l'IE .IN'fERES'1'.. ON ~AID BO!'il)S ,. AS 1'1' .Aoemm3 . ANll'1'O OBEA'fE'ASlJilKIlfG.. FUED 'fOPAY 'l'EE PRlIiOIPA];,.. ()]' S;IlID Boes AS I'I' ti'l'URES, and WliEREASJ, there were cast at sa~d eleet~on 410 votes, ot: whieh number tJaere were ea.st: FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $295,000.00 CI'tY. HAJ~l'~ l;lODS AcrAINS'1' '1'B ISStJANCE OF $295,000.00 eI'fYRAI"L' BONDS MAJ0RI'I'Y ". .mR. '!'HE IS3U.oOE (For or Against) OF $295, 000~ 00 CI'fi HALL Bmms 369 votes hI votes 328 votes as SROwn in the o~~~cial election ret~ns Jaereto~ore submitted to th~s City Commission an.d ~iled with the City Secretary; 'l'he~e~ore BE IT RESOL~Jl)by tlaeC1t.y Commission o~ the Oity o~ West UniversityPlaee, Texas: Section 1: 'I'hat said eleet~on was duly called and notice thereo~ given in aceordanee w~th law; that said election was held ~n the manner reCil.u~red by law; that due returns o~ said election have been made by the proper o~~ieers; that said elec- tion has resulted ~avorably to the issuance of the bonds des- er~bed in said pr0pos~tion and that a majority o~ the Cil.uali~ied r:~_ _ :::::1111- fl.:] 11.--- voters voting at said e1eetien have voted in ftavor of the issu- anee of the bonds described imosaid prepesition. Section 2: .. A fhat the City Commiss1en is now authorized to issue all Qf said bonds and toGlo any anGl all tnings neeessary and oon- . venient i:e oom:eeetion therewith. PASSED and APPROVE]) this /4' 4 day of Deeember, 1953. ~~k~ Mayor,-eity of West 1!J:eiversity Place, Texas A'f'l'ES'f: 4~~ ::> ett Seoretary' (SEAL) APPIDVED AS 'lO 10m AIm CORRECTNESS: ~G.~. CITY AT'ID . ~~ _..Ll1I ,- iLL _ _ _______...LL[ - -----.-'------'--'c-.,,'---,,-,~:Lni'---- r.t.-::~ .<...,~ ". ';-~ KEK:N 12/14/53 ...::;; :;, ~~\.. -~;- ."~"""'-'~ ~',.o,~,~:, ',.. ,,;" ,'~, "'~f""" ,,';,.}-""',. ~ ,~"':. -:->'~ RESOLUTION . ,~-~;,:.' WHEREAS, there was held in t~e City of West University Place, T~xas, on the 12th day of December, 1953, an election at which was submitted to the duly qualified resident electors of said City who, own taxable property therein and who had duly rendered the same for taxation the fOllowing proposition: PRAPa~TTTON Nfl 1 S]iU~ill the charter of the Ci t.y of West Ul1iversity Place ,Texas, and;~ection 4 of Article XVIII i::>f said charter be amended'so that Section 4 of Article XVIII of said,-eharter shall_ hereafter read as follows: ARTlGLE XVIII WA~R AN>> SEW$RDEPAllTMENT' Section 4- Use o.f FlilDds: - .4;-11 re<?eipts and revenues from the Water aDd Sewer Department shall be deposited int:we (2)sepa.1lll>~ fUDds tG bekl10wn as the' Water and Sewer Funds.'fQr -thefellawing pttrposes: FIRST: From the Water Fund there shall be paid all costs of maintenan~e ,op_eration and repairs of the water system as provided in Articles 1111 toniS RevisedCiv:l.J. Statutes of Texas~1925, inclusive, as the same have been or may herei~~er be amended; . sEe0$): .' After p~YmEmt.. ef tke. expenses as provided in 'Plfi"pEJse FirSt ,'there$bllbe p~i,.d the princKpai and -imteresta-ndsu.el1reserves as may beprescrfbe_d in any Qrdinanee..,es.a.c\tec:\, byt'b.e Ci tv Cemlitission autherizing' the issuaJt. Ita Sf. ~'revnue bOnd.',~ P~.y~Qf.;.'~.'. ,in. WhOlt or>tn part. frf1)m the 'r~~eEl~s of the CitY~!I-: w~:ter sy tem., THI1W:" Af"terp.a.yment otthe expenses and pther items. contained tEl Purpo~es First and Second, there shall be ac~umalate4, as a reserve fund within the Water Fund a sum of $15,609 for the reconstructien". extension, improvement, betterment, operation, maintenaDce,. repair, materialsan<:ietker tlingsneeessary te the operation aDd mainten-aaeeof the water system~ If aDd-'wheB'said reserve fund, or any p.artthereof, is utiliz~d as herein provided in as.,-- gi-vel1 year, it shall be tbe du-ty of the Ci~y Com.~ssion to e,ause an amQlilnt to be budgeted in the ne:x:t suee~eti:ng fi.:s.eal ye83:", subje.et to the payme-llt of the e~p~B~~Eld.:ltems provided for in Purposes First and. SeeOHc.W rep;Le,iIlisb. said reserve fund i11 order that said ilincl lBay be maintaiaed at a $15,'000 level from year '1;0 Year; ,!,--, --. FOURTH: Any and all sums constituting receipts and revenues from the water system in excess of the amounts required for the hereinabove stated purposes shall be deemed surplus receipts and revenues and may be tranSferred by the City Commission to the general fund; '. FIFTH: From the Sewer Fund there shall be paid irrCosts 9f maintenance, operation and repairs..of the sewer system as proVided in Articles 1111 to 1118 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, in- clusive, as the same have been or may hereafter be amendedj SIXTH: ~iter payment of theexpenses as provided in Purpose Fifth, there shall be paid the principal and interest and such reserves as maybe prescribed in any Ordinanee enacted by the City Commissien authoriz- ing thei,ssuance of. revenue bonds payable in whole or in Part frem the revenues of the CitytsseWer system. SEVENTH: After payment of,the expenses and other items conta1ned in Purposes Fifth and Sixth, there shall be accumulated as a reserve fund within the Sewer Fund a sum of $19,000 for the reeonstructien, exten~ien, impr~ent, betterment, operation, maintenance, repair, materia~s and ether things necessary to the operation and maintenance of the sewer system. If and when said reserve fund, or any part thereof, is utilized as herein provided in any given'year, it s~all be the duty of the City Commission to cause an amouBt to be budgeted in the next succeeding fiscal year, subject to the payment of the expenses and items provided for in Purposes Fifth and Sixth, to replenish said reserve fund in order that said fund may be m.intained at a $10,000 level from year to year. EIGHTH: Any and all sums constituting receipts and revenues from the sewer system in excess of the ameunts required for payment of .expenses and' other: i t13ms as contained in Purposes Fifth, Sixth and Seventh shall be deemed surplus. receipts and revenues and may be transferred by the City Commission te the general fund." ~dQX~Y(ffl'~lmI.BiI~. and WHEREAS, there was east at said election 4~o votes of 'lfhich'number- ~71i) votes were east for' and 35 votes were cast agaLris~s.id Proposition; and WHEREAS, the ma~ority of said votes was in favor of the s~d ~ropositiE)l:l:ahd in amending the Charter of said City in accerdance therewith~cis shown by the official - J . e.e~tion returns heretofore sub1l1ittedto the City Commission and filed with the Gity Secretary; and * 2 * r' _-:JJI if".l ...lL[ LFm ~ '.~v- ""'" 't"'--_ ."---, :.,~,' \. WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to adopt the proposed chartElramendment for and on behalf of the City of West University Pl~~e, Texas. NOW, THEltEFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: TEXAS: Section 1: That the said election at which the above ProposJ:tiCfl-n was subtni tted to the qualified resident electors of the City cd West l:Jniversity Place on the 12th day of It!!lcember, 1953, ",vas duly called and notice thereof given in accordance with law; that said election was held in the manner required by law; that due returns of said election have been made by the proper officers; that said election has resulted fa.-vorably to the amendment of the charter of the City of West Unitersity Place as set forth in the said Proposition and that a majority of the qualified voters voting at said election have.~oted in faver of amending the said charter as provided in said Proposition. Section 2: That the City Commission of the City of West Un1versity Place here nOW adapts the amendment to Article XVIII of the ~harter of such city as contained in the h~reinabove quoted Proposition as a portion of the said charter from and after the effective date hereof. Section 3: That the City Secretary is hereby directed to f~le a certified copy of the said amendment. to the City charter and a copy of this Resolution with the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, and to do all other things necessary and proper in the premises. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of December, 1953. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE All COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO None HAY~ ~ iit~ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ATTEST: ~.-.J APPROVED AS TO PORM AND CORRECTNESS: ~{~.~ .. . IT! AT ' * 3 * r' Iii - Ii 1 IH 'T ~