HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.52 Illt.l! !i! s-..2 -.:z.- .,....,.. ....... .... ...... .. ft"" ., IIlt8t w......" !'lsae, .....' ... .. ,.... ., .. ~ ~ f'fta, "-1, 1M, WIlt.U .nm.. ~~. ~. gA,lIM ....._ )aU. ,..u. .. ~,<<_ ~ .... ... .... ...., .. Cl\7J a&, ____, ...,lit. ..... eI ~_ ~ ., bas ~ . _.elf' .. __ eft\Idn. fill laSs orn.. .. U .. eIIlllear iltaMU to tM ..... fIt_ .. fit 1iINR ....... P.\.aee, .. -.'aU .. ~ boa ......... ""** Ma,4 aDf., -# .. ~., __ ~-ue.~ Of 'the ft~ ot tI'u:t ~t_ n... 1lIIIMt Mea ~ .. ~ ... Yitk ~ tal:,.. ...-. aU .. .. ...-l!I'i'\\!t, ta8IIiJA. ~ eat d.' 41p1tf et F~ .... 81111I If. ...... C. ~ fit ~~, ..." ~r\.,.. _...... _.. ~1Id.t ~ _ ~ ~ he .. fIVWIll ~' 1drIe, .. __ fad_ ........... _~ .. IltIuI ~ ~._....~..~~et.... ~'1a~ ~ .-' taU ..... .. ftel,4 et'18', ...." ." ,lift', .. .. ___ of .. ft. tit' __ ~UlJ' ftMe, ....., _..., _ ~ tta pU,* .. ... OII~_ .... - 11M p141<< ..... ,... _ _, ~' __..~ ,.u.. ilill-....... .. ""',1Wt ~..... ..,__.,~ ~ft4' ~18l. tU .... __.Ie __.. ,at, w...- ~ _ .. -.-' ~ ~... 1I11i1IQIJG' , IQW, "",H it ......1tr .. fiW'~ t..- _ 'IiII/.e .'9ot~~tr~_: 1. .... tit, I" ,._.,.. _.. C WetJt ~_ ~. ~ -ttus---.. ~,'_ tM"_....,_.. Slt7, ....... 1. .,..., ~W'_........ ~ _ ** .. __ #111'._ .~_ _ ~ ~.. ~.,..,.. .. .. *~. C ,-dQ "'~n~~ ~ '..... ___ 1M' __ / 'ftna ., .. ~. e. Ie.~ ~ ~ .. tile __ << lUJ.ll... ..... 1ltals ~ lie ..._ ... .. ..... ., tile J J~'"'''' ,,.. et tM ft.-. ....laUe .. -___ _, .... ~;t .... '.... ~ -~,--_. r-- r~. - 1 1.11 11'1 III ,..t; ~ _ ~~_ ~ ...... .. .. ua _ ., ftlltnU7. 1"... ~ WliT .! ~ IWi riel.." ...... T ~ ' , !! !.!~!!!!.! 02-3 . . '. ~.. tn.Clt.,. of Weat lJm."enliv Place. '.t1uae, has ~ f~~~ t.e',G1Illllbe-l' lIIlUIIDi h_ $IIployeea 'rr. 4pril 1, 1'4', to ,~ I, l'sa, ..~... af O'It.U~itlg profe..ioul abllit, .... Jl~tt ,~' --.._ ... pQ1io epiftt; u 'et ,he B~t. ~b.. alild 1fh..e ~.,bta, ~W b ~e..~U.. of, publio fadlltl_ t. whioh tile ;'lJ:i. ~ ~ S-t.lfteci pride; __, ~:,I~'~ ~. .. Ule OUy'_ ~ for the ~ ~,~~ h_,~_<<t hie time aDd tUW1V tar be;ynd t.U call .t~., ~tW ..~.", 84.... iw~.t. alxmt fd\e cemitnletiml of .~t., ".tIer aM MIIl\ei'y tui1f;U- _ otbv 01tv ~rilig pl'c- jeo-'ta w1tBOOQ14.~e uri.. of lIIlIm8y to th& CUT .. he eocompliehed, nth,UidW~. ug~ P'Q~te CJCllIlIpfti"\IlDU 1n qunttty aDd q~~~t.y.'ld.'\h the aoe~.liae1Wt. of a~ ei:ties ~ __'1~. have 1MeIl llI1IlCh 18l'Pl'J eIld. ....... ~ at.' ~ri._ cd' the e.. .1 Wen W'V\el'e.i t.y P1Ue,~.t hu ....~ tbe nsqr$1l.illHl of 1nhc L. Peabo4y as the 411,_18 ~... wttk, &l'~t ~l14etfuilCe' in Ol"del' that _ -T atain enter . .... .......1>1'" n~ of prin_ ~~ pno~. .. ttae City ~~. at til;ia~, tie-~' ita ar*t.\tih ,.' t!:le wotlk wti_ ~ L. ~'hea ... &d fie gt... ~i. ~t.1tii to h1m - Me lilillmr "OIIJid~ttU -. ~lI, "' :1, ~,by the tit,' a..lee1_ or the '61.. ot Wee" ~d_ n.." 'Iftu. 1. 'fha'b the Oll"" ~_ .f 1Ib CltJy ~ West UBf.'fttniV f1ue, f.... &01._ r. eM Qft laelia1f .t the eiU... at mil 61"", o~ &vine L~ ~' t... \he Q1lW1>~ ~~.. ~__t& , Imdpau. lfOi'ks P'.... aee..,uebed d~ tile ~ fit JiIk .r-ftee Uti ~ iu ei.... ~ .1..- hie Hft~ .~ iaU. ebO$eB fle-lch e. .. it. ,... ~".. . 1ihe 01t.1 ~1fI.i$l t.hM. thu Be8al~ be ~ .. ~ ~ .t \he G~lcm .. III ~ 'fit' tfte Glv.a ~.. _ lin1B& 1:. ""HdJ', ... tv-'k, that OopiM ~ M .f~ to .. f1"U8. ,- "" --n :J ___...La.L A:i_to, Pa... ~ tlile Uti!. _ ot rlt~. 1!1~2. A~ It.. ~~ ..,~ ~ .. ' r " '~--,--~ -"Hl . Inr RESOLUTION S-.;2". - 'I WHE..'lEAS, Fireman Charles E. Duffin, of the City of West University ~la~e, Texas, is available for duty as the Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of 'lest University flace, Texas, and in the absence of the Clerk and the Deputy Clerk ,qf said court, is qualified to, act as Depu.ty Corporation Court Glerlq and, WHEREAS, it is, the desire of the Judge of said Corporat'ion Court and the City, Attorney that an additional Deputy, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City ,of West University, Place, Texas, b,e appointed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CQMMIS.. SION OF ,THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT CHARLES E. DUFFIN 'BE AND HE IS HEREB~ APPOINTED AS A DEPUTY CLERK OF THE CORPORATION COURT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND F..E SHALL HENCEFORTH BE EMP~RED TO ACT , IN TIlE. CAPACITY OF DEPUTY CLERK OF SAID CORPORATION COURT. Done this the 26th dayo! May, A. D'., 195~ by a vote ,of 5 ayes ~nd no noes. st ATTEST" ~~",,-'_J Cityretary " ... APERQVED AS TO FORM Gity A ttlilrney 1"11 I' In III RESOLUTION 0-~ - :;,-, WHEREAS, Fireman G.iJFi. Forcher, of the City of West University Place, Texas, is available for duty as the Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and in the absence of the , Clerk and the Deputy Clerk of said CCiJurt, is qualified to ut as Deputy Corporation Court Clerkjand, liHEREAS, it is the desire of the Judge of said Corporation Court and the City Attorney that an additional Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas; be appointed. NO1\!' THEREFORE BE IT RBSflLVm BY THE CITY COMMIS- graN OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEUS, THAT G. W. FORCHER BE AND HE IS HEREBY APPOINTED AS .A DEPUTY C1,ERK OF THE CORPORATION COURT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIvERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND HE SHALL HENCEFORTH BE EMPOWERED TO ACT IN THE CAPACITY OF DEPUTY CLERK OF SAID CORPDRATION COURT. Done this the 26th day of May, A. D., 1952 by a vote of, 5 ayes and no noes. ~ ~~ MayOr of the City o West University Place, Texas I A~ ~~...-J . City etary APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney r------ ,...--- I IJl r H -I . .l.L[ EESOLUTION .,5- .2. -I':, 'iiHEllEAS, by letter dated May 16, 1952, Houston Natural Gas Corporation inade its app:Lication to the Mayor and the City' COQllission of , , , the City of West University Place for an increase in gas rates for gas sold by said Corporation in the City of West University Place, Texas; and, WEEEA5, pursuant to Charter provisions, theCity Commission of the City of West University Place has caused to be called and held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the application of-Houston Natural Gas Corporation for such rate increase as proposed by said Corporation and a public hearing has been duly and legally held by the Oi ty CoDimission on Monda.y, July 7, 1952, at the City Hall, City of West University Place, Texas, at which hearing all facts were heard and testimony considered concerning the advisability and propriety of granting the increase in gas rates as propOSed by Houston Natural Gas Corporation; and, WllEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, after hearing the ~rtinent facts concerning the proposed rate increase is of the opinion that such rate increase should be allowed. NOW, 'l'EEREFOBE, BE IT EESOLVED BY THI1l CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY .. . .. OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: .. _.- ..- . - .. . That effective with meter reading dates subsequ.ent to May 7, 1952, the residential and commercial gas rates for gas sold in the Oi ty of West Usi verai ty Place, Texas, by Houston Natural Gas Corpora.tion shall be: EESIDENTIAL RA'I$S Net Monthly Rate: 400 Cu. Ft. and under Next 5,600 Cu. Ft. :Next le,OIDO.Cu'.'.Ft:; All addi tion~l, Minimum monthly bill $1.00 8 $ 1.00 6.o~ per CCF 5.5~ per ceF 4.5<# per Clef , The above net monthly residential rates shaJ.l be increl;l.sedby LOif, per Clef to arrive I;l.t the gross rl;l.te. The difference between gross and net rates, representing a discount, shaJ.l be allowed for payment of bills within ten da.ys after the date of the bill. If a gas bill is not paid within ten days after its datI;!, the~oss rate shall apply. ' C0MM1llRCIAL RATES Net Monthly Ra.te: 400 Cu. Ft.' and under Next.876QO Cu. Ft. Next 11,000 Cu. ,Ft. ~ext 10,OOO'gu. ~t. All additional $ 1.20 6.o~ per CCF 5.5~ per CCli: 4.5if, per CCf 4 .Q~ per CCF r I'll ''''' - irl j. ihll ~---'~'---~~'-"~--"--~------~-----------r Minimum monthly bill $1.20 The above monthly commercial rates shall be increased by l.O~ per CeF to arrive at the gross rate. The difference between the gI:'oss and net rates, representing a discount, shall be allowed for :payment of bills within ten days after the date of the bill. If a gas bill is not paid wi th1nten da.ys after its date, the gross rate shall apply. The foregoing rates as hereby established shall be effective from the;;date last hereinabove mentioned to such other date as the City Commission Of the City of West G"niversity Place shall take further affirmative action. PASSED this the 14th day of July, 1952, with all Commissioners voting aye. ATTEST: City Secretary Approved as to form: City Attorney - a - r 1;11 H I ;111 '~~~-'~~"-~r~'~'~~ II.I!IIII ,l '. ,,,,,';2,, - 7 . -. - '.. .. .......i~....,:;,. -.....".P 4lf1IIID'; ~ lo. __e. b. ~.... ..I.... fit.. City fit ~ W......'" ... ,,.. fa....- 1', 1f'7:# ..w. .. .... of b1a ~ ..... ....,. J, "I,.. ~iI'Ilf.. ..,... laM ....... "'''___4 ~u in JUa ~ ~ - . ....,... -......,. .,......# ~......... "'14ea't Oil.. --- ~ ,~,.... ....-.It.1.S08 ... ~,tCQr' JllaB7 ~ ~ " .. .. ~ ., JI81. 14....... .. '___ tifIAU..,.. .... ~ . - c . ..c~ll'" ~_i~~n7 MU'.'___ It". 4h}J..-.. ...'~ ~ .. ... __... __,~ 'tq ...__ flit...... au ~ - III .....-.: ~U.J ~ ~~-,::"~l.' ;'11IIII1 hR_"_ ._._ ..... 1\dv.tU;y l'1aM ___ ~~ du,iIIt~ to *___ta wb16 ~ 5. ~1 <Ir'.. ..1leiA.........j~II,l[J1t~ 'W1111lldll1a tlUt ~ ~.. ~ Ct. of __ ____ au... _. .,,,.1 /'t_.. .. __ __ tile __ 1t1H :1__ of tI. _'" ", treat ......,,1.~ ... *..t I, II', <",,-J. RESOLUTION - - - - - - - - -'- ..::r.z-~ Place, Texas, that: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University The Notice of Budget Hearing as prepared by the City's Attorney be 1952. published in the City's official publication one time on Thursday, August 14, c_ Adopted this the 11th day of August, 1952. _,ill 11.:1 ~ May r'i,~ ~>-,,,,~;.~. ~~t~~f -~ ;y RESOt1lTIOIf S2-9 ~), ~, :r.. PeabGdT' ,the eitr EngiJleer 'of', tbe cny Gfllest 1miv~_tt Pl-t!'e~,TeXastemle.,sdhi. reatg1\ll.ltton to tlm.Cit,.y. C0IllIllissio1'1 ) of saii0it-Y'~r haviDg served. as the eityfs'bgi1leei" fr~ !Prill, 194' to'Fe'b-~~,1.~2, and ~ ~tYCommt8silm~in 'lleguJiariessiop,lm. ' J:~~28. 19~~~1i!~,..selectedaoOlllll1ittee !ilcmslstmgof the ~, ~. ei~t~.~ aDd" e~ss1oner 'P'ra1lk 'Bang. to e-Gnsidel" the i~~_"iO" .f~soDSa'PPl~ for thepo~it1on'of'eity Engineer and to to.e a ~!)n tothelity,~ss1onreeOllllllendiDg. the" appointment of one 0-1' 'sa&d .Wu.o.. to" 8'ai:d:'pos~Uon; aM, 'IlJIEUtW,. _4 eOllllllit,.,., after stJ1dying 'the qul.ifieatio;ns, of tl1e s~ral. awJ&,~ aM1l)lelLl" respeot1veeZi}!lerienees - sui~~tt~~sfor t1\e 4at~'andre.p~b,,:.u~tee Gf,theposition of ~ty.~eer, .cie < _.,-d . ,,".--.i.,= '-'~"', - .. . - _.' - _' -'_. ita reeQ1lQllenQti.$ to tbeCttyCOlllBiss1onat its '~lU" session, o:n Marek tk, l~a, thai; J.:I,., fJOll:BT"lB." 'a r6gi-$t~_profess~~l eag1n~rofthe . . ~ . >State of T~, '~' em1n~1it7,ualifi.ed b1~~t,i,_,UipElrien.ee and back- gJI'Ound to servetbeCf'tiYefwestlJniver.ity P1aoea-8itsCity~neer, anli $11eb e$lllllli"ee&id~r re~Diitha\th,eCity $~retuy be au.:tllorize-cl t,\!) emp1GyJ":E'.'eeR.I~Net*,ee'tive!prU 1, 19$2 U the CiV_he~; aDd ~'t, theei~. liJe_-saion, deemait appropriate to ,~J.ve '$i1!s ,actions ina~eep:t1a, ~ reeomme,Jlt$tl;lt\!lnof the afor~8ailie~$1;ee am'l aU:Mwrbing the , ~p1:"$lt,' ~~, "J..lt..C_~_" tlleCi~~JBngtueer It! the' e.1107 o~ 'li'es,t. Un1... versU,y '~ BY mel'FYCO_SSl6N OF _CI-'fl'OF Wlll$W ~" ' ...' ~:J..I.-~~_ ..:t ' . lly, ' ""he. City o.f ~:e" ~e.t-$on' ~SJl Qy~ ,"'.u< -tli- rj$--~--~UJ.;, ','," " iJ1~ ,"".'birvie'l:!ee1!l re~a~ly f1~' lid.,.~. 2. ,', ,t~~-$"'~J~F~::i7;B:~":~~l~J.;~~:8~ ~. J" ,.:tie 'itame~aa:l;f tftlis> USOLU'l'I$ ~Ii ~te4 on APril l, 19ft. , _ " p....' tlWs",the 8:th- day Gf$ept$Dber., l~~; 'tIP.'Qi-'ll~s1y. !t'tiest., , mR-0VE1'J ",H'~ ~~ ~J ",' ,,--' ~, - .,' . ,- -- - - '.- - '. . " -' """, " ",' "rt:IIP ' ",.:':."_._-,..__."C,., ,",",-.,''-:,-''.", ,_, ,__ .~~"~"'(" . . ..... .. " PII I" '"'--'--''1''' 'In ,',IIIIH RESm.UTIOi 52-10 " ~, ~he City Cl0IIlIII1ss1on o! 'the City o! 1Iest University Place~ Texas , , has hei--et8f~re passed aW:1 ap-pr,oved, a Resoiutl'On bCtaring date o! Nnember' 13 ~ , ~ 19-$0 &llth&rl.a>iDg certain' oHieials of the ~ a1. ,:;t West lJniversi ty :Place to " ." ." ~ draw ana. sip alichecks on al1 bank, aeeolmtso! 'the said City, and pursuant. 'be su.eh !telllOluti:-ea c0piesthereof, certi-f'ied 'by the CUy Secretary ~ have been fura1shed to each Dank wi th aieh the City has .funds Oll deposit; and, 'WHEREAS~ it is t.he desire of the City COilllllissioa of the 011;y of West University Plaee~ Texas to amend its Resolution of November 13, 1950 so as to provide that no official &1' emp10yee of the City of West Universii>y P1.ace, eleetiveor appointive~ shall draw or sign any cheek 'on aziy bank account of the said City payable'to himse1f, except i:n 1#he ins1#ances 01' checks drawn by and paya"ble to the GUy 'Treasurer: NON, 'lH-EREFOU, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COW4.ISSIGN OF THE CITY OF WEST miIVEBSITY PLACE, TmS: TlI4T, . 1. Cheeks dr_ on Payrell Acoounts of the City ~Yiest tJniversity P1aee~ Texas and paya"ble to, the tity Treasurer" O. ~. G~~ sl:lall b~ drawn by tbesaid,Civ ~er and cOllnter.Si~dbY,eitb.eJf 1#he Mayor, ~. E. Terry, or the Mayor' h'o-tem, DuPree' Holman; and any ather Check drawn liIn any. of the CUt's batik aeeolDl:t;e a_ payable tio'the sai.d City T1'.easurer shall be drawn ~ythe City .Treasurerandcouatersigned by the said City Secretary and either the lJaid Mayor or the said, JrayerPr~teia. 2. Checks.awn on Payroll ,AcCOl1D:ts and payable to the CUy Secretary ~ Whi:tt Johnson, shall be dra1m by the said City Treasurer and ~OUJ1'tersigBed by the said lIilyor Q?, the sai4J1ayor :Pro-tam;. awl. any other eh~eb drawn em. any of the City-fa ~841k"aeeeunt8and payable to the, aa;ld CHy secretary shall be dra:wa by, the_id City'1'reasurer am countersigned by both the said Mayor and t;he said Maiu'Pn-wm. - ~, , , 3. _ ehe~s C)~ than, payrellehecks drawn on arq of the' C(ty' s bank ae'colDlts and payaOle to tile said Jla,or shall be drawn by tne sa$.d..City 'l'rea&ure1' and 'co\U1"ters1gDed by bG1ih the sai.d Ct ty Secretary aid the said. Mayor ,}To-'tem. ~~ 4. Nr:r cheeb other than' paPl?:U checks drawn on 8lV .of ~U V'S baak: ae~~ts aIlld .l'8yabl.eto:~,~,,~d~yorPro..;t!ia "JJ~,'D8 drawn_by tl:ie aaid ~it,.Treas-liIl'.er, ~.,~ "~bo~t-R'13-aidGity Secretary and the ~~~, ,.,," " ~.',', . " ' , ' , ~,i,T,,~RES&1i!Iltha~ tile prev1"8lons ef~s Resolu~:lon shall be amen- datory ,to, tjle 'W~~RIJ of the Re$olution da'ted!_yEl'lliDer 13, 19S'8, hecrei:ilee- fore're-1'erred to, andauch Resoll1:tion shall rema11t ilil full foree and effect except as herei:n amel)lded.' , , '" , AD BE n FURTHER ~ tJiat the CUy Treasurer be and he is hereby dire.ted., ~h.~,~"'_ Qarik with ~ieh the City has f1llllds on depesit or transaets -.rW81ness a,tru&Cf)pY ef tbis ReSG11ltiOR. PMSED AND A'D~ 'this the 8th day of September,J.952. UTEST: .. " ~. ~~~~ , c ty- Be' _" ' :' ~., APPROVE!}: f- r' . - -1 .~ I~ ~-.. no r.. ~r 1t~)1 , l,).J{ 1'1' " .. .. _ .'. em ___ .... aft. 11ft -'-m' ~# 1!UAS; --. ..~......'... ~~. .. otIkt.a ~._ '\tV .'.. fit _....~,...., ....., t'... ~.. ~....., t\U ,~ .... ..... .. _ ..., ..... .'........ ~ _---- tilt' .. a""-f" .,. ... .... ..a..,.,." .. ........~, ... ... .. .. ... ..."... ~".U fit tM __ f4' ...ll.lllJ8't:__t: .. .u. s..-. pa'W~ ~_ .. ., ~, ........ .. .. .... ...... ... ._ tlIIIall .. ..... .. ... ~~....._.~" ....., ... __ ..... flit _~# 1", _ ~_..... ~ ft..". ~ .....1 ,.~ .iI.... --... ,... p. IT .__11." . .... _.~ - .': ' .,,~~. -'.:.' ,. . t a. I~'~ VJ I 0' o':/'-/.:L 8.___.-- _ em ~_ lIP _ (1m., WBft ~Ift ~~, --,..~ ..., * ell,"".. __ ,,~'1. 1...... _. ~ tit a P>>bo-~ -- \let ...', '* ~i_ _.. ."""1> .... __ ... titr __ ~"il by .ll.~.,,_~[lJ\f', ..... i'.l_..., te ~ ~ lJJ' 'th .. ~t"I..qV. ......,.. ~s lhIeb. ~7 .. ~ _ .. ~ ~__Dit ,~ ,. . '.... ......t\ve sa __.._ 'tliIe .. of' .".GO$ .... ..... ,....,-'~ ~_.. at..,.. M..~w - 1d8 ."~"IJ'" ... ~ .. tlt..- .. ._ "'-JllllU:t IMIri8 ... .~__ ot,....,.._ "'M., ..''.!In ...; fDl4... W" fa_ __ -...w "',U,..qapW ..a'.-... ..,.. ~0ld1R, ___,. aak1ag -~'-''''''-';-.~~f . . .. '..,Ia8 IS_. ~'..... .. ,..~lllll" et. ~ :fW ___.~.,.. .__ tIUt ...,...".... .,....",. . '. ." A_1f.1I:._~~, fop" "of~~.".. ~~. -~-.... ........ .. SAt .....,.~. ,.., Ma .9l.Z~-" Oe,.,,_.... ~ ',,~L....'Il!Ji."'....., Aft.. ~. .._~_ d ~,.... .. ~,'., tJW.....I~'. ~.. .... . \ A'ftIilliPl$ .... 1llIt n ""~I ~_. ._,~. r I 1-:]1 F' iT I Ilr 11.121!!1!! ~- ..2. - 13.J .. . _ . .. em- ..... fill 'DB 11ft fill' W1II'! 1IIfIJ.IRSlft fJAtIl. -'i .. __ ftIt ~tAe,~. -... __ ~ wi. _ ft_ . -- ~~, ~ ............. -_.,....._ aue, I ., .. _,_ u.''1SnS tMlU* . .. .'" fit ..... VId.~. ~'. 'laM. . .. ,. ...,.. __...... _.. It.,. ~ fit ..'~_ et", .. 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"c r==="' I. ~ iI I III .R 'Ii: ROT. n 'I' T () N -5.,2 -/y BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT, WHEREAS, certain ~oyees of the City of West University Place, Texas, employed in the water, taX, street, sewer, inspection, health, pOlice, fire, eng1neeringand administrative departments of the city government have organized and maintained an Employees Office F1md for the purchase of gifts, floral offer- ings, cards, etc., for the benefit of the participants in said fund; and WHEREAS, the participants desire that the City Treasurer be authorized to deduct the sum of' Fif'ty Cents (50~) per month per participant from each participant I s salary check8Si"aCOl:'lc~l!ll!l:t method of' colleeting said f'und for the , participants; and said participants have requested that the City Commission authorize the City Treasurer to so deduct said sUm f'rom each of' the participants' salary check: IT IS,TBEREFORE, RESOLVED THAT: I City Treasurer of the City of' West University Place, Texas, upon written autherizatien from any participant in the City of West University Place, Texas, Office Employees F1md, deduct from such employee's salary each month, the sum of Fifty Cents (5016) and that the said City Treasurer pay ever such deducted sums from such employee's salary to the Treasurer of said Employee's Off'ice Fund, Joe Hild. II The City Treasurer shall keep f'ull records of account of said sum so de,ducted from employee's salary, and in deli ver;j;ng the surne so deducted) each month to the Treasurer, Joe Hild, the City Treas')ll'er, C. E.GammiJ:!,sbaJ.l Secure a receipt evidencing the payJl1egt over tQ Mr. Hild. PASSBD, this the 27th day Qf October, 1952, All Commissioners voting "Aye". ~ lversity Place ~~O~: ' fl~~ City Attorney ~ L -.........r - ""'-;,h/" , /' RID$flLTil!fI0N .f" 2 - / J A Ji'lES0Ltl'fI0l1f QAlIfV~;):lIfG 'rHE, ~ OF AN ELECTI0N IN TEIE CITY OF WEST ~~~)~'~~A. ", ,J~l~~~9?l:'L!'IIl~~~ h.!~5~~ 1i'~R.'fl)t.J;>~~,g~, !l1~~~,~~~R'; ;~~~$!~~~;,,~F SAIDCIT:It. ~J!l~~~ _~_ StlIl'..TS'O]' 1J "WHE~, in aeeerda.nee with the ChartE;i!..of the eit;y ~f We~:t !!I\liversi ~ 'Place ;:Tex/3.S', t1,le ~ne,ral. Elect~~La.Ws and Ordine.tle~ No. kL7 " .. .' .'k ._ _ ..._. _', . ", '..~ of the,City of,West l!fIil~vers1t;yFla.ee~.Texas, a~eneral Ct1;yeleetion was - .. -, - . . . ., "' . '.. - - # ~ ~ldin-~eC~:tYof West tmiversityPla.ce, 'l'exas_,~n Novem~er4, 1~52, for the ,purp$se of' eleetf.iiga: _yor and. f\!)t#5;:CD1IIlId~Si~:r:!>; ,and WHEREAS, in a.eClilrd.a.nee with ,the terms anO.'provisiGns €If Article - ,.. I .j.-- - \.. ,"'. -. < _ ....;. " . ' 8.~9 ofthE;'Ei~~i~en CGde (Acts, 195?:,..5~, ~~. P. lO5!7"eh. 4~~,ar:t. 111) "., '"' the~ers-Of:the_ eieett~:ii have.De.Eie ~:, s~g;n.ed ana.de1~velred i1l. a sealed envelope, tae returns of said elec'tion together wi th the' poll lists and t'a1.1y ~ . . ',. " '- . ----. - -... " .. .", -.... '- - -" . lists, to the Mayii)r and City COIIllBissiOBers of the City Illf' West tmiversity '.--,~. ,--. ~ .' o. '-. ...,.... " '. - . J> - " " Place, 'fexas; an.a. , WliIE.RmAS, the, Mayor' and City ,C~s~~eners of the Cii;y af West ~iv:ers~ty-'~ce;'l'e~as, in Iilp~eiiL Ses_sion ~s~emb1edCi)1l..Ne~~1lI'b~r. 7~ 1952" ha..V:~,opel1ed"and ,e~ed.. the -~lee:ti:a:ii r~ttU:'n~ and ,have CaD.vas~ed, tile resu.l ~s the:e~r. ~ a.e~ordan.ee wi1;h Al.-ticle,8.34~ Act...~~5'.l,5~d Le~.., _ p" 1@97, ch. 4512" art. 116, H and. as e. reslll t of sueh exS.mina.t~(:)n and. c~ss, saidMaYClr ,,-, ", --- "'" , ,-- , ,--" ," ,,,,, --, '" '...-- "-- '- " atl.d CitY-€:0mm1ssi$Ilers find that at ,sueh election the following votes"'were east~ N~ Edwin iT . Morris Ray Kelly, John Coffman Du1'ree Hol1llan c~rlils Ca.rtwright F. 'E~ Bonniwell l\frs.~rry Turner C1a;Y-tp!). Mea.9-0WS E. Allan Nisbet Johp. K. Mooney Fratlk,E., Ha.ngs ij,obert Jr. Goff Ray KeJ.ly , ,patterson M. Simonton Frank Beard i!a.n' Hapmer ,", J_ -=-==:DI. ealatidate . Fer 'r r ;Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor ;Mayor Mayor CoDimissioner Commissioner eommissiOBer Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner C~mmissioner Cemm:tss.ioner .-.- _.- ""ll':-::J. Vciltes east i:ti'Pre~ei:tits: No. 183 life. 133 N€>. $7 'fotal '"2564 2261 -- 1934 6759 6 8 5 19 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2215 1798 16J.l 5624 2170 1787 1679 5636 2159 1779 1690 5628 2220 1810 1703 5733 430 550 262 1242 0 0 1 1 0 (') 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 .il-' ..J"'- ,.-.." D. M. Spiller WilliaJ!! H. Sanford J. R. Crump Robert ,Lloyd T . Corso .;Tames Kelly , M,urff Tucker 'Commissioner Commissioner Conmdssioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissio.ner . ' Commissioner Commissioner Votes Cast in Precincts: No. 183 No. 133 No. 87 Total 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Name Candidate For and, , WHEREAS, as a result of such electio~, it appears that Edwin W. Morris with a total nillllber of' 6T:?9 votes cast for him was elected Mayor., of the City of WestUniversi~yPlace,Texas; and n:unilller of ,,', ~6~6 vot~s cast fQrhim, and John K. Mooney E.. Wan Nisllet with a total with a total number of <624 votes east fo.:i: li,:!ni; and "Fra..uk E. 'Ha.hgs votes cast for him, and" Robert w~ (}off votes cast for hiI!1,~ve ?~~p. ~~.+:3cted with a total'nWnber 0:11 '5628 with a total number of 57$3 CGID.llllissiEll3.ers {;)f the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, i'BEREF0JRE,m NRElSeLVED :BY. TEE cmcOMMi:ssIoN OF TEE CITY @F WE~-QMBSi~~~~;':'fE~: "~~t, ',' ,,'..- ',' " ' -'''i: "~e'O!~;~i~~reSu:'l:ts"ef such ele.c.tfo~ sha:L~ ,be" and. tp.ey are her~by deelar~d'll~ttoc~va.ss of the returns of s1i;ch eleeti0l'l by the Wa'yor and Citil' ElOIllmissien to be that: JohnK: J.\!Obney was el:e~ted 1&:I.y,<>r was elected Commissioner was elected CGlllllli~s1oner was ,elected C01l1lllissioner Edwin W. Morris 'E~ iUian Nisbet ffa.iikE~ J3:$1gs RobertW. 'Goff was e2e.et,ed" ~(;l~ss1.ener of the e1tyofWestuniver$1tjP~eea:t the ,s,:,id;elee~~on. 2. din executed copy of th1$ Resolution shalJ, be delivered to eaeh Edwi,:n 'Ii. Mn,..,..;.. ,-~'<'_-:".\:l~bn t{" - 'Mf'\(,\'Mi":;.y. 'Ii: . A 1 J'l-n 1\l5@PT: lr~~1l. M~n~~ , ."and 'RiDbe:t('ty(, GClf:f ", as hisCertiflca.te .,. of E~ectiori; aridd~~icate, c()pie-s, he,::El~f'sh,all l'iecdefhered to thE!, City Seeretaty of the City Of West U'nivers,1.~y~l~ee, ~ElJt,SS, an?: the County Jwige of~arris C~ty,"'l'eJCas, and the Secretary ef State 0fthe State of Ten.5, . - 'n as :provided bY La.w'-' L - --"-.r'" j ..1_jl.J..I..L PAS~Aml .APPBOVEJ?, this the 7th day of November, 1952, with all COmmissi_~sV6tilig"AYe~ ' A'l"l'ES'f: ~~ ~ " --,- .. .-.. -. .-. 'City' "cretary :", ,'.." ~,. .~"'1.~.... , ' RESOLUTION S'e -Ib WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has )Ei,eretofore passed and approved a Resolution bearing date of November 13, 1950, and another Resolution dated SeptemberS, 1952, authorizing certain officials of the City of West University Place, Texas, to draw and sign. all checks on all bank accounts of the said Cityj and WHEREAS, it, is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, to again amend the Resolution dated November 13, 195'0: N0W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY IJmCITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY' OF WEST T3.NIVEBSITr' PI,ACE, ~ ~ That" , ' 1. Checksdrt.wn on PaYroll ACCOunts of tne City of West University Place, Texas -and payab~e to the Oi ty Treas'iiWer, C. E. 'Gammill ,sl1all be drawn by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by eitJaerthe ~yor, Edwin W. Morris, or the Mayor Pro-tem, John K. Mooneyj and any other check drawn on any of the City's bank accounts and.'payable to the said City ,Treasurer shall be drawn by the City Treasurer and countersigned by the said City Secretary and either the said'Mayor' or the said Mayor Pro-tem. 2. Checks, drawn on Payroll' Accounts and payable to the Oi ty Secreta,r;v , 'Whitt Johnson, shall be drawn by the said City 'l'I'easurer and countersigned. by the said Mayor' or the' saidMliLyor-Protemj ,and any other checks drawn on any of the CitY's'bankaecounts and p~ble to the said City Secret~ shall be drawn by the said eity Treasurer and countersigned by both the said Mayor and the /:laid Mayor PrO'tem. 3. Any checks other than payroll checks drawn on any of the Oity'sbank accounts and payable to the /:laid Mayor /:lhallbe drawn by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by both the said City Secretary and the said Mayor-Fro-tem. q..,A:n:y checks other than payroll checks drawn on any of the City's bank aeco1iI1ts and payable to the said Mayor Pro-tem shall be dXawn by the said City~easurer and countersigned by both, the said City Secretary and. the said MliLyor. BE ITFUR'l'HER RESOLVED thai; the provisions of this Resolution shall be amep.d.atory to the provisif;lnS of the Resolution dated November 13, 1950, as amended by Amendment dated September S, 1952, and all provisions of such prior Resolution as may conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed; and BE IT FUR'1'HI!l.R RESOLVED that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to furnish each depository bank with which the City has funds; on deposit or with which the Cith transacts any banking business, a true copy of this Resolution. .. PASsED AND ADOPTED, this the 10th day of November, 1952. .-." < J ..~~~ , City S , APPROVED~ ~',)/27~ " Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas. Z.___ ,- -.--""'-...----:'~'c~-..----~--.-----r- ~ 'R E 8-0 VTU T ION 5'z-/1 BE IT RESOLVED BY '!'BE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, That: The Houston Chronicle shall be and it is hereby designated as the Official publication of the City of West University Place, Texas, for the printing and publication of all legal notices required to be made, whether by statute, charter provisions of the City, or by the city ordinances. This Resolution shall be and the same is hereby made effective as of the lOth day of November t;952, and all legal publications required by the law, charter or ordinances to be made for a period of two (2) years thereafter, shall be made in the official publication as herein designated. PASSED, this the lOth day of November, ,1952, all Commissioners voting "Ayell~ APPROVED : ~}/~ Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas. A'l'TEST: ~~ ' City. c ary ',. . APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney r=-='=-='.,"-~--r-."- _J,]I ----.'11""::1 -,~ :RESOLUTION NO. $.J.- /3" , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ,THAT: Section 1: The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to give notice through publication in the Official Publication of the City of West University Place, Texas, on November~, 1952, and through letters directed to each of the banking institutions in Harris County, Texas, that the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, will receive written applications for the custody of the City's funds from any banking corporation, association or individual banker doing business in Harris County, Texas, 'that may be desired to be selected as a depos~tory of the City of West University Place, Texas. Suclinotice shall be pubii$lied one (1) time and shall direct any banking corporation, association or individual banker interested in being designated as depository of the City to make its application with the City Secretary on or before 4:00 o'clock p.m., Monday, December 8, 1952, at the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston 5, Texas. Such applications shall state the terms and conditions 'upon which such banking corporation, association or individual banker will handle the City's funds. Section 2: The City Commission reserves the right to reject any and all applications received. Section 1: The applications received pursuant to the notice hereinabove prescribed shall be opened at the regular Council Meeting to be held at 7~ p.m., December 8, 1952, and at such time the City Commission shall designate the official depository or depositories for the funds of the City of West University Place, ~exas, in accordance with the terms and provisions of applicable laws of the State of Texas, ana: provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. PASSED, this the 24th day of November, All Commissioners' voting "Aye." &~ -X/;;;~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas. ATTEST: ~~~"J , City -. ' ,Y APPROVED '. TO FOEM: City Attorney ...--., ) '" ~J RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAQE, TEX,AS, That: 1. The following banking institutions are hereby declared and designated to be the official depositories for all funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, for a period of two (2) years from and after November 10, 1952: University St:ate.Bank of:IIOUston; Texas. The City National, Bank of,Houston. National Bank of Commerce, Houston, Texas. 2. The City Treas'lWt'e'r $,s, hereby directed to establish accounts with the abovena.med banks in the name of Gity of West University Place, 'l'exas, and to keep therein, the funds of the City as the same may be received from time to time. All checks drawn' on said accounts in the 'aforesaid banks shall be drawn in accordance e.w )/0rJt>1IOl.-b..... ;111 l "~ with Resolution No.S'Z- /ID. 'Dassed bv the City CommiFtFtirm ~ "lXi'''' rl~t~ lln~~li. f PASSED, this the ~h day of ~, 1952, all Commission~rs voting "Aye". APPROVED: Mayor 9#. the City of West University Place; ''i!1exas , '~/~~ ATTEST: ~~...,.J , CityS, e y , , APPROVED AS 'i!10 FOEM: City Attorney - -r:: ~ _-"JI ['0 -==.=~="'.,"', 11":._1__