HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.51 ~. ,_ 5/-1 .. T~n... tall Ji..nt. " Moonejt ,.,', ~ .., ,,' JI.'t~fflt._'.(.j8.lkli# . . "' -. . , , , -: 'ill II' . Ii,' , ',,' ,,--........ ' ' , ~IIJ8I ,~.l:ii 'ilij",' (~!t~lillj,~.;h'iMUj"'~~ AI.,' ,'lUll'" .*-'.Il1J.[___."_"',~_,"". . ,." '," . . . . .... ... _,M'Url~_,__,_~__~'.tt V~l OO!.~'.~'..,~,...... h_,~,~ , , ' " ....... 1,.~._,..."_111{.."" ....~ 'IIlml.'" IRi~~_.:_.'''~'I_''':~ '.... .1.IT~ ',-'l~it~j._. _""..._~_.. _IfnI lJftl't'" ,-l]liIilt .... ......_ _.....'..JillU~ , - , .... , ..... __~'W.__._..~_I... ~ '..., ..'.....' _~rII~. . It,,, 11. ~ .__,..'_". it..',ULlJ. _...,_ ...."-.; ,..__ "....:.~I_._..... '-" .,.u~.'.;_.~,j'JI.," {. 0".. . '-';',,~..__..__ ~1iI1,Mn_. " , , , . .. . , , ....... ',.... - --...0- . ." .. ___ .......... ........ ." "~ ,....... .-..;,;~_ 'IlPII!'"~,_,~,.!t~D,, "<J!'~'~~,,'''''''''V''-.--~ ; - ".-' . ' .;-.... . 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"..'.,,'."1, ,.'.', '.,' ,.,'" "',, '1-, " t . .ll'. t J;' 4) r, , ~ ..., :t~,;:<i. ,~<;_h-';.:~~'::~'1 >_~~<',.. :-:.c:6 "<:~.-:f,: ,~. ~l ,".'""_""""<_"" .'".,-,,~~,.,.-<,~.,. < _.? ,;. '. - .' " . ''2' ' - " " , . - , .s J -'~ ': ,; " J ,.,,;,; v,; 1.,;,:,;.,.-...:.r :.,',.!,-. "~l mntt hlut8~.GUrSeC-retary of the Oity of West. .t~.. Place. 'l~i ~herebt~1tT that 'tll:1e following is .., :r-- . "~,,of . '~~illl ot,_. 1Ilin11\.. of a replarmeeUng of . ',' .' . , '; ~ _.' . ,'. . _Hj: .<,' . . :::ii'r:-r;.~'i9il:~QJl .1'4.. GityQ.t West UDiversi-.__, t..", !lOtI. ~i;(~~(~,tleJmWI.oner ~ t se~ .''07 '~~c\fJ " .' <'~,i,.', ," __the City ~'lIi€l1'1 oftne'~ , ,rJt._'t,;'~~81. P.lue, ,...~, the k70r of ,tbe ..j)e'_'h.lS~~ ._~zed to'1! hd on ".',a.:i~ti~iI(~~~=,' "'.to ~oi,l-(j~PoJoUOIi of LGts tl~.49" SO -.4~. ~', ' ',' ,. &n *'tU~ 1\.0 the- ctv ' 'of ~',;~~"'~" in ~8~ 1e.., 190D ..."~ andee.nditiQRs-a"a" Itst f~ in .. ~,~ wIl14.baa been'~t'ed by mien ' < Oil ~. -'_04 &1' tlte e:tty A\tOJ'l'ler. ,.,'. ';11' '''..,. ~ that .hdi' rensed leue' be ".~ ~ 'the __ oft.hi$ 001lllllUs1on.3 . " ':,1:0 ~ 1IHlGH, '-"_8 'IlIlf haIa:d ad ...1 of offi. this '- "~,_of,,~ ~, .w)~ eliv' ot Welttvnt-..aiw Plae. ,~ ' ' -:I.I...L.... ...1l~ -.J..L-1L.Llil1Jlll..-.I.IJIIID.- '< ~- - $/- '-I THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: CO~TTY OFEARRIS That at a regular meeting of the d1l1y elected and constituted City Council of the City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, held on the 25th day of June, A.D. 1951, at which meeting a majority of the Councilmen were present, the following proceedings were had~ tfWHERF>AS, under date of Febl"uary 23, 1948, the City of' West Uni- versity Place entered into a contract with Southwestern Properties recorded in Volume 1742 Page 644 at' the Deed Records of' Harris County, Texas, relative to the, f'urnishing by the said City of West University Place to said'Company of the sewage f'acilities of' the said City and other covenants, conditions, limitations and restrictions, upon and for certainproperti~s owned by said Company described therein for the consideration of the sum of .11,000.00 and certain s~rvicecharges, and under date of July 11, 1949, by instrument recorpted in Volume 1951 Page 270 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, said contract above mentioned was extended .for an addition period of time and said contract was f'urther amended by instrument recorded in Volume 565 Page 253 of the Contract Records .of Harris county,,'Texas, and said sum of $11,000.00 h~ been paid to the said City at' West University Place by said Southwest.ern Properties and it is the desire of' said Company that the following described property, to-wit: A tract of land out ,of the Haden & Austin 85 acre tract out of' Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of' the SYNDOR SUBDIVISION of a portion of the A.C. Reynolds Survey, in Harris County, Texas, described by metes and bounds as follows: , BEGINNING at a point in the North line of Bissonnet Street, which point il'llocated S 89.deg. 40 min. West 200 feet and North 0 deg. 21 min. 30~secondsEast 15 feet from the Southeast corner of a 200 x 200 foo~>tra;et conveyed to Meadowcrest Corporation by deed f'rom R. T. lVic- Dow;~~t~al, dated April 18, 1950, recorded in Volume 2079 Page 240 of the Di!~dRecords of Harris County, Texas; THENCE South 89 deg.4-0 min. WestaTong the North line of Bissonnet Street a distance of 25.20 feet .to point for corner; THENCE North 0 deg. 21 min. 30 seconds West 435.94- feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 85 deg. 15 min. 30 seconds East 223.80t'eet to a point for corner in the West line of Buffalo Speedway; THENCE South 0 deg. 21 min. 30 seconds East along West line of Buffalo Speedway 268.16 feet to a point for ['corner, said point be- ing the Northeast corner of the 200 x 200 foot tract conveyed to Meadow- crest Corporation; THENCE South 89 deg. 40 min. West along North line of said 200 x 200 foot tract a distance of 200 feet to the Northwest corner of the Meadowcrest Corporation 200 x 200 foot tract to a point fo~ cor- ner; THENCE South 0 deg. 21 min. 30 se.conds East along Wiest line df the said 200 x 200 foot tract a distance of 185 feet to the place of Uegin- ning. ",' be released from any and all liens of whatsoever character created and established by reason of said instruments hereinabove described: 'f'N01fi_ THEREFORE_ BE IT RESOLVED that II. B. 'I'e:r:r:r, as Mayor of the City of West University Place, be authorized to execute on behalf at' said City that certain release, a copy of' which is attached to and made, a part of this resolution, and thatWhjj;,..:t~.bllil.Qll." City Secretary of the City of West University Place, be authorized to attest on behalf of said City the aforementioned release. n: <.,. I, the undersigned City Secretary of the City of West University Place, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution of said City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, which was passed at a meeting called and held in accord- ancewith provisions of the City Charter and Ordinances of the said , ~ --'---r" 'l_.IL-____ -'~_.....1.L_1Lii...1131l1ilW.H. _~~c,'-__.-_-_ _____~--.-O-~- City of West University Place, Texas, on the 25th day of June, A. D. 1951, and that the samets in full force and effect at this time. (sgd) Whitt Johnson City Secretary SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 28th day of June, A. D. 1951 (sgd) G. P. Corry NotarymPublic in and for Harris COlli1ty, Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS) ( COu~TY OF HARRIS ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Whitt Johnson , as City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Imown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of said City and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this 28th day of June, A. D. 1951. (sgd) G. P. Corry Notary Public in and for Harris County, Texas ,~, ~~ ~WTION :::r I ,5' WflEREAS$ Whitt Johnson. City Secretar~,t),f the tity of West '-- UnivarsityPlao8.' fexas$ has been authoriz~a by the city Commission to c,ountersignthe Cityts checks on, its several depasitory accounts subject on.ly 1>0 such limitations as !:lave been prescribed by the C@lIlI'ilission's action and it has become neoessaryto authorize the oounter- signing; of the e :l:ty' schecks by Irving L. Peabody. City Engineer $ duri:m.g the ,absence of Whitt Johnson and while he is 011 vaoatioIl# NOW, TBEREFORE$ EE IT J;mSOLVED BY THE,CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF WliiSf ~SIiY PLACE. TEKAS. THat Irving L. Peabody be, and. he is herebY$ authoriZed for and on behalf of the City of West University P~ce, Ta;ms. to coun'tarsign all checks exeeuted!or and on behalf' sf ,\;he City whioh the City Seeretary, Whitt Johnson, could oounter- sign ~nder the existing; powers granted, hi,m by the City Commission. The $.u'l;hority hereby granted to Irving L. Peabody to countersign the City's checks shall exist frC;llll July 7, 1951 to July 22, 1951, both da1>es inclusive$ and therelU'ter su~h authority shall terminate without furtb.eraeti,on upon the city Commissionts part. PASSED this the ~day of July, A. D. 1961. C&~I-(}NERS ~gs. Ito~, J(ooney, Nisbet and ,votinl!: aye. , ,.' ',' ~9:rTer,ry , C0WIsarOlflmS None;" vct\;im: no. AlPROVED 'bhis the 2nd d~y 01' July $ A. D. 1951. l'lf' West Texas ATT~~ City. S"ee-j.-linL ' , .', . , ~0V1JD AS, TO' F€RM: ~ C1:tjf. ~0:r.-~y I -:r:L.......- ...Ll. .....Ll--.1L. 1l.Jl1L .llJI1taL" .r'-<--' ....." RESOLUTION 5 J- b VHE~S, Mrs. Oscar L. Friery has requested per- missien pf the City Commission to oJ~erate a station wagon for transportation for s,chool ehildrento and, from school, such operation to transport children in College Court Addition to and from Will Rogers Sehool; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has granted :permis... sian to the applicant, Mrs. Oscar L. FrierYt to so furIlish transporta~~~ for school children and has directed the Ci'ty Attorney to prepare a Letter Agreement to beexeeuted by and between the City of West University Place and Mrs. Oscar L. Friary NOW THEREFORE be it resolved by the City Cornmi,s- sian of the City of West University Piace, Texas, 1. '!'hat the Letter Agreement prepared by the City Attorney of the City of Illest Uaiversi tyPlaee and Mrs. Oscar L~ Frieryis hereby apprave4. 2. The Mayor aad the City Secretary are hereby dl:reetedte execute such Letter Agreement for and on behalf of the City and as the act of the City of West Universi ty Place, Texas, after it has first bee:a exeeutedbyMrs. OscarL. Friery a);1\(l her husband, Oscar L. Friary. Done this/~th~ 27th day Qf August, A. D., 1951 by 4 aye's and Q ,noes. a vote of City of West lace, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney _._~.,-~~_.~ r -'--'i, :I. II. II !i WUII IIIWR. ,J-. ~-- -\ RESOLUTION 6 J~ 7 WHEREAS, a shortage of Police Personnel has de- veloped in the City of West University Place, Texas, due to the resignation of two patrolmen; and WHEREAS, such shortage of Police Personnel has created a public emergency and it has become necessary for the Chief of Police, H. E. ,Shipp, to work during the two' (2) weeks period during which his vacation was scheduled, and the said H. E. Shipp, Chief of Police, of the City of West University Place, Texas, has agreed to work during the two weeks beginning August 20, 1951 and ending September 2, 1951 and to accept his vacation pay in lieu of a vacation, and it is the desire of the City Commission of the City ~f West University Place, Texas, to grant to him such vacation pay for said two weeks period in addition to his regular salary for such period NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMIS- SION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT H. E. SHIPP, CHIEF OF POLICE, OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS, IS HEREBY GRANTED PERMISSION TO WORK DURING THE PERIOD BEGINNING AUGUST 20, 1951 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 2, 1951 AND TO RECEIVE FOR SUCH WORK IN ADDITION TO HIS REGULAR SALARY THE VAOATION PAY WHI,CH HE IS ENTITLED TO UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE PERSONNEL REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ENACTED IN 194f. However, the permission hereby granted shall not be considered as. setting a precedent for city employees to work and draw pay in lieu of vacation, the ~ction hereby taken being necessitated by the public emergency existing due to the temporary shortage of police personnel. Done this the 27th day of August A.D. 1951 by a vote of '3' ayes and 1; noe. .' ty of West ee, Texas ATTEST City Seoretary APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney 8/27/51 \.. A'.:'>' " RESOL1\ffIHN !-; /- if - BE IT RES0LVliU) BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF ';E'HE CI'fY OF .WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: The.form of contract prepared by the City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas, for execution by the City of West University Place and the City of Eellaire, pertaining to garbage disposal by the city of Bellaire on land owned by the City of West University Place, is hereby approved. The Mayor and the City Secretary are hereby directed, for and on behalf of the City of Wast university Place and as the act of said City, to execute such contract with the City of Bellaire, Texas. C0MMISSIONERS Hangs. Holman and Mooney and Mayor Terry voting aye. COMMISSIONERS None voting no. DOB this, the 27th day of August, A. D. 1951. -~~~~---~--- r:-- ~. _ L _'.,,-.""1L..L~' ~ , , L~> ............. RESOLUTION S / - r WHEBlIlAS, Fireman Benny F. Kingman, of the City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas" is available for duty as the Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and in the absence of the Clerk and the Deputy Clerk of said court, is qualified to act as Deputy Corporation Court Clerk; and, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Judge of said Corporation Court and the City Attorney that an additional Deputy Clerk of the Corporation ~ of the City of West University Place, Texas, be appointed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMkS- SION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT BENNY F. KINGMAN BE AND HE IS HEREBY APPOINTED AS A DEPUTY CLERK OF THE CORPORATION COURT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY , " FLACE, ,'i'E~S, AND HE SHALL HENCEFORTH BE EMPOWERED TO ACT IN THE CAPACITY OF DEPUTY CLERK OF SAID CORPORATION COURT. Done this the 27th day of August, A. D., 1951 by a vote o-f"~,aYes and no noes. ~~ Mayor of the Oi y o:t'We.s:t Universitt Place, Texas 'ATTEST ' ~~.J , ,-' Clt,' Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney ,i:lJ I r- ] L...._ J 1.1 ....11. LLJ:lIL l1IIII1D- I RESOLUTION -5 I - 1(/ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEY..AS: That the personnel regulations or the City ar West University Place, Texas, enacted and adapted during the year of 1947, shall be and they are hereby amended by the addition €If the following paragraph: nOn and after September 2, 1951, unless an emplo-;ree be requested by the City Commission to remain on duty during his vacation period, no emp10yee or the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be permitted to draw salary for his vaca- tion time and in lieu of vacation; and each employee entitled to Vacation shall take such vacation as he may be entitled to in accordance with the annual schedule €If vacations approved by the City Secretary. In the event that an employee is requested by the City Commission to remain on duty during llilll:~. scheduled vaca- tion period, he shall nevertheless have his vacation period rescheduled and shall take such vacation as rescheduled, it being the intention of this resolution and or the. City Connni- sion that each employee of the City shall take a vacation each year and that no employee shall be entitled to work and draw pay for work during his vacation period in lieu of such vacation.tt PASSEl) and APPROVED this the 31st day of August" A.D. 1951 by a vote of four (14-) ayes and no noes. ATTEST: ~-* Mayor-6r the cn of West University Place ~=:-~ APPROVED as to Form: v'-'~ ~"tt1 A t,t()rne;y tL [~JJiIi c ll..~fi__ _.:.i~_ ~L_~.JLlLll.illIL.lilllllU:. -""-r ..,. '" RESOLUTION 6- / - / I WHEREAS Sehool Transit C0mpany" a Corporation, has hereto- fore made application to ,the City Commission of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas to increase the rates for its services in trans- porting SeholDl Children in the City of West University Place, Texas~ WHEREAS the City Commission of tJ;le City 04' West University Place,;;,a;f'l;firfull and openhea:frigg of all facts concerning the pro- posed rate increase, is agreeable to the rate increase as proposed by School Transit Company, and, whereas, the City Commission of the City of West, University PlaC'e, Texas is of the opinion that the fran- chise granted to School Transit Company on July 10, lQ50 should be amended so as to pro'tdde for insurance coverage to be carried by School Transit Company for Public Liability'and~operty damages, in the amounts of $100,000.00 - $200,000.00, and the eommission being further of the opinion that sa'id franchise should be amended sa as to specifically provide that no charges will be made for services during the Christmas holiday season when school 'is no'b in session: NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the 6ityCammission of the City of West University Place, Texas: 1. The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to prepare an amendment approving and granting'the rate increase as applied for by, School Transit Company; providing for increased insurance coverage to be carried by School Transit Company as hereinbefore recited; pro- viding that no charge shall be made by School Transit,Cqmpany during the Christmas holiday season when the, Schools are not in sessioni. a. The Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas and'the City Secretar-yare hereby authorized ti:l,e;a:ecute said, franchise amendment for ,and on be- half of the city ,of West University Place, ~~xas Passed, approved and adopted. All Commissioners votin~ aye this the 10th day of September, A.D., 1951. At~,e".,s"t, :""", "'" ',",.,','~",",',"',. '" "",1 ~.'.'..,. '~y e.cr~ry " " of lace, Texas _r-==-=== --. --:lI .:E..__ _Uej.._ -'--.lL"--'-tl__~W11l1L_...lllatIIL \- -..!'< lO/S/51 <,. 'R1?S~T-tl!'I€lllT /;,-'j ~,/ J...". ~S, C. E. GAMMI1L,Tax Assessor and Collectar E>:[' the €I'l'Y OF WEST TINlVUSITY PUCE, TEXAS, has camp;!. .f'been (l5'J years 0.1' ereditaBle se:tviee as an employee Elf TEE ,CITY OF WEST UIV15RSITY PLA@1!:, sixty~~ive (~~) years af tireIllen:t benefits1llnder the terms and provisiaD.s of 'j;J:+e Texas MUl'rldpal :aet4.re~J1?t Act; and ~S,SeetiQn VII, Subs~eti0n 1, }Paragraph C of The Texas 14unieipal Retir~ment Aet provides that any emp10yee who has e€impleted fif'teen{l5') years of servieeand has reaehed the age of'six.ty-five ,(65) shall retire, prQvided, however, that in exeeptiona~ eases and for substantial cause sueh re- tirement may be deferred by mu.tual C0D.Sent sf theemplsyeeand themunieipality from year to year for a period of not to exceed ane year at arty time; and WElEBEAS, it is the desire of the City C0mmissiQn of T:E1E CrTY OF WEST. DrmRSITYPJ.ACE, TEXAS, and the said C. E. /;}AmrU.I~ta ~i'efer the said C. E. GAMMILL's retirement and to eant~'U.e his e:tnployment hand 'I1lltil December 3l,l-~52; N0W, ,T~~~-6B.E;, BE IT RES0LVEIDBY TEE CITY Cm.mrSSION OF THECln,tllF WEST BNIVERSITY PLACE, TEnS: That J;n aecQrdan.ee with the pravis1ens of peatien. VII, Sub.. section 1, Paragraph e, af The Texas M'I1llicipal Retirement Act, the :r:etirementef C. E. G.d:l}I:J;lt-, City fax As~s:~:sg0r and, GGlHeetar of THE CITY OF WEST UIV'ERSITY PLAcm,TEXAS, is hereby deferred fer a periOd of oJile year ca'lllmiqneing December 31, l~,~, and end- ing Df)ce,'!llser lI; I"Z~ On and atter December 31, 1~52, tb.ede.... ferment Qf retirement o:f the said C. E. GAMlUI.L may be e0n- timueli by mutua~e0nsent oftb.e City C0mmissie~ and said empl€lyeEl. ATTBftI~~ ~'Y3eO' ..,,'.,., , "air'Y~ ~~ ~ ':-"_'~~'f ",~. C', .LUI 1.'}1'.L <::w RESOLUTION 5) -/:.3 WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 542, passed and enacted on the 8th day of January, 1951, there was created an Auxil- iary Police Foree in the City of West University Place, Texas, to be trained by the Chief of Police and to operate under the direction and control of the Chief of Police of the City of West University Place, Texas, for the protection of vital public utilities and public and private properties in the . event of any sudden and unforeseen emergency; and WHEREAS, said Auxiliary Police Foree has been organ- ized and is being trained by the Chief of Police of the City of West University Place, Texas, and,asan integral part of the training pr~gram of the persons composing said Auxiliary Police Force, ,they are aSSigned, from time to time, to assist certain members of the Police Force of the City of West University Place, Texas, in patrol and traffic control activi- ties; and ~nnmREAS, such Auxiliary Policemen, in performing the service aforesaid and in assisting 1iheregular ktrolnien and Peace Officers of the City of West University Place, Texas, should be afforded 'the pr0tection of the law and clothed with sufficient au1ihority to enable them to function upon emergency occasions as Peace Officers; and WEEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Chief of Police of the City of West University Place, Texas, that such Auxiliary Policemen be given such legal protection and such legal status as will enable them to carry out and perform such duties as are from time to time assigned to them in their training program; NOW, TBEBEFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That th~ Chief of Police of the City of West University ~-r' -. ~G/~9/51 '4 Place, Texas, is hereby authorized and empowered,from~ime to time ~s in his judgment the same becomes necessary;: to deputize any ~~..j.all of the A11X.iliary Policemen €If thet:ity of West Universft;y Place, Texas, and to assign to then'1' such duties of the regular Police Foree of the City of Westli University Place, Texas, as are necessary or advisable!; however, in deputizing such Auxiliary Policemen such deputy- ship shall extend to only such police functions as are. ac- tually de~egated, and for such period of time as sueh!Auxili- ary Policemen are actually on duty and aecom:m>anied by ,regular '! members of the City of West University Place Police Force. The Chief of Poliee of the City of West Uni~~rsity Place, Texas, is further authorized to withhold, revoke and make voiciany deputyship which he .shall grant in the eyen.t that the grantee thereof shall abuse or misuse such authority as is granted him; and in the event of any abuse or ~suse of such powers as may be granted any Auxiliary Police~, a written report thereof shall be made by the ~hief of Police to the City eommission and such deputied Police efne~:J:' shall forthwith be dismissed. PASSED and enacted this the !l.;;L day of October, A. :D. 1~51. eOmIISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS voi:!ing a.ye. voting no., City o"r West lace, Texas. -2- r- rr--I";;;;:'I II '.I!I IJ;! ',:11:1 Tllili,11IUU:',1111... .~.7 ~.-..It .L.L-e:.~.L RESO:E.l1TION ,/- / <J ,'wliiEREAS, the City of West University Plaee, Texas~ has en dep0s-it :in the several blinks, to the credit of the seve~lflma8~ theS'UDl8 set out below, to-wit: :Bm ~ fJityNational' :Bank Ha~st011l., Texas. City National :Bank Houston; Texa'S~ , - , , , National Bank of C-ommerce Hi:n.urboa., Texas U11l.1v~psitySta~e Houston, Te~as and, Fmm - .Mml'mT $3~366.2l Garbage Disposal Bonas h948 - cash) St~eet Improvement (1948 -.cash) Street Paving - Bridge (1;946 - cash) Bank SWimming Pool Operatiag fQd; Cas~ 33,aao.l6 9~475.48 6~()34.ao; WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West Universlty'Plao-e is of the opinion that captain portions of such. funds" will n.et be expended dm>~ng 'the -ensuing six months, and sho1dd, therefere, be placed- on time deposits so as to bear intere$t and thereby benefit the City~ NGW~, TliEBEFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THl!'1 eIn GOIDIIS... SIeN OFTIm-:~ITY OF ~T ~IvERsITY PLACE, TEUs~ That the - C1tr' Seerei;~rY" and- (hty bea$'IU'er are laere- by authorized and, diree~ed to place on'time'depositin the bank where each of ~efunds- is now located, the following sums, to-wit: ~ City National Bank Houston, T~~as_ City National Bank: HOliSton, Texas National BiU1k €If 'Cemm.nree :a:Eluston~ Texas FU~D AM()llJ.H $.3,000.00 - , Gali'bage Disposal Boads (1948-eaflh) _ " Street Iluppovement l~'4a-~ash) , StreetPaving-Br~q~ (1946;'cash) _ ' 30,OOO.€lO ~"OO€l.90 - , UniVersity $tate Bank SW1mm1;,ng'Pool ~erat1:ng Hous.toa, texas :F1llIld~ ea$t'l r -;;j 5,500.,00 I I . I II tlllll 11111. ~ r-,_ ~,..._' .'-J ~~ AD BAllITED, 'this~ the 12th day of Novem.'gel", A.D. 1'51. COMMISSI6NEd' voUng aye. G0OI$SI6NlUB votlngno. . --r;- -1-7,;1 , .1 I II.. I~ .! 1:1[.111 111111.1 ..,....-~,':7'.L "':.p -, ~.~l}'tl~. $'! -/5 BE 1'1' RESO:&VED BY TWCIn COMMISSION OF THE CITY , , OF ~'l' DIVE~~~~ms:,' 'l'~: 1. 'l':kl.e s~la17 selledule 1'01' pol1'ee of'1'ieers of' t:ae FoUes Department'#t'~t:ae City of' West lJmiversi't1" Place, 'fe;m:s, and the paid fil'emen, of' the Fire Depar-tment of the 01 ty Of' Wes\ Wniver-s!:t}'Plac e, Texas ,as ,set "iiy;reso :J.l1t'ien of' t:ae.oi'ty Oommission de/l;ed, Harch 26,1'Sl, is Jaereby amemaeEl as follows: 1. J!tlL:[;{$DEPAR~ St;arting.sal8.rj~ ~&ttcr~hrran" am-ime; Qix mo:ntJas probationary periea 2. Sal~rr,patrolman, after, sixmomths probatlo~ry <per10a, and:.til', ena of one year of continU<ll'llls~'erv-ice 3. .Ba1a:17' p-atrolman, ,after ~m! year of continuous'servhe FIB m~~, 1. \$~S?t1.~$ salarj-, ., nr~~an~ 'alU"ing ~1x mom:'liks pro19at!()flttIT Perl:oci 2. Sala1!7', 1'iremam." af't'er six mon'th;s P1'o;li>at1en.ary perioq, 3. ~aJ;aZ7,. 1'ir$iuan:,~teJ:>Re year of' ,e6:!it'il1110'llSserlfBe' $2~5.00 per menth $2$S.Q0 permentl'll $270,. Oil per mon-ta $23S.QQ per~~)l!:rth. $21+5.00 per moi'1t1a $21!55..0@ per m<iJ:m:tlil. 2. The sal~se:aed111e 1'er Patrolmen andfiremem 1aere19y ad0PteElsh.~J::t '9& effee!tiv& EllS Qf N()veIll:l>er 1, 1'51. Fassea and en.ae,ted.th;;~~ae 29~h day Ctf November A.D. 1',1.. eOmH~IPDS 69DI$SI0Ui$ All None \I'!t1ng aye. vet:1ng no. Cltyef' ty Place, r I'ijii !I I: i I II Willi I:mlllr ,-~._--.--~._- ---~-r: r--, ,>-<:'" J,.U-;>J. ,,,i _ ,J:II' BaDLlfTI0'N .$ / -16' , ' BE I'.fRESOL'VED BY !Im CITY COMlUS~I(}N OF !l[E CITY aIi' WES'.f lftlTtrEBBI'fYFYCE TEXAS: !laa:l; , h'1' eDq1)leyee of: tJae, CHyL:of' 'West Unbars! t'1' Place, 'fe:ras, wlaQ sl1lall rers1gn his employmemt andw}a.e shal,lmake appljteation f'orre:emple~t by thaCity within a ninety (190) day period from the date 'that lab 1'esignat10n shall have been ef'f'iciallyaeeepted skall :met be considered to kava forfeited kis rights, privileges, time of' service f'or computation of' longevity or other be:mef'its aeenutng f'romeontlnldty €If' employment; however, allY employee wha shall resign hisemplQyment and who shall not have made application. for reemplQyment by the 01 ty and slaall not have be.en ree:illployedwithina nin~t"" (90) daype1"iod af'te!' his resignation skall have beeE. of'f'ie1ally 'aeeepteci shall be eonsideredaa having f'€lr~eitedall of'the rights, p~ivil..,eges and benef'i'tsaccrirlng f'romanyf'ormer tenure of' employment and suell:reemployedpeJ:>sC'i)n Shall have no claim f'orpre~~rential t~atme~t where period of service is a factor and his !'u-ure p!'omotions or advancements s}aa:J.J. se solely on the sasis, of merIt., A 10 ];)~~...~~,.,. PASS-ED this tlae~h day of ~&'Vetr1ber, A.D. 1951. ,COMMISSI0NERS voting aye. COMMISSIONERS votiag no. ~~ or .... Wni-vers1 t:y Plae,e ~\ Texas [r-:-:~ I:'"~ .a _--"'-'--__ '-_--'-l"-_---1'L-'---..1.!-"'--.L~-""lL._.t.illIlIaL .~ ..L~'" .&.'e..a;?L ~ l.- ~t~'If.~g;~N ~" GlydeW. Hansard, a fOX'lller patrolman of tb.e Police I>epartm&nt €If the City fJJfWest University Flue, employed by tli,e City from March 1, 1'48, to Aagust 25, 1'51, has made applieationi'or reemplayment aspatrselman, and the Ghie'f' of' f'olieehas made his recommendation that the said applicant be reemployed; and, ~EAS, the City Commissi0n Is 0f the opInIon that the reem.ploymeat of' Clyde W. Hansard would 'be of benefit to the Poliee Department, and that he l!uould be a'llowaderedi t 1'01' his farmer employment of mOI'e than one year as a patrolman in determining the salary at whio1:111& saoulcil be reemployed. N,()W, '1'HEREFORE, BE 1'1' BESOLVED :BY THE CIn COMIifi~- SIGN Oii''1'HE inn OF WEST QIVERi>ItyPLACE, ~, 1. It is the recommendation of' the City Commission -Of theCi'lly o'fliest U"niversi ty Place that Clyde W. Hansard be reemployed by thePoliee Department of' the City'at a salary of $2'7~}.I)Ope.rmont1:1, and the CitySe~reta-ry, with the approval of' the Chlef of' Police, are h:ereby alitharlzed to so reemploy him. '2. fue reemployment oft:Q.esaidClyde 'W.Hansa.r& as a:patro-lman on the PeUeeFo~~e ()f' the City ef 1i~t Umivers-j.ty Place, '1'exas. is madE!, in all things subj'Elct to \, a resolution this dayadapte-d by theei tyC0rmrUssien per- taining te th:e rights', privileges and benefits of ferme:p , , , employes who have b,een reelUpleye,d by the City. , ", " I'd-- ',' D~ PASSED this the ,~, daye1' ..lllOV6:iO:l)I&, A.D. 1'51. COMMI8SI0N1ll1RS COfi.lMlSS:r()lElS voting aye. V&ti1'lg ]!lO. v! " [Jl;il r 1l-lil____ -1l:__..1:LLJL_LllJllllL__~~---