HomeMy WebLinkAbout07202006 ZBA Minutes OLM) City of West University Place A Neighborhood City ® Recycled Paper ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES July 20, 2006 6:30 p.m. I. MEMBERS PRESENT: James Jordan (voting), Mark Plagens (voting), Richard Wilson (voting), Susan Hanna (voting) and Frank Vargas, Jr. (voting) II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeann Howse, Stephen Stewart and David Theis III. STAFF PRESENT: Andrea Brinkley, Interim City Planner, Debbie Scarcella, Chief Building Official, James Dougherty, Jr., City Attorney and Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to James Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:30 Richard Wilson moved to accept that order and Protocol. p.m. James Jordan asked all members and staff to all notices were properly posted and Notices, Rules, Etc. introduce themselves. Sallye A. Clark, Planning distributed for this meeting. Motion Assistant stated all notices were posted as required was 2nd by Frank Vargas, Jr. James by city and state law. Jordan, Mark Plagens, Richard Wilson, Swearing in of witnesses. Susan Hanna and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Motion passed. James Jordan administered the oath to all witnesses. 2 Docket No. 06-04, Corrine Ross, 4228 Marquette gave a power point Richard Wilson made a motion to close House at 4228 presentation of the variance request. Andrea the evidentiary portion of the hearing. Marquette Street, Brinkley, Interim City Planner gave the background Motion was 2"d by Mark Plagens. West University of the request as follows: James Jordan, Mark Plagens, Richard Place, Texas 77005 The applicant of Docket 06-04, 4228 Marquette, is Wilson, Susan Hanna and Frank (Variance) requesting a variance to the Zoning Ordinance Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Motion passed. Public hearing regarding Table 7-4a, entitled "Garage space." After discussion, Richard Wilson made regarding the following Table 7-4a limits non-garage space in a garage a motion to deny the variance of docket matters: Accessory accessory building to 600 square feet, gross floor 06-04 to allow expansion of existing Quarters. Matters area. The applicant has an existing two-story garage quarters to a total gross floor area of relating the property building with garage space on the first floor and 713 square feet. Motion was 2"d by owner's request for a quarters on the second floor. The gross floor area of Mark Plagens. James Jordan, Mark variance to allow the second floor is 498 square feet. The applicant Plagens, Richard Wilson, Susan Hanna expansion of existing would like to expand the second floor by adding 216 and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. quarters to a total square feet, which would put the non-garage space Motion passed. Variance denied. gross floor area of at 714 square feet, some 114 square feet more than 713 square feet. allowed by Table 7-4a, according to the staff Deliberation, decisions, interpretation of "gross floor area." Section 2-102 other action, etc. provides that "gross floor area" is to be measured regarding the preceding from the outside dimensions of a building or space matters. in a building, and it excludes the areas of a garage, 3800 University Boulevard 0 West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.668.4441 • www.westu.org Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes July 20, 2006 Meeting 2 basement, or attic used for storage only. The applicant has interpreted the definition to exclude stairway area and storage area on the second floor. If the ZBA agrees with this interpretation--and issues a decision to that effect-- no variance would be needed, because the non-garage space would be less than the 600-square-foot limit (just barely). Staff believes the ZBA has authority to make such a decision. Because that decision would reverse a decision of the administrative official, the zoning enabling law requires four favorable votes. Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant stated that there was no correspondence received in favor of or opposition to the request. Jay Javadi spoke for daughter Fara Javadi, 4229 Villanova in opposition of the request and submitted a letter from Lee and Cathy Jolly, 4223 Villanova. No one spoke in favor of the request. Andrea Brinkley, Interim City Planner gave the staff recommendation as follows: Staff does not agree with the applicant's interpretation, because the definition in the ordinance clearly calls for the measurement to be taken from the outside perimeter of the building, without excluding the stairway or storage space. If ZBA agrees with staff's interpretation, then a variance would be necessary to allow the non-garage space to exceed the 600- square-foot limit. Staff believes that the ZBA has the authority to grant this variance, but according to Section 11- 102, the ZBA may not issue a variance unless all of the following circumstances are present: (1) The ZBA must make all findings and determinations required by state law for the granting of a variance, which are: (i) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting the variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) the variance is not contrary to public interest. (2) The ZBA must make any additional findings and determinations required by a specific provision of this ordinance that relates to the variance. (3) (3) The variance must be reduced to writing including any conditions prescribed by the ZBA or required by this ordinance for the variance in question. Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes July 20, 2006 Meeting 3 3 Docket No. 05-03 and Bill Merriman, 2135 Sunset, Merriman Holt Frank Vargas, Jr. made a motion to 05-16, Place of Architects gave a power point presentation in close the evidentiary portion of the worship at 6218 reference to the request. Also representing the hearing. Motion was 2nd by Richard Auden; 3821,3831, church was Roger Patterson, associate pastor for Wilson. James Jordan, Mark 3835 & 3836 Amherst West University Baptist Church and Gary Plagens, Richard Wilson, Susan Hanna Street; 3804, 3819 Pennington, Chairman of Building and grounds. and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Milton and Lots 11, Andrea Brinkley, Interim City Planner gave the Motion passed. 13, 14 & 15, block 15 background as follows: The applicant in Docket After discussion, Richard Wilson made Collegeview, section 3 05-03 & 05-16, Harry Craig, Trustee for West a motion to grant the Special West University Place, University Baptist Church (WUBC), is requesting Exception in the form presented by Texas 77005 (Special a special exception to allow joint use of parking City Staff with modification of article Exception) spaces. Section 10-103(c) of the Zoning Ordinance 11 to article 14 and the page numbers Public hearing allows the Zoning Board of Adjustments to issue a corrected. Motion was 2°d by regarding the following special exception to allow up to 75 percent of the Frank Vargas, Jr. James Jordan, Mark matters: Parking, parking spaces required for any type of use to be used Plagens, Richard Wilson, Susan Hanna Access, Etc. By jointly for another use, if the ZBA can find that no and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. decisions dated July 22, increase in on-street parking is likely to result Motion passed. Special Exception 2005 and August 31, (Article 11 requires additional findings, for any granted. 2005 the Zoning Board special exception.) of Adjustment granted Background. This request stems from WUBC's 2005 variances and special application for special exceptions and variances to exceptions for facilities cover its existing campus and a proposed new of West University gymnasium. The ZBA approved the application, but Baptist Church at the with conditions. Among them was a condition that sites listed above. The the WUBC study the required parking, loading and decisions required circulation and, if necessary, come back to the ZBA WUBC to study for additional consideration. The WUBC parking and vehicular commissioned such a study. It recommended that a access and follow-up. formal agreement between the City and WUBC be Based upon the study pursued for joint use of parking spaces and follow-up, the Proposed Construction; Parking Calculations. WUBC has requested a WUBC intends to demolish and rebuild its gymnasium special exception to located at 6218 Auden. Under detailed provisions of allow joint use of the Zoning Ordinance, the project will trigger a parking spaces owned requirement for 24 incremental parking spaces. The by WUBC and the City calculations are as follows: of West University (1) For places of worship and similar uses, Section 10- Place (pursuant to a 100 (entitled "Off-street Parking") requires 10 off-street Memorandum of spaces for the first 2,000 square feet of building space Understanding with the plus 3.33 spaces per 1000 square feet above that, City). In addition, there calculated for the campus as a whole. Applying this are related questions formula, WUBC's campus is non-conforming at this involving parking time. (At most, there are 84 off-street spaces in spaces, loading areas, existence on the campus, but the formula would require and vehicular 157 spaces). circulation. Resolution (2) However, assuming WUBC demonstrates at the of these questions may hearing that the non-conformity predates the off- require interpretations, street parking regulations; the campus would have variances, special prior non-conforming (PNC) status, as to the non- exceptions, conformity in parking spaces. determinations of prior (3) Ordinarily, expanding a building where the parking non-conforming status is non-conforming would not be allowed, because the and modifications to expansion would cause a loss of PNC status (Under Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes July 20, 2006 Meeting 4 prior decisions. Section 12-103, if the "degree of non-confomitt/' is Deliberation, decisions, increased or expanded, PNC status is lost.) other action, etc. 4) However, there is a special rule about a non- regarding the conformity in the number of parking spaces. See preceding matters. Section 12-103(e)(3). It provides that PNC status is not lost by a change in a building if the increase in the number of required spaces resulting from the change is provided, on an incremental basis." Here, the change in the gymnasium building would increase the building size by 7,000 square feet, so the increase in the number of required spaces would be 23.31 on an incremental basis (7 X 3.33 according to the formula). This is rounded upward to 24. (5) Therefore, WUBC will have to provide 24 incremental spaces to avoid losing PNC status by demolishing and rebuilding the gymnasium. The MOU. To provide incremental spaces, WUBC approached the City about a possible shared parking arrangement. A "memorandum of understanding" (MOU) emerged from that discussion. Both the WUBC and the City Council have approved it. Under Appendix A of the MOU: (a) the City has allowed the public to use three City lots close to WUBC on Sundays and Wednesday nights (Lots 4, 5 and 6), and (b) WUBC has allowed the public to use two large WUBC lots on Milton Street (Lots 1 and 2) Monday through Saturday. In addition, the MOU allows some special uses of Lot 1 (next to the Public Works Building on Milton) City employees have priority parking for 15 spaces, and the City can use the whole lot for special events (e.g., recycling and heavy trash collection). a) requires that the parking spaces be located not more than 300 feet from the entrance of a building served. All of the City-owned spaces are located within this distance from WUBC's buildings. No correspondence was received in favor or opposition of the request other than the green comment and question cards and are of record. No one spoke in favor or opposition of the request. Andrea Brinkley, Interim City Planner read the staff recommendation as follows: To issue a special exception for joint use of parking spaces, the ZBA must determine that the special exception will not cause: (i) any increase in on-street parking (i. e., no increase is allowed), (ii) any substantial traffic congestion or (iii) any substantial increase in traffic or an unreasonable burden on utility systems or any other public facility or public service. The ZBA must also determine that special exception will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. See Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes July 20, 2006 Meeting 5 Sections 10-103(c) and 11-102 of the Zoning Ordinance. Under Section 11-103, the ZBA may impose conditions in a special exception, to the extent necessary to enable the ZBA to make the determinations listed above. Staff believes that, to enable the ZBA to make these determinations, the applicant will have to demonstrate that, under real-world conditions: (i) the spaces to be provided by the City (and the times they are provided) will alleviate peak parking demand at WUBC, or, at least, not make the current situation worse, (ii) the spaces to be provided by WUBC (and the times they are provided) will alleviate peak parking demand at City facilities, or, at least, not make the current situation worse. (Note: It does appear that the MOU is designed to provide parking during each party's peak hours of need.) In the alternative, the applicant could demonstrate that, overall, the net effect of the joint use agreement is to improve the current situation, or at least make it no worse. Because the MOU mainly provides public parking, on a first-come-first-served basis, staff believes that the applicant will have to demonstrate that, under real-world conditions, this will be equivalent to reserved or exclusive parking, or, at least, it will avoid making the current situation worse. The number of joint-use parking spaces that can be counted toward WUBC's parking requirement is limited by Section 10-103 (c) to 75% of the number of spaces required for the City building spaces. Because the City buildings are under the direct control of the City Council, staff believes the number of parking spaces required is at least the number provided by the City Council and listed in the MOU (33), so Section 10-103(c) would allow at least 24.75 (75% of 33) spaces to be counted. This is just barely enough to cover the number required by WUBC (24). To be counted toward compliance, joint-use spaces should not violate the technical requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, e.g., dimensions, maneuvering area, access, screening, etc. In this case, staff believes that the City-owned spaces covered by the MOU are: (i) sufficient to allow functional use, as a practical matter, and (ii) under the direct control of the City Council and, therefore, not in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff believes that the applicant should be able to present evidence at the hearing sufficient to enable the ZBA to make these required determinations. Staffhas not received any correspondence against the proposed request. Staff believes that the ZBA has the authority Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes July 20, 2006 Meeting 6 to grant a special exception to applicant, if the above- listed determinations are made. Loading Spaces. The WUBC traffic study does not clearly indicate that the campus will have sufficient loading spaces to comply with Section 10-104. Staff recommends that the applicant be directed to re-study the need for loading spaces and submit a supplemental report or letter to the Administrative Official. If the applicant can show compliance with Section 10-104 (or perhaps PNC status), that should be sufficient. Otherwise, the applicant may need to seek approval from the ZBA. 4 Docket No. 06-03, David McMahon owner of Smoothie King gave a Richard Wilson made a motion to Commercial Business presentation for the special exception request. close the evidentiary portion of the at 5410 Kirby Drive, Andrea Brinkley, Interim City Planner gave the hearing. Motion was 2nd by Susan West University Place, background as follows: The applicant's lessee and Hanna. James Jordan, Mark Texas 77005 (Special contractor obtained a permit to renovate the interior of Plagens, Richard Wilson, Susan Hanna Exception) the building located at 5410 Kirby Drive so that part of and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Public hearing it could be used as a drink shop. At the time, the drink Motion passed. After discussion, regarding the following shop appeared to be "light commercial use," which is Frank Vargas, Jr. made a motion to matters: Drive-thru, allowed in the C District. City staff discovered that the Deny the request for a special Medium Commercial lessee also modified the parking area and building exception to allow a medium Use. Applicant requests exterior, with the objective of adding a new "drive commercial use in a commercial a special exception to thru" facility on the west side. Adding a drive thru district , to all the use of a drive thru. allow a medium would change the use from "light commercial" to Motion was 2nd by Susan Hanna. commercial use in a "medium commercial." Medium commercial use is James Jordan, Susan Hanna and commercial district, to only allowed in the C District "to the extent authorized Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Richard allow the use of a drive- by a special exception" issued by the Zoning Board of Wilson and Mark Plagens voted nay. thru. Deliberation, Adjustment. Motion passed Special Exception decisions, other action, City staff notified both the lessee and contractor shortly denied. In addition, the board asked etc. regarding the after the problem was discovered and met with them at the City Attorney to bring forward an preceding matters the Public Works Offices. After the meeting, the order the next ZBA meeting for administrative official and building official issued a review and signature. formal decision. A copy is attached. It provided background information, and it required, among other things, that permits be obtained for the parking area and exterior work. However, the decision was explicit that no permit could be issued for a "drive thru" without a special exception issued by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Another section of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 8- 104) restricts commercial impact on residential streets. In this case, Sunset is a residential street, as defined in the ordinance. The site and improvements may have acquired prior non- conforming (PNC) status regarding access and orientation to Sunset. If PNC status was acquired, it can be lost. See Article 12. For this reason, the formal decision required the submission of "clear evidence that a drive-through would not cause the Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes July 20, 2006 Meeting 7 loss of PNC status," as an additional condition of getting a permit for a drive through. After the formal decision, the lessee finished the renovation and opened the drink shop, without a "drive thru." The applicant conducted a "pre-application" briefing, as required by Article 11. However, the applicant failed to send proper notices before the briefing. The applicant re-sent the notices and held a second briefing. All correspondence and materials in favor or opposition of the request were received and made part of the record. Lena Israel, 2610 Sunset; Pat Malone, 2931 Quenby and Kyle Pentecost, 2606 Centenary al spoke in favor of the request. The following all spoke in opposition of the request: Sean Guffy, 2809 Sunset; Laurence Neman, 2628 Sunset; Dr. Janet Graham, 3031 Albans; Dale Plumb, 2904 Albans; Roland Folansbee, 2708 Sunset; Daniel Olivas, 2618 Sunset; Anne Burke, 2704 Sunset; Dana LeJune, 2703 Albans; Stephen Hodgson, 2636 Albans and owns 2620 Albans; Sharon Graff, 2617 Sunset; Ana Estrada, 2622 Sunset; Brenda Keith, 2705 Sunset; Diana Freeman, 3114 Sunset; Morna Simon-Raffel, 5804 Fordham. Andrea Brinkley read the staff recommendation as follows: There is a preliminary question about the pre-application briefings. Although the second briefing was held after the application was filed, staff believes the procedure and briefings in this case were sufficient to satisfy Article 11. However, if the Board disagrees with that interpretation, the proper action would be to require the applicant to send new notices and conduct another briefing, and then re-file the application. The current docket could be held open to allow time for the applicant to comply. To issue a special exception for a medium commercial use in a commercial district, the ZBA must determine that the special exception will not cause: (i) any increase in on-street parking, (ii) any substantial traffic congestion or (iii) any substantial increase in traffic or an unreasonable burden on utility systems or any other public facility or public service. The ZBA must also determine that the special exception will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. See Section 11-102(b) of the Zoning Ordinance. Under Section 11-103, the ZBA may impose conditions in a special exception, to the extent necessary to enable the ZBA to make the determinations listed above. If a special exception for a medium commercial use (with a drive-thru) is granted, it would raise a question about commercial impact on Sunset. The Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes July 20, 2006 Meeting 8 driveways and curb cuts on Sunset--and possibly the buildings themselves--are non-conforming under Section 8-104. Possibly, the applicant will show the Board that they predate the ordinance-- and therefore have PNC status. PNC status could be lost if the drive-thru or other change in use increases or expands "the degree of non- conformity." See Section 12-103(e). (1) If the applicant persuades the ZBA that PNC status will not be lost, the ZBA could include a ruling to that effect in its order granting the main special exception. (2) If the applicant does not so persuade the ZBA, the applicant could present evidence sufficient to satisfy Section 12-105. That section allows an extension of PNC status if the ZBA finds that: (i) a substantial investment was reasonably made in the buildings, driveways and curb cuts, or in reliance upon them, and (ii) extension is necessary to allow a reasonable time to amortize the investment, or avoid unreasonable waste, etc. If the evidence is sufficient, the ZBA could include these findings and an extension of PNC status in its order granting the main special exception. The extension could be indefinite or for a fixed time period. Some examples of possible conditions on a special exception, if granted, include: (i) limitations as to specific uses and specific areas of use, perhaps as shown in an actual site plan, (ii) specific design and operational features (e.g., safety precautions, hours of operation, signage, etc.), which could also be shown in a site plan, and (iii) a provisional time period to use the facility on a "trial" basis, with a mandatory follow-up submission to the Board. Adjournment. Richard Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was 2°d by Mark Plagens. James Jordan, Mark Plagens, Richard Wilson, Susan Hanna and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 .m. Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes July 20, 2006 Meeting 9 PASSED THIS A)6+--DAY OF 2006. am ord e di fficer ATTEST- allye A. Clar4PIn , i ng Assistant