HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.50 RE(i3pLmION NO.. :'57.) - J A ~$SOLU'l'ION' A.UT,liQ:RIZ:r:NG THE CORRECTION OF EEfl,ONEtlU5LY ASSESSED TAXES. WHEREAS, there was erroneously assessed on the South 50 feet by 106 teet ,of Lot 6, Block 23, of West First Addition for the years 1947, 1948. and 1949, taxes in the total sum of $111.33, and 1 -I WHEREAS, it has been pointed out to the City Commission I of the City of West University Place that the property in ques- I tion had been continuGl~sly used for church purposes and entitled I . f I to exemption by reaSOR thereo . I I ! I I I $outh 50 feet by 100 feet of Lot 6, Block 23. of West University I I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission that the assessment for the yeara 1947, 1948,and 1949 on the Place First Add:i,.tion in the sum of $111.33, b:e, and the same are hereby declared to be erroneously assessed and of no force and effect. .d(. PASSED ANP APPROVED this ~ 7 day of 1950, bya vote~f ~, " ffk-b7 I . ' "', 4YF8 ~ NO~. I . . . I ,>> '.' :, . .," . I - .; - ""'" 1 ~YOR,.Cty' O~it;y I . ., , Plaee, Tex.as I ATTEST: City Sec-I'etary. I I I I I I I I I I I, '- - r~'-' .~- '-~ I I III ,---,. -~-~ I ! ! i I I 1 I I .1 I .j. I' 1 : j I . . I I I I i i I I I I .I I , ",,~'_.d!~ ~..- ,...allr>.<.~ .__.. ... I . '. .. . , ,. .. ...... .'.' ....... '.: " . r :~-_'...~J ;,:':;;:.'",1 . '.. "~~~::1Ei':iE=.1 ia,:: ..~.~!1 ,.dW.".. '_,~ ..-,il lie. -'It".. __ h ~~:~~~~~:~,. . "'.'<' .r ~J~;t,"'-'" · ,,,,,,,. .. ---'I " <;.:>;f,.: . "I',' ":':: .;~~t~?; ,;':'f'~' .... I I I . I . I I I j I l l i I j . , _'_________ J ; .'-; ," -'. ,-.-. ~..._;Ma.., ,jSp-.:J.;.... .~.. ......,t.I..~...__ 'J, ~:.'..t .'.kl-.,IT',. lU'~ . ..'" .:,": ," "dS<~!:J. OF ..'. .:":,tt;6d:~T; ~ : . ':~~it{J;,< ':i. ,:"'" '.: .'r~"HU.'\ :. ";'::~-: ~.::. ".' . -.;', <;::: . { "," '", .,0, . i.... .-- ,''''' .~m r .. ,. 1 11111r" III ,..., ..-j ",'.-', RESOLUTION '50 -.:s WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 417 passed and approved October 25, 1..948, contract was awarded to Brogan & Williams for the construction of certain street intersections, as there~n enumerated in- eluding; SECTION NO.7: Intersection of' West Point and Case Streets, and' SECTION NO.8: Intersection of West Point and Byron Streets, and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 472 passed and approved June 27, 1949, J. L. Williams Construction Co., Inc. aecepted and substituted for Brogan & Williams as Contractor in said contract and the bond there- fore given by Brogan eft Williams continued in effect as to said substituted Contractor as Principal and the same Surety Company as Surety, and WHEREAS, by Ordi.nance No. 478 passed and approved July 11, 1949 contract was awarded Russ Mitchell, Inc for the construction of improve- ments on portions of Byron and Case and West Point Streets; which Contract was amended as authorized by Ordinance No. 493 passed and approved January , 23, 1950, and WHEREAS, the work to be performed by said Russ Mitchell, Inc., Contractor, terminates at the intersection of West Point with Byron and Case, Streets respectively and said Contractors desire that the improve- ments be constructed in said intersectiqns by Russ Mitchell, Inc. con- temporaneously with the performance of its work on Byron and Case Streets, and so, expedite the construction of beth said contracts. NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE C:,rTY OF WEST UNIVERSlTY PLACE, TEXAS 1. The City Cemmission here now finds that it would be to the best interest of the City and would expedite the completion of the con- struction of street improvements in the 4100 Bloeks of Byron and Case Streets and of the intersections of said respeetive streets with West Point Street to permit and provide for simultaneous construction by one Contractor. ,~, 2. J. L.' Williams Oonstruction Co., Inc. is hereby authorized to sublet the construction of improvements of the -intersections of West Poiit with Case and Byron Streets as provid~d in the October 25, 1948 contract to Russ Mitchell, Inc.;. and said Russ Mitchell, Inc. is hereby authorized to do and perf,orm the work as to said Sections 7 and 8 as pro- vided in said October 25, 1948 contract; and the performance by said Con- tractor shall be taken as the performance b1 J. L.. Williams Construction Co., Inc. 3. As provided in Paragraph 6.42 of said. October 25, 1948 con- tract; however, the SUbletting of said portion of the work therein pro- vided shall not relieve Contractor J. L. Wl1;liams ~onstruction Co., Inc. from its full obligations to the Ciiyas provided in said Contract; but upon completion of said intersection; Sections 7 and 8 of aforesaid pay- ment theref,ore, shall be made to J. L,. Williams Construction Co., Inc. to which company the City shall look to for the maintenance provisions of the contract and bond. PASSED MID APPROVED this the 13th ,day of March, 1950, by a vote of ..:5 Ayes and 0 Noes. MaYOllI ATTEST: Oity Secretary ,- 'TI 11 ! IIA.I.-----~ .----. -- ~r~-r - ~ 7<' ..,~ .... 50- + WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texes,that there are in the possession of the Chief of Police of said city some seven bicycles some of which have been in the possession of the Chief of Police for as long as two years and all of which have been in his possession for a substantial length of time, and Vffi;EREAS, every effort has - been made to find the true owners of these bicycles by various forms of publicity given to the effect that the bicycles are in the possession of the Chief of Police but the true owners of said bicycles have been unable to be found NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the Chief of Police of the City of West University Place, Texas, be, and he is a,uthorized to make disposition of said bicycles to some charitable or similar institution or organization th the proviso, however, that the Chief of Police is not authorized to any representation or warranty as to the true ownership or title to any said bicycles to any person. PASSED AND APPROVED this "':;:;;6-lJt' by a, vote of FOUR AYES and NO NOES. dayo! ~'-} University TTEST: ~/ ~ iV Seer r '11 r ,-, I 1.111.. ~~~ ,__ po. ,-, REsotHJTION 5V - 7 RESOLUTION CANVASSING 'lHE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION HE'I.ri IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ON NOVEMBER 7, 1950, FOR THE, PURPOSE OF ELECTING A AiIAi;OR AND FOUR COMMISSIONERS. mIEREAS, there was held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on Nov€lliber 7, 1950, a general city el,ection for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Corr~iasioners, arid at such election the following votes were castt CANDIDATE VOTES CAST IN PRECINCTS N.i\,ME FOR NO. 87 No. 133 TOTAL H. E. Terry Mayor 320 439 159 E. D. STory,Jr. 11 1 1 Wayland Hancock It 2 2 Frank E. Hangs Commissioner 313 434 747 John K. Mooney Commissioner 318 433 751 DuPree Holman Commissioner 317 43a 749 E. !llen Nisbet 'Commissioner 316 435 751 WHEREAS.. as a result of such election, the said H. E. Terry, was elected Mayor and Frank E. Hangs, DuPree Holman, John K. Mooney and E. Ulen Nisbet were elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF W1!:ST UNIVERSITY PUCE, TEXAS, that the official results of such election be formally declared. pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the City Commission to be that the said H. E. Terry was elected Mayor and the said Frank E. Hangs, John K. Mooney. Th1Pree Holman and E. Allen Nisbet were elected Commissioners at the said election. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of November, ,A.D. 1950. :!d ~/j , , ,/ / o /- .- , . 'V.I/AAAA.tyl MAYOR, City of West Umvers"ity P1.ace, Texas ATTEST: /7~/)~~ , Ci V ~re'ba:ry .:~~- ~~' ,~.: f '~~" , . .,:~~....,.. .",":"'- ~ .... ?~~~ "'-, - RESOLUTION NO. 1 NCNEMBER 13, 1950 RESOLUTION 1,"'"'0 - % .-' WHEREAS, it is the 'Will and desire of the City Commission of the City of 'West University Place, Texas that all checks drawn on any and all ac- counts in a:rry and all banks in which the City has deposits, shouJ.d be drawn and signed by either M~yor H. E. Terry or Mayor Pro-tem DuPree Holman and counterSigned by City ~reasurer O. E. Gammill, and City Secretary Yv1litt Johnson before any payment shall be made by any such bank on a:n::r such check, ex- cept ehecks dra'Wn on payroll accounts which shall be draWn and signed by said City Treasurer and said City Secretary. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Oity Commission af the City of . , - . West University Place, Texas that Mayor H. E. Terry or Mayor Pro-tem DuPree Holman shaJ.1 have ex~lusive power and authority to draw and sign all checks on all bSnk accounts of ,the City of West University Place, Texas and that City Treasurer C. E. Gammill and City Secretary Whitt Johnson ,shaJ.l, have exclusive power and authority to countersign Such checks; except checks drawn on payroll acco~ts which shaJ.l be dra'Wn and Signed by said City Treasurer and said City Secretary; and that no check shall be a valid check of the City unless either the Mayor or Mayor Pro-tem Signs the same and the City Treasurer and the City Secretary coum.ersigns it; except as provided herein in r~gard to said payroll checks; which payroll checks shaJ.l be valid when dra'Wn and signed by said City Treasurer and said Ci -ty Secretary. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Commissien shall designate and authorize some p~rsbn enplo;red by the City to sign and countersign checks tem.- porarily during absence of said City Treasurer and said City Secretary when absent from. duty occasioned by illness or vacation. MID, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Secretary be directed to furnish each b~ .rl.th whiCh the City has funds on deposi~ or transacts any business a true copy of this resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this the ~ clay of November, 1950. .A5:T'ES.r : -) , ~~/ '""it" ~"".. - ~,~