HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled (37)~ . .k l~ .':; • ~ r • • • ~, % ,~ City of ~est Universlty P1ace ;~ ~ ~,;~~ A Neiglthorhood Cin~ '~' °~' ~ RetyeledPeper 70NING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ ~ ~,' ` .,ti`l '! ~~~ ~ City of West University Place, Texas ("City") l DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE W 3~$~ 12 12f23/02 3~~~]27b34 l11.Q0 I I Ad~lress o Site: 4231 Ruskin FIouston Texas 77005 Docket Nun~Ger•: 02-08 f > > . Legal Descriptiort of Site: Lot Five (5), in block Two (2), togetlier with a 2C,.6' x 50' tract out of tl~e actjoining j~ Reserve 14, in Colonial Terrace Addition as recorded in Volume 655, Page 293 of tl~e Deed Records of t' Harris County, Texas. ~~-~ ~~- Permiltee/Applica~tt: Thomas Boyd Decrsron nr• Actio,r Reguesred a~ Propose: Request for a vari~nce reg:-rding Table 7-2: Yards (or setbacks). Tl~e request for a variance is to allow new home constructiun ~t 4231 Ruskiu witl~ a 25' setback in fro~~t yard. Notice, Heuri~ig, Findings, Vote: ( X) Required Notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance ~vitli Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning & Development Assistant, City of' ~Vest University Place. ( Y) Hearing held on: OctoUer 17, 2002 ( X) Required statutory findings made: Variance is not contrary to public interest; literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecess~ry hardsl~ip; spirit of tl~e ordinance is obscrved; substantial justice is done. ( X ) Additional Findings: None ( Y) The vote: Mark Plagens, Steven SegAl, Jol~n Rentz, Carolyn Galrone nnd Bill Ricl~arclson voted to grant the variance, and no one opposed. Decisior-. of tlie Zorti~:g Board ofAdjustn:ent (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to tl~e City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Article 7, TaUle 7-2: Yards (or setbncks) of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the applicant named above subject to tlie foilo~ving conditions: ~. Tl~e appl9cant must record this decision in the Real Property Records of }Iarris County, Texas. Tl~e decision will go into effect once tlie decision is recorded and a certified copy is returned to the Board's Offce (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 382G Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. 2. All permits necessary for the prosecution of tl~e work shall be applied for ~vitl~in )0 days and construction commenced and completed witl~in two years from the clate of granting by the 13oaril, unless otl~erwise prescribed in the approval itself, or unless 1n extension of that time is granted by tlie Board. No extensions may be granted by tfie Building Official unless authorized to do so by tl~e I3oard. Tliis variance is for an indefinite period, unless a temporary period is indic~ted above. This variance remlins subject to th~ regulatory jurisdiction of tlie City and it does not grant any property right or vestecl right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: Tlie decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, includiug: the Zoning Ordinance und Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Cliapter 211, petitions for juclicial review uiust be presentecl within 10 days after tl~e date this decision is tiled in tl~e Board's oftice. ~ 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, 'Cexas 77005-2899 • 7l3•G6R•444t • ~v-vtiv.x~eslu.org ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL I,~W. ' A CERTIFIED COPY A~sT: DE~ 2 7 20Q2~ Deputy SYLVIA L. McCULLOUGH : • • . ~ • _ ~+~ '' 'Page 2 ZBA Decision, Docket 02-06 (Variance) ~ ry ~ / ~ BY: ~~ Presiding Officer, Zoning Board of Ad' stment State of Texas County of u -11i~-tS This instrument was acknowledged before me on Presiding Officer for tl~e Zoning Board of Adjustment. J~S 1~. mC'~ 1~1 Q~`1,~~ Notary Public's Signature (Personalized Seal) JOSIE MARIE OROSCO MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 22, 2005 Filed in the Board's office and original forwarded to applicant for recording on ~~ ,~ ~~ , by: Sallye A. Clark, PlanninQ and Development Assistant. . ,. `>~ ~. : ~:... ,~ , , ~, ; .r-~^ f'1 ~~ _. ~ ,..~ .~ ~ ~.; ~ /`_ ~ .'.. ; ~.t) : . C .. /~ s `~ i ~ , l / QG.~..r H~ .;~~~ ~•...k ~., . .. ~:x~ tT:~ r l ~; i9 ~. 1.3 I'~) ~ ,~-._ ~/ ,~, ~~ -7 p,~a~'~' ~ ~~~. . y: ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ cn G°~ ~ ~,,.~ ~; r.?. /Ce ~- ~( , ~~ ~~ ~~ j~ ! ,~ ~ FN4PAQNSIDII I~EAF9IVAACN RESIAICTS THE SAIE,RENi11,OR USE OF THE DESCR6ED AEAI ppppEpT(BEWSE OF COlOit OR RALE 61NKID IUO UNENFORCEABIE UNDER FEDEAAI UW 7}IE STATE OF TF~(AS CpUKTY OF HARRIS ~~~y~al0ie[me ~~~y~ We @etnmed rqs FIED'n Fi~ Nunber Scyie^G qr~p~ E~nab~ ne;~~Ee~sdn~RECOADEl1 hMe OR~a~ ~~ R~ dRnl PraPrtldN~ CaAy, Tra an DE~ 2 3 2002 A[VY PROVISIONS HEREIN WH1CH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL I:AW. A CERTIFIED COPY ~ST: oEC 2_7_ Za~t Deputy ~~~ ~~~ ~~ (dlte) by Steven Seg~l, ~~'~°~'~~~~,~ ~ COUNTY CLERK * HARRIS COUNTY. TEXI-S ~Y~VIA L. McCULL,OUGH