HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled (36)L ` ~ *.~~i ~ ~ ~~ . ~~ ~3 , ~ Reeyeled Paper ~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ~ A Neighborhood City Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TQ GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION W4H2793 03,~O1f~3 3040861E6 513.OD Address of site: 4020 Riley, Houston, Texas 77005 Docket #: 02-09 Legal description of rhe site: Lot 6 and the west 10 feet of Lot 7, Block 23 of Collegeview Addition, a subdivision in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in volume 6, Page 44 of the map records of Harris Cou~nty, Texas. Permittee/Applicanr: Timothy H. and Jill A. Garde Decision orAction Requested: Request for an amendment to a previously granted Special Exception (Docket 02-05, June 20, 2002) regarding Article 7, Table 7-6, Note 5 Garages in Side Yards, (c). The Table regarding a garage in a side yard mandates that the garage be built at least 70 feet from the front property line. The request for the Special Exception is to allow construction of the garage 60 feet from the front property line in order to preserve a large, existing pecan tree. This amendment is a request to alter the approved site plan to include a swimming pool. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vote: (~ Required notice given bv: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place. (X) Required determinations have been made bv the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below: (proposed Special Exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed Special Exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed Special Exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service.) (7~ Additional findin~s (if any): Granting a Special Exception for the proposed structure will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not signiticantly alter access for fire fighting and similar needs. (X) Hearing held on: November 21, 2002 ~ (X) The vote: Michael Silver, John Rentz, Bill Richardson, Jeann Howse and Steven Segal voted for; no one opposed. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and appticable law, a special exception is granted as requested and as specitically allowed by Article 7, Table 7-6, Note 5 Garages in Side Yards, (c). The Special Exception is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: . ~ 1. As per attached revised site plan. 2. The applicant must record this decision in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and a certifed copy is returned to the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of' West University Place. This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of~ any kind. '~ t ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF Tf~ DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. ~ . A CERTIFFIED COPY • , A.~T: MAR 112003 ° B VERLY B. KAUFM , County lerk 's County, as ~ Deputy CHAVONDA A. ROYER . _ a . ; ~~ Page 2 ZBA Decision, Docket 02-09 Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision arc subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chaptei 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicia! review must be presentec within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: JOSIE MARIE OROSCO + • MY COMMISSION EXPIRES .IUNE 22, 2005 State of Te s County of ~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~. ~ ~~ r(date) by Steven Segal, Presiding Officer for th~ Zoning Board of Adjustment. 1 C~~ h~~t~S~. C~'L~[.~ Notary Public's Signature (Personalized Seal) ~l Filed in the Board's office and original forwarded to applicant for recording on ~ ~~ ~~~." , , by: PlanninQ anc Develo~ment Assistant. ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. - A CERTIFIED COPY ATTEST: :~ MAR~-112003 ~ BEVERLY B. KAiTFMAN, Co~y~ CHAVONdA A. RC~Y~R , _ ~ ~ cp o'- G ANY PROVISIONS NEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. ~ A CERTIFIED COPY A~T: ~MAR-1~12003 ~ BEVERLY.B. KA I~rris County, T~p /1 ~'. // Deputy ~~ . 2'~ ~ 17~ CHAVONDA A. ROYER . . . ~ , ; s. l~l ~y ~ ml ~ ~+I utll ~ ~' 4~~ ~d I ~~. ~_....~ ;. q o ~ ~. ;: ~. ~ ~ ~; , . • ~ ~- ~ ~-- w~•~I`' ' ~- ~ . , "' ' _ ~x-vxoHSnxx~~Nw-ucn~s~wctar~suc,a~xru.ausEa~r~o~saufo~u ~n~FGWYd00.0ROR~MCE6NVA1pANDINENFOA~ TM , ~ • ~~E~IUw E STATE OF T~(pS COUNT1r pp ~RRIS ~~~ -,,,~ '~` ~' ' `-'; ~~Mu~1/hlliYru~N~nFIFDhFhMoilr +~wrr~ey.e:~n~ir~~coaoEO wwou~v ~ai ww ~, _ . ~ke Cary.iapen ~ nN.q~x~. ~~ ~ ''~~~ ~ MAR - 7 2003 ~ ~~~`~~~`'~"~ ~ OUNTY CLERK NARRIS COUMY, 7EXqg 1 ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF TFIE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALm AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY . A~T: MAR 112003~ ~ BEVERLY B. KAUFMAN, nty Cler County, Texa . ~ ~~. ~ e' ut P Y . ~H/~VQI~l~.,~ A. ROYER ~~