HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled (35)" X771940 . ~.rJ~ Ol/16/04 300446337 513.00 . ~~, ti;; , ~ ~,~ • • ~ : , City of ~est Universlty Place ~. /~ A Neighborhood City Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ ~ ReeyeledPeper City of West University Place, Texas ("City") ~ DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION y ~ Actdress ofsite: 3636 Rice Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005 Docket #: 04-03 Legal description of the site: 0.9726 Acre situated in the AC Reynolds Survey, abstract no. 61, Harris County, Texas (see attached Exhibit "A" attached) . Permittee/Applicant: Charles R. Wilson and Janet C. Wilson Decision or Action Reguested: Request for a special exception to allow curb cuts exceeding 34' (thirty-four feet) maximum required within a commercial use to increase safety. Notice, Hearing, Fin.dings, vote: (X) Required norice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant City of West University Place. ~ (X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as ~ranted below: (proposed Special Exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed Special Exception will not cause any substantial ~ increase in traffic; proposed Special Exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service.) (X) Additional fmdines (if any): Granting a S~ecial Exception for the proposed structure will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire fighting and similar needs. (~ Hearing held on: June 17, 2004 (X) The vote: Mark Plagens, Jean Howse, John Rentz, Bill Richardson and Michael Silver voted for; no one ` opposed. Decision of the Zoning Board of Acljustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception as requested, in Table7-SA, Note 7., Special Exceptions of the Zoning Ordinance, is granted for the site identified above subject to the following conditions: l. This decision must be recorded in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and is in the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. 2. All permits necessary for the prosecution of work shall be applied for within 90 days, or such other period determined by the Board and construction shall be commeuced and completed within two years from the date of granting by the Board, unless otherwise prescribed in the decision itself, or unless an extension of time is granted by the Board. No extensions may be granted by the Building Official unless authorized to do so by the Board. Neither additional notice nor hearing is required for granting a time extension. If any such condition is not fulfilled within the prescri6ed time, the decision remains in effect but is subject to reversal or modification by the Board without additional notice or hearing. This special exception is for an indefnite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of :any kind. ~ 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668~4441 • www.westu.org ;. Page ~ ' ZBA Decision, Docket 04-03 (Special Exception) Effective Date & Appenls: This decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented ~vithin 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: - Presiding O er, Zoning Board of Adjustment State of Tex County of '~f (~~-ri5 This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~~ 5 ~ (date) by Mark Plagens, Presiding Officer for the Zonin oard of Adj stment. ~ ~ Notary Public Signature (Personalized eal) SALLYE A. CLARK After recordin~ return to: Sallye A. Clark City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 Phone #: 713-662-5843 MY COMMISS{ON EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 ~ ~'J ~ :~ .~~ ~, ~ ~.~ = r- ~~~ ~=?-; ~ ~ ~ -~ \} r:-G ' : !tc ~ d ~,~ "Cm 1~v ...~ A 1 ~ t ~ ,~ Q X N ~ O q0 _~__. . V b , r -' 1 ~-- _.. .. _ . . : . . ... 1 • , ~ ~ . ~~ . 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C. 8A41'~b17~g SEf~VAY; • . 17'~ffiil~ S~1'18 /ltal~G ~ C81+rl~t I.D~i IpF BA~Df~-Q~AL~IED~ ~l7iD 1f~Lfi~ OI~ BOU2i~lA~lY~ AAfSTATKE~35?.I{"CV T~2~0~1HPR1~'~tTY • : ~ LiNB0~81l1DRR~80'~{rAA~; . - ' ' 77iE~iCSS~-~~L'AtAPKi~NOQITH~Y'TlIi80ir~R[C6Hpf~$VARDLSAST alsrANCB ~ sss ao~ 1n~aarvarrat~~c~ra~ou~ oa~t~t~x~asnsecuso~ ui7DYO3l8 a~tI.sss . ~ ~ ~ • ~ . •~ ~ ~ ~ : • ' . ' NIIPIqMiqN I~AfN MMICN AESiAICiS TIIE SNf, a~~iK. rn us~ a n~ o~sa~o a~x ; ' ~ m~enr ~ o~ oaa~ a n-~ s~rwoiuu ~~c~ u~x ~owu uw. • - • ' ~ ~-+E sT~re oF r~c~s / , ~ COUNTY OF KARRIS ' • . ~ ~~I~flrliiWMrh..flFO~f1~MmNrS~enemh~e.dMf~eim~ . ' ~. • .»W1~~~ ~M . . ', COIAy,Tllrpl ~.~r.nahaEtaaoEe.rae0~-A~Reararar~wpaqd-~rri~ _ . ~ i' TNE 1~ ~•iE~0~11AT1011, TH~s ~ .. JUL 16 2004 ' A~UM~MT Vwi•fqIN~1 PO ~ INADE~'y+Y.'. " , . _ ~ . , ~. . r~r T~E ~ r+~o~ro~Pr~c Rl~f~DU~ ~ ~,~ - ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ • ~ !i~`J1UME OF. IItE4~LIK, CM80N OR ~ ' . ~ ~ ~~~~. ~~~,~/ ~ . . . . ~ ~o CA1Y, D~01lB' ~~ ~•• cou~r c~K ' , . • , • , * • FW2RIS COUNTY, TEXAS Exniblt ~~A~~ ~. ~ ~ , ' J.M..H. Super Markets, Ync. • . . to . . . . . ~ , . ' ~. .~. Janet Cat^ter Wi l.son and Charl es Roy Wi 1 son ': ~ . . . ~ ~ ~. ~. . , . .~ . . . . . ~ ~ : - ~}.. . . ~ ' .. . . ~. ~ ' ~ ~ - ~ . Title ~ata ~TC 10.2"09':202.88 HA : U634472.004 •