HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled (22)~ ~ .~ W~38477 .~~r 03/31/03 100102255 ~C/ City of ~est University P1ace ~ ~ A Nei hborhood Ci 8 h' . ~ ReqcledPaper ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT '~ City of West University Place, Texas ("City") /~/ . DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE ~ ~ Address of Site: 2916 Pittsburg, Houston, Texas 77005 Docket Number: 03-03 513.40 Legal Description oJSite: The East 55 feet of the West 115 feet of lot One (1.), In Block Fourteen (14), of West ~ University Place, an addition in Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 444, Page 563 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. The West 60 feet of lot One (1), In Block Fourteen (14), of the amended Plat of West University Place, an addition in Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 444, Page 560 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. Permittee/Applicant: John Durrani Decision or Action Requested or Proposed: Request for a variance regarding Table 7-6: Projections Schedule, Note 3, Buildings in Rear Yard or SF Buffcr yard of the Zoning Ordinance. The request for a variance is to allow existing garage in the rear yard to be converted to living space (terrace). Notice, Hearing, Findings, vote: ( X) Required Notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning & Development Assistant, City of West University Place. ( X) Hearing held on: March 20, 2003 ( X) Required statutory findings made: Variance is not contrary to public interest; literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship; spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done. ( X ) Additional Findings: None ( X) The vote: Mark Plagens, James Jordan, Jeann Howse and Steven Segal voted to grant the variance, and John Rentz opposed. Dec:rsion of the Zorring Board ofAdjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Article 7, Table 7-6: Projections Schedule, Note 3, Buildings in Rear Yard or SF Buffer yard of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the applicant named above subject to the foliowing conditions: - 1. The request for a variance is to allow continued use of the garage including the bedroom above with the condition that no further development of garage structure occurs, but the existing outside walls may be removed on the lower tloor. 2. The new proposed garage is constructed in accordance with the attached site plan. 3. The applicant must record this decision in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and a certified copy is returned to the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. 4. All permits necessary for the prosecution of the work shall be applied for within 90 days and construction commenced and completed within two years from the date of granting by the Board, unless otherwise prescribed in the approval itself, or unless an extension of that time is granted by the Board. The Building Official may grant no extensions unless authorized to do so by the Board. This variance is for an indefinite period, unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org t~ ': ' Page'2 ZBA Decision, Docket 03-03 (Variance) Effective Date & Appeals: The decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 2.11, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: State of Te ~ County of ~~~~~ JOSIE MARIE OROSCO . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~~ JUNE 22, 2005 This instrument was acknowledged before me on~'~" ~~ (date) by Steven Segal, Presiding Officer for the ; ~' Zoning Board of Adjustment. ~ ~r~1s~ ~rc~ Notary Public's Signature (Personalized Seal) Filed in the Board's o~ce and original forwarded to applicant for recording Clark, Planning Assistant. ~~: ~./~Co /~ ~[~.cs _7-.~~ . ?o• ~~ 27a7Z3 l~s~ , ~x ~772.77 on 3 rvl 1~~~ , by: Sallve A. • ,~ ~ ~~ ~ a C" 'i7 ~ [.....~ -i~ ~~' " J - - ~ "7 C ;, ~ j ,~.,. ~ ' ~ C,~ - ~-+a + `~ " .,", ~ ~ `,' :~:~„ <~„ ~ ~ t' `'~ ~' - 3 J ~ _ ~ ~~ ~ •.~,; , ~ Y' N ;n N ~ ~ _ - o ` ' ' ~ n ° ~ ~ • I y = ,. ~ i ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ POOL I i ,~+,+ ~ ~ ~ ~ . j I ~ I O F• ~ O W x ~_ a s ~ O i . ' i ~ ~ 4' STUGGO FENGE ~ ~' ' ~ i ' '~ N tn ~ i ZO` REAR BUILDIN6 LINE ON STEEL P05T5 ~ ~ ~ - - -'- - -~'- - -I.. _ _ _ ; ~•~ . Z . : F-- ~ ' !1J ,. . I - `/ - ~ ' GHIMNEY NO GUTTER ~ EX15T. i .O U` ~• W O Q ': '. 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