HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA Decision 1995-12 Var (2)~ . ~ . . ~~~ - /2~ Forrn ZBA-202(04c:1wp511formslzUa202.54ori~ . Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West YJniversity place~ Texas ("City") bEG7SI0N 'PO DEN'Y A VARYANCE Addness of siie: 2631 Nottingham Lega1 descriptrof: oJthe siJe: Lot 2, Block 4, Evanston Addition BaildingPen~tit No: -N/A- Pernriuee/Appl~cca~t: peter Rozowski Decision or.4crio~i Requested orProposed: Request for a variance for a front setback of 19.5' instead of 20' required by the Zoning Ordiance for lots 110' in depth or less. No~ice, Hearrng, Fi~~dirigs, ~ote: ~ X~ ~equired notice given by: POSTING(Municipal Building & Property)~IL(Property Owners) ( X) Hearing held on: o r 95 . ( X~ ThC Vote: Porretto & Neal f0f, Minor, Selig & Hutchins against. Decrsion of !he Zoning Boa~ of A djustm ent (subject to aJl c~iplicable qppeals): Under and subj ect to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applica6le law, the varianco from Section7-2 Yards (or 'setbacks' ) Ordiance 1493 of the Zaning drdinance is DENrEb. ~ ~Rt~lin~s on individual required fi~dings (optional; u nequest for tliese individual re~lings »rus~ be timely mcrde): (1) Regui~d ~trding: "variance is not contrary~to public interest." () This finding could bs made. () T~his finding is impossible_ (x ) Unpersuasive proof. () Variance would be contrary to the public interest. ( ) Other: (2) Required Findittg: "duc to special conditions a literal Bnforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship." () Positive ~ndin~ could 6e made. () Positive finding is impossible. ( X) Unpersuasive proof. () No "special condition" proved. () No hardship proved. (~ ) pthor: (3) Reguired Finding: "spirit of the ordinance is ahserved." () Positivg finding could be made. () positive finding is impossible. (X) Unporsuasive proof. () Variance would not observe the spirit of the ordinance. () Other: (4) Requir~d F}nding: "substantial justice is done." () Positive finding could be made. () Positive linding is impossible. (X} Unpersuasive proof, () Substantial justice c~rould not be done if the variance were grat~ted. () Variance would have adverse impact on others. ( ) Other: (S) OtherRequlred FYnding (1'JAny); EfJectrve Daae d Appeals: 7'his decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning 8oard of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard. Houston, Texas 77005}, unless otherwise indicated above. Any ~appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicabie~ordinances and laws, including: the Zo g Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Loca1 Government Code. Undec Chapter 211, petitions for judicial rev' u te within 10 days after the d~te this decision is filed in the ~oard's of~'ice. ~Y~ A uest: IJ~W Chai man~ For e ning Bo of Adjustment Filed in the Boarr~`s o ice on _ . 19 , cnrd copies mazled (see mallin st at~acl:ed) ori , 19 ~ By: