HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled (3)~' ~ City of ~est Uni~ersity Place A Neighborhood City ~ Recycled Paper ' Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment ` ,~ City of West University Place, Texas ("City") 1 T~~ "~' r~~.~ Docket No:05-10 09/01/05 30p6868gvd 1 $~$'QQ ~.~'~~ ~~y , DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE u ~ Addressofbuildii:gsite: 6505 Mercer Street, West University Place, Texas 77005 a Legal descriptiai of tlie bui[ding site: The west 96 feet of Lot Seven (7) , in Block ~ Thirty-four (34) of West University Place, an addition in Harris "/ County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in volume 444, Page 563, of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. r ~~ '` n Applicant.• Gary and Susan Hanna ~ Decisio~: orAction Requested: Grant variance to allow the side yard to be 10' instead of the required 20'on the Pittsburg side. ~~ ~ Notice, Hearing, Determiitations, Vote: (X) Notice of hearing was given bv: regular and certified mail (to nearby property owners) and by posting on-site in accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant, City of West University Place, Texas. (X) Hearing was held on : Augus t 18 , 2 0 0 5 (X) Rec~uired findings and deternunations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: (N/A) (X) The vote was:~for, ~against this decision. Decision of t/:e Zoning Board of Adjustnee~it granting varia~:ce (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Table 7-2 : Yards (or setbacks ) of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VAR/ANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668~4441 • www.westu.org ~~~ c~u~r~ 5h~,11 be.l~u.i ~t on Cu~ r1i0~ I~o s~4ru . . I~° . ~hz 1 oi- wh~,r~ ~~ ~e.~c ~5t~~ ~u~i ~ arti ,~ ~,f ~~,I1~ a ~ locu~~! ' f ~ ~ ~-c~ ~h~ bi~ ~,~~~ ~ I~ ~ a Otlier Provisio~:s: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIItED FOR T E WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE ~ DAY FOLLOWIlVG THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE THIltD AIVNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED T]ME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAIl~TS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS . SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WTTHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIREMENTS (SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUII.DINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE tAPPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CTTY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORTTY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIltEMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION TMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFIl~iITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY NRISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AIVTENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTEll RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning VAR/ANCE, Page 2 &oard o'i•Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and ]aws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, CITY~ QF WEST i.~TI~RSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: 1 ~V~ ~ Presiding Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS ~~ ~ ~. i i tr nt was acknowledged before me on I U~._ (date) by (name) as Presiding Officer of the Zo ing oard of Adjustment of the City of West Universi lace, Texas. SALLYE A. CLARK ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 ~ ~i (SEAL) j~ My commission expires: (1 Tis instrument was filed in th~ Board's o~ce on copies were mailed to the persons on t)ze list on (N/A) ~er recording return to: Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #: 713-662-5843) ~ Title: VARIANCE, Page 3 and, if a nlailing list is attached, ~~ e~~~,~r ~'~ ' ' _ s ~ ~~ ~ , • , : C.r, ' ~ ~ • ~ ~ : ;. y~ =- ~ : . - ~ ~-:~a _ . . ~ • : .~ ' : ..-. • ..~ tl, ~ ~ \~ _ :{ ~.y lA ~ otary Publ' ~ , r i , ~ 't \ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' > ~~ ~ i" bY I ~ ~ p~~y kri ~ ~ ~4 ~ .~ ~ file properlY ePD to oa m en area 01500 yeer Rood o! f00 ysa~ llaod wlfh Seol e: 1" e~~ ~ en arersOS ~Pth ,:s+ fhan f/oot or wNh dra(nape aroe /ss~ fnsn ! sWere mlle a an _ arss Orolseted AY !e-aee lran f00 yeer llood end h~ Ins+rrance rats mec zons sheaed X ~~ ^1ep4B ZO/o D~ GDK ~ ~~ ~ 4-Zo- ~ ~ ~~°~~ ~~o~:n c~~v~ ~O~ pi0 ~ y x: - ~y s( n ~; 4 ~ ° ~ ~ ti;ii~'"~o ~. ~' na.-.sc:~ ~ « cu rn . tl. r.~ ~ .c^iu' w - f.~. ~; s~ ,: lLl rj ~-`,+ e i~' ~ c. ~ ~cu ~ v~ v LL ~ ~ ~cc '!' 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Sur~ey it not fo D~ rdied upon ony olAsr purpoaa - All lene~s ar~ g~pp0 unfear olnarwla~ nota4 - dm~n~/en flu hem Imprewm~nh fo preOrry Nnw ~n ~ I1 II C~!CU4fW and ~AaiM nof 0~ r~NiC upon Ib~ con~fNCtlon A~,/or r~mere~ o/ ~ny ~mpror+m.nro /nexainp Isne~s. T ~1 ~ ~..; ~ ~ ~ N • • ~ '' P o dL ~ ~'~ ~ • ~' ' ..i ~ !~ • ~ ~ N `~0 F T~~ ~ P.•• y =4'~G` ~ R ~qN , ~ nK IL ~~JOHN P~HORNE ~ .. v .....................r.... 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Alr MeDY~~l011~IF1p1~ NNdi I~Stpw7S nE 9uE FFlrtk oR uSE OF nE DE9tl~ED RFAI TM~ E$TA7E OF T~ dt A~CE IS NYi1L0 AID UIF~FA~F IIID91 FEDER~I UM COUNTY Of HARRIS I Mtbyp~y tl~el IM iipEnmenl ~rp FLID n fle number on Ihe dde ~od ~t lie 6~I1! stnlpOd he~lpi b~r me; ~nd r~s duy RE~ In Ih: OMd~I PubNe ikcords M Reol Prooerh nt y...~~ r,~nq Tex~s on SEP -1 1005 ~~a ~w 7 'bOr ,VElA~~~Ar`~~ J ~ ~~~ MARRISCOUN!Y iEXAS ~ ~i ~i