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WlSREAS, 1& 'br>1:n.ging Un.iversity Beuhvtal!'d to pt'oper grade .,. ill eonsilMtb,g the improvements en said stt'eet as provided in the ApJ:>!l 5, 194'7 contract wUh HoUa114,Pag$, cf>ntractor, it has W.u Bfl'ces:aatT to lower the gre.de of' said st1'"t in the 3700 Block tihereoa; aad the e~lst1ng dri~ en.trances therefrom to preparties abuttimg therean are sUbstantially above the new propel' a t"et 1...1'. and ~S, the property ownet's affeoted, e e.eh of' whom have het'etatore cooperated with the City paving program ad ha'ITe $'2I;$'CUtri meebe.nic 'a lien contracts to paNit and to provide tot' 1$e1mproveunt of' said street in front of their respective proper- ties, save requested 'l;88t ~he Cit, give them some assistance in the reeeostruetlon Ot' partial reeoutl'uetlon of theil."respee- tlve drivewa7. 8tlterlo.g off of University Boulevard, if the City could do so: :WOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY '!'HE CI'lY COMMISSION OF 'I'IiE CITY OF WEST t1lUVERSIfi puea, TEXAS: 1. The E1lgineel' t~l" title City 1.8 here~ au.tnorized and dir.eeted to issue to tlut e<m1H'aet-o-r, 8'1i'....r1zaUon fot' the recon- st~tiea of !riw1f8f'S Ell1ter!ng orr the south side of Ulaivera1 ty an addltlonal wl~; (e) The CltJ' w1l1i..,'~~the' e"Mehl' t_ etnt of neon... :- .:.,..~. ." ~ < -. . struet,1Qg such drive~;.<~:t.e ..... ot a dbtaQ~' .lllt au (6) feet frmn tu..~ .w.;~< ~,':'~~tthe ent te be on. tke basia r--- " .., Ii I 1 1111"1111 II.... --~Ii~"'" - ... ~~: ot~ ( 7 ()) cents pel' square foot. (d) b. the event the Pt'opertyoWt'lers desire their dl'ive- wSTs constructed fet' a distance of more than six (6) feet from the baeks;11ie of the cul"b, the work 1llaT be done, but it done, shall be at the sole cost and expense of property owners who shall make tne1r own arrangements with the eont~actor therefol'. 2. Tilat as the existing driveways referred to are of only four-inch thickness and shell aggregate concrete, and aN'_t~ 0..0.11;1013;, t:b.e &.'\llthOrlzat181l he1"ei1'1 granted and the pay_ lllG'n ~ the City as b.er:oeinabove previd&d, shall be. conditioned on tMpt:'.Op8rty owuers releasing the City fr01lt aay- and all possible claims for damages in connection wi'Gb., arising out Qf, or by viMiue of, the illlpt"ovement of said lJniTersity Boulevard and the con'Struction of said driTeways. 3. l'fiIat tlhe City Secretary is he-rebyauthorized and directed to advise the respective property owners of this offer by the City and the conditions thereof; and to issue the above authoriza- tion to the contraatop only after acceptance of this offer by the ~apepty ownera. _:sr _lSSlG_~ PASSED flUS 1'17 iL 'Day at .. '-. - ,..9/- 'f ' ~~ . );U. I ~SIH _O.NERS ,-' ....... 'v'" - .. ~ '-""v~"'~"iP ~ .~.. .~.~~~ Q."O~-oiJo. COMMISSIONERS . APPROVED Vatigg ne. thb~~.~l~~ ~,1~ MaJ!er I I ~. (f'\: .'" .J/#/ -~ ;~~~T1;rIQ~ tf cg - )-- ~,~~! ~f~'1 ,~t.~1~~1l 9f the 01 ty ~v~ ~o<at~ their !~!';l!i,r,~ ~'JU1~~Pf;t, ~ .~. 4~~~tIIf!t.ti.~n p~ knQW;ll as th!il B;J.ue Cr!ll~[:l iO/l~t,~ p;~, .~a ,~~~, ~~e;t' ~_e~l~~ Gt.ossH,~)flpi~l p~ aee~ain amQunt ~. ~~,~~e;t~ .~o/A ,''''~~~f!!~e.t '" ,w~~!dy o~fl~~~J$hly P&.1 cheek. ~~W~9~, >>J: LT ~~,L~ ,b1 ~ City G9I!11111sS!O,l,l. af the City of ~~s~ D)dr.e;t'c!iI~~y Plage ~t tl;le CUy 'f~surer b.!!, and he ~;t'.:by ie, "~.~~i~~.~.<~~~.~. r,'~.~~L!~ ~.. e "ho~~ 4~~i,~~!l,:~ :r;t~~s~;r~@a4Y ~he Blue Gross f . . "., . .. .;~ ..' , .. "'..' .' ... . . >>J~~pi~ Pl~, ~ t,~~:t .tJ1.~ ~o~t$ eolbethed ~ the innranee colllpall)" . rf:5 )}UA..-aj;~ Sf (r T 4f/p ~~7 /YJ~O~ ~-r-~- EBeLt1"r!ON t) 7]/3 . ~t'(f ~..... A RESOLUTTON AurHORI~I~ THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TREAsmrr 7/810CERTIFICf;,TES OF' TlIDEBTEDNESS, SERIES E 1948, DA~D JU~~ 1ST, 1947, DUE.~ 1ST, 1948, NUMBERS,2631.-2635 INCLUSDlE, FOR $10,000.00 EACH-- TOTAL *50,000.00; AJ\1D FOR':PHER AUTHOR~ TF..AT TEl!: FU1IDS BE REINVESTED IN UNITED STATES TREASURY CER- TIFICATES OF INDEBTED'NESS1-l/8't; AIID BELDIN ES- mmWAGREEll!lE}1'l' BY THE NATTONAL. BlllK OF COMMERCE OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, AS A .P-~RT. Or THE ASSETS OF '!'HE STREET PAVING-BRIDGE BOl\1D FOND OF 'l'.B]: CITY OF WEST UNIVER1t SITY PLACE, TEXAS. ~S, United States Treasury 7/81. Certificates of In- debtedness, S~ries E 1948, Numbers 2631-2635 incIQsive, for $10,000-.00 each, total $50,000.00; mature June 1st, 1948, and , WHEREAS, it is the d~sire of the City of West University Place, Texas, to sell said Certificates and reinvest the funds in united States-Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness 1-1/81. to be held in lllseroW'~agreement by' th~ National Bank of Commerce of Hous- ton, Texas, as a part of the 'assets of the Street Paving-Bridge Bond Ft:u,J.d of' the City of Wlilst Uaiversity Place, Texas NOO, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE: CITY CmlIMISSION OF THE CITr eF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'l'EXAS: That the City Treasurer be and. herebt iSliuthorized and di- rected to sell United States Treasu~y 7/80;. Certificates if Indebt- eahass, series E 1948, numbers 2631-2635 inclusive, dated June 1st, 1947, in the amount of $10,000.00 eaqh--tota1 $50,OOO.OO--which ma- ture on Jane 1st, 1948; and to r$~nv~st the fun~s therefrom in United States Treasury 1-1/81. Ce~i;i~t;i,~\?tesof Indlllbtedness to be held in eS6.l"{)W agreement by the Natiena1 Bank of Commeree uti Ereus- ton, Texas, as a part of the assets of. the street Paving-Bridge Bond Fund. of the Oity 01; Wl1lst University Plaoe, Texal3. ~ Passed and approved this the 31,~_ of May, A. D. 19480 .'..... Attest: ~ ' ..~/ Oity Seare . , ".", I,,., o,n....- I. RESOLUTION 1ft / f / , A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THH: SALE OF UNITED STATES 7/8 % CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDl\IESS SERIEs. E" 1947, NUMBER 994, DATEDJUNElST" 1947, Dr THH: Amu}lT OF FIVE THOUSAND ($$;000.00) DOUARS, MATURING JUNE J.ST" 1948; AND FURTHER A1Jl'HORiZING THAT THE FmIDS BE EEINVES'l'ED INCI'l'Y OF'\'lF.5T UNIVERSITYPLA.CE, TEXAS, swnJIllmm POOL FIRST MORTGi\.GE REVENUIi; BONDS, 1\,ND HEm IN ESCROW AGREEMENT BY THE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF HOUSTON, TEXAS" ASA FMiT OF THH: ASSETS OF THE SEWER SINKING FLW OF THE CITYOlF V'JEST UNIVERSITY PLAQE" TEXAS. WHEREAS, United, States 'Treasury 7/8 % C'ertificate of Indebtedness, Series E,1947, n1.1l1lber 994, dated June 1st, 1947, in the amount of Five Thousand ($$,000.00) dollars, matured June 1st, 1948, and ~~it is the desire of the City of West. Univer- sity Place, Texas, to sell said certificat.e and reinvest the funds in Cit.y of West University Place, Texas" S11Iimming Pool First Mortgage Revenue Bonds to be held in escrow agreement by the City Nation~ Bank of Houston" Texas, as a part of the assets of the Sewer Sinking Fund of the City of West University Place, TaKaS. NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved By the City Commission of the City of West University Place" Texas: That the City Treasurer be and hereb,y is authorized and directed to sell United States Treasu:ry 7/8 % Gertificate of Indebtedness, Series E" 1947; number 994, . dated June 1st, 1947, which matured June 1st, 1948; and to reinvest the funds therefrom in City of West University Place, Texas, Swimming Pool. First Mortgage Revenue BonEls.,to be held in escrow agreement by the City National Bank" of Houston$" T,exas" as a part of the assets of the Se'Wer Sinking Fund of the City of West University Place" Texas. PASSED ANID APPROVED this the 1'/ ~L day of J4"'e A. D. 1948. " ATTEST: ~~~ CI . SECRET. . :I~- r ,., II,' I! 1_ Ii 11;1<:111- lUll.. .- - ------=~IiI~~.,.r--- ~ !~ I, J j .~ ( \:,; .~.LpI." ta_..~ ".ft~_ &1". "'.. atr'. .-.... .~. .......u ;J ..J.-';'L ~J ..1\\....:",;."'.,;1.. , . . , .-; \ ,~1' :'t \ ,. i. -":: .i.... '. \~ I -\ ; (i1 '~ \;,< ; i :\ "\ 'j~~ '11 "i~ II:': !\l '\ " ! " \. , I . r\l li\ \ \ , '-\.': '\ ~ ~. \~ \. ''. .~; , , ." ; 'j ,b i" ! . .i \ , 0 ,/ q iO . ,\vl/' .:.. ~~(.u;~:.;' " ~,-_._,--.,.,", . ;~ ~~~~. ,^ -. .." .~ ,'... ',:" ..' ,. ~_, . -' r '... '~('_. , .'B:__...._....__.~._.._~WIR1.~ " . _ .- "2". ' '. ...,~ , . ,if" ., ... .. ... .' .: .'. . . Y,." .... ," ~JI'~." .....,:~. M14 tit.. .-.., I..::'~~.. .~.......~...__ot~ '1M.._~~* +~oIion--...... - ,..:-:....~.... ._,:t~ijlJd>l."IJlI]_ ~..... ..... _ ~ ....,. ,u._._,_\.. ,. ~ . ..'. ..... .. . ;~,.,\,..'.. . ... . -. fw:.......1tlUlJ... ' . ' "j' ~_...,. , - --- . ., -'.- . _,'II:~~..';~"ii,:"'r_~_'" ~..l.____""'" y, ._.Ti',iGIr\"'..~.~.I:m~i 1J......_rm...~__..~- _"till[l rr r"I1I111_.;"_" ~..ia\ ~~ s...__'.___.~..'_ ..r_.....:*~rmll\f. - .......~,.~ -.' It , ,l;. ",. -,_="!II-~r_=_ - ~. ....,...1t n_ "In~.. __ 4WJ..... ~ ~ .. ..'Hillt ... .~"l" .. __ At .. Glll.ll .IliSlFJal1t ....,.1'. ~ _1)__ .,.. :! , ;t. ...~.I..1iJ l 'I.....~ ~~' ~ ..-. .._~ tIt!'- 'UIIii ..... ~.u.J-.~. ~ .,', '\ ~~ :\ .' ,\ ~.--. r.~.._ j, '.' . . ., i M. _ ~ ._1_.....'. _.,~ ~ . lti1llfl'l' _ ~ .. .... __ "l~ ,Dl) _M~ ~ -~..- .... ~.. ....._ _ '11m D1A11Wl& .~~DD$ *1IIf _ ~. ....... __ _ lImtlai mne'fUlE DtiS ~ 110.. ,.. N. _.~ ..~__ ~ Pda'md ,tit} ~ ~ "", . = ~,~~ o.r_... WI"'" ~ ~JAfW .iQ~ _.....~ ""M._ _ _1_~ -"iJUrlllt-. -.. "..~: ....~_......~.._:..~.. .....__n.~-. . , . ...!J....'._{'~I&"...J;l.i1!Inf]l.~ ........ t..>>. "'~ _~ .w d_--~:.,'l'ltJll ......,.. ~......- ~..~, , . . . _ ,. ...,.,.r~""9"""_-"""JlI..n lITU ,1iIIII1I~ ~ . ~ "'. ~,..,.. "'~'-~'''-)l't.,.,_.1.- g tis ... of ........... .~ __~... ......... of... .~..~... ....,..11 J.t,....& ~ ... ., ....lI!hJl.....ot__.....,........ -. _fiVlta'U. ~ ...~. -.'J~!lt:t. __ ___...a. _4JIIIIRJ.tA'fM.eU _ ~ . -' . U flll..W JIm ~.1~~~"'__"".e tu ~ ....._...._,.\_'.,-'_~...-rI_ '.> ..,.."... fA> r\ 1 \. , -. '__" ,.. .. iln ttltdlu __.. MUfi8 ......'..... .... . . . ...0~~~ ~. . - .- '. .. ~}~/ - ~r-. n .- T" II I II I Inllll 1111IIII- -. --""1" ~~ . " . , ,~ "- --, )u t/- J -1 :BE IT DSOLVED by the Oity Oommission of the City of West Universit Place, ~exas, that it is the inte~tion of said Oommission that the follow- ing ~endments to the Charter of the Oity. of West University Place, ,Texas, , .'. Sha~l be submitted to tbS voters 'Of said- city at the neXt regularmuni::e:bpal . ele~t1on which ,will be held on. November 2nd, 1949; and that at a meeting -' to be held on September 27th, 1949. - at 7:30 p.m. at the Oi ty Hall of the Oity of West University Place., Texas, the City Oommission intends to pass .- \. an ordinance providing for the submission of said Charter amendments" to the voters at the next regular municipal election on November 2nd, 1948. T.IDll P1l.OPOSllD AMElIrDmTTS A:ElE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Shall the Oharter of the City of West university Place, Texas, and Section 9 of Article VII of said Charter be amended so that Section 9 of Article VII of said Charte:r shall hereafter read as follows: ARUOL1ll VII ' ELIGIBILITr. IDMINATION Am> EtECTION OF OFFICERS. SECTION 9 - INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS: - The newly elected officers at the first election hereunder shall enter upon their duties on the third Tuesday in January following such election; and at, subsequent elections not later than the third Monday in the month of November. If any such ' officerf'e.ils to qualify within thirty days thereafter. his o~fice shall be deemed vaeant and the vace.ncy filled as prescribed by this Oharter. 2. Shall the Charter of the City of West UniverSity Place, Texas, and Section 5 of ArtiCle XIV of said Charter be amended so that Section 5 of Article XIV of Iilaid Charter shall hereafter read as :f911omH .wICLE' XIV DEPAB!MI!lBT OF FINANCE SlllOTIQB 5 - FISOAL YE.AR: - Effective Ja.nu.a.ry 1st, 1950, the fiscal year of the Oi ty Government shall begin on the first day of January and sbe:ii end on the last day of December. 'j j }'. ,<(" ~:} . ~ ~ ,--:- t r: f.~ ~ ~ . !t: :' , ~, " I ['; f: ~., '. f r. r~ p. I'," k ,: f L t: r~.'. . r r~ [ ~. ,. , ( , , f.' t., ~:' f;::, f.; . ,~:' , ." "1;; ~_ ,,' t~ , 3. SballtheCharter ,'Of th,e City 'Of West Univers1 ty P1ace~ Texas, . "'. . .and Sect1onSo!Jirtic1e XIV of.llaid Charter,be amended sa that Section g ot.Ar~1;~i,e~t of . lJaid. :Charter shall hereafter read a-s follaws: . .A.Il!UOD XIV . .. . . mlPAUmmIJ! 'OF FINAHCiIl . '~ -" . . , '" . 3' "'.~' . ,sES-m.-m g ';';'_P__~.IJ1IOlf ANDADOPTIClT OF THE :BtJD&ET: -itam and after " Jan~i7 1st, 1950~'the foliowingproeedure shall g'Overnthe preparati'On , . -, -. - . . ~ . and aQ.Op:t-i'On.ef the bud:ge~t: Nat later than July' 15th 'Of each,7l!ar. the - .'. .. ... ".-. . .-,,-.. ". . '?i' deparilmeits ~da~e.i.es 'Of the:~lty- GOvernment sha.ll transmit estimates 'Of -their b~ietia17requ1rement-S t'O the department 'Of finance, which shall 'prepare ~ budget f'Orthe1J!rea:$'\U'er in the form required by the next pre- , . . , cMingSectionof thi~Charter/ ''!he~easurer shall t~~mit this 1:iUdget tethe Cammissien net lat--erth8.n August 1st, 'Of eaCh.year. The tXlmmis.si'On shall arrange. fer end hold at 1eastane' public hearing an the budget during the period 'Of i t8 c'Onsideration. !fhe' Oommissien ma;r revise, alter, tncrease,' or decrease the items of'the budget. provided that when i tsh8J.l i nerealJe thetb tal praposedexpenditures, it shapalso increase the total anticipated income se that the total means of financing the 1.mdget shaU:at least equal in amotint theagg:regate proposed.expenditures. When-the Oommission shall mak such changes, it 'Shall issue a statement setttng' forth' Clearly-its action on the budget. Not later . than. August, 31st, (if ea.chy-ear. theSommission shall approve the budget ,plan and shall ena.ct the appropria.tionordinance. As soen ~~a.f~ras 'PossiblethEi CGIlIlilissi'On shall> pass the t,aX levy or- dinance and such other ord1tlanees. asmq be required to make the budget e'ffective. '" ,. '" "'. '" . . III . '" _. "', '" '. III .'... '" .. '" III '" . '" '" tit . III !l!hisresolutien ~ll"be publ1shed'.ln the manner and for the ',' , . tiJile proVided, in Artiele U71. of. the ~/edCivil Sta1iUtes of Texas. ..' . lassed and apprt).ved this,:J-.. day 'Of September. 1948. by a.. . veteot ....3 aves. ' ~J '.0 ~/ , Maro~,~/lof W'~u~i~aee Am!ES~T. ...... ..~ ...... . ~,;..........., (? Qit~Secl'8:t , '. '.. .. . r-""- -..,.~ -----.......-~ - - "I~ ..l -1l_.LL:.J~l~. 'II' , ,t' (' ,/""' '; RESOLUTION 'I 8 - :r Resolution by Commissioner ~~-'~./ WHI.1iREAS, the C:i:~y Commission has heretof'ore retained the services of Edgar E. ~o~es, Jr., as additional legal Counsel for the City to handle legal proceedings in con- nectionwith the paving prejeet in which the City was in- volved, te-idt, the pavement: of Rice Boulevar<il. and Wake- forest Street, as heretofore ordered paved; but no formal " reeor<il. was made of such employment ; and WHEREAS, all services required' of ,said special Counsel have been performed 'and said paving project com- plEited; NOW, THEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WES~.;UNIVERSI 'fi " PLACE, TEXAS, 1. That the actio~ of the eiivy'Comm:i.ssion in re- taining Edgar E. Townes, Jr., as addi:tiqnal legal Counsel for the City in connection with the p~~ing proceedings ~or the im- provement of Rice Boulevard and Wakeforest Street, be and the saJlle is h~,ebyra tified and c0nf'irmed'E" all things. ~". Thatsaidadditiona~legal Counsel be compensated fQr his "services in connection with said proceedings by pay- ment of a sum ,equivalent to 3% ef the first $25,000 amount of , the contract let to Russ Mitehell, Inc~" and 2% of the con.- tract ameunt above said first $25;!OO€h" SECONDED BY COMMIS,SIONER' . ~. """--;" , ~.:' ,. (7_ PASSED tlUs @..Q:. day efSeJj)tember, 19lt8. . , -d..! APPR(ffl!;D this ~. day of ae::P;l:5 ~/ " Mayo ~ n ,..-....,.'~ -~-......,., III 1IIIIIa.. -'r'r~ ,- ~ f'" r-' ,- , , (ki" , " , - , " ___J;~ . BE I!i' R!!1~()IiVED by t.'I1eCity Commission of ,the City of West , , .' ,"' : . .' . uhi;V~rs~~i)( :l?la,~. Texas ~that, 1" - ~.. . -;. . Pu:rsuan,tto tp.e pr~vi~~of Section 6 of Article VII of . ," .' .)f:' ," . . Cityqharter of theCit,y of West University Place, Texas, notice is gi"Vi:ln'of 'tne'hbiding cia regular municipal election in s8id City on the 2nd day ofNoveml:>er,1948. 2. ,,",' " :~i;t~~..: :-~ . Thepresidi~>rudge at su~heiection in Precinct No; 133 . sha.H be Harry Daw$on and the presiding Judge at' such eleotion in . :;,.r, 'pr~c.inct ~o. ,87 shaJ.lbeF. A. Huweiler. , , , , , , ,PASSED A..'WAP}"RCVED this the 27th day of September, 1948, by ,8, vote of ,~.aYl?s o~~..~ . . ~'" -, . , .. .. , ." . . ~ . " , .,,' , MaYbr~ .,' ,'the City of ~UniversitY , Place,Te~s. ' , t, A~ ~'.e'eta> .. ~;,,~.,~/ .'<~ ~' -'-;-~ '-)~~' F'-~ . ...; -' , -.iI ,r, .. Iftf'.-/O A ~ Athu#\,pC' A IIPIIf fi.ft.ID ...",.. _..VA." * em,.. art , _"m~... .-'., , ....~. I....., .~_'.... ' . r.' '. . l' ~". .' ,~'~htl"""", 1'948., .. .. '.....u' deeIIed i' tdrisa~. '* hUe' .el~~wS...,,~ ~ pI!8p8..... '... " ~ . , . . ., , ....... ~'Z;' ~~ fte: CUrs CUsldUac ~~i- _~~'tepnpuoe'saW"p1u,"'" ',' ""'~" ~ z. .1..... has,...,.... ... n1:attWd to .,Of.1t ~n ........ ,..ap, ... ..marts ,........._ te .. ...-'.. ~'.ad:t, ...'" bl u..'U'IJ'- W'eR '1nl~t.J' =~=:~'_,el.:"~ ,...,'01.'"'''''' ~i~t~" , ' .'" RIf. ......~. n Bi:StUD _,. em CR$'" .. ,!B UlD.. war:ibr4'.'U'll RIB; mAS.', ,.' .......' NJIOri~ u~ ~ _;ctv Pavbc few st. ., .., 1fa1~. na-, ~, ea. ~cI br '....,'~ .tr Itoa, , >>. 1. '.... ~ "'t'that ~~ ..'...'...".... tor all .......',......' , '~.~ ~t1da "wetto;. lfMw'ot '....,. fIr~' ......... '1'1de.., ' ' " '" .... ..,'~, th18 the.~ ..,. or 1.... , .~L_"',,' ", ....., ftf.7.r...... WUJ:~. na... , .,...,' ' .,...., ,','.,.~;::" ;Jl ~ "';f", :-. (a B j"J,) ".' , ~~ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, heretofore, the City of West University Place, Texas, has been charging for s~Nage facilities furnished the Houston Independent SchoolDistrict~ for West University Elementary and Pershing Junior High School, a nominal charge which does not reflect the true cost at furnishing such sewage facilities and, WF..EEiEAS, it is desired to fix a sewage charge more nearly reflect- ing the, value and cost of furnishing such facilities, and WHEREAS, the ordinance prescribing sewage rates for dwellings in the City of West University Place is inapplicable to tli'e'iWest University Elementary and Pershing Junior High School, and NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Collllllission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that effective from a.'1d after the first ;;; day' of September, 1948, there is hereby prescribed as a charge for furn- ishing sewage facilities to the West University Elementary and Pershing Junior HiglnS~hool, the. s-qm of. $50.00 per month, with the proviso, however, that during the months that the school is not oecup:led and 'used, no charge shall be made said District for sewage facilities. ATTEST: ~~ ?/~.. ...... .!(i..*-./ Cit .,','ecetary Passed and approved this 25th day of October, 1948, by a vote of 3 ayes and 0 noes. APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney .~---~- - -.-1 'I -iil liilll.. - -- -.-- ~'Iil'~ - ~ . /t,r-, Iffj~/I A RESOLtiTION'AUTHORIZlNG-AMFDIRECTINGTHE-SAI;E"OF Fm. um:TElt'STATEs~TRE:mlRT1::.;.;1/8%, CER'l'IFIDA'l'EsUY"nmEBT~S, 'SE!UE$J ,1949, 'BU.IilBEI!ED ,1033~ ,through. 10336,' ,INCLu,SIVE, DA'l'El\} JUNE 1, 1948, IN THE,TOTAL ~ .oF FIIfi-mOUSAND OO;r..LARSr AND FURT$R AtJ'l'HORIZINQ, AND.DIRECTThlGm'I' THE FROCEEDS FROM THE SALE, .oF SAID CERTIFICATES" ,INCLUDING INTEREST Am> PB.1!:MIUM BE, DEPOSITED TO THE, CREDIT OF THE CITY OF fiST IDl1VERSITY PLACE, STREET PAVING BRIDGE, BeND, , SERIES, 19~6 FOND, NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, HQUSTON, .TEXAS, ,FOR TEE PURPOSE OF ,MAKING PAYMENTS TO,RlJSSMITCHELL, INC., ON ITS CONTRACT, FOR THE PAVDlG .oF tJNlVERSITY BOIJLEVAml. lJHEREA.S" the. City of West University Place, Texas, is the. owner of five bertain Umted sta~til Treasm-y 1-1/8% certificates of indebte~ss, series 1949, ntIIIlbered W332 through 10336, :inclusive, iR the total amount of $50,000.00 and, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of West University Place, Texas, to effect the sale of said certificates for the purpose of securing .funds to make paymemt upon a legal obligation arising out of a contract here I tofore executed between Russ Mitchell,. Inc., and the qity of West University Place, TexllS, for the paving of a portion of University Boulevard in said Cit,y, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City COllDIlission of the City of West Universi ,. Place, Texas, that the City Treasurer Gf said City be and he is hereby autho ized and directed to ef'fect the sale of those certain five Un.i:I~ed States Treasury 1-1/8% certif':l.eates of indebtedness, series 1949, numbered 10332 through J.0336, inclusive, in the total amomrt. of $50,000.00, and that the City Treasurer be and he is f'urther authorized and d,irected to effect the ! . ..."""it ~t the ........... """ the oale .t sa..., seeur:L,. 't~es, including interestj and PreJll1U11l to the credit of the City of West Univer8J.ty Place, Texas, Stree Paving Bridge Bond, Series 1946, Fund, at the National Bank of Commerce, Houston, Texas, for the purpose of making ,payment to Russ Mitchell, Inc., of I the amount awing to Russ Mitchell, Inc., under the terms of that contract h tofore executed bet_en the City of West University Place, and RussMitchel1, Ine.., for the paving of a p'ortion of University Boulevard in said City. Passed and approved this 8th day of November, 1948, by a vote o:f 6",:' ayes and C7 nOAl'I. L~Lk~ A~~ <;;:::: '., (., , , ._C-c",' ,::""'~~/ c",y' e,cre 'art ,I; ~ APPR6VED ,.A$ 1'0 FORM: Cl~e~r RESOLl1TION 1//-1'-- WHEREAS, there 'Were submitted to 'tihe, qualif'ied voters of the City of West University p;l,.aee, Texas, at the general eleetion of November 2nd, 1 , lS411, -propesed.-."_ _ of the Oi", of -. Universit1 Place, "texas, A copy-of such proposed amendments being attached hereto, and' WHEREAS, each of such proposed amendments was approved by the I major:i.ty of the quaJ.ified voters YOUng Cat said election, and WHEREAS, all legai requirements essentiaJ. to the adoption of said. Proposed ameBdmeats to the Ci.ty Ch,arter of the City of West University Place have been aceomplished in ae.cerdance with law, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commissi~ of the City of West Univer- si.tyPlace, Texas, that the said ameDdements to the, City Charter and each of them be and the same are hereby declared to be adopted. PASSED AND APFR6VED ,this ~ daYOf~! 1948, by a vote of .:2 AYES and to l\Tt)'!i:S ~d~/ J 0 J:: o~'West U, 'ers:r:yo Place, TeXas. ATn3ST: Ci~"Se'Cretary APPlWVED !S TO FORM: k~~ k4~ Oi:. AGrney ,., "'" ", I I I f: ,." r~~.~ f r-", ~' I' , ~ ~.. " ~ . ::~ t' 1 ~ '~:a...... . RESOLUTION '/ g - / !:J . A RESDIUTION CONFIRMING THE AWARD OF STORM SEWER CONTRACT BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY FUCE, TO HOWARD T. BARRY AND APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF ~S5'~1l.22 FRoM8T0RM SEWER BOND FUl'ID SERIES 1948 FOR THE Pom'OSE OF PAYING THE "COST OF SUCH CONTRACT AND mC:IQJl;NTALS THERETO. WHEREAS, ,en November 15th, 1948, the City of West University Place:, Texas, awa~ed to Howard T. Barry, as low bidder, a contract for the const-ruction of storm se-werswithin the City of West University Place, Texas; WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, to evidence such award by fQrmal resolution and ....,.,...' to designate fundS from mich payments under said contract are to be made as well as to 'provide for the payment of incidental amounts including , , engineering,:fees and other costs, now therefore, ';'BE IT :RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Pla~e, that the aWard of a storm sewer contract heretofore made on November 15th, 1948, to Howard T. Barry, be and the same is hereby eonfirmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there shall be appropriated and there is hereby appropriated, the sum of $55,811.22, out of storm Sewer I Bond Fund Series 1948, :eor, the purpose of paying the said contractor, in 1 accorda."1ce with his bid heretofore submitted and also such incidental pay- ments including engineering fees and other fees 1ihich may be properly charge I I able under sai-d contract. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ ~ day of November, 1948, by a vote of s e; AYES and .~ . '.", ,,'~, ~':'''--'~ Ci:Lty ecre' "', ' / / ," t. ~, '" - n c=-I--- r , , l I III 1 111 III, un.. '~I'r~ ..-. ---, 'L 12-27-48 ........Jtt"'. .C> Ljlff- /f f1~~~' RES0LUTION by Oemmissioner wi:$REAS.the City Oemmiasien has heretof'ore retained the sel.'!'viees of EdgaJ:' E. Townes, Jr., of the firm 0'1' Tow-nes & Townes, as adti\:itional Legal Counsel for the City, to handle legal proceedings in connection with various street paving projects in whieJa the City was and is involved; but no formal record was made af sueh employment; and. WHEREAS, all services required of said Special Counsel have been perfermea ia eennecUon with certain of said projects; and al~ s-ervieas requil'ee. 01' said Speeial Counsel to date on the val'ious progressive steps ill each ef said other pl"ojects have beeEl. perfermed'J NOW, THEREFORE, BE JlTRESOLVEJi) EY TEE CI'1!l COMMISSION OF TEE GI'FY OF . - WEST UNIVER&Im: PLACE, TEXAS: 1.' That the aetten of the City Commission in ret-aia- lug Ed.g'ar E. Tewnes, Jr., of the firm of Townes & Tewnes as adliitlonal Legal Counsel fer the City in connection with the variouS' paving proje,ets aad proceeding:s set forth arui identified eEl. the at'tache-d list be, and t:ne s'ame is hereby, ia all things ratified aad c0nri~d. 2. That by agreement of said S~eeial Counsels in a eo,operati'lre ef'f'ort_ to m11flimize the cost to the, C~ty; the eon,tt'act priees of' said- varlousprejeets shall be considered, for the purpose ofe"aleulating compe-Qsation, in the aggregate, rather than each being treated and censidereli separ>ately aad independently. That salli addit1enal Legal G(i)uasel shall be cElmpensated fot' his , , sef':vlees in eonn.e'ctian witl'l said p",oj:eets 'byu P8ymeut of a sum equiv.alecnt to 3% of the first '$25,090 af the aggregate amount of said eoat~aet&"at:ld 2%.01' the aggregate amEluat af said contracts aoeve sai-d first $25,000'. J.<:: -::n -,g,lj 'c 3. That said compensation be paid as fallows: a. On projects involving assessments against property owners, one';'half I) l' the cGlllpenaatien based on the ~.t of thecontraet shall be paid UpOI1 passage of the' ordinance .le~ing assessments; and u.pon completion or the particu.~ar pr~,jeet, the total eompensation tb.&reen shall be calculated on the final estimate of w@rk actually done and the unpaid balance of saia. total compensation' shall then be paid; provided, however, that il'l the event of medii'icati.o.ti-or abandonment 0 l' the pro jeet, the eompensa- ti:on for said Speeisl Counsel shall not b,e' ,less than said leitlal payment the'reon. b. On projects trot lnv-olving asaeasme-nts against pt'o'perty owners; on,8,-half of the compensation based on the amount of the eontract shall be pai~ upon award, of the oontract; and upon completion efthe ptl.rtlcular contract, the totnlcompensa.- tiElnthereon shall be caloulated on the fi~l estimate of work ac tnally done, and theullpaid bala Qoe af sa! d tata.l e Qmpellsat ion shall theQ be paid; provided, however, that in the event of moliif'ioatien Or_abandonment of' the pr..ojeet said compensation shall o.ot be J.;ess than said initial paplBmt thereon. 4. A su,bstantial part li)f the serv1ces having been performed on, eaeh 01' the listed prejeetis, the Ivlayer ana City Treasurer are hereby autherizea, ta pay to anli Speoial Counsel the aeci-u.ed port-ions61f ,thece~eDSation provided ~or, on compu.. ta,t10n there-of bjl'th.e City Secretary-Engineer. S. The. fot-egeing ,dee,s ,.not cover or include extra aftJ:'vj,.es such as litigation or ether outside work not generally inciiellt to assessmeat pt'ooeedingsor other proeeedings bef'ops t;he City C8mm1ssij!).u; but such ml3,tters, if'any, shall be haedled 011 a lPlilr dieDlor other reasonable al'.l.dmutualljl' SEOONDED by Comm1.ssionet'...- PASSED this ..l1-day 0f l}_eee.er, 1948. APPIWVED thla2:l- day , I agreeable fee '7t p ./Jf;:l If: \/ bas is. -3- --'-"- --".1--..U....J...J,J....u.L. .l.IlUII&.L 12-27-I+H PAVING PROJECTS, AND PROCEEDINGS ON WHICH TOWNES & TOirJNES ARE RETAINED . 'AS ADDITIONAL LEG_~L COUNSEL FOR THE CITY _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Parts of University Boulevard, Sections 1, 2 and ~; initiated April 20, 1948 by Ordinance No. 371. 2. Parts of University Boulevard and Rice Boulevard, Sections 3 and 5; initiated 'April 20, 19~8 by Ordinance No. 371. 3. Parts of Milton Street and Rice Boulevard; October 25, 1948 by Ordinance No. 423. initiated ~.. Various ffsJdpstl on: a) . Academy Street; Initiated June 21, 1948 by Ordinance No. 389; , b) Marquette, Villanova, Southwestern and Tennyson Streets; initiated August 23, 1948 by Ordinanee No. 39~; . Swarthmore, Byron and Case Streets; initiated September 27, 19~8 by Ordinance ND. ~07; c) 5. City participation in cost of side lot paving under private contract: a) Academy Street, University Boulevard to Richmond Road; May 10, 19~8 appropriation by Ordinance No. 379 , h) Academy Street, Southwestern Street to Uni~ersity Boulevard; Oetober 8, 19~8 appropriation by Ordinance No. ~12; 6. Intersections and City Property: a) Amherst Street City' Hall property; November 19, 19~8 authorization by Ordinance No. ~30; b) Intersections on Academy Street North of University Boulevard; contract awarded 'May 10, 19~8 by Ordinance No. 378 c) Intersections on West Point and College Streets; contract awarded May ___, 19~8 by Ordinance No. ____ d) Thirtyfour intersections on various streets; contracts awarded October l~, 19~8 and'October 25, 1948 by Ordinances ,Nos. ~16 and ~17; e) Intersection of Weslayan and Southwestern Streets; contract awarded October 25, 19~8 by Ordinance No. ~19.