HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.47 . ~ ~, " " "C,' .....1, ,.'W,.."" ',"" \11, '1 f.:-.-;!.-- ~""""",: 'I7~ / A.~BEOOI.1}UONESTABI.ISHING RATE$ TO BE l'lHARGEfl FOR BtJILmNG PERMITS, PL.I!'l'G PEBn'l'S, WA'rER METER AND TAPPING CHARGES, TAX CERTIFICATES AND USE OF Ai:mREsSOGRAPH MACHINE WI'l'HIN THE om OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ANl), AU'rHOR:IZI~m AND DIRECTING THE Cm:.LECTION TEEREOO. ''VmEREASt,b,e~e _:.~afged for varicil:s permits and services 'Within the Oity of West YniV6rsfty P1.ac~ nOt ~icient to cover the cost of this service. and , '---....-r " 'WHERE~S the City is now in process of preparing amendments to ordinances which cover these fees 'Which "Wi.1l take considerable time and delay,; N61IIT; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Plaee, Texas I That the charge f'Or building permits shall be as follows: Residential - Minimum $8.00 on. new construction for first 800 square feet and allinexc~e, of 800 square feet 1/2 cent per square foot. New Cemmercial Gonstnction - A minimum of $25.00 for first 900 square feet. All in excess of 900 square feet at one cent per square toot. . Repairs and AdditiOns - Minimtim of $3.00 'Which shall incluQe 300 square feet. ATJ.iY job in excess of 300 square feet to be considered as new construlOition.' ' II That the charge for plumbing permits shall be as follows: ... Minimum permit f~ $3.QO which shall include inspection of service lii1e~ $1.20 each for all fixtUres including'water closets, lavatories, Urinals.., s~s,> wash sinks, catchbasiJ;u;l,'greasetraps, acid traps, &haw&rs" 'rliror ~ain5, refrigerator drains, dririking fountains or a.IlY fixture wherein waste is connected to sanitary seWer, and als,,! all gas .rired lwtft.ter heaters. All gaS outlets 25 cents each. , 'Mi.rlimwn ,charge of $2.50 'Will be made for, each reinspection if n0t reaqy- or building 'is locked or any other reason of 110 fault of the City. III SEWER SYSTEM - A. Mains shall be extended at the expense of the ~r 'With the city furnishing all engineening witlwut eost except for com- plete sub.-di.visiQns Yihieh shall 1ae subject to approval and inspection of the City Engineer. ' B. Sewer taps to be made by plllllllbing contracter and inspection fee of $1.50 each. IV WATER - Mains, no charge Wiill be malie 'for 'Wait.mains. 'Where e.:xitensions are necessary the city wd.11m.., extens-ions 1d:th0u:t charge for 100 i':eEl,t,; in exc~Sli! of 100 feet~resiQenee a charge ot 80 cents per foet for 2" C,ast Ii'GElllJ;ains w.H.l be maae. Service line charges:are asfollowst . ...... 3/4" 1" 11/211 2'11 $15..00 18.,00 .3~OO 4{)~ :," / '" ,.,' ",-~\ " .-~.-==r'I I I. I 11 1,1 III 11I111.... 1"IfflrrT11'" '" ~,.,~' '\~""e'l, ~, . \"f>':'~i "" ','1'. ',' ....{II ";;"1 ~:':~:.~r""""~ <' Met.er eharges to, b'e~s f ollOWB : 314ft 1ft 1 1/2" ,2ft $i8.G0 ' It.5.00 1$;.-iO 125..00 . v TAX GElitTIFI~A'l'ES - $1.00 eha.rge, for each tax certificate. VI AmmESSOOllAPH - The ren.tal fGr 'USe Gf the addressograph will be one Geitt {~)'p6'li" name t'orplates used by any person, firm or corporation 0thertban tm City of West. University Place, Texas. The City Secretary ami City treasurer be and Eire hereby authorized and directed to put the above rates into effect up0n. a,proval and'passga of this resQ1ution. P~ED and APPROVED this the ~~tI ~ of January, 1947. ~,..... 4~/ , YelR ATTEST: . ~# U;';h ~ " --~ ' ---c:7 . ~ ': A'~ . ., ". >><""';"~'yc.;_, :~', . ~".""~,; :":hJ.:. , .~~~";....;s.'~_~.L...~:-_-<<t- .;~" _ .---- ~-=~ ./~. / ~, ~, ,~UT:wN !he~-oll&1I!ng reso.1ut::bm was passed at tAe reguJ,ar meetiJlg ~;ftllleWest;,Uni:VH$i.ty' PlaeeCivie C111lb en Febraary 13, 1'47: ~faaa.g1'e~nt Eixists between the City ~f West . - - . lJpi"llUSity 'ii~ ,~ the' HCillllllten Light1Bg &Pewer ,O~mpa,ny, under ~ ".". the 'i;~. ~f*..tbe .HGlistm Lighting & Power CempatV is ,ob1i- gate6.ile iD:sta,],J;,ma.iAtain 8114 operate a eertain number af street '~w a:t fie sele coat and expense, and th~re is new due the , ' el.~,.\~'f1fest UD1ve-r$ity Place 1UI.der such agreem.~t appmJdms.tell" \"~' ~. ij:. ltgkts; and 'WHEREAS, during the latter part of 1946 the Houston I4ghting & Fewer Comp-may. was wil.l1ng, able amd reaQy te install . the street li~ts, and in faet ereeted. a number of poles, With the iat.ention et :t'1i1f!l11ng its part of the agreem.ent; and , ~, a lIl'IlUIIher af eomp-J.a1nts 1I'8re filed w.Lth the G1.ty Gfnmeil, as somapersens objected eitker tlD the ligh'ts or ,to the pol.esbeing adjaceat te their property, as the rQs1lllt ot niek, the enti,re P1'8fF&111. at ereeting street ligIilts 8S stepped; SJad '~, it is n~eli!sary fer the ecmfort, saf.et,.;V.amd. w~fJillg of the, residen.'ts of West University~ee;, fexas,' that the city.lW1 be ;well-l1..ghte!l1,and a,Jllade'rity af ths , ' citi,seaa .,d9rire tloa't, there, be adeqWi.-te' sweet 1:1.g1&:ting t ::Wtae~~~=~::7.;;=:~=~~' and '~~ft:t7 e.~ll, Qt 'West)._s~iY,,~, ~~~:m& Uilla.n:iiIiou:~>~ed ~...t ltsr~~__ling OJ!. F~ar'\lS>17 13, #;: 1'49. '1-. ., ~ ----<.L.-.il .........,.....J..I.................. c.--.. " ,=, ;, ~TION fl-~ WHEREAS, it is the will and desire of' the City Oo~sion ot the City that all elaecks 'Fawn on any and all accounts in a.uy and all banks in which the ~.C. Cit.y has depElsits, sllouid be drawn and signed by either the Mayor, Ralph B. Lee, '" or the ~ar Pro 'rem C. P. Lanmon, and c01mteraigned by the City Treasurer C. E. Gammill, and the City Secretary, J. H. Bright or Assistant City Secretary Louise ) , L. Lucas, Defore ar.ry payment shall be made by any such bank on any such check, i, ex-eept cheeks drawn on pqroll accounts \1hich sl1aJ.l, be drawn and signed by said City Treasl1l'er and said City: Secretary or Assistam. City Secretary. NOW, TllEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV"..::D by the City Commission of' the CIn OF' WEST UNIVERsITY PLACE, 'fEXAS, that the Mqor, b-lph&. Lee, or Mayor Pro-Tem C. P. Lanmon, shall have exclusive power and authori t.y to drawr,and sign all checks on all bank aeCQ1mts o~ the City otWest University Place, and that the City Treasurer, C. E. C'Ja:mi!lill, and the City Secretary J. H. Bright or Assistant City Seeretary Louise L. Lucas, shall have exclusive power and authority to coUnterSign sl1ch checks; except checks drawn on payroll acco1lllt', which shall be dr~1m and signed by snd City Treasurer and said City Secretary, er Assistant. City Secretary; 8l)d t.hat no check shall be a valid check of the city, unless either the Mayor or the MaY0r Pro-Tem signs the same and the City Treasurer and the City Secretary or Assista.n:t City SeCrI'8tary G0Unters:l..gns :it; excerpt all provided herein in regard to s8.id payroll checks, 1IM.ch payralleheeks llhaD. be valid when dra.'llI1 and signed by said C:l..ty Treasurer and said City Secretary or Assistast City Secretary. AlID, BE IT FURTHER RESO,LVlID that the City SecretlWY be direciied to fur- nish each bank w.i.th -.bieh the City traasacts say lDusiness a true copy of this resalut:l..on. PASSED and APPROVEil this the 11 da,y of Fetl~ A. 1)., 1947, by a vote of 5 Ayes and. ,110 J'iiees. ~~A.! ATTEST: c~ i' ........~". ~, -..>.-....--.J-I,......~........-a- r Excerpt,from minutes of Harch 10" i947". as recorded on Page 103" Minute Book 8. "Motion by Gomm. Armer" seconded by Mayor Lee" to amend the resolution setting the, price for the use of" the addressographmachine, the City furnishing an operator" at $15.00 for non~profit organizat~ons. Comm. Lamnon made a motion to amend Comm. Armerfs motionjl - to m~e the charge a flat rate of 1/2 cent per plate, with the City furnishing the operator. This motion was seconded by Corom. Hamlett. Voting on Amendment to motion: Aye: Mayor Lee, Gomm. Larunon, Armer, ,Douglass & Hamlett No: None ' Vot:lngon the original motion as amended: Aye: Mayor Lee" Comm. Lanmon, Armer, Douglass & Hamlett No: None , ~~=-=-==--'=--==--:n -------r -~ --., I 1\, I II IlilllR' .mm....f"l"!" ~~ ~ L/1-~ RESOLU'l'ION 'WHEREAS, pending legislation contained in S. B. 188 and H. B. 370 propeses to create a state Board of Plumbing Examiners; and, WHEREAS ~ sa d Board would take over the powers of municipalities to examine and licinse master and journeyman plumbers: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Commiss1,on of the City of West University Place go on record as opposing the passage of peilding legislation contained in H. B. 370 and S. B. 188. pMiSED AND APPROVED this the /~ of Apr:n, A.D. 1947. MAYOR' ' ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY \ \, 1" , ~ { J"''<'lJ f.".;)~. "\ I i 1- cf A Il.ES0LmeN RATn'IING' AD APPll.€lVIB& SGBTIlAGT WITH UR.ALD I1fJRA ,FG TB e:ilfSlllVCfIiN iF G0B.ETE~IDU ElVER FfDl!lR FAD DUBB GIN or_IT! BIllULEVARD IR 'fJIE GIft OF WE.ft mlEl.W:T! PLACE. ilEREAS, 'after_te of A~t 1.6, 1946, eoatract was eatered into \)etweeB 1ihe CUr ot West lJBivenit;y Place ad Brmm aad Root, eeveriac the _outructi.aet a "Bcrete Dri.~Cl~rP~ FarJI DUaea lJalv~1t;y leu... vaN. 1n the eU;y of West lJaiversit;y Place, aafi ' DEIlEAS, oa00t0ber 38, 1.'46, Bro1ilJl and Root w11ih alFElyal of the CU;y ot West lJDiversity Plaee, assip"'the aoove JleDtieaed. coBtraet to Gerald JIera.; BeW 'fllDEFfm:; BE IT USeLVED 1;hat the coatraet betveea 'the' Cit;y of West. lJDivers1t;y Place &ad. BhwD aa4 i.eot, as orip.~ !itX8~tefi OR A~tl.,l'46, &ad assiAed :'to Gerald ~,as ~ iotober 30, 1946, 1M, od it laereb;yis ratit1efi ad appreved 1n all reapeeta. PA.SSED aad APPIUilVED this 26th da;yotlfay, 1'47. ~~~~ ~.~.=Of>.. ..=.na... TEXAS ATTEST: t' ~~ CIn BE' ,..' .<' ',', , " ','ii';' _: - . -. -.... . c- - " ;ITI iI... lUil.: j,IIl.AI: liinl'lliTTrTl'l '. 'r',)',/ ,/ . oY{ tf' 7- ~ A RES@LWION ~ THE SUM OF $lO,QE}@.OO WIeR HAS BEllIN' ~PRI!lPRIAT.ED FOR THE GENERAL FWD'ro THE PmteHA~ 0i' TWill GARBAGE TRl1CKS Fell. VSE IN, THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of West Vn! versity Place, Texas is badly in need of 'two garbage trucks to properly serve the residents of sueS. City, ana . WHEREAS, sufficient hnds are available in the General Fund in the City Treasury to be used for the purpese of purchasing said trucks, and WHEREAS, in an emergency, the City can replace the funds so useli by a bank loan: NOWTHEREJ!'E>BE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the S1IlII ofTen Theusand and No/lOO (UO,'. ',@IllO.a,O),Dollars ~... '.,all, "see.,!'"I~,.i",f"r, em, the ,Gel'1eral,, Flm.d~ ~ ,~~f9r the purpose of pur- eS.ali!ing ~1il'Ogarbage trucks for uEle within the City at: West Hniversi ty Place, Texas, and thatJif necessary, thtil~.uli City Secretary be authorized to negotiate a lean of a like emG\'IDt to replace the ~s withdrawn from the General Fund. PASSEl!) ana APPRElVED this 2.3rd ATTEST: 01 ty Secretary I~ -~-~~'fI"lT'::rrT"'"""~--------~-- " ell 2!la +>r-l 'H~ ot> ~.~ o H U ell +> .::i U ~ ,~,t=> '01;5 o ell 'd:-= 13' "d ~~ +>0 m] . , '"," '-", ~~~~~:::,~--~~~~:;:::~, 'r-! (f.) . OCO!:- bO+"..::j" ~S~ ~ ~ .. . ~~~ +>+>< +>~.. Cl!.r-! 1>> $'d'3 , po. f '";) 'H CO 'H . .r-! +> 0 ~~~ U(f.).o a:l ..c: I=l~ f .~ r-l - ' ~~Q) , '. ' r-l .<:: , ~.g g+> I, 'H81a .. C;.!:. h~ t$i..,... , ff 11- 7 NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE DULY QUALIFIED RESIDENT ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF WEST lJNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WO OliN TAXABLE PEOPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY ANDWO HAVE DULY RENDERED THE SAME FOR TAXATION ' Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in, the City of West University Place, on the 23rd day of August, 1947, i~ keeping with , a resGlution adopted by the Gi ty Commission of said City, whie!!. is as follows: A RESOLUTION CALLING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF. SUBMITTING THE PROPOSITION OF APPLYING THE UNEXPENDED PORTION OF THE 1946 STREET PAVINU AND BRIDGE BOND FUND WHICH IS NOT EXPENDED IN FU1FILLING CONTRACT BETWEEN HOLLANJ;) PAGE AND THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TO THE HARD SURFACING AND PAVING OF STREET INTERSECTIONS AND OTHER STREET IMPROVEMENTS TBROUGHOUT THE CITY. BElT RESOLVED by the City CQIDIIl1ssion of the City of West University Place, Texas: Section 1: That an election shall be held in and throughout the City of West University Place, Texas, '@!l: the 23rd day of August, 1947, at which election tqe following proposition shall be submitted to the resident qualified electors who own taxable property within said city and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their action thereupon: SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION IN THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO APPLY THE UNEXPENDED PORTION OF THE 1946 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BOND FUND WEIICH IS NOT EXPENDED IN FuLFILLING CONTRACT BETWEEN HOLLAND PAGE. AND 1HE CITY OF \'JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TO THE ~D SURFACING AND PAVING OF STREET INTERSECTIONS AND OTHER STREET IMPROVE- MENTS THROUGHOUT THE CITY. SeetieD 2:" That said election shall be held at the following places within the two regularly established voting precincts within the city, to-wit: County Voting Precinct No. 1.33 - At the Co.mmunity Hall at corner of Rice Boulevard and Auden Street. County Voting Precinct }Jo'. 87 - Knight Realtv CompaIlV 2808 Sunset Section ?:, That the fo1+owing persons are hereby appointed presiding judges to conduct said election, to-wit: \ HafliV F. Dawson - Presiding Judge - At the COll!lllunity Hall F. A. }!uwie1er - Presiding Judge - Knight Realty C'ompaIV Section 4: That,the ballots to be used in said election shall read sub- stantially as follows: ~, THE USE OF THE _BALANCE OF TIlE 1'946 STREET AND PAVING BRIDGE BOND FUND REMAINING AFTER FULFILMENT OF GON'.rR.ACT WITH HOLLAND PAGE FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS THROUGHOUT ~ CITY. AGAINST THE USE OF THE, BALANCE OF THE 1946 STREET AND PAVING BRIDGE BOND FUND ~1AINING AFTER FULFIL~T OF CONTRACT tVITH HOLLAND PAGE FOR STREET IMRPOVEMENTS THROuGHOUT THE CITY. ::1-;)"",,_ l ......iL.......lJ...ll.IL lllWAlL --rnn1l1~TTr"f1'l'" and each voter shall strike out one of the foregoing expressions, thus leav- ing the other as indicating his vote on such proposition. Section 5: That only duly qualified resident eleetors who own taxable pro- perty within said city and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be, permitted to vote, and the manner of halding said election and making retU1").as thereof shall be governed by the provisions of'the Oi ty Charter of' said City as modifiea by the laws of' the State €If Texas relating to elections. Section 6: That notice of said election shall be given by posting a sub- stantial copy af this resalution at each of' the two election precincts, and at the City Hall, within ,said city, and by publi~tion on the salile day in each af tWQ successive weeks in.anewspaper of' general circulation published within said city, ,the date of' the first publication and the date of' posting to be nat less than fourteen (14) days priGr to the date set for said eleMion. ' PASSED and APPROVEID this ,~4,7',. .,' / "~~~ MAYOR V ATTEST: /~~-~. GIn "'",",TAll' .'. . . r- ._,-m1! ~ \ \, )-,- '- ~r .,.._, Augus t 29, 1947. . BESGUJTION BY G6MllISSIONER. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has heretofore approved plans and specifioations fpr the pavement and improvement of Tenrryson Street and Ool~ridge Street in said City" whiCh impr&vements are to be made unde,r private contracts between the pl'operty owners in each respeotive block on each of said st-reets, and Brogan & Williams, Contractors; and said contract, the form of which has heretofore been approved by the City GOmmissien,' provides, among other things: nIt is understood that the City may direet that said' portion of said street be not now improved 'unless the owmers af all, 'or substantiall'f all, Elf said properties abutting thereon become parties hereto; * * * tt and WHEREAS, there is a possibility that the owners of one or more preperties eovered'by one or more of said separate bloek eontracts might not agree to pay and give seeuti1't:y" far, the payment of the impr~vements in that pOt''bian of the street abu,tting their' partie-u.lar pt'epert.ies, and some pli'ovision shou.ld be_lie fot- the nece,ssary 'work to. bt"ing the st'reet om which any ofsueh "skips" abut. (to prepet' gt'ade and be proviae :@l'oper drainage aeress said pl'@per1des; Now, 'fherefel'e. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission €If the Oity of West Univers-.1ty. Place, Texas~ 1. !'he eity Engineer is hereby autlier;hed and directed to examine each of the re8pee-'i~~eparate bleok contracts and to det~'l'mine tbellefp,om whetller the owners af all. or sUbs,tantiall,. all, of the properti:e.s abmtiag upon the stree-t in each respeetive blook., have laeeome parties t~reto and' therefope whether it is, p,ract1eal to proceeEl wi'bb. the pavement and impreveme1at ,at the particular black; and said. City lilngineel' is hereby fully elGthed with disj\)lI'eUona, Iry power to. lss:ue a wark order for the performanee ot the respective I III .. I I I f':'111 1.111.1 .'rt'nllli"'li'ITr block oontracts se~arately 01' to refuse and withhold such work order if such latter aetion appears to the best interests of the City in the proper control. care and maintenance of its streets. 2. That said City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed. to authorize and di~ect the contractor to excavate the street in front of such property or properties which otherwise would be "skips", all in accordance with the contract, plans and specifications heretofore approved; but aait! contractor shall not be required to pave or otherwise improve said "skip" properties, but on completion of such excavation, and. upon e~mpletion of the pavement on other portions of the street in such respeo<t1ve block, the City shall fill such excavated "skipU with shell or such other material as in the discretion of the City Engineer should be used. Such excavation of any such "skipll shall be done by the contractor at cost, ana such cost, without profit to the contractor, shall 'be invoieed to and paid by the City. The shell or other fill material shall be su.pplied, laid and finished by and at the expense of the City. 3. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to autb.orize the eontpaetor to excavate, construct and lay a curb and gu.tter seetlen across any such IIskip" properties on the same line and grade as the curb and guttet' sectional' other portion~ of the street improved.' The ~ontl'actor shall not be required~ however ~ to do such curb alae gutter work on any sueh uskipll property~ but may do or refuse to do _.' at contractor's option.Sueh curb and gutter work ou ~sklp. properties hewever, shall be done, if done~ without cost or expense to the City therefor. SECCiDl'IDED lDy COlfm'lisaioner PASSED this 29th day of August? 1947. Commissioners voting aye. Commissioners voting no. AFFltOVED this 29th aay af August, 194'7. APPROVED: Mayor of West University place. Texas. City Attoraey. RESOLUTIO>N If 7 -1 iTIIEREAS, the present income from taxeS in the City of West University Place, Texas, is insufficient to meet the operating requirements of said City; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, is desirous of obtaining a loan from the City National Bank of Houston, Texas; and 1'Vlffi:REAS, the City National Bank of Houston, Jrexas has indicated its -willingnes,s to make such loan in the amount of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars per month for a period of tw months at an interest rate' not to exceed two (2%) percent: Wilf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the City Treasurer of said City obtain a loan on the part of said city from the City National Bank of Houston, Texas in the amount of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars during the month of October and Ten Thousand ($10;000.00) Dollars during the month of November, at an interest rate not to exceed two (2%) per cent per annum; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this entire loan of Twenty Thousand ($20,000.00) Dollars be r:aid to the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, out of the General Fund of the City of West University Place,Texas PASSED AND APPROVED this the 29th day of September, 1947,A.D. MAYOR ATTEST: CUy Secretary ----~---~~.-=.=~~---_.._..~~ ~- t/ 1- / 0 WHIWlAS, it hae co:me W ilbe e.tteatl.nQf the 01'\1 COllll1ss1on of the City of w..t Ualve:rs1tJ Place that the" is a er1td.oallllb~ of p!'(}pe:t ra1lroa4 ~. to be u* fe, the tnDeponatlu of ~$VWrt.101l _tedal, .r ~U$ kWs, J'emdtlrat 1n a .e:ri91lS delq 1. thepav1ng pl'esram of the City, etnd ~5, the delay 1n the ptlvUg prognDll"'lI peatly iaeoavenenoe4 the o1t1.... of West Ulliv8l's1tr Place, aDd panielllarlT the seh.ol ch,lldr.. of the Gity _ are req1dredto t.ravel over ~ ud tom-lip street. to the detriJaent of tbe1:r bealth 6Dcl _Ua", _ WliIP3iAS, the GUyOOJlllld.aetcm of the Gitr of West Ullivenlty Place believes that the aho:vtaee of COIl8buctioll maMrlels ccnild be peatly aUe- nated tbr&. the 118e of .boaV ~. tl'w:Jeportbg 91d _terials, but due to the p~ load 11m1t of Vuek. ueG tor c~ eo..~u.otd.oa _:terlel.s, 1t. 1<<1; clUticult tor the 01 toy'. Con1wactoJ' t& hove ~ttlQient trucks to ee,1TT the _t&rial tor eoIIpleUoD or the ~v1ag progrtllll,llDd: WBE.A.S, the sue 01' e1m1lu' ooMiUou of del.",. ta pa'Virlg work ens~ 18 othor Jll'labipalltiee in the State of Teas, BOW 'l'mEfOU, JB IT B.EaOtm, that tb.eCity CC)IlIJ:ds810n of the City of \;Jut UlliversltJ Plaee b.el'eDy reque," the Goyemorot the State of l'exae to 4.elare that a etate of elDSpAGY anew in the _ttelr .f thJ\8por- tat-ion of cons\noUOIl_tedals, &ad taat he be reques\flci to 1'1U.lIlG the load Umit. of t:rucke tr:aveUQg em the bighwrqduriag the eta'te of emAU'gElM" to allow the tRD.sportaUQn of 10. 111 exGeIl8 of the present l'eq'l1111'el1lent.s of the State Hip.,. Ilepu-tmeat, ,and BE If 'f.1R'lHEl USOt,nI) that the GOVfl!Z'DOr of thft Stat. of Tex;a$ be fund.ahed wUb a ~ of tbt&. resolutiGtl. I, wnn JOBSON, Gitr S~tart of the CiV of West Univer$lt1 Place, fe:raa, do hereby oerti.!7tb.at \be fore~iJlg 1a III t~ and eQ1'1'set 00'" of 1lbera$0l11tt.o1l, ,.eae4 by the Cit,- CCDlld.lItIi.on of \be City of West 11rd.verlSit" Plaoe, T.u, at a replar llleeting beld Mon~, hvemWrl0, 1947. " -- ----~-..-- -----~."._.-_.--..----- L _~.::::mJ. c-::_ -:I~___ "_--'-'-_L---1L_,,-.ll.:..'ilL__l,mriU': ~--- -'-"'l':fl"'IlT.IT.[:TJ'~Tr~-~- .~.: -", '''', l 41' 1'~'; 4-/')' ;! l ' A ~OLt1TI(l)N AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY TO Tm .THE NECES5ARY ACTION TO G:J:,EAR TITLE TO LANDS PI$VJ~USLY n:rmtcATED FOR STREJilT P1'JRP0SElS BY '!'HE HOllGK REALTY COMPANY IN CUNNINGHAM TRACT. , '~' WHEREAS, the Houok Realty Company has previously deeded and are ded~cated t~ this City certain J;'ight-of-way coimecti!1g Weslayan with theSteUa Link Road, and , ,....., WHEREAS, this C~ty accepted said dedication and deed, and " ~,t, - 'lmE1$AS, 'aaditi()na1'rigli~0f-way has been dedicated inaecQJ.'dance with plat 'approved this ~a~e, and " WHEREAS, part of the right-of-way previou.sly dedioated: is no longer ~~ed f017 s'treet purposes and has not been used as such, Now, Therefore, >y ~ . -,.. - - .. - . BE IT RESOLVED That the Mayor and Oity Secretary areheJ"8by instructed and authorized to execute sooh deeds as are' necessary' to clear' the ti t1etQ, these parts ef land' not shown on the "Cumdngh8In Terrace plat, app~oved by this Council on the 17th, day of 'November, 1947. ' " ,', 'd(, " PASSED AND APPROVED This the ~ day; of :November, 1947. '~~1:~/ (SEAt) ------ , r~'~~-"~~71 - -r'~ I I .1 II I r-T1ITflTIll11lllllr mml"'f" 11 RESOLUTION Lj 7- / V ,~ V'ffiEREAS, 'in bringing University Boulava;r:-d to proper grade in constructing the improvements on said street as provided in the April 3, 1947, contract with Holland Page, Contractor, it has been necessary to lower the grade on said stre~t in the 3700 block thereon; and the existing driveway entrances therefrom to property abut- ting thereon are substantially above the new proper street level; and WlIE;REAS, the proPerty owners affected each of 'Whom heretofore have cooperated with the City paving program and ha,ve executed rrechanics lien contracts to permit · and to provide for the improvement of said street in front of their respective properties" and have requested that the City give them some assistance in the re- construction or partial reconstruction of their respective driveways entering off of University Boulevard, if the City could do so; \ . NOW THEREFORE BErRESO'LVED BY THE CJlTY COMMISSION OF THE- CITY OF V.JEST UNIVERSITY PL.Il.CE, TEXAS, 1. The Engineer for the liity is hereby authorized and directed to issue to the contractor, authorization for the reconstruction of driveways entering off of the south side of University Boulevard and in the 3700 block thereof, under the following terms and provisions; (a) Such driveways shall ble reconstructed of gravel aggregate concrete ,4! inches thick on specifications approved by the City Enginee'r. :~ :i.''':-, (b) Such driveways shall be of the samevyi,dth as the existing driveways unless the property o-wners request and pay in cash all cost for an additional width. (c) driveways the curb; The City will pay to the contractor the cost' of reconst~cting to the extent of a distance of siX; i6) feet from the back side the cost to be on the basis of '--4-L- cents per square foot. such of (d) In the event the property owners desire their driveways constructed for a distance of more than six feet from the back' side of,the cUI,'b, the work may be done, but if done, shall be at the sole cost and expense of , property owners who shall make their own arrangements with the contractor therefor. 2. That as the existing driveways, referred to are of only four' inch thickness and shell agregate concrete and are in bad condition, the authorization herein granted . and payment by the City from any and all possible claims for damages in connection with, arising out of, or by virtue of, the improvement of" said University Boulevard, and the construction of said driveways. . 3. That the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to advise the respective property owners of" this offer by the City and the gondition thereof; and to issue the above authorization to the cont:i1actor only after acceptance of this offer by the property owners. f' , : {.'t-~ ") .k PASSED ItND APPROVED this _day of krJ 1947. , ,,_.. -,-- - -- -, - r"~""':'~~-~-~=------r:-~ :I:.:i...J..- ......J.~ .....J..r=:rr::-r::n:TIc::I1llIlll:l:" ~ [[]ilID.LL I. rr:- -