HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.43 ~-'~';. -I.., , '"." ,.,,'. "_,:::'._':;.:.'~,~lI~~~~~ilg,,~n .~~~~::~ .;~:~""~~~lt-~'~.~~t~7l..~~_ ~~ ~',~;it~'~'~~~;~~~.~~~,",~,~t'~~. .' ~~f~~'~';~~~~f~~~~'9~8fi' MV- A1:J. ...~2ft=:,=:~ , ,~i!<~~~':\~t:~:!~'.:;~:~e#~>~~ ,~" ,-~~~~-, '\~~~i,,~:-:~,., ",_ .' - ..", . . . , , , '~,.' ,', ." ....:' ,~ ,..."",' ,,............., , . '....7'-:- . thatsa1d zoeso- ", ,." .".~j;~~(~~ll~",~~. ~e ~:1tT SeCl'!tU7 :~.t~~:.~;".~1f.~ ~~~~1~ ~~!:,~~~!!,~,~4.~1s , '~i:'~~.t~~.'ti~, ~~~~ve.r"~,~t~,~~~, B~~:r4: ~Jia~,rl_ " ,,",il,iltt ,~ ,.~t1l1& ,rea.lut!,_ ,~:A~lr\lpen its. ~$8age. _p~~.:~ APP~~~~. ,~ ~ day ,or _~~~,;c' ~~>J~~~_~ ,the, t8ilUewbig ve.te ~r the' ~m1Yers ""ot-, it~ <C1t7l1~tl.i.en.1' tAe '$"X!t,fi' WI,Sfr. O':E'VERSX!l'Y ~eE, "~: - - ." - - ~.-. ., 4 v~~~ '!.~', t-~! li~II'ft1~1t~!~ "" ~ ayes.. Vo:t1ng ~.ia'81; the RiI:S'illil:l1i1.e.. ' /" lt06S. .. ~ L~ a' 0 T ,,/" '" ,'".1 ' .,",. ~"'" , '-. >': - '. _. ,-~- ' " .:' . , '" - .~' - - , , , ~ ~" . -, . . - ,. . - ,~ .' ..... ". ' . , .' . - 7. ~:. ~ . - -' . . .: ......... '.- .'-,-. - . ", ~".,~"",.~~,..".. ..' . .. . ,'," ",,'__r..~,',,'.. . .- . , , . ' . . .. . -' . ,< c- " [--J II ] _ .],1l1llJtl[ ~- day 1, 1943. . -.-. ....__:,:..~ r I , T ']:'1 ~ "'" ":j~I_~._. 1t3~:f___ . v <- . .,it~;=":';'::t~ '::ta ~.t.~ ,:"~:~""~.:.::,,,;, ,"'l~g~>,:~'y~~ceA~r:., . "s' o . .~.", v~~;~~~_~>~~.i!~,'~~~ 'B~1'i;~' '~ ~~;.;.~-~~~~~~~._.~.. , ;;,~.., ,~>"~..~j~~:",,,,:,,,>*~~,,,,~:,,:&,,,4'~"J!l,,",,,,.... '~~_~~J'~"~~~ ~~<"5 ".~,_~~~V~"D~~"'~' ~~~~~.. . ;""""" .~.:. ...:;'~,I_.r ~'. :, ,~~,'D~ ~~c~.~~" .~~",,,,,~'~~i:a;. .{'- -', - ; ..', .~j;~::~ '"," . --,"J ' ", . , ' ,It, " ,r,". '\'" " ~ .,-- ,__:..c.. . '1 r "I - .---~- --:rr, I II~U ~"1~~ ~ " J' . RE~lJ!l!1[;(JJ:ir Nee.. ./f- ~ - ~ Wh.~~ ,~_.gtIls't 15~ 1942-~ Wa\er lleven.u& Bonds :;!"_~.:L~',:t.:~jJi ',~f;t.lliel~_,# of' theOl~ of West ,.,Jr'~~~.''Pl#~,,'~.~'1Sit~.tl~.p~A.p"^ J,r4- I~ ;~~';.~.ng. ~"~~',e_~ 1a~e!,eK~ft~ rei'lmded by refun41ng w;r&~He~'~~il~_.~;.t~r.t; meutf.o~<laat.e;,and it 1s .. . .~ " . '"~-' . , . .~~~~*~~ ~i>_tUntte~t1t'b" ~eVe1i1'QeB&nds be ~:l".Fed; Bt'~lng;, ,'amlI: that~"per rae-erli of t.he.'1r de... , .. . ,.~ri:fjEm~e ~~, :~1til~..erve.d; "IftL~&1"~.:t~ it re$O~ved by the.C1ty Oommission .t the tit,. ot'-..-t iid'Vft'81\~ Place; T&.xa8,1;hat the Oity ,:>';~~ett . 'be# and ae 1s. he:re'by, <lire-eueflu itesot~ said. .':.:)..... . ;;.' ,m1;)'~~eB&_8 'n~r 1;51 to ~, beth 1noluslve, by . :e~taet)i.m,,-ancl t.'~t S\lJll'h: ,4$i~u.U."li b&8:.comI>l1Shed. in t'aepe~n<<e.:fi" ~1fi'~"'fl"'~ od , . iie 1".,._~__~~ tbatthe' e:t:ty 'I\1"easm'ellf be , ~e.4to '1R8.fi~p Wr:.f#~ e~"';t1J..~.; Ape4 by b1m- .=::.:~==::::;:u~ p~::g."~';~he_~,. '. , .' - . -- ~. \ pa&s:eds.~ 8i~:if.~ :~l\4$ "f. A.. D-. 1.9U~ by a~l!rte'8$ ,'.,5.'1,.~. ~~~~. /iq.1:' ..i~ ..,,--.~ ..-" ' '" - ',' , ,~ . ~ 1 I"~ ),1 " 1111111 ~ ~l1IIiI~'l11i"- , '. '.. '. ~~~~~: :.::::::. .. .~.,' ;Q~"" ~~~(t~. ,~"~~;~,':';~',:~-ea. - r }.')1>; ~. ~',,!,::.' :' :W" ) '.;' .~' . ..' . l!::;~ . '1 ," ;~,~_~~~:,.~~-rS , , ..", ~ . . - .. . ',' ",', ' '"., , ' -- ;Z:..,b"',$'f.'/~ ',. :.....>~: ~_,' - _ . _,' .' ' ", _' ... h , _. _ . , , "--.. - l' " ~: . ~, ' f'" " 1':( -~"",' '. -c- :..--. " '"",," REScOLUTION "NO. B-:!& It .U'a'OLJllID :l}fT-llE '01Tt OOMMISSI0N OF THE CITY 'O:fU':S'r 9jzVEBSJiTY 'P1A'<1:m- TEns: VijIEREAS th.e-Oity of.H0uSton, Te:g:as ha,s requested that th~~t7 01 <West trnher$it~ Place"Texas enter intc) ,a G:ontract with itx~arding emergency oonmrunioation;s 1'e- ,l"<i.tingto ~ad~ostatiops in the Wax En:iergency Radi€l 8er-- vice in tnear:ea known as the MetropoJt.ita.n Hoitst0~ Area according to the term's~L a oontract ~bl\titt-Eldhy the ,said City r!>f Houst.ot),'a GOpy, of whioh,is .attached hereto, 1,llar~ed Exhi1),it,~'A.~,,'andmade a part her,eOf for all purpo- ses';and WREREASit is the will and desire ,of the City Com.,- missio:n of the City of ,West University Place, 'li'exa8' .that tne Mayorqf this 'City;be authorizeli and empowered to ex- ,ce€iu.te s'Ueh>oont:r'iiJ.:ri; in'behalf of t,he Oity of WestT)i1i'ver~ ,sHy Plaoe; TRntEFORE, BE I'I'R1!;SbLVED,that Ron. A.. t . Kerbof , ",;M'ayorofthe CityofW~st,Urliversity Place be , and he is , , , . , " ',. h~J.'eby ,fully a";thori~e.aand .empo,W€l"eit0execute and de- lXve:r such contract as the act anddeedoftheOity of ,W:est 1943 U'ni vex l;Ii t Y Plaoe >; Te~as. Passed and approved thlsc;;<':?da-y by a vote, Q~'~,;a,'I1&S.. c ot Fe'o'F~~" A.D. ~. , , , . .'. - -.', . '- - "':_': ." ,.' " "." -, ." : -, - . " ,"'"",,,',.'~'~ "Gi'ey"ci-'et~ry> ,',,',' , , . ~. . .' . . .. ," :. , . '- ...-',." '", -:,: ':. < ',",'., ;'~'.'.~"<":':.. ,': "'< "..-: :'.'<:.:>" ~~-.~~;-~: '~;'.h -..~.. :--i-:-', " . ~iir~~. 4 ,~: '_:::'<{~J\ ~:rS ~ -:).~~ ~ ~~ ,/ &~~~;4 ~.~/L " VIIJsk::J' ~~- " ~~~.;-~.-. , /~ .. .<..,. : , EXHIB1T II A II . -.' . ~'.a:illl~~~o.,'Y','~fO,e$B.VIC$, INTER=-:MUlUOIP ALAGB;EEMENT " ..:," - " '.' " ", "'. .~, " ':rjJ;,A!:'l1E$OI!X.OF~tIOUSTON; TEns, hexeinafter known as, '>W,ill:'.ap.plyt'o the FederalC'ommunlcations C-ommi ssion ":tG::(j.Qn~ructr and op8rat era.dio ,stai:;ion$ in the War :Q;f..s,!il~i~e inthe;,a,r~ak:Qownas tJ;l.e MET:JlOPG:r:rITAN .', . 'ANj), " " ", 'fU:Git'flY:, GF'lglS'r UNIVtmSITY PLAOE, hereina,fter: known as tUEr-, ~1et1~'~~t:-.1Ifi:~:s'Wi:tt):itinthe eaidarea and wi,snast'o, partici- ,,~:~iD:;~1\:s.~~~-r,e,!ai'<~etgenqY'Ra~i-98e rv i ce' "Ii et,1IVol"kserving that , , ..~~tt:~;;~:::::U~~i~m:;~~uy. Thata;11'radi0A~:qUi'pinent ipstaJ;];edby the SU:B~LICl:EN$E;E for the , ,~~~'W" 'pos~ 's~n tie l<i$'q;eJ:' t,lied::ireetion ari.deontro;J. of the Gommunications ':tn~<'lih~t,the Ratliiktt;te8€:{.'e~d upon oythe LIO:.EN:SQ, shall adminis.ter i~e~:I:~~:;~::if~'" ~~T~~*"ponS~ble to ~heLIC1i)~ISUf,or -all equipment , ' !~:~~1I1;"ens~~~:~?~i;. ~~.~;. ";:g=;L~~~EE ',t~:~:~~~~::~P,:~;":~~~~~n:ril~~~t~l~to:t-s:ii. '~~c~{;~rt6f the F-~€l:e+'al- '(:Jj;)'J1mi~tGatio~s'Q_issj,,:O:ia' 'fii~xtyda;ys prior to the termina- tt.Gln>0f~his:agl'e-erirent'1DY~Jil';3!:th~r;qcf:th'epart le8. ' < ", " '. . LN'l1':E~:rt~:~'E::a1ilQF)we' h:e'r,'eullrt0$e,t'0nl' hands this 'Q;f'F~i'l:tMy ":1943. ," ' ,',', ' day .T,HEGlTY OF H01JSJrQN Mayor ..). '. stA'I'E'"OFT; O~gTY:{}F' IS'" ., '." :~btf~be4:(aB~ '~~~~}~~:~:;:~~~, , 1 ;343.' ' . ,:, ~ " :~tIJ;;0:~FT:f~I"$"> It '. ..' ,::b i:~~:;Qed..~~~~:;no~ of::~~~~Y , 1943. "ii'e~~r;i ''l?:$iitic i'O aRe. fol' Harris @e~'l;y~ Texas 'W$.t:az'y.;'JI':uo,t4o "ion '~dfor . :a:~'i'i1?: P(;lu,Iii;y, TexaS. ,My, ~mm:s&i@}Il,:~,"~iri1i~.iJUnel,J;9~3~ My Commti3siQnexpires June 1, 1943. .j' - L .. ..,- [ J--------,.--~.- 2.1] ~ __-----1.]lllla:[ ~ "lrrmu ~m~ -"'j;--:-:... - ..,. "., .~ "t'=--"', l s~;{. !p.....{.. ~- . 'r~ /' ",' " .', , ' ,', li'E$Q}:.UT!ON~O.!t.34- , , ' ,':ilj; ,I~:,:lt:t%1f!OJ.V.:ED BY TJ:mqUy OOW-rSBrON OF ,THE OITY ~Ji,'.W~$TlffliVEB.$,!Tl'. PLACE, TEXAS: ~1 , 'ft$~S' th5! wat'e~'aI3dse:we:r c~ahier GOUpOO'lS on ,'" ," ,." '. ,f:t1.,eand,iiii1>r.ed in 'lihe Oi ty Ran of tb,e Oity covering 'th~ y~ax~19~Q, andpxio:r thereto are ,fill1ng arid' oeXIsum- lug ,9.', la:r~<anf0}illIlt of 'sto:J;'age'spaee neeEled and neo,e8s8ory fe~ 6t11l;er11eeS'and purp~Bes by th.e City;ar,ld w~mEAS,the ailild;.fji'~J:.. for, the 01,'I;y has tecommended ,'1;,he de~tm;o'ti0.n 0f all s:uoh COUpOl'lj3 for1;illeyear's 1940 ar;l'liprt or', thereto; ;fflEB$f~..BE IT ~SOLnD~ by t'l16 ,city Commission " ' , ' . . (rfthe.~Ity of,Westtmi;'{'ersitYPla.ce .th:9.t all ,Water and s-e-wer~ier0'o~p()~S for t146 y.ears 'l~40arid prioT thereto.e:Qnstf:t;~n~;:'1Eeee~8} of tl;J.e-"tJ;i'by. be, and: the , . same aTe he;l'~by ,0JNa~$'~4\dest}royed by'tb,€ City Treasurer (nunaer hi ss1h.~e;tViJ\J:i.Qh,. . Passed' ~n4apPl'~ir~~ 'ti!;J.isH-rd~Y ,of EeeJnial.'Y, A. B ,0 1,94$,:Gy. a, ve:teGi :J(', 'aves + , " , AT'NiJ8'r: ~ - -, " " , " "-,' " "':~~::~~:;~~~' , . -'''. ,,' , " ',/ ,,', \~" '~' ,,\, '~'''''c"~,,, ',' <,'<' ", ,',,',~, '", - ~ , -' -" . - , ,- ',-' , , ~ ' , ,"" ~, .:", '" ..' . , , - , ' , , " . , - .' , , g,k//~ ", (~" /~ ~\""" ........$ RESOLUTION NO. if3 ~~ '. . . ~lti$:>$~;lr:EP BY THE OITY OOM.MISpION OF THE aITY OFWESTlmIft:Rs:nry P1.ACE . TEXAS: , , .' ;" , I WHE'BJi}AS the-City' Treasurer of theCi ty has fur- nished, to the Cit~ Commission ~n itemized list of delin- quent, wa.ter and sewer accounts with the recommenda.tion that suchacGoonts bEi oharged of'f of the books and rec- 'oro..s of the! City and a oopy of such> list is attached to this Resolution, marked Exhibit "All and. made a part ,hereof' for all purposes; and WHEREAS the City' s ~uditor has likewise recommended thiilcharging off of all such delinquent water and sewer . ~ ~ ' account s ;a.rid ' WHE~A& it is the will and desire of the Oity Com- missipn to :follew the' recClmmendation of the' City! s audi- tor and theOity Treasurer regarding the charging off of , such ac,ceunts,; THl!tUFORE,' BE IT RESOLVED by the City CommiSSion that the City Treasurer' shall be. and he is hereby, di- rected and, authorized to aharge off of the books and record:sall such 'water and sewer accounts set out in ,," attached Exhibit "A"~ Pa@sed and approved this!l;2d~y of February.' A. D, 1943. aL~ . - . - . '. . . . . .' . ". . . . ~. ~ - . . .;- >.. .-' ~ '-. (' - 0." \!i- eO .,: "" _ _~: : .' 'c ,,,' '0 ' . Ma.yor ,trt1 '01' WestUn~ver- 8i ty: Illaoe ' , A,TTEST: ~' /"'~ - ." - - . "- - ,. ". . '...' " .... . . . .. .- _ _ A , ." . -"" OJ(y , S~a:t~t;ari' ':'; -:<~~;'~"~':~:. ~~ ~ -;. :..., ~'.'=-~ -:.--:: : ,,-:..- ':'l ;:;'~~~;"> ' ":..~' ) () / I 'fl,I..... "? , ,'""," ....' """-->2../ e ! I .,.....,,-, '\ . ~ (' ----- F" ,1 ('I-~'Ii']. lL _:.. J. l.LIJJII1i ~rn~~ ~SOLllfJl':r0N NO. tf3-1-v'/ ~J!,~~~~.iW:~IT~,T~~~ GOB~SSIO}T, OF TEE CITY I WHEWS,ltis :j;heintentiocD; aJ:;l.d desipe of the City OEinimi:s,s1:(t)~:tQd~ia:j:g:m.ate and set apart certain re:c0gnized , , , ?~~f~,Ys to he obs,erved by the' Gi ty employ-eces ; and WJiEREAS, the Pel?8onnel Board ot the Ci ty has made its reeo:imnendatt:~:ms and the City commission desires f?o teJ..low' auen reeommendat,ions; 'mE;,Iij!}F01;{liL, BE IT RESOLVED that the f'el1owing holi- d~~s,h~ obS'erved by all the City, employees employed and , ' , .. wQ.-rti-ng intheGity RaIl, to wi t: , , J.~y ,1, ,New Yearsl Day A~~:1 2:1,SanJ.al:}i:n;to ,Day" .ritl.y ,4, ,In;d:e~~dE!$:ce Day 'JJJ:a.e:tl!'<J3."t M~ga;i' in' ea.'en September, LaborDa.y ~~~;ea?<lJ;,,;~~t.tce Day' ~last~v"~-a:y' i~ each November,; 'I'hailksgi v- , ~ , ' ing,liay , Mtfilrn(i) ('in of De~~er24;- Christmas Eve Beeefuber:?5 , Gl1li>i.stmas Day; , > , AND ,BE IT mR'i'BElr RESOLVED tIaat "the foH/i}w.ing hol- idays bEl ohs:erv:e'd. by the eo1.o-red labore-!"s employed by the 0ity, to wit: J.anuary 1, Ne.w Y~rs I D&jli- Ji:n1e '19, ~aric+'pat:lGnDay 'Ehe .1a.3.'t~lQi~-sli1a;Y ine,aeh Nov-ember , Thanka,giv- , '. t'ng ljay , De:celit'Qer25 ~ "~pis~s Day;, " 4NDBK IT FURTHER RES0LvED that ?-ll City emp:1Qyees, whetnere:HLpl~.Ted in the. City Hall or emp'l&y~d as labo.re.rs, " be pai.df'or:~a..cli of'theabo:ve listed hOUdays alaae:rved wi thout ~:p€ni,:ting' for w.@;rk on any such h@1i~y,. PASSED AND' APPROVED 1943 lay a vote &'1' _'j , f 6' " ""W' of: Mareh, At D. this , ayes. '~ ' , . a ' ",_.,,J'; ;C,', -;."",,::, ,;,~ " MAYOR~, City .~es1Jn:Lvers.i:y Place, TeXas ,"'\,5!'~}.~ ~w.~~~w'.__...... ".1 - . . ~. --:- , < :1....-- _ ..;: " " ,/ .)to '--..., ~.-<.d.k~-./ ~~'~. .~, ~I ,")$' ,/lY-;-,< II r I ~.{'1 'I 1111 III!f III ,. j~r~ Ii .c ;---- . 7$' Rt~}~I;U\f.t,()N NO. " l; -L~ BE L~im-s_e~VED ~Y TBECTTt ,CGlYIMIS'SJ::.ON OF TEE CITY 0'F WEB'l'~RST'f:Y:P1iiA:eE, '-'nAS; I WH:ERE.a8, it i8 the'wish and desir.a of the C1 ty g..~pt~{;an;::~t:eHt:Gt!)fmnf~dener ,1:; .A. Nees ana Chte:f' . '. . - . otB$1i.Co-l~L.1i'~~~'ltl;iikehi~ion,0r either of.them,' shall be . .. . . ;.,' '", > ~l!!tt-h0.ir',i$:e'd.ai;id 'e'tlipQWe~ed:t() em.plGY s~,eh persen o.;r>per- ". . - . . .~~I\a:siro.th$ili" .0T>e-fthe'r of ,them, riJ,ay4eemexpedient <,' ~, sol1.:ei~,~.s~le of'and sell ~g lhense,sanddog l1;:eeIis'e t'a.gg;t6fii;~t;f;zens ef" the City 0f' We~l;t 11m versi ty , , , ' ]>I.a:.ee,,,_s:an.je~ttxi)aLle:f. th,e terms a:nQ: col'laitiens of all ot>dJlla).i:ee$'o.r, ,'the',€:1:'t;y .rag'lliating' and pr8:s:eribin;~ the sale 0f:.~~l(l4.(t~ns'esa:md tags; and that ny 8:1'ld8ll per... sons ~e em'plat:edby~1s.1JioneFNees and/Qr Chief Hutchin- , , , , s;eR' ~~~l~.e:~a'i,V'e 'SiS, ,~Q~eiiifat:i!in .for aHser.rl'eesren- , , ~red ,..the :Smriei'$6:..25" .foreaehli a-ens.eS'0J:d and tag is- a'lit-ed ,to-be pa;i:.dG/iit otthe .g&neral tun~'S e:f' tJa~ Ci-ty; 'fHE.REFOmr, ']3E I'fRESOLvEiP thate~mm1ssi<!l~erC. A. ,'_~~a'D,dPl!)1ie'e: :ebi,e-t" F . .r. HIltt~hin:i:J~ ~,,~,", an~ t-h.e:-y- ne, ,,' he':f,eiby ~atith0ri,z.$'ti'an?i~we;iI!'<ed~' :;j:Q-in,t~-y; an\! s~iveralJ:y, , , , " tQ~m]llQ)\V su,eb. p:eraoti Q,rpf)r$-Gti~ as' to them '!)ia:y ~eem'ex- '. ,", 'p<;ldi-ent 't~s,0l:teit the s'iiile ot 'a:nda81'1 d~g'U'e.~a:e.sand . .., - . tags:. ' 81ilbje'e-t, to :a11' ]l~l;>'vLsio;asot a,n. Grd'i'.r.laJil.~ees~:t 'Ope , , , - - . C1. t:y 'regulatin.g s~eh1iia:tt~rs 'and that anyaiiii" a;l1 perS<€lllS 'So ~Jllo~Ei"Sh}all :;'06 &eiv-ethe sti:rl!. 0':f $0 .l[50'at .<<:)1' 'tf1;e , " .,'~ ,', ge#e):,'a.i~(tsG:fthecttyr:ar e;,a:~b. l:i.een.:s~s'Q-:U'a:Fldta;g " , - .,> ~ . - b::s~,~'S:li:4~~el'n'~,tf;H,~:~~,ea", " U43 l;ly a ,v,0t'El€lf ?:F . .' . 'PASSJID~AlT-PRmrEn ~hisJ' "da:v ti)'i'Ma:l"eb.., A. D., aves."",' tt?~, .<:.. ',' ' , t:::1:J-<;(:'<: ", .' - - .'_." ,-" ":., /" . ,.- ,. - . - c;,..._ .....-.Jc, ~_ _ nY{)B;"!:i~r(~~~!f~:::r~ -..::- -.........~.., . ........~ "-"r " . ~. , <~~',- , ~4'.~,~;).. """It{.~ ~ :if ;1 i -- f /i / /t ; I ,j "~ '1' ft.~:as!'PY 1>'LAttlf TJl1:US ~'~~~~ __.....__~_._____~---=!O::~ : . . I. '. ..' . "........ <f~- J~ .,!tt'~:.,;)!".&.l1~ll that we. ~~',~1:~7 ~ssi'O:.'iJl , , ' :=~,-a:.-::.~:::.= . " ' ,:' . ~ . . , , ' ':':::;':~=~~~~-::;:fh~ ~,'.f<_.,,-tJf \;$i. ~ tHil,aU. 'ln~:El9il;tlIDn;y , , .~..~~,.~~~~~1to'iir s!pitu,tes and bid him ~~~:il$ . :~_.~~__j,..ot.~, ~ry in -the ~", ,",'JC.~.U~~ ~~lr~$ i1iltoke Uld~$tl states . . . '. .' . " .a'Yal.~."" i , i ! t' 1 ~ , I " ~ . " " . ~~~: 'b1.~. $/. aq ~ ~ ,"'.',:',',.,~ ',' ", ' ,.,,' . '. ,',." , . ,~. .'. ~:--- ..,. :- ,<,..-. -; ,- ~ .. ,"'- . " . '.' . ,:. '.': '. " " .. ~ . ?" , \ -- . -". " ' " < . . . ~.; . . ., . . .'. - r ....". ["1 . '1 <Iii] _ ___.I1~1.JJ.IJ: -, ---"-"'mllr'~'~ Tffi': . .:~~ ;;i~/Ji7i tI' 6f'l/~ / Jt:' r - ',i' ...:. .'~$1J;t.TI,!~Q.IlO. q3A 1 , ,,' :tiJ~~O , , liI)T';t:,:' , , ,fI~,eE~; :~MA$,tE."f~t7 .:r. W$st,lfm:1V&l's1 ty, DY ,m"~.IIiY '8Q_~1EQlf,'$1i' '.Pmreppy OF WESi' P,laee ~s he~et.~O're , , ':ta;keil !!lOS_lilia-LoR of Ih~:fft'i;'bnt, Of' thepl".l!I&l'ty~elol'lg;ing to' the West:if~tiVe~:Lt,;:~p~s.;~:'_~fa~j'.j;l\lbgAll€len:13t)':e~i: t8 the, ".$t,'tec _:pall ~d ,.it:,te1id.' 1Ilti'i;e.$'__;t;t~e !1I.4_$t~ee.t 1iinnedi- . t. ~telJ!il..r.th. e~~;e We$$:Wit-iv.$l'llI:i;i;yESi:ll't;l:-e.t -'1Q>ela; aJil.Q am. agree- . .'. / iIJ!:..t_.a1teen ruekea: liJeitweeJ.li theeit'i'l,e:l:ab 81" sUcB;hCh'Qrela. dd the,'..f:t-J"~..~,nga f'd!" ~nsiCl.pat1...1tto'l:ile pa14 , .r.rsuen Jlrep- .rt:n $DEl c., . , ~A3' ,.11>,. aliell" ag~,em.a;j.t 'lUtwe.8ll"t'h$ papt'1:l9,iS, the pre,p- erty1. EllieaU_, to'W1't-: :~==:.~=~~~~::: ~, ;.C" .. :~ . . .."..~ ~;.i . -'. -'. .;. ,~'" - J :"<', 'I.:' " " ':~;ir.' 4ku/(vtv UtG~_Ka~~;L, I !ll/.l~~ --=<~. . "''''t'';~ r ' -;I r 'I ------,-- , I i Illrllf -'-liTr---'n~n ~'::"'~,.": C,' :Aiic\J;1t~..,,; ,1I~t~, Gi~U1a.!ti', 2_-aii. .and, the cl.etl.v.I'J" BY theei '\;y te , , ll'8i:idl'~.Oli1 ..~,~t'Us: eiae,.&~'&afiit~r~iUe27 note' i~ the prb,ei:gal ,.~' ~.ji:_O'"iO~',':'IIi.~.Ja.1i:]r&tQ:'bie ',on'8.])temQ.r'1~ ibt:U, Wi thG1llt in- ,t,.'l'e;s~,"PftVf'~~ ,til1ie":GiQ:qaine..fnu l.t DiY the ei 1;7 10.0 the 'm\~.a.t!lll';_.n~:..~t:sJilll1ming w:itJa the una ~Jileh1biting '_e;:U;a;.;~'i~6:;,{i~tf~fbr: !!'e-st'li$Rtlal ~rJ!108es~' b~llanre; aU. . 0" . . ,~.; , . ' .~fl~"'ar~';'~t/a.'..:aital"J' sewe~ 'lhe shall eveJil Q,eplaeeii _t1te~J~~<~]mej"~'.w1a1eh: _11 1I;e t:learer t'kallltift,. feet te amJ' -lta.;eJil fil:ltm,all *7':~$'Sllftateden' aJil.7 acij'eL.~ngprQpertJ' ,melong- . - - . , , ingtij):,$fletr'e$tt-;ud, prG-vilileifurtherthatalll.Y am.i, all sam tary hW.e~ l-tl'i,eer~~~,tbatma7: \De :glaccei en sReh F.~,ert'Y shall be eon'8t:ra.e..d'~~\;i.~.:t::'~$le3,1.pi.pe, wtthtight1y 1.~" JeiEit$, ane. in "', ."' : a~l ethe.r'~~~s 1n t.'liil a.eeerulll." with all uti erci:~na:no..8 }tJae,1ll 'b 'e'.f~.'ct . ' ,~~,~D l!~17.1lD1B'Y mE ~I!Y138MJ[I$S1::@1feF ~D 1ll1.T;t.,..~,m~,~$f&.,ji1~'S'Ill; that ,'lip)ll r.'nj,pt &1' a' preperly '&-x- e ellted 'aBG. a,elm..:w.l:.~g~~ g..fj:m.'$t'al war:ran:t}'"dlil.. ,t:rem 'bllt..{t Wes t lJn1- " , v.l's1ty Ba,p.:Mil;t~~_:eh1 .3Ile~teiil. 1nfave..J? .t' ~:r.;ee!t:tef West 'til'ni- , q.~~~tT'P~a.'e,.xa'r...e..:v.:~'1i:-g,tae &ai~e.~;bJ: J:SIi"'W: ,e.;;' 01" tla. :'-. - --, -.- --, ',' , ."1::li;.a~e~>,&f:,c~s*tn"_"f(eiPe ~~'4' t~.e .t a11e~~ano.8i8, , ' tlilfit: iitlie".:~~,~~,,~t:l" _~~?,:$ioe heilt~'il-yf''tt'llY a.tilaerlze-iiB.lll.a ..~~. ve";q..;,.:a~'~i.~Q!~~ ancil'e._:1't:v-C!ii! ~.tr]iJ:Ei sat'e.thllreh ag~ite1'alwa~rlft)it.t:,...ie.6L'IlG:~_~ tG'Sifi~1i ",ma~~ _,t Ie. 9, in ". .1 _ . . Blau'Ve. lS,,,ri~~~~f:..$~rIllAciiii'U...~ lB1i~4'(Uft.. the' ce-vel'lants ll'llld rea~:p,l:et:t~:)1:~~1l~~-ve' sei>i;}:tLt.j, aladtka.t;:th~ ,,1id;Ma~' is, . '". - :t;~ifkErr .a~~~~-.~:~iWie~:liI.te.ie.eli~lf~d;iB!~t\~~1;,.D:llIekalt ~' tae C~t7~~j;'aiil\~$:~~,,~e ~ti;t7t:8 ...t.,]f~ia'b'~ 'tetlt,>e eruel' . . ~ . -. . " , , &1' W.lII't 1T]lh~&~i1~_'P'iiJt.'~:tCD.#~ ~" ~'e,PiIP"~f;#f4: ;$11Im &1' $:5G0 . oe , , " ' , ' " -:-.: '~-_i.- >!,'.\..