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City of West University Place
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July 9, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Brown, Selby Clark, Allan Elkowitz, Bruce
Frankel and Mac McManus
COUNCIL: Steven Segal
STAFF PRESENT: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner; Sallye A. Clark,
Planning Assistant and Josh Golden, City Legal
Call to Order - With quorum present at 6:21 p.m., Steve Brown called the meeting to
1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Steve Brown welcomed everyone and ZPC members and staff
introduced themselves
2. Minutes.
June 11, 2009. Mac McManus made a motion to approve as written. Selby Clark
seconded. Ayes: Steve Brown, Selby Clark, Allan Elkowitz, Bruce Frankel and Mac
McManus. Noes: none. Motion passed. Minutes approved.
3. Fences. Debbie Scarcella went over the draft, Fence-like hedges-approach 2 (7-9-09
to amend Table 7-6, Projections Schedule. The draft amendment focuses on through
lots where fence like hedges are on the property line in the front yard. The intention is
to allow most plantings but perhaps with some limits on density and height. The
proposal would add note 14 to table 7-6 as follows: Fence like hedges within ten feet
of a principal building which faces a front street line are not prohibited. The
following definition would be added to Article 2, Fence-like hedge means a
contiguous arrangement of vegetation or foliage, whether occurring in a straight or
curved line (i) having the characteristics of a fence; (ii) forming a physical barrier
greater than 50% of the width of the lot; and (iii) growing higher than five feet above
Standard Base Level.
After discussion, ZPC requested that note 14 be revised as follows: Fence-like hedges
within ten feet of a front yard line of a site containing a principal building which faces
a front street line, and fence-like hedges perpendicular to the street are not prohibited.
3800 University Boulevard 9 West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 0 713066804441 0 www.westu.org
Zoning & Planning Commission Minutes
July 9, 2009 Meeting
Page 2 of 2
In addition, ZPC requested staff come up with a provision for PNC status. It was a
consensus of ZPC that the Table 7-6 approach was preferable to the front yard
visibility method.
After reviewing the proposal relating to fences, visibility and emergency access,
dated 7-9-09, the ZPC members agreed to make the point for vertical measurement
for driveway visibility triangles the level of the driveway/sidewalk intersection.
ZPC requested that staff and legal counsel bring back a revised ordinance amendment
with all the above suggestions for the next meeting.
4. Basements and other Subterranean Structures. ZPC went over the chart,
"regulation of basements and other below grade spaces, 7-9-09 ZPC position to
forward to BSC". ZPC requested that this chart be forwarded to BSC for their
Debbie Scarcella also handed out a proposed amendment for below grade structures
7-9-09, to amend Table 7-6, Projections Schedule, Ground level and underground
items. After discussion, staff suggested that ground level and underground be
separate. ZPC requested that staff separate the two and continue to work on this
amendment and bring back at next month's meeting.
Adjournment. Allan Elkowitz made a motion to adjourn. Mac McManus seconded.
Ayes: Steve Brown, Selby Clark, Allan Elkowitz, Bruce Frankel and
Mac McManus. Noes: none. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
PASSED THIS / 441DAY, OF , 2009
Steve Brown, Presiding Officer
Sallye A. Clar Jlanning Assistant