HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1025 - Amending Ordinance 111 0:,1 , I o o '3 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1025 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVRRS ITY PLACE, TEXAS" TO. PERMIT TH~ ERECTION OF , TOWNHOUSES OR CLUSTERHOUSES ASPEFINEP HEREIN WITHIN THE AREAS SPECIFIED; PROVIDING FOR REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO SETBACK AND LOT COVERAGE IN THE TOWNHOUSE/CLUSTERHOUSE DISTRICTS CREATED; REGU\..ATING" FENCES IN SAID DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR ON-PROPERTY PARKING SPACES, DRIVEWAYS AND ACCESS ROADS; REQUIRING APPROVAL OfTHE~ZONING AND PLAN- NING COMMISSION IN SPECIFIED INSTANCES; PROVIDING FOR AN APPENDIX ILLUSTRATING VARIOUS REGUL~TIONS; CONTAINING A SEVERABJLITY CLAUSE; AND PRevIOING AN: EFFECTIVE DAtE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:" ' " Section 1. That Ordinance Number 111 of. :the City of West University Place be; and it ishereoy amended, by the: addition .thereto of Section 24-E immediately fol10wing"S'ection 24-D, which said Section 24-E shall read as follows: ' "Section 24-E. There is hereby created'six (6) 'Townhouse/C1uster- house Dwe,lling Districts as numbered ,below: upon and including: Sub-Section A. Description of Districts ' ~ . .. Dwelling District No~ h Bellair~ Boulevard: The lots bounded pn the west by Mercer Streeti on the east by Kirby Drive, and fronting on Be11aire Boulevard, being Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 1, Belle Court Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 2, Be11Q"Cotitt Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 1 , West University Place 1st Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 2,' West University':P'lace ht Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 3, West University Place ,lst,Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 4, West University:Place 1st Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 41, West University Place 1st Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 42, West University Place.. 1st' Addition; and Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 43, West University Place 1st AddHion; and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 1, "Kent Place Addition. Dwelling District No.2. Kirby Drive. ' The lots bounded on the south by the south 'property ,line of Lot 6, Block 13, Virginia Court Addition, on the north by Tangley Road and fronting on Kirby Drive, being Abstract 61,A. C. Reynolds Survey, Tract 6, .495 acres; Lot 5, Block 5, ,Preston: Place Addition; Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 9, Preston Place Addition; Lots 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, Block 5; 'Virginia Court Addition; l,.ats 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, Bloek 10, V.irginia Court Addition; Lots 2, 4, 6, Block 13, Virginia Court Addition, and lots fronting on Tang1ey, being Lots 2 and 3j Block 4, T~ng1ey Terrace Addition. Dwelling' District No.3. Browning: Lots 1 through 10, Block 3, Bissonnet Place Add,ition, being Lots' 1, 2, 3, 4,' 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 3, Bissonnet PlaceAddition~' ' ~._ _ ~_l__ ~-LJlI , "I' !,LWI1f I" ;'.-----" n( , j::i,_~~1 I" ,11.1..""..""..1 JII'Hdlil ' L',! --.J IHI I , ~'t~ ~ .i.,~~ Dwelling District No.4. "Wes1ayan: Lots 5, 6, 7,8, 9, Block 2 Bissonnet Place Addition. Dwelling District No. 5. Bissonnet: Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 18, Colonial Terrace Addition. Dwelling Oistrict No~ ,6.' Ruskin: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 25, Collegeview 1st Addition. Sub-Section B." "Permi tted Uses fn said Townhouse/Clusterhouse Dwelling Districts, no bu~lding or premises shall be used and no building "shall be erected or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used , for other than one~ or more of the fo 11 owi ng uses, except as otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance. , 1. A use that conforms in a 11 respects to the requi rements as to the use'-'lot size, location of main and accessory build- ings, frontage, setbacks and size of main and accessory bu~ldings,as permitted prior to the application of this Ordinance. 2. Townhouses and 'C1 usterhouses as hereinafter defi ned. 3. Accessorybul1d4ngs _as" defined in Section 2(3) of Ordi- nance Number 111, insofar as such buildings comply with il a11'provisions of this section (Section 24-E), except that U' no accessory buildings shall be used as living quarters. I , G Sub-Section C. ,Definitions 1. Townhouse: One of a series, of dwellings, structurally con- nected, des'igned for s1ng1 e, fami ly occupancy, ground to sky, with no entrance or exit tb,or from each other and sharing no interior halls or passageways. ' 2. Clusterhouse: One of a group of dwellings designed for single family occupancy, with no entrance or exit to or from each other and shringno interiorha11s or passageways, but having in common one or more of the following: Yards, courts, wall or walls, automobi1e'storage, driveways or accessory buildings. 3. Living Space:, Any living room, bedroom, d1ning room, study, eat-in~kitchen or other. 1 iv-ing activity spa€e. 4. Non-Living Space: 'Any kitchen, bathroom, foyer, hallway, stairway or other:utiJi~y space. Sub-Section D. Minimum Size Dwellinq Un-it The dmmensions of any townhouse orclusterhouse erected shall be such as toprov,; de, not 1 ess than the fo 110wi ng areas of i nterna 1 floor space, exclusive of garage. ," -l lJ '~,,". "7~5 Bel1aire Boulevard Kirby Drive Browning ,Weslayan Bissonnet Ruskin 1,600 square ,feet 1,400 square feet 1,400 square feet 1,400 square feet 1,400 square feet 1,400 square feet Sub-Section E. BuildinqSite One or more townhouses'or'c1 usterhouses may be located upon a building site, as that term is hereinafter defined. 1.. Building Site, for original deveTopment, is defined as any area of ground in a District havi.ng a common owner- ship and containing a minimum of 5,000 square feet. 2. A building site may be subdivided into individual lots provided that such lots are not less than 2,000 square feet in area. Sub-Section F. Minimum'Yard'Ojmensions 1. Except as hereinafter provided, no townhouse or cluster- house shalT becoristructedCloser to property lines tban the following setback dimensions (in feet): ~ PROPERTY LINE: Frontaoe Road Side Em. A B C A B C B C B C '-Be T 1 ai re " Blvd ~ 15 12 ]0. 12 10 5 10 5 20 20 i ;...., Ki:rby Drive ' 12 10 5, ',,10 8~ 5 10 5 20 20 Browning 'il2, '10 5 ..10 8 5 10 5 20 20 Weslayan 12 10 . 5 .:10 8 5 10 5 20 20 : '. " Bissonnet 12 10 5, 10 ,8 5 10 5 20 20 Ruskin 12 10 5.,; 10. B 5 10 5 20 10 Key A Living space window facing property line, no fence or wall B .. Living space window facing-property line with minimum six (6) feet high wall or fence. c.. Blank wall ( including' w.indow to non-living space) ~ r Note: Above setbacks refer to distance between property line and main structural walls~ Where windows to living spaces face the property line, eavesandcbalconies may extend up to five (5') feet't10ser to the property line." ~ ~~_b ~1~:..~ ;..i-...U!l.J: .-............"......1"1'.. " :'1W $. '- ,II, Jill: I d ,; L__ I. _ '-----.J "I 2. Joint Project A building site may be comprised of two or more adjoin- ing properties in different ownerships, provided that such owners of adjoining properties agree to design and develop the building site, all at one time, as a joint project, or said owners may waive the side setback re- quirements by submitting a written waiver thereof to the Zoning and Planning Commission signed by said adjoin- ing owners. Within such a joint project, walls of dwell- ing units may be constructed on property lines separating adjoining properties. A joint project shall satisfy all other provisions of this Ordinance as though it were a single development. 3. Property adjoining a New Townhouse or Clusterhouse Devel- opment --------, , I i I i u Where a new development has been constructed, an owner of an adjoining property, of either one or more lots, may forego the requirements'for setbacks from the property line separating adjoining development. That is, the pro- perty owner can construct an adequately fire-rated wall up to the adjoinin~ developed property line. Sub-Section G. Fences ,1 I ! I I '.....-l 1. If and when any townhouse or clusterhouse is constructed on any lot, the ,owner or owners of such lot shall construct or cause to be constructed and maintained, an opaque fence or wall along the entire width of the lot between the Town- house/Clusterhouse Dwelling District and the Single-Family Dwelling District immediately adjacent thereto, such fence or wall to be a minimum of six (61) feet in height and a maximum of eight (81):feet in height, from ground level. a) If, in ,compliance with the aforesaid provision, the owner of said lot desires to build a wooden fence or wall, said wooden ,fence or wall may be located and erected on the rear property line of the lot, subject to the rights of the city and all public utilities to egress and ingress to the five (51) foot easement located on the rear of the lot for:the purpose of construction and/or maintenance of water, sewer and/or gas lines or poles used for the rendition of public utility services ofaa11 kinds to the p~blic generally. b) If, in compliance with the aforesaid provision, the owner of a lot desires to erect a masonry wall, such wall shall be located and erected a minimum of five (51) feet from the rear property line of the lot. 2. If and when any townhouse or' clusterhouse is constructed on a lot adjacent to a l~twithin the same District con- taining an existing single-family dwelling, the owner or !l I . I I I I U rn:\ Ii I o o ------... " '''-. H?1 owners of such townhouse ,or c 1 usterhouse lot shall cause to-be constructed and maintained, an opaque ,fence, orwa 11 ' on "the ;'s i'de 'property .1 i ne that is common with, the single-family dwelling lot, unless mutua 1 agreement not to.. bLl i 1 d, such fence is reached with the owner of said single-family dwelling lot. Such fence or wall shall be constructed of wood or masonry, s'ha'll bea minimum :of six (61,) feet in height, and a maximum of~ight (81) feet in height, from ground 1eve1,'and shall extend along the length of the side property line from the rear property line to the front building setback line. 3. . The owner or owners of lots fronting on Be11aire Boulevard or Kirby,Drive shall be permitted to con- struct a masonry fence or wall to form an enclosed courtyard in front of a townhouse or clusterhouse on the property lines,:'such"fence or wall to be a maximum 'of eight'(81) feet in height when on the side property line to the frontr:building line and thereafter to be a maximum of six (61) feet: in height. , , Sub-Section H. Maximum Height of Buildings The maximum height of any structure or building in said ,Townhouse/C~ usterhouse: Dwelling Distri et shall be two and one-half stories not to exceed thirty-five (35') feet. Sub-Section I. Fire Protection Wall ''^",',.. :'''i'''' '.' The wall or walls between adjoining townhouses shall be of such material and construction to provide a four (4) hour . fire protection, as descri'bed and requ,ired. under the app1i- ca b 1 e" Bu,i 1 ding Code heretofore adopted by the City of Wes t " Uni v:ers'i ty Pl ace. SlIb'.;.Section J . Maximum Length of a Continuous Row of Dwelling Units. The maximum number of dwelling units in a continuous row shall be not more than four (4) units, unless a row of dwelling units faces onto a street frontage, in which. case the maximum length of a continuous row shall be 200 feet. Sub-SectionK. Di stance Between Dwell inQ Units , , Except where dwelling units are separated by common walls, mini- mum distance between dwelling units shall:' be as foll~ws: l~ Windows to living spaces of facing dwelling units shall be separated by a distance of not less than fifty (50') feet. However, eaves and balconies may extend towards a facing building by a maximum of five (51) feet beyond said windows, thus establishing a distance of not less than forty (401) feet between facing buildings. lL _I "JJ1I r-' L.", J IlIIII '...... 'IT 'iB -ft'Y 2. Windows to J i,ving spaces o'f dwelling units that face onto'a weill without.windows,or onto. a.wal1 with windows to non-livin~ spaces only, shall be separated from ,such wall by ,a minimum distance of twenty (201) feet. Balconies may not extend closer to the blank "wall . . , . ' .3., Owelling units with facing walls that have no windwws, or have windowsuto non-living spaces only, shall be separated bya mitlimum distance of five (5') feet. Sub-Section L. UtilitvEasement, If any townhouse or clusterhouse dwelling unit should not be adjacent to the utility easement at the rear of the lot, such dwelling unit shall not be constructed or sold unless 'and until the owner of the lot grants to. the purchaser and the City an adequate utility easement over and across any area existing between such rear utility easement and the dwelling unit being constructed or sold. The water meter for any such dwelling unit shall be so located and so marked as to clearly b~long to the said dwelling unit. Sub-Section M. Parking The, parking of motor vehicles in each Townhouse/Clusterhouse Dwelling District shall be controlled by the following regulations: , , 1. The minimum required number "of "on-property parking spaces shall be as, follows: " Bellaire Boulevard 3 spaces per dwelling unit where ohe space per unit is available t.o guest parking 2-~ spaces per dwelling unit where one space per 2 units is available to guest parking 2 spaces per dwelling unit Kirby Drive Browning Weslayan 2~ spaces per dwelling unit where one space per 2 units is available to guest parking 2~ spaces per dwelling unit where one space per 2 units is available to guest parking 2 spaces per dwelling unit Bissonnet Ruskin' ,~ : ! I ! o il , I ! I U Ii !-----1 o D' " ~'ii " , ~I , .. ",) 1,j! I. '}79 2. Each parking space shall be a minimum of nine (9') feet by eighteen (18') feet, and exterior spaces shall be clearly outlined and marked'on the ,ground. 3. Parking areas shall be paved with an asphaltic,con- crete or,masonry'surface, afford adequate drainage and shall have bumper guards where necessary to protect walls and fences. ' 4. Parking areas shall be used for private passenger auto- mobile parking only,'wfthno sales, dead storage, dis- play,irepair work, dismantling or delayed servicing of : any kind. No mobile horileS,'with or without wheels, and no trucks or buses shall be parked in any said parking areas. 5.'On-propertyrparking,spaces shall be to the rear of the front property, 1 i ne~', 6. Parking shall not be permitted above ground level. Sub~Section~N~ ;~rivewaVs and Access,'Roads, d(: " The 1 ayout: ~f on-property, ,driveways a~d vehi cul ar access roads to a townhouse'or clusterhouse building s,ite shall be controlled by thefol1ow,ing' regulations': ',' 1. Said access roads shall be not less than twenty (20'') feet in width and shall be paved with an asphaltic, concrete or masonry surfacing. , , 2. The number, of site'centry points for vehicular access roads shall be limited to the following regulations for each District,: '," " , ( Be11aire Boulevard a)r) , If a:,buHding' sjte',i.PIcludes~one or more corner lots, , ,', then site entry' pQintsfo,r access roads shall be from , a'side 'road orr'side roads only. Not more than to , entry, pOints shall. be permitted from each side road. b) If a building 'site does not include a corner lot, then a maximum of two site entry points shall be permitted from, Bel1aire"Boulevard. Kirby Drive a) If a building site includes one or more corner lots, then one access'road entry point shall be allowed from -, each7side road'as 'well a,s one~entry point from Kirby ~. I~ :. ;;(Jr';.ve-. '. ~ - r~~' ;.; , , ,: , b), :I fa bu i1 d i n9 s:i te :doe,snQt,i nc 1 ude a corner lot, then a maximum, of two site entry,potnts shall be permitted from Kirby Drive. 1;1. .---' I" ..~.,... ~,. -"; :1 ] I i' '11 .1:, .::-1 ,"~lll:ll 1;I.r ,! ' ."" ,.,1 (tal .+:t HI L, '.I.-, ----.J III II Browning a) One vehi'cu1araccess.entry.point shall be permitted fro~cBrowning for each dwe11in~ unit. ,----, ) I : I '...........1 -- b) A maximum of one site entry point shall be from Academy and one from Weslayari." Wes1avan , , a) If a building site includes one or more corner lots, then one access road entry point shall be allowed from each side road as well as one entry point from . :Weslayan. ,. b) If a building site does not include a corner lot, then a :maximum of twosite',entry points shall be per- mitted from Weslayan. , Bissonnet If the corner lot on Academy' is 'owned, then no access road entry points shall be permitted from Bissonnet, and -:a maximum of two' entry points shall be, permitted from Academy., 'If the corner lot is not, owned, then a maximum of two access road'entry-pointsshallbe permitted from Bissonnet. ~ " 1 , I U Ruskin a) One vehicular access entry point shall be permitted from Ru~kin for ea~h d~eJling ~nit. b) A maximum of one site entry point shall be from Wes1ayan. 3. If owners of two or more 'adjoining properties develop their properties either'joint1y or separately, then they shall coordinate the design and layout of access driveways in s'uch,a'way,.that the driveways on,a1l properties act as a single on-site access'and circulation system. Residents of each property shall be granted right-of-way privileges over the entire' driveway.syst~m. " In case of a single development., the design of access roads, pedestrian and bicycle ways and designated parking spaces shall allow for future coordination with adjoining town- house or c1usterhouse development. , , 4. Cu l-de-sac ' dri veways shall be not more than fi fty (50') :feet in length if a terminus is not provided, nor more than 200 feet in length if a terminus is provided. The minimum dimension ,of' a cul-de-sac terminus shall be as shown in the appendix illu~trations attached to this ordinance. ., \ I j " I LJ n B rl D 1'4:hI ~Q)L Sub-Section O. Sians Only the following signs shall be permitted in said Town- house/Clusterhouse Dwelling District. Signs, for the purpose of identifying the property, not exceeding six (6) square feet in area, placed back of the building line or attached to the wall of the structure, which sign or signs shall not be illuminated. Sub-Section P. Approval of Townhouse or C1usterhouse Proposal Any property owner wishing to build a townhouse or cluster- house in said districts shall submit to the Zoning and Planning Commission a set of drawings, and other materials as necessary, sufficient to illustrate the proposed plat, the floor area, layout and height of each dwelling unit, construction materials, siting of bui1dingsw landscaping, the design and location of access driveways, and all other exterior elements of construction. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector for any improve- ments within said districts unless and until said Building Inspector is presented with plans and specifications bearing the approval of the Zoning and Planning Commission thereon. Sub-Section Q. Appendix There shall be attached hereto an appendix illustrating pro- . perty line setbacks, fence requirements, location and number of access roads and driveways, and suggested examples of townhouse or clusterhouse developments on certain sites. The illustrations contained in the appendix are examples only, and shall not control over the written provisions of the ordinance. Section 2. It is the intention of the City Commission that each separate provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed independent of all other provisions herein, and it is further the intention of the City Commission that if any provision or part thereof of this Ordinance be declared invalid, all other provisions thereof shall remain valid and enforceable. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effective immediately from and after its passage, and approval by the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 11th day of November, 1974, A.D. Commissioners Voting Aye: 8JJ <: '::1 ATTEST: Ass;~c;~/~ " III t:lIItjl;;iJtHH I h... .,>, " f<l' ., r I. ~l.il I! .''''1 j r " I If 8~ ~f' ~~' " ~. n', I t " " " .; , , ' ~ti:. . ~", ;' ( ir ,APPENDIX IllUSTRATIONS MINIMUM SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY BOUNDARIES' S'IDE STREET 'Rear property line . r'-'-;r:::::-'-'-'-' /'0.. '-'-'-:-1, K ~ 20ft 20ft ~ K 5ft Side Property Line ~lOft I ::1::1:::!:::::1:t""",t:~:t~I:!;!:J.:i:l:l!::i:l" JI lOft .~. > , , " k ~ lOft J. K5ft . ::;:::;::::=::::::::;:::::::;:;:::::'::::::;:::;:::::::;:::;:;:;:::::::; BI ank wall v15ft " 12ft ., ........... '-' Living Space Window wall ___~___~~ELLA~~,ULEVARD, __.' , . ~~.~_______i:.f~'-',,~ ". SIDE STREET ,_. .~ ~5ft Rear Property Line ,-. 2~~-' . 2'illt 'TII0ft f::::iJ\(i::::::::{,){iIt: I ~~~1 ~ ~~~~~~ ~1~:~ j j ~ tj ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~[~~ ~ ~~;~ ~~ j ~ j~~ ~~ ~i~lj~ ~; / ;~~~~~~m~~;~~~~~~jtt~ntm~~~;1~ij~j;jt~j~\ .i:::~,!..:i':i",II,:i::,:,i,i':'!i::::1:,::,:: f~j~Ittt~~JIiMIItJ . 810ft~.~~...j . I Side Property . Line . ,', ,'~e,nce.,fron "n,Q:;iol}K'irby ,Driv~.,QJl:ly;. " '.~,...:~,~~.~~~t:~;:; "".,",.: ~",.~:;.;i;i~~.: -- . o \ o D S8 ,-.-~~---- - ---,. --."" ---~-_.--~-,.. . , .~' ~-:-~-.~.. ..,-;---~ 1'"::------...,.. o~ QJ !>: . ;';';';';':';';';':';';';';', .............................. .............................. .............................. :.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:. .:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.; .............................. .............................. :::;:;:::::::::::::::::::;:::; ;.:.;.;.;.;.:.;,;.:.:.;.:.;.;. ........,..................... i,., Window :::::;:::;:::::;:;:::::::;:;:: .............................. :f~t:~:~:~:~:~:~:r;:~ .............................. .............................. tt~l~~~;~~m~;~~;;; .............................. j~~~~~~\~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~ 'I'.~., ',. .:;:f'\' ~' " i l' , :-" . /.~ ~ ;';fi l';' ~ ,.. , 0.1 ! ,; ,. k Setback ~ ,~1 I ,METHOD OF MEASURING SETBACKS "",J,. , - I II ............................... ..;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.... ......,............. Setback is measured ,perpendicular to edge of window closest to property' line, provided that the distance between the window and the property line is never less than ~e\ setback.. requirement for a blank wal,l. ' " :1 i , ,~. ..'{Ii, ,. ,"'-,," , " ,c'"i,:',;:', . 'pro'pert"':y 'I'ine .....:.,:'-i;T~'.f~' . ',.~' ,;:'-:", I'., " . ....'"..; ~'~~ [.....- 1-' ~<,. ,,-------'~-- --~arking~hould be layed out-so'ili-at requiredspaces are ~oikiif: '--"--~-------------:--i'--- when ,access road is continued ," , -,-,--.;:';~~.> . 'WJM:-~;~ngT----:- Access road l~'IR . . 'I' '~\,I:,\,\I,I,\ll:\I::\ \\\I'\[,\.:!\'tlli:\!'\':\\\!'\~ ' ,,",. .. , "I' ':,~,,~,,:,,::,::,',,::,::,',,",:,,::,:,,::,:',::,,:,,;:,',:::,:',::',~,,~:,',;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::' I ............................................... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:. .....................-. ............. ...... . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . 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",-. .".^ ~-, , "c / ,#,,' \ ."~ ?:1.'/ ~" " l ~.'..~. !^ MIN1M1J\YIDISTANCES BETWEEN DWEL~tN'1iUNITS ~--f- . c~"~::.."~-,,-,~~-:,,,:t3:~":..-:~~._.:.. -"--i~:::--', ':,=~.'::::"'~~::;..;;::::.::::.., -~"'-:~..:-=--- ~_.......:-:-_._- ,Min. Sft I, ~" Maximum 200ft continuous row ~,betweenbLiildings. /1 kept clear ':~, I _.' .................. ................ , ~20~' ~,fW;i*IW-r) rn:: :.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.: .....................,......... .............................. ..,..........................,.,............................... ::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::: .....................,......... ............................... ."..........................,.,..........................,.... Iii I III II ............................. :::::;;:::;;;::::::;::::::;;: ,............................ .;.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:. 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Th(! following diagrams illustrate the maximum number':~,}. of aqcess d~iveways p'ermitted for building sites in eachdistric( , BELLAIRE: r,~ B.' 1 ~_\zi ; .: ,~l i I' BELLAIRE BLVD >- KIRBY'DRIVE: ,0 ~ .0 0::, .LIJ " "0 '-, (/) With corner lof Without corner lot, BROWNING, RUSj<IN: ..-/'/ , , ' One entry point per dwelling unit ~.A ~~q . I . . .i. ....1 ' , . , .~---------- ~ - -'- -_._..,..~ ~ L .," . .~~ .~. ,~~~__,___ _ .~h......... ~~...,. r . .,,,.-.......p.,, , I 1,835" ,I , I .,.i " '. ~1 ~ ,l \ j. ?\:- ,~ ,': :-," ; ," ... . ~. '. . 1 . ". :':.":\ ~ ~ .: ,:' ,', '.'" ~:.~ ~~{;~t. : ~'.' j" '.'- r~t~ ,~ ~t; \~;:~' ,1;~ r.... "---~~.. -BISSONNET: Without corner lot .,---=~-- ~-~=-.=----==----.-'---='--~ , , , ,'~<(,."\' ,,:' c.. S()~:&Rt' ~\':1 '~, A>,,:;:::;:;::::;:,::::,Ba , ,4r:i{ifiWfi!:ilh .:)::::)~:\::::tt;::);::::::t::). ."iJl&~ ......~~ 1.~:~:~::~~~~[~1:~~~~::~:::f:~l::::::~:::::},:,::: ... iilkl '-1' , BROWNING .- " ~ ..............1 ..... ..... . ~'. ' ,':,:,::;:;:;:;:':;: fc, "\ , f:J~~ ,sCJ .." 0.." ,,' ;V .. .-..---'.- ;",,;..~ =-,j.~ ~:;- ^".'~,~>~,-i. ~".'~!~.-~- z .C:( , >'" . .. <3:~-" .... (/) LlJ 3: ,-~ :r -4a-' ; ~' ~_"-'_~_~~-,~, .> ' :2 . L1.I. '0 i .;<( \ ,i~ . ,-~'I t' .- . With, cornerlol ____~-'.I . ' . -..o--'---~-'~7---~---;'._----'- --~.:.-._._--_._:.-.....~---- -1'-- '- -7',.-:.:~r ~~~- /'~'..J~:... ,,--" ,'. :,''':' , ~f ;~,tit "i:.c' :. {{' ., \:~' ' bi, ' ~":" I I i I i o CUL-DE-SAC TERMINUS . MINIMUM DIMENSIONS ,'\ . 70 ft. r ~ t ~-i , ~,--;. '"' ' ,I' , I ~ ..< I . : ~ ~,1.~ J I ~. / ',,' ";,..~ :-- . , / I,' , ' / , \ -~ '. iI. >- ," ~. > \ 0::, o """c,',,<:> ..,",;"':- ," V) "':'~ . i:~; , u . U <C /, , (' :".' 0, ~20ft~ · . . '. . . " ,.~7 1-, . '''''' .!t '; T ~1 l \,) , ; 01 ') ... , ~. , ~ . , , "./ ~~.~~: , . N ,; '~: Ij' . r:;>;; ,!, n . " " 4d., '/, ",: ! ;1 !1. ~ . ".: " J ,'f;if:~. ~ , .... ,:!t ';,: O~' ~'l~ 1 ~. . ~~. t [ ;:P '!jf-; . , f;:.1 j, , ;.. { , , , ' , . "':~,,:}~~ '" .it .}t ~ .~.f ~," , ':. " .. > '~ ... .... . ," . I ',~' . 'I ~ ~ 'r... -' ",' f.., EXAMPLES: TOWNHOUS.'E DEVELOPMENT OF TWO ACTUAL SITES, . ',. -,r'. '. ..... ~}/~..j:::~". "," .' 1.. KIRG\{i/OR'IV'E' BLOCK FRONTAGE .... ",' : 'j..""- . ' ' . :', .: l{-$' . .' ..' ~... I..!.~ft ... t'~:.~ I, I c .> ..Jl OJ UJ U - 0:::: ....f '.',"""', . '..",.";" ;:,". , ALTERNAtiVE A: D~ELLlNG UNITS FRONTING ST~E;Tl, REAR Acc~~li~ipi~:IVE 20 Dwelling units "'", 'C,"'::'" ' " "'8:}~>i!;': , 50 Parking spaces ' , . , . , f- Ul ~' UJ ::c: :2 <( ALTERNATIVE B: MIXED FRONTAGES, REAR ACCESS .DRIVE , 17 Dwelli n(lj~r(itts. ". ~, . . 43 P ark;n9s;p~d~~ ' ~#~!! ffil ~ Q u ;I\j f.~,: :' i ! I "\!ii~~:~,; i p~\!!lr tS>\~~]:!n , ,:"~ ,",:, " ' ',' ' , 96 Parkin'g~~:paces'" ~.~. " n :;~li , , ,',.::.J' , lJJ OJ ,. j . '2"; . [IJ m r- .. "'-... .-.;.. >'-~ .' ' > 2., ~BELLAIRE~BOULEVARi[)BLO:CK FRONTAGE ~ '~':' '., .' ,"': .~ ................................W';. -,1111 '. c z o l- e. ,> 2, o c: 'a:3 ~ J . .,' .~ . ~ __ __I. ---... """"1--.~_ ~--.:.....___ .uLl n' ""I,'jJ""' w.ci 'O~ 'if:' ~