HomeMy WebLinkAbout092109R CC MinThe City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
Bob Kelly, Mayor
Bob Fry, Councilmember
George Boehme, Councilmember
Steven Segal, Councilmember
Chuck Gulley, Councilmember
Michael Ross, City Manager
Alan Petrov, City Attorney
Thelma Lenz, City Secretary
City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in a special workshop meeting and
regular session Monday, September 21, 2009, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University
Boulevard, West University Place, Texas beginning at 5:00 p.m.
Agenda items were as follows:
Mayor Pro Tern Fry called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. Council and staff in attendance:
Councilmembers Boehme, Segal and Guffey, City Manager Ross, City Attorney Petrov, and City
Secretary Lenz.
Also present for discussion of Item 1A was Marshall Clinkscales, the City's Commercial Real
Estate Broker.
1. Real Estate
Matters related to the City-owned properties.
A. Matters related to 1.0874 acres on Westpark, between Wakeforest Street and Dincans
Mayor Pro Tern Fry called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. and announced that Council
would recess for Executive Session in accordance with Section 551.071 of Chapter 551 of
the Texas Government Code relating to the value or transfer of real property and other real
estate matters.
Councilmember Segal reminded everyone that he filed an Affidavit of Conflict of Interest
relative to this property and he left the room so as to not be a part of the discussion.
At 5:18 p.m., Mayor Pro Tem Fry reconvened into open session and with no action taken,
closed the Executive Session for item (A).
B. Matters related to 3936 Marlowe Street and Weslayan Street (from Bissonnet Street to
Bellaire Boulevard), including easement and/or right-of-way matters and purchase,
exchange, release, lease or value of real property and related issues.
City Council Minutes, September 21, 2009
At 5:19 p.m., mayor Pro Tern Fry announced that Council would recess to Executive
Session in accordance with Section 551.071 of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government
Code relating to the value or transfer of real property and other real estate matters.
Council and staff in attendance: Mayor Kelly (arrived at 5:35 p.m.), Mayor Pro Tenn Fry,
Councilmembers Boehme, Segal and Guffey, City Manager Ross, City Attorney Petrov,
and City Secretary Lenz.
Also joining this discussion with Council and staff were Real Estate Broker Roger Martin
and Joshua Golden with Johnson, Radcliffe, Petrov, and Bobbitt.
At 5:29 p.m., with no action to be taken, Councilmember Segal moved to close the
Executive Session and reconvene into Open Session. Councilmember Guffey seconded
the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Segal, Boehme, Guffey
Noes: None
Absent: Kelly
2. Recreational Facilities
Matters related to the budget, update on progress and requested variances regarding the
recreational facilities.
Jeff Gerber with Pierce Goodwin Alexander and Linville presented. He said we have taken
bids on about 98 percent of the project and the budget is in good shape.
At 5:32 p.m., Mayor Kelly arrived to the meeting.
Mr. Gerber said because the project bids have been better than expected there is about $1.5
million of added value they were able to put into the project. He said there are a few more
components that could be added later that were not able to fit into the budget.
City Manager Ross stated that the Friends of West U Parks Fund, Inc. said they can have their
2010 fundraising effort pay for the new playground equipment at the Recreation Center and
push the Judson Park upgrade to 2011.
City Manager Ross said another funding source is to consider slightly increasing the $80,000
annual payment the City makes to Tri-Sports and have them handle the ball field
improvements, which would be a couple hundred in project costs savings.
Councilmember Boehme said he doesn't think we should do anything that goes over the
budget. Mayor Pro Tem Fry agreed.
Mayor Kelly said there are some things on the "wish" list that are worth considering, such as
the shade structures and ceiling fans.
There was a brief discussion regarding variances and City Manager Ross informed Council
that there is an action item on the regular agenda for direction on the variances.
Councilmember Segal had concerns about the curfew ordinance and parks curfew of 10:00
p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and the problem it might cause with a 5:00 a.m. opening of the swimming
pool. He suggested that while Council is approving all these things going on maybe Council
City Council Minutes, September 21, 2009
should approve the use of that park at 5:00 a.m. Councilmember Boehme suggested also
looking at the noise issues, too.
3. Public Safety and Public Works Facilities
Matters related to the police, fire and public works facilities.
Mr. Jeff Gerber presented and reviewed existing and new options. He reminded Council that
Option 2 is the new stand alone police facility, currently on the site where the public works
administration building is, and ultimately move the facilities and maintenance components of
public works to the Braeswood site and the planning and permitting components would become
additions to the existing City Hall, while demolishing the existing police station.
Mr. Gerber reviewed Option 6, which does not include public works components. With this
option, the existing police station would be demolished and a two-story added.
Mr. Gerber then offered a third scenario - Option 9. With this option, Mr. Gerber said they
tried to find a way of putting the police station at the current public works site, without having to
get too far into public works components. He said with this option, they would also still need to
find a new home for the administrative component and a part of the facilities. He said this
option would offer a minor renovation to the existing police facility that will give it some
additional life, but would not be a long term solution.
In terms of costs, Mr. Gerber said that Option 2, with the Braeswood improvements, which
would have to happen with this option, and with the police department and public works
building, the cost would be approximately $11,000,000. He said of that amount, $2,500,000
will be for the Braeswood component and $8,500,000 for the other pieces. In comparison,
Option 6, which includes only the police component, will cost approximately $6.2 million.
Option 9 would cost approximately $6.5 million, which includes minor renovations of the current
PD facility. He said under Option 9, no work would need to be done at the Braeswood site.
Mr. Gerber said that the cost for each option is the total cost of the project and that all options
include work on the existing fire department area to make improvements to the dormitory and
restroom areas for unisex purposes.
Mr. Gerber explained that Option 9 is being provided to give Council the option to move the
police facility to the existing public works site without paying the penalty that comes with Option
2. He said Option 2 includes having to do a lot of things at once in order for it to work.
Mayor Kelly asked, regarding Option 2, do we really want to put people over on Braeswood,
because you will have to add another level of management to manage the employees. City
Manager Ross said more than likely, the superintendent level positions would go to the
Braeswood site to manage the operations and general services components.
City Manager Ross pointed out that this discussion is to advise Council as to where we are and
bring them up to date on options. He said no decisions need to be made tonight.
Councilmember Boehme said his main concern is public safety and so his first inclination is to
go with the cheapest option, which is the one that addresses the public safety needs only.
Councilmember Guffey said he would like to hear more justification for the high cost of $6.2
million for 11,000 square feet for Option 6. Mr. Gerber said there is roughly $1 million for
special systems that are needed for certain police equipment, as well as the need for jail cells.
City Council Minutes, September 21, 2009
Mayor Kelly said another thought is that the problem of moving to Braeswood is that it is in the
City of Houston and he can see a firestorm with permitting and other issues that could
potentially slow us down.
Police Chief Walker stated regardless of what Council decides to do with Braeswood, Option 9
will be an obvious step in either direction.
Mayor Pro Tern Fry moved to adjourn the Workshop at 6:29 p.m. Councilmember Segal
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Fry, Segal, Boehme, Guffey
REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Kelly called the regular meeting to order at approximately 6:33 p.m.
in the Council Chambers.
Council and staff in attendance: Mayor Kelly, Mayor Pro Tem Fry, Councilmembers Boehme,
Segal and Guffey, City Manager Ross, City Secretary Lenz, City Attorney Joshua Golden, City
Manager/Public Works Director Peifer, Police Chief Walker, and Parks and Recreation Director
Agenda items were as follows:
Mayor Pro Tern Fry led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Texas Flag
City Secretary Lenz confirmed that the Notice of the regular meeting was duly posted in
accordance with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
4. Public Comments
Mr. Brennan Reilly, 3731 Rice Boulevard signed up to speak regarding Agenda Item 9, but
requested in writing that his comments be deferred until such time that item was discussed.
5. Metro Presentation
Metro Associate Vice President Pat Porzillo gave a presentation on the Bellaire quick line bus
6. Recreational Facilities
Matters related to construction and variances regarding the recreational facilities.
City Manager Ross presented and requested Council's approval to vary from the Code of
Ordinances to facilitate construction of the Recreation Facility and Colonial Park.
Councilmember Segal moved to approve:
• Recreation Center - Request approval to install electrical disconnect inside the building
instead of outside.
City Council Minutes, September 21, 2009
Colonial Park - Request a variance to the 20-foot setback requirement to construct
patron drop off canopy on Byron and on Case to construct a compact pump and
filtration facility in order to preserve additional green space on Case.
Colonial Park - Request for a special exception to allow for the construction of all of the
approved Colonial Park facilities (accessory structures) within a Single Family District.
Colonial Park - Request a variance to allow adjacent on-street parking spaces to satisfy
the minimum off-street parking space requirement.
Mayor Pro Tern Fry seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Kelly, Fry, Segal, Boehme, Guffey
Noes: None
Absent: None
7. Consent Agenda
All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be
enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council
member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
A. City Council Minutes
Approve City Council meeting minutes of September 14, 2009.
Matters related to an ordinance increasing the number of members on the Parks Board and
the number of members on the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board. (Second and
Final Reading)
C. Resolution Appointing Members to the Zoning and Planning Commission
Matters related to resolution appointing members to the Zoning and Planning Commission.
D. Resolution Appointing Members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment
Matters related to a resolution appointing members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
E. Resolution Appointing Members to the Building and Standards Commission
Matters related to a resolution appointing members to the Building and Standards
F. Resolution Appointing Members to the Parks and Recreation Board
Matters related to a resolution appointing members to the Parks and Recreation Board.
G. Resolution Appointing Members to the Senior Services Board
Matters related to a resolution appointing members to the Seniors Services Board.
H. Resolution Appointing Members to the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board
Matters related to a resolution appointing members to the Recycling and Solid Waste
Reduction Board.
Matters related to a resolution appointing a member to
Board, Inc.
University Parks
City Council Minutes, September 21, 2009
J. Resolution Appointing Municipal Court Personnel
Matters related to a resolution appointing Municipal Court personnel.
Councilmember Guffey moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mayor Pro Tern Fry
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Fry, Segal, Boehme, Guffey
8. Oath of Office
Mayor Kelly gave the Oaths of Office to the board and committee members present at the
At 6:55 p.m., Mayor Kelly announced a 5-minute recess to say hello to the new members.
Mayor Kelly reconvened the meeting at 7:02 p.m.
9. Tri-Sports Memorandum of Understanding
Matters related to the 2009-2010 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of West
University Place and Tri-Sports.
Parks and Recreation Director Tim O'Connor presented and reviewed the proposed changes.
He stated that staff is working with Tri-Sports on the details of the proposed Recreation Center
fields, but all parties feel that the current MOU needs to be renewed to allow for all other
aspects of the MOU to be current. He said this MOU is for October 1, 2009 through December
31, 2009 and said staff will come back before Council prior to January with a new MOU for the
year 2010.
City Attorney Golden recommended where it states that "all program activities must be
conducted or officially sponsored" a small phrase be added after Appendix "A" that says
"attached hereto and made a part of this MOU" to be sure all the terms that are specific to that
liability are incorporated within the agreement.
Mayor Pro Tem Fry moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Youth
Sports Program as amended by City Council, Councilmember Segal, and the City Attorney.
Councilmember Segal seconded the motion.
Brennan Reilly, 3731 Rice Boulevard, spoke regarding loudspeakers. He said he was
concerned about the process of reviewing the use of the loudspeaker system and the permit for
the loudspeaker for the system, but after talking to Mr. Ross and Mr. O'Connor, who said they
will have public meeting regarding the loudspeakers, he will not address them at this time. He
said, however, decisions made about the parks have a tremendous affect on him and his
neighbors and he hopes the City will recognize that and be a neutral arbitrator and help make
appropriate decisions about a reasonable use of the facilities.
At this time a vote was made on the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Kelly, Fry, Segal, Boehme, Guffey
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Minutes, September 21, 2009
With no other business before Council, Mayor Pro Tern moved to adjourn the regular meeting at
7:20 p.m. Councilmember Guffey seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Fry, Segal, Boehme, Guffey
Prepared By:
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Thelma A. Lenz, City Secretary
Date Approved: p- I
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