HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 236 Dog Ordinance ~ " : 11 ; "I 248 ORDINANCE NO. ~ DOG ORDINANCE [] AN ORDINANCE NillKING IT UNLAWFUL. FOR DOGS TO BE ON THE PUBLIC STREE'I'S, ALLEYS, SIDK,vALKS OR PJBLIC GROUNDS OF THE CITY OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE EXCEPT Ul\fDER LEASH; REQ,UIRING THE LICENSING OF ALL DOGS A1.lD FIXING THE FEES THEREFOR; IvlItKING IT ll1~A~f.FUL FOR MfY PERSON TO HAVE IN HIS POSSESSION ANY DOG FOR lffiICH A LICENSE F~S NOT B~EN OBTAINED; PROVIDING FOR THE TIt- POUNDING AND DISPOSITION OF ALL DOGS RUNlJING AT LARGE, REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR P6RTS OF DRDINANCES IN OO~PLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING J.{ I'ENALTY; PROVIDING TInS ORDINAN8E SHALL TAKE EFFECT ON AND AFTER THE DA"~;E OF ITS PASSAGE AJ\i""D AI'IJROVAL. BE IT O:rtDAINED BY T~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF1'lEST lJl'ifI- VERSITY PLACE: Section 1: It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having in possession any dog to allow said dog~t<T-be'at large upon the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public grounds of the uity of ';lest University l:'lace. And any dog on the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public grounds of said city shall be'considered to be at large in violation of this secion, except a dog under the control of a person by means of a chain, rope, cord or leash of not more than fifteen (15) feet in.length and of sufficient strenghn to control the action of said dog. . . Section 2: It shall be the duty of every person owning, keep- :-.1 ing or having in possession any dog within the copporate limits . ) of the uity of West University Place, within thirty \30) days from the effective date hereof, unless a license fee for said dog has heretofore been paid for the current year, to pay totthe City of West University ~lace a license fee of Une ($~.OO) Dollar, which shall be effective until January 1, 1942. un or before January 1st of each succeeding year hereafter every'person owning, keeping or aavin~ in possession any dog shall pay an annual license fee of One (~l.OO) Dollar on each dog, which license shall be effective for the ensuing calendar year. Section 3: It shall be unlawful for any person to own or keep or have in 'his possession in the Uity of West University Place on the premises mvned or occupied by him or at any other place any dog for which a license for the current year has not been obtained as provided herein. ~ach day of possession of an unlicensed dog shall be a separate offense. Section 4: The Humane Department at the City Hall or the Dog Pound of the City of West University Place shall be the places where persons owning, keeping or having in possession any dog or dogs covered by this ordinance shall pay the license fee provided herein. Upor- the payment of said fee it shall be' the duty of the City 0ecretary to furnish the person paying sarrE with a license J tag upon which shall be a number, and the year for which it is issued, which tae; shall be attached to the collar or harness of the i:~- dog for which issued, and worn by the said dog at all times when upon the streets, alleys, sidelvalks or public grounds of the City of 71est University Place; provided that nothing in this section shall I I I I ~ ',-- r '--- 249 be construed as in any way excusing a licensed dog from the restrictions imposed by Section 1 hereof. Section 5: The City Secretary shall keep a permanent~record of all licenses issued under the terms of this ordinance, which record shall show the name and address of all persons being issued a license tag; the number of the license tag issued; the date issued and the amount paid therefor. Section 6: It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the Hllinane Department, Humane Officers, or any police officerof the City to take up and take charge of any and all dogs found at large upon the streets, alleys, sidewalks or' pulllic grounds of the City of West University Place as defined in Section 1 of this ordinance, and to take said dogs to the City Dog ~ound or other suitable place, there to be impounded and detained for a period of three (3) calendar days. Section 7: As soon as possible after any dogs have been delivered to the City Dog Pound as provided in Section 6 hereof, it shall_be the duty of the City Secretary to post a notice at the door of the Dog Pound desceibing each of said dogs, whether bearing a license tag or not, and giving the number of the tag and the name of the pe~son re~ gistering the dog in each case where the dog bears a license tag. In case the dog bears a license tag, then in addition to posting notice as required herein, it shall be the duty of the City Secretary to notify the person to whom such license tag was issued by letter, postal card or telephone. The 'nmiling of said letter or postal card shall be deemed sufficient notice whether the person addressed shall receive the same or not. Section 8: The person entitled to the possession of any dog taken up and delivered to the City Dog Pound, as provided herein, upon pro- per application within three 'days from the date of impounding said dog, shall be entitled to have the dog delivered to him, provided such dog is not affected or thought to be affected"l:with rabies, hydrophobia, mange or other infectious or contagious disease, such delivery to be under the direction of the Chief of Police, upon the payment of Two .{$2.00} Dollars impounding fee tor each and every dog impounded in accordance with the provisions of this ordiance, and in addition there- to, in the case. of unlicensed dogs, upon the payment of the current year's license fee of One ($1.00) Dollar. Section 9: It s~all ge the duty of the City Secretary to offer for sale at public outcry anyyand all healthy dogs impounded under the terms of this ordinance and not redeemed within three (3) days, and to sell the same for cash, provided that no dog shall be sold for less than Two ($2.00) Dollars; and provided, further, that the person en- titled to the possession of any dog shall be entitled to redeem said dog upon paying the purchaser double the amount paid by him for the dog and his reasonable expenses for keeping the same. Any dog not so redeemed within thirty (30) days from the date of sale shall become the absolute property. of the purchaser'. Section ~O: It shall be the duty of the City Secretary to cause all dogs taken upon under the terms of this ordianee not redeemed or purchased as provided herein, to be destroyed by means of the lethal chamber and in such other manner, if any, as may be designated in lIJ.. t 250 writing by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and approved by the City Council, and the carcasses shall be deposited in such place or plaRes as may be designated for such purpose by the City Secretary and approved by City Council. It is expressly I,] provided that in case of diseased dogs, impounded under the terms of this ordinance, other than those affected or thought to be affected by rabies, it shall not be necessary to await the ex- piration of the redemptfon period before disposing of such dogs. Section 11: All monies collected under the terms of this ordinance shall be paid to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of West University Place. Section 12: All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed, but this or- dinance is cumulative of all other ordinances regulating dogs in the City of West University Place. Section 13: Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction in the Corporation Court, be fined in any sum not more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. Section 14: If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sen tence, clause or phrase of this ordinance be declared invalid, then such invalid portion shall not in any way affect the re- mainder of this ordinance, it being the express"intent of the City Council that the remaineer of this ordinance would have been passed by the City Council notwithstanding the invalidity of such section, sub-section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase. This Ordinance shall take effe ct and be in force from on and after its date of passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED THAT 9th day of February, A.D., 1942 ~~y Place, T e x a s :] ATTEST: ~~ - i Y . ecretary APPROVED: City Attorney Il