HomeMy WebLinkAbout03062003 BSC Minutes City of West University Place Building & Standards Commission ® Recycled Paper Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD Meeting Minutes March 6th, 2003 MEMBERS PRESENT: James McDaniel, David Kelm, Les Albin, Bryant Slimp, Darryl Friday, Jorge Jimenez-Marcos Muddy McDaniel (arrived late at 6:10 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: James T. Collier, Patrick O'Donnell COUNCIL LIASION: Danny Jackson, absent STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Mack, Annette Arriaga, Ron Wicker, Terry Stevenson 1. Call to Order. With a quorum, present James McDaniel called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. 2. Citizens who wish to be heard. None. 3. Citizens who wish to address agenda items. None. 4. Designation of voting members. James McDaniel stated per the alternate voting schedule that • Darryl Friday is the voting member for the meeting. 5. MeetinE Minutes. Due to a typographical error on the meeting minutes date. The meeting minutes will be tabled unit the April 3, 2003 BSC meeting. David Kelm motioned first to table. Darryl Friday seconds the motion. AYES: James McDaniel, David Kehn, Les Albin, Bryant Slimp, Darryl Friday. NOES: None. Motion passed. Item tabled. 6. Matters. James McDaniel discussed that ZPC and City Council will be holding a joint public hearing Monday, March 10, 2003. The discussion will be matters relating 1) Fence heights in side setbacks, 2) Requirements for Sprinkler Systems in Residences, and 3) Requirements for Additional Fire Resistant Materials in Adjacent Building. James McDaniel stated that ZPC and City Council are asking BSC for a formal decision and make a recommendation and/or formal opinion to council. Les Albin questioned if this was because of safety reasons. Terry Stevenson stated that 6 feet between houses is very difficult for the fire department to get a fire. It hinders the fire department on what we can do. Terry Stevenson added that the fire department would like no obstruction on the side yards. 4 and 6 foot fences make it ineffective to get to an emergency fire when you have an obstruction and have to tear it down. Terry Stevenson again stated that he recommends no fence. Terry added that their main concern was the access to the second and third floors. Les Albin mentioned that 3 and five feet setbacks can be designed with out egress windows. David Kelm stated that you would have to make a determination on where the egress windows are on the side. 3800 University Boulevard 0 Houston, Texas 77005 0 713 / 668-4441 Building and Standards Commission Minutes March 6t', 2003 Page 2 of 5 • Darryl Friday added that 8 foot fences on the side yards causes an access problem. Mold, air and proper ventilation are just a few of the many problems. David Kelm added that when a determination is made on fence heights, either 6 or 8 foot fences where it would significantly and adversely affect air, direct sunlight, that the building official would be the one who can make that determination. James McDaniel asked in general discussion if BSC wanted to make a recommendation to fences. All agreed. James McDaniel wrote on the white board and summarized the decisions. • Fences V's No Fences • Fences V's limited height fences DIST BTN • 3/3=6 • 3/5=8 • 5/5 =10+ • 6/6 =12 • >6/>6=> 12 MIM Fence Heights • 3 '/2 • 4 • 6 • • 8 Darryl Friday stated that No Fences should be allowed and we should be prohibiting fences in some circumstances. DIST BTN • 3/3=6 4 foot maximum • 3/5=8 4 foot maximum • 3/5=8 6 foot maximum • 515=10 6 foot maximum • 6/6=12 6 foot maximum • <6/<6=<12 8 foot maximum Terry Stevenson agreed based on the numbers shown. David Kelm added that the reason for 4 foot fences, would be for privacy, animals and children. Dennis Mack added that in some areas such as the town home district, 3 '/2 foot is allowed. James McDaniel preceded discussion using the white board. Discussion of maximum fence heights. Max Fence Heights • 3 '/2 • 4 • 6 8 Building and Standards Commission Minutes March 6L', 2003 Page 3 of 5 • General discussion on the white board on where a fence needs to be placed compared to the length of the neighboring structure. Les Albin wondered how the 3/7's exception effected BSC. Terry Stevenson added that rear yards are a big problem. James McDaniel added, who ever builds or replaces a fence, the short fence will be governed by the lower building. James McDaniel added that the second story egress is a life safety issue. If the distance is 6 to 10 feet maximum the height of fence is 4 foot. David Kehn added that the first choice for the maximum fence heights would be 4 and 6 foot fences. James McDaniel added that in order to have an 8 foot fence you must be greater than 6 feet away from any existing, proposed or outer wall. 6 foot 8 foot fence= NO FENCE. 8 foot ---12 foot =6 foot 6 foot max or 5 feet from the existing, proposed or outer wall. >12 foot =8 foot any thing over you can go with an 8 foot fence. (Anything less than 5 feet on either side---4 foot maximum.) 10-<12 foot=6 foot maximum Muddy McDaniel added that in any event a fence couldn't be closer than 5 feet regardless. 6'-<8'= NO FENCE 8'-<12'=6' 12'=8' Fence Heights 4' from the existing, proposed, outer wall 0 6' from the existing, proposed, outer wall General discussion continued and James McDaniel indicated that BSC was coming up with Within 3 feet away > 9 feet in addition (no matter what) no fence. 3 feet-no fence 4 feet minimum to build a 6 foot fence existing, proposed or outer wall. Any fence constructed, takes care of the grandfather clause. No one will have to tear down his or her existing fence. 8- foot fence 6 feet away form any existing, principal building or outer wall. 6- foot fence 4 feet away from any existing, principal building or outer wall. One or the other, no fence is permitted. 6'-<8'= No Fence 8'<12' BSC First Recommendation: Recommendation to City Council and the Zoning and Planning Commission on Fence Heights and Locations: The Building and Standards Commission recommendation covers all fence construction. New, first time construction and replacement construction. Eight-foot tall fences shall be permitted only where there is six feet or more between the fence and any outer wall of a principal building. Six-foot tall fences shall be permitted only where there is at least four feet or more between the fence and any outer wall of a principal building. No fence is permitted within four feet of any outer wall of principal building. Building and Standards Commission Minutes March 6`h, 2003 Page 4 of 5 • Where adjacent buildings have different setbacks from the front building line, the greater setback shall govern the beginning of the fence. No fence of any height shall extend beyond the front outer wall of the building with the greater setbacks. Where adjacent buildings have different setbacks from the rear building line, the lesser setback shall govern the height of the fence between two properties. The height of that fence shall be determined by the height restrictions above, and a fence of that height shall begin at the rear outer wall of the building having lesser setbacks. Les Albin motioned first to approve. Bryant Slimp seconded the motion. AYES: James McDaniel, David Kelm, Les Albin, Bryant Slimp, Darryl Friday. NOES: None. James McDaniel moved on to the second item: Requirements for Sprinkler System in Residences. Terry Stevenson added that a properly installed sprinkler system in a residence would reduce the possible risk of an emergency fire. The sprinkler system does what it is made for. Terry Stevenson added that he has not known of a death that has occurred because they had a properly installed sprinkler system. Regardless of setbacks for new construction, Terry Stevenson would like to require sprinkler systems in all new construction. Terry Stevenson recommended that the City put a sprinkler system ordinances pertaining to new construction. BSC Second Recommendation: Recommendation to City Council and the Zoning and Planning Commission on Residential Sprinkler Systems: • The Building and Standards Commission recommends that it develop a Comprehensive Residential Sprinkler Ordinance in conjunction with the Fire Chief and the Chief Building Official and present a proposal to City Council for a Comprehensive Residential Sprinkler Ordinance. Les Albin motioned first to approve. David Kehn seconds the motion. AYES: James McDaniel, Les Albin, David Kelm, Bryant Slimp, and Darryl Friday. NOES: None. James McDaniel moved on to the third item to address: Requirements for Additional Fire Resistance Materials in Adjacent Buildings. David Kehn discussed the fire rating material and suggested and agreed that BSC should evaluate and discuss all fire rating materials 5 feet from the building and property lines. BSC Third Recommendation: Recommendation to City Council and the Zoning and Planning Commission on the use of Fire Retardant Materials. The Building and Standards Commission offers a preliminary recommendation that materials with a one-hour or greater fire rating be used on all construction within five feet of a property line. The Building and Standards Commission requests that this recommendation be considered preliminary pending further study by the Building and Standards Commission. Les Albin motioned first to approve. David Kehn motioned second. AYES: James McDaniel, Les Albin, David Kehn, Bryant Slimp, Darryl Friday. NOES: None. 7. Fences. Item tabled until the April 3, 2003 BSC meeting. David Kehn motioned first to approve. Les Albin seconds the motion. AYES: Les Albin, David Kehn, Jim McDaniel, Bryant Slimp and Darryl Friday. NOES: None. Motion passed. Item tabled. y Building and Standards Commission Minutes March 6 h, 2003 Page 5 of 5 • 8. Foundation DesiL-n. Jim McDaniel indicated for Dennis Mack to bring the final draft back to BSC for review. Once BSC agrees on the final format a draft will be given to the City Attorney James Dougherty to draft it for City Council. David Kehn motioned first to approve. Les Albin seconds the motion. AYES: Les Albin, David Kelm, Jim McDaniel, Bryant Slimp, and Darryl Friday. NOES: None. 9. July Meeting Date. Item to be kept on the Agenda until a final decision is made for the July 2003 BSC meeting date. 10. Commission Member Comments. None. 11. Adiournment. Les Albin moved first to adjourn. David Kehn seconds the motion. AYES: David Kehn, Les Albin, James McDaniel, Darryl Friday. NOES: None. Motion passed meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M. PASSED THIS v' DAY OF , 2003. Ja , Zaann ATTEST: AVIR Ms. ette R. Arriaga Development Service S cretary •