HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBAMINUTES110503Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc. Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes November 5, 2003 Call To Order The meeting was called to order at 6:17 P.M. Those in attendance were: Donna LaMond, Joni Fichter, Sue Hanna, Rosemary Leach, Mark Mailes, Lynne Goddard, Leah Ragiel, Vicki Grams, Charlie Henke, Jon Shoebotham, Stacey Speier, and Katherine Kardesch. Donna LaMond agreed to take minutes for this meeting since a Board secretary is not yet in place. President's Report New Board Members in attendance were welcomed (Jon Shoebotham (Nominations, Bylaws & Contracts + Development committee as needed), Rosemary Leach (Admin Co- Chair/PR), Katherine Kardesch (Admin Co-Chair) Stacey Speier (Development), Pearce Hammond (Development, not in attendance). Each did a self-introduction and told a little about themselves. Joni stated that an orientation luncheon for new board members is scheduled for 11/14/03. Thanks to Vicki and Maria Elena for organizing the J Tirras fundraising event and to those who attended. Joni said that she has talked with Rotary some more about the pocket park but things are still pending Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the October meeting were approved. Executive Director's Report Donna reminded all that storks would be kept permanently at Colonial Park upstairs for easier accessibility, including weekends. Cheryl Butler is in charge of the Flight of the Stork until Whitney Walsh is able to resume charge. Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation amendments, etc. are ready to approve. City Council has appointed new Friends board members and new Parks & Rec Board members. Donna attended the City Council meeting where they were appointed and the ceremony where they were officially sworn into office. Did not get the The View grant that Joni and Donna produced the video for. Recent press releases included article in Fall 2003 Currents, Friends on the Move! as well as releases sent on 10/30/03to Village News, Examiner, and Chronicle This Week about new board members. Friends PLB article provided to City for inclusion in City Currents which should be received in WU households the first week in December. Daniel Kernell did the PLB article. Donna also provided an article on new Friends board members. Friends received recognition in the brochure produced by recent West University Festival of New Homes. Donna is continuing to work with Northwest Software to get remote access to Auction Tracker all set up. Work continues with Cheryl Hoyal (returning member on Parks board) on donor recognition at Colonial Park. Cheryl has agreed to be in charge of this project on a regular basis, but will need some assistance and asked if anyone is interested in helping her with this project. A meeting has been scheduled with Mark Mailes and Cheryl Hoyal for Thursday, Nov. 13 to go over the process of getting the donor recognition in place. Press releases will be sent out to coincide with the placement. Letters to donors will also be generated. New look for Friends website is about ready to upload. This will include the PLB 2004 area of the website where people can sign up and pay to attend the ball online. The renovated website will also include a calendar where we can place information about all Friend activities. If there is something that needs to be on the calendar, please email the information directly to Donna. Continuing to work with Leah and her committees on PLB 2004 activities. 11 New memberships came in since mailing of newsletter, $1005! Acknowledgements need to be generated and mailed out. Provided information and photos to Debbie Crow with Greenwood King. She was putting together a presentation for GK realtors to familiarize them with West U. Donna closed by outlining objectives. Treasurer's Report Sue presented Treasurer's information. (Profit & Loss October 2003, Balance Sheet as of Oct. 31, 2003, and Profit & Loss January through October 2003) Board Reports E-store Cheryl Butler - not present, no report however it was noted that Pavers will be installed soon, golf shirts and ornaments will be sold at table at tree lighting ceremony on Dec. 1, 2003. Development Committee Joni talked to Mike Farley and council has talked with Mark Mailes and the Parks and Rec Department will update the master plan to reflect the Rec Center and Pocket Park so no expense but what committee needs to proceed - work with Mark on timing. Joni gave Donna the Top 100 paid exec list, corp donor matching list, and foundation list for Development Committee use. No updates on Home Tour proceeds; Houston Endowment; Houston Parks Donor List; Large Gifts - need names/addresses/info; Mithoff, Bob Graham/AIM, Stueve, MacDougall, Springmeyer; Lisa Grotten Boren - Linda L. and Joni will work with her; Lewis Foundation; or Rotary. Charlie reported that the Parks & Wildlife grant requires that the use of the facility cannot be restricted, in other words, if we applied the grant to the Rec Center, its use could not be limited to West U residents. Membership & Marketing Patricia Rorschach & Shannon Gardner not at meeting - no report It was noted that the recently distributed newsletter looks great. A sample newsletter from another organization, Friends of Hermann Park, was given to Donna to give to Shannon and Patricia as future Friends newsletters are planned Special Events & Projects Whitney Walsh not in attendance, no report Cheryl Butler has been handling the Stork Market during Whitney's "maternity leave". Ideas needed for quarterly special events in parks? Draws attention, members, etc., such as the ice cream social. Park Lovers' Ball 04 Leah Ragiel - Chair, provided background information on the ball as well as an analysis of progression to date. She provided handouts: (1) an overview of table sales and (2) underwriting letter follow-up calls guide. She also presented a budget for PLB 2004. Underwriting needed is $130k, last year it was $108k, last year $57k for the auction, budget goal for 04 is $55k for auction. Goal is also to cut expenses by $10k for 04. The audio visual presentation will be omitted for 04 to save money. Leah also talked about non table underwriting opportunities. Leah distributed an underwriter packet to all present, plus a list of corporate prospects. Each board member is responsible for flagging and contacting companies on the list. Other notables: Roddy Bland (West U Methodist) is confirmed to do the opening prayer and attend the ball with his wife; chocolates for underwriters; there will be a hosted bar this year at the ball; need 2005 chair; auction packets are being sent out; underwriting letters are out and $38K is in; the raffle drew in some early donors; PLB committees meeting monthly. Lynne Goddard talked about the auction and what is needed. Wish List/Giving Tree Vicki Grams & Maria Elena Herbst Vicki reported that the Friends participation is back on for the Dec. 1 WU Tree lighting ceremony and invited Friends board to attend and to invite friends and neighbors. Santa pics will be done by Barbara Okeefe of Natural Expressions. No decor contest b/c too early after Thanksgiving. J Tirras party - proceeds were $366.87, check received by Friends on 11/01/03 Tree for Gayle, Ross, Beverly at ball but need to mark one in their honor and if you want to send donations, do so. Business Partners Lynne Goddard Sherry Gift & "W" to host November PLB committee meeting Mary Kay - no update Special Business Partner deals - No update Grocery Share cards - No update Letter to local retailers discussing partnership with Friends using Kay Holloway as an example - No update Gexa and Power Fund - No update Water Bill - No update Block Captain Liaison Lynne Goddard - No Report Nominations and Bylaws Committee Jonathan Shoebotham Rosemary made a motion that Cindy Hassler be recommended to City Council for appointment to the Friends Board. Leah seconded the motion. Donna will be sure this item gets placed on the Council agenda. Cindy will assume Secretary position for the Friends. Parks & Advisory Liaison Cece McCann Joni announced that we've created this spot so that Cece can work with the Advisory Board to make sure they are helping and report park issues to Mark or to her to take to the Parks Board. Council Report - No Report Parks & Rec Report Mark Mailes Rec Center - HISD terminated negotiations, regardless of what you hear, council and city were smart to want a hold harmless and other legal things from HISD; per council members, it is doubtful that anything at all will come of the thought that Mark Twain will relocate to WUE (traffic, ZBA has to approve temp building and will not per that chair, parking, playground and field wear and tear, etc.) Pocket Park - No updates Parks & Rec Board Report Introduction of all P & R members made and photos taken of joint boards and individual boards Other Reports - None Old Business Mark Mailes moved to accept the Resolution to approve, adopt, and authorize specific amendments to Bylaws as sent to all. All agreed, none apposed. Signatures acquired and made ready for presentation to Council. Mark Mailes moved to accept Resolution to approve amendments to the Bylaws of the Corp. as sent to all. All agreed, none opposed. Jon moved that we officially vote on Sue Hanna as Tres, Leah Ragiel as VC/PLB, Joni as Chair, and Cindy Hassler as Sec/Admin at our next meeting Lynne seconded the motion. As Chair, Vice Chair, and Tres, we will vote to give authority to these to sign checks. New Business Voted to have no meeting in December. However, it was noted that PLB committee meetings will continue. Intro of Parks Board and welcome. Any further business? Joni has agreed to attend the Parks & Rec board meetings as the Friends liaison for the next six months. After that, another Friends representative will be selected. David Klutts has agreed to attend the Friends board meetings. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.