HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES060502Friends of West University Place Parrs Fund, Inc.
Board of Directors' Meeting
Municipal Building Conference Room
June 5, 2002
1. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Joni Fichter at 6:20 P.M. Those in
attendance were: Joni Fichter, Gayle Jackson, Donna LaMond, Mark Mailes,
Win Graham, Karin Dubose, Cece McCann, Chris Simon, Maria Elena
Herbst, Vicki Grams, Leah Ragiel, Ross Frazer, Charlie Henke, Danielle
Kernell, Danny Jackson and Will Bertron
2. President's Report:
Joni Fichter read Linda Gray's letter of resignation
New Executive Director, Danielle Kernell, will be working Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday of each week
Motion made and passed for budget line item expenses for Executive Director
- $1000 annually, under $100 no approval necessary
3. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the May 2002 meeting were approved
4. Treasurer's Report:
CD moved into Savings Account; cash on hand is $564,922.27; Ross passed
around PLB sheet showing budget versus actual; Treasurer's Report approved
Board Reports: (For more info, see President's notes which were passed out
at the meeting)
E-Store: No report given
Foundations & Large Gifts: 9 grant requests for a total of $200,000 have
been sent; Powell - No, Brown - No, Focus next on targeting residents for
large gifts; Newcomers may donate approximately $1,000 for Colonial Park;
Karin Dubose reported that they were voting on Monday but she has not heard
the results of the vote
Website: Refining payment process; Cece McCann and Donna LaMond
working on PLB 2003; Donna to look at Wish List; Danielle needs to be "in
the loop" when ordering thru the E-Store
Public Relations: Articles planned and meetings with papers progressing
Membership & Magazine: info in next City Currents; Patricia needs help
Special Events: Neighborhood Pride Tour went well according to Mayor
Planned Giving & Memorials: Doing research on what other groups are
PLB: 5 coffees are planned for the summer; signs donated by Kinko's telling
dates of each meeting; banner to rotate through parks
Need 25-30 more couples for growth of the event which will be in the larger
ballroom of the Westin; Approximately $.70 of every $1.00 goes to the parks;
hope to make $138,400 on the 2003 PLB; At the 2003 PLB, Parks Corner to
be dedicated to the Rec Center
Motion made to take the 2003 PLB proceeds to finish Colonial Park and get
started on equipment list needed for the Rec Center; motion carried
PLB recognition and Follow Up: Duke sign being worked on
Giving Tree/Wish List: Elena Chapel Fund - bench and tree in (Weir park);
Donna will do PR about this
Need a sign board of needed equipment displayed at Colonial Park
William Altman wants money raised to go toward the backstop at Colonial;
working on getting the entire $2000 needed
Business Partners:
Power Fund - 9 people switched accounts so we will get $180
Gexa - 8 people switched
Randall's & Kroger: no report
Water Bill Check Off: $1500 (stays in city funds)
Groundbreaking for Colonial slated for 6/10/02; picture to be taken
6. Old Business - None
7. New Business: Have two board positions open and two candidates; Lynne
Goddard and Shannon Gardner
Danielle will take over Public Relations duties from Donna LaMond
8. Adjournment: Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:30
Respectfully submitted,
Gayle Jackson