HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES080603Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc. Board of Directors' Meeting August 6, 2003 Call To Order The meeting was called to order at 6.18 P.M. Those in attendance were: Donna LaMond, Joni Fichter, Ross Frazer, Sue Hanna, Whitney Walsh, Mark Mailes, Lynne Goddard, Patricia Rorschach, Karin Dubose, Chris Simon, Cheryl Butler, Gayle Jackson, Beverly Loftis, Leah Ragiel and Charlie Henke. President's Report Joni Fichter reported that she did a State of The Parks Report presentation for the new city council. Visitors Deborah Mann Lake and Stephen Segal were introduced Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the June meeting were approved with changes Executive Director's Report Donna LaMond reported that she was working from home from 1-5 probably through September or until remodeling of offices finished. Donna reported that she had met with various members of the Friends Board to go over plans and objectives of programs. She is also working with Joni Fichter on a video for a contest entry where the winner receives $25,000 for a non-profit organization. She will also investigate NFL Community Quarterback Award program (Joni Fichter to be nominee); winner of award gets large sum donated to charitable organization of his/her choice Donna working on revamping of website and updates to the various headings Treasurer's Report It was reported that all outstanding credit card transactions from PLB 2003 have been completed. The 2001 and 2002 audits are complete. The auditor's management letter has wording regarding Friends having a concentration of capital risk. Auditors are concerned since we had >$100M in what they thought were accounts only insured to that amount. It has been explained to them that our funds are considered part of the City's and are therefore guaranteed up to the deposit amount. That is because the bank has to commit securities to back up a municipal entity's funds. City's finance department (Alan Tumey) is after the auditors to correct the management letter. Working with City Secretary Kay Holloway on Bylaw changes -see attachments (4 pages) Board Reports E-Store: Cheryl Butler reported pavers have been ordered but are not in and we have no more golf shirts Development: Charlie Henke reported that the Parks & Wildlife grant request should be ready this week Membership & Marketing: Patricia Rorschach reports that all packets were complete as of July 22; need to figure out how to structure renewals Stork Program: Whitney Walsh reported that there are 6 storks in "the hood"; Whitney coordinating distribution of the storks with two other people; storks are now located at Colonial Park PLB: Leah Ragiel announced a general kickoff meeting planned for September 9; committees are being formed; auction committee meeting to be held August 26; preparing mail merge for all previous donors Motion made and passed to up last year's $2000 underwriting level to $2,500 and last year's $300/couple level to $400/couple. Wish List/Giving Tree:, It was reported that the Children's Xmas party will be the same day as the City Tree Lighting; tree and bench to be planted and installed in memory of Joyce Stevenson; J. Tiras party to be October 16 so mark your calendars and bring your friends Business Partners: Lynne Goddard reported that Patty Betz is working hard on the Powerfund; also hoping to work with several other area businesses such as the new Sweet Mesquite and Cold Stone Creamery Nominations and By Laws: Chris Simon reported that letters had been sent to current Advisory Board members to find out whether or not they wanted to continue serving At the September meeting the following will be voted upon: (1) Vote on proposed amendment - Article IX - see attachment; (2) Nominate and vote on new slate of Advisory Board members; and (3) Nominate and vote on slate of Board of Directors (a) new members and (b) existing members for the remainder of their position's term (to get in sync with bylaws) Council Report: No report Parks & Recreation Report: No report Old Business: None New Business: None Adjournment: Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Gayle Jackson Secretary