HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES080702Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc.
Board of Directors' Meeting
Municipal Building Conference Room
August 7, 2002
1. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Joni Fichter at 6:20p.m. Those in attendance
were Joni Fichter, Beverly Loftis, Ross Frazer, Sue Hanna, Karin Dubose, Win
Graham, Charlie Henke, Cheryl Butler, Lynne Goddard, Shannon Gardner and
Danielle Kernell.
2. President's Report
a. Joni welcomed new board members - Shannon Gardner (Membership &
Magazine) and Lynne Goddard (Business Partners)
b. There is another board position open (Linda Gray's). Joni asked to
forward potential members to her or Danielle. One potential member is
Tina Boaz of Chick Fil-A. Also, keep Chick Fil-A in mind for
opportunities where they can help.
C. Keep Fire Chief Terry Stevenson's family in your prayers as his wife
Joyce lost her battle with cancer this week.
3. Approval of Minutes
Gayle Jackson was absent due to her father's surgery. Cheryl Butler took minutes.
Shannon Gardner moved that the minutes of the April meeting be approved;
Win Graham seconded. The minutes were approved.
4. Treasurer's Report
Ross reported he is working on proposed changes to the by-laws.
He was still waiting for a few checks from the Ball and Prom night Sociable. Sue
Hanna will follow up.
He said there were not many changes in the Treasurer's Report since June.
He will issue a check for approx. $49,000 to Lone Star Play Equipment for
Colonial Park items which the Board previously approved paying for outright.
5. Board Reports
E-Store - Cheryl Butler
Cheryl met with Danielle and Donna LaMond regarding E-store. They discussed
how best to process orders and ways to promote E-tore sales as well as potential
new items. Pictures of items will eventually be added to website.
Cheryl is working on inventory of E-store items. There are approximately 375 t-
shirts (various sizes). Ornaments will be counted next week. She will send totals
to Joni and Danielle.
Susan White and Cheryl have also inventoried park pavers at all parks. There are
a few missing at Whitt Johnson and Huffington, but these may be at the city
somewhere. Susan is checking and will report next week.
Foundations and Large Gifts - Chris Simon (absent), Charlie Henke, Karin
Dubose and Danielle Kernell
Linda Gray is sorry she cannot be at her last official meeting but she is in Canada.
William Altman (resident) is still working on raising $2,000 for new backstop.
Grants update - Brown, Cockrell and Powell responded no.
Cullen, Fondren, Hamman, Hershey, Houston Endowment and Wortham are still
There was a discussion on why the foundations that declined had done so and
whether proposals could be re-submitted.
Beverly Loftis will follow up with the Houston Endowment.
Charlie Henke would like help with the Wortham Foundation if anyone has
This committee will be combined with the Planned Giving and Memorials (Win
Danielle discussed the possibility of some kind of campaign to promote
membership, direct giving etc. This could be done as a direct mailing, put in the
City Currents or water bills, or in local papers (Village News, Examiner or This
Week/Chronicle). It would then also be available to give to Realtors and
Newcomers Club. We need to really target those who may donate and go after
them. Danielle will research cost (printing, mailing) and distribution options and
get back with Board.
Website - Donna LaMond (absent)
Danielle met with Donna to discuss website. Will eventually add Wish List and
also ads and links to donors.
Danielle met with Patti Betts regarding Power Fund and possible link to the
Membership and Magazine - Patricia Rorschach and Shannon Gardner
New membership magazine is almost complete, just needs to be proofed by
Danielle. Estimated cost of printing color brochure is $1,600 plus mailing cost
(either in City Currents and just pay additional costs or a separate mailing). The
first mailing will go to all residents with later publications going to new members
only. To be sent either annually or semi-annually.
There was the suggestion to use the Ball to encourage membership by using the
bidding frenzy to sign up new members (maybe at the $ 100 level).
Patricia originally scheduled the magazine to go out in September but now will
likely be pushed back until October pending Danielle's proposal (distributed at
meeting) to change membership levels and benefits. There was a lengthy
discussion regarding levels/benefits, what price a life membership should be (or if
there should be a life membership offered this year) and how best to track
benefits. Danielle will work on this and report back.
The website membership information will also have to be updated by the time the
new magazine is mailed.
Special Events -
Planned Giving & Memorials - Win Graham
This committee will be combined with Foundations and Large Gifts.
Park Lovers Ball - CeCe McCann (absent)
August Sth meeting moved to Vicki Grams.
PLB Recognition & Follow Up - Sue Hanna
Duke sign is up at Colonial, but should be moved over the entrance if possible.
Will check with Mark Mailes.
Wish List/Giving Tree - Vicki Grams and Maria Elena Herbst
Wish List for Colonial, Recreation Center and other parks soon available on line.
Three Wish List boards were done and are at Colonial Pool, Community Center
and City Hall. Information can be added or changed as needed. These can be
borrowed for any meetings board members may have (arrange with Danielle).
Elena Chapel funds will purchase a tree and bench. Should be ordered before the
end of summer. Waiting to see where to locate.
Visit neighborhood groups like Newcomers, Seniors, Whine & Twine,
playgroups, etc.
Need to keep up to date list of what has sold, to whom, for how much what
inscription, their phone numbers and addresses, date thank you was written, etc.
Flyers to be put at community center, library, city hall, pool.
Man tables to promote at parks on certain Saturdays and special events.
Business Partners - Lynne Goddard
Lynne met with Danielle to discuss current Business Partners and possible new
plans which include:
"Parks Card" which would entitle the holder to discounts at sponsoring stores
(area restaurants, stores, movies, etc.) with a donation also coming back to
Friends with each purchase.
Lynne met with Central Market regarding possible discount card such as
Chick Fil A has offered to sponsor times when a portion of sales would come
back to Friends.
Lynne also met with Gexa/Power Fund. Ross mentioned the possibility of Power
Fund sponsoring a short informational meeting to explain deregulation to
interested residents.
Block Captain Liaison - Lynne Goddard
Lynne will be a liaison between the Friends Board and other block captains and
will distribute relevant Park information and opportunities.
Council Report - None
Parks & Rec Report - None
6. Old Business
7. New Business
Whitt Johnson approached Danielle about doing a "museum" where the pocket
park is as a joint venture with Rotary. An architect will donate time and only bill
for his hourly worker so about $50K is needed. However, this does not fit our
mission statement since we are "parks". The Rotary Club needs to take this to the
city council. If the city approves the plan, Friends could possibly donate money
for landscaping.
Danielle distributed expense report forms and Style Manual for Members use.
8. Adjournment
Beverly Loftis made a motion that the meeting be adjourned; Ross Frazer
seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10p.m.