HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES100103Friends of West University Parks Board, Inc. Board of Director's Meeting October 1, 2003 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:21pm. Those in attendance were Joni Fichter, Donna LaMond, Sue Hanna, Karin Dubose, Ross Frazer, Charlie Henke, Shannon Gardner, Lynne Goddard, Cheryl Butler, Patricia Rorschach & Maria Elena Herbst. II. President's Report - Joni Fichter a. The St. Arnold's Brewery Sociable was a big success and raised about $750 for PLB. Thanks to the hosts. b. Whitney Walsh had a baby girl - Sutton Monique on Friday at 3:02pm, 7 lbs, 5 oz, 19.75". c. Joni has talked with WU Rotary regarding pocket park but things are still pending. If anyone knows Rotary members please talk to them about participating in the pocket park development. d. Board will officially vote on Sue Hanna as Treasurer, Leah Ragiel as VC/PLB, Joni as Chair, and someone as Sec/Admin at our next meeting. Board will vote to give Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer authority to sign checks; Donna will get this on the formal agenda so we can vote next time. e. Note from Linda Gray was passed around. III. Approval of Minutes - Cheryl Butler will take minutes until new Secretary/Admin. is appointed. Minutes of September meeting are approved. (Karin Dubose moves, Shannon Gardner seconds) IV. Executive Director Report - Donna LaMond (report attached) a. PLB Banner is up at University and Auden. b. Storks are being stored at Colonial. Cheryl Butler will coordinate while Whitney is out. Parks and Rec. dept. will assist with distibution during this time. c. Donor wall - Idea developed by Cheryl Hoyal was presented (ceramic tiles of different size stars to be mounted on the ceiling of the gazebo). Cheryl Hoyal will handle art part of the project. Ross Frazer makes motion to move forward with Donor Recognition Wall, Sue Hanna seconds - Motion passes. May add something in newsletter and letters will be sent by Donna to let donors know this is being taken care of. d. Website is being updated to allow PLB ticket purchases online. e. Possibility of sending holiday cards to donors was discussed and will be done by Donna. If the person is also a donor to Colonial, the info about the donor wall will be added to this to save on mailouts. V. Treasurer's Report - Sue Hanna, Acting Treasurer a. Little activity this month, no report b. Donna needs to verify that budget was approved by Council earlier in the year and if not, we will need to present this asap, hopefully in conjunction with Leah's PLB budget. VI. Board Reports a. E-Store - Cheryl Butler 1. 24 golf shirts ordered, should be in within a week 2. Pavers were ordered over the summer, they are still not in but have been promised by Engravestone by mid-October 3. Will take t-shirts, brochures, etc. to October Saturday park events b. Development Committee - Charlie Henke-Chair, Karin Dubose, Cece McCann (in Round Top); Charlie Henke's report is attached and 1. Charlie is currently working on applications to secure both an Outdoor Recreation Grant and a Small Community Grant through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept, Texas Recreation & Parks Account. To improve our chances a copy of our current Master Plan should be filed with the application thus a pr -7 7 iority is to update our Master Plan. Joni will email Mike Farley to ask about this. 2. Joni said that Cece McCann's sister (also a WU resident) has volunteered to assist with grant writing. c. Membership & Marketing - Patricia Rorschach & Shannon Gardner 1. Newsletter is almost complete, will likely go out in mid-October. There was a draft at the meeting to review. 2. Maria Elena asked that something be added to mention the WU tree lighting ceremony and pictures with Santa. 3. There was discussion over printing costs of the newsletter - 2 colors ($630) or 4 colors ($990). The decision was made to go with 2 colors. d. Special Events & Projects - Whitney Walsh (home with new baby) e. PLB - Leah Ragiel (in Round Top) but Joni mentioned: 1. 2005 Chair needed 2. underwriting/auction are underway but we need the board's help with names and solicitions 3. October ice cream parties in the parks to promote ball will be 10/4 & 10/11 in Colonial, 10/18 & 10/25 in Wier; all 10:00am- 12:00pm; ice cream provided by Coldstone Creamery f. Wish List/Giving Tree - Maria Elena Herbst, Vicki Grams (in Round Top) 1. Christmas party will have pictures with Santa by Barbara O'Keefe of Natural Expressions. There will not be a house decorating contest since party is so soon after Thanksgiving. 2. Please come to J. Tiras party on 10/16, 6-9:OOpm. g. Business Partners - Lynne Goddard 1. Danielle KernelI offered to have a holiday card sale show at her home with proceeds going to Friends, however it was decided the timing was not good - too close to J. Tiras event h. Nominations & Bylawas Committee 1. Resolutions regarding bylaw and article amendments were sent to all. Questions/comments were call for but there being none, made a motion to accept as written and - seconded. The motion passed. Joni and Gayle will sign. 2. Waiting to hear from City Council regarding newest nominees, renomination of those whose terms expired or were not in sinc and appointment of Advisory Board. 3. Donna will send letters to nominees (Jon, Nina & Stacey) to let them know that Council should vote to appoint them in the next couple of weeks. 4. Board positions available are Nominations and Bylaws Chair, Sec./Admin., PLB-2005, Development, and Parks & Rec. Board Liaison. 5. Two new applicants, Catherine Kardch and Rosemary Leach, have sent applications. Copies were given to all for review. They will be considered at the next Board meeting. Joni will call them. 6. Donna will send a new roster when new positions are approved and jobs assigned. i. Council Report - Ross Frazer 1. Ross sat on a committee with Mark Mailes, Steven Segal and Ross Schulze to study the relationship between Friends, Parks and Rec. Board, staff, and how business has been conducted in the past. Both the Parks & Rec. Board and Friends Board were formed when there was no Parks & Rec. Department and the City Council asked the committee to determine if both Boards were needed. a. The committee concluded both were needed, with a `focused and consistent' view directed from the Parks and Rec. Department. b. Friends should continue reporting procedures to Council and Parks & Rec. Department c. Friends should have an ex officio member (Chair or someone appointed by Friends) on the Parks Board and this person will get a vote on behalf of Friends. d. Parks & Rec. Board will have an ex officio member (Chair or someone appointed by Parks & Rec. Board) on the Friends and this person will have a vote on behalf of Parks & Rec. Board. e. Council may appoint task forces to work on certain park projects separate from Parks & Rec. Board and Friends but may ask for representation from either/both boards. 2. Joni stated that Steven Segal has been very helpful getting the bylaws and articles amended to fit what we are doing and our current needs. j. Parks & Rec. Staff Report - Mark Mailes (on vacation) k. Parks & Rec Board - No meetings at this time as the board is waiting to be appointed by Council. VII. Old Business a. The donor who asked for his funds to be reallocated to the WUE playground has been taken care of, the bench has been installed and the donor plaque placed as a memorial. The donor is very appreciative and thankful that Friends dealt with this so quickly and in such a nice way. b. Colonial Park donor recognition - Cheryl Hoyal will assist (info listed above) VIII. New Business - None IX. Adjourn Ross made a motion to adjourn, Shannon Gardner seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm.