HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRBMINUTES040407-version (3)Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 4, 2007 @ 6:30pm West University Place, Texas Call to Order: Chairman Russ Schulze The meeting was called to order by Chairman Russ Schulze. Introductions: All III. Citizen's Comments: Any member of the public wishing to address the Board The following members of the public were in attendance: Susan Ohsfeldt, 4101 Tennyson, Houston, TX 77005. Ms. Ohsfeldt feels a survey needs to be conducted. Ramsay Elder, Bob Kelly, Bob Frye and Charles Guffey were also in attendance. IV. Review and Approval of March 7, 2007 Parks Board Meeting Minutes Approved V. Friends Board Report: Joni Friends thanks everyone for the support for Park Lovers Ball. The $500,000.00 for the Lewis matching grant was met as well as $13,054.00 from the Osborne Foundation, which is earmarked for Whitt Johnson park. Rice pocket park is underway. Vt. Update regarding the Parks Board Park Acquisition Sub-Committee's efforts: Russ Sub-committee is looking for its next meeting time. The committee is working on developing a procedure for park land acquisition. VII. Update on the Park Planning Project with Carter & Burgess Inc: Russ & Janine Carter & Burgess is awaiting a time to present to Council. Council indicated they would not be available to meet until after the May elections. The Board would like to continue the timeline line proposed by council and maintain current momentum. The Board would like to re-approach Council and see if the presentation can be rescheduled to an earlier date. VIII. Staff Reports: Park Planning Project: • City has entered a contract with Carter & Burgess Inc., to assess the failed November 2006 Bond Election, to plan forward in revising the redevelopment strategy for the West University Recreation Center and the Colonial Park Swimming Pool & Recreation Center, to assist in preparing for a new Bond Election and to assess and possibly update the City's Parks Master Plan. • Special Workshops and the first Town Hall meeting will be scheduled for mid-May 2007. • Goal is to have a presentation/recommendation ready for City Council Preview in June of 2007. Rice Pocket Park: • Final Construction Documents have been completed. • RFQ packets are complete and shall be mailed out by April 13, 2007. • Prior to construction beginning, staff will present final plans to council and request that the project be fully funded and not phased-in. • Anticipate beginning construction in May 2007 with an anticipated completion date of late summer 2007. • Staff is preparing a proposal to Council that the park be named FRIENDS PARK, in honor of the many efforts of and contributions the Friends have made to the Parks and Recreation System. • We will plan a formal Park Dedication Ceremony and ribbon cutting, once all the work is complete. An "official" date and time for the ceremony shall be established by the Friends Board. City Wide Tree Maintenance Project: • RFQ's were mailed to qualified vendors on February 28, 2007. • Bids were opened on March 20, 2007. • Bid has been awarded to Texas Services, LTD. • Work to include comprehensive tree care in parks and identified trees on municipal property. Including removal of the three "trash" trees growing in the corridor on the west end of Whitt Johnson Park • Cost: $8,935.00, to be funded through the WUP Tree Trust. Parkland Acquisition Sub-Committee: • Investigating potential park properties, between Edloe & Buffalo Speedway / Bissonnet & Bellaire, for the development of a future neighborhood park. • 2 million in funding was approved in the November 2006 Bond Election. • A final report/recommendation to be presented to City Council in May of 2007 Colonial Park Drainage Proiect: • Project involves re-grading the east end of the park, to terminate the ponding that currently exists. • Project Cost: $5,800.00 - not budgeted, but will be requesting the funding from the Friends of West University Place Parks Inc. • Involves grubbing and re-grading approximately 9,000 square feet, with new turf being rolled in place. • Involves approximately two days work, requiring the east end of the park being closed. The new turf will require being undisturbed, no foot traffic, for approximately thirty days. • Still contemplating scheduling the work for either mid April or early Fall of 2007, pending funding approval. Meet The City Day / Arbor Day / Easter Eggstrvaganza • Scheduled for Saturday March 31, 2007 -11:OOam until 2:00pm • Event was rained-out. • Moved Easter Bunny and Entertainers indoors - approximately 75 citizens attended. • Sixty Trees were distributed to residents - funded from the WUP Tree Trust. • Donated surplus candies and eggs to the Houston Women's Shelter. • Re-stocked all non-perishables for use in summer camps and recreational programs. Classical Concert Series : • Entertainment secured and contracts signed for the 2007 series. • To be conducted on the east end of Colonial Park, 7 until 9pm, staged at the pavilion, with free admission. • Advertising campaign to begin this week, with event banners being posted at Wier and Colonial Parks. • April 13"'- River Oaks Chamber Orchestra • April 20"'- Zeger Strings • May 4d' - Shepherd School of Music - Rice University First Annual West University Place Tennis Tournament: • Scheduled for April 13 through 15'h, using all West University Courts. • Have registered approximately 30 players to date. • All equipment, supplies and awards have been ordered. Parks & Recreation Operations: • Judson Park Tennis Court is being completely renovated and will be back-in-service by April 13, 2007 • Summer/Fall 2007 Leisure Guides have been delivered to the printer and shall be mailed to all WUP residents by May 1, 2007. • Colonial Park Pool enclosure was taken down for the 2007 Spring/Summer season. Pool was scheduled to be closed from March 26"' through April 9`", but staff facilitated the work in record time, allowing for the pool to re-open on April 3`d - six full days ahead of schedule. Staff anticipates our getting at least one more year of service from the existing inflatable enclosure. • All new deck furniture was purchased and installed at the Colonial Park Pool, with the "old" deck furniture being placed into service at the West University Recreation Center Pool. • Staff is preparing an updated Fee Schedule for all PARD facility memberships & admission fees, as well as facility rentals. Plan on presenting to Parks Board for review in June 2007. Plan on presenting to City Council in conjunction with the 2008 Budget. 2 • Parks Foreman and Recreation Manager are enrolled for and scheduled to attend a Certified Pool Operators Certification Course on April 16th & 17th • Senior Services was budgeted for a new vehicle for their transportation program in 2007. The vehicle has been ordered and should be in service by the end of May 2007. • Senior Services continues their efforts in planning, promoting and implementing a variety of "active" programs for older residents, includes water exercise, weightlifting, anaerobic exercise and Tai-Chi. • The Park Maintenance and Facility Division's 2007 Work Calendar's have been completed with all work progressing as scheduled. • A RFQ has been prepared and will be mailed to qualified vendors by April 13th, exclusively for the preventative maintenance of the city's HVAC systems. • Preparations have begun on producing RFQ's for both the city's janitorial and mowing/landscaping contracts. We anticipate facilitating those bids in the fall of 2007. XI. Board Reports: • Park Ambassador Reports: 3 dead shrubs between Holcombe and pool. • PARDner's Program Update: Program to be deferred. Hope for Fall activity. XII. New Business: None. XI. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Chairman Russ Schulze.