HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRBMINUTES090507-version (2)Parks & Recreation Board Minutes Wednesday, September 5, 2007 West University Place, Texas The subjects of the meeting are as follows: I. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chairman Russ Schulze at 6:30pm II. Introductions: All III. Citizen's Comments: Any member of the public wishing to address the Board IV. Review and Approval of August 1, 2007 Parks Board Meeting Minutes The minutes were approved V. Friends Board Report: Joni Park Lovers Ball 2008- Chaired by Dorothy Kaldis and Diane Cain. Date is 2/9/2008 at Hotel ZaZa, theme is "Forever Green". Park Lovers Guild has been formed and is being run by Leah Ragiel, numerous volunteer opportunities with a $25 membership fee; FriendsGuil& sbcglobal net Friends Park progressing and $100k reimbursement check to city has been processed. Fathers & Flashlights setting records with donations. Still looking for storage space for Garage Sale. Spooky Party II to be held on 10/20/2007, contact Donna Lamond. A yearend water bill stuffer will go out explaining Friends, Parks Board, Task Forces and notation that donations can be made at any time. VI. Update on the Parks Board Park Acquisition Sub-Committee's efforts: Russ & Janine Yet another potential park property fell by the wayside after neighbor complaints. • Recent Council Action: Need to 1) Identify blocks in support of park 2) Block captains are good resources and 3) Pittsburg property is off due to dollar limitations. VII. Update on the Park Planning Project w/ Carter & Burgess Inc.: Russ & Janine • Citizen Survey- list waiting Council approval which solicits Council & the Board's expectations to be derived from the survey- does not have either writing the questions. The questions will ask citizens to prioritize their desires. The possibility of an open-ended question regarding what people would like to see was discussed. VIII. Staff Reports: DEPARTMENTAL UPDATE AUGUST 2007 Park Planning Project: • City has amended the contract with Carter & Burgess Inc., to include 1) conducting a Community Survey of parks and recreational needs and preferences and 2) assist staff and Council in developing and implementing a timeline for possibly going to the voters with a Municipal Bond Election in May of 2008. • The Survey is to be completed by the end of October 2007, with a public presentation of the results to follow in early November 2007. • Staff is preparing a preliminary Business Plan, in anticipation of the redevelopment of the Colonial Park Recreation Center & Swimming Pool and the West University Recreation Center & Swimming Pool. Friends Park: The construction (f Friends Park is moving along on schedule and as the photographs indicate, the progress is quite visible. The brick fence on the east-side of the park, separating the park and the Raymond's property, is 90% complete. 100% complete on the Raymond's side and 80% complete on the City's side. The reason for the final three foot on the west-side not being completed is due to the fact that 22 yards of masonry grade mortar will be poured between the two walls, to provide stability, and this will allow that application without risking overloading the walls. The brick fence is anticipated to be completed by the end of this week, weather permitting. • All structure support piers have been drilled and poured. ( Clock Tower, Seating Arbors, Seat Wall, Lighting, etc... ) • Clock Tower is being fabricated ( off-site ) and should be delivered/installed within the next 3 to 5 weeks. • Arbor fabrication is underway ( off-site ) and should be delivered/installed within the next 4 to 6 weeks. • All electrical rough-in has been completed. Note: All electrical conduit is underground. • Site Work and Grading: 80% Complete • Drainage Work: 90% Complete • Estimated Park Completion Date: November 10, 2007 • A formal Park Dedication Ceremony and ribbon cutting will be conducted, once all the work is complete. An "official " date and time for the ceremony shall be established by the Friends Board. City Wide Tree Maintenance Project: • Bid has been awarded to Texas Services, LTD. • Work began on June 1, 2007 and is approximately 80% complete as of 8/31/07. Work to include comprehensive tree care in parks and identified trees on municipal property. Cost: $8,935.00, funded through the WUP Tree Trust. Parkland Acquisition Sub-Committee: • Investigating potential park properties, between Edloe & Buffalo Speedway / Bissonnet & Bellaire, for the development of a future neighborhood park. • 2 million in funding was approved in the November 2006 Bond Election. Colonial Park Drainage Project: • Project involves re-grading the east end of the park, to terminate the ponding that currently exists. • Project Cost: $5,800.00 Friends of West University Place Parks Inc. approved fully funding the expense and City Council authorized the expenditure. • Involves grubbing and re-grading approximately 9,000 square feet, with new turf being rolled in place. • Involves approximately two days work, requiring the east end of the park being closed. The new turf will require being undisturbed, no foot traffic, for approximately thirty days. • It has been determined that the work will be scheduled after the start of the 2007/2008 School Year - early to late October 2007. Eagle Scout Project C Whitt Johnson Park: Mardi Turner and Eagle Scout Candidate, John LaMond, have finalized plans for the project at Whitt Johnson Park. Estimated completion date early to mid October 2007. The following is the scope of that proposed project: • Renovate the Gazebo - inclusive of power-washing, staining and resealing the structure. • Plant a "butterfly garden" at the entrance of the park, to the immediate of the inside of the front gate. • Re-Plant the large cast-iron planter at the entrance to the park. • Enhance the plantings on the landscape island at the corner of Carnegie and Wakeforest, around the utility boxes. Facilitate a general park clean-up, inclusive of power-washing the sport courts. Friend's Board: • Developing a five-year playground improvement plan, for the period beginning 2008 through 2012. Plan intended to allow the annual Park Lovers Ball Planning Committee to promote definitive park and playground improvements at Huffington, Colonial, Judson, Wier and Whitt Johnson Parks, in their fundraising efforts. Goal is to have the plan approved by September 2007. • The date for the 2008 Park Lover's Ball has been set for February 9, 2008, tentatively at the Hotel Za-Za. • Friends Executive Director LaMond and President Joni Fichter are working with the Fathers & Flashlights Planning Committee and City Staff in preparation for the first annual event scheduled for Saturday, October 27, 2007. Potential for revenue to the Friends is estimated to exceed $20,000.00 Friends Guild is ramping-up to assist with the Father's & Flashlights event and in possibly coordinating the Parks Board efforts with the park Ambassador's Program and the Park Beautification efforts. Parks & Recreation Operations: • Fall classes, programs and activities are in full swing, with a majority of our offerings making the registration minimum requirements. • City Council approved the hiring of the requested Administrative Recreation Specialist position. This full-time position has been posted, interviews conducted and we anticipate it being filled by September 14, 2007. • Staff has prepared an updated Fee Schedule for all PARD facility memberships, admission fees and facility rentals, working with Parks Board Member Dave Agerton. We will present an updated fee schedule to City Council in conjunction with the 2008 Budget. • The 2008 Budget Process is underway. 1) We are not requesting any new positions. 2) I anticipate any park playground and park equipment Capital Improvement Projects ( CIF's ) will be funded through the fundraising efforts of the Friends Board. 3) Preliminary listing of CIF's we will be requesting funding for: A) Fibar Upgrades, $3,000.00 B) Re-plaster Colonial Pool, $25,000.00 C) Renovation of Public Works Kitchen, $4,300.00 D) Renovation of Fire Station Kitchen & Dining Area, $5,800.00 E) HVAC Equipment Replacements, $28,000.00 4) We will be proposing increasing fees to recover whatever percentage of the operations and maintenance budget the Council directs us to. 5) Cardio Equipment for Colonial Park Recreation Center, $7,500.00. Operations and Maintenance budgets should remain close to the 2007 Budget, but with gasoline prices rising, we anticipate many of our contract services and goods increasing in price - exact percentage unknown at this time. Parks & Recreation Operations Continued: • Preparations continue with producing RFQ's for both the city's janitorial and mowing/landscaping contracts. We anticipate facilitating those bids in the Fall of 2007. • Senior Water Exercise Program registration quickly filled-up, with five folks currently on a waiting list. • Senior "Early Risers" exercise program is at registration maximum. • Board would like to hear from seniors at the next Parks Board meeting regarding their desires and concerns • Senior Theme Meals, Tea Dance and Field Trip programming efforts are meeting with great success - both resident and non-resident participation. • West U Boot Camp has 60 participants enrolled in the MWF S:OOam class, 29 participants enrolled in the MAT 8:00am class and 20 participants enrolled in the TT 8:00am class. Enrollment is expected to increase even further by the end of September. • Planning has begun to implement the Rental Caretaker program, with a target implementation date of January 1, 2008. • Staff toured the new Bellaire aquatic facilities and will be arranging a tour for the Parks Board and City Council later this month. • "Pool Enclosure Tour 2007/2008": Inflatable Pool Enclosure is scheduled to be installed beginning October 29th. Pool will remain closed until November 11th. We have scheduled the re-painting of the parking blocks and various other small repairs/updates at the Colonial Park complex, during this period. • All West U camps will be certified through the State effective January 1, 2008. IX. Board Reports • Park Ambassador Reports: All Helen- suggests letting Liberty Hill sit for a year to determine if bluebonnets will return. Colonial- the first "kid jumping hump" is peeling up from the ground. Judson- small equipment is very muddy underneath. Wier- umbrellas? Discuss Proposed Fee Schedule - Nothing new X. New Business It was asked if the City had ever considered closing parks at dusk and numerous board members did not feel that was something warranted. Board Re-Appointments & New Appointments Laura Theis and Randall Lepow will not be returning for another term. XI. Adjournment Meeting adjourned by Chairman Schulze.