JANUARY 5, 2000
Members Present: Guests / Others:
Will Bertron
Christi Quinn
Evans Attwell
Renelle Cadena
John Graf
Mike Hood
Michelle Jackson
Mark Mailes
Burt Ballanfant
I. Call to order. Meeting was called to order at approximately 7:40 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes December Minutes were moved and approved.
III. Discussion Items
A. Whitt Johnson Park progress Tree save process led to retaining wall
recommendation. Friends agreed to fund retaining wall. Cost is $7,000. (Friends)
B. Poor Farm Ditch. Burt Ballanfant gave council report on county
proposal regarding Poor Farm Ditch "Park." Short time frame on proposal acceptance
window may not allow significant enhancement or change in pricing. Some concern was
expressed by various members regarding ultimate character (i.e., lighting, power,
aesthetics) meeting the communities' expectations.
Will Bertron requested Mark Mailes get a bid from Whitt Johnson contractor on fencing.
Discussion ensued on issues related to various types of fencing concerns. John Graf
requested entire Poor Farm Ditch proposal be made available as soon as possible to
board members.
C. House at Colonial Park. Appraisal still not available. No other updates.
D. Bill Hall Memorial M Buffington Park. Will Bertron reported Kathy Hall
Dobbs is close to getting construction underway.
E. Rice Pocket Park. Will Bertron reported two designers will return no
earlier than February or March with design proposals.
F. City Volunteers Meeting. Will Bertron will attend to give chair report.
RSVP required from all members invited.
G. Rosenbloom Memorial. Will Bertron reminded members of the reception
on Sunday for the Phyllis Rosenbloom "corner" dedication. Encouraged members to
attend. RSVP by January 5.
H. Homeplace. Renelle Cadena gave update on Tennis Tournament (see
attachment). Will Bertron reminded members to be available to volunteer weekend of
1. Formal Goals for YR 2000. Will Bertron reported on request by Mayor for
all boards to develop goals for 2000. Reviewed list to be submitted by Bertron to Mayor
J. YMCA. Burt Ballanfant reported on Stella Link Redevelopment Project
with an update and potential impact on YMCA land. It is now expected that in one to
three years the "Y° will be leaving and potentially selling the land at its current location.
It was suggested that the board may now need to address whether or not it should
develop recommendations to council on action to be pursued perhaps in context with
the "master plan." Discussion ensued regarding potential impact and issues
surrounding planning and financing.
John Graf moved, and Evans Attwell seconded the motion, that city council pursue the
purchase of the property currently occupied by the Southwest YMCA on Bellaire Blvd.
Motion passed unanimously.
K. Park Lover's Ball. Update on table, ticket purchase, and board member
participation. Linda Gray will be able to handle all table and ticket inquiries. Board was
encouraged to participate in any way possible. Parks Board agreed to sponsor wine
cellar auction items through individual donations.
L. Survey. Will Bertron reviewed some comments received from
members and will be forwarding them to Dr. David Scott for revision. Goal is for council
to have follow-ups by Friday to be reviewed on Monday. Discussion ensued on survey
content. Various suggestions from board members were reviewed and will be
forwarded to Dr. Scott by Will Bertron.
IV. Adjournment. Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.